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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I discovered Susanna Kearsley because Mariana was a $1.99 special. I instantly fell in love with her style of writing, the locations in her books, and the idea of time travel. Her characters feel like real friends that you are excited to sit down with and have a chat. I read Mariana in one sitting. It was as other reviewers have noted, shorter and more to the point than some of her other novels.

The only reason I did not give this book a five start review is because of the romantic aspect. Her other books have such fantastic romances, I really found the current romance in this book to be lacking.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matvey zhdanovich
I like Susanna Kearsley's writing style and her characters. I have read and enjoyed Mariana, Rose Garden, Every Secret Thing and Winter Sea. When I'm in the mood to read a romance novel I choose older heroines with an established career, a setting within an English or Celtic countryside, maybe a little time travel. Mariana has an interesting re-incarnation plot device. All is revealed at the end; in a satisfying way, this is a romance novel!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
To anyone that believes in Twin Soul love, this book is utterly for you. It is Twin Soul personified; so for those of you who have experienced a Twin Soul, you would treasure this book forever. Perhaps that is why this book affected me so much.

It is by far the most amazing story I have ever read, and I have read a lot of them. The story was brilliantly written, and I have never read a book that brought a story to life quite like this one had. The details were simply amazing, very vivid, the story was well thought out, or perhaps it was written from the ether's because it was crafted in such a way that you felt it was real. You taste what the characters tasted, feel what they felt, you felt the very air; see the details all vividly within your mind as you read along. Her descriptions of the scenes were phenomenal. The way she plays them out, is so uncanny, so perfectly blended. Not a thing left untied. I saw a true gift with this author's approach.

The hero's and heroin's were spectacularly written and this story is to saver and rejoice in; one that you will read over and over and never tire of. For me this book is a permanent keeper. It gives hope as well to those that believe in Twin Soul Love, I'm not talking Soul Mate Love; I'm talking the big one, The "Twin Soul". There is a difference, as much has been written on this.

Yes there was not much sexuality as some reviewers mentioned, but with writing such as Susanna Kearsley, who needed it! But really don't let that fool you because the kisses, dialogue, and love between Richard and Mariana was so breathtaking that your mind filled in the parts not written, it was like an unspoken knowing, heartfelt, spirit to spirit, which nothing could have added to the scenes to make them any more exquisite. It is by far the sweetest and most touching romance I have ever read. There are times within the book, that you feel tears come to your eyes, I don't want to give spoilers here and I won't, but let me just say she crafted this story as if it were a real one. As if it were truth, and it was very believable.

The ending was brilliant! When I described it to my daughter tears came to my eyes, even other sections of the story had me thinking all the day long until my next sitting to read. It will be by far one of the books I carry with me at all times, one that I will never forget, I think it is the type of book that will be relived within ones mind like an imprint.

The characters were phenomenal and written so well, that there was not one character that was not likable or believable. I can see why Susanna Kearsley has won so many awards; she is a writer one should not miss. I'm her new favorite reader. If your a romantic, then give her a try.
Named of the Dragon :: A Desperate Fortune :: The Splendour Falls :: Intertwine (House of Oak Book 1) :: The Laird (Castle Blackstone Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeff balser
I hesitated between "predictable" and "some twists", but finally the whole genre convinced me that the plot is indeed pretty predictable. It wasn't a bad book at all, but I probably won't read more by Ms Kearsley simply because I don't feel that I gained any sort of knowledge from the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am hooked on her style of writing. Reads quickly & smoothly. She has added some history that adds to the interest of the story. Most of her books have something to do with Scotland which I like. This book has to do with time travel. Its a romantic novel but in a nostalgic kind of way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story was very well written and the characters were detailed and believable. I had not read anything by this author before, just bought this book on a whim. I loved the story and the setting. It contained the best of both worlds, a present day romance and scenes from her past life set 200 or so years before. I hope my past lives are that interesting!

