Compact Edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Black)


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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
justin ellison
As a Seventh Day Adventist, I bought this to review how the JW Render their bibles... I like to study many interpretations and how others faith are perceived. There are some interesting facts about Jewish history and proper calendar names which I found very interesting. They also have the SDA Nebuchadnezzar Statue artwork in their bible rendering the proper sections of the kingdoms (A+). I was also surprised that this bible proclaimed the proper links to the Nephilim in Gen 6 where as the SDA's link it to the sons of Seth which I totally disagree with. For some reason the SDA's do not believe in (I Do). I was also surprised that their back end dictionary as well as rendered text proclaimed the proper Seventh Day as the Sabbath. I wonder why they do not follow it? I do know some JW's who also look at the Catholic Church as Babylon which is our top teaching in the SDA Church along with the 3 Angels Messages. But why do they keep her day of worship? The venerable day of the Sun enabled by Constantine in 321 A.D.? As for the rest of the text rendered in this bible, I noticed many areas that was re-written which to me looks like it was done to agree with their theology. In my view parts of the info in this book is a good resource but the bible itself is corrupted... If you are a serious bible student, stick with the Cambridge KJV.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
bought to compare between it and english versions translated from the past and those updated from past versions. The big difference is that Jehovah witnesses don't translate the deity of Christ, but that He was "a" god. This prevents us from being forgiven by Jesus Christ, because only God can forgive sins. It puts the Lord Jesus on the same level as other gods, which is also idolatry. I hope sincerely that anyone who God has been given the desire to know Him would believe in the truth of God's Word.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the Bible used by the Watchtower Society. I learned of it through a (yes, anti-Jehovah Witness) video, and it said that this has some revised translation. I have two earlier versions. One was hardback, another was paperback, but this has a vinyl cover and I like that. I can't comment on the translation details, but I have used it when I've needed to read a passage or look up a reference.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
emily butler
I bought this book for research into the different translations of the Bible. Although this is recognized by the Jehovah's Witnesses, it contains many changes from the Greek new testament and many from the Hebrew old testament. The meaning of many scriptures have been changed by rewording them.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
My only purpose for purchasing this Bible was add it to my collection of Bibles. It is well documented that there are countless intentional distortions, additions and deletions in this translation. It's sole purpose is to support JW doctrine and it is not an honest/reliable Bible. I'd suggest the NASB, ESV or HCSB translations if you're looking for the best "literal" bibles.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mike t
I purchased this in order to better understand the JW sect. It was only a few bucks used and I figured why not. The book itself was as described however and quality was better than expected for cost.
It's odd how so much of the Greek text has been changed and reworded. It takes only a small amount of knowledge of the Greek to find problems here. This particular edition most surely has been revised because it contains very obvious contradictions to the teachings of watchtower. I'm not even sure if the JW's will agree with this one but at least I'll have their bible to address issues with when they knock on my door.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emma dries
My wife compares the Jehovah's Witnesses to Mary Kay with a few exceptions and that is Mary Kay has really good products! When I want to buy a bible no matter what translation it is i can usually get it at a local bookstore or online. I dont have to join or endure a visit from a Catholic priest if I want a new Jerusalem, New American, Revised Standard or other Catholic translated bible! The reason why so many of the other reviewers are all in a TITHER is that the ONLY way to get their bibles is you have to get visited and endure their shpiel about how you need to join their ONLY TRUE religious organization or be destroyed at Armageddon whenever the new date is ala 1975,1925,1018,1915,1914,1881,1880,1878,1874 blah blah blah! Im glad sellers have obtained a few rejects with small barely noticeable demarcations at a small profit for themselves. I got mine for a paltry 3 dollars and spent more in shipping than the actual cost so its not like they are making vast sums of money on these things. In a few years a typical once the market is flooded these bibles like most WT literature will hoard the empty halls of thriftstores and used bookstores as antiquated nostalgia. I purchase it for the same reasons i get mormon books as a resource for others to show them what real bad theology and translation looks like! If these are not going to be sold on the store then the others (Jehovah's Witness reviewers) should petition its headquarters to make sure they BURN extra blemished copies in reality that is where it all should go anyway, smile! Thanks another happy the store customer im loving my grey edition NWT now i can look to see how many times scripture was altered and removed differently from the 1980 edition in violation of Revelation 22:18-19!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
hope decker
JW.ORG or Watch Tower and Bible Tract Society - does not sell bible-based publications, but they are free for downloads at You can get a bible or any bible-based literature of JW.ORG for free by asking any of the Jehovah's Witnesses you see in public preaching or at any kingdom halls.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
septi septi
I find this translation of the Holy Scriptures to be extremely beneficial in studying, and understanding the scriptures throughout it's canons. As Christ, the Apostles, and Prophets quote the scriptures themselves throughout. Translation of any book past, to a present day use of language without any loss of the original meaning is nearly impossible .The technical, metaphoric,beliefs, and cultural symbolism of the time periods that the canons are written... always have a bearing on the meaning as originally written . For instance ( technically ) what is a " Leviathan " as a species ? How many answers will you find looking it up? Wouldn't it be great to be able to go back in time and interview the authors of the canons individually to get their meaning of what they wrote and what they said for a clear and unadulterated understanding ? The translators and scholars , have done great work in both translation and cross referencing . Very much appreciated !
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tom pointon
Very poor translation of the bible. Many mistakes and cult made propaganda book. One being Johan 1;1 in the beginning the word was with god and the word was A god. A was inserted to support the cult idea that god and Jesus are separate beings.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Warming to the store customers. The binding quality of these new revised NWT bibles is VERY VERY POOR. The old NWT bibles had the pages in folded sections SEWN in. These 2013 NWT are CHEAPLY glued in as single sheets and will probably not stand up to long term wear and tear.

