Book Six: Darke, Septimus Heap

ByAngie Sage

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Although primarily focused on entertaining young adults, I have found this entire series to be entertaining and fun to read. The characters are easy to relate to and their adventures never fail to engage. I have enjoyed every one of the Septimus Heap books and I am by no means a young adult. I highly recommend these books to anyone who enjoys a fun, rollicking adventure with all the trimmings!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
corinne rampton
Good development of characters with all the rainbows come together even though it was raining the was a pot of gold and even though the sun was shining while it was raining it wasn't the same weather the next day
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is officially my favorite one out of them all. It has suspense and adventure. It also gets right to the point in the beginning of the book. If you like septimus heap then you will love this one.
Flyte (Septimus Heap, Book 2) :: Physik (Septimus Heap, Book Three) :: Fyre (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (Septimus Heap) :: Angie 1st (first) Edition [Hardcover(2008/4/8)] - Queste (Septimus Heap :: Magyk (Septimus Heap, Book 1)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa lewis
After I finished the book I was craving for more. The way the battle of the respondents written? Perfect. I almost teared up when I heard about Ethel the duck! But I still want to know some things,like what happens to the great alchemy fire, and Sara sara
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After I finished the book I was craving for more. The way the battle of the respondents written? Perfect. I almost teared up when I heard about Ethel the duck! But I still want to know some things,like what happens to the great alchemy fire, and Sara sara
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this book is amazing it combines mystery,action, suspense and etc. together amazingly angie sage has done it again nothing was held back and angie wasnt scared about how this book will end out and once again it was amazing
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda piotraschke
This book was good but did not have as much adventure as the previous books. Perhaps after reading the five previous book I knew what to expect. Lot's of growing up and getting along. Ok where is book Seven?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vicki m
I have loved every book in this series. Angie Sage writes with a wonderful sense of humor, and her imagination is incredible. Her books are packed with action, seamless, and I've never felt bored for one moment. I'm just sorry I have no more to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is another wonderful installment of the Septimus Heap series! I was so pleasantly surprised to see it in my Kindle's new items (forgot I had preordered it) that I jumped right into it and couldn't put it down. Wonderful job!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacob ramsay
Sixth in the Septimus Heap series for middle-grade readers and revolving around Septimus Heap, the seventh son of a seventh son. The primary focus is actually on Beetle followed by Septimus and then Simon.

My Take
I absolutely adore how well Sage enters into a child's mindset with their attitude, thoughts, and behaviors. I recognize myself as a child as well as the adult who's watching the kids mess up. AND, to be fair, the kids are doing a pretty good job of life.

It's really Beetle who's the hero in Darke. And Simon achieves his wildest dream, lol. Meanwhile, Septimus is obsessed with his own upcoming trials, and in my opinion, his narrow focus left it open for that Darke Domaine.

It is a story of tidying up what with Banishing that nasty old Tertius (oops), catching up with Merrian, discovering Wolf Boy's origins, rescuing the Manuscriptorium (and appointing much better management!), rescuing and yet more rescuing.

Dang, these Darke Magyk Things could be lawyers! Oops, I think maybe our lawyers are Darke Magyk lawyers!! Eeek. Sage has the Things slipping and sliding around words like nobody's business.

Poor Simon. He is working so hard to gain forgiveness from everyone he's wronged. It really is impressive, and still, I can't blame some of his victims for not trusting him. There's another lesson in here besides atonement. This one is about the consequences of not thinking.

Part of the theme in Darke is about growing up. There's more responsibility, a sense of being adrift and cut off. That desire to retreat back into a childhood where Mum and Dad took care of the bad things. It's also about adults having to come to terms with those under them becoming more responsible, having to share their time with others. And somehow finding forgiveness for wicked deeds.

Sage using the other wizards (and the floor!) to amp up the tension about Septimus' upcoming Darke Week was effective. I was cruising, er, reading along, and being quite complacent about Septimus getting through this. How hard can it be? Look at how much he's accomplished already!

