About a Dragon (Dragon Kin Book 2)

ByG.A. Aiken

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Talaith is a Nolwenn Witch. The goddess Arzhela took away most of her powers and forced her to marry an undesirable human and live in a village for sixteen years. The villagers attempt to kill Talaith because she's a witch. Shape-shifting dragon Briec sees this and rescues her. He wants to keep her as his lover until he tires of her. For much of the book she insults him and argues with him. He enjoys fighting with her. He likes her anger and resentment. The last half of the book involves gods and goddesses interacting with and using dragons, witches, and humans for various reasons.

The story didn't thrill me. I wanted it to be over. It wasn't nearly as good as book 1 which was about Briec's dragon brother Fearghus falling in love with the human Annwyl. There were two major conflicts between Talaith and Briec. The first conflict was acceptable because Talaith was forced by a goddess to leave Briec to perform a task. But the task had poor plot development. Arzhela took away Talaith's powers and made her marry and live with an undesirable human for sixteen years. Then Arzhela restores Talaith's powers and forces Talaith to kill someone I'll call X. In my opinion Talaith could have been sent to kill X sixteen years earlier. Why wait? Why live without her powers and with this creep for sixteen years? That should have been explained, justified, or changed.

I also did not like the second conflict which was Talaith leaving Briec even though she loved him. Her reason was that he told her he wanted her until he tired of her, and she feared that she would have a broken heart later. This conflict (of breaking up with someone because you fear they will hurt you in the future) is overused in romance novels and ruined the book for me. I can sometimes accept it, but not this time. Other plot developments among the characters were ok.

Story length: 360 pages. Swearing language: strong. Sexual language: strong. Number of sex scenes: 9. Total number of sex scene pages: 22. Setting: a time of sword fighting on a planet with two suns. Copyright: epublished in 2006 as "The Distressing Damsel." This book was published in 2008. Genre: paranormal romance.

I've read the following books by G.A. Aiken (aka Shelly Laurenston).
3 stars. Chains & Flames (prequel) (in anthology Dragon Actually). Copyrt 2008. Review Date 8-23-09.
4 stars. Dragon Actually (book 1) (in anthology Dragon Actually). Copyrt 2004. Review Date 8-23-09.
2 stars. About A Dragon (book 2). Copyrt 2006. Review Date 11-23-09.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Talaith is having a pretty rough day, she was dragged from her bed in the middle of the night by a mob of angry villagers and now she's about to burn on a pyre because they think she's a witch. As if that wasn't bad enough the person who comes to her rescue isn't her husband (he was too busy egging on the crowd) but a huge dragon who she is pretty sure intends to eat her for a snack later. Talaith isn't about to go down without a fight though and Briec may have caught more than he bargained for. Breic isn't quite sure why he felt the urge to rescue the human woman, not to make a meal of that's for sure, but he finds her strangely fascinating. Now he's brought her back to his cave he isn't quite sure what to do with her but he quickly realises that he doesn't want to let her go.

This series is so much fun to read, sometimes you just want some brain candy, a story that is pure entertainment, one that will make you laugh out loud and have you giggling to yourself the whole way through and that's exactly what the Dragon Kin series is for me. G.A. Aiken's dragons are completely over the top cavemen and the women who tame them are all fierce, opinionated warriors who are more than capable of standing their ground. Briec is the most arrogant dragon we've met so far (and that's saying something!) but Talaith isn't impressed, she refuses to bow down before any man or dragon and she gives as good as she gets. The pair of them spark off each other constantly and both love nothing more than a good argument, apart from perhaps the make up sex that comes afterwards. They make a great couple but Talaith has a secret mission that she must complete and nothing, not even her love for an arrogant dragon, will sway her from her task. Briec has waited a long time for his mate and he isn't going to let her get away from him that easily though.

