Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life - One Month to Live
ByKerry Shook
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leo batic
What brought me to this Book, One Month to Live. We had it as our sermons in Church and, found it very enlighting.It hit me pretty much at home as, have a family member that has just about the title of the book to live. Do I give it to him? I think not. What with being 49 years old, chemo sickness etc., I think not. He is reading the Bible but, afraid to die? Lots to think about here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marcelo bahia
I have been a member of Fellowship of the Woodlands for almost 13 years and this church has changed my life. This book could well change yours. I hope that you take it and read it and apply it to your lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For me this book was summed up in the very first chapter. The opening chapter of the book is called Living the Dash. In this opening chapter the authors state that, "Looking at old tombstones, I can't help but recognize the entire lives are now reduced before me to two dates and one little dash. Each person's life really comes down to what transpired between those two dates. It comes down to what's in the dash." These statements were then followed by four questions that have challenged me to the core of who I am or as least thought that I was. The questions were:
* What did they live for?
* Whom did they love?
* What were their passions?
* What were their biggest mistakes or greatest regrets?
This book from the opening line is a challenge to all who read it to move into a mindset that puts all of it's value on what we do between the dashes of our existence. Most books that we read give us a challenge or create an idea that for a while we press into with incentive but in most cases that passion burns out. In their book, Kerry and Chris write in such a way that I believe will create a group of people that will have their passion for life reawakened and will in return change the world they live in for the better.
I can't honestly describe what this book did for me and so sitting here at my keyboard I'm truly lost for words. For most of my life I have been about myself and lived as if tomorrow was promised. This book, these words have planted this desire, this passion inside of my heart to live today to it's fullest. The words printed in this book have given me the life to if only for One Month truly live. I truly and whole-heartedly recommend this book to anyone who is in that place of life where you know there is more but just haven't found the answers you were looking for. Get the book, open the pages and allow the grace and love of God expressed throughout to help you make the best of the time you have left in your dash.
This book was given to me through a blogger review program via water book press and the opinions expressed are solely my own.
* What did they live for?
* Whom did they love?
* What were their passions?
* What were their biggest mistakes or greatest regrets?
This book from the opening line is a challenge to all who read it to move into a mindset that puts all of it's value on what we do between the dashes of our existence. Most books that we read give us a challenge or create an idea that for a while we press into with incentive but in most cases that passion burns out. In their book, Kerry and Chris write in such a way that I believe will create a group of people that will have their passion for life reawakened and will in return change the world they live in for the better.
I can't honestly describe what this book did for me and so sitting here at my keyboard I'm truly lost for words. For most of my life I have been about myself and lived as if tomorrow was promised. This book, these words have planted this desire, this passion inside of my heart to live today to it's fullest. The words printed in this book have given me the life to if only for One Month truly live. I truly and whole-heartedly recommend this book to anyone who is in that place of life where you know there is more but just haven't found the answers you were looking for. Get the book, open the pages and allow the grace and love of God expressed throughout to help you make the best of the time you have left in your dash.
This book was given to me through a blogger review program via water book press and the opinions expressed are solely my own.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Time once spent cannot be reclaimed. Once an hour, minute or moment is over, it's gone forever. However, we can redeem the remaining time we have."
The thing I've really been needing is true down time - time without the computer or making notes on what I can do/get done next. True down time! That will only happen if I make the decision to make it happen. If you feel like you don't have enough time to have some down time - the reality is you can't afford not to. "A regular time of rest and recovery..." is essential according to this book.
"...we're designed to require rest and to crave beauty."
Lately I've been in a season of my life where I feel like I need to purge so much of what we have in our home. Most of what we have acquired has been free or very inexpensive. I think that is one of main reasons why we have so much stuff. Couple that with us being home educators with 3 kids and that also adds "stuff". For months (even a couple years) I've felt the need to purge and simply our lives. It's such a hard thing to do when there's so much we could join in our around us. Co-ops, troops, art classes, sports, activities, etc.... Yes we're involved in some things but I like to keep it at a bear minimum. If we add too much in our schedule, we run here and run there. We end up being late everywhere and aren't able to even give 50% to one of those areas we're involved. For that reason among others we're trying to simplify even more. It's those times when we're in our home as a family learning and creating together that we have those special bonding moments. I'm so thankful for that and pray we can simplify things even more. This book suggests keeping a journal for a week and seeing what our time wasters are and then either cutting them out or cutting down on the time we do those things. I already know my main time waster. Now it's time to put things into action.
Matthew 11:28-29
" A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for."
~ William Shed
When I first read that quote, it really struck me. Kerry and Chris use this analogy to ask us what we are holding on to that we're not willing to trust God with. They talk about how we cling to monkey bars not willing to let go and let God catch us in the different areas of our lives. The question for you is, what is your monkey bar moment? I believe that for most if not all of us, that problem is fear. Oh how Satan uses fear to make us feel trapped.
