Why I Risked Everything to Leave Islam and Follow Jesus
ByRifqa Bary
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caroline pattison
This precious young woman exemplifies the irrepressible joy freedom in America really offers. She suffered unimaginable physical and mental pain and anguish yet through her new found faith in Jesus Christ gained comfort, peace and the true attributes of love. The tragedy she expresses in her book is, unfortunately, still perpetuated not only in many foreign countries but sadly, even here in America. When a culture classifies or mandates a woman's purpose in life to be severely limited with little or no personal rights, requirements narrowed to being an obedient wife to a man not of her choice, and primarily a mother and servant always under fear of severe reprimand, her freedom to enjoy God's manifold blessings are essentially nullified. Those professing faith in God know he gave freedom and equality to women while equipping them with the skills and talents to bless and complement a family. It is my hope that this book will open narrow minds where ever it is read and provoke those who do to reflect upon and embrace the profound principles America's founding fathers so wonderfully and graciously envisioned!
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jennifer swystun
I finally finished reading this book yesterday. People in this country had better wake up. It is pathetic to have a judicial system that doesn't look after the interest of a minor. She ran away for the right reasons. Honor Killings are happening on American soil and her father would have carried it out. Honestly, I think political correctness protected them from a true investigation rather than accept that she was telling the truth. Who locks up a minor for running away from home when she wanted to preserve her life?
There are several things that can be taken from this. First, that politicians can never be trusted. Rifqa's case is a classic example of the hypocrite seeking re-election while wanting a "problem" to go away. I believe as much as she does that Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist were nothing more than ravenous wolves seeking who they would prey on for some political clout. Second, the foster care system is broken. Although there is no easy solution we should and could do better. There is a reason most children are taken from their birth parents. Third, when you move to the United States, a country with more freedoms with young children you should reasonably expect that those children may adopt the customs and norms of their new environment. Lastly, Honor killings in America are a real problem. Glossing over Islam as a misunderstood faith has caused the politically correct to miss this important fact-that a lot of aspects of that religion does not allow you to step away from it. You don't accept the husband that is chosen for you, you have dishonored your family. You want to be a Christian, Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist etc., you are not worthy of life. You marry outside of the religion you deserve to be killed. It is sickening.
I 100% believe everything this woman has said. The reason is that years ago before I left Alabama to go into the Navy I met a young lady (I will not name) in a similar situation. Her mother is Caucasian and born and raised in America. Her father is of Middle Eastern origin and born there. Years ago when she explained to some classmates that she was glad he abandoned the family I was confused. Then she mentioned that when her father would enter the home every single day that her mother, herself and her sister had to jump to attention like they were in the military or something. As a teenager born in America that didn't make much sense to me. As I have gained wisdom and understanding I feel compassion for people who come to the United States for a better life and the freedom to live and think the way that they want. The state of Florida should be ashamed of themselves for believing that she was making this up when we (at least those of us with common sense) know that prior to Rifqa running away there were similar stories happening. Stop politicizing people's life as if they do not possess a soul and feeling and start examining the facts.
There are several things that can be taken from this. First, that politicians can never be trusted. Rifqa's case is a classic example of the hypocrite seeking re-election while wanting a "problem" to go away. I believe as much as she does that Marco Rubio and Charlie Crist were nothing more than ravenous wolves seeking who they would prey on for some political clout. Second, the foster care system is broken. Although there is no easy solution we should and could do better. There is a reason most children are taken from their birth parents. Third, when you move to the United States, a country with more freedoms with young children you should reasonably expect that those children may adopt the customs and norms of their new environment. Lastly, Honor killings in America are a real problem. Glossing over Islam as a misunderstood faith has caused the politically correct to miss this important fact-that a lot of aspects of that religion does not allow you to step away from it. You don't accept the husband that is chosen for you, you have dishonored your family. You want to be a Christian, Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist etc., you are not worthy of life. You marry outside of the religion you deserve to be killed. It is sickening.
