The Worst President in History - The Legacy of Barack Obama

ByMatt Margolis

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emilia schobeiri
Only 200? I can think of at least 100 more, not including all the broken, outlandish promises ("lowering the seas"), and simplistic throw-ins to non-existent assertions ("The Alaska Natives" called it Denali, which is a foolish lie). Every example of Obama's arrogant over-reach is carefully exposed. The damage to the prestige and credibility of the Presidency is forever damaged.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jane rebecca
Liberals will hate this book because it speaks to everything they have tried to hide since Obama entered office. Today they even claim the book is full of false scandals. It is the first book I've read that actually made me physically ill, not because of the author, but because of the subject and how complacent our press has become and how blinded those who follow Obama are. The title of the book is fitting but should have ended with "Including the Downfall of a once Great Nation". They say all empires have failed and compare the U.S. To those that have failed in our history. Obama proves it's not the empires that caused the failure but the leadership who put themselves above the republic. Isn't it strange how this is playing out again with our current presidential race?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well researched and documented. No platitudes, straw men or psuedo-intellectualism like the subject of this book might employ. Undoubtedly, the people who are still pretending that this emperor has clothes, will be triggered.
The Nine Virtues That Made Our Nation Great--and Why We Need Them More Than Ever :: The Behind-the-Scenes Story of How John Paulson Defied Wall Street and Made Financial History :: The Sword of Shannara :: Magic Kingdom for Sale--Sold! (Landover) :: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Barack Obama wanted to change America into a communist/dictatorial regime beginning with using 34 unelected czars that helped craft 18,000 job-killing rules and regulations. He was born in Mombasa, Kenya. He gave up his citizenship that he obtained when his mother took him to Hawaii by moving to Indonesia to attend grade school as Indonesia would NEVER allow dual citizenship because they were at war. Obama NEVER applied to renew his U.S. Citizenship that would've been a "Naturalized" citizenship instead of a natural-born citizenship. Obama was the first dictator/president who hated not only his adopted country of America but all white people and all Christians. Those were all terrible combinations that contributed to his ideologies - communism and Islam. He replaced the former worst leader in world history - Idi Amin Dada of Nigeria as the worst leader in history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janet severn
It is clear from the authors perspective that Obama did very little good during his time as President of the United States of America. The author brought up issues that I had totally forgotten about or did occur during Preswident Obama term.

It was interesting to say the least.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina west
The Obamas were criminals who emboldened enemies of the state, encouraged rioting and looting in our cities, perpetrated programs that cost Americans their lives, and lied when Americans were murdered in programs like Fast and Furious and the terrorist attack on Benghazi. They condoned and exploited false narratives about criminals, created a war against our policemen, and stoked the fires of racial hatred. All the while they partied and played and acted like celebrities entertaining all types of unsavory characters in the White House. Their blind loyal followers should have realized it from the beginning when we heard the racist and hate-filled rhetoric from their preacher, Jeremiah Wright, who the Obama family listened to every Sunday for 20 years. That was a major clue as to their type of divisive Progressive agenda they would condone throughout their 8 year tenure. They were the worst POTUS and FLOTUS the USA could have ever endured, and their legacy will be one of great failure and disappointment in the history of the USA. I hope their type of change will never be inflicted upon this country again. This book tells the truth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
george sudarkoff
This book is factually correct and is a good reminder of the damage done during the 8 years of Obama’s years in the White House. Unfortunately the damage will continue on, at least for a while. Voters should learn from their mistake in putting trust in this guy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dwayne pate
The scandals of the Obama Administration continues to be uncovered. It appears the 8 long years was full of secrets, lies and crimes. I agree with the title of this book. He will always be remembered as the worst president in history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt parker
The problem with liberals is that they are incapable of assessing Obama with an Objective lens. Liberals can't or won't look at his policies and consider potential consequences or financial impact. Everything is approached with a tribalistic attitude of Support Obama no matter what because he is a liberal Democrat. Because to critique him at all might sway moderate voters to the other side. That is their fear so they defend him at all costs as does the media. But the fact of the matter is his policies have been disastrous. Obamacare has been a train wreck and he lied about it all along. He destroyed relations with Russia and Israel. He makes billion dollar deals with Iran (#1 terror sponsored country). He's been a complete disaster
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew shoe
I refer to this poor excuse of a "president" as "Benedict Barack "!!!! He is, and has been destroying our military strength to that of PRE WW 1!!!!
This "Pied piper" President" of our United States, has been responsible for EVERYTHING PUBLISHED IN THIS BOOK. AND,,should madam Hillary make it to the White House,,,then as Yoga Barry once said,,"IT AINT OVER TILL ITS OVER" !!!! (In Hillary's case, ITS OVER!!!!!)
( I'm an 81 year old Korean Vet, and I can smell treason a mile away)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
janice napoleon
Matt gets right down to the key points of Obamas presidency. Obama basically divided us against each other in order to set us up to be conquered by waves of Communist policies/ mandates. Today most Americans are dumber, sicker, and broker than ever and on top of that they all hate each other. Great job "leader" of the "free world". We can no longer think or say anything different than the entertainers/ school teachers in our society lest we be guilty of thought crimes. He fooled us working people to think he was on our side, all the while simultaneously destroying everything right this nation was built on. Even Farrakhan says this guy sucked.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bj rechtfertig
This book is clear, thorough, extremely well-documented, and readable. Most of the critical reviews appear to be written by people who did not read the book. Or perhaps, they already had decided they weren't going to believe any of it before they started--which does raise the question of why they would read it in the first place.

