
ByJennifer L. Armentrout

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Frusturating! If I could sum this book in one word. The only reason that I'm giving it two stars is that the start of the book showed a lot of promise, too bad it failed.

Some people have super powers. Girl is saved by sister with super power but kind of backfired on her and if she touches you, you'll die. Ends up in a house with other kids with super powers and tries to figure things out about herself.

I started out liking this book. Main character was put in a really tough situation and it seemed like she was a competent girl who would do anything to keep her family intact. Interactions with her sister were the shining moments.
And then everything went to crap after her family gets abducted by people who think they know best for them. There were several moments in this book when I wanted to stop reading, and I almost did. I just thought it would get better.
Every single person in the "new" family is mean to her, and the only reason why is because of her power. And none of them receive any retribution for it. I didn't grow to like any of the secondary characters, even her cute little sister was borderline annoying. In fact, I thought they all deserved a slap up side the head.
Also, the main character got to the new place and everything I liked about her went down the drain. She had no self control, no self esteem, no self worth. I felt totally letdown.
And all the interactions with her sister disappeared after they got to their new location.
Unfortunately, because of these reasons, I wouldn't recommend this book or continue with the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
char utyro
Gifted or Cursed? That's the dilemma facing our heroine Ember.

Ember awoke from death a changed person. Quickly realizing she now has a death-touch, she has lived the last two years shielding herself from coming into contact with others. Good to the core, she sacrifices a normal teenage life to care for her uniquely-talented kid sister Olivia. Her only friend is Adam, her mom treats her as if she's invisible, and the kids at school are horrible to her. I felt for her from the get-go.

Then this hot, mysterious guy starts showing up and soon her whole world is turned on its head.

Hayden is an intriguing male lead. Clearly fond of Ember, and willing to literally put his life on the line to protect her, he's also hiding his own dark secrets.

Cursed reminded me a little of X-Men with the school for gifted kids, but set in a more contemporary environment. There are plenty of twists and turns in this book - some predictable, some not - but plenty to propel the plot forward nicely.

I liked these characters, a little less run of the mill than JLA's normal characters and I really enjoyed that. There were parts where I literally cringed inwardly for Ember, and could scarcely read on. I love when a book makes you feel that emotionally connected, and that's what Cursed did for me.

Superbly written as usual, I'm surprised that this book isn't one of her more popular ones. I'm suffering separation anxiety now though as this one looks like it won't ever be anything more than a stand alone, and I'd love to read more of these characters.

I really loved this book. In my opinion it's a great addition to JLA's paranormal YA romance collection.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
matthew wollenweber
Briefly: Ember’s little sister, Olivia, can bring back things from the dead. She knows first-hand, since she was one of those things, brought back to life after a harrowing car accident that killed their father and caused their mother to head into a mental tail-spin. Unfortunately, now Ember’s curse is the opposite of Olivia's; any living thing that she touches dies. Suddenly, she and her remaining family are whisked away to another state where a man “adopts” kids with their “abilities.”

Can her attraction to the man’s son, Hayden, push away the gnawing feeling that something is not right about her new situation? Can he really teach her how to control her curse? Is the shadowy group known as “The Facility” behind the accident that killed her dad?

Didja Like It?: This book has the fingerprints of a high-strung indie all over it. Sometimes I feel like there’s a computer program that writers access where they insert a few details about their characters, insert plot/bad guy here, and, voilà! The printer spits out the formula’d final product where emotion is ratcheted up to the nth degree whether the situation demands it or not.

It is written in that particular style that is so common in YA - the melodramatic romance, the overly-wrought, overly-felt, overly-described novel. Words are used like a fist, a slap, a bucket of water over the head. Everything is felt in the dry mouth, the caught throat, the thumping heart, the icy stomach, the tingling ladybits. All emotions are worn on sleeves; all intuitions acted upon (whether good or ridiculous); all girls think they’re ugly (either from scars on the inside or outside), all boys are tousle-haired, long-eyelash’d, eyebrow quirking, mouth smirking hot and muscled. So, of course, it is always a surprise when that same boy is attracted to our Plain Damaged Jane. Then, it all makes sense: he is deep and flawed himself.

Ah, yes. I get it. It’s the girl version of the average Joe depicted in porn (or so I've been told), right? If the guy in the movie can look like Mr. Anyman, and he gets the (hot) girl, then there's hope for the rest of us! So easy for the reader who possibly already sees herself as OK (at best), and unwanted, unattractive, unloved (at worst) to want the heroine to be that way. Especially if meeting Mr. So-Hot-That-Everyone-Wants-Him means he only has eyes for our Broken Lass? She is whole because someone gorgeous can see her soul. And he loves her. Who doesn't like the sound of that? Well, I, for one, think that's a theme from which we could use a well-deserved break.

Anything Else to Mention?: I really had to push myself to finish this. Unfortunately, I had already read several books that were similar to this book: Jenny Pox and The Dream Catcher series, for example, so nothing here was new or fresh. I didn't really care about any of the characters; the little sister in this story was annoying and unreal - the kind of kid I could see Shirley Temple playing in a movie.

To Read or Not To Read: Sigh. I know that many people love the writings of Ms. Armentrout, but, in this case, I did not. So I will say whether you read this or not depends on how you feel about the rest of my review.

Cursed by Jennifer L. Armentrout was published September 18, 2012 by Spencer Hill Press. Ink and Page picked this book up from the library, so no one had a choice about whether it was reviewed.

Rating: 2

Genre: Young Adult Fiction Paranormal Romance
Ages: 12 and up
You Might Want to Know: Minor descriptions of violence.
The Third Covenant Novel (Covenant Series) (Volume 3) :: Forgotten: Book #1 in The Lost Children Trilogy :: The Fourth Covenant Novel (Covenant Series Book 4) :: Bitter Sweet Love (The Dark Elements) :: Opal (A Lux Novel Book 3)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jessica hoffman
My Thoughts: I tend to love Armentrout’s books! I enjoy them! I laugh during them, I cry during them!

Cursed was just okay for me. It almost felt like it was aimed at a younger audience, middle grade.

We are introduced to Ember who lives with her mother and her little sister. Her mother has went into a depression and Ember basically takes care of her little sister. I liked their abilities and what they could do, even if it was a bit scary.

The family soon goes to live with another and things get complicated. Ember really has no say in the matter and things are complicated. The new family also has some weird stuff going on. I really liked the addition of Hayden but I had to warm up to him. At first, he seemed like a bit of a stalker but I soon began to like him. I just never really loved him like I tend to do with book boyfriends. I never really connected with him.

I was glad to see Ember grow as a person and learn more about herself.

Overall: I thought the plot was interesting and the characters. Some more than others. I don’t think this was my favorite book by this author but I enjoyed it enough to want to know what happened next and to keep reading.

Cover: I do like the colors of it!

What I’d Give It: 3/5 Cupcakes
Taken From Princess Bookie
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Jennifer Armentrout is an Author that won my heart the moment I opened Obsidian ( Book #1 in the Lux series ) I then went on to read EVERY book I could find of hers. And loved them all. They were all so unique, and full of ideas I hadn't really touched on much in YA.

That was a bit of what let me down with Cursed :/ The "touch of death" theme is something I have seen multiple times. There were a few unique aspects to the story that I enjoyed and held me through, but in the back of my head I kept thinking " read it, read it, read it. "

Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed Cursed. 3 stars is NOT a bad rating. It just wasn't as amazing as I wanted.

Things that I liked about Cursed were:

The characters! Ember was such a strong character and person. Having gone what she has, and SURVIVING, holding on and still fighting for a good life for her and her sister, it's a trait I love to see in YA books.

Her sister Oliva was freaking ADORABLE. I mean really.. I feel for Ember..How do you say " no, you can't raise your dead hampster Squeaky back from the dead." to a face like that!

- I was heartbroken that Oliva wasn't more present in the story. She was always in the background, and topic of conversation, But I feel like she wasn't actually ACTIVE in the story as much as I would have liked.

Then there was Hayden ... ooh Hayden >.< I feel like I was able to feel Ember's emotions right along with her. You can't help but fall for Hayden.. but there is always a little bit of.. hesitation. With good reason!

I also really enjoyed the pacing in this story, starts out light, and gradually grows to an explosive ending!

My only real problem was that I couldn't get over the " read it " feeling. But not everyone may feel that way! I do recommend Cursed, as I would recommend ANY Jennifer Armentrout books. I would just say if you have already read some "touch of death" stories, be a bit wary.. but if it interests you? GO FOR IT.

Rating 3.5/5
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jonathan hammond
Originally posted on Goodreads

Actual Rating: 2.5ish

I tore through most of Jennifer Armentrout's novels. I've read the Lux and Convenant series, in addition to some of her J. Lynn books and really liked them all. They all have strong male and female leads, good pacing and strong plots. Sadly, Cursed is the exception.

The premise of this book is good, a girl (Ember) saved from death by her young sister (Olivia), brought back with a touch that kills, after which she's abducted by a group of gifted teens/adults. Here's where the plot takes a nosedive. For ample pages there's a lot of running around and angsty moments but nothing substantial comes into play. Yes, there's a mystery here: how Ember's father was killed and who's stalking her. Okay. But the mystery stagnates and it isn't until the last several pages that the mystery comes together. Speaking of which, I knew who the bad guy was as soon as he was introduced. The fact that Ember didn't catch on was... disappointing. In addition, her inability to be honest and forthcoming only adds to the already muddled plot.

Hayden, the love interest, is a rather flaccid character. Yes, he seems intense, but other than his brooding nature, no real personaltiy emerges. In addition, the hot and cold attitude he demonstrates is frustrating yet Ember's reaction is even more so. He's rude and abrasive, secretive, but all he needs to say to Ember is "but I like you" and all is forgiven. He even snuggles with another girl, seems to flirt, and then runs back to Ember. Um, excuse me, but I call BS. Any self-respecting woman would have given him the finger, regardless of his hotness, and went about her merry way... or at the very least, been more skeptical and wary of his true intentions. These days, more often than not, I find that female characters are being drawn this way. Just say the right words and all suspicion, all bad behavior simply melts away. That's simply not how it is. Ask any high school junior how she'd react if her beloved was caught snuggling on a sofa with another girl, I'd better my bank account she wouldn't be batting her eyes and swooning fifteen minutes after some lame excuse.

The balance of the characters offer little in the way of substance. They're a group of misfits but none of their issues are explored. Neither is the leader, Cromwell, of this ragtag group. Ugh. I found myself skimming through the last several chapters, just so I could get it over with and finish the novel.

Lastly, Jennifer Armentrout needs to come up with some new adjectives. If I have to read about "sooty eyelashes" again, I think I'll rip my hair out. Aiden (Convenant) and Daemon (Lux) both have sooty eyelashes, an adjective that I loathed to begin with. In addition, all of her male leads are Tall, Dark, Gorgeous, Ripped and Brooding. I'd like to see some more variety with this as well. Variety is the spice of life and not all boys are 6'3"... as a matter of fact, most aren't. Here's a thought, how about a blonde or redheaded hottie, maybe six foot or even five ten (most girls are under 5'5"), maybe lanky and svelte (you know, a swimmer's build?); how about a tattoo or a piercing, maybe even a scar... those can all be hot attributes too, if written right. Aside from the physical stuff, quite a bit of her other material seems recycled and over used. Disappointing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrew ramler
What a great book! and what a great ending! definitely worthy of 4 stars.