Another great point in this book is, if we were told we only had one month to live, how would that change things and our perspective? Would we loosen up and do some more radical things for the Lord? Would we put down those things that hinder us and our relationships and make the relationships more meaningful? I believe we all would do those things when faced with the possibility of close death. The sad thing is, why do we wait so long to take any action? Why can't we all be living so much more fulfilled lives? The answer is we can, we choose not to.
Things that stood out that I can do now are these:
1. If I only had a month to live, who would I spend time with and what would I do in order to make sure I had good time with them.
2. Unload on Him; write a letter to God and tell Him how others have deeply hurt me leading to bitterness. Ask for his help because on my own, I cannot do it.
3. Diagnose each relationship you have and determine what you need to do to make it healthier.
4. Write down 5 different gifts you know you have, then ask family members to tell you what gifts they think you have. Compare lists then find a way to use those lists. Start out by praying to God to see what He'd have you do with them.
5. Try to take time at least once per week being still and alone for an hour. No books, email, phone calls, etc... Just stare out the window, take a walk, or sit somewhere quietly.
6. Look for those around me in most need and help them.
7. Figure out how much time I spend in God's word a week and then figure out how much time I want to spend in it, and do it! This is the one thing in life that will produce fruit even after I'm gone.
8. Find 5 people (not family or co-workers) that share my convictions and commitment to godly character. How often do we see each other? How can I encourage them and get together with them more often?
9. Make a list of 1 to 5 things I desire and be honest with it. Take them to God and ask what His perspective is regarding them.
Sayings that I really enjoyed in this book.
The only people with whom you should try and get even are those who have helped you.
~John E. Southard
There lives in each of us a hero awaiting the call to action.
~H. Jackson Brown Jr.
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me."
~Erma Bombeck
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
~Maya Angelou
Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. We cannot avoid pain, but we can avoid joy.
~Tim Hansel
Guard the secret theatre of your heart. See nothing there that you do not want to see happen in reality.
~Roy H. Williams
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
~Edmund Burke
My children will not remember the words of wisdom I've passed along over the years, nor will yours remember the good advice you've given. However, etched in their minds and planted in their hearts is a permanent picture of who you are and how you've lived before them.
~Dorothy Kelley Patterson
Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start now and make a brand-new ending.
~Carl Bard
For someone who has never really thought about the possibility of possibly leaving this earth in a month...this book is a great eye opener. I would recommend this to everyone I know.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
The thing I've really been needing is true down time - time without the computer or making notes on what I can do/get done next. True down time! That will only happen if I make the decision to make it happen. If you feel like you don't have enough time to have some down time - the reality is you can't afford not to. "A regular time of rest and recovery..." is essential according to this book.
"...we're designed to require rest and to crave beauty."
Lately I've been in a season of my life where I feel like I need to purge so much of what we have in our home. Most of what we have acquired has been free or very inexpensive. I think that is one of main reasons why we have so much stuff. Couple that with us being home educators with 3 kids and that also adds "stuff". For months (even a couple years) I've felt the need to purge and simply our lives. It's such a hard thing to do when there's so much we could join in our around us. Co-ops, troops, art classes, sports, activities, etc.... Yes we're involved in some things but I like to keep it at a bear minimum. If we add too much in our schedule, we run here and run there. We end up being late everywhere and aren't able to even give 50% to one of those areas we're involved. For that reason among others we're trying to simplify even more. It's those times when we're in our home as a family learning and creating together that we have those special bonding moments. I'm so thankful for that and pray we can simplify things even more. This book suggests keeping a journal for a week and seeing what our time wasters are and then either cutting them out or cutting down on the time we do those things. I already know my main time waster. Now it's time to put things into action.
Matthew 11:28-29
" A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for."
~ William Shed
When I first read that quote, it really struck me. Kerry and Chris use this analogy to ask us what we are holding on to that we're not willing to trust God with. They talk about how we cling to monkey bars not willing to let go and let God catch us in the different areas of our lives. The question for you is, what is your monkey bar moment? I believe that for most if not all of us, that problem is fear. Oh how Satan uses fear to make us feel trapped.
Another great point in this book is, if we were told we only had one month to live, how would that change things and our perspective? Would we loosen up and do some more radical things for the Lord? Would we put down those things that hinder us and our relationships and make the relationships more meaningful? I believe we all would do those things when faced with the possibility of close death. The sad thing is, why do we wait so long to take any action? Why can't we all be living so much more fulfilled lives? The answer is we can, we choose not to.
Things that stood out that I can do now are these:
1. If I only had a month to live, who would I spend time with and what would I do in order to make sure I had good time with them.
2. Unload on Him; write a letter to God and tell Him how others have deeply hurt me leading to bitterness. Ask for his help because on my own, I cannot do it.
