Under Pressure: An Anthology (Body Armor)

ByLori Foster

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amir mojiry
Leese didn't start out as the good guy in the beginning but he turned himself around. He proved to the the other MMA men and woman that he can be trusted and counted on. I'm glad he got his own story in this new bodyguard series. He was given the task of guarding Catalina. Leese doesn't believe in mixing his job with pleasure but there is a chemistry between them that is proving to be harder to ignore.. Cat doesn't want to trust Leese because her life is on the line. Everyone who was supposed to be on her side betrayed her. She doesn't know if he sincere or not. Leese needs to prove to her that he isn't going to leave and he and the company will unravel the tangled web she is woven in. The book has suspense, sex, love, and some the old crew to show their loyalty. This book wants for nothing. I'm exited to read the next book in the series. "I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Catalina has a secret...a big one. Feeling betrayed by her family and knowing her life is in danger, she goes on the run. The last thing she needs is a bodyguard hired by her family. No way is she going to trust him. Leese has a job to do, and Catalina is making it difficult. He wants to protect her, but all she wants is to ditch him. She definitely doesn't want to share how big and dangerous her secret really is. Leese isn't about to give up. Catalina will be under his watch whether she wants it or not. He is going to keep her safe even if he had to protect her from the very man who hired him.

I've got to say that I love Leese. He is one of my favorite characters from this author's Ultimate series. Catalina was completely perfect for him. It looks like this series is going to rank right up there with Ultimate for me. I can't wait to read more!

I received an ARC from Net Galley for honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wowzer!! What a fantastic start to this series. This book captured my interest from the very beginning. It is intriguing and kept me wondering what was going to happen. I couldn't put it down. The plot is unique and only something Lori could come up with. I love that about her books, they aren't the typical romance stories.

I've liked Leese since he was introduced in the Ultimate Series and have loved watching his transformation. I loved Cat's strength and independence, even in the face of danger. When these two meet, you feel the instant attraction, but more so the connection. The chemistry is off the charts between Leese and Cat, you can feel the sparks flying. This book is hot, sexy, witty and action packed.

And I absolutely loved having the characters from the Ultimate Series make appearances. I'm excited for this series!!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Hot Pursuit (A Hostile Operations Team Novel - Book 1) :: No Limits (An Ultimate Novel) :: Fighting Dirty: An MMA Romance (Ultimate Book 4) :: Trace of Fever (Edge of Honor) :: Dash of Peril (Love Undercover)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
“Under Pressure” it’s a very promising start for the new romantic suspense series “Body Armor” by Lori Foster.

The Body Armor is a private agency which provides professional bodyguards to clients who request them. The owner Sahara took over everything after her brother’s loss, which occurred in a tragic way and full of mystery.

Sahara thinks about herself as a “mercenary bitch”, in her agency are hired persons perfectly trained, confidential, but prepared to do anything to defend their clients, loyal to the death. Sahara is smart and very good at managing her business, but also tough and able to deal personally with people of all types. Se also thought of adding a personal touch to her Body Armor: why not recruit former MMA fighters, but also gorgeous? Said and done, how she could be wrong…

Leese, the protagonist, along with Catalina, in this novel is one of these men.

His mission, mandated by the girl’s father, is to find and protect at all cost Catalina, a girl from a rich family , who for some inexplicable reasons has fled from home.

Actually Catalina had every reason to disappear from circulation: she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Alive she is an uncomfortable witness, who could endanger the career and reputation of very powerful men.

Alone by herself she managed a good escape, not a perfect plan, but for the moment her intelligence and her sixth sense kept her alive. The arrival of Leese, though, in her life is providential, because he finds her in a moment of serious difficulty.

Catalina is wary towards him, she thinks he could be another henchmen of her enemies, yet something about him made her understand that maybe he could be trusted.

I liked a lot Leese and Catalina together, despite the situation, they feel from the very beginning a strong attraction. Leese is really a too strong temptation for Catalina, it isn’t only his perfect physique to conquer her, it’s the whole package together: the sense of security he manages to make her feel, his protectivness and the seriousness way with he faces his assignment as her bodyguard.

“Under Pressure” is a book that goes right to the heart of the story, well written, with a great plot and just the right dose of suspense and action, not to mention there are sparks between Leese and Catalina when they are together, so basically always.

Apart from the two of them, there are a lot of characters, I must say I loved everyone, it’s an extraordinary group as a whole. Sahara, Justice Enoch and those I liked the most and I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series, it will be just about Justice, the new recruit of the Body Armor, who in this book serves as back-up for Leese , showing all his best qualities.

Just one more thing: there was a brief appearance in the story of Leese’s old mates in the MMA circuit, I found out later they are among the protagonists of another series of this author, “Ultimate”, SOOO, I found another pile of books to put in my to-read list. This author is seriously dangerous, how can you resist such specimens of alpha men?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A great start to a new spin-off series for Lori Foster. I am looking forward to seeing how she and her characters grow through out the series.
Under Pressure brings us back into the Ultimate fighters world, with Leese, but opens us up to an entire new group of people and theme. Leese takes his fighting skills into the security side of things, joining a well respected personal security service, Body Armor and he finds himself thriving.
I love how much Leese has grown since his introduction in the Ultimate series. He's taken responsibility for his mistakes, he's opened himself to more possibilities and the recognized that his future doesn't lie with in the fighting ring.
Catalina is on the run. She knows that she's being 'hunted' and she has no safe place, no where to turn. Her step-father may be the one sending men after her, her brothers...well she doesn't know if she can trust them either. She grew up in a world full of money, lies and expectations. A world that she never fit into and now she's on the run from it and has no idea who she can trust. One night she literally stumbles into the path of a Leese, a man sent by her step-father to protect her and though she can't be sure she can trust her step-father she some how knows she can trust Leese. While she may trust him, she doesn't trust his safety leading her to keep secrets placing Body Armor, herself, and Leese in danger.

I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense and the story line in this book. While every thing seems clear every now and again Lori throws wrench into the works and gives the reader a little shock. I LOVED seeing the guys of Ultimate show up, they aren't a huge part of the series but the fact that they come to stand by Leese no questions asked when he calls gave me that wonderful feeling that had me falling in love with the Ultimate series in the beginning so I am really glad to see it coming through in Body Armor.

I can say that while the romance was steamy and there was a clear connection between Leese and Cat from the very beginning, Cat kinda drove me nuts. I'm all good with the woman being the 'aggressor', showing that a woman can ask for what she wants but Cat takes it in my opinion a little too far. Leese says no and it feels like to Cat No does not mean No and that made me a tad uncomfortable. She wasn't clever in her pursuit of Leese, she was straight out 'balls to the wall' aggressive and it made me cringe a time or two.

In the end I loved seeing how much Leese has grown up and getting the chance to fall for him instead of wanting to shake him silly. There was lots of suspense and romance in this one and I am really looking forward to more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

I adored Lori Foster's Ultimate series and was sad when it came to an end. Especially because we never really got to know much about Leese, one of the secondary characters who made an impression on me, and I'm sure on many other readers! So I was delighted when I heard she was writing a spin-off series based on Leese and a few of the other side characters from that series. And that it was going to be about bodyguards??? Sign me up, please!

Ms. Foster doesn't waste any time (re)introducing Leese and Justice, we're thrown right into the action with them from page 1 of Under Pressure. And the action is non-stop from there. Leese is tasked with protecting Catalina Nicholson, but from whom we're not really sure. The mystery and intrigue had me flipping pages quickly, trying to figure out just who was responsible for putting Cat, and everyone around her, in danger. Twists and turns kept the story moving and the characters kept it interesting!

If you're familiar at all with any of Lori Foster's books, you know she's one of the best at creating strong, protective, chivalrous alpha males...and Leese Phelps is no exception! His protective nature and caring personality makes him a perfect fit as a bodyguard. He's definitely a changed man from when we met him originally in the Ultimate series, and he really captured my heart. And mine wasn't the only heart he stole- Cat, after her initial leeriness and hesitancy because of everything that was happening around and to her, realizes that Leese is something special. While he does everything he can to fight the attraction to her, his client, she's pretty relentless in her pursuit of him. And it's quite entertaining- a little levity in what is otherwise a tense situation.

Under Pressure is a terrific start to what I'm sure will be another outstanding series from Lori Foster. It's suspensful, romantic, engaging, an all around enjoyable read. Cat and Leese are such a sweet couple, one of the sweetest I think she's written. I'm really quite excited for the rest of the books in this series, I'm ready to jump right into Justice's book!

*Although Leese was originally introduced in the Ultimate series, Under Pressure can absolutely be read as a completely separate book that stands on its own.

