Love Unexpected (Beacons of Hope Book #1)

ByJody Hedlund

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
thaddeus sebena
Jody Hedlund is another author who moves you to the finish line because each word, and action leads you to the next and you don't want to put it down. This book will take you from heartache to heartache, and a small, tiny piece of hope mixed in. There was violence brought through natural disasters, but she leads you through those periods by showing love and compassion between certain characters. You will enjoy with laughter, and cry with concern., yet be amazed that miracles still happen. Great book of God's love!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laila bigreadinglife
Jody Hedlund's latest release, Love Unexpected, is unsurprisingly a wonderful read. Jody is one of my go-to favorite authors for historical romance that always sweeps the reader inside the page with just-enough detail and plenty of sharp chemistry to satisfy.

I finished the book during the busy week of Thanksgiving, grabbing time to read chapters when I could in order to find out what happened to Emma, Patrick, and little Josiah.

Love Unexpected is part romance, part historical, with a twist of mystery thrown in. I appreciated Jody's small leap to the mystery element; though it wasn't anything too different from her previous stories, she skillfully incorporates questions about the hero's uncertain past throughout the plot so the reader keeps turning pages to find out what's going on and what's going to happen.

Once again I'm reminded how much I appreciate Jody's attention to detail and her ability to create and ignite the chemistry between her main characters.

Weary transient Emma Chambers' heart's desire is to have a home to call her own. She can't continue traveling with her brother, and when God provides an opportunity to settle down through widowed lighthouse keeper Patrick, it seems a near-perfect match. Despite Emma and Patrick's growing affection toward each other, Patrick's past - and dark secrets - surface and threaten both of their dreams of a loving family and home.

Jody ties together their story with fascinating detail about a lighthouse keeper's daily life and the beautiful, wild setting of Presque Isle, Michigan in 1859. Two-year old Josiah, Patrick's son, adds an element of sweet humor to the story as well.

Also woven throughout are the themes of grace and forgiveness.

Jody has written another historical romance winner with Love Unexpected. If you've never read a Jody Hedlund book, treat yourself! She's a master at creating beautiful, faith-filled love stories that sweep readers away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the publisher:
All Emma Chambers ever wanted was a home, but when her steamboat sinks just outside Presque Isle, she's left destitute and with no place to stay.

An unlikely solution arises when the lighthouse keeper arrives in town. He's just lost his wife and is having a difficult time caring for his child. So a traveling preacher gets the idea that the keeper and Emma might be the answer to each other's dilemma. After a hasty marriage, she finds herself heading to the lighthouse with this handsome but quiet stranger. Nothing in her aimless life, though, has prepared her for parenting a rambunctious toddler, as well as managing a household.

Emma soon suspects Patrick may be hiding something from her, and then she hears a disturbing rumor about the circumstances surrounding his late wife's death. It seems as if her wish for a home and family of her own could end up leading her once more into turbulent waters.

Jody Hedlund is a master writer of historical fiction. She takes pockets of history, little known history, and creates an intriguing story for readers to enjoy. I love reading her novels and don't want to miss a single one.

You won't have to wait pages upon pages to feel drawn into this story, the first pages will have you into the lives of Emma and her brother Ryan as they journey.

I really liked how Jody Hedlund wrote Emma's character. A sweet and beautiful soul who wanted nothing more than a home. She was not a complex character but one who the reader will feel bonded with. Patrick's character is more complex but his gentleness with his son will capture the reader.

While this book does not preach on each page, the theme of God's redemption and new beginnings is throughout the story. Hedlund also touches on the idea of prayers and answered vs. unanswered prayers through the conversations of the characters.

There is a novella prequel to this book "Out of the Storm" which I highly recommend reading. It will give additional insight to a certain part of this story, but if you haven't read it, you will still be able to thoroughly enjoy this story.

I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
raunak roy
You will seldom ever catch the sight of me, fully absorbed in watching any sort of chick flick or romantic film, let alone, see me buried in a novel that captures these themes. Yet, for some very strange and odd reason, (it’s most likely the holidays) I felt the impulsive instinct to changing up my day-to-day routine to fit a little bit more love and romance into the mix of my reading.

Though apprehensive at first, I proceeded to go with the Christian Romance genre, in the hopes of stumbling upon a subtle introductory love story. Love Unexpected sufficed and these were my immediate thoughts:

+ As aforementioned, I don’t typically lean towards sappy love stories, but in light of my hesitations, I deeply appreciated the subtleties in Love Unexpected. The substance of the romance is sufficiently dramatic and encompassing (I of course, am solely speaking on the romantic scope of the book, not the plot or its characters); the desire that unfolds between Emma and Patrick -not to mention the unexpected tenderness between the two- was more than enough passion to make my heart pitter-patter! Judy Hedlund, dives into some beautiful and emotional romantic scenes, providing some strong desirous descriptions, but she never takes us into uncomfortable points. This aspect of her writing I would say is her strongest feature; she describes every emotion in such detail that you can literally feel the character’s emotion as your own

+ I enjoyed Emma’s journey of self-discovery, I valued the romantic relationship even though it was complex (see below), and Emma’s natural affectionate tendency to love and care for Josiah; it really shines through the overall plot of the story. I especially admired the way Hedlund creates these tense and uneasy parenting moments, where you cannot help but to share in Emma’s defeat and challenges with the battle of wills between her and Josiah; they are ones any mother will be able to identify with. The beating heart of this story is in all truth Emma’s yearning for a family, and it’s beautiful

+ Finally and most importantly on a thematic scope, I loved the way Love Unexpected touches on the subject of community. The idea of community to me, is knowing with complete assurance that you belong to a common group of people who share the same values and understanding. This to me is a foundational part of life. Jody Hedlund’s approach on this topic was most moving for me, because she didn’t create a perfect community, but a community with fallible flaws and weaknesses. Taking into consideration the way in which each character within the community engaged with one another was engaging, but most amusing when referring to Bertie ;)

- One major complaint I had with this book was with how the marriage between Emma and Patrick came into play. I was admittedly wary of it for many reasons. For example, how do you suddenly resolve that it is perfectly convenient to get married a day after holding a service for your late wife? How is it logical to commit yourself to a complete stranger and pledge to fulfill wifely and motherly duties after landing on an island a day after your ship wrecked?

These were two major questions I kept asking myself throughout the entire narrative. At the same time however, I was able to slightly come to grips with this prodding subject, only because my children and I are presently studying Early American History and have become well-grounded with the fact that this was an actual custom during Early Colonial Times! I’m not sure how someone who isn’t familiar with this fact would respond to the approach of this sentiment though :/

Still, perhaps if the marriage had not read so hastily at the beginning of the book, it would have been believable, but it just felt disconnected and out-of-place; this is just my personal experience. Which stands to reason that the entire premise is centered in this deep unsettling and unpredictable relationship

- There were some wonderful qualities I found comforting about Emma’s character, but at the same time, there were other aspects to consider. Amongst those, her constant worry, frustrations, fears, her sense of foreboding, but largely her self-deprecation; which was carried all the way to the very end of the narrative. Heartless and confronting as this may sound, it came off rather annoying.

All that Emma Chambers has ever longed for, is for a place that she can call her own; at her given age even, she holds a burning desire for a husband and children, and yet after acquiring what she so looked forward to (this of course, brought to reality by the most inscrutable ways), she withdraws herself wholly on the basis that she is incapable, undeserving, unworthy, unattractive, shabby and just utterly useless. Aren’t these already pressing issues that most of us women struggle with on a the daily?

Taking this into account, at times, I was succumbed with absolute hopelessness to say the least. In spite of my irritation and complaint with this quibble though, they are qualities that many women will come to identify with, and may even grant respite; it just didn’t work for me ;)

- The voice of Unexpected Love is told through a third-person narration and it is heavily omniscient, in that the narrator knows everything and doesn’t allow much room for the reader to dream up, envision or fabricate a likeness to the characters or the romance to their story. I mean, I enjoyed the tale, but I didn’t experience it for myself as I would have liked to, rather I experienced it through the narrator. So much so, that in reiterating Emma and Patrick’s constant guilt, shortcomings, iniquities and transgressions (all the way to the very end), she had me convinced! Thus, when Emma and Patrick finally acknowledge and embrace their affections, I was left feeling emotionless.

In short, the narrator sticks closely to the perspectives. . .it’s like listening to your friend tell you their engrossing experience with the iPhone 6 all while holding it in front of you, but you never get to hold the actual phone, you just sit there and receive their story, to ultimately walk away a bit sad and dejected :(

Nevertheless, even though the final result is unfortunately, not as perfect as I would have liked my first romance novel encounter to be, Love Unexpected is an entertaining and competent book – and I’m interested enough to give the series another try.

// Judy Hedlund’s writing is good and contrary to my objections, I actually did like the story; it resolved nicely

// Reading this novel was a real pleasure: the structure of the novel and the thematic scopes were all brilliantly woven

// Romantic, subtle, and comtemporary, Love Unexpected was an intricate tale that explored issues on redemption, motherhood, love, family, brokenness, failures, community, forgiveness, marriage, but most importantly love

// Despite the complexity of the romance, it is very possible to take the novel’s premise and just run with it

// The overall delivery was okay. There were a few draw backs, mainly the lack of emotional connection with the main characters in light of the narration, but I am most certain that many others will fully enjoy this delicate tale

Overall Rating:
Storyline | 3/5
Characters | 2/5
Violence | Minor
Profanities | None
Sexual Content | Moderate
Mature subjects/themes include, but are limited to:loss of a loved one, death, assault, martial strife, separation, adoption, child abandonment, adult drinking, abuse of alcohol, funeral, prostitution, parenting, rape, physical abuse

I received a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers for the purpose of this review, it was not required of me to give a positive review, but to solely express my honest thoughts and opinions of this book, which I have done.

Originally posted @
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aml kamal
After a pirate attack, Emma and her brother are stranded without money; Patrick, who rescued them, needs help tending the lighthouse and his small son; getting married helps them both.

(Though reviews are inherently subjective, I prefer to provide some organization to my opinions through the use of a personal rubric. The following notes may contain spoilers.)

Plot and Setting: 4.5 -- Plot has unique elements and no major holes, but a few shaky bits and/or a slight lack of focus. Far too much of the conflict is based on misunderstandings or failure to communicate, Bertie is a bit much for me, and Mitch's revelations at the end feel too easy. Setting is clear, believable, and consistent.