3. Diagnose each relationship you have and determine what you need to do to make it healthier.
4. Write down 5 different gifts you know you have, then ask family members to tell you what gifts they think you have. Compare lists then find a way to use those lists. Start out by praying to God to see what He'd have you do with them.
5. Try to take time at least once per week being still and alone for an hour. No books, email, phone calls, etc... Just stare out the window, take a walk, or sit somewhere quietly.
6. Look for those around me in most need and help them.
7. Figure out how much time I spend in God's word a week and then figure out how much time I want to spend in it, and do it! This is the one thing in life that will produce fruit even after I'm gone.
8. Find 5 people (not family or co-workers) that share my convictions and commitment to godly character. How often do we see each other? How can I encourage them and get together with them more often?
9. Make a list of 1 to 5 things I desire and be honest with it. Take them to God and ask what His perspective is regarding them.
Sayings that I really enjoyed in this book.
The only people with whom you should try and get even are those who have helped you.
~John E. Southard
There lives in each of us a hero awaiting the call to action.
~H. Jackson Brown Jr.
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me."
~Erma Bombeck
If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
~Maya Angelou
Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. We cannot avoid pain, but we can avoid joy.
~Tim Hansel
Guard the secret theatre of your heart. See nothing there that you do not want to see happen in reality.
~Roy H. Williams
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
~Edmund Burke
My children will not remember the words of wisdom I've passed along over the years, nor will yours remember the good advice you've given. However, etched in their minds and planted in their hearts is a permanent picture of who you are and how you've lived before them.
~Dorothy Kelley Patterson
Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start now and make a brand-new ending.
~Carl Bard
For someone who has never really thought about the possibility of possibly leaving this earth in a month...this book is a great eye opener. I would recommend this to everyone I know.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lynda howells
A couple months ago, I reviewed Kerry and Chris Shook's Love at Last Sight, a book of daily readings designed to help the reader be more intentional about his or her relationships. Before that, they wrote One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No Regrets Life. The premise, as the title suggests, is that we should live with some urgency, as if we only have a limited time on earth, and make every second count. The resulting book is a decent guide to Christian discipleship, challenging the reader to examine the way he lives and to change his lifestyle to reflect eternal values.
I have a little trouble with the premise. If I learned I had 30 days to live, I sure wouldn't want to spend it at a desk for 8 hours a day, answering the phone. The Shooks challenge the reader to recall the dreams of youth, and, as long as they align with God's dreams for us, to pursue them. The reality is that the vast majority of people for the vast majority of history have to toil and labor to live. Do you think the struggling West Texas farmer and the Chinese assembly line worker and the Andean shepherd are living their dreams? Maybe, but probably not; they work as a necessity. The point, I think, is that all labor has value and can be directed to God as service to him. So it's not your dream? Still, labor as unto God, but if you only have 30 days to live, by all means, quit!
That quibble aside, the overarching theme of One Month to Live is that we should invest our time in what lasts and what matters. Not much in this world is eternal, but two things are for sure. First, God's word. Time spent reading, studying, and contemplating the Bible is time invested in eternity. God's word is eternal, and it can shape our character in lasting ways. Second, people. The impressions we make on people, time spent serving them, praying for them, is time invested in eternity. So we should live our lives in way that maximizes investment in these things that last.
If I were told today that I only had 30 days to live, I would probably focus on those 30 days, quitting my job, doing a bunch of fun stuff I've never done, and visiting with friends and family for a last time. The Shooks want me to have a longer focus. One Month to Live points the reader in an eternal direction and helps bring eternity into focus.
I have a little trouble with the premise. If I learned I had 30 days to live, I sure wouldn't want to spend it at a desk for 8 hours a day, answering the phone. The Shooks challenge the reader to recall the dreams of youth, and, as long as they align with God's dreams for us, to pursue them. The reality is that the vast majority of people for the vast majority of history have to toil and labor to live. Do you think the struggling West Texas farmer and the Chinese assembly line worker and the Andean shepherd are living their dreams? Maybe, but probably not; they work as a necessity. The point, I think, is that all labor has value and can be directed to God as service to him. So it's not your dream? Still, labor as unto God, but if you only have 30 days to live, by all means, quit!
That quibble aside, the overarching theme of One Month to Live is that we should invest our time in what lasts and what matters. Not much in this world is eternal, but two things are for sure. First, God's word. Time spent reading, studying, and contemplating the Bible is time invested in eternity. God's word is eternal, and it can shape our character in lasting ways. Second, people. The impressions we make on people, time spent serving them, praying for them, is time invested in eternity. So we should live our lives in way that maximizes investment in these things that last.
If I were told today that I only had 30 days to live, I would probably focus on those 30 days, quitting my job, doing a bunch of fun stuff I've never done, and visiting with friends and family for a last time. The Shooks want me to have a longer focus. One Month to Live points the reader in an eternal direction and helps bring eternity into focus.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tomas eklund
Each of us long to make a difference and make the most of the life God has given us. Too many times we are waiting for the right time to come along to do so. What if that time never does come and circumstances are never perfect? All we are promised is the moment we are living in right now. Today is the day we can begin living the life God created us to live and make the most of every moment we have left.
