A Woman's Guide to Building a Better Butt and Body

ByBret Contreras

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike mcc
Very informative and extremely well written!! Started a few days ago and my glutes have been wonderfully sore. I have always been very interested in fitness - especially building a better bum - and I have spent hours and hours researching. This book has everything you would want to know! Within the first few chapters I learned more about how to activate my glutes and get the most out of my workouts than I have ever learned online! Great book! Would definitely recommend :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I have the Kindle version, which is not well designed. Captions to photos are sometimes not on the same page as the photo, headings are often on a different page than the accompanying text, and there are lots of orphans and widdows. A good designer and/or proofreader could have prevented this. Especially when the reader needs to look at the screen text and photo while doing the exercise for the first time or two, this design goof makes using the book clumsy. Lots of good information about exercise physiology; a number of different, detailed plans for working out. A+ for content, C- for design and ease of use.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The plans work, the exercise glossaries are well organized and extremely comprehensive.

The only constructive criticism is that the writing style is longer winded than it needed to be. It led to skimming past anecdotes and stories. Some people might enjoy that but I prefer straight forward information in a book that I may look back reread.
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
peggy lo
Really disappointed in the format of this ebook. If you are looking for theory, it's a good read. However, if you are looking for a workout plan, all you get is a list of exercises numbered week by week which is completely useless to me. Can't believe Bret Contreras is selling this. I would be ashamed to put my name on this ebook.

Waste of money.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
janell akerson
This book gives great workout ideas and I have incorporated many of the workouts into my program, within a few weeks I have already seen a change in my posterior. This is a huge feat for me especially since genetics didn't bless me in this department. Overall a great recapturing some advice I do not agree with from experience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The information provided is great and the exercises are appropriate for building a better posterior. My only complaint is the lack of examples on how to maintain proper form on the exercises with pictures or examples. I suppose the author expects that the reader is versed on these exercise forms.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love all the pictures and workout options. I do not recommend using the Kindle version - the hard copy is much better. I feel a little silly walking around the gym with the book, but it has given me a chance to talk to other ladies about the book. Several of us are now working through it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
terri kruse
The author basically puts all of the info you need right in front of you. All you have to do is put in the work. Although most of us ladies want to build a better butt for aesthetic purposes, Bret does a great job of explaining why having a strong set of glutes is crucial to overall physical fitness. The book is well organized and has a good flow in my opinion. I can see how some would think it's kinda wordy. For me, it goes more like a conversation..... like a trainer talking to his client(s). I'm currently in week 4 of the beginner program (at-home) and I am very pleased with my progress. There is plenty of variety and flexibilty within the program, which I think has been the main reason why I've been able to be consistent (I've never stuck with any resistance training program longer than a couple of weeks, lol). This book is well worth the $20, it has changed my life. Will definitely recommend it to my friends and family when they start asking "Did you get butt implants?" :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan wagner
This book is the most incredible resource on the proper way to gain strength as a women. I am new to exercise, I never did great sports in high school *even though I wanted to* and this book has now made it accessible for me to become a nice athlete! This book teaches what lifting patterns actually put the stress on the MUSCLES not the BONES. This means, are muscles get stronger, and we get incredibly strong. Combine 3 weight sessions a week with some high intensity aerobic weightlifting, and you have the eternal fountain of youth. I am very committed to getting stronger now that I have a roadmap provided by Bret Contreras! I wish I could train with him personally! He has a video site where you can watch vidoes of the training. Thank you!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lorna collier
The workouts look pretty good, and there are a ton of pictures, but this author is just SO wordy. You can pretty much skip the first hundred and some pages, as it's mostly filler text. I would recommend checking out the New Rules of Lifting for Women over this book for someone starting out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very informative, you can see that Bret is indeed the "glute guy". I gave it four stars because it didn't have a sample meal plan for people like me who love to have it all layed out i.e lazy folks.

