The Nine Virtues That Made Our Nation Great--and Why We Need Them More Than Ever

ByEric Bolling

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm really thankful Eric took the time to write this book. It reminds us all of the work and sacrifice it took to keep us safe and free and to be thankful we were born in this country. God bless Eric and God bless America.
Recommend for everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wendy cornelisen
It was fascinating to read a book with such insight but it kind of scared me. Excellent analysis and easy to interpret (the parts I read). Didn't see any ego by the writer simply his thought provoking thoughts. Highly Recommend regardless of how ONE feels about the writer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sridhar v
It was fascinating to read a book with such insight but it kind of scared me. Excellent analysis and easy to interpret (the parts I read). Didn't see any ego by the writer simply his thought provoking thoughts. Highly Recommend regardless of how ONE feels about the writer.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jen mackinnon
Important book at a critical time. Eric is an American who cares about what is happening to his Country. The liberals continue to take steps to dismantle the fabric of America. The objective of D. Gray and E. Normus is simply to reduce the interest in this powerful book. They must be frightened bleeding heart liberals. Read this book and stay strong America!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
victoria taveras
Eric Bolling has written a clear, insightful, excellent work on what made America great. He writes very clearly about what makes America great in a world of chaos and despotism. It's a clear call to wake up before we lose the America we all love. Well done!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kari ruport
This is a real wake up call for all Americans of any age. Eric Bolling reminds us of how our country achieved greatness through simple virtues and tells the younger people how to turn around this nation to to avoid tragedy and set us back on the upward path.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow. This is a great book, and extremely well written. This book contains a lot of knowledge which all Americans need to be aware of, and consider. This is Eric Bolling at his best - which is quite great. I definitely recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Eric Bolling bared his soul and didn't mince words about what is wrong with the left. He properly articulates what is wrong with our great country. Why? Because he cares about righting our rudderless ship and why we must regain our international dominance! If some of us keep on drinking the Koolaide , we're doomed! If you want to to get on the bandwagon and learn about how we can once again get our act together, you have to read this book! Tick, tock! Time is moving on! It's your choice!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate hater
Wow. This is a great book, and extremely well written. This book contains a lot of knowledge which all Americans need to be aware of, and consider. This is Eric Bolling at his best - which is quite great. I definitely recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Eric Bolling bared his soul and didn't mince words about what is wrong with the left. He properly articulates what is wrong with our great country. Why? Because he cares about righting our rudderless ship and why we must regain our international dominance! If some of us keep on drinking the Koolaide , we're doomed! If you want to to get on the bandwagon and learn about how we can once again get our act together, you have to read this book! Tick, tock! Time is moving on! It's your choice!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ganta rakesh
Your chapter on Dominion sucks. I was so into the book until then. I have 4 dogs and three cats. I also have a daughter. I love them all so much. How dare you insult me by telling me my animals aren't my children too. Shame on you a Eric. They are God's creatures and deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness just as much as humans do. Animals were not put on this earth for human exploitation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jonathan kemp
I’m not a conservative, but I have to agree with a whole lot of Bolling’s arguments. American boys are being sissified by too much coddling, while at the same time they get suspended from school for having the wrong haircut. We complain about child obesity, but then we eliminate outdoor recess because the kids may get hurt. Now we’re eliminating football because that could hurt them too. Don’t forget the elimination of the “winning” team, because kids shouldn’t have to take losing. Every kid gets a trophy.

Eric Bolling argues that the “liberals” of the USA, many of them from Hollywood, are really assaulting liberty through political correctness. You can’t say “man up” anymore because it’s sexist, and boys are forced to give up normal pastimes that boys do in favor of sissy ones. Then he talks about how the media portrays Kaitlyn Jenner as a hero, while at the same time it ignores gay teens who risk getting beating up by coming out. Jenner already has a load of money, and family support, and media support, so what exactly was her “hardship?”

Each chapter covers a trait that made this country great, all of which are being eroded. Manliness is disappearing, thrift is considered selfish, grit is considered too harsh, and any desire for profit is called greed. He uses Bill Clinton as an example of this; the former president talks about “giving,” while at the same time shamelessly promoting himself for profit. He takes million dollar fees for speeches that bash US politicians, unlike Truman, who turned down all offers to profit from his days in the White House.

