Prom Night in Purgatory (Purgatory Series Book 2)

ByAmy Harmon

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Prom Night in Purgatory weaves an interestingly complicated tale about what comes next for Maggie and Johnny after they find themselves in the same time for once. Going back and forth between 1958 and the present, memories are rekindled as they happen in the past, for Johnny in the present, and they fall in love all over again. Really good story and characters and I couldn't put it down. I think this one is even better than the first, in that the time travel worked so well, and plot points were well done all around. If a change in the future was to come about by the time travel, Maggie would feel sick or pulled back. That made sense to me in that changing the past would upset so many things -- a huge ripple of energy would be out of whack.

The best part was the romantic love between Maggie and Johnny, they are MFEO~~~ (made for each other!)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
zahra ali
Massive, massive failure here. The first book was good. It irritated me that it basically ended on a cliffhanger, forcing you to buy this book to find out what happened. The book changed from a paranormal/ghost type story inexplicably into a time traveling story. We went from Johnny being trapped inside the high school to Maggie constantly and repeatedly traveling through time.

When you do a time travel story, especially one where people go back and forth, you have to be careful that stuff still makes sense (inasmuch as that is possible). Maggie wears Irene's red prom dress to Johnny's prom. But before Maggie actually does that, Irene spends time talking about how she wore a peach dress and that seems wrong; she could have sworn she wore a red dress. Johnny looks at prom pictures and remembers that Irene is the one who wore a red dress but in his pictures she's in a peach dress. This kind of cognitive dissonance wouldn't be possible. If Maggie wore the dress, then she always wore the dress and Irene never wore it, and Irene and Johnny wouldn't be having flashbacks of an event that never occurred.

It felt like the author didn't know how to write and/or finish this story. I was expecting a story where Johnny becomes accustomed to 21st century life and falls in love with Maggie all over again, and at some point would hopefully regain his memory. That's not what happens. Despite not remembering Purgatory, Johnny seems to adapt really well to his new surroundings. I would have expected a lot more freak outs and marvels over what had happened to him instead of the immediate calm acceptance. 1958 is vastly different from 2011 in every sense imaginable.

The time travel thing came out of nowhere. It wasn't introduced or spoken about at all in Book 1, and so it feels out of place here (as do Maggie's blonde jokes. She tells us that she used to tell Johnny blonde jokes all the time, but I can't remember a single joke in Book 1, so another thing that feels out of place and wrong in this story).

Instead of just being a jerk/bad guy in Book 1, Roger has now become some kind of evil being? With flat green eyes and a dark shadow that follows him? That's never explored or explained. At all.

I found Shad a completely annoying and over-the-top character, so while I was glad to have a lot less of him in this book, it felt weird that he so completely disappeared from Maggie's life.

Why didn't Irene and Johnny ever have a conversation? I kept waiting for that. If I were in my 70s and a boy that I'd had a crush on in high school started dating my grand-niece looking exactly the same as he did when we were 16, a conversation would be had. I wouldn't just avoid him and feel weird about it. I would want answers and explanations.

But all of that aside, the ending was the absolute worst. Maggie and Johnny completely alter the timeline. They change everything in their lives. Which means that Book 1 didn't happen. The book you read and enjoyed isn't possible because everything changed. Some of the issues I have with the alteration and the quick wrap up job that has little to no explanation -

1) Billy doesn't die. Which means that he marries Irene. Which means that Irene doesn't lose her father's fortune, because Roger wasn't there to blow it all. Which means that Maggie doesn't have to work as a janitor at her high school, which means that she and Johnny never met in Book 1. Even if we want to pretend that maybe she got a job because she wanted to be independent, it wouldn't have been the janitor job. She got that job because of the relationship between Gus and Irene. Which leads to...

2) No relationship between Gus and Irene. Their love is gone, as is their future.

3) Maggie doesn't know Shad, because she only met him because of Gus and Irene.

