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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly korby
This book is a wonderful saga to Magyk. I thought that the author did a great job of explaining everything that happened at the end of Magyk in the beggining of this book. Also I thought that she did a great job of continuing the story so that it was not a run on from the other book, and I personally think that it's amazing when a author can do that correctly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Angie Sage has a wonderful way of introducing new characters and events that you feel like the character have always been apart of the story. I enjoy her descriptions of the events that happen you can see it in your mind.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Because I thought that Septimus Heap Book 1 was a good deal for the price of $3 Kindle, I thought....let's give book 2 a try. Unfortunately, still not much character development and still has plots and magical fights that doesn't seem to incorporate much rational/details.

I think I might just skip to book 7 (the Finale) and get this series over with.
Physik (Septimus Heap, Book Three) :: Fyre (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (Septimus Heap) :: Angie 1st (first) Edition [Hardcover(2008/4/8)] - Queste (Septimus Heap :: A Cold Dark Place (An Emily Kenyon Thriller) :: Septimus Heap, Book Six: Darke
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandra ashley
This series about a magical community and an Apprentice in Training extraordinaire - it is a charming book that is an easy read, and deals with relationships first and magic second - Further knowledge of Septimus Heap, Jenna, the Queenling, the Heap family, their kith and kin.

There are sections in this book that indeed magically 'fly' into the imagination - the Dragon Ship and its journey holds you and you truly care for the resolution hopefully to come in the next in the series.

Imaginative, sweet, not too scary, but a worthy read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
laura zausmer
Why did I pick this book: I read this book because it is Book 2 in the Septimus Heap Series. When I read a series, I usually read the entire series, unless it is absolutely horrible. So far, this series isn’t horrible.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes. I enjoyed it more than the first book, Magyk. (See my review of Magyk here.) I was more used to the “misspellings” and the capitalization . . . it still got a bit annoying, but as I said, I was used to it this time around.

The story moved faster, and the characters were just as enjoyable if not more so. I really liked the scenes with the Dragon Boat. They were written in such a way that I felt like I was there watching the adventure unfold just like Aunt Zelda. I was also excited to meet the new characters: Beetle, Wolf Boy, and Milo Banda. They are all welcomed additions to this cast of characters.

One of my favorite parts was when Sarah Heap told the ExtraOrdinary Wizard how it was going to be when she requested a visit from her son, Septimus. That scene just made me giggle . . . you don’t mess with the Mom. We see this same frank attitude from Sarah at the end of the book as well. Sarah is not a prominent character in this or the last book but I enjoy her.

Would I recommend it? If you liked the first book, Magyk, then, yes, you should read this one.

Will I read it again? I don’t think that I will read this series again for the sake of reading it. This may change when I read the remainder of the series. I will probably read it again when my kids are old enough to read it so I can discuss it with them as they read it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was Okay. I will keep in mind that this is a children's book but I do want to be honest because I definitely thought this was a promising child/adult series. I am not sure that I myself would read past this installment of the series though I am REALLY curious and want to keep going. I only say that i don’t want to continue because somewhere along the line i was reading and not retaining. I got bored. This is a self thing i know but it happens.

So this installment in my opinion was a little less on the “violent” side of things than the 1st one. However I thought that it would have been a teeny bit scary if I was a kid. In this book Simon comes back and he is not really a good guy anymore. He is set on destroying his sister, the extraordinary wizard and his baby brother. I get the way that Simon feels because I am the first child myself but I am pretty sure its kind of rude to go around using darke magyck to try and annihilate your siblings. Also Marcia isn’t herself and its a little scary.

Septimus from book 1 has grown so much and has learned more about himself which is great but he ends up going on an adventure to save his sister alone. Yes, he takes Nicko with him but they are kids!! So they get into a great amount of trouble trying to find Jenna and then also when they actually do find her. It was a little harrowing if you remember for a second that these are kids.

So other than the obvious danger and potential death - this was fun. We learned a great many things. We finally saw the Queen’s room, Simon finally does accept that he is related to septimus, the mystery of grandpa Heap is solved along with the weirdness of the green rock that Sep is carrying. Oh! And we learn about wolf boy! That was interesting! I really hope that things work out for that guy. All in all - It’s 50/50 with me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book. The characters are strong the language is lyrical and it moves!! I didn't want to put the book down once I started. This was a book I wanted to hear read out loud the language had such a great rhythm and flow together. Definately great for a bedtime reading to the kiddies.

