A Contemporary Christian Romance (Embers and Ashes Book 1)

ByT.K. Chapin

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I do not like the characters in the book especially Megan. I thought she needed to explain and talk to her husband more about the problems in there marriage. Her dad was a complete jerk. I just feel like I was starting in the middle of the story and missed the beginning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jean baxendale
Amongst The Flames by TK Chapin is an honest look at marriage after the honeymoon has long past by. It is insightful and hits painfully close to home. Coming from the husband’s POV for the entire story helped me as a wife. Cole did not just seem clueless concerning his marriage and home, he is in fact clueless. Chapin helps us to identify with both husband and wife and clearly shows the answer lies with our relationship with God first. I was pulling for Cole to work this all out before it was too late. I must admit to having many of the feelings that Megan had after a few years and a few children in the marriage. However, she did take the coward’s way out by not telling Cole this up front. I could see her reasons for hesitation but this is someone she supposedly loves. So while there are no true villains in the story, none are completely blameless either.

Maybe I take that back, Megan’s father is certainly unlikable as well as Megan’s sister. We just don’t see as much of her. However, Megan’s father wants to fire someone for telling him he needs to be in church after he spouts off scripture to them. I’m sure this goes on but he is the one who should be fired, since this is a huge misuse of power by trying to use his authority for purely selfish personal reasons. Also hypocritical since there is nothing to show that he is any better of a husband to his wife than Cole is to Megan! I could never figure out if he is a misguided Christian or a pretender who was capable of doing good some of the time.

While it is not a romance book per say, it is a story about love and marriage. I found it to be a fictional account that has similar realizations and understandings as the Fireproofing Your Marriage Workbook. With that in mind, I recommend Amongst The Flames by TK Chapin. It should be read by every married couple and their in-laws too.

The author provided a copy for an honest review.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I always feel bad leaving a negative review on something that is someone's hard work that they've poured their heart into, but I just really didn't enjoy this book.

(Warning, this contains spoilers)

I did kind of like the fire station setting and stories about forgiveness in marriage are great. But that's about it.

The wife was kind of horrible. I mean, she runs off with the kids after never even telling me her husband that she has any issue with him, doesn't tell her husband that she's leaving - her parents finally spill the beans a couple weeks later, and cheats on him, then she gets mad when he doesn't instantly trust her after they get back together. Ummmm ridiculous. Like forgiveness means everything is erased and there's no process of building trust again. Or like while the husband is dealing with his awful wife and her awful dad, and his good friend's advice is just "read your bible and pray." I mean yes, that should be part of it of course. But just offering that over and over to a friend who is seriously hurting is oversimplifying things. None of it felt realistic, and the conclusion felt oversimplified. They're back together but stuff doesn't feel quite right, and then the husband forgives the wife again.

I would have liked to see much more character development in the wife, since she was kind of a terrible person and her apologies after all of it were minimal. I just finished the book with a lot of irritation and a lot of disbelief.

I may try the next book in the series because the authors writing style was fine and sometimes I enjoy one book from an author but not others.
Anna's Courage, Rose Island Book 1 :: Sapphire Ice (Inspirational Romance) - The Jewel Series Book 1 :: Regeneration (Contemporary Fiction, Plume) :: The Wave :: Bash and Olivia's Story (The McDaniels Brothers Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I would classify this as a Christian guy’s perspective of a failing marriage, who has a lousy attitude and needs to grow up. Cole is antagonistic, and it took me all of three chapters to understand why his wife left. Now, I didn’t like her either, and felt she held a whole lot of culpability herself. I pressed on and grew to appreciate Cole’s heart for making changes and persevering and laying himself down for his bride. This is certainly God’s design for spouses. But Megan never seemed to ever move beyond her own childish feelings, and then *spoiler?* the end just dropped off. Like magically saying you’ll get through it is going to make it happen.

I LOVE second chance stories. I LOVE romances where the couple has to figure their way out of the issues they are facing. Unfortunately, I just really felt disappointed that we readers were short changed on the truly good stuff. That journey would have totally MADE this story. I felt like that’s what we were promised in the description, but it just didn’t deliver. There was no romance. There was sacrifice, and Cole learning to be a better husband...the beginning of romance, I suppose. But there was no real pursuing, no wooing, no journey to healing. Romance is the constant pursuit, not the resolution to make it work. We never got to see Megan respond to his changes in a meaningful way. A woman being truly romanced is most definitely going to bloom under that light.