Hillary Clinton doesn’t escape either. Bolling disagrees with the idea of Hillary as a role model for the independent woman, seeing as her whole career depended on her husband. Her husband, btw, used his job to have affairs with younger White House staff, while she used his presidency to elbow her way into the spotlight.

All of these great virtues; manliness, grit, meritocracy, thrift, profit, and providence; they’re being demonized. Bolling points to Margaret Thatcher, the British PM, as an example of why feminism doesn’t work; she used her image as a woman to stand out on all issues. She said “being powerful is a lot like being a woman-if you have to prove that you are, you probably are not.” Now look at the politicians we have now, bashing each other while accomplishing nothing. Thatcher used to say that anyone who could run a household could run a nation, and I’m inclined to agree. I wonder how many politicians can balance their food budget? If they can’t, don’t trust them with your tax dollars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed the book "Wake Up America". I particularly appreciate the tribute to Eric's Uncle at the end of the book because I am a Navy Vietnam Vet. The principles of good conservative thinking are clear and easy to understand in the book. My Wife urged me to buy the book which was a great decision.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jordan peters
The sad part of these reviews are that the one stats reflect liberal HATE people who scream equality and safe zones to feed their sensiriveity to reality.
Not a one if these people bought or read this book and it is a shame the store doesn't do a better job of screening these reviews. People should have a purchase through their the store accounts before they can review these. It is a dishonor to the authors who worked hard on these books
Of liberalsxwant to hate and live in their little Barbie make believe world, fine... Stop attacking everyone who disagrees with you just because you can.
This is a good book and displays very well the liberal brainwashing happening in our colleges. I had no,idea what happened to my daughter when she went to NY COLLEGE. Bitvsge came back a head strong liberal who criticised everything said that she disagrees with. We can no longer debate or discuss politics. Wevfearvuf We do... We will denouncecour relationship and that's so very sad. She refuses to explain to me how it why she thinks as she does. Makes no sense, I just want to understand.
None the less. She is a great person and I dontvwant to lose her. But I strongly encourages parents 2 think twice about where they send their kids to college. Of they insist on a liberal one, then make them pay for it because youveill lose your closeness to your child this book would have been helpful. We could have saved 10s of thousands and still had our reasonable daughter. I fear we will be long dead before she gets it. Thank God her brother stayed home and went to trade school. Making three times what she is and cost a third of what she cost us
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wake Up America: The Nine Virtues That Made Our Nation Great—and Why We Need Them More Than Ever, by Eric Bolling, contains a plethora of knowledge. The research in this book is superb!

If you love God, America, and the US flag, support our troops and traditional marriage, are against Planned Parenthood and frustrated with losing the American Dream, and do not like Obama (I am a mix GOP, so spare me the race card, those of you who were thinking of going that route), then read this book. It offers the naked truth in a variety of situations. For these reasons, I give the book five stars. I will be reading it again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abby urbano
Fantastic read from a true American patriot. From the love of our country to the strength of its people, Eric has got it all covered in this book! I especially loved the essays in masculinity! Thanks, Eric!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt sides
A very good read. He begins by giving the reader a terrifyingly vivid picture of what our country will be like once Hillary takes office. It will shake you to your core if you're not a liberal. Then he begins with his nine virtues that we need to put back into our country to make it great again. It is very common sense logic along with some personal experiences he's had that illustrate what he's trying to convey.

This is a book I will re-read over and over. I just hope American voters will listen to what Bolling is saying before it's too late.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
will oxtoby
A true wake up call for those meandering in the maze of mediocrity. This book is built on nine core values that have withstood the test of time. Sadly large segments of our nation have become infected by a toxic cancer and this book provides the remedy. Well done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth gillis smith
Great book, well written, well organized and objective. My review title says it all. Eric Bolling is a true conservative first who became successful thru hard work. This book is about the ideals and principles that made this country great and I consider quite moderate in tone and content. naturally libs will lie, and spin, about anything slightly considered patriotic, like his book. The bad reviews are leftists who attack conservatives and conservatism, that is their obsession so don't expect objectivity or reason from them. I doubt very much that any of these leftist liberals read the book much less bought it. Well done Eric and looking for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
To be honest, I was a little surprised at my reaction to this audiobook. It's Eric in my ear, and he's saying stuff that I know to be true, and I'm kind of thrilled that Someone is saying it all out the same moment , I'm a little nervous that someone might hear what I'm listening to and I'll get embroiled in an argument with a liberal as I'm finding myself quickly becoming anti-progressive and most dubious about the entire package of progressive crap that I've been spoon fed my whole life. After reading Hillarys America by Dinesh D'Souza, reading THIS book Has been another excellent wake up call to me . In a very candid conveyance of one mans personal, and very poignant memoir ,this book reiterates common concerns we all have, and names the values we hope to pass on to our children . Bolling is honest and clear, and I am so glad I chose this book to hear/read it's a reminder of why I should be proud to be an American I will have to get over my effusive reaction of the book, so I can calmly tell everyone to read this book AND Hillary's America . some of us life long democrats are being surprised by what is being revealed, and ashamed of what we have missed . Great book. Great job Eric
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a must read especially for the millennial generation. The opening chapter where it theorized what it would be like in the Clinton administration was horrific in that it was too close to what could have happened. He wrote about what I am seeing in today's world in very simple terms.