The gross factor is amped up in this one. Just reading about Mrs. Gringe's stews are enough to make ya gag…urgghhh…bathroom…gotta get to the bathroom…make way…! And it gets worse when you read of the Port Coven's meal…urkkkk… Then Lucy encounters her mother's attitude. Oh. Boy. I know the real reason Lucy ran off! I'm surprised her dad hasn't made a run for it!

Larry's new, oily personality will crack you up. I hope shopkeepers don't read this one. Don't want to give them ideas! The "ladies" staffing the Tally Hut in the market already have some odd ideas about dealing with customers. Enough so, that I'd be making a run for it.
"He wouldn't be spending any time in this dump, he thought, but it would suit the Things nicely. It would keep them out of his way too, and he could hang out wherever he wanted. And do whatever he liked. So there."
I loved that scene at the Manuscriptorium's Pending Cupboard when all the scribes gather 'round and divert Jillie Djinn. She is such a pill. I sure enjoyed Beetle getting a bit of a comeuppance with her as Marcia's Emissary, lol. I also loved how well Jenna thought on her feet at the Doom Dump. Phew.

A couple of niggles… I am curious as to why someone has to be entombed in the Hermetic Chamber. Then there's Jenna's and Sarah's stubbornness. They are both so irritating in this. I wanted to smack 'em both around. For Jenna, it is a part of that maturity thing, sigh. I don't know what Sarah's excuse is.

There's a very definite feel to Darke of Sage slowly winding the Septimus Heap series down. It's nicely done, and I'll miss him once I read the last in the series, Fyre .

The Story
Simon and Princess Jenna will be celebrating their fourteenth birthdays at the Palace this year. It's an age when children are acknowledged as independent, responsible enough to make their own decisions. Yep, shake in fear, Mom and Dad!

Marring the festivities… Okay, layering a deep gloom over our heroes' anticipation of the fun, is Marcia having Banished Tertius (yay!), but also Banishing Alther. They have to get him back out of the Darke Places. A place so Darke that the adventurer's return is most unlikely.

Worse, Magyk is all wonky, and Marcia is desperate for Septimus to put off the start of his Darke Week. But not going would leave Alther trapped forever…and allow the Darke Domaine to spread throughout their world.

The Characters
Septimus Heap, a.k.a., Sum, is now a Senior ExtraOrdinary Apprentice to Marcia. Spit Fyre is Septimus' very tricky dragon ( Flyte , 2).

The Heaps are…
…a family of regular people and wizards. Mum, Sarah, gave up her Magyk and now keeps house at the Palace for Jenna, the daughter she and Silas, an Ordinary Wizard, raised. Simon is the oldest son and did a lot of bad things in his efforts to learn Magyk quickly. The obstreperous Lucy Gringe is the daughter of the gatekeeper, and she ran off with Simon. Thunder is Simon's horse who's come in search of Simon. Benjamin Heap was Silas' father. Niko Heap, another son, has been jumping through time with Snorri Snorrelssen.

Alfrún Snorrelssen is Snorri's mother and a Spirit-Seer who sees ghosts. Snorri and her mother will be testing the Alfrún for seaworthiness; Olaf Snorrelssen is a ghost and Snorri's father who'll drift out with them.

The Wizard Tower is…
…where the wizards all live. Marcia Fusspot Overstrand is the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, the one in charge and a little too concerned about her place in history…hmmm. She's also mistress to her ExtraOrdinary Apprentice, Septimus. Jim Knee, the jinnee from Syren , 5, is hibernating in Marcia's sitting room. Alther Mella is the ghost of the last ExtraOrdinary Wizard. He and Alice Nettles, another ghost, have finally begun that longed-for relationship.

Rose is the new sick bay Apprentice Wizard working the night duty. Syrah Syara is being held in the Disenchantment Chamber, and everyone is hoping she comes through the process safely ( Syren ). Hildegarde Pigeon is an Ordinary sub-wizard who recovered from her Thing possession in Queste , 4; Pascalle and Thomasinn Thyme are sisters who perform escort duty for Beetle; and, Bertie Bott is left to guard the Cordon.