Jennifer has this admirable talent to suck you in with her story and writing.
Some of this is due partly on her ability to make interesting fantasy and paranormal. the rest - mainly her characters, come across as so realistic you cant help but to care and root for them.
So not only where the characters fascinating and somewhat relate-able to begin with, on top of that they have all these incredible gifts/curses! and we all know how i love my dash of paranormal.

I dont really have any complaints, even the times i should of been annoyed at the teenage drama, as a reasonable and logical adult (:P) reader, I wasn't. To me it seemed like a normal response from a teenager, actually a rather mature teenager.
I was a bit bummed when the sisterly bond dimmed a little but really under the circumstances that makes sense.

Overall great book something i think YA (17-21) will absolutely love.

Looking forward to getting my hands on the next book and pretty much anything else Jennifer Armentrout has written. Definitely an author to keep an eye on!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessie wilson
I was looking through Jennifer Armentrout's list of books she had written and saw this one. It was published in September, 2012 and I hadn't heard anything about it. I thought it sounded really interesting and boy am I glad I gave it a shot. What a great book! The characters all had so many layers to them. They all had secrets and you just never are sure who to like and who to mistrust. Until the very end.

Ember had a seemingly normal life. She was a normal, angsty teenager, until that fateful night. The night when she, her little sister, Olivia, and her parents were in a horrible car accident. Her father died that night and so did she, until her sister Olivia touched her and brought her back to life. That night everything changed.

Her Mother physically survives but is never the same. So the responsibility of taking care of her preschool age sister falls on her. But something has changed for Ember as well. Anything she touches dies. Pets, plants, and even people. She will never be able to hold her little sister's hand again. She endures two years like this, trying to go to school, and take care of her sister. But then everything changes, again! And she, her Mom, and Olivia end up at the home of Jonathan Cromwell along with several other teenagers, all with different gifts, that Cromwell has taken in. Mostly, though, there is Hayden, Cromwell's adopted son, that impacts Ember's life. He says he knows her, understands her, and wants to help her to learn to control her gift. And she is drawn to him. She wants to trust him, but can she? Right away things start to happen, bad things. Who is responsible? And, details start to come out about her parents and the accident. Was it really an accident?

So many times during this book I thought I knew who was good and who was bad just to have everything change again. It was the perfect balance of suspense and romance between Hayden and Ember. I felt throughout the book that Ember was so strong, to have gone through everything she did and the fact that at her young age she tried so hard to take care of her little sister. I really loved this book and highly recommend it. I knew that I wouldn't be disappointed by anything Jennifer Armentrout writes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Description: Two years ago teenager Ember was killed in a car accident. Her little sister brought her back to life. Now anything living Ember touches dies. She meets a mysterious boy named Hayden that tells her she is gifted and that he can help her control her gift. She wants to trust him but his father may have nefarious motives for helping her.

In Short: Overall this is a great book. With elements of romance, mystery and sci-fi it makes for a very interesting read. I think teenage girls especially would love it.

Pros: This book has a unique story with a lot of creative elements. There are a lot of interesting "gifts" and the way the characters use their gifts is interesting. The main character is likeable and I really admire the way she looks after her little sister. The story moves along at a good pace and has a lot of activity. I really got a kick out of all the little clues and secrets. The characters are all really well developed and you can sympathize with even the not so nice ones. There were a lot of surprising developments in the plot.

Cons: Unfortunately I figured out who the bad guy was within the first few scenes he was in. I thought the clues were quite obvious but I think some readers may still be surprised at the end. Because I already knew who the baddie was I found the ending to be a little anticlimactic. Also it was over too quickly in the sense that the danger started and ended really quickly. It could have been drawn out a little to be more suspenseful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vicki seamons
I must admit, I probably heard about Jennifer L. Armentrout's books long after everyone else. But as soon as I did, I bought Daimon and Half Blood from her Covenant series. I adored them! So when I heard she had a new book coming out, I had to see what all the hype was about. At which point, I must admit, I jumped straight on the bandwagon and waited impatiently for it to be released.
As many of you know by now, I am on morphine tablets, so it takes me a lot of concentration to read at the moment. But this book managed to suck me in, chew me up, and spit me out a bit more worse for wear in the old emotion department. Why? Read on.....

Ember McWilliams was in a car crash with her family. She should've died right there along with her father. But her 3 year old sister Olivia brought her back to life with a mere touch. How? Well, unbeknownst to them at the time, Olivia is Gifted. She can bring anything back to life if she touches it. But for Ember, being brought back to life has left her Cursed - for she is the opposite of her sister, with one touch, Ember can kill.

Things are difficult at home at the moment. Olivia keeps bringing things back to life, like her pet hamster. Ember wears long sleeves and gloves. The sleeves are because she is scarred from the accident, the gloves are to stop her killing everything she comes into contact with. Their mother acts like Ember doesn't exist but more than that, she keeps herself shut in her room away from everyone and it's hard for Ember and 5 year old Olivia to survive without their mother's support.
The money from their father's life insurance is dwindling and Ember has to scrimp and spend wisely in order for them to get by. It's made all the harder by their mother's reclusiveness. If only she'd come out of her room and take a good look around her. How does she expect her teenage daughter to provide for her 5 year old sister and go to school and get a good education?
Ember is doing all she can to be there for Olivia and her mom. She takes Olivia to school, goes to school herself, does the shopping, the cleaning. The only thing she must remember is to never take off those gloves.

Then there's the night of the the parking lot. [Spoilers Not Included]. Dustin really shouldn't have done what he did. He and Ember used to date before the accident. But since, he has been nothing if not a bully. He taunts her, thinking that she's a freak with her long sleeves hiding scars. Little does he know what her touch can do.

After that night, Ember and Olivia are whisked away to the middle of nowhere. When Ember wakes up, all she can see is that they are surrounded by trees and rocks. Great. What's she supposed to do now?!

The stranger that took them away introduces himself as Jonathon Cromwell. He says that he's taken them away for their own good and after the night of the parking lot, it's something that's very much needed. But that doesn't mean that Ember doesn't rebel. She does. In a big way.
But the point is, her mother and her sister are safe where they are. It's only Ember that feels like she doesn't fit in. Boy oh boy is she right.

The Cromwell family are all Gifted. Ember is Cursed. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see she's the odd-shaped piece that will never fit in with the jigsaw. But she can't leave. Her family is here. Even though her mother still acts like she doesn't exist, at least she's safe. Then there's Olivia. They have a bond that only siblings can have. She loves her fiercely and would do anything that means Olivia is safe, protected, loved.
Beyond that, there's Hayden, this inexplicably alluring boy. It doesn't make any sense. She saw him a couple of times in the past. But now with longer periods in his presence...

Hayden Cromwell has been watching Ember for the last two years. He doesn't know why but he can't stop. The family were supposed to keep an eye on the girls. But when the rest of the family withdraw to a distance, Hayden can't go with them. No matter what, he's drawn to Ember. He can't do anything to draw attention to himself but he just won't go until he knows Ember is safe. So when his father, Jonathon, decides to bring the McWilliams family into their home, Hayden has the perfect opportunity to get to know Ember. The real girl inside. Not just the one he watched from a distance.

Hayden knows what Ember can do. He knows not to touch her. But it doesn't stop him wanting to get close to her.

Ember hates being stuck in the middle of nowhere. Stupid Cromwell family. Stupid hick town. Stupid new high school. The only things she doesn't think are stupid are Olivia, Hayden and her new teacher Mr Theo. He's been kind to Ember, she feels she can trust him. To a point.

When bad things start happening at school, awful things appear in Ember's locker, she can't help but wonder who would be targeting her. She's new in town so it could be just a few pranks against the 'new girl' - but the things that happen are far too specific. Who would want to hurt Ember this way? Could it be one of the Cromwell's? They've taken her in but they sure as Hell don't want her there. They wanted Olivia, but Ember had to come as part of the package.

Ember's life pretty much sucks right now. She's in a place she doesn't want to be and she can never go home. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't take Olivia and her mom away from the Cromwell's. After all, they seem to be doing a god job of looking after them.
So she can't go home, awful tricks are being played on her, she's stuck in the middle of nowhere and oh yeah, she CAN'T TOUCH ANYONE. But there is one ray of hope and his name is Hayden.

Hayden wants to get close to Ember. What she can do doesn't seem to bother him. Ember wants to get close to Hayden but knows that she can't touch him. So what are they supposed to do?

There's so much more to this book than first meets the eye. I could go on forever about it, I really could. But then you'd have nothing left to read for yourself.
I often ask myself what I really bring to a review and I can't give any answer except for, my voice. My opinion. With that in mind I can only tell you that this book took me on an emotional roller coaster and stole my breath away.
I was sucked in from the first word and the story is the kind that will stick with me for a long time. There were total laugh out loud moments but I can admit I also cried a couple of times.

Warning: Beware of twists and turns that you won't see coming!!

That's one of the things I liked best about this book actually. The fact that you couldn't see what was coming until it happened. Jennifer L. Armentrout has a unique writing style that can't be matched. I have a few favourite authors and it is clear that Jennifer belongs on that list.

It's been said that every book is like taking a vacation. Well this is one of the most momentous vacations I have taken to date!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
salma khaled
My review:

Cursed by Jennifer L. Armentrout was a great book! I have read few other Jennifer's books and I have to admit, that Cursed was a surprise for me. Not because I did not like the other books I've read, not at all! On the contrary, all Jennifer's books have fallen greatly for my taste. Cursed was different because it was very suitable reading for younger range of YA books and that took me by surprise. I loved it!

Cursed was well-written, with captivating plot and the story was engrossing. It was smoothly written and very easy to read. Cursed caught my interest from the very first page and it was an emotional roller-coaster ride for me.


Meet Ember, a teenage girl who has died and brought back to life by her sister Olivia. After this accident Ember is changed, everything she touches dies. When she meets a cute guy Hayden, her world turns upside down. Suddenly she finds herself against her own will in a school for kids with special abilities - her mom is non-responsive, her sister Olivia almost taken away from her, hated by the other students. On top of everything, she finds out that the accident that changed her, wasn't accident at all, someone wanted her dead! Desperate to find out how to use and control her abilities and what happened during the accident, she learns how to trust Hayden.

I have to admit, there were times when I just wanted to close Cursed and not continue reading. I felt so badly about Ember and was so angry about what was done to her. The feeling of powerlessness and anger what Ember felt when she was put into dilemma - either you leave and never see your sister again or learn how to behave - put me on the edge. Leaving wasn't an option because of Olivia; they would have taken Olivia away from Amber. There were moments where I wanted Ember to hurt them badly, just because of the injustice done to her. I was frustrated and thinking how can the author do that to her.

