And the UN Are Subverting America - How Elites from Hollywood

ByLaura Ingraham

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Laura Ingraham is so right about giving the Hollywood crowd a platform just because they happen to be famous entertainers. It's not like a major political party would let some actor get up and rant in a prime time slot billed as a special event! Please people, just look at the title and follow the command!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Laura Ingraham, you rock!

Shut up & Sing is an excellent book. I had a hard time putting it down. Ingraham does some of the best research out there. Elitists have to hate this book, because it completely exposes them and their agenda.

Elites can't stand this country, but they love the United Nations. They love the big cities and despise the fly-over parts of America. They're all for tolerance, except when it comes to the N.R.A., Capitalism, the South, Christianity, or the red states.

There is simply no denying the facts in this book. Liberals and Elitists tell us that the Declaration of Independence is not part of the law in the Constitution - meaning the mention of Creator does not mean the founding fathers supported any kind religious overtones when they founded our nation. But a letter written by Thomas Jefferson implying that the government should have separation of church and states somehow qualifies as one of the amendments.

Laura has a great sense of humor, and some of the quotes from Hollywood heroes are a blast to read.

"Has everyone lost their ------- minds?...I don't like Bush. I don't trust him. He's stupid; he's lazy." Cher October 2000

"Have we gone to war yet? We ------- deserve to get bombed. Bring it on....I hope the Muslims win." Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders during a San Francisco concert, March 2003.

Or the best yet:

"I think war is based in greed and there are huge karmic retributions that will follow. I think that war is never the answer to solving any problems. The best way to solve a problem is not to have enemies." Sheryl Crow

This book is a MUST-READ!

Don't even hesitate. Buy it now. You won't be sorry. It is worth every penny. Laura Ingraham is an American hero!

See ya next review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Shut Up and Sing by Laura Ingraham is an insightful look into not only the liberal elite but how conservatives view them. Ingraham's book is similar to Ann Coulter's Slander and Women Who Make the World Worse by Kate O'Beirne, but better in that she explains things with so much more detail. It does seem that the same stories about unhinged liberals seem to circulate from book to book. I've read the same crazy stories in all three of these books, plus a few that were in Michael Savage's The Enemy Within. I would have to place this book near the top of the heap of this kind of writing. Ingraham doesn't engage in name-calling and backs up her writing with lots of source material. Her voice in writing is straight-forward without the histrionics that make up so much conservative writing. My one complaint is that she seems to see Communism everywhere. Maybe I'm naive, but I thought that The Red Scare was over. Not according to Ingraham, and she doesn't come off as a quack, she's got the sources to back herself up. Scary reading.
How Americans Are Seduced by War - The New American Militarism :: Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild :: True Stories of the Heroes and Villains Who Made America :: Why the New World Disorder Constantly Surprises Us And What We Can Do About It :: Frozen Big Golden Book (Disney Frozen)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle edwards
Why is it that liberals can never argue on point; they must always resort to attacking the messenger. Shut Up & Sing should be an eye-opener to those mesmerized by network news and the thousands of movies and so-called documentaries with hidden leftist messages in them (and some not so subtle that are constantly portraying the military or rich capitalists as the bad guys). After reading this book you feel like running for Congress so you can set up another House on UnAmerican Activities Committee to investigate the blatant treason we see coming from the east and left coasts. Arrogant elitists who think the 'average' American is stupid are dutifullly exposed here as the prejudiced and hypocritical bullies they are. I love her humorous view of these dimwits and her intelligent analyses of their attempts to pull the wool over the eyes of the masses. Ann Coulter said "they are willing to insult the intelligence of 49% of the people if they think they can fool 51% of the people". Laura's Shut Up & Sing is all about the insulting and the fooling. You will love it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
In another of my review, I commented that in politically divisive books, like this, a one star review is just as much a testament to the effectiveness book as a five star one is. If the book failed, it would only get a three star review, because it failed to either energize the author's allies or enrage the author's antagonists. I can tell from some of the comments that some conservaphobic foes were enraged just because she's conservative and wrote a book, and wrote their review before looking at a page of her book. But to me, it did not do anything.