I am in the process of reading both critical and hagiographic biographies of presidents. It helps to look at both sides, because no one is beyond bias. When one reads both, the differences between solid facts and distortions becomes much more clear. Read both sides and make up your own mind.

In the case of President Obama, however, I fear the title of this book is spot on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara alsup
Obama NEVER made any mistake, what he did was planned by hard left people who promoted him to the American people. What was planned and engineered, well before he was elected as President, was the destruction of America and Israel, their people and especially their belief in God. Obama did not succeed because God stopped him and selected D Trump to save America. With Obama, we saw pure evil right in our face but too many could not see it and fell for it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book should be required reading for every man woman and child over the age of 10. Most of the witless liberals have their heads buried completely in the sand. They make excuse after excuse after excuse for this man without realizing the horrors that he is done to this country . I would have rated this book a four if not for the less than admirable editing. An excellent job of research by the authors. Ignore the witless morons who have rated this book a one and have obviously not read it.. They are merely witless mongrels ...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa kay misitrano
You can literally scroll through the reviews and see those who DID NOT READ THE BOOK AND JUST REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE FACTS AND DATA. This boom HAS FOOTNOTES AND SOURCES, but you know...the liberal left cares about feelings and not facts...
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I was astounded by some of the events that occurred during this presidency. I was aware of the main stream points, but the book really laid it all down for me. I am truly disappointed in this President working more or less against our country, rather than in its best interest. For those who did not follow politics closely during this time frame, this book is well organized and detailed and not the dry read one would assume.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Lol. I'm going to go ahead and say the worst president in history was President Andrew Jackson. He was a genocidal maniac.Andrew Jackson is the father of Native American genocide in the Southeast. We should not forget that the United States Congress passed that Act by one single vote, either. Although the concept was Jackson’s, Congress was an accomplice. Greed was behind the creation of the Removal Act.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
venessa johnstone
This book does a terrific job of chronicling the long list of mistakes made by the 44th US President. While the book doesn't do much for positivity it is a collection of proof that I hope future generations will come to understand quickly and not soon forget what happens when you don't look for or ignore substance of good character behind the person proclaiming a rosy political message.

I hope that America will emerge from the darkness caused during his Presidency before my time here is done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book! So interesting. I knew he was useless but this just cemented it for me. How he got away with what he did and no criticism and no oversight is unbelievable. I had high hopes for him but he failed in my opinion. He had the greatest opportunity to really make a difference, especially within the black community is really sad. He had so much overreach for the executive branch that no one even so much as challenged. He was a complete embarrassment to the U.S and our place on the world stage. I was just so disappointed in him. I didn't vote for him but I'm glad I didn't.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
janis farrell
To everybody writing negative reviews about the fact that almost every presidential scholar or historian ranks Obama in the top 10 presidents in our history, or about how a ton of the subjects in this book are sourced from right-wing conspiracy internet sites or radio shows, or how it's "patently ridiculous" to claim that the man who so successfully oversaw our nation's recovery from the growing pains of the Bush Jr administration and it's overriding theme of "let's see how much we can lie and enrich ourselves before they hate us" could be "the worst ever": You are not acknowledging reality.
The reality is that there is a huge swath of Americans for whom Obama really was the worst ever. To conservatives and moreso to "rank and file" Republicans, Obama was not a good president. Just think about it for a minute: not everyone thinks that poor people or minorities or especially black people are actually humans who deserve compassion and respect like everyone else. Not everyone even believes that other humans are worthy of compassion at all. If you were a person who truly believed (as Republicans do) that anyone not monetarily successful deserves nothing but a slow painful death, or that the concept of helping each other through rough patches is silly and we should each only ever be concerned about ourselves and our own material wealth, or that we should worship the extremely rich as gods and do literally anything we possibly can (including die slow painful deaths) that would even marginally increase the quality of the fantastic lives of luxury that those wealthy already lead, then you probably wouldn't like Obama very much. In fact, you might even think he was the worst president ever.
Trump has demonstrated without a shadow of a doubt that the GOP and "modern conservativism" is a shell game, a farce in which a handful of extremely wealthy, powerful, white, Christian men do everything they can think of to continue swindling the "poorly educated" (and the just plain stupid) members of the citizenry. The MAGA-hat crowd doesn't read books, so they are effectively fooled merely by slogans and "campaign rallies" that don't actually require a campaign. But there are those on the other end, those Americans who have had some modicum of material success (or in many cases were simply given their fortunes by their family) and who really, REALLY need someone to tell them that it's OK to be selfish. Otherwise they might start to feel like they SHOULD maybe go without that fourth big-screen TV so that a family somewhere else might not die of starvation. And that's where the GOP loses their support, and we can't have that now can we? So the powers-that-be must constantly excrete other forms of propaganda, such as books that serve the dual purpose of spinning the CT and lies (and always with a tiny kernel of almost-unrelated truth in there somewhere of course) to keep the brainwashing up, and giving those Trumpists who can actually read a way to feel superior to those who can't. As we know, the GOP is very careful to always give their marks someone to look down on and feel superior to, that is an important facet to the Republican mindset if for no other reason than it helps prevent those people from getting mad at how the GOP policies make their lives so much worse on a day-to-day basis.
So we get books like this, carefully written to further divide the American public and further the "alternative facts" universe in which the GOP is forced to keep their minions if they want the massive gravy train to keep rolling into their offshore tax-haven bank accounts. Because to them, Obama and his message of inclusivity, compassion, and hope really are "the worst ever".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mairi cameron
Finally, a book that lays out the plain truth including detailed references that prove the narrative. This half-caste man promises to help black people yet they are much worse due to this President's ineptitude and belief that if he talks about a problem and throws money at it with no plan, that things will work out. Instead, they deteriorate more and more day by day. He hates confrontation, is secretive, and surrounds his self with inept political appointees instead of knowledgeable people that can solve problems. Now he looks to the corrupt and lying Hillary to extend his plans. This book should be in every library in the world. Of course all the world leaders outside of the USA know how weak, indecisive, and self-indulgent he is. He has spent literally almost a billion dollars of tax payer money on his vacations, golf outings, and foreign trips that never help our country.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
russell gift
What anyone who was paying attention, before 2008, already knew. Good reference book for arguing with Democrats. Although Obama is not Black, marrying a Black person helped him get elected, and go on to become the most racist & worst President in US history. The Obama disasters will be felt for a century to come, IF his traitorous deal with Iran, allowing them to become a nuclear power, doesn't bring about the end of days before that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gregg martinson
This book is one of the best in reflecting what Obama actually has done. Before dwelling into the book, let us consider the facts. Gallup Polls maintains an economic confidence index to measure the future economic prospects based on present economic condition. During his eight years of presidency, only once it climbed in the positive trend, but predominantly it remained in the high negatives from -30s to -10s. A week after Trump's victory, the index climbed to the positives, and it has remained in the positive to historic high reaching +20 points. Granted,Obama took over the presidency during a recession, but that doesn't excuse for eight years of negative gloomy economic forecast. However, such a thinking comes to the American people because of Obama's legacy of regulating like a North Korean dictator or at least follow the path of communist dictatorships. Morever, giving priority to enviroment over economy also screwed things up. Not to forgot his ideas, of selling the jobs to foreign lands, cost Hillary the election; Middle America voted for Trump.