I loved to see how Ember's story developed, it was very professionally created. And as said, it made me feel lots of emotions while reading and I consider that being a big plus while reading.


I liked Ember! She grew on me quite quickly. In the beginning of the story I did not understand her, but as soon as she was threatened in the Cromwell house, I could relate to her actions and emotions. She did deliver some surprises too - her stubbornness to make sure she controls her ability, her stubbornness when she pursued the reasons behind the accident - I admired that about her. She did not give up even though she had to pay a price for that.

There was a scene in the book, when Ember finally found a way not to kill a plant - that was beautiful!

Hayden was cute! He was very likable from the beginning. When I said, that I had to take my time to grow on Ember, then Hayden fell to a right place from the very beginning. I liked his supportiveness. No matter what his friends said, he was there for Ember and who doesn't like that in a man. I did not understand his love towards Ember when they met, but I liked the way it was developed by the author.

Olivia was hard to swallow and not because I did not understand her, but because she acted like a kid she was. Not really remembering what mother's love means, she was clinging to her new nanny in the Cromwell house and I felt sad for Ember that Olivia hurt her. I can understand that when you are coming from an environment, where you basically do not have a mom who can take care of you, then you feel affection towards any grown woman who is showing you the ways of love. It was painful to see, how Olivia's actions influenced Ember. That is also the reason why I love Cursed - it made you feel and understand and ache.

There were many other interesting characters in Cursed. I was actually surprised, that Cursed was a standalone book and not the beginning of the series, because the characters featured in Cursed would give plenty of material for a whole series. I would love to know more about few supportive characters in the book, learn more about their background stories: why where they in the Cromwell house, what happened to them? There were bits and pieces of information about supportive characters which were necessary for Cursed, but due to great potential of them, it could be built into a series.


Cursed by Jennifer L. Armentrout was a very good young adult novel. It is highly suitable for especially more juvenile audience of young adult readers. It was well written, quick-paced and easy to read. Loved it!

5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea blythe
Cursed is amazing. By the end of the first paragraph, I was hooked. Between the fast-paced, suspenseful plot and complex characters, I could not put this book down. Armentrout kept me guessing the entire time, and that doesn't happen often. I love the fact that nothing about this book is predictable. Be prepared to lose some sleep with this one.

Ember, which sounds a lot like Amber, so I felt an instant kinship with her, is a unique and likable character. She's incredibly strong and independent, and even though she's jaded from the life she's lived, she's not whiny. She's a fighter, and she's incredibly loyal to those she loves. Armentrout has a talent for creating inspiring YA female leads, and Ember is no exception. She's very different from Katy and Bethany in the Lux series and Alex in the Covenant series, but she's awesome in her own right. I also am impressed by the fact that Armentrout can create so many unique female leads with individual voices. That's difficult to do, especially when you're writing as many series as she is.

Hayden, while a bit creepy, is really kind of swoon-worthy. He knows he's a creeper, Ember knows he's a creeper, but he means well... or so it seems. In their situations, I don't really know how I would have reacted, had I been Ember. I also don't know if Hayden knows what normal conduct is and is not. That being said, I pretty much adored him, creeper or not. He's not the typical YA hero-type, and I love him even more for that.

The plot is fast-moving, and while it's not completely action-packed, it's still intense and suspenseful. I could not figure out what was going on, and every time I learned one thing, ten more things would appear that I needed to figure out. There's a mysterious element to the plot that I enjoyed, and I had no idea who the bad guy was until it was revealed. I was a bit shocked. Armentrout had me totally convinced it was someone else. The pacing was spot on, and nothing felt rushed or too slow. The world-building was done well, and everything made sense. I got a good handle on the world Armentrout created. The ending tied things up nicely, but left room for a sequel. One question went unanswered.

Overall, I'd recommend this book to anyone who likes mysteries, sweet paranormal romances, and well, just good books in general. Cursed has a different feel than the Covenant series and the Lux series, and it's impossible to compare it to those to series. However, I enjoyed it in its own right, and I know this is a book I'll read and re-read about a billion times. Give Cursed a try. You won't be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Title: Cursed
Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Date of Release: September 18, 2012
Number of Pages: 288
Source: Publisher at BEA
Summary from Goodreads:

Dying sucks-- and high school senior Ember McWilliams knows firsthand. After a fatal car accident, her gifted little sister brought her back. Now anything Ember touches dies.
And that, well, really blows.

Ember operates on a no-touch policy with all living things--including boys. When Hayden Cromwell shows up, quoting Oscar Wilde and claiming her curse is a gift, she thinks he's a crazed cutie. But when he tells her he can help control it, she's more than interested. There's just one catch: Ember has to trust Hayden's adopted father, a man she's sure has sinister reasons for collecting children whose abilities even weird her out.

However, she's willing to do anything to hold her sister's hand again. And hell, she'd also like to be able to kiss Hayden. Who wouldn't? But when Ember learns the accident that turned her into a freak may not have been an accident at all, she's not sure who to trust. Someone wanted her dead, and the closer she gets to the truth, the closer she is to losing not only her heart, but her life. For real this time.

Review: Jennifer's writing has turned into a sort of drug that takes me places, and makes me feel things that I ordinarily never would. Cursed is a thrilling novel that I swear to god I will weep if it is a stand alone. I just need more Jennifer. I wasn't sure how this book would go, because no author has entranced me so with so many different novels. Jennifer delivered, I knew she would, but a tiny part of me was a bit scared she wouldn't.

Anyways Ember is a girl who can't touch anyone for fear of the harm she will cause. I loved that Ember didn't just run off with the cute guy who claimed he could help her. I also liked how she cared for her sister, after everything around her fell apart. The loss of her best friend broke my heart, I swear to god my heart broke inside.

Intense emotions run high and plot twists, captured me by surprise. I just want more. I was left with a sense of a door slamming shut in my face, when I turned the final page. NOT COOL JEN! I think that we need to clone Jennifer so we can get more books faster!!

Back on topic. I found that I enjoyed this novel immensely. Jennifer delivers. JLA addicts like me will be delighted. New readers will fine a new favorite author! Pick up a copy of Cursed today!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jennifer L. Armentrout continues to impress and enthrall me. She has quickly become one of my favorite authors and while Cursed is not her best, it's still a great story.

Ember wasn't always an outcast at school. In fact, she used to be popular. That all changed the day she died and her little sister brought her back to life. Ever since then everything Ember touches dies. Ember knows she will never be able to get close to anyone so she shuts herself off from the world. All except her best friend, Adam. Adam stuck with Ember through it all even though he didn't know what exactly changed with her. Then Hayden Cromwell showed up and changed her life all over again. Suddenly Ember finds herself, her little sister, Olivia, and their mother living with a stranger who has taken in a bunch of other "gifted" kids. What exactly does he want with the kids though?

Once again I adored Jennifer L. Armentrout's writing and I found myself hooked from the very beginning. She has a way with words that makes it impossible for readers to put the book down. Her writing style is simple, easy to understand, and super fast-paced. Her writing is one of the best things about her books, in my opinion.

Another great thing about Jennifer L. Armentrout's books is the romance. She knows how to write sexy guys and steamy scenes. While Hayden didn't compare to Aiden from the Covenant series, he was sweet, funny, smart, and like I said, sexy. He was one of the better characters in the book. He was well-developed and I found his story to be very interesting.

Ember, on the other hand, was not one of the best characters. I was really disappointed with her as a character. She just seemed very contradictory. At the beginning of the book all she can talk about is how much she loves her little sister and how it's her job to take care of her. However, about 60 pages into the book Olivia just seems to disappear. She plays almost no part in the story from then on out. I really thought she was cute and I loved her relationship with Ember so I was really sad that she didn't play a bigger role. Adam also disappeared not too far into the story. The whole thing with Adam really upset me and if I had been in Ember's place I would not have let it go like she did. She barely put up a fight and it made me think that she really wasn't a great friend. She was also kind of a bitch. Because of her curst she shut herself off from everyone and she did that by being nasty to them. I expected a lot more from her.

The story itself was not that impressive but still interesting. I guessed who the bad guy was very early on but I did not guess his motives. That is what kept me reading. No matter how hard I tried to piece things together I just couldn't. I was really surprised by the end of the story and it made the book worth it. Jennifer L. Armentrout definitely knows how to write suspense.

Overall, Cursed will greatly appeal to Jennifer L. Armentrout fans. While I doubt it will be a favorite of her books, readers will still enjoy it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
You know just when you think that something cannot get any worse, it does? That's what it's like to live Ember's life. She was supposed to be dead; only her younger sister Olivia brought her back from the dead. Now Ember feels cursed because her touch is deadly, her mother has a dead-to-the-world state of mind since her father died and Olivia keeps resurrecting animals. It's like a family of freaks and even though Ember wants to just disappear, she can't leave Olivia alone.

So in between juggling bullies at school and keeping up with Olivia's demands, Ember is swamped, tired and lonely. She only has Adam to fall back on but even he doesn't know her secret or the real reason behind her wearing gloves. And then she spots a Hot Dude and thinks, "My brain must have felt sorry for me, so it'd created the only type of guy I could touch--a fantasy one."

Things take a turn for the worse when her ex-boyfriend dies at Ember's hands, someone takes Olivia from school and the Hot Dude ends up squeezing her hands instead of dying when she attacks him knowing he has something to do with Olivia's disappearance. Turns out there are gifted people out there and a man named Cromwell protects them. So it's only natural that he forces takes in Ember's family in order to protect Olivia's gift.

The fact that Ember is a danger to others is made painfully obvious to her by the other gifted people her family is now living with. All except Hayden the Hot Dude. He has the power to absorb energy and he believes that Ember can control her touch of death if she practices.

Ember is fierce yet extremely vulnerable ever since the accident and so she has a hard time trusting people and rightly so. There is something amiss with Cromwell and that doesn't sit well with Ember so she tries to break free of him. I really connected with Ember on a certain level because she didn't feel like she belonged anywhere however much she tried to make it all better. And boy does she! It's like a battle of touch-don't-touch going on inside her head.

As deeply emotional and captivating it was to read Cursed, it also has light and funny moments to offer. The romance between Ember and Hayden is built slowly and steadily. Hayden has his own demons to deal with and together they fit with that connection. Though they go through certain misunderstandings, Hayden really believes in Ember and gives her hope. However, Ember is convinced that Cromwell is bad news and tries to work out theories which agitates Hayden to an extent because he thinks highly of him.