One of the things I love most about this series is the family, all of the dragons are completely crazy and their interactions are absolutely hilarious. About A Dragon gives us the chance to catch up with previous couple Feargus and Annwyl along with Briec's other siblings Gwenvael, Éibhear and Morfyd. I love the banter between the brothers and their sister and I can't wait to read each of their stories. This series has been so entertaining and I have a feeling it's only going to get better with each new book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jim nowhere
If you've been dying to read Distressing Damsel by Shelly Laurenston (a G.I. Aiken alter ego), but just couldn't see laying out the cash for this hard to find older release, here's your chance. About a Dragon is a rerelease of that second book in the Dragon Kin series. The first story, Dragon Actually, and two prequel 'shorts' -- previously only epublished --were released in print for the first time earlier this fall.

About a Dragon follows human-shifting dragon `Briec the Mighty', as he becomes intrigued by the beautiful peasant Talaith. Talaith rejects the initial advance of the oddly beautiful `Knight' but is kidnapped by Briec in dragon form just as she is about to be both hanged and burned as a witch by her fellow villagers - with her husband fanning the flames. Talaith is pretty freaked by the dragon, but doesn't remained cowed for long. Talaith has a wickedly acidic tongue and employs it almost continuously, but of course being a dragon, Talaith's sarcasm and need to constantly be picking a fight only makes Briec want her more. And though Briec initially just wanted to bed the witch, he finds himself wanting to keep her for a few hundred years. But Talaith can't allow herself to get close to anyone - she has some deep dark secrets and her life is not her own - but as hard as she tries to resist the arrogant Briec, she can't help but fall and fall hard for the sexy beast.

Laurenston's medieval dragonshifters and their deadly mates are every bit as wickedly funny and sexy as the contemporary shifters in her Pride books. Apart from the way Laurenston delivers a steaming hot - I suppose with dragonshifters that should be flaming hot - offbeat romance, what makes Laurenston's books so much fun is all of the wacky supporting characters and their interactions. Back from Dragon Actually are the starring pair Fearghus and Annwyl, along with Briec and Fearghus' other siblings, witch Morfyd - whose pursuit by her love interest suffers from continuous inlaw/sibling-interruptus - and their other brothers, the slutty and clueless Gwenvael and the sweet `baby' brother Eibhear. Add Talaith's irrepressible long lost daughter and a dragon-God into the mix and you have the recipe for at least four or five more fun books.

Oh now, I'm squealing like a fan girl - sorry. I really do enjoy these, even with a minor language nit ( there are fair number of usages of few of my un-favorite words). Oh, if you have a problem with violence, Annwyl is back and her nickname is `Annwyl the Bloody' for good reason and heads do roll, so be forewarned. Still I can't wait for the next one. If you haven't read Dragon Actually, do yourself a favor and read it first. About a Dragon relies on good deal of setup and a fair number of character introductions from the previous book, so you'll enjoy this one so much more if you do.

[G I Aiken (Shelley Laurenston) Dragon Kin]
Dragon Actually (Dragon Kin, Book 1) ( two previously epublished stories)
---- "To Challenge A Dragon" --- Ferghus (Briec's Brother) and Annywl,
---- "Flames and Chains" -- Briec's parents Rhiannon and Bercelek)
About A Dragon (Dragon Kin, Book 2) ( reissue of Distressing Damsel: Book 2 of the Dragon Kin )
Everlasting Bad Boys -- Aidean and Shalin (Briec's grandparents)
Sweetland: A Novel :: Learning Life's Little Lessons from One Very Big Dog :: Spirit Animals: Book 5: Against the Tide :: The Dark Secret (Hardcover); 2013 Edition - Wings of Fire Book Four :: A Guide to Dragon Species (How to Train Your Dragon)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angie anderson
Briec the Mighty would never admit it, not even to himself, but he is curious about his brothers mating to a human. As a dragon shifter and royalty, he doesn't need to dabble with a mere human but he finds himself intrigued by town pariah Taliath. Magick swirls around her, but from what he can tell she is without any powers.