I will say that he is good at writing supporting characters. The comedic relief was nice. True to a bunch of guys.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received this book from the author for the purpose of this review. All comments and opinions are entirely my own.

If I could give this book to every Christian married couple, I would.

Though this book may be a work of fiction, as one reads the story, you can tell that the author is drawing from real-life personal situations and applying them to this story.

I find a lot of Christian romances to be very cheesy, as far as they typically just pray about the situation and everything immediately gets better, but it's completely different with Amongst The Flames.

The author makes it evident that love is a daily choice, and that even when we think we're doing everything "right", the struggles and hardships are still going to be there. I loved this story and recommend it to couples especially, but also to single men and women. There is a lot that could be learned from this book even for those of us who aren't married yet.

I give it 5 out of 5 stars.

This review was originally published on Literature Approved .com
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david settle
"Amongst The Flames" by T.K. Chapin, is a contemporary Christian fiction with not romance, but restoration of marriage at the heart of it. It's also largely about the life of a fireman, which I previously knew very little about.

Cole is first and foremost, a fireman. A very good one. He cherishes his wife Megan and his two boys, and is a great guy. However, his lack of involvement at home frustrates his wife. We see Cole both at work and at home, and his relationship with God. This book is written in the first person, and is told from Cole's point of view!

What I liked:

*I liked that Cole is about your average guy, and how being a Christian doesn't make him perfect, but helps him figure out how to do life. He still isn't perfect at the end of the book, but is a work in progress.

*I liked the kids in the book. Chapin has a very good handle on what toddler boys are like.

*The depth of information about firemen/firefighting

*The Christian concepts are very biblically sound, even though the main character is definitely far from fairy-tale perfect. Based on this book and "Dylan's Faith", my impression is that Chapin's books are especially good candidates for new Christians, or people who aren't sure about how Christianity fits into their lives.

What I didn't like:

*As a whole, I feel T.K. Chapin spins an extremely good tale. However, there are occasionally spots where I feel I would benefit from more background information earlier in the story, or a longer dialogue in sections that are pivotal to the plot.

*I found a number of missing commas, and some run-on sentences. Since I had an ARC (Advance Reader Copy), these issues may be resolved.

I recommend this book to fans of contemporary Christian fiction. I recommend it only for older teens and up, as gambling and adultery are addressed. I plan to read the next book by Chapin!

I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Another novel about a second chance for a couple by the help of faith in God.

The significant difference: opposite to all the similar books I've read over the years this is written from the POV of the husband and seems to be meant for male readers.

The firefighter scenes add a bit of suspense to an every-day-story most married couples can relate to.

Thanks to the author for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Amongst the Flames is the story of Cole Taylor, fireman. Written in the first person POV, it reads like a journal as told by the character. Cole’s world becomes clear as we hear the sirens, smell the smoke of the fire and listen to the conversations between the firemen. We watch as Cole’s life unfolds, as a firefighter, friend, and finally a husband. It doesn’t take long for the reader to realize that something is about to happen to his marital relationship.

After Cole is injured in a fire, he is sent home to recuperate. Adding more of a burden on his already overworked wife. Tired of their empty marriage, Megan leaves to visit her sister. Cole soon finds out she will not be coming back. With nothing else to do, during his layoff, Cole begins to search for a way to reconcile with Megan.

Throughout the story, Chapin includes little tidbits of truth, along with a Christian friend, to show the problem with Cole’s thinking and to point Him to a better way.

The story begins with a reaction.

“Fire. Four letters, two vowels and one reaction.” Cole Taylor

The story ends with action.

“Love. Four letters, two vowels and one action.” Cole Taylor

I liked that.

As we go through the process of separation, change, and reconciliation, we become more and more familiar with the world of Fire and Rescue and everyday life around the firehouse.

I would have liked to learn more about Megan. I think the story would have been more of a romance if it were divided between the couples and not one-sided. I would have like to have learned why she truly left in the first place. At one point, I lost sympathy for Megan because she sounded more like an inconsiderate, self-centered woman than a desperate, lonely, over-worked mother in need of compassion and understanding…and a little help.