Most of the same characters come back,we see that indeed Simon Heap has gone terrible wrong in his ways. Lots of threads from the first book are picked up and variousthings are explained (always have to love that).

I'm still peeved at the reuse of the chapter illustrations. Sage's descriptions are so great that I think each chapter deserves its own unique illustration. The same picture of Simon is used for at least four different chapters. There was one random full length illustration that didn't seem to fit too much with what was going on. I still love the drawings but I feel that to live up to the fantasticness of the book cover the book itself deserves a bit more of the pretties.

I definately can't wait for the next one to come out.

Great for anyone who has a leaning towards Harry Potter and is looking for something similiar, not quite as dark as those books have gotten.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
alden conner
As the sequel to Angie Sage's first novel Magyk (Septimus Heap, Book 1), a pre-teen wizarding fantasy heavily influenced by the "Harry Potter" series, "Flyte" picks up a year after the events of the first story, in which the magical Heap family discovered several amazing secrets about their past. Namely, that their adopted daughter Jenna was in fact a princess and that a young nameless boy they picked up in their adventures was their long-lost son Septimus, the highly gifted seventh son of a seventh son. Together, the two siblings found a beautiful Dragon Boat, defeated the evil wizard DomDaniel, and rescued the ExtraOrdinary Wizard - with Septimus becoming Marcia Overstrand's Apprentice in the process.

It seems everything was looking up for the Heap family, but one of their members is not quite as delighted with Septimus's appointment as the future ExtraOrdinary Wizard as everyone else. Simon Heap, the eldest son, had his own ambitions for the future, now destroyed by the unexpected heritage of his newfound brother and younger sister. Raising up the skeleton of DomDaniel, Simon makes a bargain with the dead necromancer - to restore him to life, if he's taken on as the next Apprentice to the ExtraOrdinary Wizard. And you thought Percy Weasley was bad!

Simon Heap returns to the castle and kidnaps Jenna from right under everyone's nose, leading a suspicious Septimus to enlist his brother Nicko's help in getting her back. With Marcia distracted by a Darke Shadow that's been haunting her and his parents convinced that Simon can mean his little sister no harm, Septimus and Nicko head off on their own to fetch her back, whilst Jenna calls upon her own resources to escape Simon's clutches. However, this plot-thread by no means takes up the length of the entire book - there are other adventures to be had, including some nice reappearances from the previous book (in particular the Heap's grandfather and the beautiful Dragon Boat).

No one can doubt that the book is fast-paced, filled with invention, humour and sparkling characterization (although the sheer amount of characters makes it difficult to keep track of everyone). However, the plot itself is rather haphazard, with characters wandering at length through the countryside without clear ideas on where they're going or why, and a climatic confrontation that's actually set about three-quarters of the way through the book, leading to a lengthly wrap-up of the story (there are *seven* chapters after DomDaniel's reappearance!) Likewise, there are some irritating plot holes in the story, the most glaring being Simon's motivation and intentions. As it turns out, he's been ordered by DomDaniel to kill Jenna - so then why does he go to the great length of kidnapping her, carrying her miles to his home in the Badlands, locking her in a cell...and then conveniently falling asleep so that she can make her escape? He's fallen into the typical bad-guy mistake of *not* killing his enemies straight-away. Just as odd was the Heap parents' complete lack of action when it became apparent that their daughter had been kidnapped.

Sage has an interesting grasp of the rules and regulations of magic-making in her invented world (though it was a bad idea to print every single magical ingredient, artifact and incantation in bold-type - it felt like the book was yelling at me) and some cute plot twists along the way. Septimus and Jenna are bright, good-natured and compassionate protagonists, backed up by an interesting (though vast) cast of supporting characters. Another interesting feature is the final chapter of the book, titled "What Happened Before..." which gives brief summaries of many of the periphery characters' back-stories. The previous installment Magyk, was concerned with what happened to certain characters *after* the conclusion of the book (something I wish J.K. Rowling had used at the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)) and it's a fun way to end the story.

Despite some weaknesses, it's still a nice little read, and the story is continued in the third book: Physik (Septimus Heap, Book 3).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It has been a year since the Heap's learned that their seventh son was alive & their adopted daughter is really the long lost princess. Septimus has discovered his true calling to be a wizard & is now apprentice to the Extraordinary Wizard. As he learns the fine art of Magyk his sister Jenna is adapting to life in the castle. But something sinister lurks in the kingdom, a Darke Shadow. Why is the Darke Magyk still lingering? Super fun read for the preteens / tweens. In the fashion of Harry Potter but geared for a younger audience this series is a fun magical journey that is not nearly as dark as JK Rowling's Potter franchise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
parisa khorram
It would be extremely hard to write a book that was better than Magyk, and in this second book in her series, Angie Sage does not quite manage that feat. But all the same this is an extremely enjoyable story, which again mixes an off beat sense of humour with a wonderful tale of danger, deception, kidnappings, magic, friendship and love.