Nolwenn Witch Talaith is biding time until she is called upon from the goddess. The last sixteen years she has been punished, but when Briec takes her. Briec has no idea about her past and frankly he doesn't care, he plans to have her until he is ready to let her go. Taliath though does not seem appreciative of his efforts and has no qualms about letting him know, problem is all her ranting just makes Briec ant her more.

Loved this, a few laugh out loud moments and definitely intrigue for the next book. Briec is arrogant and at times can't understand why Talaith just doesn't agree to do whatever he wants. Battle of the wills, can't wait for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle touketto
It just keeps getting better, it really does. I loved the storyline, it's hilarious to see how Talaith and Breic come to meet each other and the tug an pull that ensues once they're together. Of course your also going to get all of the family drama mixed into the story because it really is a "family style" book where everyone has a role to play. I really loved the fact that characters from the last book are in this one as well, they aren't forgotten about, but remain an important part of the story. All the characters are well developed, including all side characters. I especially love Ehbear and Izzy, I so can't wait for their book. This book really is hilarious with multiple romance stories and action weaved throughout the book.

There are TONS of sex scenes so 18+ :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ricky barnes
Following in the fantastically large dragon footprints of the first book in the series, Dragon Actually, About a Dragon is equally as hilarious if not more so! Talaith, our leading lady, is hated by her whole village as she's a witch and a foreigner. When her husband leads the charge to have her both hung and burnt at the stake simultaneously she's shocked and horrified to find herself being rescued by a large, slightly bored looking silver dragon. Even more distressing is when the dragon, who has now effectively kidnapped her, turns out to be the gorgeous knight who propositioned her the day before at the market, only now he's bare naked while lazily and arrogantly demanding she service him!

Briec never thought he'd have so much fun doing a favor for his family and certainly not for the banshee his brother married. But the witch delights him even if she does talk way too much and is proving to be stubborn about bedding him. She's forcing him to use words he's never contemplated uttering before, like "please" and "I'm sorry". Yuck! And if that's not bad enough he's been stuck with his dragon kin for far too long especially his too nice brother Eibhear and his perpetually horndog brother Gwenvael.

As a pair of powerful Gods comes between the two with cosmic scheming it will be the entire dragon family including the last books feisty heroine, Annwyl, who will have to work together to save this couples happiness. The storyline keeps rolling seamlessly and leaves you begging for more of these characters delightful romping. This is a great book- and a great series- not to be missed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kassandra lamb
My reviews for Aiken/Laurenston's books are not very original anymore because I have the same thing to say about them at this point. I could really copy/paste my review for Dragon Actually (Dragon Kin book 1), change the names to Briec and Talaith, and voila--Reviewed. That's not a bad thing though. I know what I'm going to get when I pick up one of her books. I know I will be entertained because her books have everything I enjoy about reading: escapism, great character development, engaging plots, action, hot smexy scenes, believable romances, quirky-yet-loveable characters, great pacing, laugh aloud dialogue and events, and setups that make me interested in sequels. I will say that the books get even better as you go through the series. It's more of the same goodness. I've heard that book 3 is the best in this series because of some WTF moments, and I like those. I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens to Gwenvael. Aiken/Laurenston does not disappoint.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
a reader
ABOUT A DRAGON - by G. A. Aiken (Shelly Laurenston) - is every bit as good as DRAGON ACTUALLY.

It's the story of Briec The Mighty - another shape-shifting dragon and Talaith - a Nolwenn witch that has been robbed of her powers. The story is a long and complex one. The developing relationship between Briec and Talaith impetuous, tumultuous, at times insulting and the sparring is witty and very funny.

I will not go into the story line as, I mentioned it is a complex one, with many twists and turns. The sex is hot and heavy and some dialogue is not for the faint hearted. Some of the battle scenes are brutal and gory - as the heroines are warriors in every sense of the word. Annwyl and Fearghus - who appeared in the first dragon book - DRAGON ACTUALLY - play a large part in this story, as well as all the other protagonists in the first book.