Buy definitely a book anyone wanting to targrt their glutes Must own.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
unggul setiadi
The book has four complete workouts, but don't purchase if you're hoping for an at-home bodyweight routine. You'll need at the very least a chin-up bar and swiss ball (you can modify some of the other at-home exercises by using furniture in your home). The author also encourages his readers to purchase a specific industrial suspension system in order to complete the at-home workout, which is annoying.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nathan timmel
Have built significantly larger glutes with this program and have been using it for about 9 months now. This is a major achievement for someone with a pancake for a butt. Also increased my squat weight and deadlift weight. Good upper body also. I used the advanced lifter program and the glutes only program, but it has also come in handy for exercise ideas when I am traveling and don't have access to a barbell.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The authors have done countless hours of research on the glutei maximus to get you a program that effectively targets those muscles. I did some of the exercises and MAN I feel muscles in my bum that I didn't know I had.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer watson
This booked really helped me with training the lower body and shaping the quads, hams and glutes that I was looking for. I encourage all ladies that want to loss fat and build at the same time to read and apply this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nightly recommend this book. From beginner to advanced great pictures. Bret is the nicest guy, willing to help anyone, answer any questions and constantly providing sound advice to anyone. Good book great guy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah clarke
I love this book has become my best friend because you explained from the function of the body, proper nutrition, perform each exercise properly and offers several routines to choose from according to your goal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee klug
I've been following Bret Contreras for a while now and I decided to try strong curves and the only thing I can say is that it is exactly what I was looking for, it exceeded my expectations thanx to Bret & all who worked together to bring strong curves to us it is very informative & detailed in each way possible the only thing I can say is that it is the BOMB & I'm sure it will help me achieve what I'm looking for ...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rob vitaro
I bought the kindle version first, but eventually had to get my hands on the hard copy. I used to think that doing weights would make me look like a boy. Additionally, I thought that doing weights would make me lose my womanly curves. Thus for YEARS, I would just do cardio. Then, this book comes into my world and shakes things up. The author, Bret Contreras, is very knowledgeable on what type of exercises preserve and enhance the female body. In his book, you will see clear pictures of specific moves to strengthen your lower body or opt for the total body work out routine. If you have preconceived notions about lifting weights, or just don't know where to start, this book will guide you. There are so many people working out using instagram videos, but getting your information from a reliable source is priceless. The author mentions "progressions" to continually challenge your body. Just today, I did 3 sets of 8 at 75 lbs on hip thrust. I was so shocked, excited and proud of myself. Trust, I never really incorporated weights into my workouts. I am glad that my body is reacting well to my strength training. This is the best book to get you started on your journey to training with weights!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan cusumano
Very approachable book. I loved the science-based approach without all the gimmicky nonsense. I love that the provided workouts have different options for your fitness level. I also love that there is an "At-Home" workout that is provided. Makes it easy for those with a tight budget to follow the program. Would Recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
antoinette maria
I wish the program images of the exercises linked to the descriptors of each exercise. A list of exercise links would be helpful also. It's tedious scrolling through page after page and a word search doesn't seem to work effectively.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott johnson
I cannot overstate how much I love this book. This program has worked great for me. It has three different programs to choose from(I started with "Bootyful Beginner"), and the book explains -why- it it set up the way it is, so you can maximize and alter your workout to fit you and not just blindly follow.

