Hope(less) (Judgement Of The Six Book 1)

ByMelissa Haag

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah stella
A world in which werewolves have been forgotten; a foster child who seeks independence; a new breed of humans that are compatible with the werewolves: welcome to Hope(less). Gabby, an unusual teen with the ability to mentally sight every human nearby, discovers that werewolves do exist, and they are in danger of dying out. Thanks to her unusual magnetism that usually draws nothing by extraordinarily interested men, werewolves can physically sense whether or not they are compatible with Gabby during the Introductions at the werewolves' compound in Canada.

Two years passes, and Gabby is convinced that she will have satisfied her duties as a ward of the werewolf, Sam, without being mated against her will with one of the wolves; that is, until she meets Clay. A wild raised, mild mannered were, Clay becomes Gabby's shadow in the form of her very large dog, patiently waiting for her to claim him as her mate.

Hope(less) was a surprisingly engrossing read, with a well written plot, a fun narrative, and surprisingly adult take on relationships. While not necessarily romantic, the relationship of trust and respect building between Clay and Gabby produces moments of sweetness. The intimate moments shared between the two, while portrayed as friendly, keep the reader's heart racing. This story is a happy reminder that a solid, healthy relationship doesn't need to be empowered by sex. Gabby is a strong leading female, and Clay compliments her by being a non demanding but equally independent male.

Overall, Hope(less) is a fantastic read, one that has the reader turning pages quickly. Expect to finish this in one sitting, not because it is brief (it is not), but it is that good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen avey
The paranormal romance genre has certainly boomed in popularity over the past few years, and it often seems like the same story is being told over and over. Not only does Haag succeed in providing a fresh take on the familiar story, she also introduces the readers to characters that are far more authentic than most romances' heroes and heroins. There is a very natural progression to the love story, and she even managed to include the stereotypical uncontrollable attraction and mate concept without it coming off as sexist and depriving the lead woman of any choice. It was really nice to read something that actually made the reader understand why the characters should end up together, vs the usual instant and inescapable bond that forces the woman to abandon her life completely to fit into his.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jennifer lehman
If you want a romance novel...move along! Seems like this story was only about Gabby. GABBY GABBY GABBY. However, the author created an interesting world that is somewhat unique and her attention to detail really put you in the story. I agree with the previous reviewers about Clay. It was definitely a detriment to the story for Clay to be mute 99% of the time. Hopefully Ms. Haag's next installment of this series is a more rounded story of this interesting world.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan pardini
I loved this book. This story is unique and different. My heart went out to Gabby; she is so alone and independent, very resourceful and fully capable of taking care of herself, but doesn't allow herself to get too close to anyone else. Clay enters her life and he doesn't fit in to the plans that she has. Clay and Gabby's relationship is unusual and sweet; making me laugh many times. This book and their relationship has really touched me, and I have not been able to stop thinking about them. I feel like their story is not quite finished and am wishing I could read more about them!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe young
I have never been into the werewolf stories, but this one looked interesting. As I read each page, I found myself in the story...watching Clay on the floor or changing into Clay the man. I wanted to hear him speak as much as Gabby did.

She's been through a lot for one so young, and my heart broke for her when she left the last foster home. But I also though Sam appeared as a good person for taking her in and educating her. Now, I'm not so sure.

I can't wait to read the next book in the series. Grabby is on a mission and I think I'll travel along too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Gabby's determination to not give up everything she's worked so hard for was refreshing in a female lead. Clay's approach to "courting" Gabby without her even realizing it at first was very sweet! I had this song in my head nearly the whole time I read this book:
"The smile on you face lets me know that you need me. There's a truth in your eyes sayin' you'll never leave me. The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall. You say it best when you say nothing at all."
Absolutely embodies Clay and Gabby's relationship. <3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I started this series reading "Clay" and knew I just had to read the story from Gabby's POV, I just love stories were you can get inside everyone's head, I really enjoyed the action and drama and how it unfolds, looking forward to the rest of the series. Definitely recommend, including the Companion books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth ann ramsay
My journey began with Hope(less), the first of her series. She begins by introducing Gabby and her life circumstances. Her development of this character is like a rose opening ...has many layers. This gender I am well versed in and Melissa departs from the tried and true. Her characters are dimensional and not carbon copies. Her plot thickens as you read. Keeps you burning the midnight oil instead of getting the sleep you need. Can't wait to get book 2. Still hungry for more!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was well worth the purchase!! I have paid 14 times that for books that were not of this quality. I am a big fan of series in general, but not open ended stretch out for ever. I like that this will be a set number of books and not 15+......enough about me and on to the book. It will be hard to top the reviews by David P and book butterfly (which were well done) but I will give my attempt.