Cursed is an engaging read and Jennifer Armentrout has put her own concept into it with the way the story is crafted. It has mysterious elements and a villain with a twisted mind. If you like books about deadly touches, Cursed is a must read and it will leave you feeling satisfied at the end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
melodie m
It was emotionally intense. Painful. Touching. Scary. Sad. Full of love. Trust was at trial everyday. I found myself feeling how Ember felt. The hurt, sense of betrayal, love, fear, sadness, sense of lost. Everything.
I was devastated about what happened with Adam and it was very painful. I liked him a lot. He was so sweet.
I found myself also not trusting Hayden completely. I liked him, but I still felt like I didn't know him very well and his past, as well as everyone else's, was a mystery, until the end.
I didn't really like Cromwell. Actually, I didn't trust him one bit. Especially in the end, what with all those "projects" and the scene in the hospital. I guess there will be a sequel?
Anyway, as for the other kids, I liked Parker, for what I've seen, which wasn't much, but he was nice. I didn't like Phoebe, she was spoiled and mean, and utterly crazy. Part for her jealousy, part for her gift. Gabe and Kurt were criptic. One time they were mean, then they were almost nice. But at least I know they aren't evil. They were just afraid and distrustful. But I think they're coming to start liking Ember a little bit. We'll see.
Olivia was an amazing little girl. I liked her, except when she went crazy and get into a tantrum. Wnated to slap the hell out of her then. But it was clear the two sisters loved each other immensely.
I loved Ember and Hayden's relationship and how it grew. It wasn't easy. Most of the time it was a struggle and they had to learn to trust each other completely. I hated when they fought and it was painful seeing them not talking and then Ember getting jealous of Phoebe and the fact she could touch Hayden.
I was also proud of Ember for keeping on trying to control her gift and finally believe she could do it and it wasn't a curse but a gift.
To sum it up, I enjoyed it a lot! You just have to read it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zack hansen
Cursed by Jennifer L. Armentrout has been one of my most anticipated titles of 2012. I mean look at the gorgeous cover! and the main protagonist reminded me of Juliette from Shatter Me. Starting the novel, I had high expectations, I can't lie. However I knew a ton of people who were disappointed with this novel so I was wary of that. The first 50 or so pages were interesting, giving us the background history of Ember and how she got her gift, but curse is what she calls it. I also adored her little sister. However as soon as she gets relocated and treated like she is a monster by people who have their own gifts and understand the feeling of alienation from 'normal' people.
I was not a fan of most of the secondary characters. They were a bunch of hateful, judgmental people and always loved to put Ember down when they had the chance. The secondary character I liked was Aunt Liz, who was the woman that took care of Ember's little sister. I really wanted to see more of Ember's little sister but she barely shows up after those 50 pages. We do get to see a ton of Hayden, her love interest. He was not afraid of her, didn't think of Ember as a monster and just wanted to help her and basically to stop thinking of herself as a monster and start thinking of what she has as a gift, not a curse. As far as supportive love interests go, Hayden tops them all. I also really enjoyed Ember's POV. While she was a bit hard on herself, anyone who went through her experience would be as messed up as she was. I also loved seeing the both of them interact together. They didn't do any of the push and pull we saw in The Lux series, they were true with their feelings and that was a refresher from the usual YA romances.
Lastly is the mystery of the car accident and who is still out to get her. I had a huge hunch on who the person who was behind all this was and in the end I was right. I really hate it when the mystery is a bit too obvious. I wished there was a twist with the mystery, but I give jennifer props for explaining a bit about the parents and who they are. When you read Cursed, you'll get what I mean. I do recommend it to paranormal readers and fans of Armentrout. I did enjoy it overall.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nurul aqila
***ARC provided by Spencer Hill Press for review***

Two years ago, Ember's life completely changed. She lost her dad in a horrible car accident and her mom is basically useless as she drowns in her sorrow. Oh yeah, and Ember also died in the same car accident that killed her dad. She was brought back to life by her "gifted" sister. But her sister wasn't able to fix everything. Due to the nasty car crash, Ember is now covered in horrible scars, her eyes changed to this pale light blue and she kills anything that she touches. As a result, Ember must now wear gloves to cover up her scars and protect other people against her deadly touch. Since her mother has officially checked out and hasn't spoken a word since the accident, it is up to Ember to take care of herself and her little sister and provide for them. Although Ember acts tough and distances herself from other people, deep down she is desperate to have her mother back, to have someone that cares about her, and to be able to touch people again. To just feel that special connection again.

She ends up meeting Hayden, who is hiding some secrets. When Ember makes a big mistake, she is pretty much kidnapped by Cromwell, who also happens to be Hayden's stepdad, the mayor and a very powerful man. He takes Ember, her little sister and her mom to his place which is a safe haven for other gifted kids like Ember. Ember doesn't trust Cromwell and who can blame her really since he kidnapped her but he insists that he only wants to help her. Ember must learn to control her gift before she ends up hurting anyone.

As you all know, I think JLA is an amazingly talented author. I LOVE her Lux and Covenant series and was worried about reading Cursed. Cursed was SO much different than her other books and I just absolutely loved it. I completely devoured Cursed on a 5 hour drive. I usually fall asleep on long care rides but this book wouldn't let me. It demanded my attention, hooked me in and I kept turning and turning those pages as quickly as I could read to find out what happens to Ember and Hayden. I wasn't expecting this book to be so emotional but Ember's story and her situation was very heartbreaking to say the least. I was glad that she had somebody like Hayden and her sister to make her happy.

I loved the relationship between Ember and Hayden. His gift allows him to absorb her deadly touch and he is the only one that is able to touch her, if only for a few seconds. No insta-love here! Their relationship slowly develops from friendship to something more. It was definitely addicting to see them get close without actually touching. But, Ember's mistrust of Cromwell gets between them.

I read this book shortly after reading Pushing the Limits and I have to admit that I was a little distracted by the fact that both characters had to hide their scars with gloves, but then I remembered that Cursed was written several years ago and quickly got over it because that is where the similarities end. I loved the idea of the safe place for the gifted and I loved learning about them and what different powers they had. Sort of reminded me of X-Men.

Fans of JLA and paranormal books will devour Cursed! Cursed has all the elements to create a great paranormal story: strong female lead, swoon worthy guy, intense chemistry and romantic tension, and mystery and suspense. The only downside for me was the fact that it was very easy to figure out who the bad guy was. As of now, this is currently a stand-alone, but I REALLY hope that it ends up being a series because there were unanswered questions and I'm dying to know where Ember and Hayden will go to next. Another hit for JLA!

4.5 out of 5 sparkly stars!

Some of my favorite non-spoiler quotes from Cursed:
-"Ember? I did something bad this morning. You're gonna be so mad."
Dreaded words from a five-year-old, but I already knew what she'd done.

-"Normal" didn't have a place on my list of words describing us. I wasn't even sure "human" would get a vote.

-Hayden unexpectedly reached out, grabbing my hand and hauling me to my feet. Stunned by the contact, I didn't pull away. He held on for seconds, but it equaled a lifetime to me.

-I'd always thought my curse wouldn't affect anyone else as long as I didn't touch them, but I couldn't continue to hide from the fact one day I might zap someone again-by accident...or on purpose.

-He really didn't seem afraid of accidentally touching me-he was crazy.

-He shifted closer, his warm breath brushing the skin of my neck like the night in the cabin. This was our form of kissing-our soft, feathery-light kisses that never made contact.

-"I'm thinking about kissing you," he said, "and touching you. It's all I can think about. It's why it's been so hard to be around you."
My heart jumped in my chest, and then sped up erratically. The thick tension hit an all-time high. Surprisingly, I found that I still had the ability to speak. "That's really crazy."
"Yeah," he dropped my hair, "crazy stuff."
Read more of my reviews at:
Nereyda @Mostly YA Book Obsessed
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
ana clara
3.5 stars more accurately portrays my overall feel about this book.

Jennifer Armentrout puts her owns spin on a theme that has been done before. So while I can't say it felt completely unique to me, it didn't feel like the same ol' thing either.

Ember was a character I really felt for. There were many times that I felt ENRAGED by what she had to go through and deal with and while sometimes she frustrated me with some decisions she made, I did really like her.

Romance was a pretty important part of the book and I liked it well enough but it didn't blow me away. For some reason I didn't love Haydon. I did get slightly annoyed at the back and forth between Ember and Haydon. Them each pushing the other away for one reason or another. Fortunately this didn't become as much of an issue as it easily could have.

The book was slightly predictable for me. I figured out the bad guy right away but didn't know exactly what role that person would play. And there were enough twists thrown in that the whole thing wasn't figured out.

Overall I enjoyed this book and if you enjoy paranormal books with super-abilities as a theme you'll likely enjoy this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
JLA's writing style really draws you into the story. And just like all her other books that I've read, Cursed did not disappoint. It was a story that drew you in from the start and left you wanting more with each page turned. This was an easy read for me and I flew through this book! I was hoping this would be a series, but I do believe it's a stand alone, something I haven't read in a while.

The thing that draws you into the story the most is our main character Ember. She's a girl who has a lot of inner turmoil and baggage, which makes you sympathize with her because she has not had an easy life for the past couple of years. As I was reading the story, it couldn't help but feel sorry for her. So many people mistreated and disrespected her and she would basically just take it. Ember has the touch of death, everything she touches withers away and dies, which is really sad. Can you imagine living with a gift like that where you can't touch the people you love or even the plants around you? But at times I did feel like Ember was a bit whiny and depressing which annoyed me a lot. She just made everything feel so sad.

And then when Hayden was introduced into the story, you would think things would get better for her, No! Somethings got better, but things got a whole lot worse too. Being taken from the home you knew, to leaving with absolute stranger that you couldn't trust, can really mess with a person's mind. But this book wasn't all sad though. I really loved the relationship that developed between Ember and Hayden. He was just the kind of person she need in her life at that moment. He brought her happiness that she hadn't felt in a long time. And then there was Olivia. Sometimes the girl was annoying. Cute, but annoying. I mean seriously?! Has anyone ever heard of a timeout when a child throws a temper tantrum?? Or is that a foreign concept that no one in the book seemed to know about?

Overall, the book was amazing. It was filled with some great action, romance, suspense and feeling. I did kind of already know who the bad guy was. Well, not really, but the person was one of my top choices. I kept flipping back and forth two people. I definitely recommend the book :) And I hope you enjoy it just as much as I did!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
george benson
Originally posted here: [...]

It is a common accepted knowledge that I do love Jennifer L. Armentrout writes (Covenant series anyone? Lux series?), but unfortunately I couldn't read this standalone, Cursed, which had such an interesting plot.

Ember is a girl whose touch can kill. Her little sister, Olivia, can do the opposite, she can bring dead back to life and that's what she did two years ago, when a terrible car accident killed their father and had also killed Ember, saved only by Olivia's intervention. From that moment on, Ember discovered that everything she touches dies and she has also convinced herself to be without a soul. She feels different. It doesn't help that their mother is lost in sorrow and her classmates call her a freak. Her life changes the moment when she accidentally kills one of her classmates and Hayden Cromwell shows up. The next day Ember and her family are living among a forest, in a wonderful big house.

Here, Hayden's adoptive father has created a place for gifted children like Ember's sister and he wants Ember and Olivia to stay. Too bad that the other kids are not happy about Ember's gift and don't want her there. Oh, and someone is trying to hurt her. Badly. To make things worse, she is attracted to Hayden, but that could be a -literally- fatal attraction.