Marcellus Pye is an ancient Castle Alchemist (and Queen Etheldredda's son) who took Septimus as an Alchemie Apprentice 500 years ago.

The Palace is…
…where Princess Jenna lives with Ullr, the shifting Spirit-Seer kitty/panther she had been watching for Snorri. Maxie is Silas' ancient wolfhound, and Ethel is a waistcoat-wearing duck. An assortment of ghosts work at the Palace including Sir Hereward, a ghost who guards the princess' bedroom doors; Godric; and, Gudrun the Great who guards the Palace Gate. The late Queen Cerys was Jenna's birth mother; she died fourteen years ago. Milo Banda is Jenna's birth father.

Barney Pot also works at the Palace. His uncle, Billy Pot, is the Dragon Keeper by Appointment. The Bringer of the Book is bringing Marcia's doom to Jenna and forcing Jenna to accept that it is her Day of Recognition.

Port is…
…the town where everyone lives and most of the action takes place. Maureen owns the Harbor and Dock Pie Shop. And I really want an egg pie. I have no idea what it is, but it sounds so tasty! Sally Mullin runs a Tea and Ale House with her name on it. It's located just above the New Quay where her new boat, the Annie , is moored. Mr. Gringe is Lucy's father and Mrs. Gringe's long-suffering husband. Well, once you read about her cooking, you'll feel as if you're suffering too! Rupert Gringe is Lucy's brother who is apprenticed to Jannit Maarten, a boatbuilder. Rupert is walking out with Maggie, the Port barge skipper. Dolly Bingle works in the fish shop down at the New Quay. The Gothyk Grotto is a junk shop where Marcus and Matt Marwick, twin brothers, work for Mr. Igor. Ma Custard's Cake Shop. Terry Tarsal has a shoe shop.

Beetle Beetle has taken a job with Larry who runs Larry's Dead Languages Translation Service. Beetle's in love with Jenna and would do anything for her, although you'll begin to wonder at the end of the story. Maizie Smalls lights the torches in Wizard Way and struck a deal to light the Palace's candles. Binkie is her cat.

Stanley is a Message Rat who re-instituted the Message Rat Service. He has high hopes for his ratlets: Flo, Mo, Bo, and Jo, a.k.a., Florence, Morris, Robert, and Josephine. (In Syren, they were named Sydney, Lydia, Faith, and Edward *shakes her head wonderingly*)

The Magykal Manuscriptorium and Spell Checkers Incorporated is…
…where Beetle Beetle used to work. Now, Merrin Meredith (he raised the Things in Queste , 4, and then journeyed to Port to wreak havoc) works as the chief clerk and is squatting in the Palace. Well, okay, "works" is a very flexible concept for Merrin. He is achieving his goals of havoc in the Manuscriptorium, especially with Jillie Djinn, the OCD Chief Hermetic Scribe. Ephaniah Grebe, a half-man, half-rat, is the Conservation, Preservation, and Protection Scribe. Foxy is the new Chief Charm Scribe (his dad used to be the Chief Hermetic Scribe before Jillie). The rest of the twenty-one scribes include Romilly Badger and Barnaby Ewe who are quick-thinkers and Partridge.

The Northern Traders' Market is a fair where one can find gifts for anyone for the MidWinter Feast. Makers' Mile is a new section of the market where locals can sell. The Tally Hut is a jewelry stall run by Sophie Barley. Supposed to be, anyway.

The Port Coven is…
…a group of really nasty Darke witches including Pamela the Witch Mother, Linda is Pamela's wicked, vicious protégé, Dorinda, Veronica, Daphne, and the traitorous Marissa Lane who are living in the Doom Dump. Nursie works for them and is the landlady of The Doll House.

Dungeon Number One is…
…the center of Marcia's horrible nightmares. Tertius Fume was a very bad ghost (the latest evil was in Syren ). Well, he's been a mean, nasty ghost for a long time. Things are a kind of mean, nasty human figure that most people can't see. DomDaniel was a really wicked Darke Magyk wizard who wore the insidious Darke Two-Faced Ring. A Darke Domaine is a foggy pool of Darke that grows and lures people in with false promises. The Darke Disguise will hide your true nature.