- Gabby - I really like Gabby and her role. She has a lot of confidence and knows who she is and how she wants to drive things. I particularly like this in a "teen" type book. It is a book I would want my daughter to pick up and want to role model.
- Sam - He's the grandpa and father figure mixed in one. Haag - tell him I am up for adoption.
- Roommate - Who does not want to know about a hot roommate! She was a good/needed balance for Gabby
- Clay - I like the silent part. I found myself wanting to know more about him. Not all my questions were answered, but I have 6 more books to maybe find out.

- This story kept moving, much like Melissa's other books, I never wanted to just skip ahead and was looking forward to what was next. I got enough about Gabby not to get turned off right away, and just in time she introduced the quiet, determined, strangely likeable clay in the mix.

I keep telling myself that I will not start reading like I am a teenage girl, but I am officially hooked for at least 6 more installments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jamallah bergman
AWESOME!! Literally I downloaded this book last night around 6pm, read until 3am, and then up early and finished it before noon. Loved the book. Loved the story. I didn't want to put it down. Story line is simple, which is not to say that it is boring, which trust me it isn't. I fell in love with all the characters. I don't normally like to pay for books, because of our budget, but I am making room, giving up a few things, and getting the whole series. If your wanting a books to get lost in, love, and into shifters, get this one!! You will not regret it at all!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great new series! The plot unfolds a bit slowly and there are some parts of the story that are not fully elucidated by the end of the book. I'm assuming many of the questions that are left in the end will be answered in the following 5 novels. The characters were very interesting and there are many plot points that are unique to this story, which is good to see in this genre because many other novels of this ilk seem to follow a very prescribed and overdone formula for success.

The main character, Gabby, is a strong female lead. For once in a romance fantasy novel, the female character doesn't give up everything for her "mate" and is actually clear and standing up for what she wants.