Characters: 4 -- Main characters are relatable, realistic, interesting, and dynamic. Emma's feelings of insufficiency gave her realism, though it was a relief when Patrick FINALLY figured out he should tell her she was doing a good job. Their whole relationship is so awkward and full of false assumptions about each other, which is a bit frustrating, but also rather adorable. Some minor characters have depth, while others may be slightly stereotyped or simplified. I liked the depth Ryan showed in his changed views of Patrick, while Bertie is a hateful, manipulative gossip, and really little else. Definite strong points in the relationships between characters.

Mechanics and Writing: 4.5 -- Few, if any, typos or word errors. Good use of POV (Emma and Patrick). Generally skillful writing.

Redeeming Value: 4 -- Partially focused uplifting themes or lessons. Patrick and Emma give each other second chances, and learn that talking about things, even hard things, gives much better results than keeping secrets and making assumptions. Sex, alcohol, violence, etc, are not glorified, though there are lots of harmful secrets and gossip, and Patrick has a criminal past that he repents of and makes some vaguely-defined restitution for; he also uses his boxing skills to rather brutally subdue pirates.

Personal Enjoyment: 3 -- I liked it. It was enjoyable and entertaining. I wouldn’t mind re-reading it someday, but it’s not a priority.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Love Unexpected. Such a simple phrase. Can love be expected? Is love expected? I like this title. Ms. Jody Hedlund selected a widely accepted and searched two words for the title of her new book, "Love Unexpected (Beacon of Hope Series Book #1)". As you can see, it is the start of a series, and it's a promising start.

Ms. Hedlund got me hooked on the first chapter. The start was riveting, as Emma, our main female character, along with her brother, Ryan was on a ship to a new land for job opportunities. Nothing special there, but then pirates attacked, and they were stranded into sea. And they are saved by our main character, Patrick.

Pirates have always been a hot topic throughout the ages, and in recent years from the Pirates of the Carribean franchise, to Disney's Jake and the Pirates characters, the topic doesn't seem to slow down. To be honest, I thought Ryan will be missing during the shipwreck until the end of this book and his story truly begins in another book of the series. However, with that said, it was not the case. Even though he's not the main character and he shows up randomly throughout the book, he's there. So there are elements of surprises.

Back to Emma & Patrick. She's a shy and hard working girl, with a sense of taking responsibility for all things that goes wrong. Is it a good thing? I don't think so. I'm usually partial to at least one of the main characters in books I read, but unfortunately, neither Emma or Patrick stands out to me. I find Emma naive and her stupidity in befriending ____ is unbelievable. Someone who's always out to berate your husband and yourself, how do you trust that person enough to share all your secrets or personal matters with? It just doesn't make sense to me. Patrick, on the other hand, I do find more believable, from his guilt to his love for his family. However, this character flaws in where he assumes everything about Emma, without ever opening his mouth to ask her. (I guess it goes for the same for Emma too, where she assumes a lot about Patrick, without asking, which I find it more disconcerting, when she starts off with let bygones be bygones.) As to characters, I find them all lacking in some aspect, and that is a good thing, because it's important for readers to see the growth of the characters. I do love both characters development with the Patrick's son. Even so, I just can't seem to fall hard for any of these characters.

As to plot, I do find it moving along quite well. It started well, and throughout the story, I was interested in finding out what will happen or how will this move on. Therefore, as a story, I do believe Ms. Hedlund did a great job. I am an avid historical novel reader, so there are areas that as a person in the 21st century I may find ridiculous, but for that time period, it can and is believable.

All in all, I do recommend this book for the story and the pretty cover, but if you prefer a book with strong character developments, don't have your hopes up.

Note: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher, Bethany House for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
loren manns
In Love Unexpected, author Jody Hedlund sweeps us away to Presque Isle, Michigan -- a remote fishing village where a lighthouse is strategically placed along the craggy shoreline to warn fishermen of imminent danger, the smell of pine trees and salty fish assault the readers' senses, and dangerous pirates lurk in the cold, murky, turbulent waters of Lake Huron!

When Emma and her brother, Ryan, are left for dead in their fishing boat by vicious pirates, Patrick Garrity comes to their rescue. Patrick is the widowed father of a toddler and the lighthouse keeper in a remote fishing village. Ryan is taken in by a family who does not want Emma, so she accepts the most practical solution available. Patrick needs a mother for Josiah, and Emma who longs to finally have a home of her own, enters into a marriage of convenience with this seemingly God-fearing man. It is not long, however, before she begins to have dreadful misgivings. Although Emma dearly loves Josiah he is given to terrible temper tantrums, she has no domestic skills, and to make matters worse Patrick carries deep secrets involving his past. Soon Emma begins to wonder if this man she is falling for is all that he appears to be. As the gossip swirls around her as thick and dark as the turbid waters of Lake Huron, will she sink once again -- this time with no beacon of hope to light her way?

Jody Hedlund has written a wonderfully descriptive, fiction-based-on-fact story about lighthouses, breathtaking romance, and.....pirates? Yes, indeed! Pirates on Lake Huron is something I was not aware of and totally intensified my interest in this did my love of towering, majestic lighthouses. I really enjoyed the main characters (thumb sucking Josiah was adorable in spite of his temper), but poor Emma was so naïve I wanted to shake her and give her a big hug at the same time. The angst and romantic tension is so palatable it'll leave your heart racing erratically...ahhh, such exquisite torture. Along with plenty of descriptive imagery, a strong message of hope and forgiveness, and a few gnarly pirates thrown in the mix!...this novel makes for a very satisfying read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

3.5 stars. I went back and forth between 3-4 stars for this book. I try to reserve 4 stars for books I really loved, and might like to own/read again.

Many books in this genre follow a courtship culminating in the wedding night. I enjoy those stories too, but it always strikes me that it is so hard to find a lovestory about an already legitimately married couple. At least in historical fiction like this. I wonder if it's sending the message that the romance is only exciting in the beginning or that once you're in love, you're always in love and your story is kind of over. I don't believe in either of these statements and wish I could find stories out there that showed real struggles in married couples, the beauty of falling in love over (and over and over) again with the same person but for new reasons, determining to love someone when they're not being loveable, etc. And while this (and a handful of similar book I've read) is slightly different because the two main characters marry in the beginning of the book, it's still pretty much the same, because it's a marriage in name only, with the story really being about their courtship still, once again culminating in the night that it becomes a full marriage. A little different, but still essentially the same, and not the story I'm seeking. But that's not really the author's fault. Back to Love Unexpected.

As always, Ms. Hedlund infuses her stories with interesting history that really transports you back in time. I always love her author's notes at the end of her books. I enjoyed the brother/sister themes and the pirates. I loved Ryan's character and hope to see a lot more of him possibly in another book in the series.

I don't usually like the portrayal of children in books like these (in fact, I always mention that) and I try to avoid them when I can. But apart from some grating language ("Me go," "Me want" etc) and a couple of unbelievable moments (I don't believe that a two year old, particularly one raised in this household, would know anything about pirates or "bad guys,") things were fairly realistic. I found myself chuckling appreciatively at Emma's second guessing her parenting choices and their effectiveness.

I'm not a fan of self doubt and insecurity running rampant in relationships, even with good reason. But I felt like it was somewhat atoned for by Patrick's declaration of his accepting God's forgiveness.

I loved, LOVED the message of hope being secure in God alone; that placing hopes in people, things, relationships, homes, etc, would only lead to disappointment.

I think the thing that really kept me from connecting with this book and loving it the way I've loved some of Ms. Hedlund's previous stories, was some inconsistency of Emma's character. She mentions early on that her own father had a rather unsavory past (possibly even murder, maybe? I can't remember, and one of the problems with ebooks is that it's not so easy to flip back and check) and that she turned a blind eye to his doings. She seemed to feel guilt over this. Patrick's past was made clear enough early on and I thought Emma would be uniquely suited to forgive a man with this kind of history. I thought with her own regret, that she would be a perfect match to encourage Patrick to seek a second chance through God, the way she would have wanted her father to, and perhaps the way she wished she had encouraged him to. But Emma seemed to completely forget about her own place in such sins and really struggled with Patrick's revelations. I was disappointed in her too. And unlike Patrick, I didn't feel like her apology and attempts to stand up for him after the fact were good enough. Though I was relieved to see her finally recognize Bertie's behavior for what it was.

Despite that, I would recommend this book; fans of this genre and fans of this author will not be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth mogg
The first in the Beacons of Hope series, Love Unexpected was much more than I expected from the book's description. The lightkeeper's wife suffered an untimely death, leaving Patrick with no means to care for his 2-year-old son and manage the lighthouse on Presque Isle. Steamboat passengers Emma and her brother Ryan, are victims of pirates overtaking their boat not far from the shore of Presque Isle. Rescued and destitute, Ryan secures a job in the local fishing industry, but Emma has no hope of a future until a marriage of convenience is arranged in order that she raise the lighthouse keeper's young son. Delighted at her good fortune in securing a home for herself, a life of untold secrets and deception threaten her future.

The events throughout this book kept me wrapped up in this fast-paced, suspenseful drama filled with deception and untold secrets. Brimming with intrigue, tragedy and dread this book kept me riveted to my seat. Unexpected situations lurked around every corner, threatening Emma's safety and reputation. Jody Hedlund has a gift for creating a setting and relationships that are unforgettable. She portrays the lighthouse and the area surrounding it on Presque Isle with accuracy and beauty. Her research is impeccable. Her description of the eastern coast of Michigan and Lake Huron, as well as historic events are commendable. Her characters are also based on individuals who lived on Presque Isle as lightkeepers in the past. In her Author's Note at the end of her book the author relays information regarding the importance and significance of lighthouses along the shores of Michigan. Historically correct and written with a gift for realism, both in suspense and romance, I highly recommend this inspirational book!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own, and no monetary compensation was received for this review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I like books with lighthouse settings. What an important job to take on, yet with a feeling of isolation and freedom for those inclined to live a quiet life. I've sometimes thought it would be perfect for an introvert who still wants to make a difference. It seems Patrick Garraty thought so too.
The setting creates a nice, melancholic feel for the plot, in which two people have their own desperate reasons to get married, having just met each other.

Gentle-natured Emma, who hadn't been brought up to be domestic, is thrown in the deep end! I felt her side of the arrangement involved a lot more stress than Patrick's. Most women get a chance to ease themselves into housework and childcare, without suddenly shouldering the full load with no experience. At times, she seems a bit saintly to be true. I hope not to sound like a grouch here, but I've had to babysit kids like Josiah, and find it incredible that never once was Emma tempted to call him, 'Little Menace' instead of that never-ending, 'Little Love', even in her thoughts. He was running rings around her, and she was letting him be boss. Although Bertie Burnham is not the most lovable character, I was pleased when she pointed this out.

