A Lucy Guardino FBI Thriller Novel (Lucy Guardino FBI Thrillers Book 1)

ByCJ Lyons

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Great book, great storyline, fast paced and a believable story. Love the main character, not going to get into too much detail so as not to ruin it for you, I would recommend reading this and the bonus is there are two more books and by the time you have read them all, you will be anxiously wanting to know if this author is going to continue the journey!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
martin sloane
I quite enjoyed the story, however felt sometimes it got bogged down in unnecessary detail which deterred from the flow of the book. The lead character Lucy isn't very likeable, however looking past that it was an overall good thrilling story and I did enjoy it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ravi pinto
If the reader wants a quick but enjoyable read then Snake Skin maybe for them. There is enough action to keep readers involved but not comic book action. The characters are believable, likable and not too stereotypical. I am looking forward to reading the second book in the series.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tim principe
First time reading CJ Lyons. Kept me riveted with all the twists and turns, but I really wish Lucy would get some help for that pain in her jaw and neck. The struggle of juggling job and family should resonate with all parents, except most of us aren't out there trying to save lives. I look forward to reading more books by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I just finished my first C J Lyons book: Snakeskin, on my Kindle. I read some reviews that warned of a lot of gory snake action and hesitated about reading it. I hate snakes. I even hate typing the word. But there were so many other elements that intrigued me...a strong female protagonist, an FBI storyline, mystery genre. So I took a chance on this new-to-me author. I enjoyed the book so much that while reading it, I bought two others that I am super excited about starting, Borrowed Time and another Lucy Guardino book, Blood Stained.
I love summer and the extra reading opportunities that it brings...stay tuned! Thanks in advance, CJ, for a great summer!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david settle
Very gripping story ,held my attention throughout with many twists and turns....had no idea that the author was a paediatric ER doctor! That was a shock! Hope she continues with Lucy, a very complicated character.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lon dailey
When I started reading this book, I wasn’t sure I would like it.

But the more I read, the more the main character, Lucy Guardino, and story grew on me until I found myself reading faster and faster to find out what happens next. That’s the sign of a good story.

Lyons did a very good job of balancing Lucy’s home life with her responsibilities as an FBI agent, and the tug Lucy felt when both demanded her attention. Not many writers can do that well.

Lyons managed to pull off a good twist when she revealed who the bad guy was, yet she set the foundation so well, I didn’t think, ‘Where did that come from,’ but, ‘Oh, yeah. Of course.’

The only negative in my opinion was the bad guy in the story. I always find an antagonist who outthinks and outmaneuvers the main character at every turn and always has one more trick up his or her sleeve a little hard to accept as realistic.