Back to the book, Matt mainly discuss Obama's failures for the past eight years from economic to international front. I concur with Matt, since Obama screwed up badly in the international front just like the economic issues. The lack of prosecutio of the bankers is a case in point. Besides, the book's chapter on radical islam explains how Obama was an enabler to islamic terrorism. Likewise, Obama's administration is renowned for bullying those people that Obama disagreed with, yet the media has remained silent on acting like a despot. Matt is right to point that out. There are many more instances and you better read that up, and I can't remain calm in discussing every failure of Obama.

In short, this book represents facts compared to the unrealistic picture painted by the liberal media. Trump's victory is a case in point why Obama is a failure. Obama is not only a failure to America, but also his own party suffered a major loss of legislative seats and governships all over America. In fact, democrat party would have been better off losing two consecutive presidential election losses than without Obama's pathetic rule.

I would recommend this book for those who want to be woke taking the red pill. But this book is definitely for the liberal losers, who doesn't want to face reality and prefer to live in a delusional bubble.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
8 years of Marxist dictatorship is what this book encompasses. I thought it was amazing how Clinton was elected in 1992. More amazing was how he was re-elected !! I figured many Americans were just "not aware" how liberal THAT loon was. When B.O. was elected, I saw the beginning of the dumbing down process take hold. When he was re-elected it was 'game over' for sure. And it darn near was about over. If POTUS Trump can bring us back to the Constitution, Faith, and logic, remains to be seen.

I would recommend this book as mandatory reading to every American citizen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
theresa musni
Obama is the worst ever by a huge margin. 8t all other presidents compared to 13t adn 24t if you start counting obama care with nothign to show for it save miseducatd kids, slow tek progress and endless regulation and bad deals and scandals. obama should be hung for treason
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine m
As usual, with a book of this type which lists the many failures and deliberate efforts to destroy our nation by a guy who is the tool of largely hidden forces, the uber left and professional trolls crawl out from under their rocks to slam a book they have not even read. They offer nothing in the way of specifics, offering instead their standard charges of racism and hatred directed at their hero who is without a doubt and provably so, the worst president in history. After all, to criticize a black man proves that one is racist in the guilt and hate filled "minds" of the liberal. This man has no accomplishments except to more than double America's debt and to divide us along racial and religious lines in a deliberate attempt to weaken the nation that he despises. Nero fiddled while Rome burned but today's version golfs and vacations. Is America better off today than 8 years ago? I don't think so.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josephine keenan
I am going to go ahead and say people that are saying this book is written by racists for racists are people most likely on welfare and benefited from Obama's administration. He was/is a bigot, bully and threatened anyone who went against him. He is a worthless piece of trash and this book exposes it all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zahra aghajani
Throwing America under the bus, throwing Israel under the bus, etc., etc. Now HRC claims him one of the greatest Presidents ever...which shows her not only to be a chronic liar, but delusional (medically) as well! I could on and on, but it would take a lengthy, almost endless book to do so.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jasmine wagner
I haven't read the book, but I've said Obama is the worst president in our history at least 100 times. Though I haven't read the book, neither have any of the one star reviews, which other commenters have rightly called attention to. One of the reasons why we have the worst president in our history is because of lazy, apathetic Americans, like every single one star commenter, who parrot left wing talking points, and may be part of the paid left wing blogging troll armies they employ.