Storm Wizards keep an eye on the weather. Fetching forces the Fetched to keep moving until he reaches the place to which he is Fetched. Darke Week is the time when an ExtraOrdinary Apprentice must experience Darke and find a balance between Darke and Magyk. A Call Out is an emergency measure when danger threatens the Palace or the Wizard's Tower. The Longest Night sounds like Christmas with its feasting and lights and gifts. It seems to be part of the MidWinter Feast. Synchronicity is when dragon and Imprintor become One, a very rare occurrence. A P-I-W is a Princess-in-Waiting. And doesn't Marcia just hate that!

The Cover and Title
The cover is a background of grayish browns, itself the cover of an embossed book, Darke Index, the ultimate book on Darke Magyk. Darke is in a deep copper foil with the series information at the top in gold with the author's name at the bottom, also in gold. The book is held closed by an old and battered length of lilac satin ribbon atop of which is a battered tin box in green and cocoa brown with a pivoting, shaped brass handle.

The title is the focus, the Darke Magyk that is overwhelming the Palace and Port.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read all this series in ebook form, and for once that worked greatly to my advantage as I had not realised, when my preorder became available, that I was getting the kindle edition long before the hard back hits the shelves in the UK. Why we in the UK should be made to wait so long is not clear to me, as this is a perfect summer read for children and young adults, as well as adults who enjoy a thoroughly engaging tale, with a huge cast of wonderful characters.

If you found Darke first, please note that this is part of a series that starts with the book "Magyk". Magyk is a wonderful piece of writing and you should go and buy it now. No seriously, right now!

If you are still reading this review it is either because you ignored my advice (shame on you) or you have enjoyed this series so much that like me you are still reading it as quickly as you can. If that is the case, I am wasting my time telling you how good a story it all is, so here are some thoughts on the latest book.

Darke begins on the eve of Septimus and Princess Jenna's 14th birthday. They are on the brink of adulthood as measured in their society, and things are changing. Septimus is also about to embark on yet another extraordinarily dangerous parts of his apprenticeship - Darke Week. Add to that a banishing accident with poor Alther, and the return of some other shady characters and you have all the elements of another page-turning tale. Your only regret reading this is likely to be that the story is over, and you have to wait so long for the next installment.

I give the story five stars. It is as good as ever. If I have some minor criticisms, these would be that maybe the humour was not quite so quick coming as earlier books. And yet the quirky humour is still very much in evidence. There are also some literary references that may or may not suit the story (depending on your mood). A refernce to "Their and Back Again lane" pays homage to "The Hobbit" and the character Bertie Bott will certainly have everyone thinking of every flavour beans.

This series bears some resemblance to Harry Potter of course. It is about a student in magic (or magyk at least). It is to span 7 books, and the quirky humour is reminiscent of JK Rowling's style. But these books are anything but derivative or formulaic. This is a very different tale in a very different world, and is in no way a Harry Potter clone. So I am not quite sure why we have Bertie Bott! But like all the other characters, Bertie is interesting.

I particularly like Angie Sage's endings (and the epilogues), and this book is no exception.

A first class read. It may not be the best book I have ever read in my life but it richly deserves five stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephanie lindsay hagen
Basically a Harry Potter genre book with a little less character depth, more humour and considerably less "evil" evil....but really just about as entertaining (I should also mention.... I got the audio book). The "Things" are very Dementor-ish for example.... the hard-to-obtain lost artifacts are searched for to defeat the darkness, while the standard talking animals, well meaning ghosts and the required loveable but troublesome-to-keep pet dragon make their appearances in the castle setting. There are marked differences of course- among them a princess, and the usual dark lord who rather surprisingly seems pretty much wiped out early in the series.
Some of the books in the line are better than others, I liked the first and this one more. This episode may as well be titled "Marcia Overstrand and Septimus Heap", she is almost the hidden main character in much of the books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa dejesus
I thought when I started reading this series I thought I wasn't going to like it but the more I read the more I loved it! And I loved this book altogh sad was magical funny adventurous and a bit scary. It will always be one of my favorite books of all time. Septimus will hold many in suspenion and excitment! I would recommed it to kids teachers parents and pretty much anybody! It so much more magical and awesome with the wonderful mind of Angie Sage. Sh is deffentily on the leval of J.K.Rowling. I love this book!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I imagine that anyone who enjoyed the first five books in the Septimus Heap series will want to continue reading and will enjoy Darke. I seem to enjoy the odd number books more than the even numbered books in the series. So, I didn't feel it was as good as the fifth book, Syren.

