Use Your Child's Internal Sleep Rhythms for Better Nights and Naps

ByPolly Moore

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Read this book just before my baby turned four months. Simple read, to the point and actually works. Restored sanity in my home and has saved my marriage too. Before I did not even have time to shower, baby was sleep deprived and fussy, and all evenings I was perched up on the couch nursing and holding her in my arms. Nights involved upto 6 feedings.
Now baby's schedule is predictable, have time to do stuff and she's in bed early to meet her required sleep hours.
Happy household!!!
I just ordered it for my 3 friends who just had kids.
It's a lifesaver!!!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah kramer
This book could be summarized in a one page article. The author is basically telling you that infants have a 90 minute window of being awake. Try to put them down at the end of that 90 minutes. If you miss it, wait another 90 minutes. That's about all you need to know.

She does not address key questions like what to do if your baby doesn't seem to stay awake for 90 minute stretches. Or the baby who eats every 2 hours (common in breastfed babies), if they are awake 90 minutes, you are only getting a 20 minute nap at best. She does not address what to do in these cases. She doesn't say what to count as "awake" - form the first stirring or when they actually open their eyes and are alert.

Get another book, this one was useless to me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abdallah abu nijem
First off! Thank you Dr. Moore for writing this book. Secondly, I appreciate those of you who wrote a review. It's because of the reviews that I decided to buy the book...Boy am I glad I did. It has changed my families life. Before 90-minute, I was so confused on what was wrong with my 4 week old. In the am he was okay, but at night he was a handful, and we had to go to battle to get him to sleep. He woke up every two-three hours and I would feed him, thinking he was hungry. Then I would get frustrated when he spit up half of it. NOW, he takes two-three hour naps, and at night he sleeps 4-6hours straight, it's unbelievable! I was able to apply the method the same day I read the book, and he adapted right away too! Not saying, he participated off the bat, but the tools and suggestions were applied and it took a good three days for him to believe me :0
Now at 7 weeks, he is happier and hardly fusses at all. Even though he eats less, he is still gaining a lb a week. If you want predictability, and don't want to wait until your baby is six months old like they say will be the only time that they adapt, then buy this book. Sweet Dreams!
Baby's Eat, Sleep & Poop Journal, Log Book (Aqua) :: Parenting Your Five to Twelve-Month Old Through the Babyhood Transition :: Gentle Proven Solutions to Help Your Child Sleep Well and Wake Up Happy :: The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family :: The Science-Backed Guide to Helping Your Baby Get a Good Night's Sleep-Newborn to School Age
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
josh evans
We had (and still have) a terrible sleeper!!! We bought this book and about eight others. The 90 minute plan worked for us....for about two and a half months. From about 2-5 months. Before that he couldn't stay awake longer than 45 minutes at a time, after that he could make it to two hours but NOT to three like the book says you suddenly jump to.
So, overall, not the most helpful. On the other hand, there's no one book that has helped us. We've applied a mish mosh from all eight!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have never been one for parenting advice books but struggling through with a baby that I thought was a horrible sleeper I finally succumbed. This one saved my sanity! It's not overwhelming or confusing or complicated. It doesn't even really need to be a book, the advice is so simple and so helpful it could have been summed up in an pamphlet (or by a knowledgeable grandparent...). I buy it for almost every baby shower I attend now. Highly recommend, especially for new moms. Just give it a glance and keep the advice in mind. You don't have to feel pressured to follow it as if it's an exact science but having the guideline is so much better than feeling at your wits end with baby sleep, and it WILL help!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this book after my daughter had her first baby. Her pediatrician recommended the book, it's a common sense book based on extensive sleep research and it WORKS. I care for my granddaughter two days a week and I wanted to use the same method as my daughter.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacy castiglione
Finally, a biological explanation for waking and sleeping rhythms in infants! I wish I had found this book months ago, but starting at 11 months was what we had to do. It has taken a couple of weeks to figure out my little one's "schedule", but I finally feel like I have some structure and predictability to my day, and he is finally getting the rest he needs, when he needs it. A great book for new parents struggling with sleep!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
connor rushen
This simple, beautiful little book had THE answer I was looking for. I read the No-Cry Sleep Solution and I tried the messy, all-over-the-place tips for several miserable weeks before giving up. I mentioned my misery to a friend who suggested this book. It's such a clean, quick read because it's written by someone who knows what she is talking about. Honestly, you don't need to read the whole book. A good portion of it is simply about how important sleep is for babies.