***I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of Under Pressure, courtesy of the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer kelley
WOW! Leese is not only sexy as hell and takes his job seriously...he is sweet and caring and...Leese! lol...This book has you on the edge of your seat from page one to the end, I love the build up with what the heck is going on in Cat's life and who the hell is after her...well we know but don't really know the extent these people will go to get Cat under control. Cat is a strong-willed, tough chick who is down to earth and so damn sweet. I love the sparks between these two characters and love their flirtiness and their constant needing of each other. Love the action, the drama and the OMG what the heck just happened moments. Love all the guys that came to help out and check on Leese...I mean ALL the guys! I thought Justice was awesome as well, I hope he gets a HEA soon. This is a great story, Lori has a way of making a story bring you into the world of the characters, Great Read! 4.5 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tajja i
I’ve been a fan of Lori Foster for as long as I can remember. From her shorter tales with Harlequin to the longer more in depth and suspense driven ones, I never really missed a chance to snag up one of her paperbacks, so picking this one up was kind of a no brainer.

She packs a heat level in her books that always just fits, adding in suspense and even the right amount of humor so you don’t drown in the seriousness of things and that is pretty much the formula for Under Pressure as well.

Right from the jump the chemistry is there, off the charts, but also there are these moments that are and were just super sweet, especially given the position that both main characters find themselves in, and I enjoyed it.

There was a definite slow burn here between the two as Leese did his damndest to keep Cat alive and breathing. But there was humor, there were edge of your seat moments and when these two did finally give in, there was steam. A lot of steam.

I had a few issues as I went along in terms of certain instances where I felt scenes may have been a little over drawn out and didn’t really bring anything new to the table, but it didn’t take away too much from my overall enjoyment of the book and the characters itself.

The author has an ease with her writing style that keeps you engaged even as the pace of the story picks up and I didn’t feel as though I was too bogged down at any time or didn’t feel lost. It all came together very well.

The ending for me was sweet and much deserved, even if the action of it and then the resolution did seem a little quick in how it all wrapped up. But such is the world of fiction I suppose. You can’t have a story go on forever and with the resolution here, I do believe it ended in the very best way it could have.

I think if you’re a fan of romantic suspense with the right amount of steam, a fan of this author or even just hot bodyguards in general, I think you’ll enjoy this. I know that I did.

And on a final note, I loved the nod and appearances made by other characters in this book. It was a nice treat getting to see some of these again. I also can’t wait to see where the author takes us on Justice’s journey.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
becky 22
This was an intriguing and entertaining romantic suspense story. I enjoyed the overall storyline and the characters. Leese and Cat were both likable and they had a very instant connection. I liked Cat’s persistence and flirting with Leese and Leese trying to hold back considering the circumstances that they were involved in. They had a lot of fun moments together!

I enjoyed the mystery suspense element happening but I was a bit confused in the beginning as things were being introduced. There is a nice bit of drama that had them on their toes and kept things moving along. The writing was good and fast paced, I was definitely interested and kept turning the page because I wanted to know what was going to happen next. There was just a lot going on to keep straight.

This story contained multiple POVs which I did like, I always enjoy the perspective of the bad guy. I looked forward to who I would hear from next though sometimes it took me a minute to realize who I was hearing from. I liked Leese’s friends a lot, Justice and Sarah were both very dynamic. Justice is someone who's story I am definitely interested in. Lots of guys from the Ultimate Series made an appearance, which was cool to see because I always like character crossovers but it felt kind of forced to have them all there.

I did enjoy the story and there were parts where I kept turning the page because the entertainment level was super high. Other parts were just good but drawn out and I could easily put it down and walk away. I liked Leese and Cat but didn't feel totally connected to them and never really felt their chemistry. So, it was good for me, just an enjoyable and likeable read.

If you enjoy enjoy romantic suspense with a nice bit of fun and sexy mixed in, give this one a try.

Complimentary copy received for honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I didn't know I was in the mood for a good romantic suspense until I picked this up. I was sucked in from the very beginning, since you dive right into the story. I devoured this in one-sitting - I had to know what was going to happen to Leese and Cat. Leese was a character I loved from the Ultimate series, and I was so happy to find out he was getting his own book. Despite his rocky start, he was really a good guy - and he proves that in Under Pressure. He's made mistakes, and he's doing his best to make up for it. And in my opinion, he succeeded and then some!
My biggest issue was with Cat. I had a hard time getting into her character in the beginning, and there were a few times when I wanted to shake her until she got over herself and would tell Leese everything. I partially understand her motives - she thought she was keeping them safe. But if you want everyone to be safe, don't you think making sure they have enough information to prepare for what's coming is the best way to go?? As the book progressed, I got along with her better, and I think she really shined at the end.
My second favorite thing about this book (the first, of course, being Leese! And maybe Justice) is how it managed to follow that romantic suspense "script," but still felt different and original. You know how it's going to end, there's going to be a final showdown and the like, but getting to that point - and how it played out - was a surprise. Now I am that much more eager for the next book - Hard Justice, coming in April!

Final Rating: FOUR out of FIVE stars (4/5). This would have been a five star read, but my issues with Cat in the beginning knocked it down a star. But this book is 100% worth a read!

Disclaimer: I received an advanced copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Lori Foster's Ultimate series is one of my all time fav sports romance series and I was super excited when she confirmed she was writing a spin-off, especially because book one was about Leese who I really wanted to see get his HEA.

Leese is now working as a bodyguard and he's assigned to protect rich-girl-turned-teacher Catalina. Catalina is running for her life and very wary of everyone but she quickly learns to trust Leese, and she comes to depend on him. They share an immediate attraction which Leese tries to deny because he is on duty but soon they both give into lust and we get plenty of sexy times.

Leese has really matured in this book but he's still the same nice guy he always was. Love him. Catalina was a great female lead and I liked how she was forthright about how much she wanted him. She was really fiesty in that regard.

I did find parts of this difficult to suspend my disbelief - namely that his boss was okay with him shagging a client and the fact he was willing to throw his career away for someone he just met.

There was plenty of suspense and danger to propel the plot forward but the setting was very lackluster. I ADORED the world Lori built in her Ultimate series and it just had something very special about it. This book lacked that special magical ingredient, for me, and while I did enjoy it, I can't say I was blown away. Perhaps I had built my expectation too high.

It is still a decent romantic suspense and it's well written in Lori's usual inimitable style.

Actual: 3.75 Stars

Thanks to the publisher for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley which I have voluntarily reviewed. All opinions expressed are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Under Pressure is entertaining. Leese and Catalina are very likable and their attraction is hot. There is also plenty of intrigue to keep the reader fully engaged. From the opening scene, Catalina is running for her life. Even knowing that Cat has only shared part of the story of how she came to be hunted, Under Armor’s owner, Sahara, insists Leese and Cat stay in the building where they will be protected. Cloistered in the penthouse above Under Armor, Leese and Cat have a lot of time to really get to know each other. Their attraction is sizzling and they get to use their time alone to great advantage. Even as Leese and the entire Under Armor agency prove they’ll do whatever it takes to protect Cat, she can’t bring herself to tell them the whole truth about who’s after her. She knows how much danger anyone who knows the truth will be in and can’t bring that on Leese and his co-workers. The man after Cat can’t afford to let her get away so before long Cat’s life is in grave danger again. After an ambush in which Leese is shot, Cat finally tells her new friends the name of the very powerful man who’s impeccable reputation revolves around ensuring Cat never talks about what she’s overheard. Though there’s no doubt the good guys will win, the intense fight to the end will keep the reader firmly on the edge of their seat. The supporting cast are all well written and add depth to the book.

Hot sex, love, hate, pleasure, pain. This book has it all. I look forward to seeing more of them in subsequent books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lori Foster is my favorite contemporary romance author and I will read anything she writes. Under Pressure is the first book in Lori's new series, Body Armor. This series will highlight the stories of Leese, Justice, Miles and Brand from her previous series, No Limits. This story belongs to Leese and his heroine, Catalina. Leese is hired to be Cat's bodyguard when she is in serious trouble and on the run. Leese is a former MMA fighter who recognized although he was a good fighter--he wasn't a champion so he left fighting to become a bodyguard. He is determined to keep Cat safe and figure out exactly who and why she is in danger. Cat has information about a serious crime and she is threatened without anyplace to turn. She feels safe with Leese. Over time, Leese and Cat fall in love, have a few adventures as a plan is hatched to capture the bad guys and have to figure out how to make a relationship work between them. One of my favorite scenes involves a creative way Leese had of dealing with a couple of bad guys that had entered Cat's unoccupied house while he is doing surveillance!

This is a nice story with some good characters. I like how Leese has grown as a character since we were introduced to him in the No Limits series. I liked Cat--she was willing to go it alone because she knew she was in danger. I do think she should have been more forthright in the beginning about some details of what she knew, but that would have shortened the story somewhat and I wouldn't want that! Another winning story by Lori Foster and a very good start to her new series.

