Chase (Resisting love Book 1)

ByChantal Fernando

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa hackney
If you like weak simpering heroines this is for you! Maybe it's a personal view but, I hate manwhore alpha males that fall in love, so the girls they love are good girls and worthy of being their girlfriends, but treat every other girl like dumb sluts. I thought the main characters lacked charm, or intrigue. This whole thing fell really flat for me, as far as character and plot development goes.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
janet stella
Well, shoot. I really thought I was going to like this one. I mean I pretty much go crazy for rich, entitled, bossy leading men. I'm an easy sell! That being said, I should have been in heaven with Chase. Unfortunately, a major turn off for me is what I have started calling "manufactured drama". It's popping up in more and more books and it was in total OVERKILL in Chase.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, here are some examples: That means if you have a new girlfriend and you already have a bad reputation and alot to prove, you don't let girls sit in your lap. You don't let ex-girlfriends sleep in your bed. You don't let ex-girlfriends close enough to grab you and suck face with you (on more than one occasion). You don't keep major secrets that are bound to come out. You don't hang out at topseller bars. You don't have crazy ass parties. You don't take girlfriend to toxic parents house so he can make her feel like nothing.

Manufactured drama causes all kind of angst that would have been very easy to avoid. Unfortunately, thats all this book was. The story would go to one situation that could have been avoided to the next sitation that could have been avoided and on and on and on. The characters made nothing but bad decisions which were driven by extreme immaturity.It's disappointing because I actually liked the chemistry between Layla and the brothers alot. I thought it was very sweet how they were protective of her and enjoyed reading about the time they spent together.

I know I'm in the minority by not liking this book but honestly, I barely could finish it...I'm going to save myself a headache though (as well as some disappointment) and skip reading anything else in this series. "SAY NO" to fake angst!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucid strike
I love Chantal Fernando... I swear I haven't read a single bad book yet.... Spoilers so BEWARE!

Layla is looking for a place to rent while she goes to school, she's about out of options when she happens across an add in the paper and goes to check it out. Meeting James, she feels good about it, it's a good deal so she takes it. Then meets Kade. These boys are hilarious and I'd totally live with em... even if they are sluts of a magnum degree. She hasn't met the third roommate/landlord but she heard him with one of his overnight conquests, he's rude and kicked her out but he's not home alot so she doesn't get to meet em.
She later meets him in a bar but doesn't know it's him and she goes home with him... She finds out he's her roommate, he immediately falls for her, she takes a while because all the chicks he hooks up with are comin out of the woodwork and lets be real... who would trust a man like that right off?

They have a lot of crap to go through and hurdles to jump over, mainly women and secrets he never tells her cuz lets face it, nobody would wanna stick around for all that drama...Eventually though, they get it all settled and of course they get their HEA... I love that. Although they had so many bumps in the road and it got a little annoying I'm glad it ended the way it did. I'd love to have seen Aubrey jump in a lake or something though. I can't stand girls like that and I just know that Kade's friend Ashley is gonna be a big problem.
He's probably not gonna notice it and it's gonna be another one I'll wanna wack em upside the head and tell them to get a clue, but we shall see. I've just one clicked it so.... here's hoping it's not

5 stars from me though on this one :)
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephen kiernan
Complimentary copy provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

It seems that most of my book boyfriends lately happen to be Australian bad boys. So when I had the opportunity to pick up Chase, oh man did I have high hopes! It's a story about not one Australian bad boy, but THREE. And they're brothers. And they live you SEE the potential here? I mean c'mon, this is the stuff female wet dreams are made of!

Layla is a young, beautiful college student who is just starting out in the world. She is looking for a place to live that is close to her university and safe for a single woman. She happens upon a room for rent in a gorgeous home, seemingly perfect in every way. The only possible problem is her potential roommates-- Chase, the owner, and his younger brothers Kade and James. They're young, hard-partying bachelors who have no problem looking at young Layla with lust-filled yes.

Layla moves in and begins to develop an almost sister-like relationship with Kade and James. Chase, a successful businessman, is rather elusive, coming home only to bed his latest conquest, then kick her out in the next morning (they often don't go quietly!) and then he leaves himself, back to the business world or one of the other properties he owns.

One night, Layla and her best friend Nicki head out to the bar where she meets and goes home with a tall, dark stranger whom she develops feelings for (which are mutual, btw) almost instantly. Both Layla and the handsome stranger feel a tangible connection and "sleep" together that first night (she is a virgin, unbeknownst to her beau), albeit not in a sexual capacity. When she wakes up the next morning, ready to take the walk of shame and head home, Layla finds she doesn't have far to walk...the mysterious stranger is the illustrious Chase himself.

