Broken Prince: A Novel (The Royals)

ByErin Watt

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It's an awesome sequel. However, I hate when sequels have a change in narration. It works here, but it's distracting. I really wished it was all from his viewpoint, but this sequel was missing something. After the first book I was left waiting for the sequel. Now? I really could care less about the next book. The ending should have been a good cliff hanger, yet I'm just left thinking really? Did that really just happen? It's outrageous.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
chelsea madren
Wow, they must be running for the joint cliffie queen crown.

I felt book two in this series dragged but the ending was explosive. Cliffie is an apt description because I kinda feel like they threw me off one with this ending.

Again, very HS but it is what it is I went in knowing this.

Twist turn and a massive serve of WTH. Here's hoping book three wraps up this story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
igor girsanov
I was so excited when I received the notification that Broken Prince was on my kindle. The story was good and it kept my attention, but it wasn't as good as book one. The authors did a terrific job keeping your attention and leaving you hanging with a ton of questions. Can't wait to read the final book.
Words of Hope to Refresh the Soul - My Beautiful Broken Shell :: The Game (Victor) :: The Bad Games Series Box Set: Books 1-3 :: Murder Games :: Love Lost (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
starla harris
I would recommend every reader to read this series by the collective force that makes up Erin Watt. They have successfully with books 1 and 2; Paper Princess and Broken Prince, respectively, developed a world of intrigue, deception, and entitlement in this rite of passage in the world of privilege. The Royals are sexy, funny, and downright despicable in the most glorious ways!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lawrence a
Watt did not disappoint with the second book in this series. Ends on another cliffhanger and the only disappointing thing about this book is that I have to wait more than a month for the third book in this series. I can't get enough of the characters in this heartfelt series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
iva urbanov
Oh my god!!! This story keeps me wanting for more, can't wait to start the next, in this book Reed tries to win Ella back after breaking her heart. There's deceive, love, fight and intrigues, and the end is a cliffhanger. This Royals will ruin you....
That been said, gotta go in order to start "twisted palace", read this after "paper princess".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
judge parker
The story of Ella and Reed continues is an amazing story full of twist and turns. We come back to find Ella gone and Reed lost because of it. Of course Ella will not stay gone long because Callum will have her tracked, but not everything is right in the Royal household even after Ella's return. I can't wait for the next book to come out in October. It will be a long, long wait.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anita quinlan
Broken Prince is definitely worth reading. I wasn't crazy about reading from Reeds POV, but I got used to it. I think it helped with making Reed seem like less of a douche, honestly. He won me over by the end of the book.There are some surprising twists at the end! If you liked the first book, check this one out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cynthia erickson
Seriously.... What was that? It was freaking good. Sooo freaking good. But seriously, my chest hurts and my mind is racing and I can not believe what I just read!
Erin Watt has done a fantastic job of continuing this extremely addictive story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! The twists and turns and mysteries inn this book just keep you turning page after page.... just when you think you know something, something comes up that just blows your mind!! Excellent story!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tami z
Love, love, love this series!!! As in the first book, you will love these characters.... The twists and turns continue.... right up to the end, and then there is the cliffhanger..... I cannot wait to see what happens next, along with any and all other books in the "Royal's" story. I love ella and reed, but also looking forward to Gideon's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Let me start off by saying I hate cliffhangers, but OMG!! This series does it so well. I can not wait until October to get Twisted Palace. I absolutely love this series, it keeps you guessing and you never anticipate what is going to happen.. I would definitely recommend this series to anyone who is looking to read something different...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam siegel
I finished Paper Princess and went straight into Broken Prince this morning!!! Up all night ...... Who needs sleep when we are in the process of all the Royal drama! Reed has my heart and I think I would def love Easton just as much!!!! There is more drama in book 2 and it is one of my all time favorite series!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
japhet els
The backhand forth between Ella and Reed's story was hard to follow at times. I sometimes had to readjust my thoughts if I wasn't paying close enough attention. That being said airing out more Royal drama leads to an entertaining reed. The last page of this book will blow your mind!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ire ne
You absolutely have to read this series. I have been spoiled from other books for a while. Nothing is comparing to the fiery attraction between Ella and Reed. I found the ending a little predictable but I don't care at all. Hope this isn't the final series these authors collaborate on. I'm
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Broken Prince begins where we left Paper Princess. 
And it was non stop action from the first page right up til the end.

I just finished the book..and I don't know what to say.
I am shocked. I don't..I can't say anything because I'm so shocked. I need Twisted Palace ASAP.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
candice whitney
These books completely engulf me. I started this book and wanted to rage every time someone interrupted me because I just had to know what was going to happen next! Absolutely loved every second and I can't wait to read the final installment to see how it's all going to end!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristine lee
Oh how I have been ruined! After reading Paper Princess I knew I couldn't wait for Broken Prince. Words can not describe how I feel about this book. Just know that once you read you will be ruined all over again! Jen and Elle are pure genius! And I can not wait for Twisted Palace.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The second book in the Royals series seriously does NOT disappoint. We are thrown right back in to the story and once again, I read from start to finish with out stopping! I can't get enough of these Royals!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book as well as the series. It's not a new idea but it was a fun ride. I like the angst the main characters go through also the love story and the ending was wonderful! The Royal family is a family you want to personally know.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
fing fong
Book 2
Dual POVs

Reed has his work cut out for him to try to win Ella back. Brooke is pregnant and her conniving gets a wedding ring from Callum. Ella continues to be tormented at school.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
First book was very intriguing, the heroine had some fight in her which slowly disappeared as the book continued and she started sounding pathetic. In this book the heroine is just a participant, and doesn't really stand out or make you want to be in her team. To be honest the second book didn't live up to the hype the first book promised. I won't be buying number 3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lies. Deceit. Manipulation. Pure excitement!!