I received a review copy in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lee underwood
I’m a huge fan of this author and her MMA fighters have been some of my most favourite reads. Relatable characters, great storytelling, humour and heat come together once again in the start of a new series that I’m hooked on already!

Right now, who can she trust is the most important question in Catalina Nicholson’s life. Cat is a jumbled mix of independence, vulnerability and, above all, honesty and responsibility. She is looking for truth and, despite being afraid of the answers she might find, she is determined to see things through. She was straight forward to a fault and seeing her bring more than one strong man to a halt through humour and honesty was refreshing.

Leese Phelps seems too good to be true and Cat is going to reserve judgement until she knows, until she feels, he is in her corner. Their meeting and the quest for answers is full of opportunities for Leese to prove himself either way. And does he ever!

“Catalina Nicholson affected him in too many ways. He wanted her. She made him laugh. She wrenched his heart.”

Leese was the perfect match for the pint-sized dynamo. He was equally interested in the truth and was going to make sure Cat was going to survive the danger she found herself in. And Leese was not alone as the entire Body Armor security agency, as well as his fellow fighters, supported him and Cat in their complicated quest. Their journey felt like a quest as they worked on gathering all the puzzle pieces together while dodging enemies at every turn.

A great start to the series!

**Reviewed for Nerdy, Dirty & Flirty**
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anne barnhill
Former MMA fighter Leese Phelps is now working for an elite security agency known as Body Armor. He along with his partner, Justice (yes another Ultimate character) are instructed to extract Cataline Nicolson and protect her at all costs. What starts out as a simple case soon becomes complicated when the very person who hired Body Armor wants Cat dead. Foster quickly pulled me in with her colorful characters and intriguing plot.

The case itself was an interesting one. The villains had deep pockets with reach offering plenty of intense action scenes. We meet Sahara, the head of Body Armor a sassy, lethal women with snark and I loved her. While I am anxious for Justine’s story, I do hope we get hers as well. We meet other members of Body Armor, and I love these new faces. Cat, is an artist and school teacher. Once you hear her story, you’ll admire the heck out of her. Even with her life at risk, she was more concerned for others around her. The romance began with pure physical attraction and quickly became heated. While some may cry instalove, I swallowed the pill and quickly became caught up in wanting an HEA.

Leese is completely swoon-worthy, and quite the lethal weapon. The man can also cook, making him dreamy in my book! The suspense angle took some dark turns and had me flipping the pages as plans were laid to face their opponents. Foster added a few twists, had beloved characters make cameos and gave us Leese’s backstory allowing readers to connect fully. The case wrapped up and wasn’t rushed. Foster even gave us an epilogue that left me smiling.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
arlo lyle
Lori Foster totally had me fooled when she first introduced Leese in the Ultimate series. At first, second, and maybe third glance, Leese was nothing but a smarmy jerk who happened to be a decent MMA fighter. Then Lori Foster did a completely believable grand reveal and whaddya know, this guy is everything.

"It's everything about you." Her throat felt thick with sudden tears, but that wouldn't do, not at this precise moment, so she smiled. "You're the most amazing man I've ever known."

Leese is revealed to be not just an amazing bodyguard with protective and patient instincts; he's also got a smoldering yet chivalrous side that has him trying not to give in to Catalina's blatant sexual invitations. He's basically her hot knight in shining armor. Speaking of armor, I have to throw in three words: Naked. Fighting. Scene. When a guy can viciously disarm two armed thugs while still dripping from the shower, now that's a badass.

I do have to say that Catalina (Cat) got on my every nerve for much of the book. For someone who has been on the run from powerful bad guys, she has a lot of TSTL/Mary Sue moments. In many ways, Leese is a fantastic fit for her because his steady alpha protective presence balances her flighty nature.

And while there are appearances from the guys from Ultimate, Under Pressure is Leese's moment to redeem himself from past sins and to reveal himself as the ultimate protector. The author did a fantastic job redeeming the jerk, and I'm looking forward to more of the Body Armor guys.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
beth carver
Okay, I was giving an opportunity to check out Lori latest release Under Pressure. I have to say that I did enjoyed the story. I really liked Leese. He's a pretty decent guy. I mean if a guy can fight his attraction to a woman who is trying to throw herself at him, that's some will power. Cat was pretty awesome. She knew what she wanted and she wanted Leese even though he was putting up the stops.

Anyway there is a lot going on in Under Pressure we have Cat who has been on the run and doesn't know who she can trust. Leese trying to protect, but she's trying to protect him from storm that is brewing. All the makings for some action. However, it's a little slow at the beginning, but as the ending draws closer oh my. Chaos ensues.

Somethings I probably never know and need to accept: Leese leaves MMA fighting to become a bodyguard. There has to be more to the backstory. I guess I have to accept that he wasn't good enough and move on. However, I'm hoping in the stories to come we might get a better view of Justice and his boss.

Overall, a pretty good read. I enjoyed the chemistry between Leese and Cat. At times they were hot. I want to see more of the other characters. I think those who like Lori's previous books are going to enjoy Under Pressure. Plus, Leese is pretty awesome.

Copy provided by Harlequin via NetGalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexandra saldivar
Another great series by Lori Foster! This is the first book in a new series, and its all about Leese. After meeting Leese in previous books, I was super excited to read his story. After retiring as an MMA fighter, Leese is now works as a bodyguard when he is hired to guard Catalina, daughter of a wealthy businessman. Cat is on the run from some pretty scary people and has a secret that she is scared to share. Leese does all he can to protect her, and to fight their growing attraction. Leese makes her feel safe, but can he keep himself safe too without falling head over heals in love?

This is a great story and a wonderful start to a must read series. Lori Foster knows how to write hot and sexy romance. If you have a fan of that, you don't want to miss this book!

*I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I've been on a romantic suspense kick lately and I find that this author never disappoints. This is the first in a new series but if you've read her other works you may recognize some of the characters. Leese is working for Body Armor security and his newest assignment is to protect Catalina. He's immediately attracted to her but initially fights the feelings because he takes his job seriously and doesn't want to get distracted or make mistakes.

One of the things I love about this author is how she does a slow burn. The characters are immediately attracted to each other but nothing happens between them right away. The chemistry jumps off of the page and these two were great together.

The plot was fast paced and the writing was great as usual. The plot progressed well with perfect timing and transitions. This author knows how to keep you emotionally attached to the characters while keeping you on the edge of your seat in regards to the overall plot.

This books sets up some of the other characters who I think will be in the future books of the series. Lot's on interesting characters and plots on the horizon I think.

I really enjoyed this and if you're a fan of romantic suspense I recommend you check this out.

Review by: BookGirl of Night Owl Reviews
NOR voluntarily reviewed a reviewer copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katie j
I have been a fan of Ms. Foster’s for years and was a looking forward to her new series titled Body Armor. Under Pressure is book one of the series and she did not disappoint me. Body Armor is a bodyguard agency for the elite. Currently owned by Sahara, an interesting character that I look forward to knowing better in future books.
This story center around Leese Phelps and Catalina Nicholson. Leese , an ex MMA fighter who has traded his old job to be a bodyguard, is assign to protect Catalina. Catalina has been on the run after she overheard a conversation that put her in danger. Is the man that requested her protection, the one that is trying to eliminate her? Or are there other players involved? Meanwhile , the chemistry between Leese and Catalina is palatable. He is honorable and strong, she is witty , sweet , bright and has great survival skills.
You will not only find lots of chemistry between the two, but the complex plot with it’s twist and turns, will keep you guessing . If you have been a faithful reader of Ms Foster’s stories, some of the characters from previous books, like Justice, will also play a secondary role.
All in all, a book that will keep you entertained, will keep you guessing, and you will hope it ends for an HEA for the main characters. Can’t wait to read what’s in store for the rest of the series.
I was gifted this book by Netgalley. The opinions expressed are solely my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is the first book in a brand new series, Body Armor series, about a company of bodyguards. This is the first book I have read from Lori Foster. I know you’re asking yourself, “How have you not read any books by Lori Foster?!” I knooooow, guys, I know. I’m behind the times, because she is a fantastic writer.

This is the first in the series, centering around Leese and Catalina. Leese is a former MMA, turned bodyguard, who is assigned to protect Catalina. Cat is an independent, somewhat sassy, daughter of a very wealthy businessman. She is the target of an awful guy who wants to … well, I’ll leave that to you to find out.

What I loved most about this series is how love hits Leese so unexpectedly. He is definitely not looking for love, so when it finds him, he doesn’t know what to do. The story makes their love story believable within the activity that flurries around them. Speaking of activity around them … this story is full of suspense and adventure. I felt like I was on the edge of my metaphorical seat the whole time!