The premise is so simple: as soon as the baby wakes up, start timing. Then, only try to put your baby to sleep after 90-minute increments (i.e. after an hour and a half, or three hours, or four and a half hours, or six hours) and don't bother trying at other times because it will be much harder. So, for example, if it's been 110 minutes since he woke up, just wait until it's been three hours and then try to put him to sleep.

This changed everything! I still needed to rock/sing/nurse/bounce my baby to sleep, but because I did it at the right time within the sleep/wake cycle, I only needed to rock/sing/nurse/bounce for a couple minutes before he went right out. I've been a faithful devotee of this method for almost a year now, and I still use it. But instead of exhausting me, it's a lovely little ritual. Rocking him is a special time that doesn't take hours -- it only takes a few minutes, and I love it. Note that the author didn't suggest rocking/nursing him to sleep (she actually seems to imply that she's an advocate of limited cry-it-out, although she leaves the sleep method up to us) but no matter what method, you use, this will make it a lot easier.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book changed our lives. My wife bought this book for us when our baby was a couple months old. We were going crazy. As soon as we began practicing this book, our daughter started sleeping better. Well, I say "as soon as." To be specific, we began after she turned a couple months old, and before she was three months old everything changed. Everything! Now, immediately she started sleeping better. But by three months it was like a miracle. We love the book so much that we ordered it for my sister-in-law. I hope, and believe, she will have a good experience from this book.