Already my recently purchased 2013 NWT is showing signs of page separation.

Don't buy - get an older issue NWT with a decent binding.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca gomez farrell
I have read it side by side with other translations, and this one is as true to the original languages as it can be. Also as mentioned in many other reviews, this book is not for sale, is provided free, as part of the worldwide Bible education work of the Jehovah's Witnesses.It is available in over 120 languages, and again, can had for free simply by asking any of Jehovah's Witnesses or by contacting a local Kingdom Hall. Really, for free.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brianna hughes
I bought this "translation" (Not really a translation, more of a distortion) to use in witnessing to JW's. There are certain passages that the Watchtower forgot to change to fit their theology, therefore, you can actually use their own "translation" to debunk their unbiblical doctrines. You also need to know that the new world bible translation committee requested that the watch tower society not publish the names of its members/translators. We know who the members of the committee were after it was revealed by a former leader in the Watchtower sect, and it became clear why they wanted the names to be anonymous. The 5 members of the committee were: Nathan H Knorr, then president of the watchtower bible and tract society, Frederick W Franz, Albert D Schroeder, George Gangas, and Milton Henschel. All 5 men had been members of the JW's governing body. Of these men Franz is the only one with a university education, and he was a 2nd year drop out in an unrelated major . So none of the men who translated the NWT were qualified biblical scholars! That is why they wanted the publishers and translators to remain anonymous. Look at any modern translation and you will find the names and credentials of the contributors. But like I said, it is a great tool to use in witnessing to a JW.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darnell barrett

This book will always FREE OF CHARGE from its source: You may order a Physical copy or download an electronic [EPUB/PDF/RTF/BRL] copy directly from the official website of Jehovah's Witnesses.

The copyright page of this book clearly states: "This product is not for sale. It is provided as part of the worldwide Bible education work of Jehovah's Witnesses."

Here is a direct and legal link to the 2013 Revised New World Translation (Along with free access to to other versions of the Bible, useful for comparison):

This Bible is available in over 160 languages in full or in part, directly from
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I give this 5 stars because this Bible is Amazing HOWEVER do not buy this on the store. You can get this Bible and many other bible based publications FREE. You can go to any Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses and get this Bible, and many other things at no charge. Also, you can download tons of books and magazines and
Shame on this person for selling this Bible because they are not paying for it themselves, so why should they charge you. As Matthew 10:8 says, you received free, give free.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
marilyn mann
Bought to expose the poison that is the jehovah witnesses. Matthew 2, they refer to Jesus as it. He who does not honor the son just as he honors the father does not honor the father who sent him. JESUS IS NOT AN IT
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shane r
41.00 is outrageous THIS IS FREE/ this person got this FREE and now is trying to profit

Contact any Jehovahs Witness and you can get this for free. OR go to jw dot org
at the top click on PUBLICATIONS
on the left click on online library
the click on PUBLICATIONS at the top again
Then click on BIBLES
Then click on the reference bible. Bam! Free

if you really want a hardcopy click on the homepage, request a free home bible study.. fill out the form to be contacted and once you're contacted you can just say you want one of these reference bibles.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
While unfortunately some persons have an opinion of Jehovahs Witnesses that may not be favorable for one reason or another, IMHO I have to say that this translation impresses me with its accuracy. I have seen over the past 20 or 30 years how Bible versions in general have began to become more and more "sterilized" and "politically correct" bending to public opinion instead of what the writers may have been trying to say. As an example I have to agree that Gods Name has been removed altogether from most modern translations.