In this story, Septimus' eldest brother, Simon, is consumed by envy for the younger brother who he feels has stolen his birthright - to be apprenticed to the extraordinary wizard, and consequently he takes matters into his own hands to rectify the injustice.

The story is full of wonderful twists and turns, which leave you hankering after more of everything - except maybe Aunt' Zelda's cooking.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Septimus Heap, seventh son of a seventh son, has settled into his life as the Apprentice to the ExtraOrdinary Wizard. Formerly thought to be only an orphan boy serving in the Young Army, it was quite a shock to the Heap family when they discovered that Boy 412 was actually their youngest son, who they believed had died after childbirth. Now that Marcia Overstrand has taken Septimus back to the Wizard Tower as her Apprentice, Septimus is truly learning how to use the Magyk that flows strongly through his lineage.

Although DomDaniel is believed dead after the wreck of his boat, and, in fact, the end of the first book in the series saw his skeleton sinking to the bottom of the Marram Marshes, not all members of the Heap family are happy to have the prodigal son return. Simon Heap, the oldest of Silas and Sarah's sons, had always hoped to gain the apprenticeship to the ExtraOrdinary Wizard. When that goal was thwarted by the reappearance of young Septimus, Simon's anger turned to revenge. After rescuing the bones of DomDaniel, the evil Wizard, from a watery grave, Simon disappeared into the Badlands, much to the worry and horror of his family.

Nearly a year has passed, and Jenna, the Princess who will one day become Queen, is enjoying the quiet, peaceful life in the Palace. She has settled into her life on the Palace grounds, once again happy and secure. Nicko Heap has taken a job at the boatyard; the four wild Heap children are still living in the Forest with Wolf Boy; Septimus is learning the ways of Magyk. All is well until one day when Simon Heap, surrounded by Darkness, rushes onto the Palace grounds upon a black horse and kidnaps Jenna, taking her away to the Badlands.

Simon, who now considers himself to be the Apprentice of evil DomDaniel, knows he must get rid of the Princess, and his brother, Septimus, if he has any chance of returning to the Wizard Tower as ExtraOrdinary Wizard one day. Bent on revenge, he has a plan to get DomDaniel back into a position of power, and it is up to Jenna, Septimus, Nicko, Aunt Zelda, the entire Heap family, and the Dragon Boat to make sure that doesn't happen.

FLYTE is a great follow-up to book one, Magyk (Septimus Heap, Book 1). The Septimus Heap series continues to delight, with its introduction of new characters, intriguing plot lines, and great dialogue. I'm eagerly awaiting book three, which should no doubt continue to entertain!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What a fun series, I love how all the characters are so perfectly original and surrounded by a wonderful story that just keeps getting better with each book. It is fantastic how there is always new magic in so many avenues of Septimus's young life. Dragons, wolf boys, ghosts, magic all wrapped up in generations of splendid wizardry. Gerard Doyle's individual voices are so good that it is easy to forget that it is just one person. An excellent, clean story for all ages that moves along at just the right pace to keep it captivating and exciting. Looking forward to the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's been a year and a half since Septimus discovered his true identity. In the second book of Angie Sage's Septimus Heap series, he is now learning the arts of Magyk as Apprentice to ExtraOrdinary Wizard Marcia Overstrand.

Although Marcia Overstrand ousted necromancer DomDaniel from his reign as ExtraOrdinary Wizard, spiders linger in the Tower, a sign that Darke Magyk remains there. In fact, an ominous Darkenesse follows Marcia constantly.

When Septimus and his adopted sister, the reinstated princess Jenna, visit their mother, their brother Simon charges up on a dark horse, still furious because he believes Septimus usurped Simon's rightful Apprenticeship. Simon swoops up Jenna and carries her away, despite her protests and Septimus's efforts to stop him.

As Simon kidnaps Jenna and heads toward the Badlands, Septimus pleads for help from others but no one will believe that Jenna is actually in true danger. So Septimus packs a bag and starts his quest to save his adopted sister from their evil brother.