4) Part of what made Johnny and Maggie connect was her overwhelming loneliness and feeling unloved. Johnny understood those feelings all too well. But in the new timeline, Maggie never went to foster care. She went straight to Irene's home, which meant she always felt loved and was always cared for. She never experienced loneliness, meaning one less thing that she and Johnny would have had in common (although it doesn't matter because as per Point 1, they never met).

5) Johnny doesn't lose his brother, but we don't get to see them reconnect in present day. It also means that another thing Johnny and Maggie bonded over - their mutual loss of loved ones - didn't occur. Johnny didn't watch Billy die, didn't feel the guilt and remorse over that.

6) Johnny and Maggie literally erased a person. Because Dolly didn't lose both of her boys and still had Billy and hope that Johnny was still out there, she presumably never married Chief Bailey and Jillian was never born. It was her grief that led her to the marriage, but that grief didn't occur. Which means no more Principal Bailey. Something Gus warned Maggie about (although in the altered timeline, Maggie and Gus have never met, so I guess he couldn't have warned her about not screwing around with time and causing people not to be born).

7) Both Maggie and Johnny would have been completely different people because of how much their situations changed. Maggie would have been nothing like the girl we'd come to love.

8) Irene would have been a totally different woman. She was so kind and compassionate because of the hard life she'd endured. That hard life and terrible marriage were undone, so we have no idea what she would have been like. She could have been a snobby, self-centered jerk for all we know. Trials in our lives are what shape our character, and the author took away all of Irene's trials (and all of Maggie's).

9) One of the reasons Maggie can see Johnny in Book 1 is because she takes off her glasses. Presumably, living with her wealthy great-aunt and uncle, Maggie would have had the contacts she desperately wanted. Which means she never would have had them off at school, rendering her unable to ever see Johnny.

And instead of acknowledging any of that, the author just assures us in a quick summary that Maggie and Johnny still met and fell in love. It was a cheap cop out that irritated and annoyed me. When you completely undo everything you just spent two books writing about, you've wasted both your time and mine.

Don't read the series. Total, huge disappointment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the sequel to Slow Dance in Purgatory and I liked this book just as much as the first one. There’s definitely a different feel to this book. The first one was a lot more about love, romance and the spirit life. This one is more about time travel and changing events in the past to affect the future. It reminded me a little bit of the movie Interstellar. There’s no way to understand everything because it’s such an out of this world concept. Going back and changing the past so the future is different but without changing too much because people’s lives can be affected in a negative way. It’s way more in-depth than I can even explain. This quote from the books explains it best. “That which has been is now, and that which is to be has already been”. Such a crazy concept!

I wish there would have been a little more romance between Johnny and Maggie. He spends a lot of the present time being angry and I felt bad for her. This story goes back and forth between the past and present. My only real complaint would be that I wish we would have gotten more of an ending. It felt rushed and everything that ends up being is explained to us, we don’t actually get to see it which I would have loved. I understand why it needed to end the way it did even though. I was up for a while after I finished it and just thinking about the entire story and trying to wrap my mind around it. It’s a difficult concept to believe in because it goes against what we know to be fact about the measure of time. But everything comes full circle in the end and I think it was a great way to wrap it up. I just wanted more details is all. I read some other reviews when I finished and it sounded like some people hated the second book because once you get to the ending you realize it totally negates the first book but I don’t think that’s true. I think of it in terms of the second book taking place before the first book time wise. But that’s why you can’t think about it too much because you’ll go in circles in your head trying to figure it out. An open mind is definitely needed for this two book series ?
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill schappe
“Something happened that night; somehow you escaped Purgatory. I can’t explain it, but….” Maggie took a deep breath and plunged on. He deserved to know how she felt. “I think you made a choice. You chose life and all the ugly hard things that go with it, even though Heaven would have been easier.”

Once again, I have avoided paranormal romance convinced that I would not like it. It can't possibly happen. It's not real. It's not worth reading. I'll stick to something believable. But Johnny and Maggie's story is so incredible, you wish it was real. You believe in that magic and the storytelling and truly believe that Johnny and Maggie could have it all.