Look in most old book stores at any older Bible and you will usually see Gods Name (Jehovah, Yaweh, YHWH) in quite a few scriptures. These are all but non-existent today.

I have to say I admire this translation (and the translators) for sticking to their guns, so to speak, and restoring Gods Name to the Bible where it is so prominent in the ancient Hebrew scripts and some in the New Testament as well.

As a side note, I've read some of these other reviews and am pretty surprised at the obvious bias in the tone of the review. I'm of the opinion that a person can read pretty much any translation and get the idea of what Gods Will is. For some of these reviews to be as spiteful and hateful as they are says more about the reviewers "agenda" and not about the actual accuracy of the translation.

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
michael heggemeyer
No need to pay for this. The Jehovahs Witnesses can get you an exact copy free of charge. You could even download the complete bible free off their website Go spend your money on things that are not free elsewhere.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This is not a faithful translation, but a perversion that has been “translated” to fit the JW’s beliefs. Ever wonder why JWs don’t tend to use other versions of the Bible very often, even though they claim they recognize them as Bibles? Well, it's pretty much because they can't support their beliefs with faithful translations like the NASB, ESV, KJV, etc so they made their own "bible". And when we do any type of research on the NWT, it raises many red flags:

The translators: Who are the translators of this “bible”? JWs won’t publically release the names as they claim they don’t want people to get the honor of this translation, but God. Well, this also conveniently makes it so that no one can be held accountable for this translation.

The translators qualifications: However, fortunately because secrets do tend to get leaked, the names of the “translators” have been found out (and I'll leave that up to the reader to do a google search). It was translated by 5 JWs and out of that 5, only one had any type of Greek training which equated to about 2 years worth of Greek. This pales in comparison to faithful Bible translations that often have literally dozens of scholars working on the translation who know the biblical languages like the back of their hands.

Multiple denominations: Furthermore, the translators of faithful translations often don’t just come from a single Christian denomination. This is intention in order to avoid denomination bias. This cannot be said of the NWT which all 5 of them were JWs.

And a good example of the NWT’s bias can be seen in Col 1:16. The NWT says that Jesus created all “other” things. The word “other” has been inserted into the text as it is not in the Greek manuscripts at all. In fact, up until this 2013 update of the NWT, the NWT was at least honest enough to put “other” in brackets, [other], to indicate that it was inserted. The current NWT has taken the brackets away to make it seems like it is a normal part of the text. Obviously without the "other", the verse takes on a VASTLY different meaning!

