And Purpose - Live Fearless - A Call to Power

BySadie Robertson

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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
As a person who struggles with severe depression, chronic exhaustion, this book was a welcome respite from reality. This book was inspiration and hope in my darkest hour. I found it comforting and uplifting. Even if you don't believe in religion or just need to know you matter, this book is what you need. Sadie reminds us to be fearless and love ourselves, to be kind, caring, matter how small the listen to your heart. To know your own worth in God's eyes and your own.

Ultimately, this book was a life tool by Sadie for reducing fear in your life. Was it a little preachy? Absolutely. But it was inspirational and well done.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tracy cook
Sadie Robertson may only be 20 years old, but she is already much wiser beyond her years. Think of how many child actors have grown up to be lost in the drug and party scene of Hollywood. Too many to count. While much of her life was shown in front of the camera on Duck Dynasty, she has stayed true to herself, her faith and her family. She has provided a great example for the younger generation that you can be a Christian and be cool, that you can be yourself and not need a bottle of pills to be cool, that you can have both success and your faith - it's not an either/or situation. She has offered a refreshing alternative to what we currently see the younger generation has to look up to.

Now let's talk about her book Live Fearless. I don't know a person out there, religious or not, who has not faced or dealt with fear. We all have it in our lives. It's the elephant in the room people don't like to admit to having. And don't let Sadie's age deceive you that she doesn't legitimately have something constructive to add to the conversation about how to live without fear. This book, beautifully and excellently written, is a guide to help you dig through the root of your fears and a process to help walk the reader through reflections and discussions to put you on the path of spiritual growth from your fears - to help you live fearless! This isn't just a 12-step process. Her book is filled with quotes, scripture, real life testimony and experiences and lots of encouraging words and prayer. You don't need to be a teenager or young adult to appreciate or learn from this book. I found this book really helpful for me. And you don't need to be a Christian for the narrative and activities to work in your life.

This is a well thought out book, devotional and guide that I immensely enjoyed and see this book being one I pass on to many of my friends and family.

My thanks to Sadie Robertson and Thomas Nelson Publishing for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jenn thibodeau
I really enjoyed Duck Dynasty when the show came on. While my family isn't big into hunting, I liked how their family dynamic and culture wasn't too far off from what I'm familiar with. I grew up in the country. We had one caution light (not even a full red light) in my home town. So I related to their country living lifestyle. Also being a Christian it was so refreshing to see a family with similar morals and beliefs who weren't afraid to speak about their faith. Plus the Christian faith isn't something we get much from television these days--especially in any kind of positive light. That being said I always liked what I saw of Sadie on the show. I was glad to see that she was taking her opportunities to be a role model for other young adults of this generation.

I don't feel like I've had too much trouble with fear in my life. Of course I have fears but I've never felt controlled by them. Yet while reading Live Fearless I did realize that I'd let fear stop me from doing a few things throughout my life that might have been really fun (going to summer camp as a kid for instance). But I've not experienced the level of fear that Sadie discussed in this book. So I wasn't reading this for personal help so much as curiosity.

From a writing stand point there were a few too many "I'll talk more about this later" type of statements for my taste. In my experience the reader doesn't really need these statements. I don't know how much of that was Sadie's idea or perhaps an editor's. Either way it happened too frequently for my preferences.

One thing I absolutely loved about this book was that Sadie did a great job showing how a Christian can be struggling with a particular area of their life yet still have a vibrant and rich relationship with God. He still uses us and works on us. Because let's be honest... There are no sinless or perfect people. Only Jesus filled the role. So imperfect and struggling with the flesh people are there only people God has to work with because that's who we are. Yet God can still use us for His purposes. And one thing my brother always says is that God is always working on more than one person at the same time.

I also appreciated that while Sadie was open about her struggles with fear she didn't find it necessary to inform the readers about the specifics of the sin she might have experienced in every example she used in this book. She does talk about confession and confessing your sins and struggles to someone you trust, but God doesn't instruct us to confess every sin to every person. It isn't necessary for the reader to know the specifics of every sin she's struggled with in her life.

Favorite quotes:
-If you fear amything other than God, you're giving it too much power in your life. - My mom

-"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him."