It's really pathetic when our political leaders have to pay people to repeat opinions designed to shape popular thought, and it's even more pathetic when the American people are too stupid to know any better and are suckered into believing left wing ideology. Every American in our nation, with values, and who understands history, knows Obama is the worst President in our history by a wide margin!! From Benghazi, to Lois Lerners missing emails, to Hillarys 33,000 emails deleted using bleach bit technology so effectively that as Trey Gowdy said, " even God can't find them", to lying about supporting traditional marriage, when he knew he didn't according to campaign advisor David Axelrod, to earn the black churches vote, he is one corrupt president. These are only the scandals we know of now, we will learn of more corruption in the coming decades.

The negative reviews are a bunch of nonsense and history will marvel that such an obvious assertion, that Obama is the worst president in history, received any flak at all.

However, we must remember that millions are emotionally invested in Obama, and facts mean nothing. Furthermore, the millennials are the dumbest generation in American history, and are the ones responsible for Obamas election. Without their clueless votes, Obama would have never come close to being elected. Also, we have one third of Americans on mind altering drugs, so a third of our nation can't think straight. Lastly, we have many racist blacks, who don't understand supporting a man solely due to his race, is just as racist as not supporting him solely due to his race. We have many other racists whose not supporting Obama due to his color alone spurred widespread sympathy for him, and many people of all races who supported Obama for no reason than he was black. Elected by cluelessness and ignorance, he gave us the most clueless and ignorant Prsidency in our history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex kuhl
If only this stuff was a novel. Wow! You can't make this stuff up. Everything is about this loathsome creature's inflated ego. Take Obamacare. Terrible disaster. Bankrupted system. But as long as the name is Obamas care, it's cool. "If you don't vote for Hillary, I will take it as a personal insult to my legacy" - Barack Hussein Obama. I can't wait to insult this lowlife.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
becky lee
This is the worst book in history about a president! Poorly written, poorly researched, just unbased opinion and untruths. Don't waste your money - I paid nothing for it and got exactly what I paid for. -- nothing!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
christina riewerts
I believe that Obama was one of the worst presidents in the history of the United States. Never before in history have we seen so much racial division and anger. Obama was an advocate of socialist policies that weakened the U.S economy, created a manufacturing "dark age," and was caught red-handed in supporting NSA encroachment when he claimed to be more transparent. Unfortunately, the mainstream media glorified his presidency as a positive influence towards America's economic strengths. Obama was shamed by Vladimir Putin on numerous occasions because the Russians do not respect weakness. Putin knew that Obama was weak and his words were just that, only words. Obama will go down as one of the worst presidents in U.S. history. A great orator but a terrible and incompetent leader. I don't understand how anyone could come to the conclusion that Obama was a "great president." He was a statesman, but an absolute terrible leader. The promise of "Hope" was a failure of epic proportion. I'm thankful that Obama is no longer leading the United States and look forward to better and brighter days ahead.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
di rogers
The negative reviews by Obama's sheep are the reason I wanted to read this book. Anyone who isn't drinking the Kool-Aid will appreciate this book. Anyone who isn't afraid of the truth will thoroughly enjoy it. This book is a realistic and comprehensive compilation of Obama's true legacy. What's even more frightening is the recent BLM terrorist attacks on police in Dallas and Minnesota, which show that the agitator-in-chief's damaging impact on our nation isn't finished yet. Highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer onofre
So thankful for this book & it's exposing of the REAL Obama legacy. How come "The Media" never reported on this during Obama's Presidency? The #'s in various government reports (those Obama's bunch couldn't twist like no-one's business!) throughout his miserable 8 years in office pointed to how bad he was, but the leftist "Media" tried their best to hide it from the American People. A shameful lot, maybe even more shameful than the Obama Administration, because we all know Obama's agenda as a radical leftist activist: To transform America into something less America & quite scary (maybe like the socialist dictator-run Venezuela where the people are now forced to eat cats, dogs, whatever living thing they can pin down!) Just thank God every day that this menace Obama is out of the White House, and we have a patriot leading this wonderful nation. BTW, today it was announced that the GDP under Trump has hit 4.1 percent growth, while during the 8 miserable years of “Obama magic”, he couldn’t get the annual GDP to even 3 percent (his annual average was around a pathetic 1.55 percent). Obama was the first president since Herbert Hoover not to see at least an annual 3% GDP growth throughout his presidency.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
poeticmuse 73
It has been said that ALL the criticism of Barack Obama was purely racist. In fact, it was only about 98 percent. This book is aimed at people who likely can't spell President Obama's name -- your typical Trump voter, in short. The title of this book has already been disproven in the last 100 days. Give it to your grouchy uncle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vikas shenoy
I haven't read this book yet but then neither have any of the one star reviewers. I noticed that all the 5 star reviews (except mine) were verified purchasers of this book while not a single one star went to the trouble of buying and reading the book. Obama's acolytes have learned well from him the arts of slander and deception.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A fantastic book that outlines Barack Obama's failures as a president, both economically and socially, he has pitted poor against rich, black against white, gay against straight, male against female and the list goes on with this identity politician.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have just started The Worst President in History and also looked at its over thousand footnotes of documentation, but I can say with confidence that I have already read more than the suspiciously numerous one star "reviewers" of this book have read. I was already familiar with some of the material in it from other sources, and my impression is that the book ranks with the best of historically documented books that were not popular in their time because of social taboos and political expediency.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david aretha
It has been said that ALL the criticism of Barack Obama was purely racist. In fact, it was only about 98 percent. This book is aimed at people who likely can't spell President Obama's name -- your typical Trump voter, in short. The title of this book has already been disproven in the last 100 days. Give it to your grouchy uncle.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa braun
I haven't read this book yet but then neither have any of the one star reviewers. I noticed that all the 5 star reviews (except mine) were verified purchasers of this book while not a single one star went to the trouble of buying and reading the book. Obama's acolytes have learned well from him the arts of slander and deception.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe montana
A fantastic book that outlines Barack Obama's failures as a president, both economically and socially, he has pitted poor against rich, black against white, gay against straight, male against female and the list goes on with this identity politician.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
eden henderson
A book designed to appeal to every disgruntled racist. The chapter on Obama's vacations alone are laughable in the reality of Trump's weekly trips to Florida costing American taxpayers an unprecedented amount of money to cover his security detail. Even the Office of Management and Budget had to put a fixed cost on this one line item. Trump has spent more on vacations in less than four months than Obama did in eight years.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ken liivik
Poorly written. Poorly edited. Even free is too dear a price for this claptrap. Honestly, with all the factual problems within this administration, why in the world did the myriad of authors decide to go with rumors, innuendo, and outright fake news? Don't bother.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ann quest
The truth is always hard to face. We always thought Jimmy Carter was the worst president in modern history.
Now, he's not even a close second. The Kenyan not only "changed the country forever", he destroyed any faith in government.
His race baitng, anti-Republican sentiment, looting the US Treasury to the tune of 15 trillion dollars,
and desire to split the country helped him achieve his goals. The country is now more divided than ever before.
No one know the whole truth about this guy, but there's plenty out there to judge his disgraceful behavior
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
maxine mumaugh
One of the WORST Books EVER! Worse than any other president? Not even one good thing to say? Completely biased. Matt would have done himself some good by taking my university critical thinking and writing class.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ria murray
The book has a lot of facts but it leaves a lot out. It is a good book if you hate Barack Obama. If you like him it is a good material to take a critical look at by doing your own research to see other factors like what had happened, what was going on and other aspects that tell the whole story of Barack Obama's administration. It is also a good book to look at the values of each party and how they differ. I found a lot of the recourses where conservative and was referred to as a liberal website when it is funded by several nonpartisan organizations.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
"The Worst President in History..." was clearly written from a painstaking effort to interpret and use "data". However, it is also clearly designed from a predetermined and divisive goal to produce a book to sway public opinion. From the present chief executive's approval ratings (the lowest in the history of such measurements, over several decades), it is clear that lessons offered by this book were not followed by the writer's own political party. This book will only appeal to those who already hold the opinion of the writer or a smaller group of people who are seriously misinformed.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Even more biased and based on false and sketchy claims at best - this is the most politically and personally biased book I've ever seen written about a president. The hatred and vitriol, the venom and fury, it's flies like spittle out of the mouth of a raging madman. Absolutely terrible for its shamelessly and hopelessly one-sided approach. Absolute ROT.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
dag aage mortensen
Haters will hate but no matter how many books of lies are published. The facts remain in the same and in these times of "alternative facts" that exist in Trumpworld. President Obama saved the American people from the economic depression that we were in. His administrations helped create jobs. He saved out auto industry by bailing them out and saving doing this, the American car industry boomed and ranked as #1. He has already been ranked 12th by historians as one of the BEST Presidents EVER! So many can hate like many hated President Lincoln during his time but that does not change history or how history has viewed our Former Presidents. And just an FYI, President Lincoln ranked #1 in history. So you can call us "snowflakes" but remember that when "snowflakes" come together, we create an AVALANCHE! ??❄️
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tiger gray
This author is out to get President Obama. Yes, he was not able to close GITMO, unfortunately.

