The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate

ByDavid Freddoso

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lori jean
I recommend "The Case Against Barack Obama" only after reading Obama's Biography "Dreams of My Father." In the latter, Obama defines himself as a black man seeking his identity, which he says he found more in Kenya than he did in the United States. He was seeking the legacy of his father, who was a dead-beat dad, who fathered eight children by four different women. He never supported them. With that perspective in mind, "The Case Against Barack Obama" shows how this very eloquent, Ivy League educated lawyer has risen to political heights without really performing any meaningful accomplishments, except getting the Democratic nomination, a not insignificant task. David Freddoso has performed a significant service in stripping Obama of the rhetoric and the posturing and revealing the man of style but little substance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
grace lee
Unless you pay very close attention to politics and read or listen to information from many sources you would never hear much about Obama and certainly not from most news media. This book gives you a history of Obama, of his actions in Illinois, and how he looked the other way as he gained strength and moved ahead. It shows how he is just another politician, but a much more radical one. One with many questionable deep connections and someone who wants to change our country as we know it, but not for the better and not in all of our interests. This book gives you a real insight into Obama's agenda that should scare us all. We need to know who we are voting for during this very critical time in our history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris vetter
This book clarified some of the thoughts and questions I had regarding who is Barack Obama. For someone to have such a meteoric rise, there were questions I had/have regarding where he came from, what he believes in, what his plans are, etc.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meghan newell
I am a 40+ year old voter who supported President Clinton in both elections although I'm a registered Republican. I base my opinion on the issues and facts and this election is no different. My goal in reading this book was to put a gap between McCain and Obama because I agree with perspectives from both candidates. After reading the book which is a "factual" assessment of Obama's past there is simply no way I'll vote for the man. His rise to success has been propelled by corruption and organized political manipulation and if mainstream media covered the facts detailed in this book then Obama would be just the man he really is, a junior Senator will zero real world experience. Simply put, if you vote Obama without reading this book you're doing America an enormous disservice. Anyone doing so should be ashamed to vote without knowing the facts of Barack Obama and his history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book should be mandatory reading for all US citizens in order to better understand the background of the man we just elected President of our country. While the author has certain partisan biases, I still believe he takes the reader through an objective exploration of Obama's history in politics. His conclusions are generally well supported by facts. It is too bad that the mainstream media did not provide such an insightful and rigorous review of Mr.Obama.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If Obama is elected, I fear a 2nd Revolution will be declared in the United States. Have we not had enough of crooks in Washington? But yet this man "Barack Obama" will strip the rights and freedoms that this country was founded on. The younger generation 30 and under have been Mesmerized by his charm to the point, he has been labled "The Messiah" of change. Our youth and the extreme left including the Main Stream Media bow to him. These people have been charmed by a man who has aligned and associated himself with a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities.

He speaks of "spreading the wealth." If you see how much he has recieved in donations not only in this country but also in foreign countries, it would make one shudder and question his "Real" agenda. Obama "talks the talk, but does he walk the walk?" Let him be the first and spread the wealth, "his wealth." Practice what you preach! As of yet to this day Obama has done neither. We must all decide come election day, if this is who we really want as a President of this nation. A man who swore on the Koran when he became Senator and says if elected, he will swear on it again when he takes office.

My personal opinion, he is an enemy of the state and a threat to to the freedom of Americans. It's not a matter of color, it's a matter of who he associates with, and it's not with the American people. Obama's definition of "change" is of a Socialist Regime. The Constitution that the framers created will utterly be destroyed. What little rights we have now will be, "Dust in the Wind."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
juan espinoza
Wow, what happened to the days when people read a book before they reviewed it?

I originally ordered "The Obama Nation" by Jerome Corsi, but after hearing the controversy around that book and several of its minor inaccuracies I decided to purchase this book as well to give me a more accurate portrayal of Obama. I am very impressed with this book. Freddoso has done extensive research on this topic, which can be seen in the over 740 footnotes contained in this book. The book points out facts about Obama that the media has conveniently decided to ignore, such as Obama's dirty Chicago politics (kicking all other candidates off the ballot based on technicalities so he would be the only option), his radical influences (Rev. Wright, Willaim Ayers, Tony Rezko, Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky), and his controversial stance on abortion (killing a bill that even NARAL went neutral on). This book exposes Obama for what he is and what he plans to do.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very well written and sourced book shows the difference between Barack Obama's rhetoric and his record. A must read for any serious voter. You might not like to hear the truth about Obama, but you owe it to yourself to learn about his true record in Chicago, Springfield, and beyond. The author avoids smearing Obama and sticks with his record. This probably differentiates it from many other books about Barack Obama.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
justin bog
Freddoso describes how Barak Obama was raised and nurtured in the corrupt environment of Chicago politics, and how he returned the favors, by supporting, and carefully avoiding confronting, the corrupt Chicago political machinery. Obama's actions are found clearly in contradiction to his words and his marketed image. This is a story that should be available to all potential voters, but is ignored by the biased mainstream media.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
john norman
This book should be available to every voter during this very important election year. The facts contained in the book appear to be very well researched and the facts are troubling to say the least. I recommend everyone at least consider the outline of facts and events related in The Case Against Barak Obama before heading to the polls to vote.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
carrie williford
Freddoso opens by asserting that no major candidate for U.S. president has received less critical examination than Barack Obama. Personally, I think Freddoso's correct on this point - I read Obama's "The Audacity of Hope" and found it devoid of substance.