This book made me believe in reincarnation. I will look for more books from Susanna Kearsley.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
joo young
I had recently read Kearsley's "Winter Sea" and was anxious to read another by her. I read the reviews and "Mariana" seemed to have the best reviews of her remaining work. I feel her books are a bit slow starting but once you're in, you're anxious to reach an ending. I loved the ending in both books. "Mariana" is based on the concept of ghosts and reincarnation which I enjoyed as a work of fiction but which I believe belongs in the science fiction genre. It's a good light read expecially for gardeners.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lili dias
I absolutely loved this story. It was a little shorter than most of Kearsley's books and seemed more to the point. She does such a wonderful job of balancing the past and present and building the relationships between her characters. Although there's not as much historical matter in this story, I liked it as much if not somewhat more than her other books as it didn't feel as if it was "stalling" at times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meghan lang
Whichever Susanna kearsley book I have just finished always becomes my new favorite, and Mariana was no different. In this particular time slip novel the character is not merely watching past events, or traveling into the past, instead she is reliving the past and that brought a whole new dimension to the characters. I loved it. Kearsley has a way with words that few authors do. Read this book, you won't be sorry.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The lead character ,Julia, in this story, travels back in time to relive a former past life hundreds of years ago. Reincarnation is the main theme of this story, with all the characters from hundreds of years ago somehow finding each other in the same small village. Although this author is a wonderful story teller, some parts if this story made me cringe a little. When Julia is reliving her past life she is actually walking around outside,
acting out her past life with people, oblivious to the real world and who could be watching this scene. In her other a novel, The Rose Garden, time would stand still when she went back in time and no one noticed her disappearance, not so in this story.
I also felt the ending was very abrupt and I felt a little cheated. It was almost as if the author just wanted to have a surprise twist in the end but unfortunately, for me, it just didn't seem right.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow, a great book. I sometimes wonder how an author can think of all the things- such as in this book. A lot of mystery, family, romance, plus many twist I never saw coming. I thought I knew how it would end. There is no way I could have predicted this ending (which was wonderful). Susanna Kearsley is one of the best writers I've come across in a very long time. This book is a keeper.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda ring
If you love time travel romance books, you will love this book. This author has an easy-read style and moves her characters through the story with minimal description and lots of dialogue, which is just the fast paced fun read I like best. The ending was predictable, if your paying attention, and hoped for and Susana Kearsley did not disappoint. I am now hooked on her books and am reading Rose Garden and loving it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen floyd
Kearsley does not disappoint in this beautifully crafted, well written tale of time travel and enduring love. Characters so brilliantly drawn the reader is instantly pulled into the story. I found it very hard to put this book down. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brittany burnbaum
I thought this was a time travel story, and although she did slide back in time, it was not time travel per se. This was a nice story with a paranormal dynamic. It had a slightly depressing air about it--clear through to the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
That rare 5 star book. The suspense carried throughout the whole book, and while I hadn't predicted the ending, I loved it. By chapter 5 I knew I'd found an exceptional book, and a new author to follow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matthew schaefer
Very lyrical tale that takes a reader to the past and makes one believe that perhaps we all have moments when history is flowing through use. Definitely reminds me of the term, "old soul." Worthy of the time to read, cozy too. In fact, one feels as if the past is alive and that the outcome is no surprise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron boyd
Words just can not describe..I just loved it. Please please think of writing a sequel. I'd love to see more of them and see what life has in store for them. Thank you so much Susanna Kearsley for such a wonderful story that really surprised me in the end! I can't wait to get another of your books to escape into for a while.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
So far all of Susanna Kearsley' books, that I have read, have been fun reads. They all contain elements of magical reality with the main character slipping through time, recognizing reincarnated lovers from the past, or falling in love with someone from the past. Mariana was a good read, although I felt the the character of Mariana was not as well defined as some of her other characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
annie munk
This storyline fit quiet comfortably with my personal beliefs on reincarnation and karma. Part ghost story, part historical time travel and contemporary romance, it's enjoyable for readers who like those sorts of things -- which I do. Even though Julia is a bit too young for me to relate to all that well at this point in my life, I enjoyed the setting, the suspense, and the conclusion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julia b
I enjoyed this book by Susanna Kearsley very much. The story line kept me interested and the characters were well-defined. This was an enjoyable read, her writing style is pleasant, and she piques your interest as you go along, especially at each chapter's end. I would recommend it to those who like light historical fiction, with a touch of the paranormal, and of course, a bit of romance. The story is in no way vulgar or explicit, and I appreciated that.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

This is the second Susanna Kearsley book I've read. I simply adored The Winter Sea! One of my favorite books of all time. Mariana did not even come close to that one.