Septimus meets up with his brother Nicko, who not only believes Simon has kidnapped Jenna but also has information about an ominous "dark stranger" asking questions about the young princess. Could it possibly be that DomDaniel, assumed to be dead, is actually alive after all?

Septimus is relieved when Nicko joins his quest to locate Jenna. The brothers travel into the forest to find the wild Wolf Boy, who they hope to recruit for his amazing tracking skills. However, all they have is a poorly-drawn map, and soon Septimus and Nicko are lost in a forest full of carnivorous trees, vicious beasts and evil spirits --- and night is falling.

Meanwhile, Jenna learns of Simon's plans for her. She's desperate to escape but is locked in a cell in an underground observatory. Can she overcome impossible odds?

As in the wonderful MAGYK, Angie Sage gives us characters to care for, danger, high adventure, surprising plot twists, and irresistible humor. Again, the book is full of endearing friends (such as Stanley the Messenger Rat) and amazing magykal items: a floor of changing colors and written messages, a chocolate Taste Charm that can turn anything into chocolate, an ingenious lawnmower powered by grass-eating lizards, game pieces with feet and minds of their own, and much more.

The richly rewarding FLYTE fully lives up to the promise in MAGYK. Both books are impossible to put down and are absolute must-reads for Harry Potter fans. Highly recommended.

--- Reviewed by Terry Miller Shannon ([email protected])
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
stephanie zundel smith
This book started out OK, but takes a turn for the worse real fast. So some guy riders in on a black horse dressed in black & looking like a ring wrath from the Lord of the Rings & people are like "Oh my that Simon? I've not seen him in like forever.....Oh my god did his horse really like ride over everything? Oh my god... I like really have to see him because like I've not seen him in years! Oh my god why didn't Simon like take me instead?" In short save your money this series is NOT that great in fact it SUCKS!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anna jennings
Okay so Septimus Heap is an apprentice to an extraordinary wizard, and he's back in this sequel to Magyk. As you might have guessed, DomDaniel was defeated but not destroyed, and he's more intent than ever on ruling the castle as the extraordinary wizard. To do this, DomDaniel must remove Jenna, the rightful heir to the throne.

The book finds Septimus Heap about a year after the events in the first book. He has slipped into his new life as an apprentice. The darkness still lingers as a menacing shadow follows Marcia the wizard everywhere. Meanwhile, Jenna also has adjusted to her new life as a princess. Life is good for both as they say but one day when the mysterious Simon Heap shows up he suddenly kidnapps Jenna. Septimus ends up going off on his own to resuce Jenna because no one believes him when he says Simon is now evil.

Over all, I enjoyed reading Flyte. Although the plotting meanders at times and the writing isn't as good as with Magyck, the book has many fun elements and is an interesting read. I'd recommend this highly to readers of Robert Stanek's Keeper Martin's Tales (The Kingdoms and the Elves, In the Service of Dragons, etc). The books are similarly well written and inventive. I'd also recommend to those who enjoy Artemis Fowl but are looking for more detail and more mature stories.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
emma lindvall
I enjoyed this one more than the first. The plot and characters were better. The setting was well done and the themes/ideas presented were interesting for a middle grade book. Will I read the rest of the series? Definitely. Would I read more by this author? Probably not. This series is good enough for me. Plus it's long. Would I recommend this book to others? Yes, most middle graders and younger children who could do with a bit of magyk.

See the full review on my website, Awesome Book Assessment:
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
emily rae
The second installment in the Septimus Heap saga felt a little convoluted and bloated. The main antagonist in this book is Simon, the eldest Heap and he’s PO’ed that he wasn’t picked as Apprentice. His motivation is iffy… but at least he’s got one.

There were some interesting developments in this book that I won’t spoiler here, but a good strong edit would have helped immensely. I’m on book 3 now and those were the only ones my pal lent me. We’ll see how it goes…
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david sepulveda
I can't stand the fact that every magical (oops, I mean MAGYKAL) term in this book is in boldface. It seems like a ridiculous conceit. This was not the case in the first book, and it makes it awkward to read since almost every page has one or two words in boldface jumping off the page. I surmise that most readers will understand the terminology without having to shove it in their faces via a bold font.