On the other hand, it is difficult to assess Freddoso's credibility and objectivity, especially after reading "Blinded by the Right" by David Brock. (Brock's mea culpa revealed a history of distortion and sliming by writers - including himself - for Regnery Press and National Review.) Further, neither are known for credibility and objectivity involving the left.

My guess is that the truth lies somewhere in-between Freddoso's assertions and those of Obama supporters - but, I would not be surprised to find Freddoso eventually proven mostly correct.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie maccullough
"The Case Against Barack Obama" takes each fact presented in Obama's book and translates the truth behind every statement he makes, and replaces fictitious names with the real people. This book sheds light on the truth behind Obama's upbringing and influence all through his young life.It also points out that although one can not prove Obama's involvement with such subversive groups, Obama maintsins continuous contact and friendship with those who remain members. The book explains that Obama received campaign funding from the US Socialist/Communist Democratic Party when he ran for Illinois Senator.
Everything is revealed very well in this book - and written to connect with what Obama would not reveal in his book : "The Audacity of Hope".
I highly recommend it to everyone who is unfamiliar with Barack Obama - or are confused as to what he stands for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kim bulger
What a thorough picture of Obama's political journey . . . all backed with sources. Scary. I only hope Obama simply used all of his early alliances to get to the presidency and will drop them like a bad habit when he gets in. However, I know that is not the case. Please read this book before election day and share the information with those who are so infatuated they can't see beyond the nice smile and smooth words.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
corey wintemute
Solid writing by someone who obviously does not fall in line with the media's love of the new president; well written; should have been required reading for any voter prior to voting. Only time will tell if the writer is correct about President Obama's future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
glenis redmond
Itis imperative for anyone who intends to vote to read this book. It is well documented and many of the comments that are the most revealing and not in a good way are those of B. Obama himself. I do not want a president that has so shady a past. That he earmarked 1 million for his wifes employer from whom she received a 200000 dollar raise is very telling. If one can ignore that and condone it you deserve what you get but the sad and scary point is that you will take everyone else down with you. Poor America. We have a Trojan horse at the door and many do not see it. If you are intelligent read this book. Confirm the facts. Then make a decision. Please do not vote only on emotions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was full of proven facts - with their sources and I believe it is extremely enlightening for everyone - both sides of the fence. [...] This book illustrates how we cannot, as a Nation, depend on this man to run our country successfully. He has three different roles - an orator, a writer and a legislator and the three are totally separate personalities. This book outlines how many of his proposed ideas will fail as well as his radical associations and how they've continued to influence him today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kris ann
This book obviously will impress many people favorably and many others unfavorably, depending on their political positions. As we've seen already, those of a conservative bent will be impressed favorably, as you can see from the five-star reviews, and liberals will equally be inclined to give it a one-star rating, which we've already seen. In the interest of fair disclosure, I have to admit my own somewhat conservative point of view; however, I'm well to the left of the author, and when he gives examples of Obama's political positions that appall him, I have to admit that on at least three issues (abortion, gun control, and gay rights) I'm closer politically to Obama than to the author's point of view. But those are really not the main criteria to rate Barack Obama on.

Still, the extreme conservative positions of the author do make it imperative to check out the facts brought out in this book, and when I saw the appalling conduct that the author claimed for Obama's first successful attempt at political office, I needed to check this out. I found that not only conservative sites, but sources like CNN, hardly a conservatives' darling, confirmed this story. It seems that one of Obama's political mentors, an African-American woman named Alice Palmer, was an Illinois state senator who decided to run for the Congress when a seat opened up because the incumbent got into a sex scandal, and endorsed Obama to succeed her in the State Senate. Palmer had not reckoned with the fact that Jesse Jackson's son wanted that same seat, and she obviously could not counter the famous name. When she tried to regain her old seat in the Illinois Senate, she found Obama unwilling to stand aside for her; and while he certainly had every right to run against her, the tactics he used to rule her (and two others!) off the ballot were strictly in line with typical Chicago machine tactics (I grew up in a machine-dominated New York, and I recognized them!) What he did to insure that he would have an uncontested race for the Illinois Senate was to make sure that nominating petitions were thrown out on the slightest technicality -- depriving Chicago voters a right to a fair choice in the election.

Episode after episode demonstrates that Freddoso's main thesis, that Obama is a cross between a '60s radical and a Chicago machine politician, is confirmed. And there are copious footnotes that can be followed out to confirm them. (Some liberal reviers' claims that the footnotes are bogus certainly imply that they never even tried to confirm the stories; I have in only a couple of cases, and those give me confidence to trust this book!)