The authors begin with encouraging the reader to truly live the dash (the mark that will be on our headstone between our birth and death), making the most of each day and living our lives with meaning. In the first chapter, the author asks a pointed question--why can't we all live our lives more like we are dying? If you knew you only had thirty days to live, you would make contact with those you love and make certain those relationships were on solid ground. You would forgive those who had wronged you and not worry about what tomorrow may bring. You would find joy in the everyday little things you do (well, maybe not cleaning the bathroom!). Why do we wait until we are dying to live this kind of life? Would our lives not be much more joyous and fulfilling if we looked at every day as if it might be our last? We each can choose what we do with the days God has given us and we also choose the attitude with which we perform those tasks and activities.
There are hundreds of self-improvement books on the bookstore shelves. What makes this one different? The book is divided into four sections--one for each week of the month: Live Passionately, Love Completely, Learn Humbly, and Leave Boldly. Each section has 7 - 8 chapters which focus on the topic and each challenge you to examine your life and give practical ways you can begin to live a transformed life. While no book is a fix-all, I do like the way the authors chose to set it up so that one chapter applies to each day of the month and could be used as a suplement to your devotional since not a great deal of scripture is used. Nothing in the book is "new under the sun" but each thought is a good reminder to the reader to live each moment as if it were your last, love others in a way that will make a difference in your life and theirs, and living a life that will make the world a better place.
While not one of the best I've read, this book does provide reminders of what is truly important in life we need at times and is an easy read. That may bother some readers who are looking for more depth and meat than One Month to Live may give them.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was not obligated to provide a positive review.
The authors begin with encouraging the reader to truly live the dash (the mark that will be on our headstone between our birth and death), making the most of each day and living our lives with meaning. In the first chapter, the author asks a pointed question--why can't we all live our lives more like we are dying? If you knew you only had thirty days to live, you would make contact with those you love and make certain those relationships were on solid ground. You would forgive those who had wronged you and not worry about what tomorrow may bring. You would find joy in the everyday little things you do (well, maybe not cleaning the bathroom!). Why do we wait until we are dying to live this kind of life? Would our lives not be much more joyous and fulfilling if we looked at every day as if it might be our last? We each can choose what we do with the days God has given us and we also choose the attitude with which we perform those tasks and activities.
There are hundreds of self-improvement books on the bookstore shelves. What makes this one different? The book is divided into four sections--one for each week of the month: Live Passionately, Love Completely, Learn Humbly, and Leave Boldly. Each section has 7 - 8 chapters which focus on the topic and each challenge you to examine your life and give practical ways you can begin to live a transformed life. While no book is a fix-all, I do like the way the authors chose to set it up so that one chapter applies to each day of the month and could be used as a suplement to your devotional since not a great deal of scripture is used. Nothing in the book is "new under the sun" but each thought is a good reminder to the reader to live each moment as if it were your last, love others in a way that will make a difference in your life and theirs, and living a life that will make the world a better place.
While not one of the best I've read, this book does provide reminders of what is truly important in life we need at times and is an easy read. That may bother some readers who are looking for more depth and meat than One Month to Live may give them.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was not obligated to provide a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
breand n
The title tells the premise of this book. What would you change about the way you are living if you only had 30 days left to live? Why not make those changes now?
I found this book to be very helpful, inspiring, and most importantly change-provoking. Not just thought-provoking, but change-provoking! As I've gone through this book, I've made many small changes that I'd previously told myself, "I'll make that change when _______." Why not make that change now? I've rethought my priorities and made some of the little changes that I'd been putting off on the Someday Calendar.
Personally this book has helped me, but what will you find in it? This book is divided up into 30 chapters--30 days. The 30 days are divided up into four main principles: Live Passionately, Love Completely, Learn Humbly, Leave Boldly. Each day you are presented with something to think about; something you might be prompted to change immediately if you knew your time left was short. This book places a great emphasis and focus on your relationship with your Creator, an emphasis on extending forgiveness and not harboring any bitterness or resentment, extending more love to others, and also on living with integrity. At the end of each day, there are several questions to consider.
I liked that this book was divided up into many short chapters, one each day for thirty days. The book was easy to read, and not easy to put down. I originally planned to read only one chapter each day for a thirty day period, but I ended up reading several chapters/day most of the time. Still, the short chapters make this a convenient read for those who may not have the time to read more.
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
I found this book to be very helpful, inspiring, and most importantly change-provoking. Not just thought-provoking, but change-provoking! As I've gone through this book, I've made many small changes that I'd previously told myself, "I'll make that change when _______." Why not make that change now? I've rethought my priorities and made some of the little changes that I'd been putting off on the Someday Calendar.