I agree with her point about their being elites. One mark in her favor is her definition of the term to apply to an attitude and mindset, not a political party or political philosophy. My unenthusiastic review is not because I disagree with Ingraham. Neither is it due to not liking her; au contraire, she is my favorite radio talk show host.

Let me compare this book to other books I've read. Unlike "Culture Warrior" by Bill O'Reilly or "Enough" by Juan Williams (a book, by the way, I read after hearing Williams on Ingraham's program), Ingraham does not give a solution to the problem. Unlike "Persecution" by David Limbaugh or "Slander" by Ann Coulter, it does not strike me as a useful reference book.

There are many excellent non-fiction articles/pamphlets that are released as books. This is an example. She is right on her target, but that doesn't mean she needed to write that book. I doubt it convinced anybody who didn't already agree with her, nor did it tell me anything I really needed to know.

One last comment, which comes from my Christian world-view. My impression is she as impressed with the elites as they are with her. This does not impress me. Just my comment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Laura Ingraham provides a much needed balance against the extreme left views of Hollywood, the news media and international politics at large. Don't be put off by other reviewers who call her a right-wing nut. Just listen to her radio program and read her book. You'll see that she is as objective as a person can be and above all, she is right. Give this book a try.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suzanne t
I just read the Publisher's Weekly review above and methinks they protest too much. But of course, they cater to the publishing industry, so why am I surprised? For example, they take exception to the fact that Sarandon is considered a liberal elite, while Schwarznegger is not. The difference between the two is clearly evident: Arnold has chosen to actively DO something for society by serving in office, while that blubberhead Sarandon sits in her westside condo and COMPLAINS about it.

Laura is an articulate writer who makes strong cases without lapsing into lawyer-speak. Great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Political commentator and radio talk-show host Laura Ingraham decries self-styled "elite" groups who believe themselves superior to those with traditional American values. She singles out mainstream media, academic intellectuals, and showbiz celebrities as well as the United Nations and antireligious and pro-immigration supporters. This is an interesting book and an easy read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mary crouch
For those content to substitute name calling and personal attacks for real political discussion this must be a fascinating book. A real feel good read for those who need to feel that they are "real" Americans and thus avoid any critical reflection. Beyond the endless cacophony of the O'Reilly-Limbaugh-Coulter-Ingraham diatribes there is some intellectual merit to some of the arguments. Unfortunatley when the inflated egos of the right and left (Moore-Franken-Ivans) publish their drivel it only just poisons the well of discourse. But then again this is not about discourse, but about becoming self-satisfied with one's own limited world view. And shut-up is so impolite.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
rana aref
At the very beginning the author provides the reader with her definition of the elites. Essentially, these people believe they are better than everyone else, everyone else being churchgoers, patriots, law-abiding citizens, etc. According to Ingraham elites also think everyone else is stupid. They also believe Bush is stupid. (If that makes this middle-class, civil servant an elite, well, she's got me there.)

No matter what page I was on, I got the impression of a writer on a soap box, waving a stick, and screaming her tonsils off. I almost expected the words on each page to suddenly capitalize. For a person educated at Dartmouth and the Virginia School of Law, Ingraham's writing style disappoints. She recites several opinions per page with fewer selective examples and then, generalizes that they are attributes of all liberals or elites. The more I read, the more I got the impression she was describing behaviors of a specific phylum in the animal kingdom. For a lawyer, she made many hypotheses but provided little factual information to back it up.

Among her assertions are: liberals hate the "Pledge of Allegiance," were against going into Afghanistan, don't believe in God, don't attend church, and wanted to find out what we [Americans] did wrong to make the terrorists attack us. That's not the only place she's off the mark. Ingraham quotes Ted Kennedy saying that going into Iraq will only encourage al-Qaeda. She derisively poo-poos this quote. Unfortunately, it's turned out to be true.

If you're conservative, you'll like her prose. If you're conservative and angry, you'll really like her prose. Laura's opinions will match your beliefs. Then, everyone can play "Scream Along with Laura."