"Life had taught her that consequences were ugly and painful, and seldom worth the pleasure they had been bartered for."

Amy Harmon broke me with this one. I even had to re-read the last 3 chapters because there is so much going on. There is so much to explain. There is so much perfection that I didn't even think was possible. I didn't want to miss a single detail, and I truly wanted them to get their happily ever after. I'm not sure what this ending is... I do know I finished with a bit of whiplash and a smile on my face.

Incredibly well done, Amy. I will follow you in any genre you write, truly. Contemporary, Historical, Fantasy, Paranormal... you can do it all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael kilpatrick
This story was absolutely amazing!! It’s twists and plot kept me riveted!! I would LOVE to see this book become a movie since that’s how I pictured it while reading...a movie!

Johnny....oh Johnny. I felt for his loss, his frustration, his fear and desolation when he came back to this century. But my heart broke for Maggie. She suffered so much. And I don’t blame Johnny but I wanted to slap his head a few times when he was so mean to her. So my emotions were all over the place: love Johnny, be mad at Johnny, love him back. Maggie was perfect. She was so strong for not only Johnny, but for Irene too. You all need to read this if you like paranormal or ghost stories!

Spoiler alert!!!
The only issue I have with this book is that the epilogue was too short. I want to know how Maggie and Johnny ended up? Did she find out how to control her gift? Did they move out of Honeyville? What about Shad and Gus? Jillian? See??? Sooo many questions!! I need more of these characters!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
savannah guz
A slightly confusing but wonderful YA Paranormal Romance.

Prom Night in Purgatory by Amy Harmon, read by Emily Woo Zeller, published by Tantor Audio (2014) / Length: 8 hrs 18 min

This is Book #2 in the "Purgatory" duology.

**This review contains spoilers for the previous book.**

I wasn't sure that I wanted to read this. Sometimes I worry that it might be better to leave things the way they ended previously. But in the end I couldn't resist. My first time through, I wasn’t able to keep it entirely straight. But I enjoyed it enough to listen a second time. The issue is flashbacks, paranormal “dreams,” and time twisting.

However, and despite their issues in this book, the central romance remains a favorite.

Maggie: Poor girl, she thought all her wishes had been granted; but life isn't usually that easy. She continued to fight for what she wanted though. When she told him that she missed the way things were between them, it really touched me.

Johnny: I really wanted to shout that he had suffered enough. And it was difficult to see him struggle to understand what had happened, and yet in a way it was harder to read about him the way he used to be.

Maggie & Johhny: When things are good between them, they're the best.

I still love Gus, and Maggie's grandma Lizzie is a wonderful addition. Although it is sad to meet people in the past who are already dead in present time.

We get the interesting experience of seeing the modern world through the eyes of someone from the past (although I wish there was more of this) and also seeing the past through someone from the future.

As I said, it is very convoluted. We do finally get our conclusive ending this time though. Some good changes happen, and some not so good changes can't be undone.

--Prom night, especially the parts at the reservoir
--The reason Johnny's favorite color is pink. *smirk*
--Maggie's reasons for waiting

I COULD HAVE DONE WITHOUT: The scene in which a nurse removes Johnny's catheter. / Mild swearing / Johnny's lax attitude towards stealing

OTHER CAUTIONS(?): Johnny romances a teacher (in the past) to try and get out of an assignment / A story is told about someone who interrupts a sexual assault. / Another woman experiences an incident of verbal & physical abuse

Character voices differentiated = Yes, I especially like Lizzie's / Opposite sex voices acceptable = Yes / Accents = Still no real sense that they are all in Texas / Phrasing, Pacing & Pronunciation = Good / Emoting = Good / Speed = listened on 1.25, my usual
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pam thiel
Amazing book about Time. Wonderful the way the author manages to tie up all the loose ends, untangling the lines of time and circumstances. I would love to read and discuss this book in a book club. Maybe both books in the series need to be read for full understanding. I would need to have a deeper look and some input to determine whether the author left holes in her theories about Time. I can't say more without providing spoilers and I don't want to do that. If you like to ponder time and reality, human nature, love, romance and the changing eras of human history, then you will love this book! It will stay with me for quite some time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sandeep guleria
After I finished Slow Dance in Purgatory, I wasted no time downloading and starting Prom Dance in Purgatory. I had to know what happened to Johnny and Maggie after that ending! This book was a wild and incredible journey. Maggie and Johnny’s love is one that transcends time. Amy Harmon took this book in a much different direction that I predicted, but that doesn’t surprise me. I love that her books are unpredictable!