Personally this book has helped me, but what will you find in it? This book is divided up into 30 chapters--30 days. The 30 days are divided up into four main principles: Live Passionately, Love Completely, Learn Humbly, Leave Boldly. Each day you are presented with something to think about; something you might be prompted to change immediately if you knew your time left was short. This book places a great emphasis and focus on your relationship with your Creator, an emphasis on extending forgiveness and not harboring any bitterness or resentment, extending more love to others, and also on living with integrity. At the end of each day, there are several questions to consider.
I liked that this book was divided up into many short chapters, one each day for thirty days. The book was easy to read, and not easy to put down. I originally planned to read only one chapter each day for a thirty day period, but I ended up reading several chapters/day most of the time. Still, the short chapters make this a convenient read for those who may not have the time to read more.
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tim h
"One Month to Live" by Kerry and Chris Shook is a book chock full of great advice on living an abundant Christian life. It's divided into four sections of seven or eight short chapters each: Live Passionately, Love Completely, Learn Humbly, and Leave Boldly. Each chapter contains an analogy or two from life experiences such as mountain climbing, scuba diving, and roller coaster riding. Readers are encouraged to enjoy one chapter a day for thirty days.
The title, "One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life," almost kept me from considering the book. It sounded guilt-inducing, pressure filled, and perfectionistic. "Don't waste a moment. Take advantage of every opportunity, or live with regret for the rest of your life!" This book is not that. The theme is simply the package that neatly wraps up all of the Shook's ideas and leads readers to the corresponding website for more: [...].
What the reader will find in this book is basic and sound, practical and biblical advice on Christian living. The Shooks encourage readers to love God, to love each other, to do whatever God leads them to do, and to encourage others to do the same. If you are looking for an upbeat and uplifting 30-day-devotional on how to live the Christian life, I recommend this book.
Thank you, Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers, for sending a complimentary copy for my honest review.
The title, "One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life," almost kept me from considering the book. It sounded guilt-inducing, pressure filled, and perfectionistic. "Don't waste a moment. Take advantage of every opportunity, or live with regret for the rest of your life!" This book is not that. The theme is simply the package that neatly wraps up all of the Shook's ideas and leads readers to the corresponding website for more: [...].
What the reader will find in this book is basic and sound, practical and biblical advice on Christian living. The Shooks encourage readers to love God, to love each other, to do whatever God leads them to do, and to encourage others to do the same. If you are looking for an upbeat and uplifting 30-day-devotional on how to live the Christian life, I recommend this book.
Thank you, Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers, for sending a complimentary copy for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
keanan brand
I'll admit...I'm a procrastinator.
So, when I got the chance to review a book called "One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life," I figured it might help me break some of those bad procrastination habits.
The back cover summed me up pretty well: "Are you suffering from "someday" syndrome--always waiting for someday when your schedule calms down, your finances improve, or your kids grow up so you can begin to live the live you've always dreamed of?"
Well, true to form, it has been a year, and I'm just posting my review now.
Don't blame it on the book. It's an excellent book. It has a lot of good advice. It is well-organized and thorough. It takes dedication to work through it. My procrastination gene overwhelmed the dedication gene, and instead of working through one chapter a day, I would pick the book up once a month or so and read a chapter or two. I didn't do the assignments at the end of each chapter (yet), so I don't think I got the full benefits from this book.
The book is broken down into 30 chapters that address four principles of life change: Living Passionately, Loving Completely, Learning Humbly, and Leaving Boldly. For each chapter, there is a paragraph of questions to make you think about what needs to be changed, more questions to direct you on how to "make it count" and some 'homework' questions to help you "Make it last for life."
This book isn't a magic pill to show you how to get rich, skinny and famous in thirty days. It's an excellent handbook to help you focus on what you need to change in your life -- what should stay and what should go, what's important and what's filler. It takes commitment to prayerfully and diligently work on it each day, doing the homework and keeping a notebook to keep yourself on track.
There are inspiring stories at the back of the book - people who have taken the 30-day challenge and made a real difference in their lives. I look forward to going through this book again, the right way, and making my own inspirational story.
I received this book from Waterbrook-Multnomah in exchange for my honest review.
So, when I got the chance to review a book called "One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life," I figured it might help me break some of those bad procrastination habits.
The back cover summed me up pretty well: "Are you suffering from "someday" syndrome--always waiting for someday when your schedule calms down, your finances improve, or your kids grow up so you can begin to live the live you've always dreamed of?"
Well, true to form, it has been a year, and I'm just posting my review now.
Don't blame it on the book. It's an excellent book. It has a lot of good advice. It is well-organized and thorough. It takes dedication to work through it. My procrastination gene overwhelmed the dedication gene, and instead of working through one chapter a day, I would pick the book up once a month or so and read a chapter or two. I didn't do the assignments at the end of each chapter (yet), so I don't think I got the full benefits from this book.