I borrowed my copy as an audiobook from the library but I think I'm going to buy one for my kids.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kirsten bishop
I gave this book five stars because of the accuracy and truths it contained. It was we l l thought out and I believe gives the reader a sometimes frightening glimpse of what America's future could be, However, the book also shows us by telling us how we can through a United change avoid these otherwise bleak ends. Before we can expect positive changes in America, we the people in America must change positively. Extremely good read. I would recommend to all.
Jerry F.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
simone cynthia
There is nothing original in this book. It is another rehash of what a good conservative should be and look like. It is definitely not a page turner & I only made it to chapter 4 because of all of the rhetorical one sided banter. I found the book laborious.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m taylor
With everything that is going on in the world today, I can't think of a more appropriate time for Eric Bolling's "Wake Up America" to be relevant! The country is in trouble, especially if the super liberals keep attempting to call the shots with their agendas. The super liberals are offended by everything, and want nothing but free hand outs.

On top of this, more so than ever, we are seeing a lack of pride in our country. With everything that's going on with this years election, I can't tell you how many things I have seen (like videos of people burning the US flag, waving the Mexican flag, and committing other signs of disrespect all WHILE LIVING HERE) that have made me feel like the country is in trouble.

We CAN be great again, but we need to take action... and "Wake Up America" is a wonderful starting point!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
megan graham
I know that this book wasn't written for me. I read it because a member of our Men's Book Club recommended it. I did read the whole book. I had 21 pages of copied material from the book when we met. The sources used were not credible (e.g., Breitbart News). The offensive capitalization of liberal and equating liberalism in America with socialism is not accurate or justified. There is a section that claims that conservatives are more generous with contributions to charities than liberals, citing a discredited study and not mentioning the MIT study that shows that, excluding religious contributions (which are not all contributions to charities), there is no difference in the generosity of liberals and conservatives. There are many instances, but you get the idea. If you want affirmation (without justification) for your political viewpoint, buy and read the book and feel good about your political views. If you want to know about what made America what it is, then read Samuel Huntington's American Politics; The Promise of Disharmony or Everett Carll Ladd's The American Ideology. Either book provides a better understanding than Bolling's polemic.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Your chapter on Dominion sucks. I was so into the book until then. I have 4 dogs and three cats. I also have a daughter. I love them all so much. How dare you insult me by telling me my animals aren't my children too. Shame on you a Eric. They are God's creatures and deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness just as much as humans do. Animals were not put on this earth for human exploitation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I’m not a conservative, but I have to agree with a whole lot of Bolling’s arguments. American boys are being sissified by too much coddling, while at the same time they get suspended from school for having the wrong haircut. We complain about child obesity, but then we eliminate outdoor recess because the kids may get hurt. Now we’re eliminating football because that could hurt them too. Don’t forget the elimination of the “winning” team, because kids shouldn’t have to take losing. Every kid gets a trophy.

Eric Bolling argues that the “liberals” of the USA, many of them from Hollywood, are really assaulting liberty through political correctness. You can’t say “man up” anymore because it’s sexist, and boys are forced to give up normal pastimes that boys do in favor of sissy ones. Then he talks about how the media portrays Kaitlyn Jenner as a hero, while at the same time it ignores gay teens who risk getting beating up by coming out. Jenner already has a load of money, and family support, and media support, so what exactly was her “hardship?”