It's a fun and pleasant book, told by Ember's POV, and I read it quickly, in an afternoon, because I wanted to know how it ended. I liked Ember, stubborn, strong, ready to sacrifice her life for her sister; and I also liked Hayden's kindness and chivalry. However, throughout the entire book I was annoyed by the other characters and even by Hayden, at times, was a bit too much to handle. They all seemed to know what was better for Ember and Olivia and they took decisions on their behalf. The secondary characters, Gabe, Liz, Parker, Phoebe, are wonderful, I just couldn't stand their way to lash out at Ember without trying to understand her.

My personal opinion? This is clearly a good book by my beloved Jennifer. You cannot be mistaken. Sweet and steamy scenes, an independent girl, witty lines and a compelling story, how could I not love it? Overall, I really liked it and couldn't put it down, even though I felt there was something missing. Probably the ending, since I wanted to know a bit more but couldn't.

If you love Jennifer L. Armentrout and paranormal stories, then you should really give it a try!

My favourite quote:

Hunger gnawed at my stomach, but I was afraid someone would be in the kitchen again. So I found myself staring at the front door. Freedom seemed just a doorknob-turn away.
When I did open the door, freedom didn't wait -- a half-naked Hayden did."
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
reagan dayberry
Jennifer Armentrout is my go-to author for the best YA Paranormal books, I loved her Covenant, and Lux series, so when Cursed came out, I was very much looking forward to be blown away by it. BUT honestly it was a very average read. The concept of supernatural kids living under one roof, and their guardian being questioned throughout the book was not very original, it constantly reminded me of the Dark Visions trilogy by LJ Smith or Darkest Powers trilogy by Kelley Armstrong. I shouldn't bother me that much but it kind of disappointed me a little. Cursed is a good book, but not mind-blowingly-fantastic as any other JLA books, and I feel like just because her other books are so good, this one just dulls in comparison. I know I shouldn't compare but I can't help it.

Ember has a special gift, killing people with a single touch, which she thinks is a curse. I thought it was really cool, she just needed to control it somehow. I liked Ember, besides her power she was a very normal person. She wasn't bitchy, wasn't whiny, didn't hate her life, wasn't the most beautiful girl in the world; she was a very average any other girl, and I loved that the author created a simple character that readers could relate to in a way. Then there is Hayden. Similar to Ember he was a very normal hot guy, he did have some very minor anger issues, but that comes with his power, and is not even noticeable, so that's okay. I liked Ember & Hayden together, they made a cute couple, and their feather kisses were swoon-worthy. Everything was good but the downfall of creating normal character was that they weren't memorable. After a month or so, I will remember their kisses but probably not the characters. Throughout the whole book it felt like something was missing, like it was undercooked. Know what I mean? I wasn't excited about the what-happens-next, and the suspense part was predictable from the start.

Cursed had a very open ending, and I get why the author did it, but still there were so many unanswered questions. What happened with Adam? What about her Mom? What is the real deal with the facility? Why did her father did that? I feel like this book should have a sequel. Bottom line, Cursed by Jennifer Armentrout is a very good one time read, and I'm glad I read it. It is recommended to younger readers looking for a different take on supernatural people, and their cool abilities.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mridul yadav
Well Jennifer has done it again. Cursed is AMAZING!! I could not put this down and while I was supposed to be writing two or so papers for class I decided to read Cursed instead. So absolutely worth it. As always Jennifer has weaved another fantastic story that will leave you guessing until the last page.

Embers life through most of the book sucks eggs. She can't touch any living thing including people, animals, and plants. Having to go to school she is constantly made fun of and has one friend. She has to take care of the house, the shopping, and taking care of her sister since her mother has 'checked out.' You'd think after people come and help her out her life may get just a tad bit better but no such luck. She's even more alone than she was at her school for the most part, and danger is around every corner. Her new 'family' fear and despise her. Honestly although she was sort of a whiny character I couldn't help feel for her. Going from having a happy family, and being a popular cheerleader and having that taken away in a single moment I don't think many people could have handled it. Ember takes care of her little sister Olivia who is adorable although annoying at times with the temper tantrums. Olivia made me super happy I have no siblings, just saying.

Overall, Ember did grow as a character throughout the story, in baby steps. I think a majority of those changes had to do with Hayden. Hayden is a complete hottie and I swear most of my favorite scenes were the ones where he had his shirt off and Ember was describing and ogling him. Hayden although has his own horrible and tragic past much like Ember, he is still a pretty positive person. I was happy that Ember and Hayden didn't hit it off right away, although he did turn out to be too sexy to resist.

Throughout the book there is scary stuff happening to poor poor Ember. Really I am not kidding her life sucks monkey butt. Ember expects it may be one of her new house mates, but it may be someone else. Not telling who, but I will say the while there are clues throughout the book who it is, the villain will not be announced until the end!

Cursed does not have the usual humor that is usually in Jennifer's books. However, this book does contain a major hottie, awesome powers, and the looming evil society. If you have yet to read Cursed I honestly don't know what you are waiting for. Get a move on and go read this books. Of coarse I may be bias, I think if Jennifer wrote a book about sock puppets I would read and love it. I was sad to find that there will be no sequel, but I was happy with how this book ended so I can live with Cursed being a stand alone.

Favorite Quote:
""Fourth pair since school stater. Mom's going to kill me."
We started towards the back doors. "It's not your fault."
"Try telling her that. She acts like every pair of glasses is a child lost." He held the door open, letting me slide past him. "Alert the police! Another one gone missing!" he cried, clutching his chest. "Someone put my glasses on the back of a milk carton, STAT."
An image of Mr. Potato Head's glasses and nose popped in my head, causing my to giggle."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brandon westlake
Ember died in a car accident and was brought back to life by her sister, Olivia. But ever since she was brought back two years ago everything she touches dies, the plants, and even her cat. :-( Her dad died during the crash and now her mom isn't the same. Ember has to take care of Olivia and try to survive high school where she is now known as the freak. She notices a new boy named Hayden hanging around, then after making a deadly mistake, she comes home to find out they plan to kidnap her family.

Cromwell helps gifted children. He is the mayor and has a mansion and many other gifteds living with him. Ember does not trust him and I really can't blame her because he did kidnap her! That doesn't exactly instill trust. Cromwell handled things horribly so I could understand the caution. I liked how even though sometimes you did guess what was happening, there was suspicion thrown on all the characters. Right along with Ember I was very cautious. I felt horrible for Ember because she is forced into this new life. The one friend that accepted her and Cromwell took that away from her. Also it seems maybe the car accident that killed her wasn't an accident after all. Maybe someone wanted Olivia and her gifts all for themselves and that someone might just be Cromwell, the collector of gifted children.

I found the mystery a bit predictable. I called the baddie the moment I met them. But there were little mysteries along the way and like Ember I was not trusting anyone. I loved the romance and the struggle for Ember to take control of her power and self-confidence. Hayden is sweet and understanding. The only boy that can touch her. I read this right after reading Unravel Me which might have been a mistake on my part since these books have similar themes. Ember trains with Hayden to learn to control her powers and they slowly fall for each other. A nice friendship built first with no insta love or love triangle. I also really loved the secondary characters that Ember lives with. Pheobe who feels emotions, Parker who can get inside minds, and Gabe who can move things. Each one was dealing with rejection and fitting in and feeling different although I hated that they all gave Ember such a hard time! Meanies! lol Hayden was the only understanding one. He fought to make sure Ember was safe and happy. Swoons! This was my first JLA book.

"I know you do, because I wouldn't want kiss you if you didn't have a soul."
I froze. " want to kiss me?"
His gaze lifted as he learned in, placing his mouth an inch from mine.
The air was sucked right out of the room, and I felt dizzy again.
"Ever since I first saw you." He moved so that his mouth was angled with mine.
"And right now I want to so badly it hurts. You have no idea, Em, but I don't want to hurt you."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Originally reviewed at: [...]

3.75/5 Stars

Cursed is my very first Jennifer L. Armentrout book. I know, I know. I am seriously behind the times. I actually own Half Blood but haven't read it yet. And it's not like I don't hear awesome things about her Covenant and Lux series, but for some reason Cursed is my first foray into this beloved author's world. The good news is that I liked Cursed just fine. It didn't really blow me away, but it definitely made me more likely to pick up my copy of Half Blood sooner rather than later.

Ember McWilliams has had a crappy last few months. First off her entire family is in a horrific car accident which claims the lives of two of it's members: Ember's dad and herself. But Ember's little sister Olivia has a gift: she can bring back the dead. Not like traditional necromancer skills calling up zombies and then putting them back to rest skills, but truly restoring life in a dead thing. This would be great if that was the whole story. But after Ember returns she discovers that now she also has a special gift. She kills any living thing she touches. Ember's mother has also checked out mentally, leaving Ember the responsibility of caring for her young sister. The only person Ember can count in her life is her best friend Adam, but even he knows nothing about her deadly ability. Ember is severely bullied at school and is afraid of losing her sister to foster care as her dad's life insurance money begins to dry up. Into this mayhem comes hottie Hayden Cromwell. He makes a couple of random appearances at her school and then the unthinkable happens. Ember accidentally touches someone from school and everything in her world turns upside down.

From what I understand, Cursed follows a similar story line to Armentrout's previous series'. There is the heroine and the dark and mysterious male lead with a haunted past. Having not read any of her other books, I can't really make a comparison, but Armentrout does remind me of another author I have read: Kelley Armstrong, author of The YA Darkest Powers and Darkness Rising Series. And the supernatural ability to kill with your touch does sound pretty familiar (Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi.) As Cursed progresses we meet a whole cast of characters with some supernatural talents, again similar to the Armstrong series' and Shatter Me with a bit of X Men thrown in for good measure.

While the storyline may not be original and unique I think where Cursed and Armentrout shines is in the writing. Armentrout is one of those authors that can write seamless dialogue, dialogue that comes across as authentic and natural and not false or stilted. These teens talk like teens and conversation flows easily. I think this is a great talent because in my experience, dialogue isn't as easy to write as it might seem. Armentrout also inserts a good deal of wit and snark into her characters and that's always a plus in my opinion.

The pacing in Cursed is also top notch. There may not be an enormous amount of action written in but the story never drags. And while some of the plot lines were obvious to me, I was entertained throughout the book.

As far as characters go I liked the character of Ember well enough. She did come across as pretty angsty and self pitying but on the other hand, the girl has endured a LOT. I did found her to be loyal and noble and commend her for always trying to keep her family together. As for our main love interest Hayden, I liked him, although his character was really like many other male leads I have read in YA (especially paranormal YA) lately. There wasn't exactly insta-love so much as insta-connection between he and Ember, and I will say there were swoony moments aplenty in Cursed. It's pretty cool when an author can take two characters who aren't able to touch each other physically and still write some remarkably hot romantic scenes.

At the moment Cursed appears to be a standalone but the author has said she might continue the series. There are some dangling plot threads that I wouldn't mind reading more about, so I hope she will indeed carry on with the series.

In summation I liked Cursed, and although I didn't find it to be wholly original, it definitely has sparked my interest in the author and I look forward to reading more of her work.