Chase is a fast, easy, and relatively well written, but it falls short on substance. There were many places in the book where I felt we were just getting vignettes of their everyday lives...we weren't getting real substance contributing to a cohesive storyline. For instance:

"My mother takes in us holding hands and beams. I inwardly groan. She cooks us dinner, and we sit around the table, chatting."

"An hour later, she leaves, threatening me that if I didn't bring Chase home, she would bring the entire family over to my house."

We don't get any idea of what type of conversation took place during Chase's first meeting with Layla's parents, however on several occasions we are given a very thorough description of what the characters are eating, or outfits they are wearing. We seem to be given a lot of detail in regards to things that don't do anything to move the plot forward, but then others, which directly affect the characters or the plot development, are simply skimmed over. I'd like to see more development at that level, rather than mundane details which have no direct effect on any outcomes within the book.

There were also several instances where the dialog was awkward. Case in point:

"She's a f#$%ing friend!" Chase is getting defensive.
"She's a f#$%ing blood sucker" That comment was made by James.

I'm not sure if these are simply the mistakes of a first time writer, but I'm hoping as the story progresses through subsequent installmenst, more and more details are filled in and the dialog becomes more natural.

There is a TON of potential with this series and I am holding out a lot of hope that it will continue to get better as the books move along and we learn how each of the characters has history with one another. I look forward to seeing how the characters continue to develop not only in their relationships with their significant others/spouses, but also in the group as a whole. Chase is a solid 3½ star read and I'm glad I have the opportunity to dive right into the next installment, Kade.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brenda wharton
I received an advance copy of Chase from the author and loved it. From the moment I read the first chapter I knew I was hooked. Chase is a fun, witty, sexy read with just the right amount of drama.

We start off meeting Layla who has left home to go to college to become more independent and get some distance from her over bearing and sometimes over protective family. It is two weeks before class starts and she is out looking for a place to live. Her last option is a beautiful home that looks great when she pulls up, but her roommates are three guys. This is where we meet Kade and James who are brothers. They welcome Lalya in with open arms and immediately treat her like a sister. They want to protect her and make her feel comfortable in her new home. There is another brother/roommate but he is a little bit of a mystery in the beginning. One night while out with her best friend she meets Chase who is hot and sexy and someone that she has an instant connection with. What she soon learns is that Chase is the third roommate and landlord of her new home. He is also the guy she heard the other morning kicking some girl out of his bed. Regardless of his reputation and what she heard the other morning, she can't seem to resist Chase and agrees to give him a chance. Chase has every intention of proving himself to her and proving that he can change.

Chase is your typical sexy, hot, alpha-male, man whore who has had many one night stands and many woman. His childhood wasn't perfect, he grew up with a rich father who wasn't exactly the best role model. He has issues from his past that I think have messed him up in some ways. He was never into relationships, at least monogamous ones. He was never with a girl more than once and was always honest with the girls he met, it was just sex and nothing more. Chase never wanted anything more than that until he saw Layla and knew at that moment that she was the ONE. He knew that she would eventually have his heart, and would be the one to make him change his ways.

I loved Layla and Chase together. And while the connection between them was instant and as much as they both wanted each other, I don't think their relationship itself was rushed. Chase knew from the moment he saw her how he felt about her and Chase usually got what he wanted, and what he wanted was Layla. But Layla was a little more hesitant. She was attracted to Chase and she liked him but given his reputation she had some trust issues and was afraid of getting hurt. After all he was probably one of the biggest players she had ever met. His feelings for her were something he never experienced before and it caused him to become possessive and jealous at times. But that wasn't the biggest issue in their relationship. It was Chase's past that would come back to haunt him. Layla was falling for Chase but it seemed like every time things were going great, a run in with one of his past conquests would change things. Chase's past begins to catch up with him and slowly the secrets from his past begin to come out. Layla starts to wonder how much more can she take and what else is he not telling her. Chase loves her and wants a forever with her, but will his past ruin what they have together? Can Layla come to terms with the man that he once was and be able to move on and see that he has changed?