It is amazing, in the light of my memory of 1968, where the Daley machine sent police after the radicals of the day and serious bloodshed ensued, to see a modern-day radical extremist like Barack Obama so thoroughly embracing the machine politics of the son of Richard J. Daley, the current mayor Richard M. Daley, but it is amply confirmed in this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Within a few days we have two best sellers criticizing the candidacy of Barack Obama: "Obama Nation" by Jerome Corsi, and this one. Of the two, Freddoso's book is by far the better.

Unlike Corsi, Freddoso goes out of his way to be fair to his subject. On the all-important question of Obama's twenty-year active membership in Trinity United, Freddoso carefully distinguishes Obama's views from that of the Trinity leadership. Nevertheless, though Obama cannot be held responsible for the racist agitation by his pastor, Freddoso rightfully questions Obama's judgement. There can be no reasonable exculpation of Obama's loyalty, over a period of so many years, to a church of hate.

Freddoso is very good on explaining the roots of Trinity's racist doctrines. Trinity's spiritual father, and the founder of Black Liberation Theology, is James Cone of Union Theological Seminary (which is not, pace Freddoso, part of Columbia University). Anyone who can fall for Cone's rubbish, Freddoso suggests, is not fit to be President. I concur.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kaila bryant
Those who come to David Freddoso's THE CASE AGAINST BARACK OBAMA either have already made up their minds about the political/economic issues related to their distrust of Barack Obama and merely seek confirmation of the same or they are truly undecided about whether to trust him as president. Freddoso's text is not meant to be a dispassionate even-handed account. He clearly shows his vitriol in every chapter. Freddoso's main thrusts fall into two overlapping categories. In the first, he appeals to the emotions of his readers as he dissects Obama the man rather than Obama the senator. Freddoso details Obama's two decade relation with the reverend Jeremiah Wright and bluntly asks us to judge Obama's perception of character as faulty. Ditto for his association with crooked real estater Tony Rezko. This part is less damning than that of the rest of his animus towards Obama. Most people are willing to cut Obama some slack here since the focus is more on Wright and Rezko than on Obama. However, in the second category, logic, Freddoso's case is far more compelling since he roots his claims mostly in areas that are irrefutable: the words of Obama himself and the deeds of Obama as he goes about his daily job as a US senator. And it is precisely here that Freddoso zeroes in on the reasons why John McCain has slowly crept into a polling dead heat with Obama at a time that Obama ought to have a truly monstrous lead. Freddoso describes Obama's economic policies of tax increases as the reason why America has legitimate concern over a candidate who is not shy about his vision of a tax-burdened America. Freddoso scores further points on Obama's relative lack of experience in every facet of public service, and this he warns is not the job for a man when that job demands a short learning curve. McCain, he notes, shines in both areas. Thus as the reader seeks clues about who is this man called Obama, that reader may well want to look inward for those answers in a`manner that fairly judges the competence and judgment of a man who seeks a job that demands both before election day. THE CASE AGAINST BARACK OBAMA is a book that demands the reader judge himself just as much as the subject of that book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joan kilby
A necessary companion to Obama's book, The Audacity of Hope. This book presents chapter and verse on Obama's meteoric rise in the world of Democratic politics. Extensively footnoted, the author backs up every fact. Very readable, very interesting, very contrary to many of the assertions in Obama's book. A must read for anyone considering voting for Obama for president.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brent abell
The book titled The Case against Barack Obama is really enlightning. I researched it and found it to be so true that even Obama could not sue for slander. It opened my eyes about how my vote will be the most important thing I can do this November to keep Obama out of office.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book will never get the mileage or popularity of Corso's, but the evidence presented is irrefutable and so obvious One wonders why so many Obama supporters don't get it. To argue against the premise of this book is natural - it's called partisanship - but to argues with the objective presentation of facts is madness. The author attempts to present evidence and facts absent the usual polemics associated with such a book. I believe he succeeds remarkably. It's objective and should cause real fear among all Americans. The author's personal trepidations come through the attempt to avoid partisanship, but the message is clear: if Americans want backbreaking taxes, unjustified redistribution of their earned wealth, a transfer of controlling authority in the U.S from parties beholden to the people to individuals and organizations determined to destroy it, a weakened military and clueless leadership then the Obama tool is The One. If even half of this country is worth saving in the minds of voters, they had better run from this charlatan and his America-hating Marxist cronies and "mentors" as fast as the voting line will let them. The unwritten message is: There is Serious Danger here to our Democratic Republic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For those who would like to learn more about Obama, this is a great book. He does the research and documents actual events in Obama's career, uses quotes from Obama's own books and interviews, etc. A lot of the people saying this book is full of lies don't give any details of what exactly the lies are, or provide documentation.

The fact is that there have been lies both about Obama and McCain. However, it's hard to say that something is a lie when there is a paper trail that backs it up. The reason this book is credible is that it uses references from the time when Obama wasn't on the national stage - and many of the references come from liberal-leaning journals.