Although I found the novel a breeze to read, I did get frustrated with the two main characters. Their nervous and secretive attitudes cause many hassles. Emma quietly decides what she thinks will work best for those she cares for (Patrick and Ryan) without giving them any idea what she's thinking, so she has no way of getting feedback from them. Perhaps it's natural that Patrick returns the same treatment, withholding important family information which Emma would surely want to know. No wonder when trouble comes, they are both left reeling, because they still don't know each other as well as they could at that stage.

It's good when child characters strengthen the plot instead of being just tacked on. Josiah controls a lot of the action. I'm sure we've all come across toddlers like him (or maybe you've had one or two). He has such a big, overbearing personality, they have to plan their own schedules around when he's in bed. He's demanding, he pushes boundaries, sometimes he makes me exhausted reading about him. There's nobody like a two-year-old for clinging to someone's leg one moment and throwing a tantrum the next. Not every character can believably undergo mood transplants to suit the story, but Josiah can easily.

I think my favourite character is Emma's brother, Ryan. He's always direct, a refreshing change from all the bottling up done by the two main characters. Ryan seems to have a more common-sense and decisive approach than his sister's, and I wouldn't mind reading a novel with him as the main character.

I like the nice little teaser for Jody Hedlund's novella, with the same setting. A fascinating bit a history between another young couple at the same lighthouse is hinted at within the pages of this story, and intrigued me enough to go and get hold of their story, 'Out of the Storm' which I'll review soon.

Thanks to Bethany House and Net Galley for my review copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marek jeske
I have read several books by Jody Hedlund and enjoyed every one. I actually read book 2 in the Beacons of Hope Series, Hearts Made Whole, before reading this one and really enjoyed both. In Love Unexpected we meet Emma and Ryan Chambers, brother and sister trying to find a better life. When they end up stranded, Ryan quickly finds work to help gain money for their passage to Detroit. But Ryan’s new job keeps him busy and Emma feels out of place. When Emma meets little Josiah, she can’t help but adore him. His dad Patrick isn’t hard to look at, and when a traveling preacher suggest they marry, Emma jumps at the chance to have her dreams of a home and family come true. Patrick has a past and he worries that Emma will despise him if she learns about it. He is so thankful that Emma agreed to marry him and doesn’t want to push her away by revealing too much. Will the secrecy push them apart? Can Emma handle all the work that a ready made family comes with?

I had a lot of fun reading this book. Hedlund kept my interest the whole time, and I couldn’t wait to see what was going to happen next. This story has many unexpected twists and turns and I enjoyed every one of them. She had me dying to find out what was going to be revealed and if they could overcome. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction and romance. I received a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers and Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion. All opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
by Andrea Renee Cox

Love Unexpected took me by surprise. The first two paragraphs jumpstarted the story with a pirate attack, which snapped me to attention and piqued my interest. It slowed into a sweet romance that kept me engaged in every chapter. I felt I was falling in love with the characters just as much as they were falling for each other.

There’s a strong similarity to one of my favorite movies, Love Comes Softly. In that movie, after Marty’s husband dies, she marries Clark so she’ll have a place to stay over the winter, and she can help raise his daughter in the meantime. In Love Unexpected, Patrick’s wife dies and then he marries Emma so she can help with his son and the house while he tends the light, and Emma will have a safe place to stay in a town full of lonely men. It’s the differences between these two similar stories that make each on its own unique and entertaining entity.

Author Jody Hedlund artfully crafted a beautiful tale of a marriage of convenience, yet she managed to revive an overused plot by adding her own style to it. Who wouldn’t love a story that features pirates, a lighthouse, stunning Presque Isle, and characters you come to love—and a few you love to hate? The twists Jody brought into that juicy mix created a great atmosphere for a cozy romance tinged with mystery.

As a lifelong fan of foreign accents, I couldn’t help but notice the lack of Irish accents in the two lead characters (and the heroine’s brother), who were Irish immigrants. The only hints within the dialogue that Patrick, Emma, and Ryan were from Ireland were occasional “nay’s” and “aye’s.” I kept forgetting they were Irish and instead heard American accents in my mind. I appreciated the reminders in the narration, but it would have created better continuity if the characters’ heritage was woven into the ways in which they spoke.

That being said, this charming story held plenty of surprises and sweet moments to carve out a spot in my heart. I’m looking forward to reading more novels from the talented Jody Hedlund.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne bartholomew
Love Unexpected kept me turning the pages long after I should’ve been asleep, and I enjoyed every minute of reading it. I’d definitely recommend this for fans of historical romance, particularly if you’re into lighthouses, stories of redemption, marriage-of-convenience stories, and/or pirates.

I loved the emotional vulnerability of the characters because I thought it added a real poignancy as their relationship developed over the course of the story. Husband and wife each entered the marriage with insecurities arising from their past that caused them to doubt whether their new spouse could ever come to love them. Their fear of rejection makes it that much harder to reach out, but also that much more wonderful when they do. Definitely some sigh-worthy moments here as they get to know and trust each other. ☺

As if fear of rejection weren’t enough for a newlywed couple to deal with, Emma also has to figure out how to parent a two-year-old and cook without burning everything from biscuits to soup, while Patrick has to keep the arrival of an unsavory element from his past from jeopardizing his job and his relationship with Emma. Plot twists and turns, plus a bit of mystery serve to keep things interesting from beginning to end.

This is the first novel in Jody Hedlund’s Beacons of Hope series, but there’s also a lovely prequel novella called Out of the Storm that I reviewed at EIR a few months ago. Chronologically, the novella comes first, and its story comes up in this one as an example of hope, but honestly I think you could read them in either order without missing anything. I’ve enjoyed both so far, and I’m looking forward to the release of the second full novel in the series, Hearts Made Whole, coming in June.

Thank you to Bethany House for providing an electronic copy of this book via NetGalley for review purposes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Discussion Point the First: When you read the blurb, and it says Patrick just lost his wife, you think maybe two weeks to two months ago. Right? How about not? Emma stumbles upon her FUNERAL. When they mean just, they aren’t stretching. It kind of took me back, I mean his new-to-be wife was talking to his two-year-old while they were putting dirt over the coffin. Just wow.

I really enjoyed the characters and their dynamics. Emma seemed pretty chill throughout the majority of the book. She spent a good portion of her young years in Ireland during the starving period. She witnessed a lot of crimes and the fact that it became normal is apparent. She gets stressed when it comes down to toddlers behavior though. She has one younger brother, but she never had any practice taking care of little ones. Her problems with obedience are both amusing and annoying. Amusing because she has such problems, and annoying because she can’t control him. Just discipline him. He is a child. On the bright side it isn't one of those annoying stories where she gets no support from Patrick when it comes to toddler. He supports her, and I loved it.

The history surrounding the lighthouse and living on Lake Michigan was really engrossing. It made me curious about how a lighthouse is actually run, and gave me enough information that I didn’t feel the need to look it up, or put it down for a break. It brought to mind the new version of Yours, Mine, and Ours, when the wife woos her husband with their lighthouse. It also punctured my Boxcar children dreams. Oh well. Aside from the popping of dreams it was absolutely wonderful, and I’ve already reread it twice. I cannot wait for the next book in the series to come out (I think sometime later this year).

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. Enjoy reading! Go to to find more books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cat g
I find lighthouses to be just fascinating. Such a symbol of safety and hope. They are solitary in their position but they send out a beacon that reaches many. In the deepest darkest night and in the midst of the most turbulent storms they send out a light that can guide the viewer to safety. There are so many metaphors and examples of the function of the lighthouse and Jody Hedlund has woven them together into a beautiful story of redemption, safety, second-chances and lighted paths.

Love Unexpected is the first in Jody's newest series Beacons of Hope. The author doesn't piddle around with historical details to set the stage. Instead she plunges you right into the heart of the story. The opening pages contain a frightening scene of a ship being accosted by pirates and then set on fire leaving the passengers and crew to literally sink or swim. During this perilous ordeal we meet Emma and her beloved brother Ryan. The two are alone in the world and everything that they had the pirates just stole.

Patrick is the Presque Isle lighthouse keeper. It is a solitary job that seems to suit him. He's a man with a past that has been forgiven by God but remembered by those who would do him harm. His wife has recently died and left the care of their two-year-old son solely up to him. Not an easy undertaking in normal circumstances but the tasks of a lighthouse keeper make it near impossible.

As Providence is want to do, Emma and Ryan are rescued by Patrick and a path known only to God is put in place. Neither Emma nor Patrick could have ever guessed that the answer to their separate dilemmas was the person standing before them. But isn't that just like God, using our weaknesses to show Himself strong?

This is a beautiful story that will entertain you but it will also remind you about the One who holds your future in His hand. As you follow along the twists and turns that the character's lives take you will be prompted to consider Who guides each of us along the way.

As a bonus, this series has a continuing thread woven in that pertains to a mysterious carved cross and a letter. The letter and cross are to be passed on in an effort to spread hope to the recipient. To grasp the meaning behind the cross and letter, Jody has written a novella called Out of the Storm that tells the whole story about how it came to be. This is a great addition and rounds out the story nicely. At the time of this writing it is a free download for your ereaders.

I received a copy of this book to facilitate my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephane duplessis
Emma Chambers and her brother Ryan came to America with their father during the Irish potato famine several years prior, after their mother starved to death. Once their father passed away, they decided to leave Michigan's Mackinac Island for better opportunities. As they passed Presque Isle, a small outpost in rural Michigan, their ship was attacked by pirates, and they were forced to abandon ship. Ryan and Emma were rescued by the local lighthouse keeper, Patrick Garraty, a single father whose late wife had passed away just hours before.

Ryan finds a job in Burnham's Landing, the small town attached to Presque Isle, but Emma is unsure of her future. That is, until a traveling preacher comes into town and suggests that Patrick and Emma marry out of convenience. Patrick needs a mother for his 2 year old son Josiah, (he cannot manage the lighthouse duties and be a single father) and Emma needs to be financially supported.

