A Step-by-Step Program for Sleep-Training Your Multiples

ByMarc Weissbluth M.D.

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kat lebo
Great book!! No sleep methods works for all babies and I admit I've had to tailor this method a bit to suit our twins, but overall it's wonderful. Lots of really sensible advice. I would recommend to all twin parents!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have the original Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child from my 1st son. I really loved it. I was hoping this one would be equally as great for my triplets, but I didn't find that it provided that much additional info to really help with multiples.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ingrid keir
This book is actually less helpful for twins than the original book for singletons. If you haven't read the first one, then I suppose this is helpful but I much prefer th other. But like every parenting book, take the parts that make sense for your family to use and leave the rest behind.
The Science-Backed Guide to Helping Your Baby Get a Good Night's Sleep-Newborn to School Age :: Use Your Child's Internal Sleep Rhythms for Better Nights and Naps :: Baby's Eat, Sleep & Poop Journal, Log Book (Aqua) :: Parenting Your Five to Twelve-Month Old Through the Babyhood Transition :: The Complete Baby Sleep Guide for Modern Parents - Precious Little Sleep
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hanna elizabeth
I bought these to prepare for "twin mommyhood" but soon realized my babies will sleep when they want, not when this book says. I wish it were that easy. This is nice to try but it may not work with different types of babies. Good luck. My twins are so different this was impossible for me.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
beth klint
My advice...use your instincts. Read this book and take from it what you want. But this book caused me too much stress. The best advice anyone can get is to try and synchronize them, but that's not always possible. Letting your babies cry is cruel...I don't care what anyone says. I didn't attempt crying it out until they were over a year old. Yes I held them a LOT, just like mammals are supposed to do. it was a tiring 6 months. But they eventually pull away from you. Reading this book gives you a false sense of control. You can't control your babies. Hold them as much as they want to be held...they need it. By the time my sons were 6-7 months old, they were sleeping 12 hours a night. They are almost 2 and still sleep that well. When they cry or are needy, they sleep with me...which is rare. These books are intended to push our kids away from us for our convenience. You are a parent...that is your baby...hold it! love it! they grow up fast and want independence soon enough.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
There is definitely some good information in this book. But it's really drawn out. The first thirty pages or so describe the importance of sleep and healthy sleep habits. If you're reading this book (and especially if you have newborn twins in the house), I suspect you already know how important sleep is. Chapter 3 is probably the best resource. It lists sleepy signs from your baby and how to make sure you get him or her to bed before he or she is overtired. And it makes suggestions about the amount of sleep a baby needs and good times for naps. If, however, you don't think you can bear to let your baby cry, this book may not be for you.

There is also a chapter on breastfeeding twins and one on prematurity. Again, this is good information, but if you are reading this book just for help with sleeping habits it feels like filler. And the chapter on creating a sleep team can be summarized like this: make sure you, your spouse and anyone else who cares for your twins are on the same page with sleep-training so you don't screw up each others' efforts. He takes about 20 pages to say that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every single parent should read this book!!!!

I read this book when my fraternal twin girls were 10 weeks old, and it was a key factor in saving my sanity. I was a first-time mom with two babies who had very different sleep temperaments and who came home from the hospital on totally different schedules. When I read this book I quickly realized that not only was I sleep deprived, but so were my poor exhausted babies. We immediately followed every step of Dr. Weissbluth's advice, and within a week my home was a peaceful, rested place. I had to let one twin cry it out, but that only lasted for about a week, and only for 5-7 minutes at each sleep time! Because I was also suffering from postpartum depression, this book gave me a way to begin to heal.

Now my twins are 5-yrs-old. I pull out the book every time the girls go through a developmental milestone and/or get off-track with their sleep, and Dr. Weissbluth's advice gets us back on a healthy sleep schedule every time. I can say with confidence that Dr. Weissbluth's advice was a godsend at a very difficult time, and continues to be a valuable resource for our whole family. My husband and I have even changed our own sleep habits as a result! I am grateful to this day. A must-read for every parent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a mother of twins, I am sincerely grateful for this incredibly helpful book. Dr. Weissbluth's sleep advice literally improved the quality of our lives: we followed his advice word for word, and our twins literally began sleeping through the night within days--which enabled us to sleep through the night too! Also, the twin's daytime sleep improved as well, and their nap schedules provided us with much needed free time. I found the book easy to read, concise, and it provided concrete steps for creating healthy sleep habits. I read the entire book in one night, and could immediately implement Dr. Weissbluth's advice. We have not found another book anywhere that specifically tailors sleep advice to twins: this is a must-have survival guide for any parent of multiples.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
poppy williams
I purchased this as a gift---nothing like unsolicited advice :) and it dramatically changed the lives of a whole family for the better. Don't let the negative comments fool you. Dr. Weissbluth is the real thing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
darci huete burroughs
I have already read Dr. Weissbluth's previous book, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby. This book for twins seemed to repeat much of the earlier book. I found that there were a few unique points for twins, but it's not as different as I had hoped. But it's good and helpful information, just no need to read both books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
s b t
This book has good guidelines and suggestions, but does not actually come out and say, "you should do THIS." Instead it gives you options and choices of what might work best for you. Hard to tell which theory would work best.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Dr. Weisbluth should be ashamed of himself! This 2009 book copies Giordano's 2006 book from the cover (compare "a step by step program for sleep training" to "a step by step plan for baby sleep success") to the content. If you compare the books you will be floored by the similarities. Although I think Giordano's (a twin mom herself!!!!!) is still more straight forward and easy to read.
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