Otherwise, a very biased book, not worth the reading -- unless you already are biased against President Obama.

Some people have trouble accepting intelligence when they find it. And President Obama was and is very intelligent. Unfortunately, the REPUBLICAN PARTY tried to hamper his effectiveness, even before he was elected!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nicole hanson
I think these boys have jumped the gun. They should have waited until the mid-term elections in 2018 to re-write their book. They would then have found the exact fit between the right candidate and the title of their book. Obama is a Socialist and he does not deny that fact. But Trump fancies himself to be a Capitalist, while being totally clueless as to what that entails. He is a Fascist by instinct and he was elected by those who, in turn, don't have a clue about the difference between a Fascist and a Capitalist.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
susannah goldstein
While I'm no fan of Mr 0, claiming he's worst is hyperbolic. He's no FDR, after all. He didn't put 140,000 Americans in concentration camps based on their ethnicity. He didn't promote eugenics and sterilization of Native Americans. He didn't attack German ships, an act of war that led to the Axis declaration against the US. He didn't attempt to pack the Court with six more Justices to rubberstamp his decisions, against even his own party's wishes. He hasn't appeared in public with a wife and mistress. He didn't outlaw ownership of gold, then by fiat double the official value, thus generating billions in mock wealth for the US. He didn't order the FBI to spy on waitresses in case they were prostitutes or enemy agents. He didn't create an entire police bureaucracy to enforce regulations at gunpoint, including what became DEA, ATF, the armed melon inspectors of the USDA and the SWAT teams who collect on student debt for the Dept of Education.