3.75/5 Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
luc a
Cursed is my first book by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I've been told that this isn't one of her best, and yet I'm impressed. So I really look forward to picking up books in her other series.

Ember was killed in a car crash, which also killed her dad. But her younger sister Olivia, who has a very special gift, brought her back to life. Now, Ember's touch is toxic, a touch of her skin can kill any human, animal, plant almost instantly. So she makes sure she's always covered up, wearing gloves and long sleeves, which also hide the scars on her arms. At school, she's now known as a freak, with Adam, being her only friend.

Ever since the accident, her mother has been practically catatonic and Ember has had to take over the care of Olivia, and look after the home and finances.

Soon after meeting the mysterious Hayden at the library, she's attacked in her home and wakes up in a strange house. Olivia and her mother are also there. And so is Hayden. Him, and all the other residents of the house are also gifted.

Like I said earlier, this is my first JLA book, but it definitely won't be my last. Curse had perfect pace, fantastic characters, a brilliant storyline and an appealing writing style.

Ember was lovely. She did a really great job of taking care of her sister and herself for the last couple of years and she was so devoted to Olivia. And yet, she thought that she was bad and evil and had no soul. I enjoyed the relationship she had with Hayden and I thought some of their earlier "moments" together were really sweet. There was an insta love kind of feeling from Hayden but I felt it played out well, as he'd been watching Ember for a long time and felt like he knew her.

The rest of the gifteds in the house don't like Ember, and think Jonathan Cromwell, the head of the house, and Mayor of the town, should send her away before she kills someone and exposes them. I felt that Ember dealt with it all admirably considering the state of mind she was already in, having woken up in a strange house with her old life completely gone, showing her strength of character.

Unfortunately, I did find Cursed quite predictable as I managed to work out the bad guy, his gift and his methods almost immediately.

Cursed ended nicely, with no cliffhanger, thank goodness. I'm not sure if there's going to be a sequel, but if there is, I'll definitely be picking it up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
It's been two years since the accident that killed Ember's dad... and her. Two years since her little sister Olivia miraculously brought Ember back to life. Two years since Ember's mother sunk deep inside her self - into mental illness and depression. Two years that Ember's been struggling to provide, care and keep her fragmented family afloat, all while trying to survive the cruelties of her high school and her former friends. Two years since she's felt the comforting touch of another human being, because now her touch means death for any living thing. A lonely, exhausting way to live indeed.

When an unintentional tragedy occurs, Ember's already tenuous life comes crashing down around her ears. She and her sister are whisked away to West Virginia under the protection of Jonathan Cromwell, a benefactor and protector (a.k.a connoisseur) of Gifted children. But it soon becomes clear that she's not as desirable as her sister, that Cromwell & Co. view her as dangerous, unnatural and a risk. She's tolerated because of her sister's amazing talents and continually threatened with the frightening prospect of being shipped to the possibly-evil "Facility" should she make one false move. On top of that, she begins to fall for Cromwell's adopted son, Hayden, whom she'd very much like to touch (but obviously can't), someone at her new school begins harassing her in increasingly disturbing - not to mention, deadly - ways, and accepted truths once thought rock-solid are revealed to be standing on shaky foundations. Ember begins to wonder if she really has the whole story behind the night that ended her life, and why someone did, and still does, want her dead.

Ember. Ember. Oh, Ember. Her situation is just so frustratingly impossible, that I just couldn't help but feel for her. Alive, but not truly living, innocence lost, childhood cut short - she's alone, unwanted, unloved, judged for an ability that she has no control over. A scared girl with no one in her corner, Ember fears the very real possibility of killing someone, frightened of what her ability makes her. She's stuck, her choices having been stripped from her by Jonathan Cromwell, and this frustrates and terrifies her... both for herself and for her family as she questions his motives. He and his household, with the exception of Hayden, have made it clear they barely tolerate her presence and only for the sake of Olivia. She loves her sister more than anything in the world and will do what's best for Olivia, even if Ember herself is suffering. She's a combination of both great maturity and surly teenage attitude, she's realistic, practical, protective. Ember has a great inner strength and resolve that I'm not sure she's even aware of half the time. She's just a very empathetic character - one that inspires the reader to root for her.

Hayden. Well hello there, Mr. Love Interest. Ok. I didn't really know what to make of Hayden when I first met him, honestly, I thought he was a teench creepy. However, he grew on me as the story went on. Hayden's got a tinge of darkness to him, secrets, a tortured past. He's extremely protective of the little "family" Cromwell has formed, stubborn to a fault, he's an extremely powerful, gifted boy with quite the intimidating (and cool!) gift.

No... I'm not going to tell you what it is. Read the book.

I had slightly mixed feelings about their romance. I did end up wanting badly to see the two of them together, hoped that she'd somehow be able to overcome her curse, but at the same time, I wasn't sure if I completely trusted Hayden. I felt like he wasn't super consistent and gave her mixed signals, plus he was the tiniest bit of a creeper before they actually met. But like I said, he grew on me after a bit. And of course, the romantic tension that Jennifer does oh-so-well is present and accounted for.

Everybody else. Jonathan Cromwell is like a more sinister, less benevolent, and way more creepy Dr. X. The mayor of Petersburg, West Virginia (yes, THAT Petersburg), he "owns" everything and everyone in it. He's gathered together a group of gifted teens who are highly devoted to him, add that in with his intentionally intimidating and slightly threatening manner, and I'm with Ember on this one... he's just creepy and I don't trust him. Turns out he doesn't trust Ember either. I mean, I guess I can't quite blame him, she's like Walking Death, one touch away from realizing someone's mortality. And Cromwell isn't the only one who doesn't want her there, the whole family would rather she were gone than pose the 24/7 threat she does. One wrong move and she easily could jeopardize their existence, their location, attracting the wrong kinds of people. She is tolerated however, under the threat of dire consequences, for the sake of Olivia. As always, Jennifer's secondary characters, even if they just have the tiniest blip of an appearance, are never, ever cardboard-ish, but instead, thoroughly developed for the part they're meant to play.

Story. While interesting and attention-grabbing, the story of wasn't as complex as I thought it might be. Not that I didn't fly through it, and not that it didn't keep my interest, it certainly did, but Cursed is a novel that's slightly more romance-centric than plot-heavy. Which isn't necessarily a problem, it's just with what Jennifer's done with the complex threads of plot in Onyx and then again in Deity, I was just hoping to see some of that well-executed intricacy in Cursed as well. That said, I don't mean to imply that this novel is poorly written, not at all. It's just a bit more on the simpler side plot-wise than some of her more recent books.

The mystery is pretty well done. Jennifer does a great job of communicating Ember's frustration and fear, of weaving an atmosphere of distrust, and of creating a building feeling of suspense.

Easter Eggs. Since Ember & Hayden live practically in the same town as Daemon & Katy, be on the look out for some Lux series easter eggs. <wink>

Overall. With Cursed, Jennifer has proven yet again her wonderful ability to create heroines that are at once so unique and yet so relateable, as well as a supporting cast of characters who feel like real, fully-rounded individuals. Thrown in her extraordinary skill for building deliciously palpable romantic tension and developing a suspenseful mystery, and you've got just the book to curl up with on a crisp, autumn evening.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
james kruse
CURSED by Jennifer L Armentrout

CURSED is the new Young Adult release (September 2012) by Jennifer Armentrout. Focusing on 17year old Ember McWilliams, CURSED follows the young woman as she makes her way through a world where everything she touches will die. After the accident, 2 years prior, that claimed her father's life, Ember awakens to the knowledge that she has been `gifted' with a curse.

Ember's mother remained catatonic. Refusing to acknowledge either child, Ember became the parent to her younger sister Olivia. But within a short period of time, Ember realized that her touch could kill. The kids at school called her a freak. But when a beautiful stranger was able to `touch' Ember, she knew her world was about to change once again.

Hayden Cromwell had been watching Ember since the accident. Something about Ember drew him to the saddened teen. It was only when he realized that everything was falling apart, that he knew he and the others would have to intervene. Taking her back to his father was his only option. But the others did not agree.

Like something from X-Men and Professor Xavier, Ember and Olivia will find themselves in a home for gifted teens, only Ember is not nearly so well received-Olivia becomes the child prodigy but Ember is feared by the others. And school is not much better. But Ember will find support with the assistance of one of her teachers who appears to sympathize with Ember about the daily attacks.

The relationship between Hayden and Ember grows as Hayden tries to help Ember with her gift. After experiencing a horrific childhood himself Hayden knows only too well the repercussions of a powerful gift left out of control. And he fears The Facility as much as Ember. Ember is continuously threatened with The Facility if she is unable to control her temper.

There are several household members that both fear and loathe Ember's `curse'. With their eclectic family of gifts, each will find their way into Ember's life, whether she wants them to or not. But following a series of threats and near-fatal accidents, Ember is sure that one of the household members is willing to take the next step to ensure that she stays dead this time. Only it is not just one of the family members hoping to end her life-there are others who are willing to see her die as well.

CURSED is a fantastic new storyline from the mind of Jennifer Armentrout. The similarities between X-men cannot be denied, but Jennifer does address the issue in the novel when Ember researchers the household specialties and Googles the likes of the comic book heroes. A group of gifted children, whose parents were unable to handle their situations or refused, and their father-figure who took them in and raised the children as his own. Along the way, Ember must earn the trust of the others, but it is difficult when she believes she is betrayed every day by the people with whom she now lives. A wonderful start to a new series, I congratulate Jennifer on another wonderful novel.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
When I started reading this book, I honestly expect much more of it. It was still a pretty good read just not the JLA we're used on. I heard it wasn't good as Lux or Covenant series, but I still hoped it would be as good.

After the accident, Ember died, but her little sister brought her back to life. But she wasn't normal anymore. Her touch could kill any living thing. She had a lot of problems to deal with. Her friends abandoned her and started looking at har as a freak. Her mother was in her own world and her father died in the accident. She had too look after her little sister and raise her.
I think Ember is a very strong female character. We can see her strength throught whole book. She delt with situations in which I would probably loose my mind.

And there's Hayden. Like in all JLA's books, he's very much swoon-worthy. There's no doubt about it. He's also very sweet and caring. He's the boy you'd whish was at your side.

I loved his relationship with Ember. Even they couldn't touch, there was a few very delicious scenes. Heads down for that.

Even though I liked the book, I felt something was missing. I like it is a stand-alone, and I hope she wouldn't make it a series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jennifer L. Armentrout always creates the most strongest and unique characters that always stay with me. The story starts out wonderfully and within the first few chapters, really builds up and takes off with a great ending that was quite satisfying but definitely has the potential to turn into a series - I really love that!

Ember's 5 year old little sister has the ability to bring people and animals back to life. And after a horrible car accident that kills Ember and her father, little Olivia was able to get to Ember, touch her, and bring her back to life. Ever since then, Ember has been "cursed" with the the ability to kill all living things with the slightest touch - whether she touches you or you accidentally bump into her, there is absolutely nothing that can save you. Imagine being a teen that not only has to cope with everything that she has lost, but keep on a brave face and have to force herself to move on for her little sisters well-being and safe-keeping? I was amazed on how well rounded Armentrout created Ember's character - we were able to see her at her most vulnerable typical teen state, to how she is coping with her new responsibilities and loss, how she deals with her "curse" and then eventually, her interest in Hayden.