If Obama supporters want to argue against this book by pointing out actual facts that belie the evidence presented, that is one thing. Simply calling the author names or saying the book is full of lies doesn't cut it for me. Many of the facts cited in this book are taken from Obama's own autobiographies and interviews. I have read "the Audacity of Hope" and found some troubling sections. When I pointed these out to a few people who support Obama, they said those were lies. But they were in Obama's own book!

At any rate, this book meets a high criteria for research and so it can't merely be dismissed as a smear.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sue pratt
Before reading this book, I had no idea that Barack Obama had gone to such great lengths to challenge hundreds of signatures on the ballot petition of his Democratic Illinois State Legislative opponent---enough so that she was disqualified and did not run.

The long and the short of that effort was that Illinois voters did not have a choice. I would not think that is the kind of change one ought to be proud of. A genuine one-candidate ballot, in a nominally Democratic nation.

The same might be inferred from Barack Obama's run for the U.S. Senate, in which his Republican opponent was suddenly smeared on a grotesque personal level---with facts that were indeed available to Obama's staff---two weeks before the election. Until that point, the candidates were running neck and neck. After, however, the Republican withdrew from the race, and no one took his place. Obama ran unopposed, once again. For the U.S. Senate.

In other words, Obama's political career has been more or less unvetted by the voters. He is, as he has said himself, a clean slate onto which idealists can project anything they like. And that is a huge problem.

For Obama's slate is apparently not so clean as the general mainstream press would have Americans believe.

Politics is very dirty indeed, but in Chicago Illinois, it is possibly dirtier and more corrupt than in any other U.S. locality. The Democratic machine rules. And Barack Obama is an ingrained part of Mayor Daley's corrupt, wasteful Democratic machine. Committed Chicagoan Democrats and Republicans alike have objected.

David Freddoso's superb, calm, collected, well-documented reporting (he's an above-average Columbia Journalism school graduate) demonstrates just how up-to-his neck in Chicago machine politics Obama has been.

Obama has voted for pork barrel farm subsidies to support ethanol, despite substantive scientific and environmental documentation demonstrating that ethanol production is a wasteful process responsible for driving food prices ever higher, while providing virtually no energy advantage.

Obama campaigned aggressively in favor of public campaign finance----only until it became apparent he could raise more money privately, at which point he disavowed his previous political principal.

Obama sponsored mostly bills authored by other people, a fact that his Chicago machine connections and advisers successfully absconded for him.

Even before reading this book, I had serious doubts about Obama. Now, though, the picture of an empty suit is complete.

And please---do not shout "racist" unless you take the trouble to read the book yourself. The facts have little or nothing to do with the man's skin color.

This book is neither conservative, nor liberal. It is a simple, declarative set of facts, extremely well documented. Those who argue Freddoso created a set of base smears have obviously not taken the trouble to read it. Rather, Freddoso goes to great lengths to invalidate baseless smears, e.g. that Obama was not born in the U.S.

Alas, there are many more substantive problems with this candidate that wise voters will want to examine before pulling the lever on Nov. 4.

There are plenty of facts, however, that clarify the point: About the only thing Obama has in common with Abraham Lincoln is that he moved to Illinois from elsewhere and sought office there.

Obama's record is a vapid landscape of "present" votes, of avoiding controversy, of failing to back genuine educational, financial, political and other change, of failing to eradicate slums, and of failing the poor and working Americans whom Obama professes to support.

Obama is just another wealthy elitist.

Independent, Democratic and Republican American voters---everyone, in short---really cannot afford to cast ballots without reading this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lorena kieser
This was an excellent examination of Obama and his self styled rise to power. He is the atypical politician who says one thing and then does the other. It was insightful, informative and yet not hitting below the belt with alot of partisan politics. I have recommended this book to hundreds of people and will continue to do so.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Osama has not one bit of leadership ability. His only claim to fame is his ghost written biographies, and his two years in the US Senate where he voted via PRESENT????? He would not qualify for Dog Catcher in most states.

The book is an easy read, and fun too!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lars hartmann
This audio book was very interesting and revealing. We had to listen twice and still didn't catch everything we should have. Too bad the main-stream media doesn't report on half of the facts presented in this book. If more people were aware of Obama's dealings, I'm sure we wouldn't be worried about the possibility of having a Muslem lead our great Christian nation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rachel weiner
"The Case Against Barack Obama" provides a well-documented political life account about a man that few people know very well. The book opens more questions and concerns about Senator Obama, and more answers are needed to piece together all of the mysteries related to the Senator's political rise. The book is well researched and interesting to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah noyes
This book explores and analyzes a simple premise (quoting from the first lines of the book): "[Barack] Obama is a mere man, worse than that... he is a politician."

The interesting thing about this whole election is that we can see clearly that anybody can be President. The long campaign and the intense media scrutiny which seems to operate like a form of x-ray, ultrasound, MRI, NMRI, tells us clearly that our candidates are no better than ourselves. If we are not happy with that then we have no one to blame but ourselves.

There are five substantive conclusions about Barack Obama in this book:

1. Barack Obama is nobody special,
2. Barack Obama has not made use of his opportunities,
3. Barack Obama has never reformed anything,
4. Barack Obama has never done anything but spend or give away other
people's money, and
5. Barack Obama never accomplished anything for his constituents.