On the other hand, he's no Adams or Jefferson, either.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This is a hilarious book to read, given that it uses much of what Fox "News" and many other right-wing sources have "reported" as a take-off point, and then uses leaps in logic and assumptions about intent to deteriorate from there. If you like Fox "News," Shallow Sean and his Junk Journalism, and still believe that Obama swam over from Africa when he was 3 months old, then you will really like this book. Did Obama have some missteps and failures internationally? Of course, all Presidents do. Did he also have some great wins, and did he command the eventual respect of most world leaders? Yes, he did that, too. This book contains very little of that balance, and seems to flirt pretty indiscriminately with "alternative facts." Just because Fox News or some other organization or person says something or reports something, that's doesn't make WHAT they say's simply true that they said it. This book rarely makes such an important distinction. Neither, I might suppose, will the readers who decide this book is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The worst President was ever was, President Woodrow Wilson that signed the Federal Reserve Act into law, December 23, 1913. Notice that date. A bill signed into law while most of congress was on vacation leave. A bill that put private bankers in charge of the country's money. Put that in your book as a footnote. By the way, the worst president would be based on one's opinion. Now you got mine.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
carol bostian
If Margolis executed his craft as an architect with the same touch and skill he uses to deal with facts, it's no wonder he doesn't do it anymore. Buildings would fold in on themselves, much like this hastily confabulated house of cards. He delivers to his target audience exactly what they want: an assassination piece that starts with a morsel of truth and deep dives into unfounded assumptions and false conclusions as fact, logic and reason take a backseat to a muddled romp that belongs firmly in the realm of fiction. To be honest, I wish I knew how deeply unqualified Margolis and Noonan were before reading as it would've lessened the blow of how tragically awful the experience was. This was the Plan 9 from Outer Space of political diatribes.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
melissa dickson
Using phrases borrowed from icons like Al Gore "inconvenient truth" and claiming them is unacceptable. As we all know, climate change IS real and Barack Obama WAS highly respected on the world stage. Obama's measured temper, his thoughtful dialog, his expert knowledge and audacity to speak the truth about uncomfortable subjects set him apart. But mostly, his incredible ability to push forth legislation for healthcare was a great accomplishment, since he realized that a healthy citizenry is a productive one, a caring one. I would rate him as one of America's finest presidents. This book does nothing to further anyone's intelligence or knowledge of the facts.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
As a writer I believe you have a duty to be impartial and judge fairly. I read this and it's obvious the writer has a bias. My review is based upon this believe but perhaps this is too emotional an issue for me to be impartial. Time will tell if his presidency is a good one. I believe it was although I don't wear rose colored glasses and understand mistakes are made and people are human.

I can't wait for the author to write an UNBIASED view of Trump's presidency. I would buy a dozen copies.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kathy mcanulla
The content seems to be good. However, the ebook rendering is HORRIBLE. Section and pages are missing. Sections are blank as in no text. Some sections are shown in white backgroun underlined and impossible to read. How can I return this book?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
victor mehmeri
Another partisan hack doing a hit job. Written by an architectural engineer who founded "blogs for bush." Is it really any contest which president was worse? We are in no less than 5 endless wars. Barack Obama took over the helm of the titanic after it had already pinball off several icebergs. He was treated worse than any president in US history from the moment he was elected. And now he is being replaced by the guy who claimed he was an African-born radical Muslim. Stop creating the narratives you want to be true and gather information objectively. This partisan hackery divides all of us up against one another and during this last election, the president-elect never had to explain how he was going to make america great again. The recipe? The same cocktail that knocked America out during the Bush years: Tax cuts for the top .01%, combined with massive government spending on foolish programs (like building the great wall of Mexico). It's easy to find evidence for whatever you'd like to believe these days. Citing information does not substantiate the bogus premise of this book. These are the kinds of books that have retarded America into Pepsi vs Coke debates while the bankers foreclose on our homes and steal our pensions. While our sons are dying in multiple failed wars. Meanwhile, this partisan weenie can make the bogus claim that the sitting president has been the worst. He reduced our deficit, pulled us out of a recession, added jobs and kept us off the warpath. I used to not be able to get health care because of a heart condition. He is not without flaws and has made grave mistakes, for certain. But to elect him the worst president of all time? Not even close. George W wins by a landslide (which would be the first election he won)-- we don't need the supreme court to help us decide this one...
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mary latz
I thought it was irony, but it was actually serious. How did it get so many positive reviews is beyond me. It twisted events to interpret them negatively. For example, when arguing that Obama is a narcissist, one of the evidence was that he posted photos of himself with Rosa Parks. The author does not understand how black people celebrate notable figures of black history and tries to explain it away with his white perspective.
I regret using my kindle unlimited for this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
rosemary nissen wade
A book designed to appeal to every disgruntled racist. The chapter on Obama's vacations alone are laughable in the reality of Trump's weekly trips to Florida costing American taxpayers an unprecedented amount of money to cover his security detail. Even the Office of Management and Budget had to put a fixed cost on this one line item. Trump has spent more on vacations in less than four months than Obama did in eight years.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
suf sohel
Poorly written. Poorly edited. Even free is too dear a price for this claptrap. Honestly, with all the factual problems within this administration, why in the world did the myriad of authors decide to go with rumors, innuendo, and outright fake news? Don't bother.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The truth is always hard to face. We always thought Jimmy Carter was the worst president in modern history.
Now, he's not even a close second. The Kenyan not only "changed the country forever", he destroyed any faith in government.
His race baitng, anti-Republican sentiment, looting the US Treasury to the tune of 15 trillion dollars,
and desire to split the country helped him achieve his goals. The country is now more divided than ever before.
No one know the whole truth about this guy, but there's plenty out there to judge his disgraceful behavior
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
One of the WORST Books EVER! Worse than any other president? Not even one good thing to say? Completely biased. Matt would have done himself some good by taking my university critical thinking and writing class.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The book has a lot of facts but it leaves a lot out. It is a good book if you hate Barack Obama. If you like him it is a good material to take a critical look at by doing your own research to see other factors like what had happened, what was going on and other aspects that tell the whole story of Barack Obama's administration. It is also a good book to look at the values of each party and how they differ. I found a lot of the recourses where conservative and was referred to as a liberal website when it is funded by several nonpartisan organizations.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jessica vantielcke
"The Worst President in History..." was clearly written from a painstaking effort to interpret and use "data". However, it is also clearly designed from a predetermined and divisive goal to produce a book to sway public opinion. From the present chief executive's approval ratings (the lowest in the history of such measurements, over several decades), it is clear that lessons offered by this book were not followed by the writer's own political party. This book will only appeal to those who already hold the opinion of the writer or a smaller group of people who are seriously misinformed.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Even more biased and based on false and sketchy claims at best - this is the most politically and personally biased book I've ever seen written about a president. The hatred and vitriol, the venom and fury, it's flies like spittle out of the mouth of a raging madman. Absolutely terrible for its shamelessly and hopelessly one-sided approach. Absolute ROT.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Haters will hate but no matter how many books of lies are published. The facts remain in the same and in these times of "alternative facts" that exist in Trumpworld. President Obama saved the American people from the economic depression that we were in. His administrations helped create jobs. He saved out auto industry by bailing them out and saving doing this, the American car industry boomed and ranked as #1. He has already been ranked 12th by historians as one of the BEST Presidents EVER! So many can hate like many hated President Lincoln during his time but that does not change history or how history has viewed our Former Presidents. And just an FYI, President Lincoln ranked #1 in history. So you can call us "snowflakes" but remember that when "snowflakes" come together, we create an AVALANCHE! ??❄️
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This author is out to get President Obama. Yes, he was not able to close GITMO, unfortunately.