It's a violent time, ruled by Gods, Dragons and war driven humans - but the story is flawlessly executed, with amazing dialogue, witty and funny moments and great sexual scenes.

Highly recommended - for those of you who enjoy the shape shifting stories from Shelly Laurenston - this dragon series is really fabulous!

Dragon Actually (Dragon Kin, Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mariana guzman
For over a decade and a half, powerful Nolwenn witch Talaith has tolerated marriage in order to keep her beloved daughter Izzy safe from harm. The goddess Arzhela has held Izzy captive using her as a pawn to insure Talaith cooperates when the time is right to use the witch's skills; hence the marriage of convenience for her.

Were-dragon Briec the Mighty sees Talaith and decides he wants her sexually (not as a snack). When he rescues her from an angry mob, he expects gratitude and sex. Instead he receives constant verbal tiradea ripping his scales off. In fact her chatter is giving him a headache whether he is in human or dragon form. Talaith makes it abundantly clear no sex without rescuing her daughter although she silently keeps to herself she would not mind riding this steed. As they argue for who is on top, neither is aware there is a dangerous scenario coming their way, which could prove fatal to both of them and much of the realm.

Returning to the Dragon Kin fantasy realm (see DRAGON ACTUALLY), G.A. Aiken provides another engaging humorous medieval paranormal romantic thriller. The jocular story line is fast-paced from the moment Briec and Talaith define tongue exchange 180 degrees differently and never slows down from one verbal battle to another. However, even with the gender war on-going, there remains a critical subplot filled with action especially deadly battles. Although Zebra states ABOUT A DRAGON was previously published as THE DISTRESSING DAMSEL, sub-genre readers will enjoy the war of words between the dragon and the witch as the foreplay of a lethal background.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
derek wong
Briec The Mighty is a dragon of impressive strength and a huge ego. During a mission he was sent to complets he stumbles across Talaith, a witch of untapped magic, he decides that she will be his regardless of her situation or her opinion of him. After a well-timed kidnapping, his interest in her grows, so he decides to take her to his lair for an indefinite time.

I found the story to be very entertaining despite the weird talent of Talaith. I felt the author focused more on the romance and less on Talaiths actual abilities, which would have made the story better. For example, the scene where Talaith has a confrontation with Briec's brother was delievered very fast and clumsy. Talaith is supposed to be a trained assasin, but at every opportunity, she is weak in her attempts to show the training. Regardless of the weak plot, the characters made this book a four star for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ninarae fournier
Briec the Mighty was a dragon through and through. Although as lusty as any of his kin, if not more so, he'd never really been interested in human women until his grumpy loaner of an older brother Fearghus had claimed his difficult and blood thirsty mate, Queen Annwyl of the Garbhan Isles. Oh Briec didn't like that vicious harpy, not one bit, but then again he'd never seen a smile like that on his brother's face before he'd laid claim to her.

Now Briec had no intention of getting caught up in anything of a permanent nature but he was.....curious. In a nearby town he spies a lovely peasant, Talaith, who tickles his fancies and he decides she'd do nicely. The last thing he'd expected was that she'd turn down his considerable charms.

Bound in a loveless marriage for nearly half of her life, under normal circumstances the tall and extremely gorgeous knight would have been temptation itself, however Talaith had much more important fish to fry. Talaith had been born a Nolwenn witch in a far away land. The witches had great power and each bore only one child, a daughter with whom to pass down the tradition. They did not marry, and mated only as necessary during specified rituals and to produce an heir after a few hundred years had passed. But Talaith had done the unthinkable and had fallen in love at the very young age of sixteen. Her beloved had died in battle and her mother had cast her out to teach her a valuable lesson. However there was more to that story than Talaith was willing to share. Yes, Talaith had a secret, a secret that found her beholden to the dread goddess Arzhela. She'd become an unwilling pawn in the war between the human and dragon gods but for the noblest of reasons. But this was nothing she could share with the arrogant knight. Talaith still remembered the pain Arzhela had visited upon her the one time she'd tried to confide in someone. So she told Briec that she was married hoping honor would send him on his way.