The one thing I did like about this book is the title. After reading this, I can only hope that the author will do one or the other, anything except write.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
melissa kiley
The first contradiction is on the cover: the view that you need good looks to promote something. Using sex appeal to sell is pure Hollywood.
The idea that Hollywood produces only left tilting views is flawed: Ronald Reagan, Charlton Heston, Arnold Swarzhenegger are also examples of views that are Hollywoodian.
Lauran Ingraham doesn't have a clue about the true left or right because there is no such extreme in American politics. Ms Ingraham should be gratefull of the country in which she lives where the mini left is as capitalistic as the mini right, and as democratic.
I dare say that the SUV debate in America is a good example of the wrong labeling going on: the conservatives are defending the liberal view that anything goes. Only the greens are defending the conservative position.To defend people making outrageously large sums of money is now a conservative passion but in reality this has nothing to do with conservatism which has the built in notion that waste and greed isn't good for anybody and frankly anti-religious.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trenton quirk
This book is so good. Finally, us ordinary Americans have someone whom speaks our language---i.e. the language of truth, logic and liberty. I always knew that liberals were real elistist, but Laura's book breaks down the elite segment by segment. I think if more people read this book they will know when the elite is trying to pull some furtive move to destroy America. Go Laura!!! Your the best!!! You make me proud to be a citizen of the best country ---USA!!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
A classic traitor from the right. Her book is terrible. I can see why Barnes and Noble would not want to put this trash out front for sale. Just like her show, which has turned into nothing but a Satirical joke. She would be better off to go back and watch her favorite reruns of the "Munsters" instead of trying to become a so-called radio journalist picking the minds of the far more intelligent left. Hate to see what she looks like without her hair.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ingraham asserts a contradiction: That non-elites (mostly neocons) are better friends of the common man than elites (Democrats). However, this is patently false, since it was contempt for the common man that put Bush into office in the first place. We all remember the Shrub Scrub, many months before the recount, that illegally tossed tens of thousands of low-income voters off the rolls. Frank Borman himself, who conducted the scrub as president of DET, openly admitted that the error rate was at least 33%. Even the elections supervisor of Madison County got scrubbed! Finally, there remains the open legal question as to why any voters got scrubbed at all. If you have served your time and your parole -- especially if you are a nonviolent offender incarcerated under the mandate of the inane War On Drugs -- why should your vote *not* be restored? Who's the elitist now, Laura?
Moreover, the title itself is inherently anti-democratic. If you disagree with someone, you explain your disagreement. You don't insist that he shut up.
Maybe Ingraham should have called her book "The Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy" instead. At least it would be an honest portrayal of her views.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley holstrom
Laura Ingraham has done a fine job providing a telling, and often humorous, exposé of those who would be royalty in the U.S. You don't have to look far for more evidence supporting her observations: when you compare the reviews of the reviewers via the ratios given for those "who found this review helpful," it's obvious that most people don't think that much of what liberals say is of any help.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
steve jones
After listening to this author on Imus it became apparent that she feels that anyone who has her Ivy league right wing opinions are the only ones entitled to speak. She dishes out multiple insults about anyone who expresses an opinion she does not agree with. These insults are mean spirited and elitist. Apparently she feels the first ammendment is for her right wing adgenda only. She sounds a little fascist to me.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
deborah gowan
Ahh yes-another intelligent, educated lawyer who comes off as a brazen buffoon who has no respect for the First Amendment of the Constitution when someone disagrees with her. Susan Sarandon criticizes the Bush Administration and she's "subverting American values?" Is this something Laura truly believes? "We have to stay the course in Iraq?" Really? Hey, Laura, why don't you, Sean Hannity, and Rush grab your guns and go over there and help "defend our freedom?!" Moreover, what's really sad is that these propogandists get big ratings doing what they do on their radio programs, and that's a shameful commentary on what one day again will hopefully be a more attentive radio audience in the aftermath of the Iraq debacle. And should that day come, the likes of these three and their ilk will vanish into radio obscurity.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
short lady
With Laura, it is always the ubiquitous "they" -- that cabal of wine-sipping elites perpetually "mocking" and "ridiculing" the honest, hard workin' salt of the earth in the Great American Heartland -- who are to blame for our nation's predicaments. It's a familiar tale, whether from lowbrows like Bill O'Reilly and Ben Shapiro to middlebrows like Victor Davis Hanson and the late Michael Novak (there are no highbrows in this morality play). America, in this view, is binary nation in which arrogant, nonbelieving Blue State elites lord it over (sniff!) Red State yeomen.

