Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World? - DREAMS AND VISIONS

ByTom Doyle

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ramon de santiago
Encouraging, challenging, eye opening. This is a book that keeps your interest start to finish. Should be a must read for all who trust in Christ and want to see His plan carried out around the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hope for the hopeless... The eternal God who was and is and is to come is passionately in love with His creation. Jesus will goes to any lengths to reveal His love for mankind and cuts through race, class, and religion to reveal Himself as He is - The way, the Truth, and the Life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
# Follow… د المطلب ابن هاشم (Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim) or just call him, “Muhammad,” an evil madman and lunatic straight to into HELL…

# No-peace-upon-him as the doctrine of hatred a web of such deception that only Satan could have invented Islam to destroy all of humankind by proselyting themselves on woven rugs spreading their heresy up to our Heavenly Father and poison the plant earth.

Complicated isn’t it to understand this insanity and why is it so confusing, perhaps by evil intent? Such is the thesis of SATAN who so reins over earth to harm, kill and destroy God’s chosen people by the hand of a false and illiterate so-called prophet along with his self-grandees appointed pagan deity called, “Allāh;” to carry out Satan’s evil and instruct the condemned souls with such foolishness as they desire death for Allāh according to Satan’s plan with the promise of a Jihad and to reap the rewards of the 72-virgins. What about the Eves of Islam? Who’s waiting in paradise for these blindly cloaked women who have been diminished to sex slaves on earth for the black hooded Adams’ to carry out their caliphate? Whose grandiose plan is it for this ends of days they so desire? Who’s going to prevail on earth as it is in heaven and who’s forever consigned to the fires of HELL, lest we forget to believe by loss of our faith?

A vision came to me in a dream of my moments stood still in time with the beginnings of days until the ends of time.

 There was Adam and Eve; a magicka belief of Islam were of God’s human creation, who’ve so fell from grace by sin, expelled from paradise by the temptation of Satan.
 There was Noah; a righteous man built an ark to begin again after the great flood by Thy Wrath against the godlessness of pagan worship, again by the hand of Satan. Then God delivered the promise of hope with a rainbow.
 There was Abraham; father of two nations and chosen by God. Then came forth by Abraham’s seed, Ishmael from Hagar with the blessing to prosper of other nations. Then came forth by Abraham’s seed, Isaac from Sarai; child of promise begotten for the chosen people, spared from sacrifice to bring forth the new Lamb of promise.
 There was Moses; “I Am,” said He, “I Am.” Moses obeyed and the first born male Jewish slaves of Egypt were spared at Passover and freed for 40 years’ times 40 more to live by God’s Commandants of the Covenant until Prophets proclaimed the Son of Man would bring forth the promise and to be saved by Grace.
 Yeshua; Son of Man, Lamb of God came forth until the day and time of the end of days in a blink of an eye to fulfil His promise and like a Lion to defeat Satan’s chain of evil on 2/3’s of all mankind for salvation of the remaining and righteous third, for: “I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.” Ezekiel 25:17. Yeshua was and is Perfect forever without end.
 Past-present Muhammad, self-proclaimed slave and messenger to a spurious pagan god named Allāh, was purveyor of the nations of Islam and by the translation of Islam is “submission” to Allāh’s and their jointly evil whims to oppress lost souls and bring forth the antichrist to condemn their ilk to the gates of HELL for their final end without beginning.

“Taqiyya,” Islamic principle of lying for the sake of Allāh is okay by Satan who is so perfectly happy by this deception because he wrote and created the Qur’an with a fake god in mind to replace the Torah and attempt to destroy the fulfillment of the New Covenant by Grace such as the hoax of the gospel of Barnabas. Satan enlisted Muhammad to follow this sham willingly by greed and conquest. Then Muhammad appointed himself as Allāh’s “holy” messenger to further corrupt, suppress and torment humankind for satanical whims of earthly things while the sado-submissives head-to-toe in pajamas raise their offensive stink up to heaven five times a day with their repetitive and hollow Muslim prayers without beginning or end. What’s the point of all of this madness of a 1400-year-old occult that still thrives? Why not? Satan exists and thrives to despise God’s creation and he is forever consigning the lost souls by man’s freewill to the depths of the lake fires in HELL.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christie weins
Tom Doyle makes known what God is doing among the Muslim people in the Middle East, beginning with compelling dreams of Jesus that motivate them to seek out someone to tell them more about Jesus. These Muslims are then reading the New Testament, being discipled by believers, and counting the cost of following Jesus. Those who become believers do so knowing their lives are at risk and suffering for Jesus will be their future.

Take note of the spiritual fruit of these new believers following Jesus: love for previous enemies, prayer for those who would persecute them, willingness to stay in life-threatening situations to love their neighbors with the love they have found in Jesus, study of the New Testament, growth into teachers of the Word and disciplers of others. They talk with others about the Savior and King they have come to know and pray for more to come to know Him.

Doyle urges believers in other nations to welcome these new brothers and sisters and to pray for them. He challenges us to ask God to prepare our hearts to love and serve our neighbors who are Muslim and tells us that God was able to do that for him.