Awesome is my rating.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lora wentzel
I never write product reviews, but for this book, I have to! This book saved my sanity! I have a 5 month old and he has had colic since he was born and just constantly fussy even when the colic eventually stopped. Every night I had to bounce him to sleep and this sometimes lasted for over 2 hours! I was beyond exhausted at this point and my knees and back couldn’t take it anymore. I was desperate for help! Then I ran across this book... I read it in one night! I was so desperate for my baby to be the happy boy I know he truly is and for this mama to get rest and be able to spend time with my husband again! The next day I put it in action! Sure enough... he fell asleep right at the 90 minute mark EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! and I never had to bounce again!!! He’s now napping longer than he ever has and he’s actually happy when he wakes up! Words cannot express how thankful I am for this book and how it has changed my life and my sons! Seriously give this a try! I promise you won’t be disappointed!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john martin
After reading this book I understood why my son was crying most of the time. Also,I like structure and this have me a known time structure for when to calm him down for naps and hour long we could play. I highly recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It is very helpful. I tried the 90 minutes program on my son and it works! He now has established a regular routine with 5 nap per day (we failed to put him to sleep at the right time when he was one month old and he stayed awake for the whole day!) Thank you 90 minutes program, he finally can get the sleep he needs
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joshua knight
I tried this after hearing good things about it. I think it probably worked better than other things I tried with my kid, but I guess when you didn't end up with a good sleeper, there's not much you can do. She started sleeping through the night fairly consistently at about 2 and a half. Still, I'm glad for using the book. At least it felt like I was doing something to assist her in sleeping better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
edith weisenbogger
This book was extremely helpful to us, as first-time parents. 1. We developed a new appreciation for the importance of sleep (based on science). 2. We finally cracked the code for our baby's sleep cues.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clark theriot
Thanks God for this Dr. Polly Moore. My baby got used to no nap at all, so
didn't give any cue of tiredness until he become overtired. Because of that, I start to put my baby to sleep several times, but it was exhausting, sometimes my baby conquered the nap, but most of the time he didn't, so, It was such a big help for me understand when the catch the "nap wave". Since I read the book I have more confidence about my baby needs. Follow the program it's so easy and without force the situation my baby never wake up at night again. I recommend keep tracking how long it is your baby awake, and when he got the limit of the hours recommended in the book, this time will be have bedtime. This program makes life easy for sleep deprive baby's parents. God bless Dr Polly Moore. I hope she write more books about her research.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caitlin brase sulak
Wonderful simple way for parents to help their babies ( and themselves) get enough sleep. Many moms in a group I am involved in have tried the suggestions in this book and have been surprised with the positive change in their baby's sleep and mood. The book is respectful of both the baby and the parents' needs and teaches the parent how to recognize their baby's sleepy cues so they can soothe their baby to sleep at the optimum time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark henderson
This is a great book for sleep deprived parents! I was working on my 4-month old twins' naps, without much success. They had suddenly shortened their naps to 45 minutes at a time which was getting old quick. I came across this book and thought it sounded promising; I'm glad I read it! With my first two children, as well as with my current babies, I've always kept them on a 'pattern' of eating every 3 hours, then taking a nap, and beginning the cycle all over again when they get up (based off the Babywhisperer book). Well, this book really helped me figure out exactly the timing of the pattern, and getting them down so they are asleep at the 90 minute mark has greatly improved their daytime & nighttime sleep! It is a tricky balance, to get them to sleep before they are over-tired but they can't be under-tired either, or they will fight it! As they've gotten a little older, it is harder to read their sleepy-time cues; I've watched the clock more and told hubby it's time to put them down. Hard to believe, as they are having fun and laughing, etc. But we pop them in their sleep sacks and off to bed, and what do you know they are asleep in a few minutes with a minimum of fussing! Sleeping much longer now, too; 1.5-2.5 hour naps on the whole (other than the occasional growth-spurt day). Get this book and read it, it is a quick read and will help you in your sleep journey. Obviously if you are looking for sleep books it's because you are in need of help! Definitely recommend to first time parents.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
john niedermeyer
Please do not waste your money. Another "expert" trying to get rich off of desperate, sleep-deprived parents. The book in a nutshell: make sure your baby gets enough rest during the day (amount of recommended sleep can be found numerous places online for free) and put your baby down when she gives sleepy cues. Well duh. The only "special" part of this book is that she insists babies are sleepy in 90 minute increments (so 90 mins after waking up or three hours or four and a half, etc). My child does not sleep in 90 minute increments and trying to put her asleep according to this book has made things worse! 90 mins is too soon and three hours is too long. We are both stressed out and sleeping even less. I'm going back to my old way and just following my instincts and her cues!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ben gruagach
I got this book while pregnant after hearing great reviews from co-workers but found that it did not work very well for my son. I do see the 90 minute sleep cycle taking effect most days, but even when we use the typical soothing techniques he would either cry for at least 15 minutes before passing out or not fall asleep at all. This was very frustrating for me, because I assumed it would be a miracle solution and result in him sleeping well from the beginning. I think the research and information is great, but I plan to try sleep training when he is 4 months old instead. I'm glad it worked for some, but I'm disappointed that it wasn't able to work for us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
molly mahoney