In many ways, I feel the series is a little disorganized. There are a lot of great characters and concepts that have been introduced but seem to have been left unresolved. After the first book, I expected the series to involve Septimus, Jenna, and Nicko going on adventures on the Dragon Boat. It will be interesting to see if the story can bring all of the elements together for a grand conclusion.

I was a little disappointed in the starting of the book. I felt a bit lost as I couldn't really tell how much time had passed since the end of Syren or what had been happening in the world of Septimus and Jenna. Actually, it seems like the events of this book do not tie to the events in Syren. Septimus' jinnie, Jim Knee, is hibernating and Syrah is lying asleep in the disenchantment ward. I was also disappointed that Septimus didn't appear much in the first third of the story. The main action was on Princess Jenna and Beetle.

Once the story started to take shape, things progress quickly. I wish Septimus had been included in more of the scenes in the book, but in the end I still found it to be a good book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica whittaker
Excellent addition to the Septimus Heap series! Darke is a wonderfully exciting page-turner with plenty of humor and great characters. The plot is full of surprises and some of the coolest magyk in the series so far. Not only that, but everyone, particularly Simon, Septimus, and Jenna, is clearly growing up and preparing for their futures. It also has probably the most serious and difficult situations in the series and a much more somber tone. Darke reminds readers that it is the second to last in the series by beginning to wrap things up in preparation for the final volume. Some characters we will be glad to see go, but others will be missed. It's going to be a long wait for Septimus 7!
A fabulous book that is sure to be the best of the summer!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Septimus Heap is preparing for his Darke Week, a rite of passage separating the Ordinary from the ExtraOrdinary Apprenticeship. Since Apprentices choose what they do during their Darke Week, he is determined to retrieve Banished ghost Alther from Darke Hall. A 14th birthday is very special for an Apprentice (since it is twice the Magykal number of 7), but there is an undercurrent of worry throughout the Wizard Tower as Septimus turns 14. It's almost as if everyone is expecting someone (someone like...gulp...Septimus) to die.

Meanwhile, Lucy Gringe has come home after two years away to reunite with her parents. Lucy not only offers apologies for running off to find Simon Heap, she also gives them a heartfelt invitation to her and Simon's upcoming wedding. But the Gringe family reunion is interrupted by the arrival of a black horse. It's Simon's horse, without Simon. Lucy feels pricklings of dread, wondering if something terrible has happened to Simon. Indeed, if Lucy knew what Simon was facing, she would be horrified.

It's Jenna's 14th birthday, too, of course. A woman calling herself The Bringer of the Book arrives bringing guessed it. This particular book is called THE QUEEN RULES and gives Princess in Waiting Jenna some enlightening news. It seems Septimus can no longer dismiss her concerns, including her recent worries that someone has been in the Palace attic. When Jenna tried to discuss this problem with Septimus, he didn't take her apprehension seriously. But even though she now knows Septimus must pay attention to her, she turns instead to the sympathetic Beetle.

Beetle does not take Jenna's anxiety lightly. He even wonders if what she thinks is a person in the attic might not be an Infestation --- the moving of something Darke into a home. However, even with Beetle to help her, it isn't long before Jenna finds herself in a terrifying life-or-death situation during which she makes an unlikely friend. At the same time, her identity (to say nothing of her outfit) takes quite a surprising turn.