Also, if you’re a previous fan of Fosters writing, some familiar characters come to visit! I can say as a first time reader that this did NOT affect the story in a negative way, for me, and I completely recommend you going ahead and reading it. This is a standalone, but full of familiar faces for fans who love Foster’s writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4.5 stars
I have been waiting forever for Leese's story and I am so glad I finally got to read it!
Lori Foster is right at the top of my favorite author list. She knows how to write characters that are real enough they seem to leap off the pages.
Leese started out in another of Lori's series and at first it seemed like he wasn't going to be a very nice guy. But being the master that she is, Lori made Leese the best of men.
Finding that MMA didn't quite suit him, Leese moved onto personal security. I would have liked a little more information about just how he ended up at the Body Armore Agency.
Under Pressure is full of twists and turns and there's loads of information that keeps the reader completely engaged.
I love Cat and her outspoken ways. She kept Leese on his toes and kept me highly entertained.
I also enjoyed Leese's sense of humor and his easy, gentle way with Catalina.
We also get a small visit with the guys from the Ultimate series, Cannon, Armie, and Stack along with a couple more.
Justice made me giggle more than once.
I also love that Lori rarely kills off anyone. And if a character does die, he or she always deserves it.
Under Pressure is a great beginning to a series that's sure to be Amazing.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
First in her new series, entitled Body Armor, this story focuses on Leese Phelps, a body guard, and his new subject in need of protection, Catalina Nicholson. She's run away from her stepfather and an as-yet disclosed set of characters, some of whom seem bent on killing her, at least one other on making her his sex slave, or worse. But Cat won't really say, because she's sure that if she does, she will place Leese and other members of the Body Armor security firm in as much danger as she is in.

While Leese seeks to keep her from danger, his heart comes under fire from Cat, who is attracted to him and says so, but that kind of closeness with a client is a no-no. How can Leese protect himself from Cat and Cat from her unknown assassins? Hang on to your hat as you read to find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This first book “Under Pressure” in Lori Foster’s new Body Armor series is great start to what I hope is a fantastic new series. I’ve been waiting to see Leese redeem himself since we first met him. Our first glimpse at Leese was not a very good one back then but he has certainly redeemed himself and won me over for sure! We are introduced to Catalina in this book and she’s a feisty woman that wants to stand on her own and has every reason to not want to get close to anyone because she doesn’t want them to get hurt by people she once trusted.

Leese and Catalina have to work together in order to bring down powerful men that have hurt a lot of innocent people. Leese is able to work with his new boss, Sahara, owner of Body Armor Security Agency to figure out how to catch the bad guys and keep Catalina safe before it’s too late. All the while, Leese and Cat slowly fall for one another and find out what it is to truly realize what it means to sacrifice and love someone else.

I am really excited about this new series (as I am for pretty much all Lori’s books/series). I love visiting characters from previous books. Next up is Justice and I’m really looking forward to his HEA.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bryan grover
Catalina is on the run from her step father and some very crazy, influential people. She overheard them talking about a murder and an island where anything goes.

Leese is a former fighter turned bodyguard. He is hired to protect Cat. But she is keeping major secrets. He'll have to get her to trust him to give up the information she has. Cat has not made it a secret about how much she wants him. So he has to keep her safe and fight off her seductions.
Awesome start to a new series. Some old faces. A strong, woman who's not afraid to go after the man she wants. Leese is hot, sexy and good guy. This story will keep you guessing to the very end. A little humor and some steamy scenes.
*I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader copy of this book.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katnip hiroto
Leese meets his new charge under less than perfect circumstances. He can see why she needs protection. He just wants her to trust he will keep her safe. Even when it gets ugly.

Catalina has been surviving on her own, and does not feel she needs help. Those that are after her are beyond reach, so what is the point. Now, some hot time, that she could use. There is more to this than just security.

This book was an excellent start to a new series! I loved the characters. How strong the female lead is, how sassy. She knows what she wants. I am surprised the pages did not melt. The book is HOT! This author always gives us her best. I cannot wait to read the next book in the Body Armor series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heartwork in progress
The Body Armor series is a spin-off of Lori's Ultimate series, so I am sure we will see some familiar characters through out.

Leese Phelps has finally found himself...the perfect job, the perfect life...but that all gets tossed out the window with his newest assignment, protecting Catalina. Leese knows how to do his job and he never gets distracted, but things just don't seem right with Catalina...who is actually the threat? Catalina has relied on no one but herself, for years she has been an outsider even in her own family. How can she trust Leese with the one secret that could get them killed?

The attraction is immediate for these two... we have Leese who knows better than to get involved with his assignments and Catalina who has very serious trust issues - especially with those who are supposedly on her side. We get introduced to secondary characters like Justice (his story is next) and Body Armor Security owner, Sahara Silver. We also get to see some of our favorite fighters from the Ultimate series, Cannon & Armie.

The sparks fly, the danger ensues, and we have another fabulous story from lori Foster.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leah jones
I have to admit, I was really sad when Lori Foster ended her Ultimate series. Four books just didn't seem like enough. It did help a little knowing that the characters weren't being totally abandoned though. Under Pressure not only featured Leese, a member of the Ultimate crew, but readers were treated to tiny glimpses of the rest of the gang. I feel MUCH better now ;) It's the little things, really.

So, how was the first book in the Body Armor series? I think I'm going to like this series... really, is anyone surprised? Ex-fighters who aren't afraid to put themselves on the line to protect. Strong women who will go to any length to stand up for those they care about. Friends who step up without being asked. Witty and smart characters and plenty of heated tension. Bad guys who think they're above the law and can pretty much do anything they want. What's not to love?

Needless to say, I loved Leese and Cat and their story. I can't wait to see what Foster has in store for the rest of the Body Armor crew. Justice is next in Hard Justice. Stay tuned ;)

I received Under Pressure in exchange for a fair and honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan underwood
This is the first book in Loris Fosters spin off of her “Ultimate” series - here in “Under Pressure” we see a favorite retired MMA fighter, Leese who now works as an elite bodyguard for Body Armor. His new assignment is to protect the daughter of a wealthy businessman. But what his boss doesn’t know is who Catalina (Cat) needs protection from.

Cat is on the run from some very dangerous and powerful people. She knows something, but even though Leese makes her feel safer than she has in months she fears that telling the truth will put more than herself in harm’s way. But when things escalate to dangerous proportions and no one close to Cat is safe she must make the ultimate decision to put her trust in a man she not only just met but has stolen her heart.

The secondary characters are also worth their weight in gold - you get to see Justice, another retired MMA fighter, who is now an employee of Body Armor and Sahara, their boss and one scary lady (and I mean that in a good way). These two plus a cameo from all the “Ultimate” boys (I am totally team Cannon and Armie), who as usual are there to lend a hand and a watchful eye.

A definite read, you will not be disappointed. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james gentry
Leese is back! He finally gets his HEA, after he joined the Body Armor security agency, it was great to see him finally get the (right for him) girl!

This book has plenty of intrigue and twists, it is hard to tell which way is up at times. But the passion and attraction between Leese and Catalina is on point. I really enjoyed seeing where Foster took the body guard and client troupe. Lots of suspense and very creepy bad guys in this one. I really enjoyed Cat's artistic abilities and her heart for teaching. Let's just say that the drawing scene with Leese and Cat was very hot.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. But I am also buying my own print copy, I just hate waiting for pub day with Foster's books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephanie molnar
Lori Foster creates great stories that will keep you on a rollercoaster of emotions. There is drama, suspense and a love story in every book. This is Leese and Catalina's story. Leese is a former MMA fighter turned bodyguard and he is currently assigned to protect Catalina. From the first moment he sees her, he is enthralled. Catalina is running for her life because she overheard something and now she doesn't know who to trust. When she first sees Leese she feels there is something trustworthy about him but her fear is constant. Throughout the story danger appears at every corner but along with the danger, feelings grow between them. This is another great story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michelle sangillo
I love how when you read a book from an author you love that you feel like you're at home. You connect with the settings, the characters, the whole thing. Lori Foster does that for me. I come home with her writing.

Leese Phelps has left MMA fighting and has started a career in security, being a body guard. (We met Leese in Lori's last series) Leese is put on the case of guarding Catalina, who is running from home because she overheard her father talking with a man he knows, who's a public personality, who has killed someone and covered it up. Leese and Cat have an instant connection and he tries to fight it, but when the danger comes close not only is he doing his job, he's protecting the woman who holds his heart.

As always, the action was great. The writing pulling you in. We got to see the great fighters from the last series and it was awesome to reconnect with them. I can't wait to read more of this series.

