The Complete Baby Sleep Guide for Modern Parents - Precious Little Sleep

ByAlexis Dubief

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica floyd
After purchasing and reading an embarrasing number of sleep books, I am happy to report I finally found the best of the bunch! Precious Little Sleep offers advice on guiding your baby to sleep without assistance or crutches. The book is written in a way that makes it easily absorbed and understood...even while reading at 3am on your iphone while nursing baby back to sleep! I am happy to say that with the help of the book and Facebook group, my sweet 7mo old baby is now sleeping through the night, with the rare instance of a nighttime feed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic!! The author has definitely a style that you may or may not like, but this is literally the only book that describes several baby sleep approaches in enough details but not too long (so I could read it in an hour or so). So you can decide what fits your baby and your family. It is not about one method that the author favors and talks bad about the rest, no. Very objective, and about the whole palette of baby sleep methods. For us (reading maaany books and experiencing with many methods) this was a life saver to see through all available tools and select the one. After weeks of terriblye hour+ screaming bedtimes night one was already only 28 minutes of crying. Buy it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
margaret houston
The most helpful sleep advice I’ve found so far. Alexis has a great sense of humor which keeps the sleep deprived parent reading “Precious Little Sleep” awake and moving right along through the book. Also, Alexis and other admin who are baby sleep divas chime in on the Precious Little Sleep Facebook page for sleep troubleshooting!
A Step-by-Step Program for Sleep-Training Your Multiples :: The Science-Backed Guide to Helping Your Baby Get a Good Night's Sleep-Newborn to School Age :: Use Your Child's Internal Sleep Rhythms for Better Nights and Naps :: Baby's Eat, Sleep & Poop Journal, Log Book (Aqua) :: A Book of Sleep
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was great. I had read several different books about sleep training, and was left feeling rather confused about how to go about it. Dubief combines these methods into one easy to read, hilarious book. Her book has become my sleep training bible. If you only get one book on sleep training, make it this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah price soucek
Amazing! I feel bad when listening to other moms talk about how little sleep they get because after reading this I had my 3 month old falling asleep independently. He’s now 4 months and sleeps 12 hours at night with 1 3am feeding session. I recommend this book to everyone I know. It’s an entertaining read too!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melanie carpenter
Highly recommend this book! It is gives straight forward options to help your baby or child sleep. We started utilizing the website and Facebook group before there was a book for my three year old who has always been a terrible sleeper and found relief from constant wakings. Now using the book with my 5 month old and life is sooooo much easier this time around. I have purchased copies of the book for gifts as well and they have loved it too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing summary of all you need to know about babies sleep. Not just one method but a conglomeration of everything that’s out there siphoned into what’s true, effective, and safe. Easy to read, yet research based. Non-judgy, hilarious, and personable. You will fall in love with the writing and have access to all the sleep training tools should you decide to do it. If you don’t want to, there are options listed and expected outcomes explained as well! You won’t be dissappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've followed the author's website for several years and was so excited to get this book. We've been struggling with my daughter's sleep and it was causing my mental health to suffer considerably. Bought the book, followed the directions, and bedtime is completely changed in our house. Her advice was easy to understand and follow and, unlike other parenting books I've read about sleep, I didn't feel shamed for wanting to teach my baby how to sleep.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan quinn
Once my little one was born I started readinf all I could fina about baby sleep just to prepare for the worst as for me sleep deprivation was the worst. Found the Alexis’ website and the favebook group and the advice offered was so good, bought the book to read more. At 5 months, the no-sleep-horror started and I had all info already prepared, pages bookmarked and within 3 days my
Little one slept through the night, without “letting him just cry it out”, which is something a lot of mothers fear. The advice and options provides are great, would always go back when another no-sleep-phase wouls set in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike o shaughnessy
HUMOR! Finally, a lighter look at parenthood. Learning about good sleep hygiene has molded my parenting style as a first time mom and I feel confident using the advice given by Alexis in her book and blog. It's holistic. It's reasonable. It's informative. It's PRACTICAL! No guilt trips here, and lots of different options so parents can figure out what works for their unique situation. Love it and will buy this book for every one of my friends who has a new baby.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very informative and entertaining read. I am not on the social media group and I haven't read her blog. I really appreciated the toolbox of sleep aids and tips it provided without having to scavenge through her other resources.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lacar perlas
This book saved me! Not only are the methods solid and actually work, but Alexis is able to distill somewhat complicated concepts into comprehensible action plans for tired parents. She clears the haze of baby sleep issues with a witty and completely relatable book. My favorite thing about this book is not just the methods and the background and explanation for how and why they work, but the troubleshooting she provides. While most baby sleep books just provide the generic how to, Alexis goes one step further so parents know (1) are they on the right track and (2) how to get on the right track with additional pointed tactics.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy wayling
A must read for new parents who are currently having issues with their young ones sleeping, or are trying to get ahead of any sleeping problems before they happen! Worked like a charm for my 8-month old who wouldn't fall asleep on his own (required at least an hour of rocking, sometimes more before be or naps) and would not sleep through the night.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I’ve read hundreds of books about sleep and this is hands down the best! Before reading PLS, my 12 month old was still waking up 6 times a night to eat. I was beyond exhausted. After following the steps in this book, my son was sleeping through the night within 2 days. Not only that but he was sleeping 12-14 hours at a time. This book saved my sanity. I’m forever grateful to Alexis.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Not infallible or a bible, but absolutely my go-to for educating myself about baby sleep. I’ve gone back again and again. Used her swing method to nap train the baby and it pretty much worked, if not painlessly, then almost.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