In many ways, this book is better written than the complementary Corsi book. Based on developing events, it is also clear that news and talk commentators are building their case against Obama based in large part on the content of Freddoso's reporting in this book. It also appears the commentators are willing to rely on what Freddoso has reported. At the same time, they are staying away from the present raft of electrical storms arising from almost any references to the Corsi book. In time, however, these two books will be seen as additive and interacting.


Based on the big picture situation, readers should have a copy of both Freddoso's book and Corsi's book on hand to refer to each day as events evolve toward election day. Because each chapter in Freddoso's book stands alone, it makes most sense to read Freddoso on a selective, chapter by chapter basis -- i.e. by skipping around according to either the daily election events, or based on a ranking of the chapters, according to the reader's priorities. The same approach will not work for the Corsi book, which has to be read cover to cover and then carefully reflected on in light of happening events.


The book is organized into 11 chapters. It is about 69,000 words, averaging about 6300 words per chapter.

The book is easy to read and well written. The quintessential chapters are Chapter 4, The Obamessiah, and Chapter 10, Abortion: Barack Obama's America. Once you comprehend these two chapters, you have the thrust of the book and all the rest is secondary unless elevated by news events.


This chapter raises the interesting question of how there is so much support for Obama which has nothing to do with matters of substance or real issues. The chapter considers in detail a long list of the more rabid statements made by Obama supporters.

The point that the chapter makes is that a large amount of Obama's support is from voters who are not thinking critically about the election, but are enveloped in the "cult of personality" identified and analyzed separately by Jerome Corsi.

Mr. Freddoso does not dramatize the cult of personality, but he sees it as a more or less comical situation. He sites many quotes from Obama supporters that are laughably close to the language usually reserved for Muhammad, Christ and other religious icons. I have to admit that I found the chapter outrageously funny. It is really hard to believe that thinking human beings could invest so much in a simple politician.

On the more serious side, the chapter also highlights the hate speech and personal threats that Obama supporters heap on anyone who is seen to be critical of Obama. The chapter gives numerous examples of the kinds of ugly name-calling and personal assaults that are common, even on this website (the store), for the reviews and comments of persons who are not supportive of Obama for some reason or another.

Chapter 4 is a pivotal chapter in the book because it raises the issue of the cult of personality. Since I have taken positions adverse to Obama, I have first-hand experience with the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. The abuse that Obama supporters heap on their opponents is truly a phenomenon not seen in recent years of American politics. A reasonable person is left to wonder -- where does such hatred and anger come from? Far from being a candidacy of "hope," it appears the Obama candidacy is fast becoming the candidacy of "hate." This chapter raises, but does not answer the question. However, the chapter seems prescient in the revelation of the seeds of hate that are now flowering into a bitter, reactive and increasingly unattractive campaign.


After the Saddleback interviews, it was shocking to find Obama actually and simply lied on national television to his religious fundamentalist audience when he said he had no position on the viability and human rights of an unborn child.

Chapter 10 of this book makes it unequivocally clear that Obama believes that viability is not established until the woman decides -- all the way up to the last instant of a full-term live birth. It is clearly a radical and extreme opinion that allows for partial-birth abortion right up to the last moment before complete birth. A breech-induced abortion would be possible up to the moment the child's head leaves the birth canal and the baby draws a first breath -- incredible really.

In light of the original Roe v. Wade opinion, this position goes well beyond the first trimester. There is no debate, based on the reports in Chapter 10, as to what Obama's constitutional interpretation is. He makes a clear statement in the Illinois Legislature that he believes the woman's right to choose ALWAYS supersedes the equal protection clause of the Constitution. This in effect cedes the question of a baby's rights to the mother at all times.

Chapter 10 is the essential basis for all the current TV coverage and opinion against Obama's weak performance on the abortion issue at the Saddleback conference. Freddoso clearly does a good job of impartially describing and explaining this whole situation.

Reflection on this situation suggests rather strongly that Jerome Corsi is correct when he labels Obama as a Marxist and a practitioner of the art of Machiavellianism.


In Chapter 7, Freddoso summarizes the recent radical connections of Barack Obama. This chapter does not do what Corsi does very well by developing Obama's early intellectual interests and associations. The one exception is a section that tells of the influence on Obama of the noted Communist Frank Parker Davis during Obama's formative years in Hawaii.

The overall focus of the chapter is generally a run-of-the-mill account of the connection to Bill Ayers, as well as a token references to Bernadette Dohrn, Alice Palmer and Jerry Kellman (a student to Saul Alinsky).

The most useful and most interesting feature of the chapter is the time and care taken by Freddoso to develop the remarkable parallels between Obama's campaign statements and the teachings of Saul Alinsky, as recorded in his radical guidebook: Rules for Radicals.