None of these characters realize the tremendous battle that lies before them. The Palace has been invaded by the Darke Domain. ExtraOrdinary Wizard Marcia Overstrand is galvanized into action to fight the dreaded Darke. Strangely, the one person she would expect to be fighting at her side appears to be missing, so she drafts another character, who ultimately proves to be a courageous hero. As the monumental battle ensues between the forces of Magyk and Darke, the two sides struggle for power over the kingdom. Someone quite near and dear to both Jenna and Septimus appears to be lost to the Darke forever; in a conflict this massive, there must be (and will be) casualties.

While the plot advances, filled with tons of Magykal adventure as well as hilariously irreverent asides, the characters also mature and strengthen in response to their challenges. Jenna comes to an important realization about her place in the world. Septimus and one of his brothers struggle with trust and reconciliation. One romance comes to a natural and believable ending, while another couple returns to a home in which they were once content.

DARKE is an exciting and thoroughly satisfying page-turner, making this yet another brilliant episode in the series. So why aren't these books as famous as those of that other wizard, the one in the spectacles? They should be.

--- Reviewed by Terry Miller Shannon
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you are a fan of the Septimus Heap series this 6th volume does not disappoint. As Sep & Jenna prepare for their birthday everything falls apart. Sep is supposed to test for his Darke week but before he can Marcia accidently banishes Alther in the dungeon. Merrin Meredith has Dom Daniels' ring and he really starts wrecking havoc stirring up a Darke takeover. Luckily Simon comes back in time to help Marcia .....And that's all I'm giving up!
I have been a fan since the 1st book and will be disappointed when the series ends. I'm thinking the next book will be it. Book 7 - because after all Septimus is the 7th son of a 7th son so 7 books seems logical.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Sage continues the magical journey by keeping the insights into her world. At time this story will bring you to believe that all hope is lost, only to provide a well structure ending that leaves you believing anything is possible. If you have read Sage`s other books you understand. If not, go back and read the entire series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love this book and its series. The first time I started reading this book I was hooked on and felt like I was there. Angie Saige does such an amazing job describing things you can always know where you are and picture it clearly. I would suggest this book to anyone who likes adventure and magic. It is a stunning series that I will have to reread right away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I'm way past young adults, but I love love love this book. I'm a big Harry Potter fan, and was so sad when that adventure ended. I found the Septimus Heap stories to continue that kind of story line, and I hate to say this out loud, but I think I like Septimus Heap stories better. All the books I love love, but this number 6 book is the best so far, and I hope the adventure isn't over at number 7, like one reviewer summized.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lacey mason
2 1/2 stars, really.
My Thoughts: URGH. I did not like this book, and I was really hoping I would. The first Septimus Heap book, Magyk was by far the best. The others seemed like Angie Sage just wanted to make this a seven book series just to make everything in sevens. (Seventh son of seventh son, etc.) I could barely get through this book, and three times I stopped it to read something else (The Lunar Chronicles) before coming back to this. What really bugged me about this book, aside from the dullness and the fact that the majority of the book was made up of smaller scenes made into long ones that didn't matter, was that it spoiled the rest of Angie Sage's books for me. What I mean by that is that I don't want to read Fyre, or the the Pathfinder series, or any other books written by her related to Septimus Heap. I've kind of given up hope that this series will be as good as Magyk, which is what really kept me going through these books the entire time. No, the previous books I've all rated at least a High Three, yes I liked those book and enjoyed them, but Darke has ruined the rest of the books for me. I'd rather read books that I know I would like more. Maybe I'll read one of Sage's other books, maybe not. Sorry. This is a really long ramble. But it annoys me when you love the first book in the series and the rest just don't live up to expectations. URGH.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan cote
I loved this book !!!!! This book was very entertaining and longer and more exciting then all the other books , because this one had a lot more action and adventure.