*thanks to InkSlinger PR for sharing a copy of this with me*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine tochihara
Absolutely loved this new book , first in series , that I've anticipated for a while! Leeds & Cat are steaming up the pages from the get go and there's no denying their chemistry ! The trick is Leese needs to keep her safe from a few people who wish her harm or worse!!Action packed with delicious dialogue & a bit of intelligent humor ! It's always nice to have the familiar faces from linking series & even better to get a great feel for how this new series is going to pan out as well ! JUSTICE & SAHARA are instrumental with making this book a huge new favorite of mine along with some well written villains to satisfy all readers , especially the Lori Foster fan base!❤
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda arceo
I was so excited to read the first book of the newest series by Lori Foster! I'm happy to say that I loved it as much as I'd hoped. Lori's stories always have great characters that pull you in and this one was no different. I really enjoyed the journey as Leese and Cat try to protect each other while they grew closer. They have fantastic chemistry! The bonus part, for me, was that the other characters in the book were familiar because I've read the Ultimate Series. While it's not necessary to read any other books before this one, I like visiting old friends. I was lucky enough to win an ARC of Under Pressure just by following Lori's Facebook page. I'm SO glad I did! Great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Received an ARC for my voluntary review for netgalley. I truly enjoyed book. Am so happy to have a book on Leese, and a start to a new series. Leese was hired to keep Catarina safe at all cost. The agency was not given the real reason as to why she needed to be kept from harm, they were hired by her stepfather. They ended up being a dupe, hired so that they could find Catarina. Catarina was running from her stepfather and some really powerful men. She was hilarious, you end up loving her, and her craziness. The cast of the previous books of MMA fighters shows up, and it is fun to read about them, you love them as always. Justice is a part of agency as well, and you can't wait to read his story next. Sahara is a new addition to the family, and you will appreciate her as well, she is feisty, and loyal. The only thing that I found missing was the woman, of the previous books. I would have loved to read what they were up to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cassie mangum
I love it when an author creates a new series especially one filled with suspense, action and hello romance. Lori Foster has created such a series like that I am still getting over the action in this book. We have Leese Phelps who is an ex-MMA fighter and Cat who is definetly not appreciating his skills. She has always been a fighter Cat always landing on her feet. It is surprising though that no matter how hard Leese wants to protect her she fights back. Lori Foster created a security agency filled with hot MMA fighters looking for more than fighting and women they can`t say no to. Cannot wait for more of this series and boy if you love suspense, action and romance Lori Foster new Body Armor series is for you.

"I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sophia siu
Under Pressure by Lori Foster was a romantic suspense that kept me on my toes throughout the entire story.

The characters in this book were vibrant and colorful. Their personalities instantly attracted me and held my attention. From the spunky and sassy Catalina who was fighting to hold her own to the broody and alpha Leese who made sure that he would protect her at all costs. And how could you not love all of Leese's friends? I am DYING to know more about them!!! Looks like there is a past series I may need to dig into!

This was a fast-paced read that will have you watching as Cat and Leese fight their attraction to each other as they fight to keep her safe from those out to hurt her. I loved watching their attraction grow as they got to know each other better. I really enjoyed this book.

I received a complimentary copy of Under Pressure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
allison rockwell
This is such a great series. Love the Alpha men. Leese has left MMA fighting to become a bodyguard. When he is assigned to protect Cat, it becomes more than an assignment. She has some pretty high-powered people after her. Cat has been running for a while and has done pretty well, but she is so tired of running but sees no way out of her problem. Then Leese shows up to protect her and she can relax a little. She is still keeping secrets and Leese needs to know so that he can keep her safe. When it is all over, will he be able to keep her?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anastasia mcdonald
I have been looking forward to reading this book for awhile and Lori didn't disappoint. Leese's story was a great start to the Body Armor series. Leese was hired to protect Catalina and when they meet chemistry is off the charts. I really enjoyed Cat bluntness and how hard Leese had to try to resist her. I was glad to meet Sahara and Justice. I also enjoyed seeing some familiar faces from the Ultimate Series including my all time favorite Armie. The suspense and the relationship between Leese and Cat were great. I strongly recommend this book.
*I received an ARC for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A great start to a new series for Lori Foster. Under Pressure takes old favorites and moves them in a new direction.

We meet Present in the Ultimate series as a cocky guy who needed to come down a peg or two. Now he has found his niche in the personal protection/investigative business.

Catalina is on the run after hearing something she shouldn't have heard. Now to trust a person that she doesn't know, who might have been hired by the person she is running from.

This book has some great twists and turns. I live every minute of reading it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nils samuels
This is the first book in Loris Fosters spin off of her “Ultimate” series - here in “Under Pressure” we see a favorite retired MMA fighter, Leese who now works as an elite bodyguard for Body Armor. His new assignment is to protect the daughter of a wealthy businessman. But what his boss doesn’t know is who Catalina (Cat) needs protection from.

Cat is on the run from some very dangerous and powerful people. She knows something, but even though Leese makes her feel safer than she has in months she fears that telling the truth will put more than herself in harm’s way. But when things escalate to dangerous proportions and no one close to Cat is safe she must make the ultimate decision to put her trust in a man she not only just met but has stolen her heart.

The secondary characters are also worth their weight in gold - you get to see Justice, another retired MMA fighter, who is now an employee of Body Armor and Sahara, their boss and one scary lady (and I mean that in a good way). These two plus a cameo from all the “Ultimate” boys (I am totally team Cannon and Armie), who as usual are there to lend a hand and a watchful eye.

A definite read, you will not be disappointed. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle read
Leese is back! He finally gets his HEA, after he joined the Body Armor security agency, it was great to see him finally get the (right for him) girl!

This book has plenty of intrigue and twists, it is hard to tell which way is up at times. But the passion and attraction between Leese and Catalina is on point. I really enjoyed seeing where Foster took the body guard and client troupe. Lots of suspense and very creepy bad guys in this one. I really enjoyed Cat's artistic abilities and her heart for teaching. Let's just say that the drawing scene with Leese and Cat was very hot.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. But I am also buying my own print copy, I just hate waiting for pub day with Foster's books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kanags surendran
Lori Foster creates great stories that will keep you on a rollercoaster of emotions. There is drama, suspense and a love story in every book. This is Leese and Catalina's story. Leese is a former MMA fighter turned bodyguard and he is currently assigned to protect Catalina. From the first moment he sees her, he is enthralled. Catalina is running for her life because she overheard something and now she doesn't know who to trust. When she first sees Leese she feels there is something trustworthy about him but her fear is constant. Throughout the story danger appears at every corner but along with the danger, feelings grow between them. This is another great story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jess manners
I love how when you read a book from an author you love that you feel like you're at home. You connect with the settings, the characters, the whole thing. Lori Foster does that for me. I come home with her writing.

Leese Phelps has left MMA fighting and has started a career in security, being a body guard. (We met Leese in Lori's last series) Leese is put on the case of guarding Catalina, who is running from home because she overheard her father talking with a man he knows, who's a public personality, who has killed someone and covered it up. Leese and Cat have an instant connection and he tries to fight it, but when the danger comes close not only is he doing his job, he's protecting the woman who holds his heart.

As always, the action was great. The writing pulling you in. We got to see the great fighters from the last series and it was awesome to reconnect with them. I can't wait to read more of this series.

*thanks to InkSlinger PR for sharing a copy of this with me*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely loved this new book , first in series , that I've anticipated for a while! Leeds & Cat are steaming up the pages from the get go and there's no denying their chemistry ! The trick is Leese needs to keep her safe from a few people who wish her harm or worse!!Action packed with delicious dialogue & a bit of intelligent humor ! It's always nice to have the familiar faces from linking series & even better to get a great feel for how this new series is going to pan out as well ! JUSTICE & SAHARA are instrumental with making this book a huge new favorite of mine along with some well written villains to satisfy all readers , especially the Lori Foster fan base!❤
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ed stafford
I was so excited to read the first book of the newest series by Lori Foster! I'm happy to say that I loved it as much as I'd hoped. Lori's stories always have great characters that pull you in and this one was no different. I really enjoyed the journey as Leese and Cat try to protect each other while they grew closer. They have fantastic chemistry! The bonus part, for me, was that the other characters in the book were familiar because I've read the Ultimate Series. While it's not necessary to read any other books before this one, I like visiting old friends. I was lucky enough to win an ARC of Under Pressure just by following Lori's Facebook page. I'm SO glad I did! Great read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jonathan tickle
Received an ARC for my voluntary review for netgalley. I truly enjoyed book. Am so happy to have a book on Leese, and a start to a new series. Leese was hired to keep Catarina safe at all cost. The agency was not given the real reason as to why she needed to be kept from harm, they were hired by her stepfather. They ended up being a dupe, hired so that they could find Catarina. Catarina was running from her stepfather and some really powerful men. She was hilarious, you end up loving her, and her craziness. The cast of the previous books of MMA fighters shows up, and it is fun to read about them, you love them as always. Justice is a part of agency as well, and you can't wait to read his story next. Sahara is a new addition to the family, and you will appreciate her as well, she is feisty, and loyal. The only thing that I found missing was the woman, of the previous books. I would have loved to read what they were up to.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love it when an author creates a new series especially one filled with suspense, action and hello romance. Lori Foster has created such a series like that I am still getting over the action in this book. We have Leese Phelps who is an ex-MMA fighter and Cat who is definetly not appreciating his skills. She has always been a fighter Cat always landing on her feet. It is surprising though that no matter how hard Leese wants to protect her she fights back. Lori Foster created a security agency filled with hot MMA fighters looking for more than fighting and women they can`t say no to. Cannot wait for more of this series and boy if you love suspense, action and romance Lori Foster new Body Armor series is for you.