Enough, I say. I've read at least two dozen books and countless articles peddling this aggressive sentimentality. It's all the same crude agitprop, ever geared toward waging a war of words and possible a real war. It's making an older, nobler conservatism look backward and vindictive. "Shut Up & Sing" should have a sequel: "Put Away Your Laptop and Read Some Serious Books."
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
brendan whelton
Blah, Blah, Blah ... I wish more people would boycott Bruce Springsteen, maybe I could get a stinkin' ticket to one of his concerts. As I suspected, this books should have been called "Shut Up and Sing ... unless you're Darrell Whorley, Toby Keith, Dennis Miller, or Ahnold. Laura doesn't necessarily have a problem with celebrities who give their political opinion. Just the ones that don't agree with her. The book is mildly entertaining as Laura is a good writer, but nothing more than another political hatchet job with the common right wing theme - Agree with us -- or leave!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
za na
I am sure there are hundreds of other reviews that knock the heck out of this book but to me the first thing that came to mind is the idea that the author is very much a communist. I would use the term Fascist but she isn't even that creative. Communist dogma also proclaims that a person should be pidgeon holed in a certain line of work and thought. A singer must only sing and have no other thoughts or ideas. A welder must only weld and not have any input into the society in which he/she lives. If her claims are true than only those appointed politicians may speak about anything dealing with society. How scary is that thought? I guess checks and balances and our rights as individuals are just useless.
I really thought the whole "Hollywood" agenda was just nuts. Her attempts at pooling all Hollywood types as a microcosm on a tiny island is just laughable. Last time I checked (World Almanac) the actors/singers and others that live in Hollywood all come from different economic and geographic areas across this country. They were not built in Hollywood and their different backgrounds and upbringings were the foundation on which they and the rest of us base our opinions.
I find it funny that she enjoys many left wing artists yet will not allow them the freedom to speak of where their foundations lie.
I am so glad I did not pay one penny to this person.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ahmed salah
Laura comes across as an intelligent radio host with a talent for acerbic wit. Sadly, her book is about as biased as she claims the media to be. I expected this book to be smart and edgy, but aborted my attempt to read it halfway through. Such unsubstantiated drivel is not worth paying for!

It is quite clear that Laura is a person filled with insular hatred, a characteristic of many neo-cons in her generation. Her ideas are clear but her reasoning is not, which is a major problem for a reader that is looking for objectivity.