I enjoyed the book up until the end. I simply did not find Iain a likable enough character to assume the role he did at the end. It's not that he was unlikable, but he just wasn't a strong enough force in the book. He was basically the village gardener, a smoker, and a chap who hung out at the pub after working at odd jobs. Even Julia didn't find him really attractive. Heck, she didn't even recognize him until the end when he basically said 'didn't you see it?'

My other problem with the book & author is that almost all of her male lead characters have gray eyes. And the names are too similar. De Mornay in Mariana and Moray in The Winter Sea. Also there is an Olgilvie (I'm sure I spelled it wrong) it BOTH books. Come on.

If your choice is between this and The Winter Sea there is no contest.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jing li
This book is spectacular! One to read more than once. Love the tone of the book and the author's voice. This is not a fast paced but I couldn't put it down. So beautifully written and the story is well woven.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacqueline lafloufa
Once again, Susanna's rich writing captured my heart and would not let go. Just one more page, I kept telling my burning eyes. Although it does begin a bit slowly, it needs the time to introduce and get to know the characters. I enjoyed the way the main character seamlessly moved from past to present in a way I could easily follow. The main character's relationship with her brother was a real treat, and he was nicely rewarded in the story. Although I couldn't wait to finish, I wanted to have it go on a little longer. Once everything / everyone was in its spot, it just stopped. i cried when the story ended, for several reasons. We never know what happened to one of the main characters, and I felt sad for him. Also, Mariana's life was full of hardship and heartache, with a small but breathless love affair in the middle. As always with one of Susanna's books, I will go back and read favorite passages, savoring each delicious bite of text. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a bit of paranormal, a bit of history, a lot of feeling and internal struggle, and a nice dose of romance. The end brings a few surprises, which as I said earlier, I wish would have gone on just a but longer. I felt something was missing when it ended. That made me want to rate it a 4-1/2, but the 5-star rating won out. After all, the book is wonderful. Just because I was sobbing at the end is no reason to punish the rating. I loved The Winter Sea more, but this is also a great read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenna lerro
It was beautifully written and I felt myself transported into another dimension of time and space to be with the characters throughout the story. I felt their love, their grief, and happiness...........loved it
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
teo cervantes
This is a romantic, riveting tale of a young woman who experiences her past in vivid color. Who among has never thought they have been to a place that they actually have never been to, or met somebody and feel they know them, even though they have never met them before? Call it déjà vu. But in this book it actually happens.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
p ivi
I enjoy Susanna Kearsley for the chance to learn about something new and interesting such as archeology or reincarnation while also enjoying a good mystery and interesting characters.
Mariana is in the latter category. While always interesting this books characters needed a little more depth. I wanted to know them better and felt as though we were just barely acquainted.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ilana bram
One of the best historical fiction books I have read and I've read all the Galbadon novels! This ranks up there with the best book any historical fiction fan can read. Susanna Kearsley is a brilliant writer that eloquently moves her characters through time periods. In the very first chapter I said out load "Oh, this is going to be a good book".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine hopkins
I had a difficult time starting this book. I found the beginning to be slow so it took me a week of on and off reading to finally get to the meaty part of the story. It wasn't boring, just slow. When I finally did get into the book I couldn't put it down and was sorry to see it end. I would love to see how, I won't say who, their relationship continues into the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah chrosniak
My only complaint about this book was the fact that the ending came and went too quickly. She at least finished out the "mysteries" that she brought forward throughout the story, but I wanted more. Over all the characters and the story were well developed and I enjoyed the suspense of it all!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kerry johnson
In typical and endearing Kearsley style, Mariana combines time travel, romance and history. The setting is Greywethers, a 16th century English house. Book illustrator Julia Beckett purchases the Exbury farmhouse with an inheritance. She remembers seeing it as a five-year-old and it has been "her house" ever since. She enjoys her new life with friends Vivien, Iain and handsome manor owner Geoff de Mornay. Scenes in the Red Lion Pub come alive. After slipping back into the 17th century, Julia becomes entranced with Mariana, a former occupant of Greywethers. Julia must choose between Mariana's love interest and her own contemporary life.