Overall, the series shows a lot of promise and it is definitely worth picking up this first book to see how you like it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a very good, very well written series. I was tempted to give a lower rating due to the author starting companion books from the guys POV before finishing the series. It annoys me to no end when the side books are done before the series is complete. I personally don't like to read the same story from a different POV in the first place so, to have 3 of those out before the series is complete is beyond frustrating.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gon alo
OK, I honestly liked the story. Well thought out, through out the pages. Yes, like others I was a little frustrated, with the non-verbal from Clay, but after 96% in the book and no that is no exaggeration, he explains why. Gabby, a bit odd, but that is to be expected. As others also said yes it was not a complete novel, it left me wondering just a tad. Sam did manipulate Gabby, shame on him, but I think his hands were tied as well. From the looks of the next book there will be nothing of Clay or Gabby, what happens to Luke, it's not in the second book either, did the author have a hiccup? Just a bit disappointed with that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aafaq ahmed
odd and seemingly too convenient a beginning and probably would have been better as a shortened prologue to set up the rest of the story but over all a really good book. Enjoyable and interesting, the relationship development is taken from mundane and typical and given a wonderful twist that keep the pages turning. not only is the main romantic story intriguing but the same can be said for the things going on in the background. Interesting. Charming. And fun.
worth a read. Recommended by me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn plourde
This is a very different take on a werewolf story. First, it was completely believable, which normally isn't true with paranormal stories. Secondly, the special something that the heroine has is like nothing that I have previously come across. Third, the love story is so unusual and interesting that it held my attention throughout the entire book. Need I also mention that I couldn't put it down till the last page. I just bought the next book in the series. If it is as good as this one, I will continue reading until I finish this series and probably try more by the same author.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I really, really liked the authors previous books- A Beauty and the Beast Novel (The Trilogy) was great, and enjoyed them so much, I thought I try this one because of all the great reviews, but Hope(less) was just as the title described. The main character (Gabby) has some special gift, and you don't know what it is until the very end, which turns out to be silly. The characters in this book are linear, no real depth, nor would you care if they were in it or not. The author's other books took you to a distinct place, and you had defined characters, and really cared to see what would happen to them. This one, you have foster parents who are super kind, but having their first child, so she needs to go, but luckily she meets an old man, who gets naked and turns into a wolf. She befriends him, and you really have no backstory to this guy, other than he is really nice, and sometimes manipulative. He takes her to meet and greets with other werewolves so she can find her mate...at 16. The other main character, Clay was just horrible. It seemed two different authors were working on this, and not communicating with each other. Gabby is strong, seems to have survived the lost of her parents, smart, kind of snobbish about other's lack of education, yet she was studying to be a massage therapist, nothing wrong with that career, but the way she talks, you'd think she would be going for engineering, nursing, etc. She even makes a comment on how could she be mated to a guy who never went to school. The way Clay is described, he is 25, un-kept, hairy, dirty, and long hair. Lived in the woods as a wolf most of his life, yet he is an awesome mechanic. Again, too many inconsistency. The worst part of this book, is the fact that her mate did not speak at all and stayed in his wolf form, except Tuesdays. He still didn't talk on Tuesday. He lives with her the first few months in dog form, as her pet. He finally got a job, because the cost of his food and vet were making it 'hard' on her budget. I believe he gets his GED and license while she goes to class, but it never was explained in the book, other than that he shows up in a mechanic uniform for a Halloween party, again, he never talked. Here is the kicker, she falls in love with the dog, and the quietness about him. She sees herself with him...the dog. When he does change in human form, his beard is so long, that she can't find his mouth to kiss him. He's a mess, but because she fell in love with the dog, and his silence, she knows that he is her mate, and right for her. Again, she really is a great author, I just don't understand what happened here. I wouldn't judge her on this book, and would read her Beauty and the Beast story over this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
a laa
Was pulled into this book in the first chapter. And it just got better...... Sometimes you start a book and it goes off on tangent you don't like and boom, you are done with book. But this one.......loved it AND it went in a great direction !!!! Very pleased with this book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I think the highest compliment you can pay an author is to immediately go buy additional books in the series. In this case, I purchased the remaining 3 and anxiously await the next ones.

Hopeless is well written with an interesting storyline. Women with special powers, werewolves, and can the two mix? How much should someone concede individual needs to the needs of all? Sounds like a perfect action packed fantasy novel. Surprisingly, while there was plenty of action, this book was actually a romance with paranormal twists. Add in a dash of a coming of age story for the heroine, and you have a story with a wide range of appeal. Don't miss this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
devon hamilton
This is the book that introduced me to Melissa Haag and her unique take on werewolves. Not your typical werewolf book and just the right amount of romance/sexual tension without devolving into gratuitousness.

Since reading this book I have devoured all of her books in this series and under her other pen names.

She is on my auto-buy list and I can't wait to read more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I started reading this book a bit reluctantly since it involved werewolves. Most books that deal with werewolves are either copies of Twilight or just weird sexcapades of werewolves and humans and vampires. This story surprised me by having a good plot which was unlike anything I have read before. I loved Clay--the dog...he was hilarious. The only thing that I can criticize is that at times, her ability was confusing because it didn't always make logical sense. Overall, I really liked the book because it held my interest and the love story was sweet, passionate and romantic rather than just sex.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ramona st
Beautiful and exciting paranormal romance involving an untrusting young woman. The romance is patient and not rushed. The author gives the characters the needed time for build-up. The plot was exciting and I was unable to put it down. It is an adventure from the first chapter. I highly recommend this series to anyone. It is age appropriate in my opinion as a YA novel but still able to capture and hold my attention as a grown woman.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A YA novel, but very good. Gabby has always known she's different. She has lost everyone she's loved, and a foster child, she will soon leave the one home she's been comfortable in since her mother and grandmother. Then she meets Sam. He is different from anyone she has known before, and little does she know how much her life will change.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
barbara pohland
I found this book rather interesting. I struggled with the werewolf that did not talk for most of the book. This is a personal thing as I have a son with autism that is non-verbal. That being said, the way she had the main character still communicate with the selective mute was quite impressive.