Observing the herbs that his intended prize had slipped in her husband's drink, Briec is certain that she'd be much happier with him and offers to make a light snack of the man as a favor to her. Imagine his surprise when she turns him down yet again with a righteous tongue lashing.. Stymied for the moment he decides to leave her be, but in spite of himself he finds himself watching for his chance.

He gets it when she is dragged from her bed by the villagers at the urging of her own husband, and is declared a witch, to be hung and then burned. With the noose around her neck, Talaith's only regret is that she would not be able to fulfill her mission and save the one person who meant the world to her. As the noose tightens around her neck she has a brief hope when she spies the knight at the edge of the crowd, but then he simply walks away into the wood. Then the unthinkable happens as an enormous silver dragon emerges from the same woods to drive back the crowd. To make a long story short she is rescued by her knight in shining armor but instead of depositing her in the next village he claims her as his rightful prize and flies off with her with the intention of enjoying her charms until he is sated.

The gods however, both human and dragon, are not yet finished with their pawn. Brutal storms arise forcing Briec to abandon his plan to take Talaith to his cave and have his way with her, in favor of his brother Gwenvael's which is close by. They find both Gwenvael and his youngest brother Eibhear in residence. Poor Talaith goes from ignorant bliss with regard to dragons to captivity with three in a single day. And at least one is intent on having his wicked way with her.

Good thing these dragons appear to love their women mean, for as his brothers soon tell him, this one is going to make his life a living hell. Oh the two battle furiously that's for sure, in bed more often than not, but Talaith knows it can't last. The night of the Dragon moon is at hand and it is her mission to see that the will of the dragon gods is thwarted once and for all. At any moment Arzhela would call her and she would have to do her terrible duty, or lose that which she held most dear. But Briec had become dear to her as well and he would never understand why she couldn't stay.

Oh this is such fun, for Dragon Kin romances never occur in a vacuum and the dragon god, Rhydderch Hael, is every bit as crafty and manipulative as the human goddess Arzhela. He is not above using even the mighty Fearghus and his fearsome mate as pawns in this chess match. A love for Morfyd is dangled before us and I think poor sweet Eibhear may have met his match as well. He's acquired a tormentor at the very least. It would seem the ever smarmy Gwenvael is up next however, and from the teaser he's not above some drastic manipulation of his own to get what he wants. The white dragon queen did not weigh in on Briec's romance but I'm willing to bet she'll have something to say when her "favorite" finally falls. I can't wait.

This series could easily be called "Arrogant Dragons and the Shrews who Love them". As you can guess the humor is rife, but the sex is hot as only love with a fire breathing dragon can be. If you love shapeshifters, hunky heroes, irrepressible woman and a good hearty laugh, I highly recommend the Dragon Kin series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nic parkes
For me, reading book one in this series first was essential to get an understanding of the dragon world the author creates. Other readers may not find the books confusing without that basis, but I did. However, reading them in sequence and starting at the beginning made the others fall neatly into place for me. I like this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really, really love this book. Actually I love this entire series so far. The dragon heroes and human heroines are an awesome combination. I can't remember ever laughing this much. G.A. Aiken is one talented lady. Her heroines are kick-ass and lovable. Many authors make a huge mistake when they give us heroines who are not only average in looks but in self-esteem. They tend to make them come across as insecure and just plain old boring. Not so with G.A. Aiken. Though not all of her heroines are drop dead gorgeous, at least they're always fiesty without being annoying which I love. She also writes under the name Shelly Laurenston. My favorite book that she's written under that name is HERE KITTY, KITTY.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kyle morris
Caution: Hot and steamy read ahead! "About A Dragon" is the excellent, completely entertaining second installment in the "Dragon Kin" series. This story is just as good as the first book and is a continuation of book one. I love this story-line and it's plot. The new lead characters Briec and Talaith are great together. This is an adult fantasy novel about shapeshifting dragons who change into Humans and then fall in love with Humans. It is a humorous, crazy fun time. This book is a wonderful addition to this series. Highly recommended and a keeper. Enjoy!