I’m always glad when I can find a new author and series to add to my ‘want to read list.’ I found that in C. J. Lyons’s Lucy Guardino series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Loved this book! Glad there are characters out there like Lucy to catch the snakes in this world!
Great action, fast paced and intriguing characters. I was afraid the ending was going a little overboard, but it all worked out great. Looking forward to the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I enjoyed this book. A good entertaining thriller with some hold your breath moments. Lucy Guardino is perhaps too slick, too brave, and too smart, superwoman. Nevertheless this is escapism and CJ Lyons certainly writes a good thriller.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Snakeskin was a really great read. Once you start it you won't want to stop. I immediately fell in love with Lucy's character, her family, and her co-workers. They are written as real people. Lucy, the FBI agent for Crimes against children, has a strong, confident, and inspirational character, but also is more than that, she is also a wife and mother. She displays a smart professional woman who has excellent leadership and organizational skills in running her team, and shows the weakness that exists in families. The plot gives a disturbingly real look at what dangers is out there with predators luring innocent children online. It is a fast paced thriller that keeps you at the edge of your seat, waiting to see what is coming next.
What I like about this author and her book, was that there was minimal repetition, fast paced, original storyline, and great characters'. CJ keeps descriptions to just enough to keep the interest going without going overboard on geography/history lessons. She describes her characters without repeating over and over the same things to make it monotonous. I have just purchased her next book in this series and can't wait to start it. I hope this turns into a series with many more books, such as Patricia Cornwell.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tala mhni
I have never read anything by this author before and, I have to say, I'm enjoying this book. When I look forward to reading a book and can't wait to get back to it, then it's a good book for me. I will read other Lucy Guardino FBI Thrillers in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I actually enjoyed this book for a good nightly read before I go to sleep. Story seems to meander and poor Lucy (main character) seems to have a lot of baggage and drama in her life but meh', it is just a story, which is the way I like it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda owen
I started reading this book yesterday and stayed up until 2:00 a.m., when I could not keep my eyes open any more. Got up this morning and had to finish it!!! This is one book that grabs you and keeps your attention throughout. Lucy, a FBI Supervisory Agent, is supposed to keep in the office doing paperwork. But she has spent too much time in the field and feels she can find the missing girl. At the same time, her own daughter is sick and she is torn between the two girls or does she feel if she saves one, both will be saved? Her husband, a psychologist who specializes in helping veterans with PTSD manages to help,also. I believe I have found another great woman writer who writes about great characters. Give me more of Lucy, please, CJ!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim ralston
This book was a rollercoaster ride of sheer delight and excitement as Lucy plunged herself into the bizarre chase of finding the missing young girl.
I found the thrill of hidden hideouts and what happened inside held me in suspense from one paragraph to another, no doubt about it, this writer is full of surprises and kept me wondering about what on earth would happen next in a story full of intrigue and adventure.
The unhappiness of the young girl opens up a window into the world of torture and brain washing which faces a very young girl, who becomes involved in the hair raising adventures the author describes in vivid mind drenching details.
This writer finishes this thrilling tale with a mouth opening flourishing style that completely fooled me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
naleighna kai
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The central mystery is "What's happened to Ashley?" Though really, it isn't much of a mystery. We find out what's happened to Ashley very quickly. However, the motivations for why are nicely guarded and revealed at good points through the story and though we know whodunit before the 60% mark, there's still plenty of tension and action to keep you unable to do anything else but read until the very end.