I 100% believe everything this woman has said. The reason is that years ago before I left Alabama to go into the Navy I met a young lady (I will not name) in a similar situation. Her mother is Caucasian and born and raised in America. Her father is of Middle Eastern origin and born there. Years ago when she explained to some classmates that she was glad he abandoned the family I was confused. Then she mentioned that when her father would enter the home every single day that her mother, herself and her sister had to jump to attention like they were in the military or something. As a teenager born in America that didn't make much sense to me. As I have gained wisdom and understanding I feel compassion for people who come to the United States for a better life and the freedom to live and think the way that they want. The state of Florida should be ashamed of themselves for believing that she was making this up when we (at least those of us with common sense) know that prior to Rifqa running away there were similar stories happening. Stop politicizing people's life as if they do not possess a soul and feeling and start examining the facts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah robinson
I loved and enjoyed every single page in this lovely book, can’t imagine that even in the States christians are being persecuted. But guess what! In the Bible, God has already told us that “every true devout Christian will be persecuted.” Be ye prepared, because there’s no turning back.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter fimrite
I had the honor of meeting this warrior of Christ. I have never met anyone with a stronger, more captivating life. Sainthood awaits her. I planned my LIFE around long drives to be able to listen to this on audio. Made it so enjoyable. Captivating. Real. And inspiring. A MUST READ
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie dobbins
Rifqa Barry offers her personal experience of growing up in a strict “religious” home that only experienced the strict discipline of a book of rules rather that a loving God of Grace. Her descriptions of the freedom she found in worshipping a living God were inspiring and motivating. Great story and well written
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very well written, very revealing. This young lady really put her life on the line. In her writing, she makes herself very vulnerable and does not cover up her weaknesses and struggles. A wonderful and inspiring book.
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dorothy mcmullen
Incredible story. Hard to imagine some of the details taking place in the US--Rifqa demonstrates incredible bravery and courage as she lives out her faith. Sheds light into the truth that honor killings take place even today.
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j matt
A story of such courage commands our attention in so many ways--the power of our God, the fervor of our faith In times of desperate trouble, the injustice of the juvenile detention and foster systems that sometimes shine with moments of brilliance, and the conviction we must have to trust and obey God when worldly rational tells us differently. I was inspired by this young woman's love for Jesus, her courage to live what she believed and her faith to act on it with grace despite all odds. A must read for all believers. For young people or anyone who needs perspective on their own difficulties - this story is unbelievable. But what God does in and through this young girl is truly a miracle of HIS love, light and life! I cried so many times, I grieved, but I was inspired. I loved her triumph and faith in Jesus.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joey stocks
She is definitely an example of a disciple willing to leave all to follow Jesus. This book is very inspiring and reveals exactly what happens to a person who comes out of darkness into the light of Jesus
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is AMAZING! As a Christian, this book changed my life. Gave me a fresh fire for our Lord! Whoa, the sacrifice Rifqa had to pay for Jesus is huge but her reward from the Lord will be far greater!! More grace to you love, I am praying for your family for their hearts to turn to the Lord so you all could be reconcile one day! With God nothing is impossible :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca winner
I loved this book! The author, Rifqa Bary, tells her story, and by doing so, exposes core convictions/persuasions of a large percentage of many Muslims--those who hold to the actual fundamentals of Islam. I was greatly inspired by Rifqa's devotion to and love for the Lord Jesus Christ. I was greatly moved and wonderfully blessed by her testimony of how she came to recognize that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord for anyone who desires to trust Him as their own Savior from sin. I was thrilled over how she ultimately boldly stood for Him in unwavering allegiance, even when it could have meant her death!
I'm so glad she has told her story in this biography. This type of Muslim belief ("honor killing") to which her parents hold, needs to be seen for what it is--murder in the name of Allah (the Muslim God).
Thank you, Rifqa for your Christian courage in all your young life, and thank you for your boldness to write HIDING IN THE LIGHT: WHY I RISKED EVERYTHING TO LEAVE ISLAM AND FOLLOW JESUS. I highly recommend getting (and reading) this book.
I'm so glad she has told her story in this biography. This type of Muslim belief ("honor killing") to which her parents hold, needs to be seen for what it is--murder in the name of Allah (the Muslim God).
Thank you, Rifqa for your Christian courage in all your young life, and thank you for your boldness to write HIDING IN THE LIGHT: WHY I RISKED EVERYTHING TO LEAVE ISLAM AND FOLLOW JESUS. I highly recommend getting (and reading) this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meghan owen
This story should awake all who believe in our wonderful Father God and remind us of his almighty presence and power. His grace and love is sufficient for all. I am so thankful that I have read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristi swadley
This story should awake all who believe in our wonderful Father God and remind us of his almighty presence and power. His grace and love is sufficient for all. I am so thankful that I have read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rifqa Bary's personal testimony of how she found deep Faith and Peace in a personal relationship with Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. What a brave and courageous young woman. I could not put down her inspiring story!
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