Armentrout definitely knows how to create the most swoon-worthy love interests. Hayden is, of course, another strong male character who is genuinely caring and over-protective of his "family" and with Ember too. He may come off a bit creepy at first, but definitely likable. His abilities took me by surprise and are amazing. He is definitely one to keep your eye on. His family dynamic is unique and their abilities, although not surprising and a bit predictable, their personalities were right on target.

Although the story has somewhat been done before and was a bit predictable too, it did grab and hold my attention and I ended up reading the whole book within a day. There is a mystery going on, I just couldn't put it down. And it did help that the relationship growing between Ember and Hayden was different and very moving. We definitely need more Hayden's in this world...

Overall, I loved the entire story - it definitely gave me a 'X-Men' vibe with a contemporary mix and I really enjoyed all of the characters! I am definitely hoping that there will be a second book!... and soon!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe oxley
Still sitting here thinking about Cursed and all its awesomeness. I couldn't put it down. Surprise, surprise! I read it in one day, I just couldn't tear myself away. The intense (and creepy at times) plot line, and internal struggle Ember goes through will keep you enthralled. The characters are well built, but is some ways are some what familiar. But that doesn't distract from the overall effect Cursed will have on you. The chemistry between her and Hayden was smouldering. The steamy scenes will have you swooning and begging for more.

First off we have Ember. Touch of Death extraordinaire! Don't get too close to this leading lady gents, you might end up a little dead ;) I thoroughly enjoyed reading Cursed through Ember's PoV. I like watching her struggle with what she could do. There were several times throughout the book that we get a deeper looking into her mind that reveals her real beliefs about herself. I found them to be honest and even though they make her feel guilty it doesn't stop her from feeling that way. Ember is a very complex character who struggles with trying to take care of her younger sister while her Mom is missing a few cards short of a deck. I have to say I admire Ember. To be able to face what she is and still push forward is something to commend.

*Sighs* Ah, Hayden, *Swoons* Now here is a dedicated guy who goes after what he wants. Sure there were times when I wanted to smack him, but he sure makes up for it. Hayden is another person who has not had it easy. Though we go most of the book with him being kinda mysterious, yet not. If that makes sense to you. He is honest with Ember but we get the feeling that there is more to the story than what he is telling. I feel for Hayden. I loved how much he was willing to share with Ember, to help her deal with her whole "death" problem. I liked that he was not afraid of her even though she could hurt him. Hayden is a man who protects what is his, which includes Ember ;) Hayden is everything Ember needs and more.

Armentrout's take on an X-men type story is refreshing, yet complex in it's own way. Cursed held me spellbound. The plot, action, and chemistry form a perfect recipe for a great book. Cursed is a stand alone with the potential to become a series. I am honestly praying for a series. Cursed part 2, YES PLEASE! I will take more Ember and Hayden any day. So...what are you waiting for, go grab a copy!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
howard n
Cursed is about a girl named Ember who was brought back from the dead by her little sister, Olivia. Her whole family was involved in a car accident that left her father dead and her mother catatonic. When Ember was brought back from the dead she developed a deadly touch so she had to wear gloves to avoid touching anyone, in fear they would die. One day a strange boy makes an appearance... and then a strange man and suddenly her and family are kidnapped to a strange place where there are other "gifted" individuals. Ember starts to discover strange secrets about the family she is with, Hayden and worst of all her family.

I was really looking forward to Cursed initially. When I first read the synopsis it really reminded me of Jenny Pox, a novel a really enjoyed. I also loved the cover. And I had heard so many wonderful things about Jennifer Armentrout's novels I thought this would be a good one to start with.

The main character Ember is really easy to dislike. She was really whiney and her distrust of everyone around her started to get boring really quickly. I loved her younger sister Olivia, she was so sweet and trusting so she was immediately a very likeable character. Hayden was also pretty likable and true to most YA books, extremely sexy and irresistible. The other characters I didn't feel much personable attachment too and were just kind of "there". I didn't find a lot of these characters untrustworthy the way Ember did so at times I found the story to be pretty unrelatable.

Cursed was a good read but fairly slow to get started. I enjoyed the ending and I enjoyed the different "gifts" that were spoken about. Overall I enjoyed it but I felt there should have been a bit more character development because a lot of the characters really fell flat for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sam siren
Jennifer is a great story teller and her witty personality comes through in her writing, giving the characters in her book an extra endearing quality. Ember is no exception!

Ember's little sister has an amazing gift - she can bring the dead back to life. This has been more inconvenient (and a little bit freaky) than anything else, until the day that Ember's family is involved in a terrible car accident. Her father dies at the scene and her mother is severely mentally scarred, leaving Ember as the sole caretaker for her little sister. But that's not all - Ember died at the scene too, but little Olivia brought her back with her gift. Now Ember is cursed; Every living thing that she touches, dies.

One day Ember and her remaining family members are kidnapped. Ember wakes up in a mansion full of other people with varying gifts like Olivia's that claim to want to help her and her sister and their mother. While five year old Olivia adapts quite well in her new home full of other people like her, Ember is having a hard time accepting that these people are who they say they are. Her cell phone is taken, her best friend's memory is wiped - Ember is effectively cut off from her former life. She is pretty certain that these people not only really just want Olivia, but that they caused the car accident that killed her and her father and still want her dead and she's hell-bent on proving it.

Oh but there is a catch and his name is Hayden. Hayden is one of the teenagers that live in the house, and considers his adoptive father to be a hero and not the monster that Ember is certain that he is. Hayden attempts to teach her to control her "gift/curse", and they find that Hayden is the only living thing that can touch Ember, but only briefly. His ability to absorb others' gifts enables him to keep her touch of death at bay, but only for a brief second before his desire to draw more her ability kills him. In short - she is his kryptonite. So naturally they fall for each other and have this achingly passionate need to touch, but they can't. It will break your heart.

Ember continues to investigate as much as she can into her family's accident and to convince Hayden that his family is behind the attempts on her life and the cruel and disgusting scenes created in her school locker. An opportunity arises that enables Ember to get the proof that she needs to convince Hayden that she is right about his father - which he may never forgive her for. Ember winds up finding that nothing is what she thought it was and she may have walked right into a trap.

This is a stand alone book, but I really hope Jennifer decides to continue the story!

- Crystal
a contributing reviewer for [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie robinson
As always, Jennifer L. Armentrout provides an interesting plot with a killer romance. There wasn't a single part of Cursed that I did not enjoy. One of the most interesting parts of the novel was all of the superpowers the characters had. I don't think I would want any of the powers myself because they are all a little scary and have some serious drawbacks, but they were fun to read about. Ember's power was the scariest of all: the ability to kill someone with a single touch.

While the plot was great, the romance is what really makes CURSED stand out. There was so much tension between Ember and Hayden because of Ember's death touch. Imagine not being able to touch anyone--especially your crush--what a lonely existence. Hayden tries to help Ember cope with both her "gift" and her left over trauma and sparks fly everywhere, but there is a lot that stands in the way of their relationship--including Ember's serious lack of trust in Hayden's family.

Ember was in a horrific car crash and it was not an accident. As Ember tries to discover the truth behind the event that killed her father and destroyed her mother, she can't help wondering what really happened and who caused it (and neither can I). Ember's suspicions of Hayden's family adds a lot of turmoil to their relationship and, of course, ads a creepy mystery to the story.

As amazing as Cursed is, it needs a sequel! I have soooo many questions left about Hayden's family, the mysterious car crash, and I would love to see more of Hayden and Ember--they are fabulous together. Jennifer L. Armentrout delivers a fast-paced, romantic murder mystery that will leave readers dying for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
m burns
I always jump when I see the Jennifer is releasing a new book. I have not read any of her books and not liked them so CURSED was a no brainer, must read for me. Ember can not touch anyone or anything alive without fear that she will kill them. She takes care of her little sister and her depressed, catatonic mother on her own until one day when a mysterious boy her age changes everything.

I can't even begin to imagine what it is like to be Ember. To not be able to be touched, kissed, held or hold, touch or kiss anyone else has to be pure torture. She takes very good care of her little sister with great sacrifice to herself and is just happy to make it day to day. When Hayden is first introduced to the story I could tell right away that he and Ember would have an instant connection. He was mysterious and likable with many sides to him. Ember quickly finds out that her and her sister are not alone in the supernatural world and are whisked away to live among others. Ember as you can imagine is not to happy to have her life uprooted and does not take anything that is told to her to heart. The relationship between Ember and Hayden is pretty rocky and has many ups and downs. They don't really trust each other which makes things harder.

There was great character development throughout CURSED and some mystery on top of everything. There was some slow pacing in the beginning but once everything picked up I had no trouble staying connected to the story and characters. The mystery unravels at a good pace but the bad guy was a little obvious after a bit. It looks like CURSED is a stand alone novel but I wouldn't mind seeing another book added to it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this book. The story is so compelling and while I am starting to be too old to enjoy a good teen novel anymore, this book happily read multiple times. Ember is a teenage girl (note a lot of reviews who use words like irresponsible, irrational, etc.) who has had to hide herself in an already awkward stage of life. Not to mention she is grappling with being forced into the impossible situation of keeping herself and her younger sister from separation or exploitation. This is luckily not an overused piece of plot, and there is little time spent wallowing in her misery. Ember's story moves. You can start to believe her story, how vulnerable and confused winning is for her and how her losses feel normal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amanda boyd
I love this author! Her books are always well written with amazing plots and details. Getting into this book was easy.

Obviously, it was the characters that got me hooked. Watching struggling teen deal with lots of a family, friends, and herself, Ember is a fighter. She survives to keep what left of her life together, which I wholly admire. Her ability to keep her head down, to look past everything else and do what is best for her sister touched my heart. Ember is undeniably the most selfless person I ever met.

The plot of the book is quite extravagant. It had lots of mysteries that I was itching ti be solve. Questions that I demanded to be answered. I favored those parts in the book the most cause it got me all tingly inside. Searching for clues, asking right and wrong questions, getting people riled up! So much fun!

The love interest is really interesting. This isn't the normal love interest. They both have lost families, so they relate to each other really well. They both have powers that can be deadly and really have to work on control. I like that despite to hated toward Ember she had a friend who stood up for her. Though at times this guy was a little hot/cold, which turn me off. Overall, I liked that they overcome a lot of trials together making their love and friendship stronger.