Laura should simply shut up and practise law!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
There isn't much that Ingraham can contribute that other conservative pundits such as Coulter & Hannity haven't already done. I suspect that she is just trying to get her slice of the pie, but this book isn't going to do the trick. Say what you will about Ann Coulter, but her writing is superior & her arguments more cogently presented. By comparison, Laura Ingraham comes off looking like a poor man's Ann Coulter with the haphazard nature of this book. I cannot even imagine the most impassioned conservative being very enthusiastic about this.
Simply put, the book has a whole lot of superficial content about celebreties. Big deal. Barbara Streisand, James Woods --- really, I don't care what either one thinks. I can make up my own mind about the issues. At the same time, if I am entitled to express my opinion, why can't Alex Baldwin or Charlton Heston --- or for that matter, Laura Ingraham? One could ask the question, what makes her more qualified to express an opinion than the "elites" of which she is so critical? The only thing I ask is that if you are going to express an opinion, you at least do it coherently, and it is here that she largely fails.
Here's hoping that Laura gets a better ghost writer the next time around.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
laraerinyahoo com
After minutes of exhaustive research I suspect I may have stumbled on to why Laura I. ( and others of her far-right brethren ) are so perenially peeved. It must simply be due to the fact that our author has realized that her favorite entertainers are (gasp! ) Liberal. Ouch!! Yes, it must upset her to no end to find herself supporting these Hollywood artists/elitists such as Barbra Streisand, Susan Sarandon, Bruce Springsteen, etc. knowing full well they are the very antithesis of her rather bizarre o' world of politics and social criticism. But what's a poor girl to do? I mean, if Laura listened only to entertainers of the 'right persuasion' she would sadly suffer on a daily diet of music by Charlie Daniels and Toby Keith. Or, worse yet, only watch films by Charlton Heston or Mel Gibson. Well, perhaps thow in a couple of Ronald Reagans old movies ( " Bonzo Goes to College " anyone? ) but you get my drift. Perish the thought... so our Ms. Ingraham must resort to stamping her pretty little feet and shouting for her favorite singers to just " Shut Up and Sing. " Sadly, the life of a Conservative talk show host is not an easy one.
Anyway, as far as " Shut Up and Sing ' goes I'm afraid its all rather predictable. Just the latest in the typical far-right ' all-you-can-eat character assasination ' that many of these so-called pieces of journalism end up being. ( just a many more of these must we suffer thru? ) In this latest offering Laura seems to have gotten her knickers in a twist over many subjects near and dear to this Liberals heart. Taking potshots at everything from higher education, Hollywood 'elitists' ( a term she resorts to on EVERY PAGE ), religion ( Godless Liberals that we are ), the music industry ( we may never see Laura at a Dixie Chicks concert ), and of course the old stand-by...Democrats. All written in such a manner that would have the reader believing that our author has 'formed these truths to be self evident.' But for the truly 'book challenged' Conservative she has generously provided photos of the entertainers who seem have the temerity to piss her off the most. No, our Ms. Ingraham doesn't miss a trick. The book ultimately is a rather odd cross between playing the proverbial finger-pointing 'blame game' and questioning anyone's patriotism that doesn't subscribe to this self-styled hate-fest.
Ultimatly while Laura does have one or perhaps two points to make it sadly gets lost in the rather ham-fisted fashion that is passed off as journalism. In the end other then getting other Conservative readers all 'hot and heavy' with the many wildly accusations that she misguidedly thinks of as social criticism there isn't much here that is new or noteworthy. So the question there intelligent life in the world of the far-right radio talk show host? Sadly, we may never know.
Fun facts: Who can guess how many times the word 'elitists' can be found in Laura's new book? Any ideas? Mmm, its kind of like how many jelly beans are in any given jar. Oh well, good luck!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
rick hockman
Why doesn't Laura Ingraham tell Arnold, Regan, and Dennis Miller to shut up? Oh, that's because they're helping to propagate the right wing agenda.
Celebrities are citizens just like me and you and they have the right to speak out if they want to. It actually takes balls for a successful person to risk their careers by standing up for what they believe in.
This book is just another example of right wing hypocrisy because when a conservative celebrity speaks out they become a hero to the right.
'nuff said!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
zahra zade
This is a great book for anyone who believes "elite" is a good word choice for describing the creative talent behind the Simpsons, and a poor word choice for describing Enron executives. In other words, it's a great book for anyone who thinks up is actually down, or blue is actually yellow.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The inferior man's reasons for hating knowledge are not hard to
discern. He hates it because it is complex--because it puts an
unbearable burden upon his meager capacity for taking in ideas.
Thus his search is always for short cuts. All superstitions are such
short cuts. Their aim is to make the unintelligible simple, and even
obvious. So on what seem to be higher levels. No man who has
not had a long and arduous education can understand even the
most elementary concepts of modern pathology. But even a hind
at the plow can grasp the theory of chiropractic in two lessons.
Hence the vast popularity of chiropractic among the submerged--
and of osteopathy, Christian Science and other such quackeries
with it. They are idiotic, but they are simple--and every man
prefers what he can understand to what puzzles and dismays him.
The popularity of Fundamentalism among the inferior orders of
men is explicable in exactly the same way. The cosmogonies that
educated men toy with are all inordinately complex. To
comprehend their veriest outlines requires an immense stock of
knowledge, and a habit of thought. It would be as vain to try to
teach to peasants or to the city proletariat as it would be to try to
teach them to streptococci. But the cosmogony of Genesis is so
simple that even a yokel can grasp it. It is set forth in a few
phrases. It offers, to the ignorant man, the irresistible
reasonableness of the nonsensical. So he accepts it with loud
hosannas, and has one more excuse for hating his betters.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
gary winner
The inferior man's reasons for hating knowledge are not hard to
discern. He hates it because it is complex--because it puts an
unbearable burden upon his meager capacity for taking in ideas.
Thus his search is always for short cuts. All superstitions are such