Each chapter covers a trait that made this country great, all of which are being eroded. Manliness is disappearing, thrift is considered selfish, grit is considered too harsh, and any desire for profit is called greed. He uses Bill Clinton as an example of this; the former president talks about “giving,” while at the same time shamelessly promoting himself for profit. He takes million dollar fees for speeches that bash US politicians, unlike Truman, who turned down all offers to profit from his days in the White House.

Hillary Clinton doesn’t escape either. Bolling disagrees with the idea of Hillary as a role model for the independent woman, seeing as her whole career depended on her husband. Her husband, btw, used his job to have affairs with younger White House staff, while she used his presidency to elbow her way into the spotlight.

All of these great virtues; manliness, grit, meritocracy, thrift, profit, and providence; they’re being demonized. Bolling points to Margaret Thatcher, the British PM, as an example of why feminism doesn’t work; she used her image as a woman to stand out on all issues. She said “being powerful is a lot like being a woman-if you have to prove that you are, you probably are not.” Now look at the politicians we have now, bashing each other while accomplishing nothing. Thatcher used to say that anyone who could run a household could run a nation, and I’m inclined to agree. I wonder how many politicians can balance their food budget? If they can’t, don’t trust them with your tax dollars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diana oana
This is a fine book. Author Bolling exposes and disparages Obama's socialist-muslim disregard for America's "unique place in the world." Considering that he'd been taught by everyone around him there is "nothing exceptional about America," no wonder this ostensible "American" believed every bit of it before coming into office.

Sadly, anyone now falling for this absurd criminal Clinton either had never been paying attention or bought Osama-Obama's heresy all along. No other excuse, though it's more-than-likely than latter.

I'll add that despite the National Review slamming Trump, WFB, Jr. would have approved of him -- while administering a 5-Star Review of this fine book. RIP
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mindy worley
I really enjoyed the book "Wake Up America". I particularly appreciate the tribute to Eric's Uncle at the end of the book because I am a Navy Vietnam Vet. The principles of good conservative thinking are clear and easy to understand in the book. My Wife urged me to buy the book which was a great decision.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael harrel
The sad part of these reviews are that the one stats reflect liberal HATE people who scream equality and safe zones to feed their sensiriveity to reality.
Not a one if these people bought or read this book and it is a shame the store doesn't do a better job of screening these reviews. People should have a purchase through their the store accounts before they can review these. It is a dishonor to the authors who worked hard on these books
Of liberalsxwant to hate and live in their little Barbie make believe world, fine... Stop attacking everyone who disagrees with you just because you can.
This is a good book and displays very well the liberal brainwashing happening in our colleges. I had no,idea what happened to my daughter when she went to NY COLLEGE. Bitvsge came back a head strong liberal who criticised everything said that she disagrees with. We can no longer debate or discuss politics. Wevfearvuf We do... We will denouncecour relationship and that's so very sad. She refuses to explain to me how it why she thinks as she does. Makes no sense, I just want to understand.
None the less. She is a great person and I dontvwant to lose her. But I strongly encourages parents 2 think twice about where they send their kids to college. Of they insist on a liberal one, then make them pay for it because youveill lose your closeness to your child this book would have been helpful. We could have saved 10s of thousands and still had our reasonable daughter. I fear we will be long dead before she gets it. Thank God her brother stayed home and went to trade school. Making three times what she is and cost a third of what she cost us
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danika landers
Wake Up America: The Nine Virtues That Made Our Nation Great—and Why We Need Them More Than Ever, by Eric Bolling, contains a plethora of knowledge. The research in this book is superb!

If you love God, America, and the US flag, support our troops and traditional marriage, are against Planned Parenthood and frustrated with losing the American Dream, and do not like Obama (I am a mix GOP, so spare me the race card, those of you who were thinking of going that route), then read this book. It offers the naked truth in a variety of situations. For these reasons, I give the book five stars. I will be reading it again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
doug mcclain
Fantastic read from a true American patriot. From the love of our country to the strength of its people, Eric has got it all covered in this book! I especially loved the essays in masculinity! Thanks, Eric!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan b
A very good read. He begins by giving the reader a terrifyingly vivid picture of what our country will be like once Hillary takes office. It will shake you to your core if you're not a liberal. Then he begins with his nine virtues that we need to put back into our country to make it great again. It is very common sense logic along with some personal experiences he's had that illustrate what he's trying to convey.