So far I think it is one of best septimus heap books and I can't wait for the last one. (age 9 and 3/4 -- like the platform :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alicia van beek
This sixth book of the Septimus Heap series is as it sounds: Darke. Now here, some will point out that I am spelling it wrong, but believe me, in the magykal world of wizards, it is spelled that way. Before going in to the actual book itself, let's focus on the entire series. Currently there are many characters active in the series, and Angie Sage uses her best effort to maintain it so. Merrin Meradith, who appeared in book 1 to 4, is back and he is still the "stupid and constantly changing" guy. However, with bearing the two-faced ring for a 13 lunar months, he has grown very powerful, and he is preparing the great assault on the peaceful castle.

Now, let's go to the characters on the actual book of this review. Beetle has acquired a job of translating dead languages, and is maintaining his salary. Simon and Lucy return to the castle, but Simon is taken by the things summoned by Merrin, and Lucy, not knowing where he went, reunites with her parents. Our Septimus Heap is doing well with his apprentice training, and is approaching his darke week, where he must go to the darke halls to acquire and experience the darke to learn higher skill level of magyk that requires the harmony of both darke and magyk. Princess Jenna is now old enough to b positioned with the title PIW, which is Princess In Waiting. The scribe Foxy is doing well in the manuscripterum, looking after the charms. Just in case you guys are wondering, Sarah Sarah is in the wizard tower, recovering from her years of possession. Jim knee is also in the wizard tower, constantly napping and snoring at the same time, irritating Maricia.
If you, by any chance have clicked my public profile and read my latest reviews, you may have noticed I am not focused on the summary lately. So, as usual, I would like to talk about Angie Sage here. To start with, she is not that famous and she did not write many books. Her first novel was the Septimus Heap#1 Magyk, and her greatest hits were also Magyk and the next, Flyte. She is also publishing the Araminta Spookie series, which is also known, but not enough.

So the very quick summary of this book before I end this review are these: castle, darke, danger, Merrin, things, dark domain(a thick fog of darke), live safeshield, fails, darke halls, success, trusting Simon, great magyk, victory.
If you actually read the book, you will know what all these mean.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dianna weglarz
If you have a child who liked Harry Potter or any of those fantasy books, they will love this series. It's not for little kids, but for those hard to please tweens it's perfect. I work in an elementary school library, and it was wonderful seeing 5th grade boys who hated reading dive in to this series and love it. This book is just as good as the others - can't wait for the first movie (it's rumored to be animated, so it may take awhile).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick lewis
I called this book the darkest one yet - and not just because of the title. More people die than in all the previous books together. Some scenes are quite gruesome, e.g. when a child's thumb is cut off with a kitchen knife and this is deemed acceptable, even justified.

Although the story starts rather slowly, Angie Sage has managed to keep her 6th Septimus Heap story full of action and suspense, right until the end.
Ms Sage likes to give some characters short introductions in some of the earlier books only to give them larger parts later on. But now she seems to have too many characters "floating around", so she has to find something for them to do or rather an excuse for them to be doing nothing:
The genie Jim Knee is hibernating, i.e. snoring on Marica Overstrand's sofa. Syrah Syara remains suspended in the Disenchanting Chamber. I had expected Septimus and Syrah to start a romantic affair, but perhaps Angie Sage is leaving that for book 7.

I don't want to spoil things by describing the fast paced plot in detail. I must admit that I was disappointed by Snorri's and Nico's breaking up; even more so when I realized that Beetle and Jenna's relationship was going nowhere in particular. But apparently it had only been a one (beetle-) sided affair.

By the way, is there any official statement about why there will be exactly seven books? I fail to see why this should be so. Septimus has still got some years left until he finishes his apprenticeship. In SH 6 he is only 14. There is no buildup towards a showdown like the duel between Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter in HP7. Oh well, only time and Angie Sage will tell.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book !!!!! This book was very entertaining and longer and more exciting then all the other books , because this one had a lot more action and adventure.