short cuts. Their aim is to make the unintelligible simple, and even
obvious. So on what seem to be higher levels. No man who has
not had a long and arduous education can understand even the
most elementary concepts of modern pathology. But even a hind
at the plow can grasp the theory of chiropractic in two lessons.
Hence the vast popularity of chiropractic among the submerged--
and of osteopathy, Christian Science and other such quackeries
with it. They are idiotic, but they are simple--and every man
prefers what he can understand to what puzzles and dismays him.
The popularity of Fundamentalism among the inferior orders of
men is explicable in exactly the same way. The cosmogonies that
educated men toy with are all inordinately complex. To
comprehend their veriest outlines requires an immense stock of
knowledge, and a habit of thought. It would be as vain to try to
teach to peasants or to the city proletariat as it would be to try to
teach them to streptococci. But the cosmogony of Genesis is so
simple that even a yokel can grasp it. It is set forth in a few
phrases. It offers, to the ignorant man, the irresistible
reasonableness of the nonsensical. So he accepts it with loud
hosannas, and has one more excuse for hating his betters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mayra ly
Laura Ingraham is a highly intelligent person. This book is a brave much needed expose of the left's desire to destroy this country. I read the reviews and expected nothing less from the liberal controlled press. Does she sound lonely? I think not. There are many more American's on her side. Thank God for people like Laura. Her deep love and concern for this country is refreshing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave hammer
Publisher's review said ill supported. Imagine that, being so clueless and unobeservant to believe such claptrap! Way to tell em, Laura! But, be careful. Now, you too will be the victim of their hate speech, their one way diversity and their hypocritical views on "freedom of speech." Change that, when it's a liberal claiming no freedom of speech, it's spelled, "screech."
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
naomi lesley
Somewhere in the editing rooms of the publisher of this vacuous
book is a dead question. It was begged to its demise by the unending harangues of a paranoid ideologue named Laura Ingraham. She uses 300 pages to say absolutely nothing she can demonstrate with fact.
Her idea of argument is to give the position of the "liberal elite,"then ridicule that position. "He is against the war in Iraq" which must therefore mean that the person is wrong. She never really demonstrates why the war is a good thing--doesn't give any proof. It is just understood. And if you do not agree with the folk in the fly over states, then you are an elite.
She in essence says "our ideas are good; yours are bad," like a
fourth grader might who feels no compunction to support, with an arsenal of facts, the premises she forwards. That is because there really is no arsenal of facts to support the positions she supports, anymore than there are WMDs in Iraq. I read these conservative tomes and am amazed at the low level of debate.
For example, Hollywood stars should shut up because they are not patriotic enough. She loves Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins as actors, but she thinks they should shut up about politics. Was she out at ground zero in the days following 9/11? Susan and Tim were there helping the rescuers. That is never mentioned, only their oppostion to the war is repeated by every two bit right wing hack out there included this ditzburger. She disses Julia Roberts for comments she made about the war. Did Laura mention that Ms Roberts donated 2 million dollars to 9/11 relief? Didn't read it.
The book is an "us versus them" diatribe aimed at an audience
who buys into the notion that she is part of them, the common folk. Yeah sure! She talks about liberal pundits and celebrities that love humanity but hate people. She tells the audience that these elites look down their noses at the rest of us common folk. We are too stupid, too unchic, too ugly to bother with. She is different though. You folks out there who think I'm full of it, take your copy to her next book signing. If you are a guy, ask her out (I do not know or care about her marital status); if you're a woman, ask her to have a cup of coffee. Think she'll say yes? I have a hundred says otherwise. And its not that shes a snob any more than Susan, Tim or Julia are snobs. They are just all busy people with lives and lots of adoring fans. None of them have the time. If they did, they would accomplish nothing. Bottom line; she ain't one of you; she dissembles.
At the beginning of the book she warns that her enemies will think that she is stupid. Reading the book certainly fullfilled that prophesy. A good patriotic American likes God, his guns, his SUV, his president, ad nausem. I cannot imagine a Christianity worth anything that loves war, hates the poor, the oppressed as much as that practiced by the Christian Right, nor can I imagine a Christian calling for a preemptive invasion of another country that has done nothing to us. It is not in the Gospel, and I have read the Gospel. How can anyone be so dense as not to see that YES, DRIVING A SUV IS NOT A GOOD WAY TO SAVE FUEL! YOU ARE INCREASING OUR DEPENDENCY ON FOREIGN OIL! WE HAVE THE HIGHEST RATE OF GUN DEATHS OF ANY TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCE NATION ON EARTH! These are facts and can not be denied.
Finally, I sometimes wonder about the critical skills of some of the folks who gave this book five stars. On October 25 a reader from Macon Georgia wrote a review entitled "Even I Could Read his Book." The reader gave "Shut Up" five stars. The review was a toungue-in-cheek satire of the book. It made fun of Laura and her readers. I thought it was hysterical. Fifteen of nineteen readers (15 of 19 readers) found it helpful, not realizing, I think, that by endorsing it they were in effect deriding themselves. I think they just looked at the number of stars and clicked. If they did read the review, then maybe there is no hope. We are doomed, and Laura and her Gang win.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I wish this book was more (or even entirely) about what Ingraham calls the "business elites." A culture that allows greed to go unchecked is one where morality doesn't really play a part -- if you're just living for increased profits, right and wrong take on totally different meanings. Too much of this book is wasted on making entertainers look silly. Making the odd comment about an actor's hazy values is humorous for a while, I guess. But after a while it just seems so useless -- like blaming Ronald McDonald when you get a bad hamburger (as a great comedian once said).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bronsen hawkins
Bravo Laura! Way to go. Exposing the anit-American elitest mind set of many of our leaders and public figues. I highly reccommend this book to liberals and conservatives alike. Trying to cut through the lies in an over-communicated society can be hard for some. This book helps.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
