Love Lost (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 3)

ByMichael Anderle

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
part machine
Great character development & constant surprises. Fun to read & continuous action as well. Enjoyed it completely. Bethany Anne's continuous focus for "the greater good" makes her a hero for everyone. She is a do-gooder who can kick some serious but. Loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sometimes I actually laughed out loud. Other times I realized that she was very human and honestly female in her emotions. If a person has the ability to do harm, (like use a gun, or destroy another person's life) then karma should respond.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great character development. Far too many typos and sentence syntax errors, or maybe just-don't-care rush to publish. Regardless, I have to mentally stop the continuity of my involvement with the reading and go back. The concept of nanocytes is wonderful and TOM will hopefully evolve.
Broken Prince: A Novel (The Royals) :: Words of Hope to Refresh the Soul - My Beautiful Broken Shell :: The Game (Victor) :: The Bad Games Series Box Set: Books 1-3 :: Dr. Bones and the Lost Love Letter (Magic of Cornwall Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very good read.

My only complaint is with the practice by the store of giving you book 1 for free, then doling out the rest of the story a little at a time. The short books could instead be simple chapters of a larger novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
helen mckenna
For all those who like action paper books this is the book series you need to read. I don't worry about editorial issues. I just like a good exciting action novels and this series is a favorite of mine that when I finish one I can't wait to read the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne eliot
Very good read.

My only complaint is with the practice by the store of giving you book 1 for free, then doling out the rest of the story a little at a time. The short books could instead be simple chapters of a larger novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For all those who like action paper books this is the book series you need to read. I don't worry about editorial issues. I just like a good exciting action novels and this series is a favorite of mine that when I finish one I can't wait to read the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a great action packed read. We see Bethany Anne grieve over the loss of a close friend and work her way out of her anger by the end of the book. I liked that the ultimate antagonist wasn't portrayed as a black or white evil character and at the very end, I was hoping for their survival.

This book didn't have as much errors as the last two so the flow in reading it was much smoother.

I'm looking forward to the next book in the series and I'll probably be amongst the first to buy it when it comes out.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
maria mallis
This one was okay. I skipped over scenes because they seemed like fillers instead of being pertinent to the story line.
We know they are BAs and look like BAs, we don't need multiple randos' povs on how much they dress and carry themselves like BAs. We get it. Also, one thing I imagine is probably hard to do is show a reader that you are knowledgeable about a subject without making their eyes glaze over from all of the technical jargon. This book had a bunch of scenes that I skipped through because I don't really care about that stuff. We also get by now that she is super duper mega rich out of her pretty little a** so every thing doesn't need a price tag to iterate that fact anymore.

I think it is amazing that the author can chug out these books in such a short time. To have the creative capacity to come up with a world, characters, and substantial plot in 9 or 13 days is amazing. But, taking a couple extra weeks to let an editor read through and catch redundancies or filler scenes would help. Mechanically speaking, the grammatical errors were negligible to the point that if they were there, they were so few or just didn't stick out like they have in other books that I've read. So good job on that.

Once again, the characters are good but it's the older vamps that get me. I just don't see them being hundreds of years old and basically rolling over like puppies. There has been no REAL fight yet. Even Clarita was kind of meh... and yea, technically I guess she was supposed to be the same level as Petre but... Idk.. to be strong enough to hold all of Central America I would have figured her to have a stronger base and more intelligence than she has had.

And why the heck can Bethany Anne not do the mist thing that Michael does??? And you know what.... I am actually intrigued on what the heck has happened to him. His butt is still missing!!! I feel like I need to drag out my old "Where's Waldo" book just to find him. I just hope that his story is as interesting as the build up. I would hate for it to fall flat because I'm genuinely excited to find out what him and Carl have been up to.

There are so many interesting aspects to this story and that is what is keeping me reading even though the writing isn't strong.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really, really, really love this series and the mega verse created by Michael Anderle. The first book starts a bit slow, but it sets the tone for this massive universe and is so worth the read (or listens to, as is my preference). The characters in these book are fun and kick a$$, warm, strong and powerfully engaging. I love them all and have had so much fun fallowing them through all the rest of the books in this series.
I am writing these reviews to help support the growing list of writers that are part of this Kurtherian universe. I am so happy that Michael has used his meg averse to help other writes. While they help him build his story and move it alongside the main one. All of the KG series books have been excellent, fun and engaging with amazing characters and a fun and open playground for a plethora of genres. He has add YA in the form of the funny and playful “Alpha class” books. Then we are on to a glorious, dystopic post-apocalyptic universe side stories in the form of the Nomad series and the Reclaiming honor series. Which are a great thigh in to his main story. By bringing in other authors and narrators, to help build the gap of time into a great and unique spin on the KG universe. In between these two is the Dark messiah ark. This one maybe my favorite as the main character is for sure one of my most favorite ones of the whole KG universe. I will leave it at that as I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone. . For now this is as far as I have gone in the series, but I will update again as I read more and move to the magic verse section of the universe (can’t wait). Thanks again to everyone who helps to make these so amazing and engaging for us readers (or listeners). You all are doing an amazing job. Thank you, thank you.

** PS: Don’t listen to the haters. They will always hate and try and bring others down. You writers, narrators, editors and helpers are doing an amazing job with all of these books. Let the haters hate while drinking there hateorade, they can’t stop us from enjoying your work nor loving you all for the time and effort you all put into these great works. Write on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In Love Lost Bethany Ann goes after the vampire that killed her close friend. She also acquires new toys, and with new toys she needs new employees! She has really grown as a vampire and shows great potential to save the world !
I've really enjoyed reading this series so far. It's has great action, budding romance, and sets up upcoming books very easily.
My only complaint(well it's not really a conplaint) about the books is they are very detailed. The author, Michael, details where everyone sits at a table or where everyone and everything is. Now sometimes I lie it cause I can imagine I'm there with them and know what everything looks like. But sometimes I just want to hurry up and get to the action or hear what everyone is saying.
But I would and have recommended this book to friends and family!! Thank you for putting out a great book and for letting me escape my life and read an amazing series!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ellen guon
Knowing that this series started with NaNoWriMo, I was willing to put up with some editing problems. Homonyms, their/they're, commas, verb tenses, possessives, etc. I mean, people are writing feverishly that whole month, and don't have time to edit well. And, they tend to edit their own work. I've found that when I edit my own work, I become blind to the mistakes. But, it's getting worse, not better in this series.

That aside, the first book had a fun premise, an engaging heroine, and good action. The nano bit has been done a lot in a particular series of paranormal romances,(the Argeneau Vampires) but the author changed that just enough to make it his own. But, by the third book, the writing is getting thin, there are way too many detailed technical explanations that slow down the action, and the dialog is getting worn. It's become obvious that the author is padding, and it's starting to remind me of the Animorph chapter books from the 80's. It's too bad. I don't think I can put up with another volume.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
greta huttanus
Michael, you have some great ideas, incredibly fun stories and a crapton of talent. I really enjoyed the first 3 books in this series and I look forward to reading more of them. The reason you got 4 out of 5 stars is that wonderful enthusiasm you show in your work. You could earn that 5th star by putting in the time and effort needed to bring your writing up to a professional standard, BEFORE you put it on the store the first time. There is a really awesome blog I've heard recently, called writing excuses, that has 12 seasons worth of advice from bestselling authors. Maybe give them a listen. Once the first draft is done is not the end of the work. That's the time to buckle down and use your writing skills to make it BETTER. Make it sing like Gabrielle did with Bethany Anne's style in the 3rd book. Keep up the good work. But always do Better!. <3
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