The book is broken down into 30 chapters that address four principles of life change: Living Passionately, Loving Completely, Learning Humbly, and Leaving Boldly. For each chapter, there is a paragraph of questions to make you think about what needs to be changed, more questions to direct you on how to "make it count" and some 'homework' questions to help you "Make it last for life."
This book isn't a magic pill to show you how to get rich, skinny and famous in thirty days. It's an excellent handbook to help you focus on what you need to change in your life -- what should stay and what should go, what's important and what's filler. It takes commitment to prayerfully and diligently work on it each day, doing the homework and keeping a notebook to keep yourself on track.
There are inspiring stories at the back of the book - people who have taken the 30-day challenge and made a real difference in their lives. I look forward to going through this book again, the right way, and making my own inspirational story.
I received this book from Waterbrook-Multnomah in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
"Every day, every moment, with every action, you're planting something. So the question is, what exactly are you planting? What is the cumulative effect of your words, actions, and intentions on those around you and those ahead of you?".
This statement and questions from One Month To Live reflects my gut reaction to my own mortality very well. I found myself wanting to make every moment count, but I often find myself falling short.
One Month To Live provides a step-by-step process through which you can be intentional and live differently one small step at a time. Each days encouraging chapter ends with three small steps you can take to change the direction and pattern of your life.
The book is divided into daily chapters under four overarching principles. Live Passionately. Love Completely. Live Humbly. Leave Boldly. All are intended as a guided response to the question "What would you do if you discovered you only had one month to live?"
My Bottom Line: I've been in the place where I've expected to die within minutes. Grappling with your own mortality in this manner will change your life if you allow it to, but it is not pleasant in that moment to find yourself wishing you could change the last thirty days. By following the steps outlined in One Month To Live, you can change your life before you come to a moment of crisis and find death looming closer then expected. The cost of this hardcover book is $19.95.
Disclaimer: I received this book for free form Waterbrook Multnomah Blogging For Books in exchange for an honest review on my blog. Here you have it.
This statement and questions from One Month To Live reflects my gut reaction to my own mortality very well. I found myself wanting to make every moment count, but I often find myself falling short.
One Month To Live provides a step-by-step process through which you can be intentional and live differently one small step at a time. Each days encouraging chapter ends with three small steps you can take to change the direction and pattern of your life.
The book is divided into daily chapters under four overarching principles. Live Passionately. Love Completely. Live Humbly. Leave Boldly. All are intended as a guided response to the question "What would you do if you discovered you only had one month to live?"
My Bottom Line: I've been in the place where I've expected to die within minutes. Grappling with your own mortality in this manner will change your life if you allow it to, but it is not pleasant in that moment to find yourself wishing you could change the last thirty days. By following the steps outlined in One Month To Live, you can change your life before you come to a moment of crisis and find death looming closer then expected. The cost of this hardcover book is $19.95.
Disclaimer: I received this book for free form Waterbrook Multnomah Blogging For Books in exchange for an honest review on my blog. Here you have it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book isn't one that you have to read only if you have one month left to live, read it now. Don't wait. Although, you never know. You may only have one month left. Or maybe one day, one year, 100 years. You just don't know. So why are you sitting here? Why are you reading through my blog? (Just kidding! Please do check it out). But seriously, what are you doing with your life right now? Is it what you would do with it if you only have one month left to live?
If you say yes, good for you!! Keep at it.
Did you say no? (Guess what, I did!). Then please check out this book.
Kerry and Chris Shook that you through thirty days to get your life into a place where you'll live with no regrets. Each day focuses on a part of your life that you'd like to change, enhance, relive so you can really live out your days. They challenge the reader with things like the "someday syndrome" when you keep saying 'someday I will...' They ask how are you loving: "Today, though most of us are so busy, constantly in motion...we work long hours to provide for the people we love...but we miss spending quality time with them....we can give them expensive gifts and luxury vacations but we struggle to give them out time and undivided why don't we live as if our relationships matter most?" They remind us where we came from, Whom our identity should be in, that our struggles are not only for our refinement but to help others. They are thought provoking questions such as "If you knew you only had one month to live, what 'cargo' would you throw overboard?" and "Take a sheet of paper and draw a large circle in the center of it. Divide the circle into a pie with eight pieces. Then label each section with an area of your life. Are you living out your values in each of those areas?"
This book with challenge you beyond your little life right now to really truly live your life. I also thought I was doing a good job living my life. I am staying at home raising my daughter, taking care of the house, etc. What more could I want? In the first chapter I realized I was doing all those things but as I was I wasn't really. I read as my daughter was napping. Good for me!! I only work when she's not around. When she was around what was I doing? Oh yeah, watching TV, texting, playing on my numerous items of media. If I had one month left with her (yes, one month of tears!!!) would I want to be doing those things? NO!!! This book can convict in the first chapter. After that it's just ways to keep working on your life. How to live without regrets. Without thinking that someday... So don't say someday I'll check out this book. DO IT NOW!!