So don't pay money for this translation. It is not a Bible at all. And yes, the JWs do give this book away, and I'll gladly take it every time I see them giving it out... to burn it. So that's one less NWT in circulation and because I don't give money to the Watchtower, it's a loss to them.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
alison wood gittoes
Many Jehovah's Witness 'scholars' have said that this book is a great translation. However, they are simply wrong. Take John 1, for example. The translation "the word was A god" is not correct. The use of a definite article before a proper name is NOT necessary, and in fact more often than not a definite article is excluded (if you read further in John, in the Greek, it is excluded on John's name. That does not mean that John was just "a" john, but "the" John, the one bearing witness to Jesus, the one baptizing). In order for the JW's to support their false understanding of the use of the article in Greek, they also have to change other passages. The Jehovah's Witness are the FIRST sect to re-translate the Holy Scripture to fit their theology. They are NOT Christian, as they do NOT believe Christ is the only Son of God, the 2nd part of the Trinity. I purchased this translation for myself, but not because I believe it (I in fact think it is blaspheme and an abomination of all that is true), I encourage anyone to purchase this, to study it, and compare it to the Greek WITHOUT the lens of JW's telling you what the Greek says or how good this xlation is. Look for yourself and see; this is NOT a translation, but a rewrite of God's Holy Word.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kenton kauffman
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures with References Hardback 1984
Contents : Foreword Page 5 , Introduction to this Bible Page 6 Table of the Books of The Bible with Name of Book and Author place written and year completed Page 12, List of the Books of the Bible
with abbreviations and Start page number Page 14, The Old Testament 39 Books Starts Page 15. New Testament 27 Books ( Matthew) Start page 1176, Bible Words Indexed (Concordance) Page 1495 Appendixes ( or Study Helps) 9 Total Start Page 1560 , Map and Charts Page 1588
Each book of the Bible has footnotes and a center reference column linking you to other similar scriptures
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Our literature is NOT for sale, these people are exploiting the public. If you would like this exact bible, you can ask one of Jehovah's Witnesses for a copy free of charge. This includes ALL our books, brochures, magazines, etc... Our work is supported by voluntary donations from the heart, which mostly come from within the congregations worldwide. One of Jehovah's Witnesses.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael mossing
You can receive any of Jehovah's. Witnesses literature for free. or any Witneses you come in contact with. You may even go to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses and ask for it and it will be given freely, just as Jesus gave, 5 stars is the the publication.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
matt shields
Remember Jesus and God are the same person. Let no one tell you different. What is impossible for man is totally possible for God. Think on it, if you limit God what does that make Him? No more than any other idolous god, correct?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kelli rose
This is not a true translation, but a perversion of the truth. The texts have been changed to make the words say what the Watch Tower wants to convey. It is a dangerous thing to add to or take away from the true Word of God, But it is more dangerous to read and believe this perversion of truth.
If you want the truth, read the King James Version. The New World Translation should not be allowed into your library. It's like letting the devil run loose in your home.
Aren't there enough lies, and deceptions coming from the tube in your living room? Only the truth can set you free. Read the KJV.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mary varn
This is not a 'translation' rather it is a specific version of a bible meant to serve the Jehovah Witness as a statement of their beliefs. It is an openly divisive rendition of God's Holy Word in which they have taken out Christ's divinity thereby indicating that God's is not totally divine.. Then they have removed any belief in the existence of the Holy Spirit, a denial of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. It is also that which Christ considers an unforgivable sin.They deny that which both Old and New Testaments state irrefutably that man has an immortal soul,once again refuting God's total and complete divinity by noting, that which comes from God is not divine! God's breath, breathed into a living being is divine. If that which comes directly from God is not divine than neither is God. And in order to justify their opinion, which come neither from the Greek or Hebrew texts, so they may escape the punishment of their sins, they deny the existence of Hell! How they can state that they are a Christian denomination when they have done away with everything Holy attributed to the Christ escapes understanding.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pictures of interior pages, covers-
 NEW WORLD TRANSLATION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES Rendered from the Original Languages, Revised A. D. 1961
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the very best Bible, available, today. I have read many, many translations and versions, such as: New International Version, King James Version, The Living Bible, New King James Version, Darby's Translation, Youngs Literal Translation, and the American Standard Version of 1901. None of these bibles compare to the beauty, of thought, that this very accurate translation does; Plus Jehovah's Witnesses have put God's name back where it belongs! A very good read, but the bible is supposed to be free because Jehovah's Witnesses do not charge for their literature...they pay for it among themselves and offer it to the public for free. Go to their Web site and read...they offer several bibles to read and compare to their translation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gary mesick
The Bible translation is great. The regularly disputed texts are in fact true to the original languages. However, publications by Jehovah's Witnesses are distributed without cost. Voluntary donations from recipients are always welcome. So anyone selling this or any of the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses are making unethical gain. I appreciate the the store itself is not engaged in this sale but they need to take to task vendors that are. The likelihood of them getting financial gain that was freely given to them is too great.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was confused, there were some verses missing and only a "-" was there instead following the verse number (ex. Acts 8:37). Doesn't the bible say not to add or take away anything from it in revelation 22:18-19?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
alex malysh
The only reason I bought this book was to compare it to the real BIBLE. Almost any other bible is truer than this one.
It is full of changes which makes it full of lies. I am only using this NWT as a source so I can compare verses against
my New King James Version, as I have a sister lost to this cult... with God's help I hope He will win her back.
If you have a King James Bible, New King James, Revised Standard or a New International Version Bible
compare John 1:1 and John 8:58 to the New World Translation and you will see a shocking difference.
If you don't have this NWT go to their website [...] click bible and you can compare these verses
with any Bible listed above, there are others that will work just fine too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael taeckens
You needn't buy publications written by the Jehovah's Witnesses. They are all free on request. Selling them for extraordinary amounts of money is wrong. Yes this particular color is no longer made but the New World Translation is still in print.
Please RateCompact Edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Black)
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