After a short consideration, Emma decides to marry Patrick, since the arrangement makes sense, and they return to their home at the lighthouse where Emma slowly learns how to be a mother and a homemaker. She soon learns some shocking news about Patrick, however. He has a criminal record, and the circumstances surrounding his late wife's death are suspicious. Emma must decide if she wants to learn to love and trust Patrick, or if she's going to let the rumors stand in the way of achieving a relationship with her husband.

There were some things I liked about this book. Patrick's 2 year old son, Josiah, reminded me of Junior. Stubborn yet sweet, with a mind of his own. I pictured Junior's little face in all the paragraphs about Josiah. I also liked the historical aspect to life at a lighthouse, and all that the antiquated job entailed. I've visited 19th century lighthouses, but I never really considered how much work went into maintaining them, and how challenging a life it would have been--especially in rural Michigan.

Some things I didn't like about the book--the hesitancy, indecisiveness, and assumptions made by Patrick and Emma about themselves and their relationship. There are only so many times Emma can play the "he loves me, he loves me not" dilemma without getting annoying. Patrick is the same way. But, neither character discusses their feelings about each other, so they're left assuming the worst and make some fairly poor decisions as a result. This made the main characters not that likeable.

The majority of the book is about Patrick and Emma learning to love each other (mostly by making the assumption that the other doesn't love him/her), Josiah's relationship with his new "mamma", Patrick's learning to forgive himself for his past, and Emma believing that God cares about her.

All in all, it was an entertaining book, and I did learn a few things about lighthouses, but I wish the characters just weren't so wishy-washy.

*I was provided a free copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own and have not been influenced in any way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hansa bergwall
The story takes place in 1859, on Presque Isle, Michigan. With their steamboat under attack by fresh-water pirates, Emma Chamber and her brother Ryan jump overboard into the frigid waters of Lake Huron, praying for a miracle. Neither of them believe strongly in miracles anymore, ever since their mother died of starvation in Ireland and their father passed away after doing whatever was necessary for them to survive, including theft which then led him to drink. But lighthouse keeper Patrick Garraty spotted the sinking steamboat from his perch and rushes to save whoever he can, meaning Ryan and Emma. Befuddled by the loss of their passage, once again nearly penniless, Ryan must work locally in order to earn enough for their passage on a new ship, work which will take him at least a few months. Emma is left to her own devices, saddened that her brother is once again saddled with her as a burden, that is until Patrick Garraty and the local preacher, Holy Bill, approach her with a proposition. Patrick's wife just recently died and he is in desperate need of someone to watch his two-year-old son, Josiah, while he tends to the care and upkeep of the lighthouse. The only condition is that they must marry. After a moment of panic at the very notion, Emma agrees to Patrick's plan, having already taken a liking to the toddler and thrilled at being able to release her little brother from his responsibility in protecting and providing for her. Now Patrick and Emma must work together to form a new life for themselves and for little Josiah, but their fledgling relationship is tested by local gossips and the rumor mill, raising doubts in Emma's mind about the suitability and faithfulness of her new husband.

This is my third Jody Hedlund book, and the start to a brand new series by her, entitled "Beacons of Hope." Ms. Hedlund enjoys writing about lighthouses, particularly those in the Michigan area run by female lighthouse keepers, and so she based Emma and Patrick off two real people, Patrick Garraty and his wife Mary Chambers. The historicity of the novel is fascinating. Even Holy Bill, an eccentric and amusing character, is based off a real individual. I always find that using historic people and places, doing your research as a writer, always enhances historic fiction, and Ms. Hedlund does one of the finest jobs out there when it comes to her research.

As to the characters themselves, I truly appreciated Patrick, both as a husband and as a father. He has a speckled past, full of mistakes and poor choices, but he turned his life around with God's help and refuses to return to his past sins. He is a gentle and loving father, an affectionate husband, and a dedicated lighthouse keeper, determined to keep the lighthouse going every night, even when he's so tired that he can barely stay awake. I struggle more with liking Emma, unfortunately. It's not that she's unlikeable, it's just that she makes errors in judgement. She chooses to befriend the nosiest, most mean-spirited woman in town, spilling her new husband's secrets in earnest to the woman, hoping for advice. Emma creates most of the problems in this book by her foolishness in trusting the wrong people who are obviously the wrong people from the start.

I deeply appreciate Ms. Hedlund's writing. She is skilled in her descriptions and her dialogue, painting very real and vivid pictures most of the time. I just wish, in this book, that Emma and Patrick had talked. A lot of the angst and turmoil could have been avoided with a few simple conversations. Emma constantly jumped to conclusions about Patrick: oh, he couldn't love her, she's plain, he's angry with her, he could never desire her, etc. All while it's obvious that Patrick adores her and is highly attracted to her. She even tries to leave because she assumes something she sees is true, that her opinion of it is right, and that a conversation with Patrick would be pointless. She's sure she's right, and so she runs away without talking to him. That's foolish and reckless. Communication is just as important in fiction as it is in real life, and I just wish that Patrick and Emma had communicated more.

On my rating scale, I would give "Love Unexpected" 3.5 stars. I'm rounding it up because the flaw is not in her writing, only in some of the character development and design. The book is a quick and simple read, enjoyable in many places, and one that most readers will love.

- I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review, which I have given.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love Unexpected by Jody Hedlund

I recently read Jody Hedlund’s ebook Out of the Storm. It is a novella and I enjoyed it very much. Included at the end of that ebook novella were the first five chapters of Love Unexpected by Jody Hedlund. I read those first five chapters and couldn’t wait to get my hands on the book so that I could read the rest of the story.

My friend Lisa, Living Echoes, read the book and did a review on it, and last Saturday, she asked me if I would like to read it because I had commented on her review that I had never read a book by Jody Hedlund (I had read the ebook novella since making that comment). I was so happy, when she handed me the book. I couldn’t wait to dig into it. I began reading it that evening and finished it this afternoon.

Love Unexpected by Jody Hedlund is about a young woman who is traveling on a boat with her brother. Pirates attack the boat and Emma, the young woman, and her brother, Ryan, are rescued by the Presque Isle lighthouse keeper. Presque is a remote place in Michigan. There are only two other woman on Presque Isle when Emma and Ryan arrive, an older woman and her daughter-in-law.

Ryan is taken in by a family because he can work for the man, but Emma is not really welcome to stay with them. An unlikely solution presents itself when the lighthouse keeper arrives in town. His wife has just passed away and he is having difficulty caring for his two-year-old child and the lighthouse. A traveling preacher suggests that Emma marry the lighthouse keeper as a solution to both of their problems. She hastily agrees and finds herself unprepared for parenting an exuberant toddler and managing a household.

The story is suspenseful and romantic. I fell in love with Emma and Patrick, the lighthouse keeper, quickly and longed for them both to find happiness with each other. Jody Hedlund created such rich characters in Emma and Patrick that I couldn’t help but love them and route for them throughout a well-written plot; a plot that constantly created problems and emotional upset in their lives.

The story was spiritually inspiring, as Patrick lived a life of faith and had already learned some difficult lessons in his life. I was challenged by something that Patrick shares with Emma on page 94. (You’ll have to read the book to find out what those words are.)

This is the first book in a new series by Jody Hedlund; a series called “Beacons of Hope” and I look forward to reading each one as it becomes available. I highly recommend this book to adult women who enjoy well-written historical fiction stories that include good, clean romance.

I wrote this book review on my own. I did not write it for a publisher and I did not receive a free copy of the book. I simply borrowed the book from a friend, but I enjoyed it so much and loved the characters so much that I wanted to write a review and encourage others to read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
With its ruggedly beautiful setting, compelling time frame, and appealing characterizations, "Love Unexpected" is a winning start to author Jody Hedlund's "Beacons of Hope" series. Like some many other families driven from Ireland by the great famine, Emma Chambers and her brother, Ryan, had struggled to survive. Seeking a new life in America, they found work in the fisheries of Mackinac Island, Michigan. Taking a chance on a better future, they board a steamboat bound for Detroit. When pirates loot the ship and sink it, Emma and Ryan are rescued by Patrick Garraty, the keeper of nearby Presque Isle Lighthouse. A man of faith, Patrick's size and strength are gentled by his kindness. Recently widowed by the accidental death of his wife, Delia, Patrick must find someone to help him care for his young son, Josiah, or he will have to forfeit his job as lightkeeper. While Emma's brother has quickly found work and lodging, Emma's future is quite uncertain. Fate plays its hand through the wisdom of a traveling preacher, Holy Bill, who knows Patrick's story and sees Emma as the answer to his prayers. Emma has always wanted a home and family of her own, and Patrick and his son seem like her chance to follow her dreams. A quick marriage between them leads to a growing friendship and attraction. Little Josiah, only two years old, soon accepts Emma as his "Mamma". However, Patrick has painful secrets from his past--secrets which come back to haunt him and threaten his hopes of happiness with Emma and the new family life they have made. Can Patrick and Emma find their way clear to a real and lasting love with faith as their guiding light? Will forgiveness, both of self and others, grant them the peace and joyful existence they seek? An involving storyline with added elements of fascinating history makes "Love Unexpected" a real pleasure for fans of Inspirational Historical Romance.

Review Copy Gratis Bethany House Books
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love Unexpected by Jody Hedlund is a great historical fiction book. I knew I would love this book because I love all of Jody Hedlund's books. The way she writes is more like painting a picture, it's like watching a story unfold right before your very eyes. I love the way she includes factual historical events and this is one author who really does her homework. For example, at the end of Love Unexpected there is an "Author's Note" where she shares about the research she did and how the book ties in with real historical events, which things were true and which were just based on a true event. Some of the character's are based on real people from the past and she shares who those people where and how they inspired her. For someone like me, who loves history this is just awesome!

Another thing I love about this book (and all her books) are how rich they are in faith. This story shows how the mistakes we have made in the past can still affect our future even after we give our hearts to God. I once heard a preacher say that even after you get saved you sometimes "reap what you sow". Although God forgives us sometimes we suffer the repercussions of our mistakes after God has saved us. I have experienced this in my own life, but through the grace of God, he not only forgave me of my sins, he turned those bad things into blessings! Isn't God great like that?!

There was also a message of forgiveness and showing the same mercy to others that God has shown to you. Sometimes this is a hard thing to do, but we have to remember that we were once a sinner just like them and we need to share the love of God so they can see God shining through you.