Lucy is a good solid heroine. Her family is a nice foil for her (showing her humanity, her relationships, etc). I enjoyed all of the supporting characters and I'm curious to see how the characters come back for more in the next book in the series. Unlike some other series I've read recently, this book is self contained. It doesn't end on a cliffhanger or with ambiguity. An excellent read. I will be purchasing the next book in the series soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee m
Suspense, mystery, action, intrigue, and a driving need to finish each job. These are the things that FBI agent Lucy Guardino balances with the demands of her family life. A bit of guilt, too, because, while she is drawn to field work and can't keep away from it, she's supposed to be the boss and take a less active part.Lucy also has a teenage daughter so she's fortunate in her husband, a very nice psychologist. C.J.Lyons has done such a great job of building the conflicts of Lucy's life into a well written thriller that when I finished Snakeskin I immediately bought the next in the series. Snakeskin is imaginative, with a number of twists and turns, topical for present day readers,with enough action for anyone. Read it. You'll love it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cynthia dahle
Enjoyed this. Well paced and kept me clicking the next button. Interesting plot lines and nice mix of characters. Lucy is tough and trying to be the great mom as well as the super agent. I can identify with having more things to do than time to get them done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I'm not usually impressed with the $.99 cent books and had never read this author so I was skeptical at best. The heroine seemed a little bit much in the pain tolerance department to me, but I found the book very enjoyable if not totally believable. I will definitely give this author another opportunity as Snake Skin did keep my attention.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
For 99 cents, I was looking for a brainless quick and easy read for the treadmill. I was pleasantly surprised. Although it does have some small errors with nonessential facts, as some of the 1 star ratings point out, it did not distract me from an engaging story for this genre. Characters are good: they have backstories, dimensions, flaws, believable dialogue.
Good balance between action, descriptions, dialogue, character thoughts. Sometimes thrillers can read too much like a movie script waiting to get bought into a movie. This did not.
For the genre and price, I would recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
FBI agent Lucy Guardino displays special talents ranging from being a loving mum to very smart crime fighter. She generates trust in victims and agitation in those she unerringly seeks. She puts her body on the line and overcomes pain and fleeting self-doubt in her quest to protect young people. The snake scenes were almost too emotive but proved so much about our main character and another. This book has something for everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shane murphy
Lucy Guardino runs an FBI unit, has a hunky husband and a teen daughter who all figure into the story as it unfolds. You find yourself routing for her to find the sicko who grabs young women and tries to remove their sense of self in order to make them completely malleable and under his control. Lucy struggles with guilt over her obsession with her job which keeps her away from her family more than she'd like, but she is committed to handling each case to the end regardless of the personal cost and you end up wanting to make her husband and daughter understand the importance of what she does. Her daughter's illness during the case somehow makes her more anxious to solve the case which adds to the mounting tension. I already bought the next book in the series because I could not wait to read more about Lucy, her career and her family!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
meredith narrowe
If you like suspense and sitting on the edge wanting more, this book is for you.It does a good job of combining crime fighting with the characters personal life. I am waiting for more books about Lucy Guardino
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
First book I Have read by CJLyons. Will definitely read more, especially any In the LucyGuardino series. The story keeps your attention from start to finish, good FBI thriller. Good portrayal of teens, parents, Internet games. Love the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
howard dinin
The worldwide web is a wonderful thing...except when it is being misused by predators. Children are very vulnerable especially when they are unhappy at home. They become prime targets for those predators. Such is the case with our character in this story. She allowed her unhappy home situation lead her into a worse situation. Can't fathom being locked in a barn with dead people as an audience as tons of snakes are thrown down on me to bite me and terrorize me for days. It helps when you have a dedicated FBI Agent who just won't quit on your side. This was a very good read. I could have done without the snakes but over all this was a very exciting read. I would recommend it to all.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I hate not finishing a book, because sometimes the ending can make up for a slow novel. With this book however, I just gave up. I would fall asleep, and get distracted, it just did not hold my attention. I struggled 40% of the way through, and decided I'd rather read something enjoyable. Maybe one day I'll go back and finish...

Overall the story didn't seem to connect, and I found Lucy's daughter to be annoying. Just my take on what I did read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda corry
A true page turning thriller. Could not put the book down...until I had to....For work, sleep or finally finishing reading it. Haven't read any of her other books but if they are as addicting and thrilling as this one, she'll definitely be a great addition toy library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nienke wieldraaijer
I thought this book was really great..twists and turns that you didn't see coming. I loved Lucy's character; would like to learn more about her and her family...I'm really looking forward to the next book!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pamela powell
Be forewarned - the title Snake Skin means that there are snakes in the book! This book is jam packed with action and suspense. Lucy Guardino is too perfect to be believable, but it is a fantasy world and I want to believe that someone this competent is an agent in the FBI. Some of the scenes are very dark since Lucy's work involves child abduction and this somber mood is not lifted by humor. Even the scenes where Lucy is with her family are tense and do not counterbalance the weightiness of the book. Nonetheless, it is a gripping story and I have already started reading the sequel. P.S. If you are looking for a book that gives you a sense of "Pittsburgh", there is far too little connection to the city. This could be Anywhere, USA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Just finished this, the first book of the Lucy Guardino - FBI trilogy. Couldn't put it down except when I fell asleep
reading it. This was an awesome read. Glad I read it as it explains more regarding the main characters
I first met in the 2nd novel which I inadvertently read first.

I have found a new crime / mystery novelist I truly enjoy. CJ Lyons is masterful in creation of her characters and in
keeping her audience reading for more and more, until the who's, what's, where 's and how's are all
cleverly played out for us.

I sure hope there will be more Lucy Guardino in our future!
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