"I received an eBook copy from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Under Pressure by Lori Foster was a romantic suspense that kept me on my toes throughout the entire story.

The characters in this book were vibrant and colorful. Their personalities instantly attracted me and held my attention. From the spunky and sassy Catalina who was fighting to hold her own to the broody and alpha Leese who made sure that he would protect her at all costs. And how could you not love all of Leese's friends? I am DYING to know more about them!!! Looks like there is a past series I may need to dig into!

This was a fast-paced read that will have you watching as Cat and Leese fight their attraction to each other as they fight to keep her safe from those out to hurt her. I loved watching their attraction grow as they got to know each other better. I really enjoyed this book.

I received a complimentary copy of Under Pressure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is such a great series. Love the Alpha men. Leese has left MMA fighting to become a bodyguard. When he is assigned to protect Cat, it becomes more than an assignment. She has some pretty high-powered people after her. Cat has been running for a while and has done pretty well, but she is so tired of running but sees no way out of her problem. Then Leese shows up to protect her and she can relax a little. She is still keeping secrets and Leese needs to know so that he can keep her safe. When it is all over, will he be able to keep her?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate babbage
This book was really good! It had action, suspense, romance and sexy times. This was fast paced and fun to read! Leese is hot as hell and I loved everything about him. Cat is sensitive and caring but can also be a bit wishy-washy. She was a good character but I wished she could have been more.
The story was great and was definitely worth reading. I loved seeing old characters in this book too! The story grabs you and keeps you wondering what's next.
I really liked this book and I can't wait to read more in this series.
I voluntarily read an advance readers copy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been looking forward to reading this book for awhile and Lori didn't disappoint. Leese's story was a great start to the Body Armor series. Leese was hired to protect Catalina and when they meet chemistry is off the charts. I really enjoyed Cat bluntness and how hard Leese had to try to resist her. I was glad to meet Sahara and Justice. I also enjoyed seeing some familiar faces from the Ultimate Series including my all time favorite Armie. The suspense and the relationship between Leese and Cat were great. I strongly recommend this book.
*I received an ARC for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
darren krape
A great start to a new series for Lori Foster. Under Pressure takes old favorites and moves them in a new direction.

We meet Present in the Ultimate series as a cocky guy who needed to come down a peg or two. Now he has found his niche in the personal protection/investigative business.

Catalina is on the run after hearing something she shouldn't have heard. Now to trust a person that she doesn't know, who might have been hired by the person she is running from.

This book has some great twists and turns. I live every minute of reading it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Under Pressure is a great lead into a new series. I absolutely could not put this book down. I love how the author can mix love and mystery together. It kept me guessing until the end on how it would end up for our couple, Leese and Cat. They meet under unusual circumstances and even though it is an unwritten rule not to date a client, it is fun to see the relationship unfold. I am so looking forward to the next book in the Body Armor series.

This can be independently read. I received an ARC in lieu of an honest book review. If you have read Lori Foster yet, this is a great book to start with today!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan warner
This is a pretty standard Lori Foster book. Leese is a secondary character from a previous series who gets top billing as the hero here. He's likeable and very alpha.

Cat is a strong female, but has a vulnerability that is appealing too. The interaction between these two is fun to watch. I especially appreciated the fact that Leese tried to avoid crossing boundaries, but found the attraction to Cat too hard to avoid.

The intrigue elements of the story keep things moving and keep everyone on their toes. Well written and fun, this is a good starting place for new Lori Foster fans. People who have enjoyed her recent work will be excited as some old favorites show up for a visit.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I had no preconceived ideas going into this book, as this is my first book by Lori Foster.  I really went into this blind, with only the blurb to give me any sort of clue what the book was about.

From the beginning, I found the heroine, Catalina to be too whiney and needy, especially towards the hero, Leese. In general I found the characters to have very little depth to them and for an average length book, I'm afraid it took me way longer to read than I would have liked.

Leese works for a security agency, which is run by Sahara, who turned out to be my favourite character. Leese is assigned to protect Catalina and to me the organisation felt more like a dating agency and not a viable protection organistion. I just didn't buy into it sadly.

Generally there wasn't enough happening to hold my interest. Large portions of time were spent sitting around the penthouse, however there were some more enjoyable scenes that involved Leese and other characters in the combat situations with the Protagonists.  Chapters on the whole seemed to be bulked out with lots of unnecessary details and scenes that added very little substance to the story.

By the end, the story did pick up pace and there was a story developing for Sahara, however the damage had been done early on and regrettably  it never really recovered, or had me absorbed enough as a whole.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david mullins
I'm a big fan of Lori Foster and was thrilled to read Leese's story. This book has it all...great characters, steamy love story, thrilling plot and we get to visit with beloved MMA characters from her previous books. Leese is working as a bodyguard in charge of protecting Catalina Nicholson. Catalina is a strong heroine who finds herself running for her life and doubting who she can trust. Leese is patient with her and they slowly fall in love.

I highly recommend this book. It is the beginning of a great series. I look forward to reading Justice's story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4.5 Stars
Lori Foster has started off her new series with a bang! We've met Leese in her Ultimate series. This one kept me on the edge of my set because I just didn't know the twist to come. This one had me from the beginning to the last page. It is one that you can't to read, but you put off finishing it because you just don't want it to end. This is definitely a book I look for when I pick up a Lori Foster book. I loved the characters. I also enjoyed Leese's fighter friends from the Ultimate series make a cameo. I look forward to more from this series.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Who can resist a book about a handsome hunk of a bodyguard watching a beautiful woman in danger from important and dangerous men. Leese isn't just Cat's bodyguard - circumstances force them to hide out together and they can't resist the attraction.
The only thing I didn't like about this book was the hero's name - who is named Leese?
Otherwise, I hope to check out more books in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
LF is in my list of top three favorite writers. I have ready everything she has written (scoured her book lists to catch everything). That said, as much as I anticipated Leese’s story, it did not work for me. I found Cat annoying and too repetitively pushy to get to the next level with Leese. I lost interest in what happened to them as a couple. I did enjoy seeing favorite returning characters and the suspense/plot was done well, I just did not like the heroine. That said, it is still a LF book and still leaps above many other authors in quality of writing. I look forward to Justice’s story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
wade fox
Again, Lori Foster does not disappoint! I loved this book! From the first time Leese appeared in the Ultimate Series, I was hoping for a Happily-Ever-After for him and he definitely got it. Cat is exactly what he needs, strong, caring, loving and someone who knows what she wants! Like the other heroes from Lori Foster's Series, Leese is hot, strong, loyal and protective! Leese and Cat were made for each other. It’s great to see the “FRIENDS’ make an appearance to help and support Leese. They ROCK! I can’t wait for Justice’s story. I am looking forward to reading more on the “BODY ARMOR” series! Lori, keep them coming!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Leese works at Body Armor and is assigned Catalina....What he didn't know was he would fall for this beautiful and funny gal who is in such danger..Catalina has seen horrible things and is running until she is caught and protected by Leese...She feels an immediate attraction and craves human touch....
Leese protects her until she is taken......Little did Catalina know that Leese would not give up until he had the women he loved..
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Catalina is in grave danger after overhearing something she shouldn't have. Luckily, someone has assigned Leese, an ex-MMA fighter and bodyguard, to protect her. Leese believes in being professional and not mixing business with pleasure. That was before he met Catalina. She is irresistible to him as he is to her and the fun begins. I really enjoyed this latest book in the Body Armor series. Can't wait for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
First let me just say, I love MMA Fighters. So the fact that Leese started out as one, already scored points with me. I love that he was alpha and protective and was completely swoony. Catalina was strong and at times frustrating, but I love them together. They sizzled on the page and their chemistry was off the charts. It is definitely what pulled me. The suspense though is what kept me reading and kept me on the edge of my seat wondering what is going to happen next. I loved every minute of the heart pounding, exciting, steamy story. I can't wait for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jamie young
Long-time readers of Foster's will be thrilled to get to revisit favorite characters from the past in new ways! Leese left the world of MMA but that doesn't mean he's not still fighting. In this story he's fighting for the safety of the woman he loves.