This is a book I will re-read over and over. I just hope American voters will listen to what Bolling is saying before it's too late.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary fagan
A true wake up call for those meandering in the maze of mediocrity. This book is built on nine core values that have withstood the test of time. Sadly large segments of our nation have become infected by a toxic cancer and this book provides the remedy. Well done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book, well written, well organized and objective. My review title says it all. Eric Bolling is a true conservative first who became successful thru hard work. This book is about the ideals and principles that made this country great and I consider quite moderate in tone and content. naturally libs will lie, and spin, about anything slightly considered patriotic, like his book. The bad reviews are leftists who attack conservatives and conservatism, that is their obsession so don't expect objectivity or reason from them. I doubt very much that any of these leftist liberals read the book much less bought it. Well done Eric and looking for the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aleksandar ma a ev
To be honest, I was a little surprised at my reaction to this audiobook. It's Eric in my ear, and he's saying stuff that I know to be true, and I'm kind of thrilled that Someone is saying it all out the same moment , I'm a little nervous that someone might hear what I'm listening to and I'll get embroiled in an argument with a liberal as I'm finding myself quickly becoming anti-progressive and most dubious about the entire package of progressive crap that I've been spoon fed my whole life. After reading Hillarys America by Dinesh D'Souza, reading THIS book Has been another excellent wake up call to me . In a very candid conveyance of one mans personal, and very poignant memoir ,this book reiterates common concerns we all have, and names the values we hope to pass on to our children . Bolling is honest and clear, and I am so glad I chose this book to hear/read it's a reminder of why I should be proud to be an American I will have to get over my effusive reaction of the book, so I can calmly tell everyone to read this book AND Hillary's America . some of us life long democrats are being surprised by what is being revealed, and ashamed of what we have missed . Great book. Great job Eric
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fox News contributor Eric Bolling has written a fascinating book in WAKE UP AMERICA. I listened to the audio book cover to cover. With my conservative bent, I found the opening chapter frightening because Bolling imagined what January 2017 would be like if Hillary Clinton was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. The account while fictional was detailed about the possible members of her cabinet and what they would do as they took over the leadership of America.

This book details nine key virtues for America and why we need them in our country. I found the storytelling well-done and combined with interesting statistics and facts. Bolling presents a stirring reminder for us to cherish our historical values and to wake up to the leftist agenda. I enjoyed hearing this audio book and recommend it.

W. Terry Whalin is an editor and the author of more than 60 books from traditional publishers including his latest Billy Graham: A Biography of America's Greatest Evangelist
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chainsaw draney
This is a must read especially for the millennial generation. The opening chapter where it theorized what it would be like in the Clinton administration was horrific in that it was too close to what could have happened. He wrote about what I am seeing in today's world in very simple terms.

I borrowed my copy as an audiobook from the library but I think I'm going to buy one for my kids.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I gave this book five stars because of the accuracy and truths it contained. It was we l l thought out and I believe gives the reader a sometimes frightening glimpse of what America's future could be, However, the book also shows us by telling us how we can through a United change avoid these otherwise bleak ends. Before we can expect positive changes in America, we the people in America must change positively. Extremely good read. I would recommend to all.
Jerry F.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
nan pitcher
There is nothing original in this book. It is another rehash of what a good conservative should be and look like. It is definitely not a page turner & I only made it to chapter 4 because of all of the rhetorical one sided banter. I found the book laborious.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We puchased this book for are whole family to read there are 4 of us ranging from 58 to 91 years of age. It has certainly been hard for us to read all at once but it has worked out as a great read & as soon as 1 person puts it down another 1 picks it up. Thank You Eric PS I did try to get a signed copy 4 my 91 yr old Mother but we couldn't win 1 4 her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa jenio
This was a quick exciting read! A great book that presents facts about our country and the fate that may behold it. This book will leave you inspired to take America back and fight the liberal progressive agenda. This should be a must read for every college student!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachael lada something
I enjoyed your book (audio) and am just finishing my second listen in the truck.

Agree with well over 95%, but as a fly over country hunter, shooting the Cape Gerardeau deer with a bow at 85 yards, needs to be cleared up.