Cursed is entertaining. It's captivating and very alluring from the first page. The hard life and the secrets kept from Ember will have the reader racing along the pages reader faster. Impressive with emotions and a great plot, Cursed is fantastic!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Everything that I have read by Jennifer L. Armentrout I have loved. Cursed is no exception. Ember McWilliams is in a difficult position. Her father was killed in a car crash, her mother is in a state of depression, she has to raise her little sister, and everything she touches dies. When a stranger appears in her life, her world gets turned upside down even more than it already has. Ember had to figure out who she can trust to keep her family safe.
Cursed had me hooked from the first page. Armentrout knows how to grab her audience and keep them glued to the pages. This book is really fast paced, but it's the characters that really drive this novel. I especially liked the relationship between Ember and her sister. Ember is forced into a parental position when her mother checks out. She desperately wants to give her everything, but at the same time keep her safe. Ember is thrust into a new situation and she doesn't know how to respond. The one person who is saying 'trust me', she's not sure she can trust. She's also attracted to Hayden, who is the son of the man she's not sure she can trust. Ember is a plethora of emotions. She's very confused, and all that she wants is to be a normal teenager without feeling like her entire existence is a mistake.
Cursed is a really entertaining read. Jennifer L. Armentrout didn't disappoint me one bit. I liked everything from beginning to end. I can't wait to read what she writes next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie catherine
I was super excited when I received Cursed in the mail. I'm a huge fan of Jennifer Armentrout, and I loved the premise for Cursed. My hopes for Cursed weren't let down.

Cursed follows Ember, a girl who has had a lethal touch ever since she was in a car accident with her family that killed her, and her parents. The only difference is her little sister brought her back to life. She takes care of her little sister by herself. However, a new guy, Hayden, shows up and promises Ember he can teach her how to control her own touch.

I really liked all of the characters. Ember was awesome, and I thought it was so empowering how she cared for her younger sister and despite the circumstances- tried to do the best thing for both her and others. Also, Hayden was pretty awesome. I will admit that at first, I found him a *little bit* creepy. Over time, though, I thought he was a really sweet guy, especially with how he treated Ember. Jennifer Armentrout always seems to be amazing at creating awesome female leads, and Ember was no exception to that.

Also, the plot was amazing. Both the plot and writing were awesome. The humor within the book was so funny! The plot also moved at an awesome pace. I started this book as soon as I received it, and I finished it only a few hours later.I was unable to put this book down the entire time I was reading it ;) This book is one I'd highly recommend, especially if you haven't read any books by Jennifer Armentrout before. I'd give Cursed 5 out of 5 flowers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
morgan tigerman
The book revolves around the struggles of Ember- a teenager who has the touch of death (an element Shatter Me fans will greatly appreciate!) What I really loved about reading through Ember's POV was how much I really felt all of the emotions she was going through! When an author is able to make me feel the same anger or passion a character is feeling, I feel like they've done an excellent job!

Of course what we all want to hear about is the romance (Don't feel guilty...that's practically all I care about too ;P). Although I wouldn't put Hayden in the same "swoon-league" as Aiden and Daemon, he still has his fair share of fictional-boy-perfection! To top it off, the chemistry between Ember and Hayden is pretty hot! Remember that little dilemma Ember has (you know, the whole touch-of-death thing?) well, this creates a healthy dose of sexual tension between Ember and other words...lots of swooning !

Cursed may not be my favourite Jennifer L. Armentrout novel, but I do still think Cursed is a great read! I will say that I'm a bit disappointed that there isn't a sequel- after I finishing the book, I honestly feel that Ember's story isn't quite finished yet. There's still some unanswered questions that I have (plus, a little more Hayden in my life wouldn't be a particularly bad thing.....XD)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jennifer moneagle
More Reviews can be found at: [...]
After reading Obsidian last month I absolutely fell in love with Jennifer L. Armentrout's Lux Series. Last year I put Cursed as one of my highly anticipating books of 2012.

Sadly, I was disappointed to discover that I could not get myself to enjoy Cursed. I didn't really care for the entire book. Hayden came off as a stalker most of the time in the book. I honestly didn't like Ember and Hayden as characters. I guess I just found them to be flat characters. I never felt a connection that draw my attention to Ember and Hayden.

I think my favorite character would have to be Olivia. She had an incredible ability and she seemed like an adorable little sister.

Even though I didn't like Cursed I'm still going to continue reading Jennifer L. Armentrout's books.

PS: Remember readers don't take my opinion to seriously because everyone has different opinions about books. If I didn't Cursed I'm sure others will love it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thought this book was really good!!! It warped me in and brought a lot of emotions with it..
I felt so much for the main character, Ember, and what she had to go through and cope with it..
I thought this book had an edge of the seat feel to it and i had no idea what will happen next..
The writing to this book was written like i would have been a fly on the wall..And i could easily imagine what is going on!!! I dont think there was anything that i did not like about this book...
Ill continue to read more and probably everything by this author!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ember has changed since the car accident. For one, she is alive when she was supposed to be dead and her eyes are so pale she gets labeled a freak. Oh and she wears gloves all the time now, cause any touch from her will mean death.

Its been a while since the accident. Right now her mom sleeps her life away, and Ember is left to care for her sister and take care of everything. She is often late to school and her sister has a gift for bringing things back to life. She does like to bring her pets back, though can you really blame that? Who wouldn't want to have their furry friend around forever?

Ember also has everyone in her school giving her a hard time. She is about to kill her ex, though it was his fault for touching her, and there are two mysterious guys who know a lot about her. Yep, her life is just going to get even stranger for her.

These two new guys are at her place, and the cute one can touch her. He is able to absorb her gift and tells her he has a gift of his own and doesn't mean any harm to her. Well first off, Ember doesn't see this as a gift right now and if you don't mean her any harm, why knock her out? Why do they expect anyone to trust them after that? But when she comes back around things are explained to her. Ember has no idea what to think at this point. Someone wanted her dead. Something she didn't expect, but she also didn't expect to be able to touch Hayden without fear. So she has to figure a way to control this, and be able to touch Hayden and be able to hold her sister. But who is she going to trust?

I loved this story. It was awesome and I just love Jennifer's writing. I haven't read a book by her that I didn't love yet, and I doubt I will.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I liked this book..... But will appreciate it so much more if it becomes a series.

The story concept is interesting, there is lots of emotional tension and mystery which I love. However, this book just had the feeling of just getting started when "the end" appeared. There are many unanswered questions, many open ended thoughts and statements, and the characters are just beginning to become interesting and three dimensional (if that makes sense). It felt like once the book started to get really interesting it ended. If this is. Or a series book I may have to change my rating!

Over all, not a bad read, just a lot of unfinished business.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
janie hosey
I have borrowed an audiobook of this from the public library. I've read many romance novels (YA, NA, and Adult) written by this author. I have liked them all. The stories have me fall in love with them. Unfortunately, the story of this book is not the usual writing of the author. I wish it has delved more into the origin and cause of the characters' powers instead of focusing on Ember's agony over her deadly power. The plot is a bit weak based on my preference in romance novel.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Jennifer Armentrout is one of my favorite authors, but I just couldn't get through this book. The main character Ember has such a sad and miserable life, and just when you think things can't get worse, inconceivably they do. I'd put the book down for awhile, not really wanting to continue because things weren't getting better, wondering, what is the author going to do now, give her cancer or something?

The book is well written and the characters are interesting. Just depressing as hell. I imagine things improve for poor Ember towards the end, at least I hope they do, but I couldn't get there. If you don't mind a constant downer, you might like this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
frannie fretnot
This is my first Jennifer Armentrout book. Before reading it I had heard good things about her books and I wasn't disappointed. I am an adult who enjoys reading Young Adult books and I found the tension between the characters engaging, the plot twists fulfilling and even days after I finished reading it, I still find myself thinking about the characters wishing there was more to the story even though there was a happy for now ending. In my opinion that is what makes a great book.

I can't wait to read another one of Ms. Armentrout's books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jason shugars
I found the blurb interesting and thought I’d pick it up. This is a stand-alone novel written by one of my favorite authors. As usual, the character development was amazing and the author really does get into different people’s motivations very well. While this is a YA paranormal romance, it isn’t part of a series, and I think it should stay that way, personally. I didn’t get into Hayden as much as some of JLArmentrout’s other boys, but he’s a decent enough type of guy. Ember was as usual easy to relate to and get into and I really did like her. Yet she isn’t like a super awesome character like Kat in the Lux series.

What sets this novel apart really is that there is a lot more mystery in it. It’s a bit of a who-dun-it type novel regarding to certain aspects of Ember’s past – or rather her death. Although, I kind of did see the villain coming a mile away. I really can’t wax poetically about the plot or characters.

So overall, a decent read, but nothing I’d write home about or give fangirl squeals over. I recommend this to any JLArmentrout fan as we all like to read her, but otherwise, it’s a decent read if you want to pick it up. Don’t expect the usual brilliance though. I rate it 3.5 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
noree cosper
story was interesting and def written well. I liked the challenges that the characters faced. if u take out the sci fi part, it's what many people in tough situations can go through. kind of reminded me of x-men where Cromwell was Prof X. the mystery was def there and kept u intrigued. Liked that didn't have to read a 2nd book to know what happens.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
chris lemery
3.5 stars

So far, this is probably my least favorite JLA book. Perhaps it's because of her track record that I have such high expectations for her books. This one felt a little generic and overdone. The whole 'gifted' thing and the 'death touch' have been done over and over, and I didn't feel like this one brought anything too new to the table. I usually ADORE her books, but this one fell a little flat to me.

Like always, it has JLA's particular brand of humor, so I did enjoy reading this one. While the story was still interesting and I read this in one sitting, it was just a little frustrating. But that could be from the MC's frustration in being put in her situation. So I did feel with this one. I wanted things to work out for all of them. I never knew who to trust, but I did know who not to trust. That was a little obvious. But Ember, the MC in this one, isn't as snarky as JLA's other female characters. She's easily worked up and, of course, special, but you would never hear her talk the way Alex or Katy do. I kind of liked that about her while I missed the snark at the same time. Weird.

I've been having trouble finishing books lately, so for me to read this book in one day was a big deal. Obviously it's entertaining and interesting enough to break a bit of a slump for me. But like I said above, I guess maybe I hold JLA to different standards, and this one wasn't as good as Obsidian or Half-Blood to me. I'm interested in seeing if she continues this one. While it wraps up pretty nicely, there's definitely an opening if she so chooses. I guess we'll see!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
meredith m
Liked the book and the story line was pretty good. I would've liked a little more closure with the ending. And epilogue maybe. Also, had some questions on the mom. If her mind was washed of Ember, why didn't she speak to her as a stranger even? I thought it was weird that she wouldn't even look at her. This book could use a spin off, maybe about Liz? Could she not have kids? Gabe, there wasn't much about his story, Phoebe and Parker...left me wanting more.
Overall, I would recommend. Have loved all JLA books!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Although I love the "Lux" series by Jennifer Armentrout, I was less impressed by this effort. The setting is similar, which is slightly off-putting - I kept expecting them to somehow run into a character from that series. but my main problem was that the lead was not likeable at all. I get that she was traumatized and had responsibilities forced on her and then was basically kidnapped, but she never stops to consider ANYONE else's feelings in the matter. Of course, that's kind of a common attribute of all the characters, so maybe I shouldn't be so annoyed.
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