I loved the characters in Love Unexpected. Emma is a young girl traveling with her brother when their ship is attacked by pirates. Her and her brother are rescued by lighthouse keeper Patrick. All Emma has ever wanted was a home of her own. She has all but given up on that dream. No man ever came calling and she doesn't think anyone would think her attractive. Patrick has just buried his wife and is left to run the lighthouse and take care of his two year old son on his own. It seems that Emma is the answer to his problem and after a quick wedding Emma finally has the home she has always wanted. Now that she is married she is starting to realize that she knows nothing about being a mother and the man she married seems to have many secrets. There are even rumors around town that he is a dangerous man. When Emma discovers Patrick's secrets will she be able to stay with him?

There is a novella prequel to this book called Out of the Storm. If you don't read it first it will not take away from the book, but it would help you connect with a certain part of the story, plus it is really good too. Love Unexpected is book one in the Beacons of Hope series and I can't wait till the next book comes out!

If you have not read any of Jody Hedlund books, you are missing out, but it's not too late! You can start with this series!

***This book was provided to me by Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love Unexpected by Jody Hedlund is the first in the Beacons of Hope series. It's a really good, sweet story set around pirates and lighthouses. Is that intriguing enough for you? I was surprised when I read it because I had read very little about the book beforehand. Makes it more exciting. So when I started reading it, I was thinking oh, this is good! Very very good! This author is now on my favorites list. ;-)

Emma Chambers and her brother just lost everything when pirates attacked the steam boat they were traveling on. They were rescued by the lighthouse keeper of Presque Isle, but without a place to stay or a job Emma doesn't know what is to become of her. The traveling preacher approaches her and makes a proposition. Marriage to Patrick, the lighthouse keeper. Shocked Emma isn't sure what to think. She has always wanted to have a family and home of her own so when she sees how tender Patrick is with his little son, she agrees.

Patrick literally just buried his wife and knows he can't keep his job and take care of Josiah so when the preacher suggests marrying Emma, Patrick agrees albeit reluctantly. Haunted by his past, he isn't sure if he should reveal his secrets to her or not. It didn't turn out that well with his first wife, and he really needs Emma's help for his son's sake. Taking the pastor's advice to leave the past in the past, Patrick hopes that this time around things will go more smoothly.

When Emma settles in, she begins to doubt her decision. A strong willed two year old, a husband who disappears for hours, and no cooking skills makes Emma feel like things will never improve. Did she really make the right choice? Or did she let her desire for a home of her own overshadow her good sense?

This story was so well done. It reeled me in right from the beginning and didn't release me until it was finished. The characters and conversations were so realistic, and Josiah was one of the best parts. He was a typical two year old bringing temper tantrums and sunshine and making life better than you thought it could be. Plus, the author portrayed so well how difficult it would be for a little one, the dad, and the new mom to adjust to a new situation. Needless to say, I could not put this book down! I can't wait to read more from this author. :-)

I was given this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill nash
Love Unexpected
(Beacons of Hope Series #1)
By Jody Hedlund
In Jody Hedlund’s new series, she captures the mystique of historical lighthouses and the heroic people that manned them. Even more amazing are the women that held these positions as they were rare indeed.
In Love Unexpected, you’ll meet Emma Chambers who becomes one of these unlikely heroes. Her story begins when she and her brother, Ryan, face death when pirates commandeer and destroy the steamboat they have passage on.
They are pulled from the icy waters of Lake Michigan by the lighthouse keeper, Patrick Garraty. The little town of Presque Isle becomes there refuge until they can continue to Detroit to start their lives over.
After the pirates stole the little money they had, they had to find a way to earn their tickets to Detroit. Destitute, they inquire within the town for work and shelter. Emma happens upon two-year-old Josiah who has wandered away from his mother’s funeral. She occupies him while Patrick finishes the services. As the situation progresses she finds a way out of her destitution when Reverend Holy Bill proposes that she weds Patrick to be Josiah’s mother and assistant lighthouse keeper.
Patrick’s past comes back to wreck havoc on his life and Emma gets caught up in the turmoil. She lacks the self confidence to run a household let alone be the primary caregiver of a precocious two year old. When seeds of doubt are sown, she fears for her life and that of Josiah. Although wed, Patrick and Emma have to battle inner demons to overcome the obstacles that prevent their love. They both yearn for love that has been elusive to them. In the end, it is forgiveness of themselves and self confidence that they are worthy for the unexpected love that blossoms between them. When secrets are revealed, they find solace in prayer and relief in revelations that free them from guilt. They are able to finally have the happy ending they both deserve.
Jody Hedlund’s writing style takes the reader on a glorious tour into the past. With this new series based on the lives of Lighthouse women, readers are insured of more wonderful tales of adventure of these pioneering women. It is admirable that Hedlund brings the stories of how women like these persevered leading the way for today’s generations. They are women of faith, of strength and of remarkable fortitude.

Be sure to visit Jody Hedlund’s website to read about the prequel, Out of the Storm (Beacons of Hope Series): A Novella that directly ties in a gift Patrick gives Emma.

FTC Disclaimer: I was given an ARC of this title for review purposes only, no other compensation was awarded.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jared sparks
Emma Chambers longs for a home. But when her steamboat sinks off the coast of Presque Isle, she's left destitute and with no where to go. Her brother takes a job working with the fishermen, but Emma can't stay with him. And the family who runs the general store won't let her remain with them. When widower Patrick Garrarty, the lighthouse keeper, arrives for his wife's funeral, an unlikely solution to both of their problems presents itself. He needs someone to care for his young son while he mans the light. Emma needs a home and a place to stay. A marriage of convenience is quickly proposed and executed by a traveling preacher, and Emma finds herself on her way to her new home with an energetic toddler and his handsome, though quiet father. Emma soon learns that Patrick is keeping something from her. Will Patrick's secret cost them both a chance at happiness?

I was asked the other day which Jody Hedlund book is the most appealing. My answer was cover-wise A Noble Groom, because after all the cover model is dreamy. But then I added that story-wise, it was a toss up between A Noble Groom and this one, Love Unexpected. Why do I find this book the most appealing of Jody's books? And why did I make a comment on Goodreads that this may be my favorite one of Jody's so far? That's what I'll try to answer in my review.

True to form, this novel is rich in historical detail and based on the life of a real Michigan lighthouse keeper. That is one element I've come to expect and look forward to in Jody's books. I know that I've enjoyed the novels she bases on the life of someone way more than the ones she doesn't. I've read, and own, all of Jody's books. I think that there were maybe two that I didn't care for as much as the others.

But why does this book stand out to me? I think it's because Patrick is not a perfect man. He's flawed. He's suffered. He has a past. He is real. And there is so much depth to him too. And Emma also shows that she's deep. She makes mistakes and regrets them. She's willing to forgive. But she is real as well. The author has written both Emma's and Patrick's struggles really well and made my heart ache for them.

I think another reason this one may be my favorite of Jody's is that it is the first in a series. I ADORE series because I don't necessarily have to say goodbye to characters I've grown to love. I know that the next book in the series will be about Ryan, Emma's brother.

I was very surprised by how quickly I was engrossed in the book. I got it in one day, started reading it, and soon was halfway finished with the book. Of course I had to put it down to finish up a couple of other books I was reviewing, but when I picked it up again a few days later, I was lost. Not lost in the sense that I didn't know where I'd left off, but lost in the sense that I was pulled into Emma's world. Time would fly by and before I knew it, it would be very late. At that point, I knew I couldn't bring the book to work to read on lunch breaks as I was so engrossed that I'd probably forget to end my lunch break. This is definitely one I'd savor.

I received this book for free from the author to help with the promotion of the book. It actually released yesterday, December 2, 2014. My thoughts and opinions are my own. In fact as part of my agreement to help promote the book, I will be purchasing a copy to give as a Christmas present to one of my family members. One that I know has never read one of Jody's books (Sorry Mom. You can borrow my copy!).

Recommended to fans of Karen Witemeyer, Jody Hedlund, Laura Frantz, Julie Lessman, historical fiction, historical romance.

Rating - 5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Author Jody Hedlund easily weaves themes of love, trust, and redemption into all of her novels, but I love how much focus is on hope in Love Unexpected (Beacons of Hope series Book #1, Bethany House, 2014). Emma struggles with maintaining hope through drastic circumstances, something all of us can relate to. While the romance between Patrick and Emma is a whirlwind happening in roughly a month’s time, the reader can believe and feel their care for each other, as well as the inner turmoil each experience as they overcome their pasts, doubts, and inadequacies.

Jody draws the reader in with sensory-filled details incorporated into emotion-wrought sentences. And she never fails to create an intriguing, different-from-the-norm male character. As always, the historical aspects Jody includes in her stories fascinate me. I am easily drawn in to the time and place and eager to learn more about the characters’ ways of life. Jody shares in the author’s note what components are real, and which are fictionalized, which I always love reading at the end of the novel.

Reading Love Unexpected will make the reader yearn for open communication between Emma and Patrick, revel in Josiah’s young wonder of the earth, admire Ryan’s loyalty to his sister, grin at Holy Bill’s abrupt yet faith-directed ways, cheer Emma’s housekeeping and parenting attempts, scowl at Bertie’s selfish actions, and adore Patrick’s desire to exude God’s grace. All while learning about an utterly different way of life from what most of us live now. It’s a great blend of historical and Christian romance.

I recommend reading the novella, Out of the Storm, first; it serves as a precursor to this series and helps introduce the tone, setting, and era.

Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What does a young woman do? She loves her caretaker, but doesn't she deserve a life of her own? I couldn't put this book down, and felt that I was living in the lighthouse.
Can you imagine having a man washed up on your beach, more dead than alive? This is what does happen to Patrick and Emma, as she cares for this man. Can romance bloom in this sever Michigan lighthouse? How did Patrick get here?
With such an isolated area, there sure seems to be a lot of action taking place, we even end up with a hasty wedding between Emma, and Patrick, but does that mean any kind of love, or just saving a reputation?
What a rocky road, and they do live on rocks here, and climbing up the lighthouse to find safety and shielding. You will be surprised as to whom Patrick really is and discover if his attentions are legit. You will walk in Emma’s shoes and really won’t know where you are going to end up.
A very enjoyable read, and I want more!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Bethany House, and was not required to give a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Goodness gracious, Ms. Hedlund just gets better with each book!

Emma Chambers and her brother Ryan are left to fend for themselves after their steamboat is sunk by pirates just off the shore of Presque Island.
Emma doesn't want to be a burden to her brother as he tries to provide for himself, so she accepts the proposal of the local lighthouse keeper, Patrick Garraty who recently lost his wife, and is struggling to care for his young son while balancing his duties in the lighthouse.
But Patrick has secrets from his past that threaten to rob him of happiness with his newfound family...