Most people are aware of Obama's comment about the working class in Pennsylvania, "clinging to their guns and religion," etc. What is really surprising is that virtually all of what Obama said that night is a paraphrasing of a passage in Rules of Radicals, which Alinsky published in 1971. It is truly incredible how in 2008 (a full 37 years after Alinsky published Rules for Radicals), Obama, a serious Presidential candidate running on a platform of post-racial unity, has nothing better to say about working class Pennsylvanians than to repeat a hackneyed stereotype recoded by a failed Communist "organizer."

We only have to read Rules for Radicals to see that the statements of Obama come from an organizing formula of "radical condescension." Alinsky advocated that "class hatred," which had worked so well in Europe in fomenting Communist uprisings in societies with more distinctive class differences, be replaced with an Americanized formula for creating class dissatisfaction.

Listen to this from Rules for Radicals:

"Seeking some meaning in life, they turn to an extreme chauvinism and become defenders of the 'American faith'... Insecure in this fast-changing world, they cling to illusory fixed points....The 'silent majority,' now, are hurt, bitter, suspicious, feeling rejected and at bay...."

What kind of man speaks about millions of people based on a 37-year-old stereotype that is not true, was never true and never will be true. It shows an incredible lack of life experience and a pea wit.

Worth noting is that, in this chapter, Freddoso makes an odd, out-of-the-blue declaration that Obama is not a Communist. On the basis of a separate substantive analysis, I disagree strongly -- Obama is in substance and process a Communist by construction. It only makes sense that Freddoso simply felt a need to back off the impression he was creating in the text, to avoid later criticism for picking a fight he clearly wants to avoid. He had just gotten done after all, explaining the deep and significant connections between Obama and a list of committed Communists: Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dohrn, Frank Parker Davis, Saul Alinsky and Jerry Kellman.


This book is not as complete and not as hair-raising as the Corsi book. If you have already read and studied the Corsi book (as distinguished from not reading it and SPAMMING it), the chapters of this book are a light rehash of many issues for you. This seems to explain why the SPAM machine has not overrun the Freddoso reviews... YET.

If you have not yet read Corsi, then read this book first. It gives a good context for the on-going examination of Obama. The approach will save you some angst when you slog through the dense and sometimes cryptic writing of Dr. Corsi.


Aside from the crucial chapters above rest of the book Chronicles Obama's continuous radical associations and it deals in detail with the claims that Obama has never accomplished anything really significant. IT also shows ow Obama has been elected and how he has paid his way to the nomination. It does discuss a few of Obama's earmarks, but it only focuses on a few instance while it overlooks most of the nearly $750 million in earmarks requested by Obama in his very short Senate career.

Another thing missing from this book as well as the Corsi book is a realistic profile of the purely Marxist/Communist economic agenda of the Obama Campaign. As each day goes by new economic news generates nothing from the Obama campaign but a renewed call for more taxes, more regulation and enhanced Government powers --explicitly in the hands of Obama. When faced with economic questions the candidate comes across as Big Mama Obama -- personally in charge of everything in the economy. That is not Presidential -- but it is stupid and frightening.


I rate this book a five because I have studied it adequately and believe the two key chapters win the needed accolades to justify the rank. This book is better than, the Corsi book. However, it will never be as controversial because the author's claims are not as vividly and confidently psychoanalytical and introspective.

Speaking of the author, Mr. David Freddoso is a staff reporter for National Review Online. We all know National Review is the Bill Buckley Magazine and we know it is a fair (but unapologetically conservative) bi-weekly magazine edited by Rich Lowry, who often appears on MSNBC -- so he is at least passable to the Obama leftist lèche-bottes on the sagging channel craven for ratings and a stock price bounce for Immelt's loser at GE -- which to its credit has put Mathews and Olberman in their places. I still don't know why they just don't outright fire the both of them. It is impossible to believe anyone watches the sickeningly biased programs. Only Bill Maher surpasses Olberman for the inane and ignorant.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
girl from mumbai
This book is well written. It is something all those who voted should have read. It shows how little we know about the now President Elect. I think all all voters should read books on all candidates to be better informed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Freddoso's book contains what every American voter should know before punching the stylus in November: Obama's ultra lib, anti-reform, pal of the Illinois political machine voting record, his pay for play misappropriations of taxpayer money, his admiration for anti-American left-wing extremists, his lies and misleading statements, his vast inexperience. The book is well-researched and footnoted. Anyone who reads it, who's not completely drunk on the kool-aide of liberalism, will not want to vote for Obama.

The problem is, MILLIONS of voters are drunk out of their minds on the liberal kool-aide. I have many friends in that category, but I doubt I can convince them to read this book. Maybe the store should bundle this book as a two-for with one of Obama's memoirs, as an antidote.