If you’re looking for an epic YA romance that is a bit paranormal, has time travel, excitement and will truly make you think and feel, pick this book up! I’ve spent all week consumed by Maggie and Johnny and loved every minute!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john baker
I loved the Purgatory Series. It was an original story line that kept you engaged and entertained. i think people that can't imagine the possibility of the impossible will not like this story. I, for one, and sick and tired of the same ole same ole predictable story lines where you can guess the ending.
This was NOT like that, which I loved. It made you think and use your imagination. Great job Amy Harmon!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
staci mednick
I cannot believe that this book does not have more reviews; it blew me away. As an avid fan of Amy Harmon, I don't know why I'm surprised that I loved it as much as I did. I stayed up way too late finishing the two books in this series, but completely worth it. So be prepared to get lost in the world of Johnny & Maggie and then be sad when you finish and have to listen to 50's music all day as you mourn the end of another fabulous Harmon story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is another good book by Amy Harmon. I enjoyed the story and the characters. Even though the story went back and forth through time, it wasn't confusing at all like some books can be. I enjoyed the ending as well. I'm reading the Bird and the Sword next. Happy reading :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah chrosniak
This is the sequel to Dance in Purgatory, which I thoroughly enjoyed. It is filled with twists and turns that keep you reading late into the night. An intriguing storyline of lost love, mystery, and time travel that will keep you guessing until the end...and still had me questioning a bit after I read the last page. You'll definitely want to read book one first or you'll be completely lost...and once you do read book won't be able to wait to get your hands on this one.

Content: Mild language, a crude comment at the beginning at the hospital, some violence(not graphic) and kissing....

4.5 stars
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was a little confused with all the time traveling and the changes made in the future. But one thing I did understand reading this book was that the love between Maggie and Johnny could survive purgatory!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elan chalford
The first book was intriguing, and this is a worthy sequel. I'll probably reread them both again back to back. Well written, time tangles upon itself and shifts to create happy ever afters for characters that didn't have them the first go-round.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deanna joseph
I like Time Travel stories and I thought this series "Slow Dance in Purgatory" & "Prom Night in Purgatory" were great stories.
Johnny Kinross is trapped in the 1950's wandering the hall of his old High School unable to leave. He can only be seen by several people - one (Maggie) who is a student in modern times who helps with janitorial work in the evening at the High School. It becomes a love story between Maggie and Johnny. How to unravel the past so they have a future together is the basis for the two books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book picked up where the first left off, and you do need to read part 1 first. Many questions were answered and there was a satisfactory end to the story. Another sweet love story with minimal language and light sensual situations. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out until the very end, and that is unusual for me. I will add it to my classroom library and recommend it to my romantics. I enjoyed it as much as the first book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
janet mouser
PG - some violence (not graphic), some swears, awesome kisses, no sex
I could not stop thinking about this book! The relationship between the H and h got under my skin. I liked it almost as much as the first one, and I'm so Happy that there was resolution in this book. Amy Harmon might be one of my new favorite writers!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karis north
About a week ago I purchased Making Faces by this author. I found it so moving that I devoured other titles that Harmon wrote. Each story is captivating, and so emotionally moving that I have stayed up reading until the wee morning hours. Harmon is an amazingly gifted story teller. The stories she writes are sweet and wholesome rich in characters that have captured me and have dug themselves into my heart and soul.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ethel c
I have just starting reading this author and I have to say I really enjoyed the book. I loved the mix of old and new. Book just flowed right along keeping you interested the hole time. Not your typical star crossed lovers.
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