Cole, at times, talked from both sides of his mouth. He would profess his love while still laying blame at Megan’s feet (character flaw). However, in the end he realizes what true love is about (character arc). Although, a lengthy book, (500+ pages) I actually hoped for another chapter showing their lives a year later just to see if they both stuck to their professions of love in the last chapter.

Advertised as romance, it is definitely not a Hallmark chick flick. The writing is actually geared toward men. It isn’t so much about romance as it is about a change of heart. Cole’s thoughts are those of a rejected man. His comments are as a betrayed husband.

I felt Cole still didn’t understand the problem. At one point he writes, “Loving a flawed person is never easy, but if we marry someone, we are called to love them like Christ loved the church” (pg. 503).

Every writer has their story to write. And as a reader we always have something we would change. But in the end it isn’t the reader’s story. Chapin took a hard subject and wrote his idea about the struggles of marriage. And in the midst of all that, he added the day-to-day struggles we all face.

I received a free copy from the author for a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave phalen
Amongst The Flames by TK Chapin is a fantastic read that will not only entertain, but challenge you in your faith. Featuring a married couple struggling in their relationship, Chapin utilizes an easy writing style and quickly moving plot that takes his readers on a journey of building a marriage and faith that will stand the heat of time.
Chapin effectively brings his story to life by telling it from the husband's point of view. As a female, this was insightful and refreshing, as most stories of this type come from the female or both partner's perspectives. Getting a front row seat, so to speak, into the husband's mind and struggles as he sought to save his marriage and grow closer to God provided an enlightening look into the dynamics of the situation.
In addition to this perspective aspect, I greatly appreciated Chapin's inclusion of the surrounding factors influencing a marriage. After all, marriage and its demise are never simple issues. Chapin acknowledges this by featuring the impact of in-laws, work, outside relationships, selfishness, and children, and explores how they all effect the union of two people. Through a carefully constructed plot, Chapin makes the point that a marriage takes time to dissolve, and the force of these factors must be accounted and guarded against for a relationship to survive.
While I loved the plot and interplay between the characters, I most appreciated Chapin's focus on the spiritual piece of marriage. Chapin repeatedly pointed his characters to God as the true healer of any relationship. This piece served not only to challenge his characters, but also me, as his reader, to invest more deeply into my relationship with Christ.

I greatly enjoyed this book and look forward to seeing what else Chapin has to offer. His refreshing perspective and writing style create an alluring combination that will certainly keep me coming back for more.

The author provided a copy of his book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Firefighter Cole Taylor is the man everyone looks up to at Firehouse 9 in downtown Spokane. He's been at the department for ten years and has no fear when it comes to dangerous situations.
Megan Taylor, Cole's wife, is a stay-at-home mother of their two boys. She was everything Cole ever wanted in a woman and the perfect wife any man could ask for until one day when she decides to leave Cole. Cole has fought hundreds of fires in his lifetime, but he had never tasted fear until he came to fighting a fire in his own home.

A Story of Hope. I liked the fact that the author wrote this in such a way that you could really see the trial that they went through as a husband and wife. He was honest in the fact, that while we are Christians, we don't come out of the womb knowing how to walk it. Other people might expect it, but God doesn't. That's why he brings it to our attention and through other people, as was mentioned in this book. Reading the Bible and praying. His friend, Micah was such an inspiration, not claiming perfection or being abusive with his faith. He was a great friend and mentor to Cole. Someone that we could all use in our life; he just kept encouraging and pointing back to Jesus.
One of my favorite things spoken in the book was relating marriage being similar to fire. "That each one is different and when you're up there amongst the flames and things are heating up, you'd better have faith in God if you hope to keep the fire under control."
The struggle between Cole and his wife Megan, was reflected pretty well I thought. Also how it affected their young sons, was shown too. Cole and Megan were both lost in their own ways, they just didn't know how bad it was until things began to hit the fan in their lives.
Heck, Cole didn't even realize there was a problem until Megan left. This is something that in real life I have heard more than once. That the man thought everything was fine. I guess that also says something about us as women too. We stuff a lot of things, instead of trying to work it out. I'm not saying that's always true, but often enough. Some of that comes from the culture that we grew up in, both men and women. I liked God's approach better.