Chase could be arrogant, and a little obsessive and controlling but he was also had a sweet side to him. He loved Layla and wanted to be a better person and make her happy. Chase had his moments but you couldn't help fall in love with him and love the way he wanted to change for Layla. I fell in love with all of the characters. Layla is fun, witty, smart and independent and someone most people can relate to. Layla's relationship with James and Kade was funny and cute and I loved how they protected her. James and Kade have their fair share of woman coming and going but have never made Layla feel uncomfortable or awkward and in fact tried to protect her from the comments and scowls that she received from some of the woman they brought home. There was also Layla's cousin Ryder who was more of a brother to her and we cannot forget about her feisty BFF Nikki. Chatal and Dawn created a wonderful cast of characters who all deserve their own story. I loved everyone of them for different reasons. I cannot wait to find out what is really going on with her and Kade in the next book in the series. Overall I loved this story, it was a roller coaster of emotions and just enough drama with a few twists that you didn't see coming. Wonderful job by Chantal Fernando and Dawn Martens. I cannot wait for Kade's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
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3.5 out of 5 stars

From the outset I need to say that I really enjoyed reading Chase. It was an easy read with some outstanding Alpha male characters that will hit book boyfriend lists aplenty – particularly Kade I think!

Chase (Resisting Love #1) is the story of Layla and Chase. Layla is a pretty innocent girl, looking for somewhere to live that is close to University and not close to her parent’s home. Having looked at a number of not so appropriate places she arrives at the last place on her list and cannot believe her luck. The house is gorgeous, as is the guy who shows her around (James) and despite having some reservations about sharing a house with men (two of whom she hasn’t yet met), she takes the room. Flash forward a short while and Layla is hitting it off beautifully (in a brother/sister kind of way) with James and Kade, two of the three men in the house, but she is yet to meet the third. She’s heard exchanges between him and the women he’s brought home, but not actually met him. Layla heads out for a girls night out with best friend Nikki and meets Chase, uber gorgeous and with clear intentions for Layla. Imagine her surprise when she wakes in his bed the next morning ... in the master bedroom of the house she is living in!

Despite enjoying this book I wasn’t really convinced by or connected to Chase – his adoration of Layla seemed instant and it was a little hard to believe that he would be able to quickly change his womanising ways. Some of the back story was clarified later in the book, but it felt a little unreal to start with. I think this affected the way I felt about Chase throughout the story and meant that I didn’t find him or his interactions with Layla that believable. Having said that, he did redeem himself a little bit towards the end of the book – but I was never really cheering for him.

Layla on the other hand I loved. She was sassy and held her own in the interactions with Kade and James. Chase dominated her a bit too much for my liking – but that was more about his style than any real weakness in her.

The other characters in the story were fantastic. James, Kade and Nikki particularly. There was enough going on with them that you want to know more – and we’re fortunate because Fernando and Martens are working on Kade and Nikki’s story next, which I will certainly be watching for. Aubrey is the ex from hell – incredibly nasty and manipulative but brings some interesting twists to the story.

I enjoyed reading Chase and as I said will be watching for the next book. It was a quick and easy read. The edition I was provided for this review did have a number of typo’s in it, which detracted a little from the story, and is part of the reason for my 3.5 (rather than 4) rating. Despite being part of a series Chase and Layla’s story was wrapped up beautifully, so don’t avoid this for fear of a cliff hanger.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is Fernando and Martens' first book and I think that they did a fine job (seeing as I could never write a book, I can just read them and fall in love with the characters.)

I found myself hating Chase for a long time before I eventually decided that he was an all around good guy, however that was towards the end of the book. Because I wanted to tell Chase off for most of the book, it was hard for me to get into the connection that Layla and Chase had right off the bat. At first, it is just this intense connection with nothing happening to support it (although you find out later why Chase felt that connection towards Layla and it started to make more sense) but it had me stunned that this deep love bloomed out of nowhere (this also includes her connection with James and Kade.) I will say that I am jealous of Layla for being able to walk into a house filled with three hot men and is able to win them over in a matter of minutes. J

Once I found my love for Chase, the book started to flow better and I found myself all right with the fast pace of the book after that. I will say that I am intrigued by what the next book will bring with the background of Kade's story and I am curious to know why James was so mysterious at times in the first book.
~BookWhisperer Reviewer MC~
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First off thank you to the authors for letting me BETA read this story.

One word is used to describe this book, AMAZING!!!!
It was so amazing that I have read it twice in the last week.
It starts off with layla looking for a place to stay, she ends up at jame's and kade's home who are looking for a flatmate. I must say that I love james and kade, they are awesome characters and totally swoonworthy, there were quite a few laugh out loud moments with them, and I cant wait to read their stories. Layla's best friend Nikki is also another character that I cant wait to find out more about, same goes for layla's cousin ryder, who also gets his own story, it will be interesting who ends up with Nikki, will it be kade, ryder or james, OR will the authors go In a completely different direction, I for one cant wait :)

Onto the main man Chase, he is swoon worthy, hot and a wicked character that I loved to read bout. He has his secrets and that does make layla pissed at him quite a bit, expecially when there is a EX of his trying to drive a wedge between them.