Holy smokes I am loving these books!

There is so much happening! And the feels! So many emotions!! Hurt, betrayal, anticipation. I can’t get enough!!

I can’t wait for the next book!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
han beng koe
It's a story that captivates you. For sure. Never boring or dragging. But it's also bit too much of everything. Too much drama, too cheesy, too twisted characters and siguations... I read a book a while ago where I complained about 18 year olds behaving too childish. In this it's the opposite. The too much part doesn't bother me that much because it's more like we're invited into this really twisted and weird other world. So, yeah, not realistic but that's not a problem. The reason this book gets a lower grade than Paper princess is that Ella isn't as awesome in this book as book one. I had hoped for a more emotional persoective on ehat happened. Also, Reed was never my favourite and having his POV was OK, but not as interesting for me. I do understand why the authors chose to write it this way though. I will definitely read book 3. It's entertaining and fun. But I would have hoped for a more emotional sequel. Now it was more about the drama, and OMG there's a lot of it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joshua barsi
Absolutely loved this book and the characters. It's a must read book. So much happens in this book that shocked me. So many twist and turns you don't see coming. I laughed, I cried and wanted to throw my iPad. One of my favorite books of 2016!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam pearlman
Great book! I absolutely loved it. Love all the Royals and Ella was a great female lead. BUT seriously, holy cliffhangers of all cliffhangers! Now I have to wait til October?! Seriously?! That's just mean. I'm adding this title to my favorites. Bravo Erin Watt!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Broken Prince (The Royals #2) by Erin Watt
4.5 stars!!!

“You can’t change anything. The most you can do is keep your head down and survive.”

After Paper Princess I was totally and utterly addicted to the Royals, this book was like readers crack and I couldn’t wait for my next fix. The torture was real and once I got my grubby mitts on Broken Prince I couldn’t wait to dive in…the Royals were waiting.

“My instincts had screamed at me that she was trouble. My instincts were wrong. She wasn’t trouble. I was. Still am. Reed, the destroyer.”

The Royals series is YA/NA, a dysfunctional family with enough drama to fill a 747, high angst, heat, dramarama but totally swoon worthy nonetheless. All the Royal brothers are endearing in their own right, trying to overcome their problems and their issues all the while trying to look out for the “sister” they never knew they wanted. As I said in my Paper Princess review, “but most of all they were enigmatic, intriguing, intoxicating and contradicting, but I desperately wanted to get to know them,” and so the soap opera continues!

“And I thought, I’ll just keep after him. Eventually I’ll wear him down, convince him that we’re a beautiful fairy tale. But we’re not. We’re nothing. We’re smoke – insubstantial and meaningless… We aren’t even a tragedy. We’re less than nothing.”

These types of reads are definitely my crack, private school kids, entitled, snobby, bitchy with parents that only care about their next business deal or spa appointment rather than the children that they brought into this world. A world where money talks and no problem is insurmountable when you have a wad of daddy’s cash. But whereas you should cringe and hate them all, I find myself totally invested, reliving a school life I never had and now I have seen it, I never wanted.

The Royal’s though, while entitled are acting up on their past and their issues with their dad, and this continues in Broken Prince. They all have their secrets but slowly but surely we are getting to find out a little more about this family. Ella is kind of the glue that is cementing them together, albeit still fragile at the moment, but you can see the Ella magic working and you find yourself rooting for this family that were decimated by the death of their mother and in Callum’s case, wife.

“I’ve spent the last couple of years trying to destroy everything around me. Who knew success would taste so bitter.”

Callum really starts to get his get act together in this book and although he was rather weak in Paper Princess his backbone is definitely coming back in some regards. He is beginning to get himself back on track and assisting in what his family needs, a parent. Callum Royal though is still the dark horse for me, yes he is firmly in my sights, especially being my age group ;-) but I feel that he is a lot stronger and manipulative than anyone gives him credit for and when push comes to shove he is going to be the one to pull it out the bag.

I am intrigued as to what direction this is going take, I have theories, I got some answers but then I got many more questions. That is the beauty of a story like this, intricately woven, flawlessly written and totally and utterly addicting. Blindsided one minute and OMG moments this book has something for everyone and once again has me waiting on tenterhooks for October 17th for the release of Twisted Palace. I just hope that the gold digging, money grabbing whore gets her comeuppance.

“I’m done playing games, Ella. No other girls exist in this world for me. If you see me talking to one, know that I’m talking about you. If you see me walking next to someone, I’m wishing it was you… You’re the only one for me.”

Yes, this series is over the top, yes it is cheesy at times, yes it reads like a soap opera, but look how long Corrie and Eastenders have been running…DECADES. It is because it is so crazy yet relatable that you want to imagine the what ifs, you want to live their lives, immerse yourself in their brand of crazy and live the high life, even if only for a few hours. It’s an escape and that is what I love the most about reading.

Bring it on Erin Watt, this crazy woman wants more… and soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
October......uggg..that's when the 3rd book, "Twisted Palace"will be published. Really enjoyed "Broken Prince" ...and you will too. Wonderful to have Reed's POV. And this really can't end as I would love to read all the Royals stories. Great job.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel powers
Broken pieces can come back together right? Ella and Reed are about to find out if breaking is only the beginning and these secrets, lies and heartbreak it's only Royal's who can handle this type of tough love
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john kenny
Watt continues your exciting journey with the Royals! Ella finds herself back in the Royal house where she must face her feelings for Reed and in the process maybe even put the Royal family back together. But is everything exactly as it seems???
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debra chiplin
This series just gets better and better. These characters have me sitting on the edge of my seat wondering what's going to happen next. There are cliffhanger's so be prepared. Overall this has been a great series. Cannot wait for the next book.
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