And Other Deadly Magic (Dowser Series Book 1)

ByMeghan Ciana Doidge

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was first introduced to this book through Bookbub, alerting me that this was a free download. I was attracted to the front cover (I mean who doesn't like yummy looking cupcakes?) and was further intrigued by the title. I read a few of the reviews and decided to give the book a try, I didn't even realize that this was the beginning of a series. Needless to say, I was hooked before I was even a chapter in. Meghan Ciana Doidge, seems to include things in her novels that she is passionate about, it bleeds out through her writing. She has built a great cast of characters and seems to expertly allow us, as readers, to know them slowly, little by little. The story line pulled me in and keeps me wanting more, which is what I hope for with every book that I read. Creative, imaginative and fun, with a slightly different twist on the paranormal. Refreshing. Great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leslie metsch
​I just finished Cupcakes, Trinkets and Deadly Magic. Paranormal with vampires, werewolves and zombies. Now I don't usually read about any of those three, in fact, I almost dropped out on the second page when the vampire showed up. But I'm sure glad I didn't. The monsters were scary not twee. The writing was excellent, the story compelling and the characters were engaging.

All in all, and excellent read, even for someone who doesn't ordinarily read in that genre.​
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shannon mcmullen
I don’t normally read vampire/werewolf stories, but thought I’d give this a try since I got it Free through Bookbub. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The humor was funny and witty, the characters well-written and the plot was intriguing (not to mention the food descriptions so yummy I ended up craving cupcakes). It’s both Dark and Light-hearted at the same time. Granted it got kind of gory towards the end, but not too bad, and it was needed for the storyline. I’ve already bought the next in the series.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bharti bhagat
Vampires, witches, wolves and cupcakes, does it get any better. Usually I don't get involves with stories of fantasy with names you can't pronounce,but this work of fiction (?) hooked me right from the beginning. Yes, you can pronounce the names in this book, and it's told in a believable way, so much so that it,s continued in a series. I'm glad because I don't want it to end yet. Definitely going to follow up with the "teaser" sample they nicely put at the end of this story. I HAVE to see what happens next.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kristine bruneau
Although I did read the entire book the theme was too dark for me. Dark Magic is beyond my comfortable scope. I did like everyone except the "Dark ones"-I don't want to spoil the storyline and the author does write well. The vampire and werewolves weren't the "Dark ones" in this book-they like the lead character were "good". Reading the book was like watching several "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" with Sarah Michelle Geller-you take the good with the awful. Point is the awful isn't for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nathaniel dean
I enjoyed this book very much. I had no expectations going into this book, but it would have blown any I had out of the water. I liked the bakery setting. I'm a sucker for books that have some kind of culinary theme. I wish the paperbacks weren't so expensive because this is one series I'd love to have on my shelf. I've already bought the second book, and I look forward to reading it soon.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
abdulrhman mubarki
That still managed to keep me reading until I could no longer keep an eye open. I was surprised at how quickly things went crazy but not surprised entirely at the ending. I enjoyed it well enough and have enough questions to seek out the other volumes which is actually quite rare for me. I don't often start a series and it's usually accidental because I didn't realize it was part of one, such as in this case. I picked it up as a freebie, and randomly chose to read it when I had a few minutes to read. Tha
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
roger deblanck
I found this book cute and whimsical. Maybe that's because I have a weird definition of cute, or maybe it's because I'm as obsessed with cupcakes in real life as the heroine of this book is!

I wish some of the side-plots were move developed and explained, but I truly loved the story!
I binge-read it in less than 48 hours on my Kindle!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
richard coles
Well what a fun little supernatural romp that was. It took me a couple of attempts to get into but I really enjoyed it once I did.

It starts out with our witchy heroine Jade as she is stalked by a vampire at her bakery. She knows straight away it's not a cupcake he is after and she really doesn't want to become his dinner. The supernatural's or adept as they are referred to in this book, don't generally mix but on a night out with her sister, she lets loose and tries to enjoy herself even though she is worried.

After a very up close and personal introduction to the vampire Jade realizes all is not that it seems and when dead werewolves start showing she knows she is in more trouble then she could ever have imagined.

This was a good old who done it but with a supernatural twist. I figured out who did it way before Jade did but instead of it being annoying it kept me hooked. It was like a car crash you couldn't look away from. Or watching a film where you know the killer is in the house and you shout at the tv to warn the happy wholesome teacher not to go in there as she is about to be murdered by the psycho behind the bathroom door.

With witches, vampires, shifters, spells and potions this book is fast paced fun with lots of cupcake sugar on top.

I give this 7 out of 10 Very good, would definitely recommend a long soak with this one.

