Lies Women Believe/Companion Guide for Lies Women Believe- 2 book set
ByNancy Leigh DeMoss
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly st
I would recommend every woman to read this book and complete the bible study! It is life changing. I wish I would have gotten it when I was graduating from High School. I would have done things so differently.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eva mcbride
Lies Women Believe is a book that will change the way you think. I feel like I have a "fairly clean" faith and life in Christ, but this book truly "deep cleans" many crevasses in my life and the way I think to further bring glory to God. It's a great book, very deep, and great for girl's studies. Be blessed & flee the devil's schemes.
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kat lebo
Just two chapters in so far, but really like it. We are doing this for our ladies Bible study group. Sometimes it seems like the author has been trapped in a bubble her whole life and doesn't understand the dynamics of the real world. I think I enjoy my group more than the study, but two friends of mine did the study with their groups last year and loved the middle to end, so maybe I haven't gotten to the meat of it yet.
An Eight-Week Study on Biblical Womanhood (True Woman) :: Lies Young Women Believe Companion Guide :: Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy :: God's Radical Design for Beauty - and Identity :: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival - Seeking Him
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Purchased for a woman's support group, this book would have been more helpful and supportive had we used it as fire starter to roast marshmallows. Ms. DeMoss, while trying to sound "religious" (and I chose that word for a purpose) and "upright", comes across as a holier-than-thou busybody. From her subtle (ok, so in some instances it's not so subtle) innuendos that the reader is simply not holy enough; her snooping into the congregations lives and interjecting herself (unsolicited) into their problems; her views on unfettered childbearing; her views of "if your child goes off the rails in life it is YOUR FAULT"; to the outright dangerous and irresponsible views on depression and domestic abuse; Ms. DeMoss insults her reader. Her central themes seem to center around: "women have their roles and they're solely to be a doormat to a man and birth as many children as humanly possible" and "you are a filthy, overweight, oversexed sinner who doesn't deny herself enough". If I wasn't a Christian, I certainly wouldn't be compelled to become one after reading her book--not only due to her condescending attitude and statements but her presentation of God as angry and hard-nosed. For one who was not married at the time of writing this book, she has a simplistic view of a woman's role. And, I find it incredibly ironic that, after excoriating other women for not taking their husband's last name, she retains her maiden name for professional purposes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I ordered ten of the book and the workbook shrink wrapped for my bible study group. We got an awsome price and it was nice not to pay for shipping. The books came in a timely manner. My only minor complaint was that the shrink wrapped books had slightly bent conners. We all are enjoying the study and the expcellent price.
Thanks, Beth
Thanks, Beth
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
~ I like Nancy Leigh DeMoss ~
This is a good recourse book. I have listened to Nancy Leigh DeMoss on the radio and I know she doesn't use the same Bible translation I do. I should have check closer to how many different translations she does use in this book before buying. That being said I may have bought it anyway. Books like this seem to pick and choose different translations to find word they prefer. But one should not throw the baby out with the wash. There is good information here. I use the King James Bible and will do so with this book while working through it and counseling others.
This is a good recourse book. I have listened to Nancy Leigh DeMoss on the radio and I know she doesn't use the same Bible translation I do. I should have check closer to how many different translations she does use in this book before buying. That being said I may have bought it anyway. Books like this seem to pick and choose different translations to find word they prefer. But one should not throw the baby out with the wash. There is good information here. I use the King James Bible and will do so with this book while working through it and counseling others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dustin hiles
Myself and another woman from church have been doing this study with some high school girls. It's fantastic, it is applicable to most every woman. We usually edit the stuff mentioned applying to married women, but as a married woman I thoroughly enjoy reading it myself. This is a great study that will almost certainly tread on lies most women believe at some time or another.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
liam williamson
I worked through the workbook first and it really was interesting and got me thinking on some things. I started in on the book and immediately in the first chapter I decided I didn't like it. I don't believe that God would want a woman to stay in an abusive marriage. I also don't believe that God would want us to try and live a Godly life all the meanwhile having to be devoted to a partner that does not want to follow the path of God. God is a GOOD God. Not a God that is going to send us into eternal damnation because we divorced for the RIGHT reasons or finding a partner that shares and supports your love for God.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I highly recommend this book to anyone. Take your time and read it, highlight each page. Do the homework at the end (not a lot, I promise you). God can use this book in a mighty way for you just like He has me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am completely satisfied with this product. It came in a timely manner and was in perfect condition. I've recommended my friends doing this study to also purchase their books through this supplier. Thank you!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
helle vibeke
I personally found this book to be offensive - I was assigned to read it and soon found myself nauseated at the amount of hate language and sexism. I am ashamed that women would think so low of themselves as to so readily believe that they are so separate and unequal to men. I found the close-minded black and white interpretations to be hypocritical. As Christians we proclaim that we are tolerant, that we are so open to love - but everywhere you look Christians are the least tolerant. If a person is gay, then sure, they're living in sin - but despite what Christians so love to proclaim, being gay doesn't actually diminish a human's worth! Last year, there were 6 highlighted cases of gay teens and young adults committing suicide because of the amount they were bullied (not to mention the number that weren't in the news). Being told you're going to hell isn't love. It's just another sentence pushing you to the edge.
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