Otherwise, I enjoyed the story, and it all seemed to make sense from a "normal human reaction" standpoint. It does disturb me that all the illustrations look like hobbits, too. But they are nicely drawn.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jamie cranor
Flyte, the 2nd book in the Septimus Heap series, started a bit slow for me, but once you feel your heart pounding in your chest whilst racing a horse or flying a dragon, you know Angie Sage has done it again! And this is only the beginning! Another exciting escapade with the Heaps! …But don’t go to the circus! ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz singer
In this second outing in the Heap's lives, Septimus is doing his best to get used to his new Apprenticeship to the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, Marcia. Jenna, the Queenling, is also trying to get used to her new role in the world. But she and Septimus have become like brother and sister - despite the differences in their growing up. When Simon, the eldest Heap, missing since DomDaniel's deth, suddenly sweeps Jenna onto a horse and rides off with her, Septimus cannot convince anyone that Simon did not have good intentions - except his brother Nicko. Nicko and Sep take off in search of Jenna, while Jenna is trying to escape from Simon once she realizes that her oldest brother has no intention of returning her. While all this is going on, Marcia is distracted by the Shadow that has been following her since the death of DomDaniel. But the biggest question of all is - why can Simon Flye? Next out is Physik, out in April 2007.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Flyte by Angie Sage definently ranked in my top 5 books list. The book has a deep mideval fantasy air; castles, palaces, dragons, etc. It also incorporates a more contemporary theme; tennis, an assasin with a *gun*. Flyte keeps you on the edge of your seat and you never want to put it down! Young Septimus Heap has just discovered he has a family and is the apprentice to the head wizard. Suddenly his brother, who has turned bad after he was denied the apprenticeship, kidnaps the princess, Septimus's adoptive sister. Septimus now has to go and find his sister and encounter many dangers along the way. Will Septimus find his sister, will he be too late? Read Flyte by Angie Sage to find out!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
For those unfamiliar with the series, its best to begin at the beginning, as the second book in Angie Sage's second book in her "Septimus Heap" series, things take a sinsiter turn. In a rather melodramatic fashion (somewhat reminiscent of a soap opera) as Septimus' older brother, Simon, not only refuses to believe Septimus is his long, lost sibling, but he takes up with the evil Dom Daniel. In a similarly dramatic turn, young Jenna's life is threatened, and Septimus must work to keep her "sister" alive while wrestling with the conflict of loyalty to family.

The Septimus Heap series makes for charming young adult reading, and is a worthwhile diversion for those in withdrawal from the Harry Potter series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
roque roquisimo
Septimus Heap #2.

Septimus Heap, Apprentice to the ExtraOrdinary Wizard faces yet more challenges as he settles into his apprenticeship.

Evil DomDaniel continues to attempt to take over the Castle as ExtraOrdinary Wizard by having Jenna, the rightful heir to the throne, killed. Simon Heap is the necromancer's new Apprentice. Fueled by anger at his family and determined to make a name for himself, Simon chases Jenna, determined to capture and kill her.

DomDaniel's plot doesn't end there. He and the Darke Shadow that follows the current ExtraOrdinary Wizard, Marcia Overstrand, are in league to get rid of her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
quick quotes quill
So, I didn't think that this book series could get any better. WRONG!!! It got better against all odds and also against all odds, Septimus has found out about the legendary Flyte charm which, duh, enables you to Fly. He pursues it and pursues it and pursues it, risking his life in the meantime. Angie Sage has done it again and made an amazing book with an awesome plot and realistic characters. It really is an adventure. You can practically see Septimus, Marcia, Jenna and the rest right before your eyes. I guarantee you that this book is definitely worth buying.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
staci mednick
I would say, if you're in a bookstore and you see this and don't have anything else, buy it. The thing about this book is it has no climax! The basic point of the book is Simon-turned-evil chases Jenna around for no apparent reason. (Nobody else really has a personality, though.)After escaping, Jenna is haunted by him as he randomly appears to try and stop her. And what was with the eye thing? Plus, Simon wouldn't go away. I thought he was done after the last six times he appeared at the end of the book. Still, it's amazingly addicting and I will buy the third, if there is to be one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book left me breathless. Simon has teamed up with DomDaniel and kidnapped Jenna, leaving Nicko, Septimus, and his green stone no choice but to follow.

Throughout the book, Septimus Heap's green stone has many things happen to it, and eventually, it hatches into a dragon.

Also, there is a dark stranger stalking Jenna. She doesn't know who he is, but he knows who SHE is...