Review By Brienne Dubh @ Escapology Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Between the magic, heavenly cupcakes, great characters and humor, it is a great story. I loved how the storyline played out. The characters were an array of different beings. Yet they worked well with each other. I loved the banter between the witches, the werewolves and the vampire. Jade is a great lead. I loved her sense of humor and her love of chocolate. I look forward to reading the next book in this series. A good add to your tbr list.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
beth cavanaugh
So I basically devored this book, it's been siting in my bookshelf for a long time and when I didn't have Access to internet I decided to give it a shot. Boy am I glad I did the romance though small was nice the suspense was fun and though I hAd it narrowed down between two suspects midway though the book it was still a really good read. One piece of advice? Don't read when hungry god I would kill for some cupcakes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm usually not a fan of werewolves, vampires and other mystical being. In this case I'll make an exception - if you don't take then too seriously and make fun, I'm game. It's an easy read, and it's not pretentious. 4 Stars because I am somewhat tired to have a female protagonist who is missing 1/2 an ounce of brain. While it is obvious from about mid book which way the wind blows, our heroine is still walking in the dark.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
juanmi grau
I enjoyed this quick free read. Like many horror/fantasy novels it has a younger character that starts to learn about the magical world they are in & the creatures around them. The world building was interesting and I enjoyed the main character. My only complaint is that it was pretty obvious around 30% into the book who the mysterious foe was.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary bourgeois
A clever story line and quirky characters made this a fun read. The author did a fine job weaving the main character's love of baking into her super natural adventures, giving the book a nice unique twist in a somewhat crowded genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan sonnen
This series definitely grabbed me - yes, it is witches, werewolves, and vampires, which has been done to death (so to speak...), but the story was fresh and the characters were compelling. I got the first book for free and gladly bought the other two (and am eagerly awaiting the next!). I have found so many free books to be poorly edited, poorly developed, full of typos but I was pleasantly surprised to find this book didn't fall into those traps. Also, while it is part of a series, the books do stand alone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Really liked this one! Great story, lots of humor, and a whole lot of cupcakes! Definitely a fun and fast read! Also, going to have to get the recipe book. I need some of those cupcakes in my life. At least occasionally.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sabrena edwards
I enjoyed this book although it made me hungry most of the time. The ineractions between the adept was quite entertaining. I was a little put out to not find out what her other half was but there are other books coming so I can wait.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
While not outstanding, this was still a fun read, enticing you into the cupcake world, the witch world, and the shapeshifter world. It had a very predictable ending, with somewhat of a let-down for closure, but overall, I enjoyed enough that I'd like to follow the bit of romance and fantasy into the next book of the series and see where it leads. I recommend it for anyone looking for a very light read, a little "maybe, maybe not romance," and some supernatural fantasy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rosy mccloskey
Really liked this one! Great story, lots of humor, and a whole lot of cupcakes! Definitely a fun and fast read! Also, going to have to get the recipe book. I need some of those cupcakes in my life. At least occasionally.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kevin buckley
I enjoyed this book although it made me hungry most of the time. The ineractions between the adept was quite entertaining. I was a little put out to not find out what her other half was but there are other books coming so I can wait.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lisa roberts
While not outstanding, this was still a fun read, enticing you into the cupcake world, the witch world, and the shapeshifter world. It had a very predictable ending, with somewhat of a let-down for closure, but overall, I enjoyed enough that I'd like to follow the bit of romance and fantasy into the next book of the series and see where it leads. I recommend it for anyone looking for a very light read, a little "maybe, maybe not romance," and some supernatural fantasy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book for halloween season. This was the first of this type of reading for me and it was okay. It is adult reading. I am a senior citizen and I'd knew about interest by young people in this genre. Glad I read it but I probably won't pursue more of this type of reading. Though I think the author writes well. I was still able to figure out who done it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I stayed up all night reading this book. This story grabs you and takes you on a journey. Forget the cupcakes, this is magic, vampires, werewolves, danger and mystery! All surrounding a girl who has no idea of her power!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
atef zaher
With paranormal fantasy writing so popular, it is refreshing to read something a bit different. This story does not require that you unlearn what you "know" about witches, werewolfs, vampires and the like, but there are some interesting plot devices woven throughout. The twists and surprises are simply good story telling, unrelated to the paranormal. I look forward to reading anything from this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kate squires
This one really was a pleasant surprise! When I first read the description from Book Bub, I thought it might be another formulaic entry in a crowded genre, but I was very pleased to find a well-imagined world, a new take on magic, a great cast of characters and a well-plotted story. Be warned, after reading this first in series book, you'll be compelled to read the next two books in the series - and you'll enjoy every minute of it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It was a good read but I expected something more. It was a bit annoying that the reader clearly knew who the perpetrator was before Jade did. If your trinkets end up at the crime scenes multiple times, how can you not ask the person who “sells” them for you, who they’re selling them to?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
britt graves
Jade manages to seem normal with a little magic thrown in until it is only her magic that can stop the killing and bloodshed. She has always known she was half witch but now she is being told that there is magic from her father's side that she has been shielded from that knowledge. Fast moving enjoyable story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carol gross
I am losing precious time to this series which is highly readable and captures your imagination. By the time I finish all 5 books I will be seriously sleep deprived and asleep at my work desk. Nothing profound here, just entertainment. No complaints. Recommended for female protagonist fantasy lovers. The author knows how to weave a good story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremy lao
This first book of Msg Doidge was quite the surprise. I enjoyed the well woven story intertwined with t he varied supernatural beings. Realistic and a very good read. Looking forward to Book 2 of this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cheryl l
Witty humorous dialogue between the witches, werewolves and vampires. Moral of this story is that the bad black magic can not get the good white magic/witch down. I was surprised to see who the bad person was that stole the other's magic and killed some of the werewolves. I don't want to give spoilers, get the tissues ready, you are going to need it...I am looking forward to reading the next books in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura mccarthy
Even though mysteries are my favorite reading and I also like light comedy reading, I sometimes read a book like this. I will say this one kept me reading until the end, even though I was "fairly" sure who was the sinister person. Would I read it again, probably not, but only because I rarely read a book twice, due to the fact that after a few pages, it all comes back and to me reading is an adventure to try and figure out and enjoy, no repeat.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Really. Learn a word that isn’t Flicked.
The protagonist’s inner dialogue is obviously the author’s attempt to insert their own “wit,” and I really don’t need a map of Vancouver read to me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sometimes, an author takes you to place that doesn't ripple with overwritten. This book flows from the first word. Smooth as good chocolate. Thanks for telling an absorbing story. Absolutely loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katherine pillai
I really enjoyed this book. Meghan has become one of my favorite authors based on this book -- I am able to read it and I never found myself drifting or loosing my attention during the read, which is a feat since I'm pretty ADD. Since I've read all four of her books, plus the Oracle, I am not going to get into details, since I don't want to drop any spoilers.
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