nicole renae
Arnold Schwarzenegger has made nonesense out of the book's premise. He traded on his celebrity status to be elected to a political position for which he had no qualifications. Apparently it is fine if members of the Hollywood elite like Schwarzenegger and Charlton Heston trade on their celebrity status to promote right wing causes, but if a celebrity uses his/her status to support a liberal cause HORRORS!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
becca reddish
I find it very strange that Ms. Ingraham assails people for voicing political opinions when she herself has no practical political expereince. She began her career on Rush which, contrary to his own opinion, is just a radio show. Although I am sure that she is very well informed about the events of the time her law degree gives her no more credibility than many of the people she rails against. Ms. Ingraham, one of the beautiful things about this great nation of ours is that noone has the right to tell anyone to just Shut Up. We all have a right to voice our opinions as loud and as long as our bankbooks will allow.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Laura Ingraham is hysterical, the best comedic writer I've come across in years. This neocon nut job thinks liberals are "un-American" and that those who are not Baptist bible thumpers are "morally bankrupt". I could go into which ideology our Founding Fathers favored- conservative or liberal- but I'll just say this: if you think questioning political leaders, as our Founders did, is "un-American", or that protesting WAR is anything but Christlike, you'll probably love this book and reference it many times in debates with those of us with sense. But for those of us who prefer rational arguments to calling someone with whom we disagree "un-patriotic", we'll stick with authors who aren't headed for the loony bin.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The description of this book reads like a work of fiction. ("Meet The Elites...") and its fitting because Ingraham like FOX news, Coulter, Hannity, OReilly, and all the rest, has managed to create a world of fiction where "THE LIBERAL AGENDA" is being foisted on poor, freedom loving Americans every time they turn around. It is a seductive and EXTREMELY profitable fantasy world that's been constructed. But it's all fantasy. And they know it. But there's so much cash to be hoisted from the pockets of the god-fearing "Middle Americans" who buy into this stuff that they'll probably never stop churning these books off the assembly line. By the way Laura I've got news for you. Martin Sheen spent FIVE YEARS in Southeast Asia. Ok, it was while filming Apocalypse Now, but that's still five years more than draft dodgers Bush or Cheney ever spent there. Boo-yah!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book is a perfect example of how the extreme right winged religious bigots want to destroy anyone who does not agree with them. Hitler had lots of religious backing and he based his hatred of the Jews on the writings of the great reformer Martin Luther. I wonder if Laura would help burn movies and books written by liberals? Based on this book liberals could be sent to the gas chambers any day. If I was a delusional bigoted christian I would love this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
edison crux
and shut up. What makes her so uniquely qualified that her opinion is so much more valid than those she attacks? I'd love for Laura to enlighten me on what makes her more of an expert on politics than a lifelong activist like Martin Sheen or Mike Ferrel, the former chair of Human Rights Watch. At least these guys contribute to the arts on the side. Ingraham has no other skill than flapping her gums and repeating right-wing talking points.
This book is a hypocritical waste of paper
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ali mohebi
After reading this piece of drivel, which I did at my brother's insistence, I anxiously await her book, "Shut up and Lift Weights"...her expose' on Ahhnuld. Oh, that's right...he's a Republican, so we're not likely to see that book. It's only the Liberals she wants to shut up. That's democracy in action, Laura. You go girl! Go elsewhere that is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam dietlein
This is an amazing book. It makes clear black and white distinctions between good and evil, elitism and everyoneism, right and wrong. You gotta buy it. Just the other day, I couldn't find it in the store because liberals are afraid of the Truth and don't want to sell it, but I saw plenty of copies of Hillary's book. Some lady said that conservatives were morons so I told her to buy this book. She snickered in a snotty, elitist sort of way. Later on I trip her by "accident". My point is we all have to fight for what's right. Laura's doing her part and all americans should do theirs.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jinna hagerty
The sample pages alone contain contradictory ideas that reflect the author's confused thought process. Susan Sarandon elite but Schwarzenegger not? Does being non-elite involve lower intelligence? Jumbled speech pattern? Incoherent thoughts and and ideas? If so, then Ms. Ingraham definitely belongs in this latter bucket. What a muddled mind and screwy belief system.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Attention Laura fans: I'm hearing alot of people calling talk radio telling us how employees at major bookstores are hiding this book in the back of the store,in the wrong sections Etc.
I think Laura should name her next book - "Liberals Running Scared" .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah barton
Laura writes even better than she looks, which is really saying a lot. Not only was this book substantive (Not like Riley's puff stuff)and amusing, it was very, very entertaining. Laura has her head on right, and right-on!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jean pierre
Hmmm. Expecting to gain some insight on the influence the wrong people have on our political process, I endured only the first 80 pages of this rant. Contrary to many Dems who will diss this book without reading a page, I am a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. But even I found the general tone of this book to be so extreme and unsupported that I wanted to defend liberalism! You know the t-shirt that says, "The more people I meet, the more I like dogs"? I'm worried that one will come out that says, "The more Ingraham I read, the more I like liberals." In the words of O'Reilly recently to Franken, "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" And please don't sing either.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ovunc tarakcioglu
I don't take political, religious & personal advice from what Laura Ingraham defines as "Elites" but on the other hand I don't take advice from radio personalities either. She's every bit as much an entertainer as anyone else in the media. It's pretty much a case of an elephant telling a donkey he's got big ears & vice-versa.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sohini banerjee
Laura is the hottest political chick ever!

