Maybe This Time

ByChantal Fernando

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sexy as sin Alpha-Males in this awesome book Reid, Ryan(two first ones are twin brothers;)) Dash, Xander and they're MMA fighters!!!And yes we see a lot of them throughout the story!! Reid and Summer story starts hot from the moment they set eyes on each other but Reid has alot of baggage from his past from ex -girlfriends to getting vengence for his younger brothers death in a fight!! But he can't let Summer go and they fight through everything and everyone who gets in the way of their love!! Loved this story so much but at times wanted to smack Reid but he makes up for it!! So worth it Summer and Reid's love story!! Author Chantal Fernando great book can't wait for Ryan's story next!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
james l
Well written, great characters, it mad me laugh, cry, smile, the only thing I can say negative about this book, is the relationship is a bit muddled in the beginning. I didn't think there was a relationship, but then she said they were in one, it was a bit confusing, but I got on with the story, and I still loved it. My favourite is Ryan, and I can't wait to read his story, I will be buying the next book. And definatly more of your other books. I like how you write, like how real life people talk.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this story was just hot, corky, sexy, and warm ... what i love when i read. Chantal did a wonderful job with Summer , making her a lil weary about her surroundings and slowly having her walls cone undone with her brother, dad, and the new friends and Reid (fanning myself) ,if he was a walking popsicle i would be licking that man all day, just thinking about how bossy and rough he is was making my vagina hurt. Each chapter flowed wonderfully in the next one with out missing a beat , and i love that, I hate when some books have the chapters that you forget what happens in the last chapter you read because it totally goes off onto something else. Chantal thank for for this wonderful book , I will be waiting for your next books years to come.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Good book but the alpha male thing although cute at first does get annoying towards end. We don't hear nothing on summer and her dad's relationship or with xander. The book came to a quick end with little detail in much needed areas really disappointed in that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
denny fisher
If you love sexy brooding fighters and sassy girls who won't put up with bad boy bs....this MY friend is the book for you! Reid is the brooding bad boy you can't help but love. Summer is the good girl with a mouth that could put the boys to shame! You'll love the characters that come along with it! Can't wait for Ryan's story next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caio braga
OMG! I'm hyperventilating!!! Seriously!! So!!! HOT!! The muscles! The alpha maleness!!! Delicious!! The drama!!
I want one!!
Okay I'm done.
Anyhoo. If you would like an introduction to this author and her amazingly talented skills of writing then read her other series first (resisting love).
When I first started reading this book I thought it was really similar to the other series(eerily similar). But all the stuff that happened was unexpected!
I absolutely loved this amazingly fabulous book! I CAN NOT WAIT to read the next book in this amazingly fabulous series!!!
I liked how we got Reid's point of view from time to time.
The only itty bitty downside would be how similar this book was to Chase (her other series). That kind of annoyed me, but I got over.
I finished this book so fast. I tired to prolong it as long as possible, but it wasn't possible AT ALL!
I would DEFINITELY recommend this book to anyone and everyone!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dylan platt
This book was amazing!!!! I cried and my heart stopped a few times! Hope the next books come out soon rather than latter and they keep coming... The story line is what had me it just got better and better!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elizabeth biehl
I loved the storyline and most of the characters. It would have been nice if it was a little longer....I think it would have brought more depth to the story. I loved Reid and liked Summer. At first it was kinda awkward reading their interactions because they weren't really anything to each other but they acted immature and jealous for really stupid reasons. As the story went on that got better and I ended up loving them together. I didn't like how the story was explained in such a fast paced way...I couldn't really get invested in the story all that much. I love MMA books...probably my favorite kind...between that and billionaire alpha males. I definitely would NOT companies this to other MMA books that I've read. Reid is sexy and alpha but he is no Travis Maddox. With all that being said I still thought the book was pretty good and I can't wait to read Ryans story....what an interesting start on the preview!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
roslyn sundset
Remember those days when you could browse the bookshelves, pick up a book with a hot cover and skim a little of it (I could guess where the sex scene was every time) then you'd know if it had what you were looking for... or not. Lately, I've been relying too heavily on customer reviews and been shockingly disappointed. As you can tell from my trip down memory lane I'm pretty far away from a young adult or new adult or whatever but I've always enjoyed the angst in coming-of-age stories. I was looking for some serious angst in this story. The blurb and the synopsis of some of the reviews (4.5 star average) sounded so promising. Summer came from a broken home and had an absentee father with whom she plans to reconnect. Check. She's meeting her half brother for the first time and is moving in with him. Check. She meets and falls for a hot MMA fighter with his own dark past. Awesome. I'm in.

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who used too many pronouns and you had to stop them and say, "What are you talking about? Her who? That what?" My 5 year old does that to me all the time and that's how I felt reading this story. The first time Summer meets her brother she picks him up from jail. What?! Why?! Never explained. How did the siblings manage to connect at all if Summer's 'mum' was so rabidly against Xander and her father? No endearing childhood backstory of sneaking letters, phone calls, texting, or even friending on facebook. I vaguely remember one sentence mentioning letters but that's it. When they meet they just check each other out and then they're best buds. Speaking of 'mum', I ignored that and things like 'gonna' until 19 year old Summer gets a job in a bar and I realize I don't even know in what country this story is taking place. I noticed the author is from Australia where the legal drinking age is 18 and think that's great 'cause now I can add an Australian accent to the hot guys. At no point is even the name of the town she just moved to mentioned.

Summer avoids her Dad a couple times but soon they have a barely touched on heart to heart and then that well is dry. Her 'mum' is so one dimensional as a bitter dead woman it's almost as if Summer was sprung from a cabbage patch with no emotional connection to her mother or grief over her loss. Reid, the hot MMA fighter boyfriend, opens up and admits to his mother dying and her reaction is an awkward "I'm sorry." Wait. What?! Didn't she just lose her mother too? Another potential moment down the drain. Summer and Reid together is the same build up of conflict and possible angst that never quite makes it to anything close to the heart wrenching moments that can lead to a happy euphoria when you get the HEA ending.

Oh, and the ending was abrupt... Yeah, just like that.

I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 because there's lots of potential with all the hot guys, Summer's snarky comments, the set ups for conflict like cage fighting for revenge, ex girlfriends, even one with a baby in tow... it fall flat like a soap opera actress who is struggling to hold some emotion on her face as it cues to a commercial.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved the story.....Reid is one hot fighter and the way he fights for Summer proves his love her. I enjoyed how summer came back into her father and brothers life and is surrounded by hot men that will protect Herat any cost. Can't wait for Ryan's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book! I couldnt even put it down! Loved Reid and Summer! Shes a woman with a backbone and doesnt put up with Reid's crap! I loved that about her. Not to mention Reid was a great character too! Cant wait to read Ryan's book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate halma
Very good read. I loved the characters they were a bunch of hot men and a beautiful girl that were friends. I enjoy books where the characters work in a bar and have a good time. Of course some of the characters fall in love . I am ready for the next book. Very well written.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
catherine baumhauer
I read the other reviews comparing this book to Travis and other MMA fighters, so I ordered this one. I was very disappointed. Reid is nothing like Travis. I couldn't connect to any of the characters. It seemed as though someone put a fast forward through the book, skipping connections, explanations, and such. Summer kept getting upset about all of the women (rightfully so), but would walk out on him, leaving him with those women and situations. She was just as quick to forgive him. Every time he simply told her he would keep messing up, and she kept accepting this right away. It was frustrating! Also, I never understood the need for all the lies and secrecy towards Summer, but that goes back to the disconnect.
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