A reader may want to scan the credible reviews, the table of contents, and then read "Appendix 2: Real or Fake? A Biblical Test for Dreams and Visions" before beginning the book itself.

This is Doyle's third book, a compelling read which brings honor to Jesus and magnifies His love for individuals in every nation. His previous books are Two Nations Under God: Why You Should Care about Israel and Breakthrough: The Return of Hope to the Middle East.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jesus Christ said he would appear to many. He has come, he is coming back to many -- especially Muslims -- and he will come again. Riveting stories of Muslims turning to Jesus after experiencing him in visions and visitations!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ernie joselovitz
Tom Doyle's new book, "Dreams and Visions: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?" is a well-written, fascinating collection of true stories from all over the Middle East that documents one of the many ways that our awesome God chooses to reveal Himself to His people.Many people in the current generations think that God only appeared to people in this manner 2,000 to 4,000 years ago. And yet Doyle documents first-hand experiences of modern day people, both men and women, who have encountered God in this way during our lifetime. Although divided into short stories, the book is difficult to put down as the reader is inspired to learn more and more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is thought-provoking, eye opening, and a blessing to me personally. To know that, once again, God's love is reaching in where man cannot, strengthens and encourages me. Definitely worth reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee wickham
Amazing faith-building stories that will help soften your heart toward the many Muslims who are searching for the God of love, grace, and mercy. And will reinforce the resolve of those Muslims who feel alone in their searching.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jordan arnold
I loved the stories about many Muslims dreams or visions in which Jesus revealed Himself to them. This book has opened my eyes and heart to try to understand them and love them. I imagine now the Savior will bring some into my path. I pray He will give me adequate words to honor Him.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
justin heath
The testimonies in this book are extremely encouraging and exciting!!! I personally had a bit of difficulty reading the authors writing style (had to keep rereading to understand what he was trying to convey) but it was definitely worth it! Thank you Tom Doyle for your hard work in getting these stories into print! I am sincerely encouraged to love Muslims like Jesus does!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brandi kowalski
To read about how Jesus is personally showing Himself to Muslims awakened me to what He is currently doing for billions! I pray I will be led to join in this historic, heavenly directed movement, for the saving of many.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
roopal badheka
This book was so informative on the Muslim views n faith. How Jesus comes to them in dreams n visions, should prove to ALL, he is with us always like footprints in the sand! He's just waiting for us to realize we need him. We can't do it on our own. He loves us unconditionally! He's patient! By Grace we still exist, not of our own accord!
Thank God for that n make him ur Savior! That's all he asks. Amen!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna roth
God is doing amazing things to awaken Muslims all over the globe to His presence...and calling them to faithfully follow Him. This fabulous book tells many of these awesome stories of the love of our Savior.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hadi nor
A very encouraging summary of just some of what God is doing behind-the-scenes in the Muslim world.
Jesus said, "My Father is always working" and this book chronicles some of what Father is up today. I heartily recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kirty vedula
Well written, credible and inspiring. Increased my confidence in the ever-near presence of the supernatural realm. Reminded me of God's love for Muslims. Inspired me with the cost recognized by those who choose to follow Jesus Christ in their Muslim cultures. A must-read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mye villao
An excellent and amazing reporting of the move of the Holy Spirit among Muslims around the world. If you are interested in the Christian faith you will enjoy this book and want to discuss it with other Christians.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shams kabir
All people everywhere should read this book! It is a stirring, faith-growing and impactful account of what God is doing to reveal Jesus to Muslims. It has helped me know how to pray and believe as I live among them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Countries where Islam slaughters Christians on a daily basis and will not allow them to share the Bible, Jesus Christ is appearing to individuals, explaining the plan of salvation. I was so excited to read these marvelous testimonies showing Jesus Christ cannot be stopped by the imams of Islam. He goes where no man can go to draw a seeking soul unto himself!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robert magness
The mission field is an interest of mine, because having been in a cult, I am really aware of the opposition that exists toward the Gospel work, and this book tells of the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Gospel being preached over all the earth before the end comes. It is very complete, and truthful about what happens over there. I would advise every Christian to read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What in amazing book. Obviously father) is at work throughout the Muslim world. The stories in this book are absolutely amazing. The evangelical church in America needs to deal with their fear of Muslims and get busy about reaching the harvest in the Muslim world. Jesus does not hate, nor is he afraid of radical Muslims. Neither should we be.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mac wai
These are amazing visions and dreams coming to those oppressed people who never knew there is hope in a risen savior, Jesus Christ, who can set them free. We can only hope and pray for them, and offer support when we can.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an amazing and encouraging recounting of what God is doing to reach Muslims around the world. It is a modern book of Acts and it is riveting. There is truly another Great Awakening underway. Praise God for His tender mercies. It is no coincidence that 10% of the world's 1.5B Muslims are being radicalized at the same time God is doing a mighty work among them — Satan the Destroyer of lives is fighting tooth and nail to keep from losing his leverage for oppressing on 25% of the world's population.

The final chapter is a great clarion calls for American followers of Jesus Christ. Be ready for God to do this same work with Muslims in our own neighborhoods and workplaces. Don't be a radicalized American fearful of the Muslims you meet. Befriend them and let God work in both of your lives for His glory.
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