Love her sense of humor, steeped in fact after fact.

She is certainly more answer than question, as it pertains to American Politics.

Jeff Jensen

Oceanside, CA
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
persian godess
Ingraham rants incoherently throughout the book against anybody who disagrees with her. A typical example of intolerance and bigotry wrapped up in book format. Any hard core conservative with a brain would be ashamed to be thrown in the same category with Ingraham. Anybody else can just laugh.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
hillary noyes
What a strange and speciously argued book we have here. The basic thesis is that if you do not agree with Laura Ingraham, you are an `elite,' no matter if you are a dirt-poor farmer. If you do not support her ideology you are anti-American. What an odd woman indeed - plus the book is not enjoyable to read. A total waste of ink and paper.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Since when does educating yourself, caring about others less fortunate than yourself, questioning the motives of your government, feeling that your faith is a private issue so you don't "recruit" for your religion, watching PBS instead of FoxNews, and listening to NPR rather than Rush make you ELITE?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ayman lotfy
I love the way these conservatives throw around the word "elite," all the while ignoring corporate America and the true rulers of us all. They focus on harmless Hollywood folks and academics who are largely ignored and have us believe that they have more power than the Pentagon, CEOs, and those who fund campaigns. Red herrings and distractions while the true elite run this country into the ground.
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