I share many similar memories growing up, less so involving sports.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
rebecca mckanna
Time for you and Hannity to wake up Bolling. With his attack on conservatives who opposed RyanCare because it DID NOT REPEAL OBAMACARE THAT TRUMP PROMISED TO DO, DONALD TRUMP HAS QUICKLY BECOME THE BIGGEST CREATURE IN THE SWAMP HE PROMISED US HE WOULD DRAIN.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ankit singh
I'm giving this book a 1 star rating because it starts off with an utterly false claim. The fact is that some of the things he lists as virtues aren't actually virtues at all. Not to say that they may not be good but the fact of the matter is that when you start off with a lie nothing else you say can be taken seriously

1. Grit: Grit is good, not a problem at all. At least in my view it represents courage. So why not just say Courage?

2. Manliness: I agree, men should be manly. So are women to be manly as well? Over half the population is male, we are likely to have a woman President very soon and on the opposite side of the aisle we've had viable women candidates as well. Why not something more specific about what makes manliness a good thing?

3. Individualism: Another good thing, but exactly how does my individualism help the country as a whole. Individualism at it's worst is nothing more than selfishness...not so good

4. Merit: Okay, merit means being good. It's good to be good at something but how does this fit in the area of making the country great? Is it to have a Meritocracy? I'm sort of thinking that it really isn't given some of the anti-elite views I see expressed

5. Profit: Profit is neither good nor bad. Making a profit by adding value to the society and the consumer is a good thing. Making profit by creating a real estate bubble that nearly bankrupts the country is a very bad thing. Making a profit selling useful goods and services is great, profiting from running a protection racket and selling illicit drugs is very bad.

6. Providence: Sort of runs afoul of the 1st Amendment but for the target audience this probably isn't a problem

7. Dominion over our environment: Let's see... earthquake in Oklahoma, flooding in Louisiana, hurricane off the East Coast. When did we ever had "dominion over our enviroment?

8. Thrift: Thrift is good, I like thrift.....

9. Pride in our country: Is something stopping you from having pride in your country? Are you going to make it a thought crime to not be proud of your country?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a fine book. Author Bolling exposes and disparages Obama's socialist-muslim disregard for America's "unique place in the world." Considering that he'd been taught by everyone around him there is "nothing exceptional about America," no wonder this ostensible "American" believed every bit of it before coming into office.

Sadly, anyone now falling for this absurd criminal Clinton either had never been paying attention or bought Osama-Obama's heresy all along. No other excuse, though it's more-than-likely than latter.

I'll add that despite the National Review slamming Trump, WFB, Jr. would have approved of him -- while administering a 5-Star Review of this fine book. RIP
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
barbara falkiner
Not a thinking person's book. Before the first chapter is over, Eric Bolling has the Left (always capitalized to suggest menace) and a Hillary Clinton administration conspiring to confiscate the guns of all law-abiding Americans under the guise of a national emergency. After a howler like that, whatever your politics, how is it possible to take seriously anything else the man has to say?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book is almost the very definition of right wing authoritarianism. If you want someone to tell you that what you think is right, this book is for you, but of you want to learn how to think better about issues, a much better read is [...]. If 9th grade was tough, then buy Bolling, but if you want to learn something about critical thinking- read Altemeyer. Also, a more updated book with more research is https://smile.the
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Everything is opinion wise, which is good because everyone has a different opinion. If you are a conservative, this is the book FOR YOU. It has everything you already know, positions a conservative should have. If you are a liberal, of course you will laught at it and won't like it. If you a re neither and just in the middle, you will hate it. Especially if you are openin minded, the book is super bias.

On the back it has acknowledgements from known super BIAS people like HANNITY and Mark Levin. Conservative buy it, but you won't learn anything you know you are been though by Fox News.

Liberal well of course won't buy it
Radom hardworking open minded citizen? Nope don't buy it. It's a waste unless you want to get to know the bias and maybe have a good laught
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
melissa munoz
If I could give a negative star rating I would. Eric Bolling is a coward. He can dish it out but can't take criticism for his public statements. He is an unabashed America Firster the likes of which we haven't seen since pre-WWII. He is a nativist ethnocentric capitalist pig.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
yol nda
Simply put: this book is infantile. It draws it's "nine virtues" from a Hollywood, water-downed version of American history.

Bolling, who gained such great insights of American history from being a commodities trader on Wall Street, follows the well-worn conservative pundit path of cashing in on his fleeting FoxNews fame to make a quick buck by pandering to his viewers in book form. There must be a center deep in the bowels of publishing houses in this country that have chimpanzees angrily banging their fists on word processors who are programmed to use the same phrases over and over again. "Freedom," "Individuality," "American Exceptionalism," and of course, the always eye-roll worthy screed of kooky reactionaries, the eponymous "Wake Up America."