There is a Sneak Peek at the book,"The Perfect Cast" at the end of this book.
There is a really sweet dedication in this book. Its dedicated to his mother who taught him that all things are possible with God. Sweet and True.

I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amongst the Flames by T. K. Chapin is an excellent Christian fiction on restoring marriage and developing a closer relationship with God. The book is written from the view of Cole Taylor who is a fire fighter in Spokane. His life is perfect in his eyes. Cole is married to a beautiful woman and has two small children. He is a dedicated fire fighter and loves the rush of adrenaline that comes with performing his duties. Cole is respected by his colleagues and enjoys the weekly poker games and golf outings with the “boys.” He believes in God and is a Christian although he does not seek a close relationship with the Lord. Yep, his life is pretty good. Then, he gets hurt in rescuing a little girl from a burning building which puts him out of commission for at least six weeks. How will he handle having to sit at home with his wife and rambunctious children? He is used to fighting fires and saving lives! Then, his wife informs him that she is taking the boys to Seattle to visit her sister who is going through a divorce. What?! He is recuperating, and she is leaving him to fend for himself? After a few days, he finds out through his in-laws that his wife has actually left him. Their marriage and life that was perfect in his eyes is not so perfect in hers. How will he deal with this on top of healing physically? Read, pray, and get closer to God is the advice of a spiritual colleague. Will Cole take his advice? Can he forgive others as Jesus forgave him? Amongst the Flames is a delightful book of redemption and forgiveness in developing a closer relationship with God. I would recommend this quick read for anyone struggling in their marriage or with facing forgiving a spouse. This is the first Christian Romance that I have read by Mr. Chapin, but I am definitely interested in reading his books. I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Cole Taylor is firefighter in downtown Spokane, and everyone at Firehouse 9 looks up to him. He has been at the department for a long time and has no fear of the dangerous situations his job gets him into. His wife, Megan, is a stay-at-home mother of their two young boys. He loved her very much and believed she was the most perfect wife ever. But he was totally taken by surprise when Megan suddenly left him.
Cole may not have been afraid of the hundreds of dangerous fires he has fought in his lifetime, but when it came to fighting for his own family he found out how bad fear could get.

Amongst The Flames covers a lot of problems that are happening today in some marriages. I liked how Cole learned to relay on his faith. And it was nice to see how he tried to overcame problems and save his marriage and family. I enjoyed seeing his character grow through the book.

And there are some good lessons in the story. Like learning to trust, have faith, etc. Plus with him being a firefighter I enjoyed getting a look into what life was like at a Firehouse. Although overall I did not enjoy the book as much as I had hoped. A lot of the times when things just started looking better, everything would turn around and almost fall apart again. That does seem to be how real life works a lot of the time, but it made the book a little less enjoyable for me.

I received this book free from the author, T.K. Chapin, for my honest review. The opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kathleen glasgow
Amongst The Flames, by T.K. Chapin, tells the tale of Cole Taylor. For Cole, being a firefighter is a lifestyle that he has perfected! Cole and his team of fellow firefighters have perfected the speed and precision they need to perform their job of saving lives in the midst of out-of-control flames. You soon learn that Cole has not been able to apply that same precision in regards to his marriage!

When constantly faced with life and death situations, you can see how easily rapport can develop between these firefighters; however, after an accident on the job leaves Cole, injured and recovering at home, he soon realizes that a deficiency exists in his relationship with his wife, Megan!

When Megan leaves home with their two young sons and proclaims that she has no plan of returning, Cole dives into panic mode. What will he do? When his firefighting partner, Micah, encourages Cole to reach out to God and invite Him in to help save his marriage, Cole experiences an amazing awakening in his relationship with his heavenly Father!

The only thing is, will it be in time? Hang on to the end of this tale to discover the impact that only God can impart on those who seek Him!

