Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore)

ByScarlett Dawn

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
francesca matteini
I LOVED this book. I've always found myself addicted to Scarlett Dawn's writing and this book was no exception! The twists and turns in this novel left me swiping at my Kindle frantically to turn the page and read the next sentence. Caro is honestly one of my favorite characters. Period. I didn't think that anyone could top Lily in my affections. But Caro sure as hell managed it.

Books and plot twists don't catch me often. I usually call them ahead of time and piss everyone off when I'm right. But this one left me guessing, and while some questions were laid to rest, many more sprang up in their place. I love it when a book leaves me guessing, and Dawn played her hand in spades. It was truly a joy to watch things unfold.

I devoured this book in one sitting, and now I'm sitting here pouting that I have to wait for the next one. They say anticipation enhances. Well, in that case I'll probably break my Kindle with how fast I read Caro's next adventure.

Bravo, Scarlett!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel or
This book is unlike anything else I have ever read, even more so than the others in the series. It still had many of the same elements of the series, but it was just… Very different. It was an excellent book, though, one that I definitely recommend. I read this straight, barely stopping for anything except an occasional snack break, and I think I finished it in about eight hours or so. I stayed up until 3 AM on a school night to finish this book. It was that good. I highly recommend it, especially if you have already read the rest of the series. And if you haven’t, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?! Go. Read them. Now!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
noha nawar
In the spirit of all things Scarlett, this review will be vague, leave you wondering, and (hopefully) make you click faster than Cyber-Monday.

There are not enough stars. I give 6.

I love Caro. She is my favorite. She is flawed but strong, smart but inexperienced, and FULL OF SECRETS! We get a few answers to questions left from Chosen Thief, but I think more questions were raised! Not just about her, but many of the characters and the world itself.

I highlighted the sh*t out of this book, but I can't bring myself to put the quotes here. I'm so worried I've missed something and will post a clue! Just know that whatever you think is going to happen, well, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're probably 99% wrong. And that is good! Because Scarlett knows better than we do.

All of our favorites are back, plus a few newbies that will totally make your head spin. I loved the depth each character is given; the attention to detail is insane! I would pay big money to see the walls of this author's office. But, I bet I'd still miss sh*t and would be surprised reading the books.
King Tomb (Forever Evermore Book 3) :: Sybil :: Thrust (The Alpha Escort Series) :: The Extraordinary Story Behind the Famous Multiple Personality Case :: Evermore (Mer Tales) (Volume 4)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lesle gallimore
Wow! And your gona leave us hanging at that! Take a bow Miss Dawn. Holy hotness! This series just keeps getting better! Hold on for another wild ride, and alot of wth just happened. You think you know, and BAM! Nope, never seen it coming. I wont give away spoilers but things get crazy! I love the world she paints of mystery, love, and no good shannigans!! This is absolutely my favorite urban fantasy series ive ever read. Be prepared to be intruged. Well done Scarlett, well done? i was given a arc for my honest opion
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah baker siroty
Another great addition to this series.

Chosen Fool was over much too soon and now I'm itching to read the next book in the series because we know there will be one. Scarlett Dawn left us with a HFN for ending that is really a bit of a cliff hanger!

In order to fully enjoy this story I will say you need to read the series in full before jumping in. But if you like a nice mix of paranormal, action, and even a little romance sprinkled in, it is a must read series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ana coman
As usual I am stunned by the talented Scarlett Dawn. This fifth installment to the Forever Evermore serious did not disappoint.

We left Caro in the last book heading to a vacation with all the Prodigies, current Rulers, Elders, as well as the mysterious the One. This novel begins precisely where the other left off, but holy cow the plot twist! No spoilers for those who have not read this novel yet but seriously be prepared to be mind blown. Also, we finally learn more insider information about spirits throughout this story.

Caro is growing on me with spunky attitude and compassionate soul. She is truly developing into an amazing lead character.

Now the ending..... What a freaking cliff hanger! Seriously, I was speechless. In fact, before I wrote this review I went back and read the entire series looking for clues! Ms. Dawn is excellent at writing in hints for future novels, rereading is needed. Anyway, that ending has me chomping at the bit for the next novel... Please hurry!

I was graciously given an ARC copy of this novel by the author in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
khaled dewan
Chosen Fool is FREAKING.AMAZING! I’m a sucker for books that pull me in and BOY, did Dawn pull out all the stops with this one.

It is year 2035 and Caro has recently replaced the Spirit Elemental Prodigy who died in a car crash. She is the first Spirit Elemental ever to selected and is a total unknown entity.

Caro is an amazing lead character. She is thrust into a ruling/heroine position after living a life as a thief and criminal to survive. She is witty and outrageously funny. Dawn writes Caro in a way that makes her completely relatable.

The One, the leader of the Spirit Elementals, along with 2 of his top advisors and guards has injected themselves into Caro’s life as a buddying prodigy. It seems they want to keep a close eye on her. Even though Caro had a rocky start with The One, it seems he’s still in hot pursuit to stay close by Caro’s side.

I really don’t want to give anything away but I can say, Oh My, I really didn’t see that one coming!

The past rulers, now called Elders and current rulers who are about to turn over their crowns are all present…and once again…I was shocked once again. WHAT.A.PLOT.TWIST!

I finished Chosen Fool and immediately decided to re-read Chosen Thief and then Chosen Fool again. Yes, it was that good!

If Scarlett Dawn writes it, I will be reading it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charlie kirchoff
Scarlett Dawn does it again!

Lily and Ezra's story is by far my favorite and I was second guessing her when I finished reading book four. I wasn't a huge fan of Caro and it disappointed me that we didn't see a lot of the relationship building like we did in the previous three that made you love them all. But once I read book five, it started to dawn on me on how much of a sneaky, brilliant writer she is.

Watch out! You think you have everything figured out from Chosen Thief and then Chosen Fool comes around and knocks your socks off and takes you on one hell of a roller coaster ride! There were so many plot twists and complete turn abouts that I couldn't put it down. I was devastated a few times but a the end, you could not have been left with a more mind blowing cliff hanger.

I can't wait for book six to come out and to go through it all again. If I could live in the Forever Evermore world, I so would!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heba ibrahim
I have loved every word of this series and Chosen Fool did not disappoint. I love all of the characters in this series and the worlds that Scarlett Dawn lays out for your mind to see. She knows how to draw me in and get invested in the story. I laughed, got angry, and talked to my kindle. She managed to leave me shocked and wanting more ASAP.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
HOLY CRAP!!!! This book took me through EVERY emotion.... And that ending. I don't even know what to say about that ending. I couldn't stop smiling for days... But I also wanted to cry because now I have to wait. I loved this book and I love Scarlett Dawn!!
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