celia castillo
This book saved my sanity, and helped my son turn into a blossoming, happy baby! We started following Alexis' recommendations when our son was 5.5 months and he is a wonderful sleeper. Independent sleep is a life long skill and I am so happy we are instilling it in our son!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sophie blackwell
This book is absolutely amazing. And Alexis is amazing. This book allowed my entire family to finally get a great night of sleep. I have learned so much about baby sleep and sleep in general. I almost feel like and expert myself at this point. I will be gifting this book to every single pregnant family I know. An absolute life saver.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brenda vasquez
Great read. A lot of parenting books take themselves too seriously. Alexis is able to give easy advice and tips without sounding like a blow hard. Things we've been able to implement day 1 have totally changed our newborns sleep patterns and helped us keep our sanity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yauheni leichanok
We religiously read the website and listen to the pod cast with our first child. She is now a great sleeper. Now we have another little one! We had to get the book because of the helpful tips from the website! This book has great advice told in a honest and hilarious way!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is excellent. Funny, but to the point, nonjudgmental, super helpful, and pretty comprehensive. Together with the other Precious Little Sleep on-line resources, I’m getting to the point of feeling confident in my ability to teach my daughter to sleep independently. I just I had found this book a few months ago.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely stellar book backed up by scientific evidence. Don’t believe the haters who claim this is some kind of cry it out at two months old nonsense. This is practical, pediatrician approved advice that gives you a range of options depending on what best meet your family‘s needs. This book is an absolute must for all parents trying to understand their child’s sleep habits and needs as they grow. I love this book, and I am so grateful to the author for all of her hard work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vampire lk
Informative, entertaining, and well organized. Instructions are specific and easily followed. The tables with wake/sleep times are great too. What's more, you can read all the info you need in a sitting or two. I love this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
martin kang
Practical advice for lots of different sleeping challenges with babies. I think reading it after my son was just born helped prevent us from forming bad sleep habits. The Facebook group is helpful too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thanks to Alexis Dubief my baby slept through the night and continues be a good sleeper. The advice in this book does work if you follow it. And best of all is the Facebook group (of the same name) that is an amazing support group while you are implementing the strategies. It is amazing when everyone is getting sleep again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I picked up this book after it was recommended to me by a friend and started to read it just before Thanksgiving Break. I'm so glad that I started to read it right away. I have had one night over the last seven days where I woke up at 2:30 in the morning. We went from 2-3 wake ups to zero. Great advice and an enjoyable read
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darnell barrett
THIS BOOK SAVED US!!!! Our house sleeps peacefully and through the night now! I cannot recommend this book enough. I will be buying it for every new Mom I know from now on! Don't wait, buy it now and get more sleep!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I purchased this book 2 weeeks after its release. What a great book! So much helpful information and so well written (with lots of humor!) and very easy to follow! I found the age related sleep charts more then helpful. This book is a must have for any parent especially us first timers! I have recommended it to so many people who have purchased it and loved it as well!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy enge
Best sleep training book ever. Sensible and practical. I love how it focuses on routine and consistency. We sleep trained at 5mo and my daughter is now 2.5 and we still follow the guidelines as my daughter grows and changes. She is my perfect little sleeper because of this book and Facebook group.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam blake
Fantastic, detailed guide to the confusing world of baby sleep. I've read many baby sleep books and this is my favorite. I especially liked that it provides concrete steps on HOW to implement, something I found other books lack.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sherry rebel
This book has been soooo helpful in getting my little girl on a good sleep schedule. She hit the 4 month regression hard and didn’t come out of it- I was desperate. Thanks to Alexis, my baby is a champion sleeper now! Babies are constantly changing, but armed with this book I feel like I can adjust her schedule as necessary as she grows.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ami shah
My daughter is almost 8 months old and has pretty much slept through the night and napped well with only a few hiccups since around 3 months. I attribute this mostly to the practical advice, tips, and guidelines I absorbed in this book. I genuinely could not recommend it more, especially for new parents.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I’m so thankful I found this book. After feeling like I was drowning during the first couple months of zero sleep with an infant this book became my bible. I started implementing the techniques recommended in the book and life started to change for us. I can now proudly say my baby naps like a champ and sleeps through the night... every night. Can’t recommend enough!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rhonda baughman
Alexis, the author, absolutely saved my life and my sanity with her blog. I passed out in the shower from sleep deprivation when my baby was 8 weeks old. He would only sleep 40 minutes at a time and only with me as a human pacifier. If he wasn't nursing he was crying, 24 hours a day. I thought I was going to end up in the hospital or the asylum. I finally found her blog when he was about 4 months old and I finally understood the problem. No other author is anywhere close with understanding why your baby won't sleep. I've read about 5 other baby sleep books, nothing else is half as good as PLS (I read the whole thing over the past two days) plus it's very funny to read. Buy this one first.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A realistic and actually helpful sleep book. All the advice has been spot on. Our older 2 kids are fantastic sleepers thanks to precious little sleep and our third is hopefully on her way there. Plenty of options for all styles and methods of parenting without judgment or pressure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer heaton
This book provided the encouragement I was seeking to sleep train my little one. It was loaded with suggestions/recommendations backed by research, with a comical and witty delivery method. Recommended to all of my friends with babies.
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