I received this book from the author, T.K. Chapin, in exchange for my unbiased review

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan holly
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story. Meet Cole, a dedicated fireman who puts his life on the line to save others. He is not afraid to go into a burning building, and enjoys spending time with with fireman friends. Meet Megan, Cole's wife who is homemaker to two young boys. When Cole gets injured and has to stay home for awhile, he gets a little glimpse of what Megan goes through in daily life. But when Megan takes the boys to visit her sister in Seattle without warning, Cole is a little worried. A visit with Megan's parents tells Cole that maybe things are worse than he thought. When something tragic happens and Cole flies to Seattle to tell Megan in person will it bring them closer together, or will he learn a secret that will tear them apart? You'll have to read it to find out!

This book was well written, and showed the emotions of each character in a way I could connect with. I got s picture of each fireman and what their background was. I enjoyed how Cole struggled with God in a way that was real and relatable. Even the secret that Megan had, and her running from her marriage shows that we are all imperfect people. We go through struggles and sometimes make the wrong choice. But God is good and can always lead us in the right direction. I cannot wait to read the next book in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trisha white
This book was a nice change from the romance novels I usually read since the couple in this story were already married. I thought the story was very interesting and I enjoyed seeing it from the husband's point of view.
This was the story of a young Christian couple that allowed things in life to draw them away from God and each other. It dealt with tough subjects like adultery and betrayal. It was also a story of forgiveness, Grace, and the healing power of God. I liked that Cole was an average guy trying to make a living as a firefighter and Megan was an average mom trying to care for her family. I could sympathize with each of their complaints although I thought that Megan was a bit of a brat sometimes but we're only human, right? I also enjoyed meeting the other characters. Megan's sister made things interesting because she was a trouble maker and you never knew how far she would go.
I didn't want to put the book down because I had to see how they handled all those situations. I enjoyed the ending. It was very realistic in that the characters still had work to do but were on the right track. I'm so glad I got to read this book. I'm looking forward to reading more about the firefighters at station #9. I would love to know if firefighter Kane ever found a woman he could commit to.
I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is not your typical romance novel. This book deals with a married couple and is told in the first person, from the mans point of view, which is not the normal. I enjoyed that it was coming from a different angle though. It is about struggles, forgiveness, trusting God and others. Being a mother of boys and a sister of a fireman, I enjoyed the setting and point of view very much.

Cole Taylor, a firefighter, Is just your typical fireman. They put their lives on the line all the time. However his hardest battle is when his wife, Megan, decides to leave him. He is not prepared for all the heartache, betrayal, and anger he must face. When he finally puts his trust in God will he be able to become the man he knows he needs to be in-spite of whatever choices and decisions his wife will make?

We never really see what Megan is thinking, as I said it is written in first person from Cole's point of view. There were times in the book I wanted to shake them both and times I am not sure I would have handled the situation as it was. That being said it is a great novel on marriage and forgiveness. When life throughs you a curve how will you handle it. Will you come out a better or bitter person.

I was given a copy of this novel from the author for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
se n linehan
Amongst The Flames, is the first novel I have read by Chapin. I am not sure if all of his novels read this way or not, but for me, this read like watching one of the more recent Christian films being made (ex. Fireproof or Courageous). I found it to be interesting and heartfelt, and had no difficulty zipping right through it.

Chapin, tackles some difficult and often over looked subject matter. In general, most romance novels are about couples dating, and on occasion you stumble into one where the couple is already married. I found this to be interesting, as it is written from a male's perspective and deals with the issues of a troubled marriage, floundering faith, forgiveness, restoration and a few other matters I won't list because I don't want to spoil it for you.

The characters are written realistically, their faults displayed but also their journey to mature and draw closer to God. Now, while I found all the sage advice to be true, some may find it a little too preachy or such. I think it will be a matter of opinion. Still, as I said, I raced through the story and enjoyed the journey.

For those who enjoy a good Christian novel, or the aforementioned movies, give this one a shot!

***I was given this novel, for an honest review. Which I have given.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received this book (via the author) in exchange for a review.

Characters/Plot: Cole Taylor, Christian firefighter, and total gentleman. Right off the bat, you enter his world. His wife is the daughter of the fire-chief, and his relationship with his father in-law is described as not the best when off the field. This book touches base with many different aspects that people suffer daily, even when you do not know about it. The plot is touching, a must read. With every situation, it is always turned back to God. It is a message to everyone. Amongst the friends that Cole has at the station, there is Micah, and he is always sharing his faith. He is the example to Cole in this book.