The author shows excellent knowledge of Chicago and Illinois politics and must have good contacts in that arena. I'd love to see him write an expose of what goes on downtown & in Springfield. How can Illinois voters get rid of corrupt, incompetent politicians like Todd Stroger (pres of Cook Co. (Chicago) board, whose blatant cronyism Obama failed to oppose) and Rod Blagoyavich (current governor) when there's no viable candidate to oppose them? We're stuck.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent examination of the political journey of Barrack Hussein Obama. After reading this insightful novel, one will know the case has been made that this inexperienced, far-left, socialist politician is not ready, not tested to be President of the United States. [...]The Case Against Barrack Obama is an excellent read and I highly recommend it!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nastja belkov
This book was an interesting read. The author is clearly biased against Obama but seems to have tried to avoid the worst excesses of accusation. Still, it took some work to parse the content for real points. And he was guilty of selective editing in some cases. For instance, he mentioned a time when Clinton criticized Obama during one of the Primary debates for voting against a bill that would have limited credit card interest to 30%, even though he has publicly called this out as a problem. The author claimed that Obama's response was to object to being questioned about such things, as if she was being racist or something. Fortunately, I saw that very debate and that was certainly not Obama's answer. [...]

So if he clearly misrepresented something that is so easily verifiable on YouTube, I have to seriously wonder about the charges that are more difficult to verify.

His charges were also contradictory. He variously stated that Obama never rocked the boat, then gave examples of how he did, and said he never voted against the Chicago machine, then gave examples of when he did, and said that he never took risks to stand on principle, then pointed out that Obama took a great risk in not immediately denouncing his pastor.

Some of his charges were that Obama did not explicitly take action in certain cases. He did not speak up on certain issues when his voice might have made a difference. Saying he is guilty of inaction is very different from saying he is guilty of inappropriate action. There can be many and varied reasons for not acting, especially when your domain has changed from the local stage to the national.

A tremendous portion of the book was spent explaining all of the terrible things other people did. If the main accusation against a politician is guilt be association, then I am pretty happy actually. I don't think you can be a politician in a major city without having some associates who are suspect. According to the author, this is especially true in Chicago. These accusations of Obama's guilt are pretty tenuous, as proven by the fact that virtually nothing has been made of these charges in the campaign.

The author also had tendency to talk about Obama positions with which he disagreed as if they were either mistakes of Obama or empirically incorrect. For instance, he mentions Obama's "gaffe" when he said that he would meet with leaders of enemy countries without preconditions. To me, this is one of the things I like about Obama and even Bush appears to finally be moving in this direction. The author tried to assert that Obama was backtracking by trying to say that he would have preparations but not preconditions. The author tried to make the point that the two words are being used to mean essentially the same thing. But this is clearly untrue. As Obama has said repeatedly, he considers preconditions to be requirements that the other nation make changes before negotiations can begin (stop enriching uranium) whereas preparations would entail starting with lower level diplomacy to make sure there is at least the potential for agreement (make sure they are open to the idea of stopping enrichment should we reach an agreement). I agree with Obama's position and the distinction he makes. The author acts as if this was clearly a mistake on Obama's part and he is simply not willing to admit the mistake.

I am glad I read the book. It is always good to know the worst that is being said by a biased opponent who is still attempting a degree of fairness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie a
Freddoso is a professional journalist who documents and sources Obama's record. If the public finds out what is in this book, the man doesn't have a prayer of being elected. Do not listen to people who have not read this book and are shooting it down because they're partisans. Get it and read it.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
maryam hany
I was disappointed in this book. It has good references for the research that has been done by the author, but it was not excatly what I thought it would be about. But I would recommend it to any one who would like to have more insite about Barack Obama's background and experiences that have lead him to believe he could be the next President of the United States.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have always had reservations about Obama from the very beginning. How could someone so unknown, so quickly rise to the position of running for President of the United States. This, within itself, raised great question. This is a book EVERYONE should read if you are truly concerned and interested in your safety and welfare for yourself and this country.
You be the judge but I think it is unquestionable what this man's motive is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arvind passey
the case agsinst obama.

The book allows you to look at both sides of a candidate. The media did not give you information that voters should have to make an informed decision. It was very Bias in their coverage. They held back much information about the candidate. they performed as if they were part of his campaign staff.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
umar rana
If you ever had any doubts about the glib deviousness and empty rhetoric of Barack Obama, elaborations on these meticulously researched and documented items in this book should convince you he's the most dangerous candidate ever to run for the presidency in the history of America:

- How Obama won his first election (to the Illinois State Senate) by having his lawyers knock all his opponents -- including the black, female incumbent -- off the ballot on technicalities, so he could run unopposed.

- How Obama voted to deny medical care to babies born alive after abortion -- a bill too extreme even for Nancy Pelosi (Freddoso has an exclusive interview with the nurse central to the case).

- A story Obama would like to stay buried in Chicago: How he used his clout as a U.S. Senator to save the corrupt Cook County Political Machine when reformers of both parties tried to challenge the entrenched political bosses.

- How Obama's wife Michele's salary nearly tripled in 2005 -- the same year he was sworn in to the U.S. Senate and began earmarking funds for her employer.

- How Obama's friendship with the hate-spewing Reverend Jeremiah Wright was no accident -- but a carefully thought out personal and political decision.

- Why Obama thought his association with '60s-era terror-bomber Bill Ayers wouldn't matter -- an exposé of the insular radical chic of Chicago's Hyde Park politics.

- How state Senator Obama was paid more than $100,000 for legal work -- then helped his client's company get $320,000 in taxpayer grants.