If you've read any FoxNews talking head's book in the last 20 years, then you've read this book. Those chimps may be angry, but they can still earn their "authors" a pretty penny writing this month's edition of conservative mad-libs ("The country used to be _____, and now it's _<somthing worse>___, because of ___<fill in conservative's enemy du jour.>__. Wake up America!")
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
eric boe
Typical "In Praise of Predatory Capitalism" which has ruined the infrastructure and ecological development of this
country. It seeks to cement the planet into one big Walmart mall, in order to make it look like the planet Venus:The
primary objective of the New World Order.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
susan blythe goodman
Pretty boy looks like a Communist mole to me. This is the way the Commies get to us: have one of their moles work for our media (in this case FOX) and have him pretend to be a great patriot. Then write a book that pretends to help us, but in fact will undermine Christian America.

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
dhanu amanda
The NYMEX and FOX right wing sobber spreading hate for the ages - code name is basher bolling. What else from a true "patriot" who thinks he deserves everything no matter the cost and who he runs over.
Clean your own houses before you try to "wake up anyone". Still selling your right wing audiences bigotry and racism along with anything they want to hear. The false fact man!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Not a thinking person's book. Before the first chapter is over, Eric Bolling has the Left (always capitalized to suggest menace) and a Hillary Clinton administration conspiring to confiscate the guns of all law-abiding Americans under the guise of a national emergency. After a howler like that, whatever your politics, how is it possible to take seriously anything else the man has to say?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
karen faber
This book is almost the very definition of right wing authoritarianism. If you want someone to tell you that what you think is right, this book is for you, but of you want to learn how to think better about issues, a much better read is [...]. If 9th grade was tough, then buy Bolling, but if you want to learn something about critical thinking- read Altemeyer. Also, a more updated book with more research is https://smile.the
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
chelsea murray
Everything is opinion wise, which is good because everyone has a different opinion. If you are a conservative, this is the book FOR YOU. It has everything you already know, positions a conservative should have. If you are a liberal, of course you will laught at it and won't like it. If you a re neither and just in the middle, you will hate it. Especially if you are openin minded, the book is super bias.

On the back it has acknowledgements from known super BIAS people like HANNITY and Mark Levin. Conservative buy it, but you won't learn anything you know you are been though by Fox News.

Liberal well of course won't buy it
Radom hardworking open minded citizen? Nope don't buy it. It's a waste unless you want to get to know the bias and maybe have a good laught
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
alice lowry
If I could give a negative star rating I would. Eric Bolling is a coward. He can dish it out but can't take criticism for his public statements. He is an unabashed America Firster the likes of which we haven't seen since pre-WWII. He is a nativist ethnocentric capitalist pig.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
marianne morgan
Simply put: this book is infantile. It draws it's "nine virtues" from a Hollywood, water-downed version of American history.

Bolling, who gained such great insights of American history from being a commodities trader on Wall Street, follows the well-worn conservative pundit path of cashing in on his fleeting FoxNews fame to make a quick buck by pandering to his viewers in book form. There must be a center deep in the bowels of publishing houses in this country that have chimpanzees angrily banging their fists on word processors who are programmed to use the same phrases over and over again. "Freedom," "Individuality," "American Exceptionalism," and of course, the always eye-roll worthy screed of kooky reactionaries, the eponymous "Wake Up America."

If you've read any FoxNews talking head's book in the last 20 years, then you've read this book. Those chimps may be angry, but they can still earn their "authors" a pretty penny writing this month's edition of conservative mad-libs ("The country used to be _____, and now it's _<somthing worse>___, because of ___<fill in conservative's enemy du jour.>__. Wake up America!")
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kibbie jensen
Typical "In Praise of Predatory Capitalism" which has ruined the infrastructure and ecological development of this
country. It seeks to cement the planet into one big Walmart mall, in order to make it look like the planet Venus:The
primary objective of the New World Order.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Bible quotes? Really? In a book ostensibly about politics. Hey Mr. Constitution! There's supposed to be a separation between church and state and you quote the bible continually (and entirely out of context) Everybody does have one book in them it seems. Dribble.
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