I loved the writing style of this book, it was so easy to read and had me hooked from the first chapter, and I couldn't put it down as I wanted to know what happened next. I loved how for layla and chase everything is tied up and done with in the one book, it's a nice refreshing change than having it dragged out to a series. I know we will catch up with them in the other guys books so its not as if its goodbye. I loved the ending, thought it was perfect.
I cant wait to see where the authors take the other guys stories, and what happens, if anything with layla and chase in the rest of the compainion novels.

If you love contemporary romance books then this one is definitely for you. If you love hot, tattooed males in your books then it will be right at the top of your wishlist.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patience blythe
Gotta say that the title/cover and blurb caught my attention and bought the book right away!

Layla is one lucky girl! She lives with three hot sexy guys and treats her like a princess. She started off as a great heroine... sweet, strong and feisty but then all of the sudden she became annoyingly insecure. Now I'm all into these kind of heroines.. but Layla makes some unnecessary drama, overreacts, whines and goes hot and cold towards Chase that just pissed me off!

Okay.. on to our Hero Chase.. whew! Where do I start with this guy? He's hot, sexy, dominant alpha possessive! He doesn't do commitment and just use women for sex but once he met Layla.. well.. you already know what happened! I just loved that he's willing to change and show her he's worth it. He also has some wtf moments but heck! it's just hard not to love this guy!

I love that they are both vulnerable and it was interesting and frustrating to read how they dealt with the issues! lol!

Overall, I enjoyed this book very much. The characters are loveable, the banter between everyone was funny and to be honest I devoured this book mainly because of Chase, Kade, James and Ryder!

Funny thing is- I was craving for some possessive hero story and it must be my lucky day to find not one but four hot panty protective, alpha possessive males in one book!

Congratulations to Ms. Chantal Fernando and Ms. Dawn Martens! This is a perfect start for a new series.

I cannot wait for Kade's story and to hear more about he's massive ding dong! ^_^
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather erosky
***ARC/BETA received by authors in exchange for an honest review***

Let me tell you something, you are going to LOVE this book!! I devoured it in one sitting. Chantal sent it to me tonight and I just had a 'peak' before bed..... It's now 12:25 am and I've finished!

I fell in love with Chase. Sexy as sin, Funny , Charming, Alfa male, Protective, Dimple, Dark hair, Blue eyes, seriously what more can a woman ask for???
I REALLY want to live in a house with 3 brothers that look and love like Chase,James and Kade!!! Omgosh swoon much?!?
They remind me of a cross between the 'Anderson brothers' from ' Saving Grace ' by J. M. Hill, and the 'Bradfords boys' from ' 'A Neighbour From Hell' series by R. L. Mathewson.

Without giving to much away, I was a little annoyed at the way Layla reacted when she came home early to find the boys having a party. He didn't know about the girl, he was outside!!! I wish she just got her shit together sooner!! It seamed to drag a bit. I did however LOVE the strip club scene!!

Chases little chapters was GREAT. I always love love love to read the other side of a big scene of a book!!
I looked up' Wait for you' Elliot Yamin after chase sung it to Layla at karaoke and cried even harder then I did while reading that particular part!

When Aubrey drop the bomb , god my heart
went out to chase! What a spiteful little cow!! I was wondering if it was daddy or granddaddy at the time. (It was later reviled)

I laughed. I cried. I got mad. I giggled like a school girl. I fell in love with these characters so easily! The story just flowed effortlessly and before I knew it , it was over. Now I'm very Anxious for more!

"The bathroom door opens and he steps out, black hair wet and disheveled , water droplets dripping down his towel clad body. I'm pretty sure my mouth is hanging open. "

"We met here." He says simply.
"We did. " I agree.
"And now I'm the owner. " he says proudly.
"What?" I bust out.

Hellooo sexy Alfa male ;) I loved this ^^^!

" I know it's not a twix, but I have a snickers bar in my handbag, if you're interested. "
He perks up "Really?"
I don't know what it is about a man and food, but it's HOT! Not to mention makes me giggle ;)

All in all I really enjoyed this and I'm certain if Chantal or Dawn don't offer for me to BETA for James and Kade , I may have to get down on my hands and knees and grovel!
Thank you ladies, this is now in my favourite list :)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

The storyline had potential, but was severely lacking in development characterisation and I did not felt much of emotional connection between the H/h and so I was not emotionally invested.