Sexy, suspenseful, fast-paced and fun. Lori Foster delights her fans again!

I received a copy of this book via NetGalley for review purposes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cherie bruce
Under Pressure was such a good book. I loved both Cat and Leese, they were both such great characters. The chemistry between the two was off the charts and the push and pull between the two was so fun to read. I loved the suspense that was thrown in along with the romance, it definitely kept me on my toes the whole time. I just didn't want the story to end. This is one I definitely recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love the big alpha men Lori Foster writes about and Leese falls in line with the rest of the rest. The way Leese protected Kat from all the bad people looking for her kept you turning the pages to find out how the bad men were going to be outsmarted by Leese and Kat. I think this will be a great new series that all of Loris fans will be looking forward to the next book in the series.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I've read over 80 titles by Lori Foster. If her name wasn't on this one, I'd have never guessed she wrote it. The plot is weak and jumps around. The characters are not the kind the reader can identify with or empathize with and they don't grow. There isn't much suspense and it isn't really clear why there should be. The romance doesn't pull readers in so that we can cheer them on or groan at their inability to see what is under their noses. The abrupt ending is contrived and I wasn't even sure the book had ended. Just went on expecting the next chapter would bring the story to a satisfying close. There wasn't one. It isn't a cliff hanger; it is just an awful representation of Ms. Foster's talent.

Ms. Foster's ability to write standard English is evident. Her ability to craft a fine story is not.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
gene ruppe
Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) provided by the Author and Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an fair and honest review.

I have read Lori Foster for years. I love her quirky romance with a touch of mystery that infuses her books. Unfortunately, I'm not a big MMA fan and haven't read her recent books. This series is a spin off of a MMA series, so..... Will it be consumed with the MMA culture or will it appeal to me? Only time will tell.

This book is not consumed by the MMA culture and I have enjoyed reading it. The hero, Leese, is a former MMA fighter who realized that he was never going to be a champion and retired to become a bodyguard with Body Armor. He's been with them for about a year and his MMA skills and a natural talent for the work have made him a perfect fit. He's a natural born protector and finds that protecting Catalina was what he was born for.

Catalina is on the run from her stepfather and his murdering friends. She has information that can destroy a very important person and has no idea who she can trust. One of the men wants Cat, not to silence her, but to keep her. When Leese finds her, she is desperate to trust someone and stop running and Leese fits the bill. She also has a huge physical response to his very hot bod. With her life on the line, Cat is not in the mood to wait and get to know each other, Cat wants him and she wants him NOW. Leese also has a huge physical response to Cat, but, she is the client and he isn't about to take advantage of her.

This book just did not live up to my expectations. A lot of Lori Fosters' earlier work was excellent. This one is just so-so. A lot of angst, with a heaping dose of martyr, and that Cat didn't trust Leese to have the skills to protect her or himself made this a tough book to loose myself in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Under Pressure is a really suspenseful book. Cat has a secret and boy does she hand onto it. Leese took guarding to a whole new level but his friends stand by him and protect Cat. I like all of the characters and though I was unfamiliar with the background characters they fully enhanced the story and gave it authenticity. The book engaged the reader and took them along for the roller coaster ride of saving Cat.
Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am so excited about Lori Foster's new Body Armor series! Under Pressure is full of secrets and suspense and is an excellent start to the series. I really like Sahara, the new owner of Body Armor. I hope she gets her own story. I'm looking forward to the rest of the books in this series!

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Love it when secondary characters get their own story.....Leese is no exception. Loved him from the beginning , even thought he wasn't quite hero status yet. Leese matured thru the series to become the strong silent type we all love and admire. Catalina's quick wit and persistence bring her character to life. When reading their story , you can feel the tenderness between and the growing connection they have for each other. This book is fast pace and a great way to spend an afternoon. Lori Foster always does a nice job of telling the story to where you feel like you are part of the group of characters. I received and ARC in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Under Pressure by Lori Foster is a new series but with some familiar faces. It has brought in some of the retired fighters from her Ultimate Novels and brought them over into the private investigation world. This first books offers us up Leese, who first showed up in Holding Strong, as our hero. And what a hero he is. Staying true to character, he makes sure the women in his life are protected and safe. With all the twists and turns, I was left to wonder who really was on their side and who wasn't. If you enjoy Lori Foster books, you won't be disappointed in this one. And as always, she has developed some wonderful secondary characters that we as her readers know will be able to get a story of their own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marsha debrestian
The right mix of suspense and romance.

I was glad to see Leese again! Too bad he gave up professional MMA but being a bodyguard for Sahara was the perfect job for him to go all alpha male (and provide for a whole new series!). And Catalina is sassy and stubborn enough to keep him busy and happy.

Loved how Armie, Cannon, Denver and Stack popped in! And Miles and Justice will get their story, too. This series will entertain and keep us on our toes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karen c
A good story. I started this series with book three which was excellent and worked my way down. I have thoroughly enjoyed every book and plan to continue reading this series. The retired MMA fighters are an intriguing bunch of guys. Sahara is cunning and shrewd. She really knows how to run Body Armor. Must say I am worried about Enoch.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
catherine richmond
This was a great start to the new Body Armor series by Lori Foster. I was happy to see the guys from her Ultimate series make an appearance, but this book can also be read without having read any of the others (though they're great, so why wouldn't you read them too?). Definitely recommend this book and can't wait for the next in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mandeep gulati
Under Pressure can embed itself so deeply under the skin, that the reader becomes a part of the action. There were moments where Catalina and Leese stole my breath. The maze of twists and turns were endless but beyond all the adrenaline was an intriguing story worth sinking my teeth into. Hard to let go in the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
*SBB Reviews*

Lori Foster has Once again written an amazing and exciting love story which was action packed and also romantic. You finf it really hard to put it down.

I Highly Recommend all the Readers to Read Under Pressure now. It's A MUST READ from Lori Foster.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am reading this book now. I love it. With leese protection and cat fella safe with him. Witch is huge with everynone she knows out to kill her for her over hearing something she shouldn't. I recommend readimg this book all in one siting. Once u start reading u wont be able to put it down. It has action, mystery, and romance. The romantic is not over done. Love definitely 5 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ruby blessing
I have a whole new level of awe for the talent that is Lori, this book consumed me from the beginning to it's pulse-pounding end. Lori is a master at blending seduction, suspense and sinfully hot love scenes that captivate the reader till the last page. This is a must buy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As a first book in this Body Armor series it continues where the Ultimate series ended with Leese finding the love of his life, Catalina. He started working for Sahara who inherited the body guard agency with the tragic and unexplained death of her brother. He was assigned to find Cat and protect her since Body Armor was hired by her stepfather Webb. Her father was trying to protect her from the evil men that wanted her dead because of what she over heard that they had murdered an innocent girl. She was on the run and trusted no one. One of the murders was obsessed with Cat and wanted her as his own. Once Leese and Justice, who also started working for Body Armor after ending his MMA fighting career like Leese, located Cat the action really started as they try to keep her safe. Cat quickly trusted Leese and wanted to be with him which complicated his life in a good way. Leese wanted the same thing but kept reminding himself he was being paid to protect her but their chemistry won out. This was an amazing story as they took down the murders while Leese and Cat fell in love. Sahara and Justice were also instumental in the capture of Tesh and the Senator Platt who ended up paying for his crimes. This was a fantastic suspenseful love story with Leese and Cat getting their happily ever after. I cannot wait to read Justice's story next as the MMA fighters all find their happiness and stay together as an unconventional family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lori Foster knows how to keep a reader enthralled with a story from page 1 through the last page. This story with Leese as a natural born protector and Cat as the woman who knows to trust no one this book will entice and entertain you. This story is a thrill ride and there are times when you aren't sure who the good guys are. I loved this story and all the characters are well written and believable. You have to read any Lori Foster book and you will see what I mean her stories are great.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
helen dudick
This is the first book I've read by Lori Foster and I loved it. Leese is a former MMA fighter turned bodyguard. He's assigned to protect Catalina who at first it appears is just the stepdaughter of a rich man. There is so much more to her story as it comes out people are trying to kill her. She and Leese fall in love and he will do anything to protect her. Excellent read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara brookes
I always had a soft spot for Leese and Lori didn't let me down. UNDER PRESSURE (#1 in the new BODY ARMOR series) Leese was all the hero I knew he could be and Catalina "Cat" was strong and sweet and also able to speak her mind and very brave in her own right. This was a great start to a new series while still including characters we know. I hated to put this book down ...even if I had other things I needed to do. I can't wait for Justice's story in HARD JUSTICE. Lori also has a surprise novella BUILT FOR LOVE at the end of this book. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marilyn czerwinski
I LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEED this book! Leese and Cat were such a great couple. I loved that the "guys" made an appearance. They never fail to make me laugh out loud. I don't like to give spoilers in my reviews but this has some mystery, hot chemistry, laughs and awww moments. What a great new series for Lori. You'll get all the things you love and more. I am a huge fan and I cannot wait to get more from Lori Foster!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer vilaga
We finally have Leese’s story!! You remember that cocky young man that was so full of himself he was always getting in the way. He even put those that he now cares for into harms way. Eventually, he was a girls best friend and confidante. Well, he is all grown and has more experience than ever! He still trains, but from the previous books we learned that he was tired being second best with the MMA world. He mentioned of getting into security, and guess what! He is now with Body Armor! I also love the fact that his boss is a kick ass woman named Sahara! She seems shady, let’s hope she is loyal as her team presumes her to be…Do I have you interested now? Good so what are you waiting for? Get this book…Do you need more?