Set on the coast of Michigan, this book has it all, heartfelt heroes that you can't help but cheer for the whole way through, romance, mystery, secrets, pirates, an adorable little boy, and so much more!

I loved Emma and Patrick, they both made the best of the situation, and had their reasons to be hesitant, yet through it all they were dedicated to their marriage and learned from their mistakes. Patrick is perfect tortured hero, and served as a wonderful example of how one truly becomes a new creation in Christ.

Josiah was just so stinkin' cute! Even when he was being bad he captured my heart. I also really liked Ryan, Emma's brother, so imagine my excitement when I found out that he is going to be the subject of the next book in the series! Why can't it just be June already?

Overall, a compelling and heartfelt read, from the beginning to the very end. I loved everything about it! I can't wait to tell all my friends that this is the book that they need to be reading!

Thanks to Ms. Hedlund for the opportunity to read and review this fantastic book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
neboj a
In Love Unexpected, the year is 1859. A young woman named Emma Chambers and her brother Ryan are on a steamboat that is attacked, robbed, and destroyed by pirates. Not long after Emma, Ryan, and others from the boat come ashore, a traveling preacher, Holy Bill, recommends that Emma marry Patrick, the recently widowed keeper of the local lighthouse. Patrick has a toddler named Josiah. Emma has not exactly been successful at courtship and finding a man to marry, so she agrees to marry Patrick, who likes how Emma relates to Josiah. Emma does not know how to cook, and she bumbles her tasks as a housewife and mother, but Patrick loves her, encourages her, and does small acts of kindness for her. Emma thinks that her husband is a good God-fearing man, yet she hears rumors from her gossipy neighbor, Bertie Burnham, a relative of Patrick’s late wife Delia. Does Patrick have an unsavory past? Is he the type of man who would have an affair? Was Delia’s death truly an accident?

I was expecting the book to be very suspenseful, but it did not meet my expectations in that regard. I was wondering what exactly Patrick’s secrets were, and that was one factor that kept me reading, but I would not say that I was on the edge of my seat. At the same time, I was a bit afraid when Emma shared Patrick’s secrets with Bertie, for I wondered what Bertie might do.

The book also was not particularly deep.

Overall, though, I enjoyed the story. I appreciated its themes of second chances, of the vulnerability of those with an unsavory past as they try to start anew, of thoughtfulness to others, and of love for others, even when they do not follow what one considers the right path. My favorite parts of the book were when cynical characters stepped forward and did the right thing. In some cases, they were motivated by their own pain, which produced in them compassion for others.

I also liked the Author’s Note at the end, in which Jody Hedlund said which parts of the book were based on historical events, and which were not.

The publisher sent me a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alison gettler
I always enjoy a Jody Hedlund historical romance. Here’s why:

What I liked:

The writing is so engaging you will read it quickly. I mean before I looked up I was more than halfway done with the book. It starts off with excitement and then leads into a quick marriage and I just wanted to know what happened next.

Patrick. Jody Hedlund can write some good heroes and I just liked me some of him. Patrick has a past, but he has also done everything he can to become a godly man since then. And one thing that I really liked was that when his past comes to face him, he doesn’t get lost in it, but quickly tries to figure out what God would have him to do.

The romance. I will admit that arranged marriages and hasty marriages are something of a favorite of mine to read. But I am particular about them because they can quickly become cheesy or ridiculous. Ms. Hedlund had written a book with one previously (The Doctor’s Lady) and it was probably my least favorite book that she had written, so I was a bit nervous. But don’t be! I found their marriage to come off with some real authenticity as they slowly acknowledge their attraction to each other and began to get to know each other well. My only concern is I felt like since they were married they could have spent more time together, but it all worked out in the end.

The suspense. There was just enough suspense to keep the novel going without taking over.

Spiritually, Patrick learns what grace really means and looks like while Emma comes to trust God.

What I didn’t like:

There is the trope of miscommunication in this book which to me is always strange, particularly when the hero and heroine live in the same house together, but it could have been worse! And yet, I kind of wish it wasn’t there at all.

Romantic scale: 8

Overall, I really enjoyed this romance. It was a light, quick read without all the angst.

**I received a copy from Netgalley. My opinion was not affected in anyway.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ian lippert
Love Unexpected is the first book in Jody Hedlund's Beacons of Hope series. It was preceded by a short e-novella titled, Out of the Storm. While it is not necessary to read Out of the Storm before reading Love Unexpected, the storyline does tie in to this novel. (And Out of the Storm is phenomenal, so you won't want to miss it!)

I've been hooked on Jody Hedlund since her very first novel, The Preacher's Bride. Six novels and a novella later, Love Unexpected is Jody Hedlund's novel featuring a marriage of convenience. Their marriage begins on a bit of a misunderstanding, as Emma doesn't even realize that she has agreed to marry Patrick. There were some mishaps along the way, such as her inability to cook, but there was very little tension between husband and wife. Uncharacteristic for two strangers who have been thrown together by circumstance. Both Patrick and Emma were very patient with one another, and willing to forgive each other's faults.

Jody Hedlund pays attention to detail! It's the little facts that some authors tend to overlook, but Jody expertly weaves into the storyline, that add authenticity and enjoyment to her novels. I loved that she described the difference between ocean waves and the waves on Lake Huron, the unpredictability of the weather, the frigid temperature of the water (even in June) and the danger of shipwrecks. Lake Huron is home to 200 shipwrecks and was once known as "Shipwreck Alley". I appreciated that little Josiah was given age appropriate dialogue, and even though he was a bit of a handful, he wound his way into my heart too.

I loved how Jody incorporated Isabelle and Henry's story into Love Unexpected. I'm hoping that the story of the driftwood cross will continue to follow the characters through the series and come full circle. Finding its way back to Isabelle and Henry.

Love Unexpected warns of the danger of putting our hope on people or in things. Our one sure hope is in the Lord. He is our refuge and our strength. He answers prayer according to our needs. His love is brighter than any lighthouse and there is nowhere safer for us than in the arms of a loving Saviour.

Love Unexpected is loosely based on Mary Chambers Garraty, known as the "mother to a lighthouse dynasty", her husband Patrick Garraty, and notorious Great Lakes pirate Dan Seavey. I highly recommend reading Love Unexpected or any of Jody Hedlund's works of fiction. She is a fantastic author! It would make a terrific gift for the reader in your family.

Hearts Made Whole, Beacons of Hope - Book Two will be available June 2, 2015.

Thank you, Jody Hedlund and Bethany House, for the free copy of Love Unexpected to read in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What does a young woman do? She loves her caretaker, but doesn't she deserve a life of her own? I couldn't put this book down, and felt that I was living in the lighthouse.
Can you imagine having a man washed up on your beach, more dead than alive? This is what does happen to Patrick and Emma, as she cares for this man. Can romance bloom in this sever Michigan lighthouse? How did Patrick get here?
With such an isolated area, there sure seems to be a lot of action taking place, we even end up with a hasty wedding between Emma, and Patrick, but does that mean any kind of love, or just saving a reputation?
What a rocky road, and they do live on rocks here, and climbing up the lighthouse to find safety and shielding. You will be surprised as to whom Patrick really is and discover if his attentions are legit. You will walk in Emma’s shoes and really won’t know where you are going to end up.
A very enjoyable read, and I want more!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Bethany House, and was not required to give a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott hefte
Goodness gracious, Ms. Hedlund just gets better with each book!

Emma Chambers and her brother Ryan are left to fend for themselves after their steamboat is sunk by pirates just off the shore of Presque Island.
Emma doesn't want to be a burden to her brother as he tries to provide for himself, so she accepts the proposal of the local lighthouse keeper, Patrick Garraty who recently lost his wife, and is struggling to care for his young son while balancing his duties in the lighthouse.
But Patrick has secrets from his past that threaten to rob him of happiness with his newfound family...

Set on the coast of Michigan, this book has it all, heartfelt heroes that you can't help but cheer for the whole way through, romance, mystery, secrets, pirates, an adorable little boy, and so much more!

I loved Emma and Patrick, they both made the best of the situation, and had their reasons to be hesitant, yet through it all they were dedicated to their marriage and learned from their mistakes. Patrick is perfect tortured hero, and served as a wonderful example of how one truly becomes a new creation in Christ.

Josiah was just so stinkin' cute! Even when he was being bad he captured my heart. I also really liked Ryan, Emma's brother, so imagine my excitement when I found out that he is going to be the subject of the next book in the series! Why can't it just be June already?

Overall, a compelling and heartfelt read, from the beginning to the very end. I loved everything about it! I can't wait to tell all my friends that this is the book that they need to be reading!

Thanks to Ms. Hedlund for the opportunity to read and review this fantastic book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kelli st
In Love Unexpected, the year is 1859. A young woman named Emma Chambers and her brother Ryan are on a steamboat that is attacked, robbed, and destroyed by pirates. Not long after Emma, Ryan, and others from the boat come ashore, a traveling preacher, Holy Bill, recommends that Emma marry Patrick, the recently widowed keeper of the local lighthouse. Patrick has a toddler named Josiah. Emma has not exactly been successful at courtship and finding a man to marry, so she agrees to marry Patrick, who likes how Emma relates to Josiah. Emma does not know how to cook, and she bumbles her tasks as a housewife and mother, but Patrick loves her, encourages her, and does small acts of kindness for her. Emma thinks that her husband is a good God-fearing man, yet she hears rumors from her gossipy neighbor, Bertie Burnham, a relative of Patrick’s late wife Delia. Does Patrick have an unsavory past? Is he the type of man who would have an affair? Was Delia’s death truly an accident?

I was expecting the book to be very suspenseful, but it did not meet my expectations in that regard. I was wondering what exactly Patrick’s secrets were, and that was one factor that kept me reading, but I would not say that I was on the edge of my seat. At the same time, I was a bit afraid when Emma shared Patrick’s secrets with Bertie, for I wondered what Bertie might do.

The book also was not particularly deep.

Overall, though, I enjoyed the story. I appreciated its themes of second chances, of the vulnerability of those with an unsavory past as they try to start anew, of thoughtfulness to others, and of love for others, even when they do not follow what one considers the right path. My favorite parts of the book were when cynical characters stepped forward and did the right thing. In some cases, they were motivated by their own pain, which produced in them compassion for others.

I also liked the Author’s Note at the end, in which Jody Hedlund said which parts of the book were based on historical events, and which were not.