It was amazing, a great sequal to Magyk! Read it, love it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Flyte" is the second book in the Septimus Heap series. It continues about with life in the Heap family with Septimus getting used to being an Apprentice and with Jenna getting used to being a soon-to-be Queen. Just like "Magyk", "Flyte" is amazingly interesting, and it is suspenseful and filled with action. I couldn't stop reading this book, and I had to peel my eyes away from the pages. This novel is a must-read book for those who seek original fantasy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie wise
This book is daring, exiting, and magycal all roled up into 1. Flyte is about a young apprentice to a wizard who goes on a daring adventure to save the princces from an evil dark wizard. The evil wizard is trying to become the Extrordinary wizard of the land by thinking that he is the apprenice of the most evil being in the universe, DomDaniel. You will have to read the book to see what happens next.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
seeley james
Would you try another book from Angie Sage and/or Gerard Doyle?
I would most likely try a Angie Sage book again. I would also try a book narrated by Gerard Doyle gain.

What was most disappointing about Angie Sage's story?
It wasn't very engaging. It was a childish book. I am not saying it was a book written for kids, because it was. I am saying it wasn't like Harry Pottor or Wizzard of Earthsea, mature but for kids.

Would you listen to another book narrated by Gerard Doyle?
I liked the narration performance of Gerard Doyle.

If you could play editor, what scene or scenes would you have cut from Flyte?
I don't know to tell you the truth. I think the author set out to write a kids book and she did it. Yet it's not one that I have liked as much as Harry Pottor, Wizzard of Earthsea, or The Hobbit. Yet this doesn't mean I would want to change this work of art.

Any additional comments?
This book wasn't great or was it the worst. This book was better then Magyk the first book in the series. Maybe it's because I'm too old for this book. I went on and read more in the series hoping it would get better.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Magyk was so gripping, I didn't want to put the book down until I had finished the entire thing. It was so descriptive, and in depth. Each character had a unique personality that really came through in the book. It was a delightful book, and I so looked forward to the sequel! I could hardly wait for it to hit the shelves!

Flyte was more than a bit of a let down. It seemed hurried and forced. There wasn't half the depth of the book and none of the characters had much personality. I think she should start over and take her time and redo it :( I don't mean to sound rude, but the first in the series was so good! I can honestly say I'll wait for the third installment to hit library shelves. I won't be purchasing it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ellen pierce
I would have to say that this the perfect sequel to Magyk. Jenna lives her life in the palace while Septimus is Marcias Apprentice. But Marcia has a shadow following her. She is trying to build a shadow safe to keep the shadow in. Evil brother Simon Heap, tries to kidnap Jenna and Septimus is after him. I dont want to tell you too much. I love how Miss. Sage does her writing and I dont know what the bad review's are talking about. This book is Perfect.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate keita
I am seven years old and I listened to this on CD in the car, with my mom, who also really liked it.

I liked it because it is about magic, and I like magic. This is the best book I've listened to or read in a while. This was very exciting and funny too! I was sad when it was over because the next book was not out yet.

I can't wait for Physik!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
i loved Magyk. i found it very charming and sweet and funny. but Flyte, the sequel, i didn't enjoy nearly as much. The characters were incredibly drab - septimus especially had pretty much no personality. i mean you'd think a boy who grew up under the brutal conditions of the Young Army and was suddenly a wizard apprentice with a family, would have a pretty complex personality. and then there's simon, who for some reason turned into an absolute brat and Went To The Dark Side when the apprenticeship he coveted was offered to his brother Septimus instead. So Simon decides to be DomDaniel's apprentice, and becomes Evil. i don't know where this wierd obssesion with apprenticeship came from, and i really don't get how Simon could turn from a loving brother to an evil bad guy who kidnaps his sister and snears "little miss perfect princess" at every opportunity. and then, halfway through this huge book, simon is about to be killed by Jenna's shield bug, but Jenna, of course, tells it not to (this is after Simon had very clearly become evil and kidnapped Jenna and terrified her and joined forces with her mother's murderer). So we get treated to another 200 pages of Simon causing trouble.

And the plot wasn't good either. it was really long drawn-out - like i said, it could have been half as long. and it didn't make all that much sense - Jenna escaped from Simon way too easily, and the baby dragon that got thrown in had nothing to do with anything and just gave the story more unnecessary pages. and there was no common thread. the whole story was basically: simon causes trouble, and they try to fix it, and then he causes more trouble, and they try to fix that too, and then at the end he gets away in order to cause more trouble. This was what we went through 500 pages for?

and i am so SICK of Marcia. she messed things up at every turn, because whenever anyone tries to tell her anything, from the time of day to the shape of the Earth, she replies "nonsense." When Simon turns up, surrounded by Darke magic, after nearly a year without contacting his family, grabs Jenna and gallops off with her, not letting her go when she tries to get away, Septimus tells Marcia and all she can say is "nonsense." it gets really annoying. how on Earth can she be the head wizard if she refuses to see what's in front of her nose or believe what anyone tells her?