- How, at a time when he says he was short of work and short of cash, Obama obtained $112,000, plus campaign contributions, from someone he later made into a government grantee through his public office.

- Inside Obama's 17-year relationship and irregular land deal with developer Tony Rezko, whose livelihood depended on sapping the taxpayer for subsidies.

- "I've never done any favors for him," says Obama about Rezko. But he has -- lots of them, as Freddoso shows.

- Why Rezko's conviction for corrupting public officials might become the Whitewater scandal of Obama's campaign.

- How Obama speaks of the days when his family was making $240,000 per year as if he had been suffering poverty -- while, just last March, he voted to raise your taxes if you make over $32,500 per year.

- The Chicago Machine politician who "made a U.S. senator" out of Obama by giving him plum committee assignments and high-profile legislation in its late stages (often removing the original sponsors), and helping him spread money around through earmarks and "targeted" grants.

- How Obama avoided taking unpopular stands in the state Senate by voting "present" about 130 times -- or simply by absenting himself from tough votes altogether.

- Obama's little-known vow to Planned Parenthood in July 2007 -- and why it would mean the end of every state, federal, and local regulation of abortion, and the end of all restrictions on government abortion funding.

- A "new politics?" How, in less than four years as a U.S. senator, Obama has voted for some of the worst special-interest legislation to move through the chamber.

- How Obama opposes school choice through vouchers or tax credits -- while sending his own children to an elite private school.

- How Obama wants -- and has voted -- to abolish secret-ballot elections in the workplace when employees determine whether to unionize, allowing unions to intimidate and harass workers who don't support them.

- Why Obama's foreign policy would take its cues from Jimmy Carter's.

- "Post-partisan?" Why the respected National Journal named Obama the most liberal member of the United States Senate in 2007 -- beating out Barbara Boxer, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton...and the previous title-holder, John Kerry.

Beg, borrow or buy this book, absorb the shameful details on those points and you'll know all you need to know about this slick, glib fraud.

And that will be that he and his bitter wife are the last people on earth you'd want occupying the White House.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
[...] I truly believe that if the American public had the information in this book that Obama would not have a chance of becoming our next commander in chief. I have always felt very wary of Obama, but only had the common excuses of inexperience, etc. to back it up. After reading this book, I not only have the information to back up my concerns, but they have grown ten fold.

One of the most telling quotes from Obama is in the chapter on his views on abortion. He states that Christian right are intolerant, narrow-minded and have hijacked the higher moral ground with a language of family values and moral responsibility. i would say that it extremely out of touch with the viewpoints of most Americans that still believe in family values and moral goodness. This man should not be our next president.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The book is an eminently truthful, fair and well-documented presentation of facts about Barack Obama. I was never a fan of his, and this book provided adequate justification to remain so. I cannot see how so many people see him as a savior.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cinnamon williams
Freddoso has proven himself to be one of America's finest journalists through this exceptionally well researched and written work. Each claim in the book is substantiated with detailed citations and minimal personal opinion. Not only is the information vital toward making an educated decision at the polls in November, but also toward understanding the broader currents running through politics today. Thank you for providing America with a true portrait of a man who could cause great damage to our nation. A must read for every voter!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
n l hoffmann
Go ahead, trash the political theory behind the book. Scream about the premise and conclusions. Call it racist on no other basis than the skin color of the man in question. When the roar has quieted we are left with what is a very well researched book filled with facts that can't easily be disputed. If you want to attack a book for being thin in the research department - look at Corsi's book. This one can't be touched.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gg girl
This book is an excellent read. Well written, fully documented and something interesting on every page. This America hating man is unfit to be president. He and his America hating wife should not be allowed anywhere near the instruments of power.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine kennedy
It's perfectly understandable why Obama supporters would loathe this book.
On the other hand for those of you still wondering who is this guy that dropped out of nowhere and became the media darling and hero among the Hollywood elite this book is for you.
Freddoso did his homework. He extensively covers how Obama positions himself based on his own self-serving means. Also covered are his over zealot supporters that if in any other setting, say religion, would be labeled by the media as dangerously singled minded.
What you'll get from this book is a portrait of a person who is inflexibly attached to socialist theory.
That can't be disputed with his announcement of his windfall profit
idea. I guess he wants the final decision on what a sudden gain or advantage is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeanne covert
Every person interested in the future of the United States should be required to read this important book. Especially all those qualified to vote in November. Buy it, borrow it, read it. Believe it!
Willis Page
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Outstanding expose of the ultimate political opportunist. Here is a man who makes Jimmy Carter look downright conservative. From his ultra-liberal views to his multitude of shady associates, this book gives a glimpse of the man behind the messiah mask.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Expected it to start before 1996 when Obama started running for office. The book gives good fair background on Obama. I don't fear him turning into Hugo Chavez as much as I did before reading this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
boon hong
The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate

I bought for me and one for my son's dorm. It is a great eye opening book. Everyone who is even thinking of voting for this man for President really needs to read this to be educated on Obama. Very scary.
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