The publisher sent me a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tanya ellington
I always enjoy a Jody Hedlund historical romance. Here’s why:

What I liked:

The writing is so engaging you will read it quickly. I mean before I looked up I was more than halfway done with the book. It starts off with excitement and then leads into a quick marriage and I just wanted to know what happened next.

Patrick. Jody Hedlund can write some good heroes and I just liked me some of him. Patrick has a past, but he has also done everything he can to become a godly man since then. And one thing that I really liked was that when his past comes to face him, he doesn’t get lost in it, but quickly tries to figure out what God would have him to do.

The romance. I will admit that arranged marriages and hasty marriages are something of a favorite of mine to read. But I am particular about them because they can quickly become cheesy or ridiculous. Ms. Hedlund had written a book with one previously (The Doctor’s Lady) and it was probably my least favorite book that she had written, so I was a bit nervous. But don’t be! I found their marriage to come off with some real authenticity as they slowly acknowledge their attraction to each other and began to get to know each other well. My only concern is I felt like since they were married they could have spent more time together, but it all worked out in the end.

The suspense. There was just enough suspense to keep the novel going without taking over.

Spiritually, Patrick learns what grace really means and looks like while Emma comes to trust God.

What I didn’t like:

There is the trope of miscommunication in this book which to me is always strange, particularly when the hero and heroine live in the same house together, but it could have been worse! And yet, I kind of wish it wasn’t there at all.

Romantic scale: 8

Overall, I really enjoyed this romance. It was a light, quick read without all the angst.

**I received a copy from Netgalley. My opinion was not affected in anyway.**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenn anne
Love Unexpected is the first book in Jody Hedlund's Beacons of Hope series. It was preceded by a short e-novella titled, Out of the Storm. While it is not necessary to read Out of the Storm before reading Love Unexpected, the storyline does tie in to this novel. (And Out of the Storm is phenomenal, so you won't want to miss it!)

I've been hooked on Jody Hedlund since her very first novel, The Preacher's Bride. Six novels and a novella later, Love Unexpected is Jody Hedlund's novel featuring a marriage of convenience. Their marriage begins on a bit of a misunderstanding, as Emma doesn't even realize that she has agreed to marry Patrick. There were some mishaps along the way, such as her inability to cook, but there was very little tension between husband and wife. Uncharacteristic for two strangers who have been thrown together by circumstance. Both Patrick and Emma were very patient with one another, and willing to forgive each other's faults.

Jody Hedlund pays attention to detail! It's the little facts that some authors tend to overlook, but Jody expertly weaves into the storyline, that add authenticity and enjoyment to her novels. I loved that she described the difference between ocean waves and the waves on Lake Huron, the unpredictability of the weather, the frigid temperature of the water (even in June) and the danger of shipwrecks. Lake Huron is home to 200 shipwrecks and was once known as "Shipwreck Alley". I appreciated that little Josiah was given age appropriate dialogue, and even though he was a bit of a handful, he wound his way into my heart too.

I loved how Jody incorporated Isabelle and Henry's story into Love Unexpected. I'm hoping that the story of the driftwood cross will continue to follow the characters through the series and come full circle. Finding its way back to Isabelle and Henry.

Love Unexpected warns of the danger of putting our hope on people or in things. Our one sure hope is in the Lord. He is our refuge and our strength. He answers prayer according to our needs. His love is brighter than any lighthouse and there is nowhere safer for us than in the arms of a loving Saviour.

Love Unexpected is loosely based on Mary Chambers Garraty, known as the "mother to a lighthouse dynasty", her husband Patrick Garraty, and notorious Great Lakes pirate Dan Seavey. I highly recommend reading Love Unexpected or any of Jody Hedlund's works of fiction. She is a fantastic author! It would make a terrific gift for the reader in your family.

Hearts Made Whole, Beacons of Hope - Book Two will be available June 2, 2015.

Thank you, Jody Hedlund and Bethany House, for the free copy of Love Unexpected to read in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
From the publisher:
All Emma Chambers ever wanted was a home, but when her steamboat sinks just outside Presque Isle, she's left destitute and with no place to stay.

An unlikely solution arises when the lighthouse keeper arrives in town. He's just lost his wife and is having a difficult time caring for his child. So a traveling preacher gets the idea that the keeper and Emma might be the answer to each other's dilemma. After a hasty marriage, she finds herself heading to the lighthouse with this handsome but quiet stranger. Nothing in her aimless life, though, has prepared her for parenting a rambunctious toddler, as well as managing a household.

Emma soon suspects Patrick may be hiding something from her, and then she hears a disturbing rumor about the circumstances surrounding his late wife's death. It seems as if her wish for a home and family of her own could end up leading her once more into turbulent waters.
My Review-

Love Unexpected By Jody Hedlund is a very good read. This is a historical romance set in 1859 in Presque Isle, Michigan. It involves a young woman named Emma Chambers who is shippewreaked on Presque Isle with her brother Ryan. Here she encounters a newly widowed man, Patrick (who has many secrets from his past he would rather just stayed there) and his 2 yr old son Josiah. Patrick needs help with Josiah, and Emma needs a home, a marriage of convenience is proposed and the traveling minister marrys them. Soon though Patrick's secrets begin to unravel this marriage.

I enjoyed this book. There were a few parts that were a little slow in the middle, where you were kind of saying 'ok, enough already- let's get on with this." It seemed to me that way anyway. That is the reason for the 4 stars instead of five. I kept reading and the story picked back up and got going again, so over-all I really enjoyed it.

I would recommend it and have. I received this book from the publisher to do an open and honest review on this book. All opinions ar mine and only my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sandi smith
I was able to read the novella that introduced the Beacons of Hope series, and have been looking forward to Book One ever since! I'm fascinated by lighthouses, so this fictional glimpse into the world of lighthouse keepers around the Great Lakes is intriguing. This story opens with Emma Chambers and her brother on a steamer which is being attacked by pirates. They are forced to abandon the ship when it catches fire, and lose their few possessions. They make it safely to the little community at Presque Isle, and Ryan is able to find some work, but Emma really has no place. There is no work for her, and no place for her to stay, because there are so few women in the town. A solution is proposed when the traveling preacher suggests she marry the lighthouse keeper, who has just buried his wife and can't fulfill his duties while caring for a mischievous little boy. Emma and Patrick agree to this plan, and she is delighted at her chance for what she has always wanted - a home of her own, a place to belong, a husband and family - even if she and Patrick have much to learn about each other.

Unfortunately, Emma's one friend in town is a relative of Patrick's late wife and she has a hearty dislike and mistrust of Patrick. Her accusations and suspicions worry Emma, especially when her own observations raise some concerns that Patrick may be hiding things from her. Patrick continues to hope that his past really has been forgiven and that he can provide safety and happiness for his little boy and his new wife, but an unwelcome figure from his past threatens all of them.

I was drawn in by the characters and the story right from the beginning, and although the "happy ending" for Patrick and Emma is expected, some of the twists and turns the story takes are not. Some of the dramatic plot twists are a bit over the top, but the characters are lovable and I couldn't help but root for them all the way through. I am now looking forward to the next book in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jordan tamata
"Love Unexpected" is a gentle romance with endearing characters and a beautiful setting. Jody Hedlund makes a mark on readers' hearts with her tale of faith, forgiveness, and love. I became easily ensconced in the lives of Emma, Patrick, and Josiah. The unexpected is present from the tense opening scene when Emma finds herself coming close to death at sea. In a short span of time, her life completely changes and she becomes a wife and mother. I was surprised at how suddenly Emma and Patrick enter into their marriage of convenience. In many ways, their situation is similar to "Love Comes Softly," and the marriage is just the beginning of the story. Emma's struggles and doubts as a new wife and mother make her a realistic character who is easily lovable. Her compassion and humility definitely stand out, and her interactions with little Josiah are absolutely heart-melting. The cover art captures their bond to perfection, and matches the essence of the novel in its entirety.

Patrick is the epitome of a gentleman, behaving with honor and restraint. Emma quickly loses her heart to him and readers will too. His character is one with multiple layers that add texture to the entire plot. His dark history is a stark contrast to the redeemed Patrick, which adds significant depth to the messages of hope and forgiveness. Patrick's job as the keeper of the Presque Isle light seamlessly incorporates Michigan's nautical history. The small village and its lighthouse are described with picturesque charm, while still acknowledging the hardships faced by those who settled in remote areas. Jody Hedlund has an undeniable ability to bring to characters to life and place them in historical settings, and that talent is prevalent in "Love Unexpected." The gentle love and the purity of emotion make this a memorable novel, whose light shines brightly.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House through their book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed above are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marinke de haas
Emma Chambers craves stability. Coming from a turbulent past, her intense desire for a home and family leads her to a hasty marriage after she and her brother lose everything in a pirate attack. Emma's new husband, Patrick Garraty, is handsome, kind and God-fearing, but besieged by his own dark past. When rumors about Patrick's role in his late wife's death reach Emma, the suspicions she already had seem even more real. Still, Emma finds herself deeply drawn to Patrick in spite of her doubts. When the truth is revealed, will Emma and Patrick find the grace to forgive and release their pasts? Read more in Love Unexpected by Jody Hedlund.

I thoroughly enjoyed Love Unexpected. Themes of grace and forgiveness, not only between Emma and Patrick, but also between God and humanity were expertly dealt with. The story commences with a pirate attack that effectively engaged my interest. The story was well-paced, well-written and had no trouble holding my interest. I felt like the physical desire aspects were a little overdone as Emma and Patrick were continually desiring one another, yet holding back. Still, this added tension to their relationship and the story, so I can see why it was included.

I could totally relate to Emma dealing with Patrick's son, Josiah, a strong-willed toddler. This added authenticity and a bit of humor to the story. However, it seemed to me that there were strong parenting messages in the novel regarding spanking, thumb-sucking, discipline. I personally agree with the stance that Emma chooses, so I wasn't offended, but those who adhere to more strict ideas regarding spanking, not co-sleeping, and ending thumb-sucking at a certain age may be at odds with the parenting messages that are conveyed.

Love Unexpected is the first, full-length novel in Jody Hedlund's Beacons of Hope series. There is a prequel, Out of the Storm, which is a free e-book novella that ties in with Love Unexpected. However, if you don't read the prequel, it won't negatively affect your understanding of Love Unexpected.