If you say yes, good for you!! Keep at it.
Did you say no? (Guess what, I did!). Then please check out this book.
Kerry and Chris Shook that you through thirty days to get your life into a place where you'll live with no regrets. Each day focuses on a part of your life that you'd like to change, enhance, relive so you can really live out your days. They challenge the reader with things like the "someday syndrome" when you keep saying 'someday I will...' They ask how are you loving: "Today, though most of us are so busy, constantly in motion...we work long hours to provide for the people we love...but we miss spending quality time with them....we can give them expensive gifts and luxury vacations but we struggle to give them out time and undivided why don't we live as if our relationships matter most?" They remind us where we came from, Whom our identity should be in, that our struggles are not only for our refinement but to help others. They are thought provoking questions such as "If you knew you only had one month to live, what 'cargo' would you throw overboard?" and "Take a sheet of paper and draw a large circle in the center of it. Divide the circle into a pie with eight pieces. Then label each section with an area of your life. Are you living out your values in each of those areas?"
This book with challenge you beyond your little life right now to really truly live your life. I also thought I was doing a good job living my life. I am staying at home raising my daughter, taking care of the house, etc. What more could I want? In the first chapter I realized I was doing all those things but as I was I wasn't really. I read as my daughter was napping. Good for me!! I only work when she's not around. When she was around what was I doing? Oh yeah, watching TV, texting, playing on my numerous items of media. If I had one month left with her (yes, one month of tears!!!) would I want to be doing those things? NO!!! This book can convict in the first chapter. After that it's just ways to keep working on your life. How to live without regrets. Without thinking that someday... So don't say someday I'll check out this book. DO IT NOW!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather starr fiedler
How easy it is to live each day just like all the others? How many times has a birthday or a holiday rolled around only to find you shocked that another year has gone by? We've all done it. Now what if you really only had 30 days to live? What would you do differently? What would you say to loved ones? Would you look back at a full life that you lived for doing God's will?
That is the premise of One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook. By exhorting readers to live Passionately, Completely, Humbly and Boldly, One Month to Live strives to shake up a boring day-to-day life and transform it into a fulfilling godly life.
This book is broken down into 30 tiny chapters, one for each day of the month. Each chapter contains motivational quotes, a lesson of the day, and questions to answer like a homework assignment to ponder.
I really liked this book a lot as a reminder to live each day to the fullest. I especially enjoyed the reminders in the chapter "Hurricanes: Withstanding the Winds of Change."
This book does not contain very many scriptural quotes, but does advise readers constantly to seek God's will for the 30 days. At times this book falls into a "happy feelings no matter what" trap, but overall this book can motivate you to live a godly life as if today is the last.
I received this book from Multnomah/Waterbrook via their Blogging for Books Program in exchange for an honest review but the opinion is all mine.
That is the premise of One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook. By exhorting readers to live Passionately, Completely, Humbly and Boldly, One Month to Live strives to shake up a boring day-to-day life and transform it into a fulfilling godly life.
This book is broken down into 30 tiny chapters, one for each day of the month. Each chapter contains motivational quotes, a lesson of the day, and questions to answer like a homework assignment to ponder.
I really liked this book a lot as a reminder to live each day to the fullest. I especially enjoyed the reminders in the chapter "Hurricanes: Withstanding the Winds of Change."
This book does not contain very many scriptural quotes, but does advise readers constantly to seek God's will for the 30 days. At times this book falls into a "happy feelings no matter what" trap, but overall this book can motivate you to live a godly life as if today is the last.
I received this book from Multnomah/Waterbrook via their Blogging for Books Program in exchange for an honest review but the opinion is all mine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received One Month To Live from WaterBrook Press in order to review. This life changing book was written by Kerry & Chris Shook who minister in Texas. The chapters in this book are just daily readings from day 1 to day 30. The sections are "Live Passionately", "Love Completely", "Learn Humbly" and "Leave Boldly". Although I have not read this entire book, what I have read so far has caused me to think. What would I do differently if I only had one month to live? Not things to fulfill my selfish desires, but things to do for God's Kingdom. Would I do more at church? Would I call people more often and tell them that I love them? Would I create more cards, something I love to do? Or make decorative tiles (another craft I love to do)? What legacy would I leave behind?
Well, I may or may not have 30 days left on this earth, but what I do know is that is is time to start LIVING. Living for Jesus. Telling others about His love. Not being afraid to take that step forward. God will give me the words to say to His people, His creation. I should not be afraid to step out boldly for His glory.
You know, on your tombstone - it will show your beginning and your ending with a dash between the two. You know what I'm referring to right? Well, now, I am LIVING "the dash". I encourage you to pick up this book and start living!
I received this book for free in exchange for my honest opinion. No other compensation was received or expected.