If you are looking for a good story with an interesting take on werewolves, this is your book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jon dula
I loved this book. The slow build between the two characters was compelling and very effective at drawing me in. I bought the next two books in the series before I had finished this books! There are some parts of the plot or history that are left until later books which left me confused and intrigued while reading. It is worth the wait however! The writing was good, although there were several spelling mistakes and occasionally the sentence structure was skewed. This could have been fixed if whoever edited the book had paid more attention.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chantelle belic
Clay is the perfect yet beautifully flawed match for our hot tempered main character. With jealousy, loyalty and undoubting love this book I couldn't put down and loved how the romance just blossomed, suitable for young adults (which was the only downfall in my perverted opinion) and older. I can't wait to read the rest of this series. Its a kind of book that makes you appreciate rocky beginnings and trust.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
peggy shea andrews
I really enjoyed the idea......

.....but the whole Clay not talking for 98% of the book just freaking killed me. It was complete overkill. While I might one day continue on in this series, it's just not a priority for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stacey henry
Gabby and Clay's story is very interesting. I didn't know how to take the whole "Clay refusing to speak to Gabby" bit. I didn't think I would like much but it actually added a bit of magic to the story. His actions speaking louder than words.
I'm interested to see where the story is going with the Judgement of the Six. I'm ready to jump to the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victoria williamson
This paranormal werewolf novel was amazing! It was like no other that I've read and so uniquely refreshing. Gabby and Clay are an amazing couple and I hope to continue to read about them in more of this series. Unlike a lot of paranormal romance novels, this one is not overly sexual in nature and I would consider it rated G. This author's wonderful writing and story telling is what keeps you glued to this book. Excellent job and I'm looking forward to reading more by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This absolutely makes it into my top 5 favorite books of all time. I couldnt love Gabby more. I admire how understanding and compassionate she is toward this race she just discovered. She is fiercely independent and goes after her dreams, even when she is followed by a furry werewolf. Clay is the sweetest werewolf/man ever and the way their relationship grows is so much more profound given the way the communicate.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I really enjoyed the idea......

.....but the whole Clay not talking for 98% of the book just freaking killed me. It was complete overkill. While I might one day continue on in this series, it's just not a priority for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rebekah taylor
Gabby and Clay's story is very interesting. I didn't know how to take the whole "Clay refusing to speak to Gabby" bit. I didn't think I would like much but it actually added a bit of magic to the story. His actions speaking louder than words.
I'm interested to see where the story is going with the Judgement of the Six. I'm ready to jump to the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This paranormal werewolf novel was amazing! It was like no other that I've read and so uniquely refreshing. Gabby and Clay are an amazing couple and I hope to continue to read about them in more of this series. Unlike a lot of paranormal romance novels, this one is not overly sexual in nature and I would consider it rated G. This author's wonderful writing and story telling is what keeps you glued to this book. Excellent job and I'm looking forward to reading more by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alan loewen
This absolutely makes it into my top 5 favorite books of all time. I couldnt love Gabby more. I admire how understanding and compassionate she is toward this race she just discovered. She is fiercely independent and goes after her dreams, even when she is followed by a furry werewolf. Clay is the sweetest werewolf/man ever and the way their relationship grows is so much more profound given the way the communicate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved it!! I am huge on paranormal books and this one brings a whole new spin! Exciting, FUNNY(which seems hard to pull off with most books like this but Melissa Haag made this a hilarious, suspenseful and engaging read!! Can't wait to start the next book so keeping this short! Will defiantly be finishing the series. Two thumbs up! Well written, only one typo (that I found) and one slightly confusing spot (in the diner with Rachel when Gabby is exploring) HIGHLY recommend!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Gabby was a person that wanted everything on her own terms. Clay was made for her and is her mate from day one but she wanted to finish her education. Gabby use that as a way not to comment to anyone. Clay stayed by her side through sickness and in health. Clay gives Gabby everything. Sam moved Gabby in to his house for two years and now he wants her mated but again she refuses. I would recommend this book to anyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tess bonn
The entire Judgement of the Six series is amazing, and this first book is the one that hooked me. I like reading Gabby's book and Clay's book (Clay's Hope) side-by-side for further insight into both characters. The miscommunications are hilarious, the relationship is tender, and the action is exciting. This book (as well as the rest of the series and companion series) is well worth the read.
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