What I did liked is the relationship between the brothers and Heroin Layla their room-mate: they were very protective of her and when one of the brothers have seen Layla upset over Chase he immediately took her site and got very angry with Chase (his brother) for hurting Layla and put him in his place, by beating him up!
I also like Layal's independency and she was not materialistic type, even though Chase insisted on paying for her rent, she refused and did not allowed him to buy her for money. Some readers pointed out that Layla was being selfish by judging Chase, but would you not if he's hiding from you things all the time and not proving his worthy of trust? I understand her frustration, but it was not judgement over Chase's past, but the fact that he keep lying to her that made her angry and suspicious. I think she was very understanding of his sexually deprived past, to actually going through all the nasty women coming on to her and admitting they shared him too??? He even admitted that he did not deserved her and she did say she is not happy about this but will need to learn to deal with this, so I think she was very strong in accepting this whole baggage with him. Imagine not knowing when you are outdoor with him and some women are telling you "YES I SHARED HIM TOO"

What I did not like is the sharing girl between all the brothers! Chase was having sex with a lot of women really a lot of them and it was unpleasant and not definitely something I want to read in a romance book, he shared all the women with his brothers???? that's not my cup of tea.... and the worst is that all the women Chase have slept and shared with his brothers keep coming to his house where Layla was living with their brothers and telling her all the time... YEAH Chase shared them too...that to me is a bit disgusting. There was one incident when Layla was going in to the car where Chase was there with other brothers and a woman was sitting there and apparently she was some call girl that slept with all of them even Chase and intended to take her home for sex...except Chase.. But MAN THAT WAS DISRESPECTFUL to allow her to sit next to a girl that slept with all of them???? and Layla got of the car and i don't blame her at all!!!! Everywhere Chase and Layla went they bumped to someone he slept or shared with his brothers, at one point I was wondering is she not worried about some STD? ... Apparently Chase have seen layla at the party when she was 17 years old and new she was the one for him, but she was too young and her cousin warn him off so he did nothing at that point and Layla did not know him... but why he then continued being a man-sl*t and wh*ring every women???? OK so she was special, but not special enough to wait for her to get more mature age??????? I need to add that layla was a virgin, really untouched and its unfair for the reader to accept this, when the hero can get away with his wh*ring ... Why not make her like that? then they would be equal? It would be so appealing, refreshing and romantic to have a guy with redeeming qualities to watch him waiting for her all those years... changing for her... but no, he continued his wh*ring over those 3 years.. OK so he loved her but not enough to give up his wh***g! After they meet he continued lying to her about his relationship with his ex girlfriend. he said to Layla that he finished with his ex a year a go, but in actual fact was sleeping with her over that year...It happens when Layla moved in to the flat, she heard a guy was kicking a girl out of his room, although she did not know the hero back was him kicking his ex girlfriend. But the fact is that he lied to her not only on that but more so by failing to tell her that he owns a strip club and that his ex had a baby with him (but that baby died when she was 5 months pregnant). One day Layla came 1 day earlier to surprise him, and then realised there was a party in the house, finding his ex in his bed sleeping and some girl on his lap... Although he took her of he was not very quick with his responses for my liking and I did not like he allowed his ex to sleep in the bed he and Layla made love???? Why he even allowed his ex being in his room for starters?????

At one point I felt sorry for him, as we learned later, his actual father who was pushing him to marry his ex girlfriend, was having sex with her and was a father of the baby that Chase was told was his. It was cruel to do that to him, as he really was mourning after the death of this baby and believed to be his father. He did seems to love the heroine in the end and redeemed himself, but for me the shearing women and constant bumping on to them was too much for me..and every time they had sex together I could not get out of my mind all those women Chase had sex with and it really ruined the romance for me... it felt like there was nothing special he was doing with Layla because he already did this with thousands of women!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
benji cossa
Gee I really enjoyed this story!! There were alot of laugh out loud moments as well, I think I was actually smiling for most of the book. I loved all the characters, of course Chase was my favourite.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
To be honest, this is a little confusing. I liked the story, characters were good, but there was something about this book that really just didn't sit right.
I just felt a bit "annoyed"(maybe that's not the right word)but I just can't put my finger on it.
I think it was a little immature in some parts, it's not enough to ruin the book but it definitely put a feel to it I didn't like. The writing also felt quite abrupt in areas.
This is a 3.5 star for me.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
After the great reviews I was looking forward reading this book but was deeply disappointed. I had to force myself to keep reading, the writing was poor and seemed rushed and the whole storyline so predictable. Didn't care for either of the character of the book, all in all a waste of time for me.
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