Under Pressure is sinfully sexy. A little bit of a taboo…where you can not fall for your client and all that professional no no’s you are suppose stay away from. Well Leese is hired to protect Cat. She found out an ugly truth about high profile people that want her gone. So she fights for her life and trusts no one but Leese. And while they shack up in hiding, they learn that they have an electric chemistry that they try to ignore. Cat gives in, but can she convince Leese to let go and give in to their needs? I lived off the drama in this story, and it was great reading a spin off story from the Ultimate series. It’s like walking down memory lane. This story has it all! Danger, adrenaline rush, twists and turns…plus lots of sexy and flirty scenes. In the end, will Leese and Cat make it out alive?? One-click this book and enjoy the thrill you will get from Leese and the team!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
misty francom
I have been waiting for Leese’s story since we first met him in Denver’s story. I finally get to read his story and Wow!!! This is a great book. This is a must read. It was also nice to see some of the characters from previous books and series.
I love all the alpha males that Lori Foster writes about in her books. This book is about Leese and Catalina. I do not want to give anything away because reading it and learning about these two is what makes this such a great read. Leese has never really forgiven his self for messing up a while back. Now it seems he feels he is getting a chance to make up for that. Catalina comes from a wealthy family and she does not trust many people especially men. The chemistry between these two is off the charts from the moment they meet.
I feel like these people are friends of mine. I love how you get to keep up with all of them in each of the books. It is great how they are all always there for each other. This book will make you laugh out loud and keep you going with all the action and suspense.
Happy reading!! I am looking forward to the next book in this series.
Thank you Lori Foster for another GREAT book!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tanner boothby
Lori Foster has done it again in her latest 'Body Armor' series. "Under Pressure" has all the elements we love reading in her books, with hot sexy men and feisty women. We met Leese in the MMA series, now turned bodyguard for Body Armor Security Agency, and he takes his job seriously while protecting Cat. The theme is suspenseful with the action fast paced, and the chemistry between Leese and Cat is hotter than a 'pressure' cooker. We have Justice as part of the Body Armor agency as well, with some familiar faces from the MMA guys when some of the them make an appearance. "Under Pressure" is a must read book for romantic suspense readers, I highly recommend it. At the end of the book, we get a novella of 'Built for Love' as a bonus. I look forward to reading 'Hard Justice' in the next book, which is Justice's story. As in any Lori Foster series, each book can be read as a stand alone. For me this was an easy 5 Stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
In the first book in Lori Foster’s new A Body Armor Series and re-introduces Leese Phelps, from her MMA series, to readers. Leese works for the Body Armor Security company and his job is to find and protect Catalina Nicholson. But Catalina, or Cat, doesn’t want to be found and has busted her butt to make sure that she stays hidden. But Leese rescues her when she desperately needs it and now he is not letting her out of his site. She is a conundrum with secrets, and he is the man that will keep her safe.

Cat knows that her secrets can and will get her killed, so she does the only thing she can think of and flees. All her time running and hiding has caught up with her and now she has the complication of Leese. When she finds out that her stepfather sent him to protect her, she is even more terrified. But Leese and his employer surprise her with their protection and willingness to help her bring justice to those who deserve it. She never expected to fall for Leese and now she knows that he has something to live for, if Leese and Body Armor can keep her alive.

Before I read UNDER PRESSURE, I had been away from Lori Foster stories for a couple of years. And now I wonder what the heck made me turn away. I LOVED this story. From the first chapter I was pulled into the story by not only Lori Fosters writing, but also the characters. Cat is at time so strong and other times so vulnerable and I really empathized with her in a way that I don’t with other characters. And Leese was just a whole jar of awesomesause all on his own. He reminded me of an onion, you keep finding more about him as you peel off the layers and each layer is better than the one before. I am definitely looking forward to the next book in this awesome series.

ARC received thru NetGalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adam sanderson
Tales From The Heart ~ Leanne's blog review from NetGalley

First book in a new series. Some can be hit and miss with world and character building, but this story eased along comfortably like I already knew these people.
Catalina 'Cat' is on the run from her step-father and other unscrupulous men who will stop at nothing to capture her. She has witnessed a conversation with high powered people and reptutations are on the line. Her step-father hires a security team to track her down and protect her. Leese is an ex-MMA fighter and will put his life on the line to save her (also he's sexy as). The chemistry between them sizzled out of my kindle. There is drama, kidnapping, murder and more action inbetween the lust making for one great adventurous love story. I hightly recommend this book and look forward to more in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Can I just say WOW?! Author Lori Foster Just keeps getting better no matter what she writes and gives our favorite characters their own books and we get to see some of the others from previous books make appearances too. Now Under Pressure is a fabulous first book in a new series! We all met Leese in the fighter series and now he's back in this new series and it's bodyguard time! I think it's perfect for him! And remember Justice? Ya he's here too. this book was amazing it definitely was one wild ride and whew the chemistry HOT! No one does juicy danger and hero's like Lori Foster let me tell you! Now I don't want to spoil it for anyone so I won't tell you anymore except you are going to absolutely love this book!

** I received a ARC of this book in exchange for a honest review **
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lori Foster does it again in her newest book, Under Pressure, the first in a spin-off series from her previous Ultimate series! You met Leese in the previous books, in which he isn't the best of guys. But he redeems his character (which really wasn't all that bad to begin with) as he's assigned to protect Catalina. Body Armor is filled with sexy bodyguards and other awesome characters, Enoch, Sahara, etc. Cameos by the whole Ultimate gang included. Foster had me reading wide-eyed with my hand over my mouth at times, while others I was cheering, and still others crying. Suspense, sexy times, and her trademark Happily-Ever-After. I cannot wait to dive into the next book in the Body Armor series!
ARC provided through NetGalley and reviewed because I wanted to. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
luke bartolomeo
This book was really good! It had action, suspense, romance and sexy times. This was fast paced and fun to read! Leese is hot as hell and I loved everything about him. Cat is sensitive and caring but can also be a bit wishy-washy. She was a good character but I wished she could have been more.
The story was great and was definitely worth reading. I loved seeing old characters in this book too! The story grabs you and keeps you wondering what's next.
I really liked this book and I can't wait to read more in this series.
I voluntarily read an advance readers copy
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alex sheehan
LF is in my list of top three favorite writers. I have ready everything she has written (scoured her book lists to catch everything). That said, as much as I anticipated Leese’s story, it did not work for me. I found Cat annoying and too repetitively pushy to get to the next level with Leese. I lost interest in what happened to them as a couple. I did enjoy seeing favorite returning characters and the suspense/plot was done well, I just did not like the heroine. That said, it is still a LF book and still leaps above many other authors in quality of writing. I look forward to Justice’s story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerri mancini
Catalina is in grave danger after overhearing something she shouldn't have. Luckily, someone has assigned Leese, an ex-MMA fighter and bodyguard, to protect her. Leese believes in being professional and not mixing business with pleasure. That was before he met Catalina. She is irresistible to him as he is to her and the fun begins. I really enjoyed this latest book in the Body Armor series. Can't wait for the next one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am so excited about Lori Foster's new Body Armor series! Under Pressure is full of secrets and suspense and is an excellent start to the series. I really like Sahara, the new owner of Body Armor. I hope she gets her own story. I'm looking forward to the rest of the books in this series!

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another great book in a new series but with returning characters from the previous series! I loved the characters and the storyline! It was so engaging from the first page. Lori grabs you from the first page and keeps you there until the last page!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It is usually the male main characters that are the strong ones, but Cat is right up there with them. This is a new series Body Armor and I like it a lot. A lot of characters from previous series. Look forward to reading the next book in series.
Please RateUnder Pressure: An Anthology (Body Armor)
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