Grade: A-
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica hammer
basically this story is about a dragon shifter prince who wants to find himself a human female to have sexual relations with, he's really trying to be like his older brother and find his own true love. this is where the hilarity comes in, as he rescues a damsel in distress but said damsel isn't quite overcome with joy with the rescueing and doesn't fall head over heels (right away) for the obnoxious dragon/human that he is. although i usually detest romance stories in which the leads are fighting with each other throughout the story, this one made me laugh and not cringe at all the bickering and arguing. don't get me wrong, there is plenty of romance in this story to go with all of the yelling..the two are so very much made for each other. and when the truth comes to light they stand together to fight a common evil.
definitely read the 1st in the series dragon actually as you'll be slightly lost without having read it. can't wait for the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bob miller
I agree wholeheartedly with previous reviewer melindiloo. This is one of my favorite books - I bought it as The Distressing Damsel and had to support Ms. Laurenston, I mean Aiken, in her re-release. It's very engaging and hysterically funny. Talaith and Briec have a unique relationship and the supporting characters are just as interesting as the main story. I highly recommend this book. You can read it without having read the stories of Annwyl and Fearghus or Bercelak and Rhiannon but you'll enjoy the story much more with the background knowledge that Dragon Actually provides.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick camillo
I found About A Dragon to be a delightfully funny and naughty read--great for escaping the everyday world! The romance between a sharp-tongued witch and an arrogant dragon was so much fun--and his crazy family made it even better. You will find yourself cheering on this couple throughout their many misunderstandings and adventures--it's full of twists and turns! I highly recommend this book!About A Dragon (Dragon Kin, Book 2) I liked it so much, I've already purchased the others in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james cook
Sequels often fail to deliver, but this one does. It was witty, hot, romantic, heartwarming and with enough action to satisfy. It was nice that the couple from the first book Fearghus and Annwyl play a role in this book, too, as well as Gwenvael (he's really funny!) and sweet "baby" brother Eibhear make an appearance. Briec and Talaith are a great couple and great for each other. Now, on to Gwenvael's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ritu anand
I found About A Dragon to be a delightfully funny and naughty read--great for escaping the everyday world! The romance between a sharp-tongued witch and an arrogant dragon was so much fun--and his crazy family made it even better. You will find yourself cheering on this couple throughout their many misunderstandings and adventures--it's full of twists and turns! I highly recommend this book!About A Dragon (Dragon Kin, Book 2) I liked it so much, I've already purchased the others in this series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Sequels often fail to deliver, but this one does. It was witty, hot, romantic, heartwarming and with enough action to satisfy. It was nice that the couple from the first book Fearghus and Annwyl play a role in this book, too, as well as Gwenvael (he's really funny!) and sweet "baby" brother Eibhear make an appearance. Briec and Talaith are a great couple and great for each other. Now, on to Gwenvael's story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely love GA Aiken (Shelley Laurenston)! I just found this author a few months ago and now have read almost everything she has out in paperback. All her stories are laugh out load funny and hot love stories. About a Dragon just further confirmed for me Shelley is my new Favorite author. I highly recommend you read this Dragon Kin series as well as her Pride and Magnus pack series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Briec and Talaith are wonderful together and Izzy is the best of daughters. This story is a great addition to the Dragon Kin series. G.A. Aiken is a talented and gifted writer. Please keep the Dragon Kin stories coming!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca pizzey
i am entirely enjoying this series! this book has wonderful tongue-in-cheek humour with a flair for belly laughs. Lets just say fifteen fellow employees wanted to read this book when they kept hearing me laugh out loud every lunch time for a week.
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