Otherwise, a very biased book, not worth the reading -- unless you already are biased against President Obama.

Some people have trouble accepting intelligence when they find it. And President Obama was and is very intelligent. Unfortunately, the REPUBLICAN PARTY tried to hamper his effectiveness, even before he was elected!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The book is certainly is a piece of s...t. Why? Because the title already enforces the reader that start thinking of Obama is worst president....One thing this stupid author lacks to understand and that is: It take a generation (i.e 30 years plus) to judge a president for what he has done and what he has not...and I am a Republican.....
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
crystal gosberg
I was here and politically active through Obama's entire two terms and he saved our economic asses, people. GWB left us in a freefall that was heading for a second Great Depression, and it's shameful that a book like this even got published. Sure, there are ways he could have been better, but he was working with the most obstructionist Congress in history. It should be classified as fiction, possibly even science fiction, and should still get less than a star. When Barack Obama took office we were losing 700,000 jobs every months and he oversaw about 7 straight years of job growth. He worked FOR America, unlike the current president who works only for himself. He rescued the auto industry from bankruptcy with a loan that was paid back in full by auto makers, while GWB's bank bailout was added to our debt. He cut the deficit in half. He secured weapons-grade uranium from dozens of countries and rebuilt our international reputation. Please don't buy this book and encourage this propaganda.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ian hind
This book was written to tell people a different story about a man in the white house. This book was not written by someone that knew first hand. What it wasn't by the president him self so no one truly knows what happened behind those close doors. This book is just a book of allegations by the author's opinion and some unknown facts. Everyone say that at one point that the worse president was this person or that person. We don't know the truth and everything that happens doesn't show the effects until after four years have gone by. Read the book for yourself so that you can have your own opinions and not others
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
If I could give it a zero star rating, I would. The worst book in history about a president that kept his morals and his cool.