i was just really annoyed by everything in this pointless, depthless book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Plot twists & turns leaving one breathless with anticpation for the resolution! Very fun book indeed & would recommend folks read Book 1 first as Book 2 would make a lot more sense plus be more entertaining!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenny hadley
I really enjoyed this book. The main character is Septimus Heap, a boy who is the apprentice to the Extraordinary Wizard. He loves to explore and learn new things, and that curiosity takes him on a journey to find his "sister" Jenna, the princess. This book will have your nose in the book until it's finished.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carter youmans
The Septimus Heap books are a great read for grade school age children. Anyone who has trouble reading HP--but enjoys that type of book will enjoy being able to read this book alone.

I am 37 and really enjoyed the story!(yes, I do have kids :-) they flew threw them also.)

Also enjoyed reading:



The Bartimaeus Trilogy
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
athina a
I loved this entire series. Septimus Heap is a very lovable and noble character. He is written as curious, intellegent and lovable; as all little boys should be written when confronted with magical talent. This grandmother would recommend to all ages.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I agree that this book was not as great as the first one; Magyk kept my interest all the way through, but I thought Flyte was a little slow until the completely unexpected arrival of Spit Fyre, after which the humor and the suspense increased quite a bit. This book is a lot of fun- it is not at all intense or dark, like the Harry Potter series, and it has a lot of humor, which I think Harry Potter really lacks. Septimus, Jenna, Nicko, and Marcia are four of my all-time favorite characters. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a humorous story with some spice of danger thrown in.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
chris boette
Flyte by Angie Sage isn’t very interesting throughout the whole book it gets really boring at parts but at some parts is very interesting. This book is about an apprentice whose sister gets kidnapped by his brother. They go looking for her and eventually find her but at most of the parts of the book it just gets boring. I wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone under 15 years old because if you are that young you won’t understand it. It is a fantasy book. I don’t enjoy fantasy very much that is probably why I didn’t like this one. Anyone who likes fantasy would probably think this one is awesome. I rate it 2/5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a wonderful sequel to Magyk. Did I spell that right? Ah well.. You all know what I mean. This is a really good book. If you liked the first book, you definitely have to read this one. Also, Physik. Read that one after Flyte.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david gallo
Flyte, the second book in the Septimus Heap series, is about an ancient lost art of Flying. Flyte is almost rediscovered by Darke Magyk. To add to that, little princess Jenna is kidnapped by one of her own family member. Septimus Heap goes out searching for Jenna and ends up putting Flyte together. He gets two ways to fly: Flyte and Beast.....

It is an intriguing well written book with its quick, witty cast of characters and infinite magical imaginary capabilities.Magyk (Septimus Heap, Book 1)Physik (Septimus Heap, Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laura l
The people opps the stupid PERSON gave the book a bad review because the store didn't work!*>_<* not because the books bad it's awesome ^~_~^