My Honest Opinions/Thoughts: As I read this book, I was reminded of the Kirk Cameron movie, Fireproof, and I must say I loved it. The every day life that we go through, Christian and non-alike, this brings it to light. It took me a while to get into reading because of the growing list I already have, but I am so glad I had the chance to read this book.

Haddie's Haven - Book Blog

Review coming to this link - http://haddieshaven.blogspot.com/2015/09/against-the-flames-christian-romance-review.html
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eric juneau
This book fills a gap in the christian romance market. Most are about the developing relationship as a couple falls in love. This book is about life after marriage. How do we handle our love relationships on a daily basis for the next 50+ years,"until death do us part"?

Cole is a skilled and respected firefighter. In such jobs, the people one works with can become closer than family. Cole works hard and then spends his time off with the guys as well. After an injury, Cole spends several weeks at home recovering. He soon discovers that his relationships with family are not as strong as he thought.

I have not read many stories told from the man's viewpoint. At times, I was frustrated with Cole...later Megan. Yet that is real life. We are all flawed. Though Megan makes poor decisions, Cole needed to learn what had caused their relationship to unravel.

This is a story of learning to love, really love, as Jesus commands us to do.

I received this book free for an honest review. However, this will not be the last I read by Chapin. I look forward to reading more in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam helsel
Amongst the Flames is another thought provoking Christian novel by T.K. Chapin.
Cole is a firefighter putting his life on the line every day and Megan, his wife who has had enough of her marriage and walk outs with the children. To make matters worse, Cole has no idea she's leaving or the reasons.
Cole, dealing with recovering from a fire injury, struggles to regain his marriage and we see the Lord working in their lives.
This is a must read for every married Christian or ones anticipating marriage.
A copy of this book was given in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thonas rand
I just finished Amongst The Flames. What an incredible story! I was hooked from the very beginning of the brief introduction to the very last page. It's a beautiful story of love, happiness, heartache, forgiveness and a true testimonial of when God is at the center of our lives and relationships, anything is possible. T.K.'s story also inspires me to deepen my own relationships with family and with God. If you want an amazing book that can keep you reading and helps you want to be a better person who relies first on God then others to get through some of the mountains and valleys of life, AMONGST THE FLAMES, will do just that. I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
T.K. catches the essence of the Brotherhood of Firemen ...how they watch each other's back (and not just because of the job); the friendships they form; and the almost "Family" relationships in the Firehouse. In this story the relationship is taken to a higher level through the Christian belief and life of Micah who openly displays his love for God and prays that his brother Firemen will come to know the Lord as he does. This is not a "preachy" story. It's real, down to earth and one in which Firemen and the rest of us can relate to.

T.K. is a marvelous writer and other writers like myself, are in awe at the rate at which he has been turning out book after book, most which keep you reading straight through to the end. One of my favorites is "The Perfect Cast" which has proven to be very popular on this site.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laurie metz
Amongst the Flames is told in the first person by firefighter Cole Taylor. Cole is injured in a fire and has much to face as he physically recovers. However, perhaps the greater injury is to his marriage. Cole also has to take a serious look at his walk with Christ and is helped by the influence of his fellow firefighter Micah who is a strong Christian. I really enjoyed this story and recommend it to anyone who likes stories about firefighters and family. It is an inspirational contemporary romance story, part of a series but definitely stands alone. I received a copy of the book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I found this book to be thought provoking and well written. Shows how both parties need to work in a relationship but also God needs to be top priority. When you have problems, pray and read scripture so you see how God wants YOU to respond. He will take care of the rest. Oh how hard that is for us humans to do. Loved this story and what it showed me about marriage. I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Many, in fact most of today's Christian romance novels are written from a woman's point of view but Amongst the Flames by T.K. Chapin is written from a man's perspective and it is expertly done. T.K. writes this novel from a first person angle and his main character is a fire fighter named Cole Taylor. Cole is married with two children and is a Christian in words but not really in action, until the world he thought was safe and secure dissolves around him.

The journey that follows for Cole is one that will ultimately bring him closer in his walk with God and teach him the true meaning of what it really means to "love another as Christ loves you." T.K. does an excellent job of developing both the characters and the story line. You can actually feel the pain that Cole goes through in reclaiming his faith and his life and you will shed several tears along the way.