I particularly suggest getting the print copy and not kindle(or printing the exercise list) because there is a very useful index of exercises in the back that explains with pictures and text instructions how to do exercises for each body part. It's useful to skim if you are unsure of how to do a certain exercise with good form, or if you need to find a replacement for an exercise that you don't have the equipment for.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
drew dyck
Highly recommend it. Have been following this program 4 months. My piriformis syndrome is much better and I can take walks without sciatica pain which means my glutes muscles are much stronger. As a bonus my body looks much better as well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah schieffer riehl
After a year of doing GreySkull program- which is written for men, I was def getting strong. But unfortunately I was also starting to really bulk up- I'm short, and I can pack on muscle pretty easy for a gal. My abs were getting bulky and so was my upper body and quads. Not a good look. I mountain bike, and while at first putting on muscle helped, I had gone past the point of helpful and started to get diminishing returns. Also not cool.
I've been 6 weeks on this program- and I can already see improvement in my waistline looking more feminine, and thanks to my bulky muscles the booty is already noticeably firmer and rounder. Their is less upper body so I'm hoping my shoulders and biceps will shrink a bit. And I love the record keeping pages- I photocopied them.
But next edition def needs an index and a clear outline of substitute exercises.
Otherwise it's awesome- and I love Brett's writing style- he is frank in a way only a dude who works with tons of ladies can be, and Kelly's tips are helpful.
I'm using this book in conjunction with Foundation Training and having excellent excellent results.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book with an easy to follow plan. I love that it is tailored towards a womans curves and you feel your glutes working when you do the exercises. Able to stick with and follow even for a single mother of two.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john wei
This is the most comprehensive glute/hip book I've ever read, with clear step by step written and imaged formulas to totally restructure this under addressed muscle group. Athletes, whether they realize it or not, live and die by a strong powerful butt. This book gives you all the answers. I would pay twice the price for this publication.

Thanks Bret and Kellie
Rocky Steele
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
o uzhan zdemir
Excellent information, clearly explained for a beginner and detailed enough for someone wanting more information. I would highly recommend this book to anyone. Only improvement I could suggest is an index for the exercise index to allow you to find them more easily. But overall it is great- my body and booty is already improving :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jasmine lehano boyce
Its a very good book. Very informative. I went to a store and bought a paper book as well because on kindle version the pictures and the text does not match and make it easier to visualize the printed version
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is awesome! I originally bought this book last year, but have really dedicated doing the program. I have great results, my butt is high, round and awesome! I swear by this book- it works.
Thanks, Mr. Contreras the Ms. Davis
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Strong Curves is a essential resource for women who want to change there bodies for the better. This book clearly shows how to and perform the most effective exrecises for transforming your body. It helps to dispell the fears that some women still have of becoming bulk with weight training. Strong Curves includes full color photos of each move and detailed instructons on the mechanics of these moves. Great tool for beginners to experienced lifters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been using this program to build a leaner, strong body for just under a year. The programs are for full body strength work. They are perfectly designed to gradually allow for sculpting a strong body.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathy ryan
I'm a Track & Field, sports performance coach/trainer, and physical education teacher, so anything that is relevant to improving ones health, fitness and performance is of high interest to me.

Strong Curves is an absolute AMAZING RESOURCE, that has clear and helpful exercise demonstrations, cueing tips, as well as some great foundational principles for healthy and enjoyable living (not to forget good looking)!!

Bret and Kellie did a great job with this! Highly recommend!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew swan
This book is full of great information. Even if you don't do the program, you'll enjoy what you're reading if you are into health and fitness at all. But, if you do any of the four programs you're going to be even happier! Each program is 3 months. I started with the lower body program and grew and inch around my glutes, then moved onto the beginner program and grew another inch. So 2 inches in 6 months. Now I'm halfway through the advanced program and have progressed in my lifts even more. My butt looks better than it ever has in my life and it is now my favorite body part!!! I cannot recommend this book and this method enough. After I finish the advanced I'm moving onto GetGlutes.com where the authors of this book have over 19 months of glute focused training. I feel like I'm set up for a life of one great looking butt. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cristy john
Excellent! Bret has done his research and is passionate about helping you reach your goals. He lays it all out straight, doesn't' sugar coat that you need to put in hard work but makes you feel like you can do it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great book with a ton of information and workouts. I do have a few criticisms: 1) There are a lot of mistakes. Sometimes the description of the exercise doesn't match the picture of it. 2) The description of the workouts would flow better within the workouts, right after the initial pictures. I hate having to flip back and forth the entire book to find the instructions. 3) The size and weight of this book is not handy for taking to the gym. It'd be nice to have a workbook or something in conjunction that's lighter than the book to take with me to the gym.
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