p.s. the BAD review is hopefully still a the bottom ^+…+^
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley martin
I enjoyed reading this book and I had to wait a very long time for it to come out in paperback. It was fun to read and I really enjoyed the continuing story of this young wizard apprentice and the young princess. I look forward to the next book and more about Spit Fyre. I have lots of questions and look forward to Physik which I went ahead and bought in hardback.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeremy bellay
This is a very plot heavy and magic heavy book. That makes it perfect for those not necessarily wedded to long, dense books. It got a bit silly at times, but that's perfect for its intended audience. The thickness of the paper and the size and spacing of the type make it appear much longer than it is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nam wan
Ok this is my 2 revue on this seres and let me just say is some of the best stuff i have ever read and i have read a hole lot . I have to say this is the 3 best in the seres.It is very enter taining as you can ges its about "Flyte" and it is a big twist pretty cool it {_] lol
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kaitlynn france
Having bought this as an Advanced Reader Copy, I just wanted to let Septimus Heap fans out there to know that the second book in this series was a very enjoyable--and in my opinion, even better than the first. Reading level-wise, this book is a bit easier to read than higher-level books like Harry Potter, Eragon, or Artemis Fowl, but will greatly appeal to fans of this genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barry bailey
I was sampling books for my 10 year old girl who devours books each week. After reading the first, i needed to read the whole set. a nice set for that young reader who is into the Harry potter magical type of book. So, i guess this is a review that says that the series is great for 10-40 year olds.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed reading this book and I had to wait a very long time for it to come out in paperback. It was fun to read and I really enjoyed the continuing story of this young wizard apprentice and the young princess. I look forward to the next book and more about Spit Fyre. I have lots of questions and look forward to Physik which I went ahead and bought in hardback.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joshua west
This is a very plot heavy and magic heavy book. That makes it perfect for those not necessarily wedded to long, dense books. It got a bit silly at times, but that's perfect for its intended audience. The thickness of the paper and the size and spacing of the type make it appear much longer than it is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cristal jatip
Ok this is my 2 revue on this seres and let me just say is some of the best stuff i have ever read and i have read a hole lot . I have to say this is the 3 best in the seres.It is very enter taining as you can ges its about "Flyte" and it is a big twist pretty cool it {_] lol
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Having bought this as an Advanced Reader Copy, I just wanted to let Septimus Heap fans out there to know that the second book in this series was a very enjoyable--and in my opinion, even better than the first. Reading level-wise, this book is a bit easier to read than higher-level books like Harry Potter, Eragon, or Artemis Fowl, but will greatly appeal to fans of this genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
za na
I was sampling books for my 10 year old girl who devours books each week. After reading the first, i needed to read the whole set. a nice set for that young reader who is into the Harry potter magical type of book. So, i guess this is a review that says that the series is great for 10-40 year olds.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rebecca scott
I read both Septimus Heap books to evaluate them for my 10 year old son and really enjoyed them! They are not "Harry Potter" quality in that they lack many of the subtleties of that series, but neither are they as intense. I highly recommend them for kids who enjoy the magician genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christy lou
I love this book and it's series!! It was written for younger peeps. I originally bought it for my son, but I read them first, I am 35 and absolutely LOVE them!! A must have for anyone who loves mystic/fanasy type stuff.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
It's me again I still think that this is one of the better books in the series along with "DARKE", "SYREN", "MAGYK", "PHYSIK" and "FLYTE". The sad thing is that I haven't yet read "FYRE" which is pretty bad. I love this book and all the other books in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I would love to take flyte, how about you? I love this book even if it is a bit close to Harry Potter. I think everyone should love it what's not to like? DomDaniel, the villain, tries once again to become the Extra Ordinary Wizard by trying to take the amulet from Marcia (the crrent Extra Ordinary Wizard, along with some help from one of the Heaps (which one?) DomDaniel almost succeeds. Septimus Heap has fun with "flyte" from one of the oldest things there is in the castle. Jenna finds a magical room, the Queen's room. Flyte is book 2 in the series so read Magik first. However, you will find Flyte almost as enchanting as book 1 and an excellent read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The second book in the Septimus Heap series, Ms. Angie Sage continues the fascinating and nail-biting adventures of Septimus Heap, Princess Jenna, Nicko, their dragon boat, and a mystical world of magic waiting for the reader who dares to turn it’s pages. The castle, in disarray, anxiously awaits the return of Septimus amongst the chaos of the Extraordinary Wizard, Marcia, whose sinister dark shadow grows ever more tangible with each passing day, threatening the demise of her charge over the castle and those seeking to keep the wizarding world from falling into evil hands.

Ms. Sage uses vibrant descriptions, placing the reader directly into the surroundings, which I find difficult to write, but it’s effortless for her. The terminology, spells, and background stories all compel me down the rabbit hole of Flyte. What an adventure! Likable for all ages, Flyte touches on the nuances of parental struggles, sibling rivalry, and the typical angst of growing up all compiled into one. A quick and easy read, I’m grabbing the next in the series, “Physik,” faster than a toddler throwing spaghetti onto a wall.

While the series targets an audience between the ages of 8-12, I recommend teens and adults grab a copy, too. It’s a fabulous book to drain away trials of the day. Although, it may contribute to some sleepless nights with a never ending internal dialogue of, “Just one more chapter!” Honestly, I’ve tried in vain to find something about this book that I could critique, but I’m at a loss. And, no, I don’t always give 5/5 reviews;-)

For lovers of magical fantasy, please check out Angie Sage.

5/5 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anthony renwick
“Flyte,” book two in the Septimus Heap Series, is a fasted paced read with action, humor, and a clever cast of characters. This book is terrifically entertaining. Fans of the first book will love the page-turning sequel to Septimus’s Story. When the evil brother Simon comes to the castle from the badlands, he does not intend to do good. He had learned new evils while he was gone. Septimus and his friend must find a way to stop Simon from doing his worst in the castle.
Please RateBook 2), Flyte (Septimus Heap
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