What I really enjoy about T.K. Chaplin's books is he develops characters that are real to life. They are characters that are struggling with their faith or perhaps just have gotten spiritually lazy. The scenarios in his books are never farfetched and you feel like this could happen to anyone. I highly recommend this book, it has a strong redeeming message and the situation and trials have a very real feeling.

This book was given to me by the author T.K. Chaplin in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allice brownfield
I really enjoyed this story. It is a compelling story of a fireman and his relationship with his wife and with his buddies at the station. The author pictures so clearly the dangers that a fireman faces every time they receive a call and the strain that can have on his marriage. The author also has written a wonderful story showing how God can work in a marriage and in other relationships to bring forgiveness and restoration. I was given a copy of this book in return for an honest review, and this is another one from this author that I certainly do recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This novel is well written about a firefighter whose marriage is in trouble. When his wife leaves him taking their sons, will Cole be able to get her back when he didn't even realize she was unhappy? His father-in-law and he didn't get along with each other. Then just before he dies, he asked Cole to take care of his daughters? Can Cole forgive Megan? Can their marriage be saved? Will they learn the secret of marriage being like a rope? God, husband, and wife. I was given a copy for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The thing about this novel is that the relationship between Cole and Megan is an all too common occurrence in this world. On the surface, everything seems fine. But the communication and mutual support that's essential to a happy, successful marriage isn't there. How they come together, learning to trust and love each other, when tragedy strikes the family is a touching read.

You can see my full review at More Than a Review dot com where I rate the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use in books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Overall, a good story, and a good lesson. It features the day-to-day struggles that husbands, wives, and parents face every day. No fantasy ever after. Life is work, but you can always choose to have joy. And if the couple keeps Christ first and foremost in their marriage and family, anything is possible and love abides all the more. . .

To read the fully review, visit my blog! Sarah, Plain & Average: http://sarah-plainandaverage.blogspot.com/2015/11/book-review-amongst-flames.html
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Very interesting read Told completely from Cole's POV it shows you his relationship with his wife, his FIL, his job and the men he works with. When his wife walks out, his work around to understanding what and why she left and the rebuilding of their lives again after the ultimate betrayal.

Read in KU
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
c p sennett
A heart-wrenching story of a couple facing some of life's hardest moments and surviving only through turning to God's word. T. K. Chapin has a talent for taking life's moments and teaching us how to truly live as Christians.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amongst the Flames is another thought provoking Christian novel by T.K. Chapin.
Cole is a firefighter putting his life on the line every day and Megan, his wife who has had enough of her marriage and walk outs with the children. To make matters worse, Cole has no idea she's leaving or the reasons.
Cole, dealing with recovering from a fire injury, struggles to regain his marriage and we see the Lord working in their lives.
This is a must read for every married Christian or ones anticipating marriage.
A copy of this book was given in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just finished Amongst The Flames. What an incredible story! I was hooked from the very beginning of the brief introduction to the very last page. It's a beautiful story of love, happiness, heartache, forgiveness and a true testimonial of when God is at the center of our lives and relationships, anything is possible. T.K.'s story also inspires me to deepen my own relationships with family and with God. If you want an amazing book that can keep you reading and helps you want to be a better person who relies first on God then others to get through some of the mountains and valleys of life, AMONGST THE FLAMES, will do just that. I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kalli dempsey
T.K. catches the essence of the Brotherhood of Firemen ...how they watch each other's back (and not just because of the job); the friendships they form; and the almost "Family" relationships in the Firehouse. In this story the relationship is taken to a higher level through the Christian belief and life of Micah who openly displays his love for God and prays that his brother Firemen will come to know the Lord as he does. This is not a "preachy" story. It's real, down to earth and one in which Firemen and the rest of us can relate to.