This is a great book for sleep deprived parents! I was working on my 4-month old twins' naps, without much success. They had suddenly shortened their naps to 45 minutes at a time which was getting old quick. I came across this book and thought it sounded promising; I'm glad I read it! With my first two children, as well as with my current babies, I've always kept them on a 'pattern' of eating every 3 hours, then taking a nap, and beginning the cycle all over again when they get up (based off the Babywhisperer book). Well, this book really helped me figure out exactly the timing of the pattern, and getting them down so they are asleep at the 90 minute mark has greatly improved their daytime & nighttime sleep! It is a tricky balance, to get them to sleep before they are over-tired but they can't be under-tired either, or they will fight it! As they've gotten a little older, it is harder to read their sleepy-time cues; I've watched the clock more and told hubby it's time to put them down. Hard to believe, as they are having fun and laughing, etc. But we pop them in their sleep sacks and off to bed, and what do you know they are asleep in a few minutes with a minimum of fussing! Sleeping much longer now, too; 1.5-2.5 hour naps on the whole (other than the occasional growth-spurt day). Get this book and read it, it is a quick read and will help you in your sleep journey. Obviously if you are looking for sleep books it's because you are in need of help! Definitely recommend to first time parents.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jessica torres
Please do not waste your money. Another "expert" trying to get rich off of desperate, sleep-deprived parents. The book in a nutshell: make sure your baby gets enough rest during the day (amount of recommended sleep can be found numerous places online for free) and put your baby down when she gives sleepy cues. Well duh. The only "special" part of this book is that she insists babies are sleepy in 90 minute increments (so 90 mins after waking up or three hours or four and a half, etc). My child does not sleep in 90 minute increments and trying to put her asleep according to this book has made things worse! 90 mins is too soon and three hours is too long. We are both stressed out and sleeping even less. I'm going back to my old way and just following my instincts and her cues!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
meaghan o connell
I got this book while pregnant after hearing great reviews from co-workers but found that it did not work very well for my son. I do see the 90 minute sleep cycle taking effect most days, but even when we use the typical soothing techniques he would either cry for at least 15 minutes before passing out or not fall asleep at all. This was very frustrating for me, because I assumed it would be a miracle solution and result in him sleeping well from the beginning. I think the research and information is great, but I plan to try sleep training when he is 4 months old instead. I'm glad it worked for some, but I'm disappointed that it wasn't able to work for us.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amir hesam
I didn't think babies came with an instruction manual, but this is the closest to it! I have used the 90 min NAPS plan since my daughter was 2 months old. I am amazed at how accurate it is. We would wonder why she was crying and didn't know what to do after we fed her, changed her, etc. and as soon as I read the book I realized she was tired!! She has slept 10-12 hours a night since she was 11 weeks old. I recommend this book to EVERY parent out there. I also suggest the "secrets of the baby whisperer" and also "12 hours by 12 weeks old". All three books I lived by and I am very happy with the outcome. I didn't strictly follow every single rule on the books, but I managed to combine the basics of all three and make it work for us. We have a happy baby!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
veronica gutierrez
I cant say enough great things about the 90 minute sleep program. Keep in mind that this is for your baby and it will require discipline on your part. Follow through with the program, it leads to a much happier baby. It works. The rationale for the program made sense to me and I put it to practice when my son was 3 months old. He is now approaching his 1st birthday. I am very protective of his naps and night sleep, and proud of it. Read the book and find out why you too should protect your baby's sleep ☺
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
peggy sinden
You are supposed to catalog each night for ten days to see what you are doing wrong before bed (ie. lights too much excitement, etc). But it did give me a lot of background information that I use and now know to expect instead of guessing. First time moms guess a whole lot and its nice to know you're on the right track.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jay tom
I have never reviewed a book on the store before (or any product for that matter), but this book was such a lifesaver for us, that I feel compelled to write this. My daughter cried all the time for the first 3 months or so of her life. She did have some health issues that I think contributed to that, but after following the NAPS plan outlined in this book, I'm convinced that a huge reason she cried so much was that she was constantly overtired. I can't believe that the information in this book isn't required reading for all pediatricians. I kept going back to the doctor trying to figure out why our baby cried so much, and never once did he mention that she might not be getting enough sleep. Buying this book changed everything for us. It is the best money we've spent since our daughter was born. I feel like we have a new baby.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book is extremely misleading. On the back of the book it says "Kinder, gentler, and it works." It's not kind or gentle! This book advocates for CIO, which makes me absolutely sick. I wouldn't recommend this book for any parent looking for a respectful way to help their child sleep better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You would think being on my third child and having read countless books about babies and/or baby sleep, I wouldn't have had the need to search in desperation on the store for yet another book on the topic! My third kiddo was really throwing me for a loop, and with two other toddlers in the house, I was losing my mind and desperate!

The 90 Minute Baby Sleep Program is an easy, quick read and worth every parents' time. Dr. Moore brings up many important, research-based information about sleep that I had heard before, however, it is nice to have it reaffirmed. Her N.A.P.S. plan is such a simple concept, yet so effective. After day two of doing the program, I have a whole new child who falls asleep within a mere couple of minutes, as opposed to the 30-40 minutes I would spend exhausting myself trying to get her to sleep, only for her to sleep for 30-45 minutes! The biggest relief, is that I can easily guide others who watch my child with what to do and actually, just maybe, leave the house for more than a couple of hours, while knowing that anyone should be able to get my baby to sleep with ease. :)

From someone who has read them all, I would highly recommend adding this book to your repertoire of baby books. You will not be disappointed!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is my baby bible! I have twins... and getting them on the same sleep schedule was necessary for my sanity! This book was right on... to the minute of when I should put the babies down for a nap and when to extend wake time. As a first time mom... and a mom of twins, I recommend this to ANYONE that is expecting! Gave me my sanity back! :)
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