Why is hate so prevalent in our world? Because of books like this.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kristin m in durham nc
There have been many U.S. Presidents in the history of the Republic. Several Presidential administrations were plagued by scandal, corruption, and controversy. A few Presidents faced impeachment or were forced out of office for supposedly high crimes or misdemeanors. Others, like Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression, were outright failures and not up to the task of addressing the avalanche of change and tidal waves sweeping past them.
Barrack Obama, in two terms, has been neither tainted by scandal or corruption. He inherited from his predecessor George W. Bush the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression and the horrendous costs of the failed and morally-bankrupt occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. The invasion and occupation of Iraq, a country which had done the U.S. no harm, will cost trillions and has given rise to ISIS – potentially a greater terrorist threat than Osama bin Laden.
Into this environment comes this ridiculous book published by two partisan Bush- apparatchiks that want to rewrite and distort history for some ulterior, partisan reason – perhaps to make money for themselves, arouse the Republican base in time for the election, or to take a stab at historical revisionism. By distorting Obama’s record with a smear campaign, they hope to uplift Bush’s historical standing. At the time Bush was leaving office with a 28% approval rating, 61% of historians rated G.W. Bush’s presidency the worst in history. In another informal survey of 109 professional historians, 98.2% judged the Bush presidency as a failure while a mere 1.8% classified it as a success. (See The Verdict is in: Guess Who’s the Worst President in US History, for a long list of W. Bush’s failures and wrong doings.)
Evaluating and ranking presidents can be a very subjective process. Why would readers want to rely on or, grant credibility to, such biased and partisan, non-historical sources as the authors of this book? These writers are not professional historians, but partisan political operatives. The book is totally distorted, spurious, and without merit – spin more than fact – and it will not meet the test of credibility or raise the notch for Bush in the eyes of respectable pundits and historians who tabulate the records and tally the scores. This book is junk and I give it a one star rating.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
danielle w
I ordered this e-book by mistake. Although it is listed here as an order, it has not been delivered to my Kindle. Just as well, I do not intend to read it. Nevertheless, the charges appear on my the store Visa online statement.. Can anything be done about this glitch in the system?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
emma bohrer
Bush and Wall Street left our economy in shambles, Obama helped it recover (despite relentless GOP sabotage), and Trump and his billionaire Goldman Sachs cabinet will rob us blind. Any questions? Trump begins his CROSSCHECK created "presidency" with a lousy 40% approval rating. And, it's all downhill from there. Also, as president, Bill Clinton set the Wall Street monsters loose, and Hillary Clinton was a horribly unlikable candidate.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
If you look at the backgrounds of these authors, they reveal a lot. One, a an architect wannabe but most likely lacking the skill or other talent, and another, a veteren who apparently left before he got full pension. A DD perhaps? Any real job prospects boys? No offers? Hey, how about writing an unprofessional altright diatribe? Get rich this way with "bigot bucks"! Brilliant! There're enough like-minded fools who will see this as the new Bible. The thing is, they are one president off either way. ( Skin color may be a big factor too.) ;)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Let me be clear, I have not read the content of this book and never will. But in light of the current Trump presidential administration, the title is utterly absurd. But that’s just my “biased” opinion, just like the biased title of this book. The title very likely tells you everything you need to know about the authors of this book, and the folks that would buy and read it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Presidential historians rank Obama in the top 10 greatest presidents. He could have done more if not for the obstructionist Republican congress. Republicans come in, destroy our country, the economy, get us into wars and massive debt, and time after time, it takes a Democratic president to come in and fix the mess. This book is shameful and really sad that it comes in high on Google search results. It's pure right wing propaganda.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa lawless
The book is certainly is a piece of s...t. Why? Because the title already enforces the reader that start thinking of Obama is worst president....One thing this stupid author lacks to understand and that is: It take a generation (i.e 30 years plus) to judge a president for what he has done and what he has not...and I am a Republican.....
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sungbae park
I was here and politically active through Obama's entire two terms and he saved our economic asses, people. GWB left us in a freefall that was heading for a second Great Depression, and it's shameful that a book like this even got published. Sure, there are ways he could have been better, but he was working with the most obstructionist Congress in history. It should be classified as fiction, possibly even science fiction, and should still get less than a star. When Barack Obama took office we were losing 700,000 jobs every months and he oversaw about 7 straight years of job growth. He worked FOR America, unlike the current president who works only for himself. He rescued the auto industry from bankruptcy with a loan that was paid back in full by auto makers, while GWB's bank bailout was added to our debt. He cut the deficit in half. He secured weapons-grade uranium from dozens of countries and rebuilt our international reputation. Please don't buy this book and encourage this propaganda.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book was written to tell people a different story about a man in the white house. This book was not written by someone that knew first hand. What it wasn't by the president him self so no one truly knows what happened behind those close doors. This book is just a book of allegations by the author's opinion and some unknown facts. Everyone say that at one point that the worse president was this person or that person. We don't know the truth and everything that happens doesn't show the effects until after four years have gone by. Read the book for yourself so that you can have your own opinions and not others
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
erin ruff
If I could give it a zero star rating, I would. The worst book in history about a president that kept his morals and his cool.

Why is hate so prevalent in our world? Because of books like this.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
bill telfer
There have been many U.S. Presidents in the history of the Republic. Several Presidential administrations were plagued by scandal, corruption, and controversy. A few Presidents faced impeachment or were forced out of office for supposedly high crimes or misdemeanors. Others, like Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression, were outright failures and not up to the task of addressing the avalanche of change and tidal waves sweeping past them.
Barrack Obama, in two terms, has been neither tainted by scandal or corruption. He inherited from his predecessor George W. Bush the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression and the horrendous costs of the failed and morally-bankrupt occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. The invasion and occupation of Iraq, a country which had done the U.S. no harm, will cost trillions and has given rise to ISIS – potentially a greater terrorist threat than Osama bin Laden.
Into this environment comes this ridiculous book published by two partisan Bush- apparatchiks that want to rewrite and distort history for some ulterior, partisan reason – perhaps to make money for themselves, arouse the Republican base in time for the election, or to take a stab at historical revisionism. By distorting Obama’s record with a smear campaign, they hope to uplift Bush’s historical standing. At the time Bush was leaving office with a 28% approval rating, 61% of historians rated G.W. Bush’s presidency the worst in history. In another informal survey of 109 professional historians, 98.2% judged the Bush presidency as a failure while a mere 1.8% classified it as a success. (See The Verdict is in: Guess Who’s the Worst President in US History, for a long list of W. Bush’s failures and wrong doings.)
Evaluating and ranking presidents can be a very subjective process. Why would readers want to rely on or, grant credibility to, such biased and partisan, non-historical sources as the authors of this book? These writers are not professional historians, but partisan political operatives. The book is totally distorted, spurious, and without merit – spin more than fact – and it will not meet the test of credibility or raise the notch for Bush in the eyes of respectable pundits and historians who tabulate the records and tally the scores. This book is junk and I give it a one star rating.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
crystal curry
I ordered this e-book by mistake. Although it is listed here as an order, it has not been delivered to my Kindle. Just as well, I do not intend to read it. Nevertheless, the charges appear on my the store Visa online statement.. Can anything be done about this glitch in the system?
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