I recommend Love Unexpected to fans of inspirational romances. Like the rest of Jody Hedlund's books, this one is a keeper for my bookshelf. I'm sure I'll read it again and I'm already looking forward to the next book in the series.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael holm
Emma and her brother are aboard a steamship when it’s attacked by pirates. The ship ends up on fire and they end up swimming to shore. They’re rescued by the man who keeps the lighthouse, and they end up at Burnham’s Landing. While her brother looks for a job to raise money to continue their journey, Emma is given a rare opportunity. She’s told that she can be an answer to prayer.

Patrick’s wife has just died, and he’s been running himself ragged. Trying to take care of a rambunctious two-year-old all day and tend the light all night, he’s at his wit’s end to figure out a solution. Then the traveling preacher offers up the solution for Emma and Patrick to marry. Patrick's had a criminal past and turned his life around, but he doesn’t think he’ll ever be judged by who he is now.

Emma’s never taken care of a child before and this one is definitely in his terrible twos! Add to that she has no idea how to cook, and she feels inadequate. Patrick is keeping his distance from her and while she falls in love with him, her ‘friend’ is whispering doubts in her ear. Instead of judging her husband on his actions toward her, she finds her vision darkened by suspicion.

I loved this book. While I was cheering Patrick on, I saw how his past could affect the way others saw him. Patrick has turned his life around and is a godly man now, but a criminal past can ruin everything he’s worked for. When the troubles come, Emma has the choice to judge him on how he’s treated her or to believe the worst.

I can’t wait for the next book in this series. Hearts Made Whole comes out June 2015. I like lighthouses and books with them incorporated always draw me in. The cover of this book is beautiful and totally appropriate for this book. There’s a brief mention of the characters in the novella in there, but the connection is minimal. There’s some passionate kissing in there, but this prudish person wasn’t offended and didn’t blush, so I’d say it’s not a big deal.

*I received a copy of this book from Bethany House through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
camille roy
I am captivated by lighthouses. I love to visit them and simply look up at them in awe because they are so amazing and each has its own stories to tell. Recently I enjoyed reading Love Unexpected by Jody Hedlund. It is the first in her new Beacons of Hope Series. Before this one, I read her e-book prequel, Out of the Storm, which takes place on the same location, Presque Isle on Lake Huron.

Love Unexpected is a poignant story of two people who marry for purely practical reasons. Emma Chambers emigrated to America from Ireland with her family for a better life. Instead, she loses her mother and moves with her father and brother wherever the next job comes along. After losing her father, she and her brother Ryan are moving once again for the next job that may change their luck. It all seems promising until the steamboat they are traveling on is boarded by pirates and subsequently sunk.

Patrick, the lighthouse keeper is one of the men who rescue the survivors. Emma awakes after her rescue to find him and his young son burying his wife. The traveling preacher, Holy Bill watches Emma as she bonds with the child who strays from his father. His surprising proposal to Patrick and Emma starts their real story of a quick marriage of convenience. Emma wishes to stop being a burden to Ryan and has long dreamt of a home of her own. Patrick can't perform his duties as keeper of the lighthouse while caring for his young son. Can two people who marry within an hour of meeting build a strong marriage of love and respect? Do either have anything to hide under the privacy of a deserted lighthouse? The answer lies between the pages of this book.

The story is well written and the characters will hook you right away. I confess I stayed up far too long in the evening to finish the book but it was worth it. Love Unexpected is to be read, shared and discussed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love Unexpected is a beautiful novel. A phrase comes up a number of times in this book that is the essence of this story and something that we can all use a reminder of: “Let the past stay in the past.”

While the things in my past aren’t as extreme as that of the hero, Patrick, in this novel, I can relate to wanting to just let those things remain in the past and never have to bring them up again. Patrick’s greatest fear is that he will be discovered to be what he used to be, and that will shatter the life he has formed for himself.

All Emma has wanted is place to call home, so she jumps on the opportunity of a marriage of convenience to help raise Patrick’s adorable son, Josiah, while Patrick can focus his attention on the work associated with the lighthouse. But as they tend to do, gossip grabs hold of an inkling of truth and threatens the fragile relationship Emma and Patrick are beginning to form.

The nuggets of history contained within these pages was wonderful. Everything from Michigan’s lumber and fishing industries to the pirates who were active on the lakes are mentioned and have their own place in these pages–and this Michigander loved every page of it.

This is a novel about trust and love. It captures the way relationships are formed as Emma and Patrick’s feelings for each other grow. Josiah adds a bit of humor to the story with his antics, and I couldn’t help but adore the little boy (he might have been my favorite character, and “character” he was…).

I couldn’t help but feel a bit sad as I turned the final page and had to say farewell to this story. It was beautifully told. But, I can’t help but wonder where the next book in this story will take us.

**I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Emma and her brother are shipwrecked at remote Presque Island on Lake Huron when their steamboat is attacked by pirates. Patrick Garratty has just lost his wife, and as keeper of the lighthouse is in need of someone to help care for his son. Penniless, Emma and Ryan must find work which Ryan is able to do. When that proves difficult for Emma, a well-meaning preacher steps in and suggests Emma and Patrick marry and be the solution to each others' dilemma.

Emma suddenly finds herself married to a man she doesn't know. Having never learned how to cook or keep house and having no experience with children, she is thrust into a unique situation. As she and Patrick learn to live and work together, she discovers that he has secrets.

Emma is sweet and wants so badly to please Patrick and be a good mother to Josiah. Patrick has worked hard to overcome his criminal past and begins falling in love with Emma.

I found myself frustrated with the supporting cast, especially Bertha. What a seriously unlikable woman. I wanted to shake Emma for confiding in Bertha, but I also realized that Emma had no other woman with whom to be friends and even an antagonistic person like Bertha is welcome when there are no others.

I've never been to Michigan and it still surprises me at the size of the Great Lakes. That they are big enough to need lighthouses is fascinating. Jody's gift for history is terrific. I love her author's notes at the end and the historical accuracy with which she tells her stories.

When I know a new Jody Hedlund book is being published, I get a little giddy. I adored Love Unexpected.

I received a complimentary copy for review. My opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
My Rating: 4 out of 5.

Disclaimers: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.

An overview of the Novel: Emma Chambers has always wanted one thing--a family and a home. When pirates attack her boat and the boat sinks, her brother and her are left without anything. They are absolutely destitute.

Then a preacher gives her a suggestion. The lighthouse keeper Patrick's wife just died and he has no way to provide for his son and keep his job. The preacher suggests they marry.

Emma isn't one for foolish notions about love and so she agrees. What she didn't expect was to be so attracted to her new husband or to find that her new husband comes with a mysterious past. But when Emma finds out the truth, she wonders if her feelings for him are enough to weather this storm.

My Overall Thoughts/Impressions: Oh how I adore this author! This is the second book I have read from her and I have loved them both. Her characters are always so sweet, the writing is fast-paced and beautiful, and the plotlines always drag me into the story.

Hedlund is quickly becoming one of my favorite Christian romance authors. I can't wait to read her next book.

I love marriage of convenience stories. Not sure why, but they are just always so intriguing. This one, however, stood out above the rest. I am half-tempted to buy this book so I can reread it.

This novel is seriously cute. Don't miss out on this one.

So why 4 stars? It was a beautiful read. I absolutely adored this book. Not quite 5 star status, but it was pretty close.

Warnings/Side-notes: None.

The Wrap-up: Like I said an adorable, quick, cute read. This book is both touching and shows how we can overcome our past and keep moving forward. An excellent read. Jody Hedlund just got a new fan.


Danica Page
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lighthouses make for some of the best scenic pictures and interesting history. For me, they are a physical reminder of how God is my strong fortress, mighty tower, hiding place and shelter. No matter what season of life you are in, a lighthouse can remind you that He is the Light of the World. He can light the way when storms rage and batter your world, when you cannot see your own hands in front of your face because the fog is so thick or cannot decide which direction to take in life. I know this is true because of what the Word says about my Heavenly Father and having gone through a painful season in my own life that was unprecedented. The really neat thing about the story you are going to read is at the end the author shares her research and thoughts along with what the story was hopefully going to remind readers.
Love Unexpected speaks a word of encouragement and hope fulfilled when it seems that the desires of Emma Chambers would never become a reality. The adventure is of a romantic type and one of danger due to pirates lurking on Lake Heron. There is a flavor of mystery in the life of the keeper of the light, Patrick, and his 2-year-old little boy Josiah. Readers will see the devastation caused by the island’s leading gossip lady and a mean-spirited past friend of Patrick’s who tells lies because he cannot stand to see Patrick as the Godly man that he has become .
When storms rage and batter the lighthouse keeper’s home and Emma cradles little Josiah, it really touches the heart. I love how the marriage of convenience for both Patrick and Emma blooms into something beautiful after going through some rough trials; it was inspiring. Josiah may be only two years old, but the tale shows just how intuitive kids can be about what is going on in their world and have a way to bring laughter or at times tears. Readers cannot go wrong with the newest series by Jody Hedlund that mixes flavors of adventure, daring rescues, and budding romance with a mystery! Fans of Jody Hedlund will grab this novel and not put it down until done and new audiences will find another author to follow after reading the book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alan carr
Presque Isle, Michigan

What Is the Secret That Could Shipwreck Both of Their Lives?

All Emma Chambers ever wanted was a home, but when her steamboat sinks just outside Presque Isle, she's left destitute and with no place to stay.

An unlikely solution arises when the lighthouse keeper arrives in town. He's just lost his wife and is having a difficult time caring for his child. So a traveling preacher gets the idea that the keeper and Emma might be the answer to each other's dilemma. After a hasty marriage, she finds herself heading to the lighthouse with this handsome but quiet stranger. Nothing in her aimless life, though, has prepared her for parenting a rambunctious toddler, as well as managing a household.

Emma soon suspects Patrick may be hiding something from her, and then she hears a disturbing rumor about the circumstances surrounding his late wife's death. It seems as if her wish for a home and family of her own could end up leading her once more into turbulent waters.
The first book in the Beacons of Hope series starts out on the Great Lakes of Michigan. I loved the historical information surrounding the lighthouses and what all was required to operate one back in that time. No matter what season of life you are in, a lighthouse can remind you that He is the Light of the World. He can light the way when storms rage and batter your world, when you cannot see your own hands in front of your face because the fog is so thick or cannot decide which direction to take in life.
Marriage of convenience stories will never get old. The adventure is of a romantic type and one of danger due to pirates lurking on Lake Heron. I found the characters believable and the story moved at a good pace. I would definitely read more books by this author.
Disclaimers: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.
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