T.K. is a marvelous writer and other writers like myself, are in awe at the rate at which he has been turning out book after book, most which keep you reading straight through to the end. One of my favorites is "The Perfect Cast" which has proven to be very popular on this site.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amongst the Flames is told in the first person by firefighter Cole Taylor. Cole is injured in a fire and has much to face as he physically recovers. However, perhaps the greater injury is to his marriage. Cole also has to take a serious look at his walk with Christ and is helped by the influence of his fellow firefighter Micah who is a strong Christian. I really enjoyed this story and recommend it to anyone who likes stories about firefighters and family. It is an inspirational contemporary romance story, part of a series but definitely stands alone. I received a copy of the book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary pascual
I found this book to be thought provoking and well written. Shows how both parties need to work in a relationship but also God needs to be top priority. When you have problems, pray and read scripture so you see how God wants YOU to respond. He will take care of the rest. Oh how hard that is for us humans to do. Loved this story and what it showed me about marriage. I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley valenzuela
Many, in fact most of today's Christian romance novels are written from a woman's point of view but Amongst the Flames by T.K. Chapin is written from a man's perspective and it is expertly done. T.K. writes this novel from a first person angle and his main character is a fire fighter named Cole Taylor. Cole is married with two children and is a Christian in words but not really in action, until the world he thought was safe and secure dissolves around him.

The journey that follows for Cole is one that will ultimately bring him closer in his walk with God and teach him the true meaning of what it really means to "love another as Christ loves you." T.K. does an excellent job of developing both the characters and the story line. You can actually feel the pain that Cole goes through in reclaiming his faith and his life and you will shed several tears along the way.

What I really enjoy about T.K. Chaplin's books is he develops characters that are real to life. They are characters that are struggling with their faith or perhaps just have gotten spiritually lazy. The scenarios in his books are never farfetched and you feel like this could happen to anyone. I highly recommend this book, it has a strong redeeming message and the situation and trials have a very real feeling.

This book was given to me by the author T.K. Chaplin in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this story. It is a compelling story of a fireman and his relationship with his wife and with his buddies at the station. The author pictures so clearly the dangers that a fireman faces every time they receive a call and the strain that can have on his marriage. The author also has written a wonderful story showing how God can work in a marriage and in other relationships to bring forgiveness and restoration. I was given a copy of this book in return for an honest review, and this is another one from this author that I certainly do recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deborah brooks
This novel is well written about a firefighter whose marriage is in trouble. When his wife leaves him taking their sons, will Cole be able to get her back when he didn't even realize she was unhappy? His father-in-law and he didn't get along with each other. Then just before he dies, he asked Cole to take care of his daughters? Can Cole forgive Megan? Can their marriage be saved? Will they learn the secret of marriage being like a rope? God, husband, and wife. I was given a copy for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The thing about this novel is that the relationship between Cole and Megan is an all too common occurrence in this world. On the surface, everything seems fine. But the communication and mutual support that's essential to a happy, successful marriage isn't there. How they come together, learning to trust and love each other, when tragedy strikes the family is a touching read.

You can see my full review at More Than a Review dot com where I rate the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use in books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Overall, a good story, and a good lesson. It features the day-to-day struggles that husbands, wives, and parents face every day. No fantasy ever after. Life is work, but you can always choose to have joy. And if the couple keeps Christ first and foremost in their marriage and family, anything is possible and love abides all the more. . .

To read the fully review, visit my blog! Sarah, Plain & Average: http://sarah-plainandaverage.blogspot.com/2015/11/book-review-amongst-flames.html
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
marinke de haas
Very interesting read Told completely from Cole's POV it shows you his relationship with his wife, his FIL, his job and the men he works with. When his wife walks out, his work around to understanding what and why she left and the rebuilding of their lives again after the ultimate betrayal.

Read in KU
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A heart-wrenching story of a couple facing some of life's hardest moments and surviving only through turning to God's word. T. K. Chapin has a talent for taking life's moments and teaching us how to truly live as Christians.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amongst the Flames is a very well written Christan romance. The book deals with marital strife, faith and the power of prayer. Believable characters dealing with true life situations are what you will find in this book. My thanks to the author for a copy of the book for this honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chrystal matix
I liked this book. The author really writes from the heart. This was my first time reading this author and He actually asked if I could review it. I forgot about it but finally got around to reading it this past weekend.

I really could feel the struggles of Cole and I can't wait to see another book in this series. I will definitely keep my eyes out for the next book.
Please RateA Contemporary Christian Romance (Embers and Ashes Book 1)
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