Kearsley's writing is beautiful and descriptive. I found the modern day characters less interesting than the time slip ones, but the movement back and forth between the two time periods is seamless. The ending has a creative twist which caught me completely by surprise. I greatly respect this author and enthusiastically await her next book.

"You have to learn to look with more than your eyes...Try looking with your soul instead."

"The past can teach us, nurture us, but it cannot sustain us. The essence of life is change, and we must move ever forward or the soul will wither and die."

Reviewed by Holly Weiss, author of Crestmont
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maryteresa morris osb
Every book I've read by Susanna Kearsley has been great! I'm currently on a quest to gather up all of her books and read them all! I do wish there had been a bit more with Ian and Julia there at the end but I also get why the author ended it where she did. To anyone who loves historical fiction I highly recommend this author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer meador
A well-crafted tale that weaves present day life with life from the 18th Century. I couldn't put this book down. I love the way Susanna Kearsley develops her characters so the reader feels that you really know them. I would recommend this, particularly for readers of The Winter Sea.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I am a huge fan of Susanna Kearsley. She develops beautiful characters and settings. She incorporates some supernatural twist to lovely romances. Time travel is often a feature and she did a fabulous job with this book slipping from modern day to the past effortlessly. This book features reincarnation as it's twist but the story evolving around the characters is the real treat. Mariana blind sided me at the end but in the most delightful way!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne barnhill
Susanna Kearsley's novels are always captivating, and Mariana is no exception! You can tell the amount of research, time and thought that went into these characters. As always, I read her work almost non-stop until I'm finished!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jao romero
Great, great book. I once thought The Winter Sea would be hard, if not impossible to beat, but out of Susanna Kearsley's books, this wins hands down. Great writing, fluid story, lovable characters and a wonderful ending. I also appreciated the fact that there were no typos or missing text on the Kindle version. Dont even bother with The Rose Garden, skip straight to this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john avery
This is the second Susanna Kearsley novel I've read and it will certainly not be the last. I'm so happy to have found Susanna Kearsley! I loved Mariana. There are many similar plot points between this book and The Winter Sea, however those plot points are precisely what I loved so much about the other book so it was fine with me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my favorite Susanna Kearsley book because of the ending. I actually had to re-read it to see some of the signs that may have given me clues to the ending which I obviously missed on my initial read through. I've read almost all of her other books and this one is still my favorite.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brian herrick
I can't really explain my opinion about this book without ruining it for someone who hasn't read it. I did enjoy the book and the way it was written and I'm not sorry I read it. I would still recommend it. I've read no reviews that have the same problems that I had so I'll just say I would have liked it to be a bit different.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
genesis hansen
This is my fourth Susanna Kearsley book. Winter Sea is my favorite, but this one is a close second. I was sucked into the story almost immediately.

My only gripe is the lack of an epilogue. The ending surprised me, I wish there was a little follow-up so we could see how the characters dealt with the discovery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandra hayes
This book captured my interest immediately. I adored each character, the landscape and the history. It's a great page turner, but I found myself hoping the story would never end! I was shocked by the ending, and it left me wondering about the characters and their "lives" after the ending. I will likely read the book again, just to absorb the details and beauty of the story. I have already recommended the book to all my girlfriends. It's the perfect balance of romantic anticipation, historical fiction and time travel/super natural powers.
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