-Our job isn't to figure out what the picture will ultimately look like; it's to walk where He leads.

-Don't let shame or regret steal your future the way fear has stolen your past.

I feel that Live Fearless is a great book for the young adults of this generation. I took plenty away from it even though this book reminded me that I'm no longer in that phase of my life (the young adult part even though I still think of myself that way). I think if fear is something you struggle with this book would be helpful for you no matter your age. Live Fearless gets 4 Stars. Have you read Live Fearless? What did you think? Let me know!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tao flo
In Live Fearless, Sadie Robertson explored the topic of fear and how we can live courageously through whatever we may encounter. Sadie opened up about her life and how she was once very excited about being asked to be on Dancing with the Stars. They said they choose someone else who was close to her age already. Two days later, they changed their minds and they still wanted her but she would be a week behind everyone else. Sadie admitted that she was so afraid that she considered backing out of Dancing with the Stars. Her little sister eventually encouraged her by asking her if she was listening to fear or was she listening to herself. Sadie also had never danced in her life before the show and she was afraid of what people would think about her dancing. She eventually decided to complete on the show and she went on place second in the competition.

She also shared about her experiences with being asked to Winter Jam and how she didn’t wanted to and her mom helped to talk her into in it. Sadie was afraid of public speaking and she had experienced extreme anxiety. She did a question and answer session with the founder of the event, Eddie Carswell. On the eighth day, after asking God to remove the power of fear over her life, she had freedom and peace about speaking. She decided to speak alone for the first time.

I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is living with fear in their life. This is an awesome book to teenagers and college aged students. I would also recommend it to adults too! I really do believe Sadie Robertson is a Christian teen trendsetter. Her book contained numerous scripture verses to encourage believers. I really liked how she included a special section at the end of the book of some of the verses. She also had prayers included in each chapters to help readers in their spiritual journey. I can see that she experienced great fear in her life and she relied on God to help her get through her different fears. I loved the story of the “plankton” and how even the lowest creatures of the ocean have a purpose in life. Many readers will be encouraged by how Sadie describes what we can learn from planktons. If you’re looking for a new book about living fearless, then read this one!

"I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
“The key ingredient to overcoming fear is not just speaking to it, it’s speaking to it in Jesus’ name.”

This quote sets the frame for the latest release from Sadie Robertson. Don’t let the fact that Robertson is young or that the book is geared toward the YA audience deter you in any way from reading this encouraging book. The information is useful for anyone or any age.
Robertson displays a vulnerability as she shares a number of personal stories mixed with Biblical truths to explain how she overcame her fears and why she believes anyone can do the same thing. It’s possible to live a live of power, passion, and purpose (the life God created for you).
There are a number of activities included to put the tips into action. Each chapter includes the following: questions, challenges, scripture verses, prayers, and journaling opportunities. (Some questions require a bit of soul searching first. They may be difficult or unpleasant, but they’re necessary to move beyond fear.)

If you or someone you know struggles with fear, this is certainly a book to check out.

Some of my favorite quotes:

-“If you fear anything other than God, you’re giving it too much power in your life.” (Sadie’s mom)
-“The enemy is afraid of your becoming everything God wants you to be.”
-“Faith and fear both involve belief, and they both involve believing things we cannot see.”

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy as part of the BookLook Bloggers program, but I wasn’t required to leave a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa p
Loved this book and Sadie’s transparency and love how she challenges and encourages us to move out of fear and into all the Lord has for us so that we can live free and fearless and share that freedom with others!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeremy johnson
This is a wonderful book. Sadie is way beyond her years and had many lines throughout the book that really opened my eyes and helped me battle fears I have been dealing with recently. I love how she also connects her own experiences with scripture to give you a direct way to connect to God, no matter what you are facing. I would highly recommend reading this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
prof x
Sadie Robertson is a great example for so many young people. It was an amazing experience to hear her speak live at Winter Jam 2017.
Short simple and straight to the core of the matter, that Jesus is the answer to any of your problems. Faith can change your point of view.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea arief
Thought this book might be written a little to young for my taste. But Sadie Robinson is proof, no matter how young you are- God can still use you to speak into people’s life by sharing your stories and help change their life! Live fearless is wonderful, give it a READ!
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