So far I think it is one of best septimus heap books and I can't wait for the last one. (age 9 and 3/4 -- like the platform :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim bulger
This sixth book of the Septimus Heap series is as it sounds: Darke. Now here, some will point out that I am spelling it wrong, but believe me, in the magykal world of wizards, it is spelled that way. Before going in to the actual book itself, let's focus on the entire series. Currently there are many characters active in the series, and Angie Sage uses her best effort to maintain it so. Merrin Meradith, who appeared in book 1 to 4, is back and he is still the "stupid and constantly changing" guy. However, with bearing the two-faced ring for a 13 lunar months, he has grown very powerful, and he is preparing the great assault on the peaceful castle.

Now, let's go to the characters on the actual book of this review. Beetle has acquired a job of translating dead languages, and is maintaining his salary. Simon and Lucy return to the castle, but Simon is taken by the things summoned by Merrin, and Lucy, not knowing where he went, reunites with her parents. Our Septimus Heap is doing well with his apprentice training, and is approaching his darke week, where he must go to the darke halls to acquire and experience the darke to learn higher skill level of magyk that requires the harmony of both darke and magyk. Princess Jenna is now old enough to b positioned with the title PIW, which is Princess In Waiting. The scribe Foxy is doing well in the manuscripterum, looking after the charms. Just in case you guys are wondering, Sarah Sarah is in the wizard tower, recovering from her years of possession. Jim knee is also in the wizard tower, constantly napping and snoring at the same time, irritating Maricia.
If you, by any chance have clicked my public profile and read my latest reviews, you may have noticed I am not focused on the summary lately. So, as usual, I would like to talk about Angie Sage here. To start with, she is not that famous and she did not write many books. Her first novel was the Septimus Heap#1 Magyk, and her greatest hits were also Magyk and the next, Flyte. She is also publishing the Araminta Spookie series, which is also known, but not enough.

So the very quick summary of this book before I end this review are these: castle, darke, danger, Merrin, things, dark domain(a thick fog of darke), live safeshield, fails, darke halls, success, trusting Simon, great magyk, victory.
If you actually read the book, you will know what all these mean.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emmett racecar
If you have a child who liked Harry Potter or any of those fantasy books, they will love this series. It's not for little kids, but for those hard to please tweens it's perfect. I work in an elementary school library, and it was wonderful seeing 5th grade boys who hated reading dive in to this series and love it. This book is just as good as the others - can't wait for the first movie (it's rumored to be animated, so it may take awhile).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
steph dk
I called this book the darkest one yet - and not just because of the title. More people die than in all the previous books together. Some scenes are quite gruesome, e.g. when a child's thumb is cut off with a kitchen knife and this is deemed acceptable, even justified.

Although the story starts rather slowly, Angie Sage has managed to keep her 6th Septimus Heap story full of action and suspense, right until the end.
Ms Sage likes to give some characters short introductions in some of the earlier books only to give them larger parts later on. But now she seems to have too many characters "floating around", so she has to find something for them to do or rather an excuse for them to be doing nothing:
The genie Jim Knee is hibernating, i.e. snoring on Marica Overstrand's sofa. Syrah Syara remains suspended in the Disenchanting Chamber. I had expected Septimus and Syrah to start a romantic affair, but perhaps Angie Sage is leaving that for book 7.

I don't want to spoil things by describing the fast paced plot in detail. I must admit that I was disappointed by Snorri's and Nico's breaking up; even more so when I realized that Beetle and Jenna's relationship was going nowhere in particular. But apparently it had only been a one (beetle-) sided affair.

By the way, is there any official statement about why there will be exactly seven books? I fail to see why this should be so. Septimus has still got some years left until he finishes his apprenticeship. In SH 6 he is only 14. There is no buildup towards a showdown like the duel between Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter in HP7. Oh well, only time and Angie Sage will tell.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
riyad halaka
Best Book Ever! ILoved it. I think Angie Sage is one of the best fiction authers around. I love all of her books. If you havent read her other books you have to! Cant wait till her other books come out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ray evangelista
I got this book Tuesday the day it came out and instantly started reading it. This book is just as good as the first 5 volumes! I love that Sage has kept the same characters in this story, and helped us explore more into some of the characters we were wondering about! This book is a must buy this summer, you won't be able to put it down!
Please RateBook Six: Darke, Septimus Heap
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