Well, I may or may not have 30 days left on this earth, but what I do know is that is is time to start LIVING. Living for Jesus. Telling others about His love. Not being afraid to take that step forward. God will give me the words to say to His people, His creation. I should not be afraid to step out boldly for His glory.
You know, on your tombstone - it will show your beginning and your ending with a dash between the two. You know what I'm referring to right? Well, now, I am LIVING "the dash". I encourage you to pick up this book and start living!
I received this book for free in exchange for my honest opinion. No other compensation was received or expected.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ashley ong
I reviewed this book for Waterbrook Multanomah. The opinions in this review are my own. This does not guarantee a positive review.
"What if you only had one month to live? How would you make each day meaningful? How would you relate to others differently? What would you do to make the rest of your life really matter?
With eye-opening insights and soul-inspiring truths, One Month to Live will challenge you to embrace the life God has entrusted to you and you alone, and to live it out moment by moment with wholehearted authenticity, honesty, and integrity..
Open yourself to the challenge of embracing your mortality and being empowered to live each day engaged in being fully alive."
I enjoyed this book. I have often thought to myself " Some day I am going to do this... someday I am going to do that"... reading the first few chapters really gave me an "aha" moment of. If I am doing this someday- why not just do it today and make my life better TODAY. The writing in this book is warm, friendly, and written as if you are having a conversation with the author.
After the first chapter, the remaining 4 weeks are set up very similar to a devotional. The author takes you through the month together in a process. There are inspirational quotes, bible lessons, and journaling or discussion questions at the end of each day. It really is a great system and I am excited to complete the month.
To finish my review, I simply read through the book- I didn't DO the study. I am going to go back through and read the study daily- I am excited for what changes God is going to bring to my life!
"What if you only had one month to live? How would you make each day meaningful? How would you relate to others differently? What would you do to make the rest of your life really matter?
With eye-opening insights and soul-inspiring truths, One Month to Live will challenge you to embrace the life God has entrusted to you and you alone, and to live it out moment by moment with wholehearted authenticity, honesty, and integrity..
Open yourself to the challenge of embracing your mortality and being empowered to live each day engaged in being fully alive."
I enjoyed this book. I have often thought to myself " Some day I am going to do this... someday I am going to do that"... reading the first few chapters really gave me an "aha" moment of. If I am doing this someday- why not just do it today and make my life better TODAY. The writing in this book is warm, friendly, and written as if you are having a conversation with the author.
After the first chapter, the remaining 4 weeks are set up very similar to a devotional. The author takes you through the month together in a process. There are inspirational quotes, bible lessons, and journaling or discussion questions at the end of each day. It really is a great system and I am excited to complete the month.
To finish my review, I simply read through the book- I didn't DO the study. I am going to go back through and read the study daily- I am excited for what changes God is going to bring to my life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What if you found out that you only had one month to live? Would you do things differently? If you had known that your time was limited, would you have lived life to the fullest? Made amends? Hugged more? Taken that last vacation? Forgiven someone? In the book, One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-regrets Life, Kerry & Chris Shook helps the reader look beyond what they call the "someday syndrome" and start enjoying life today. By taking the 30-Day Challenge the reader can learn the how to make the most of their time on earth, live a no-regrets life and answer the longings of the heart by following 4 simple principles. Live passionately, love completely, learn humbly and leave boldly. Each day/chapter offers inspiring quotes, questions for personal reflection, a "make it count moment", how to connect with others and several "to-do" recommendations to help you "make it last for life". This book can help you change your priorities and rearrange your life in such a way that you can discover the purpose of your life that God created for you! This would be great as a group study or personal reflection. To learn more you can also visit the website [...] Disclaimer: I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Blogging For Books program in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed herein are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
troy heverly
I received the book, One Month to Live - Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life from Water Brook Press to review. I have one word for this book - AMAZING! This is definitely a book that will change your life.
So many people live life in one of two extremes. The first is in the land of Someday. They put off doing things until things calm down, or finances are squared away. In the end they do not end up doing anything because they are still waiting on Someday. The other extreme has people living in the future. They are not in the here and now, they are simply focused on eternity. However, we are called to "do" while we are here. One Month to Live takes a look at how each one of us needs to live our life as though we only have a short time left. Let's fact it, none of us knows how much time we have and we need to live without regrets.
One Month to Live is set up with a thirty-day challenge. This can be completed on your own or with a group. The book is divided into four principles: live passionately, love completely, learn humbly and leave boldly. There is a principle highlighted each week in the challenge. Each day you have a short chapter to read with "Make It Count Moments", which are questions that help you focus on what is really important in your life. There are also "Make It Last for Life" included in each chapter. These are activities or ways you can act on that particular day's focus.
This book had such an impact on me that I have chosen to make it the next selection for my online Bible study.
So many people live life in one of two extremes. The first is in the land of Someday. They put off doing things until things calm down, or finances are squared away. In the end they do not end up doing anything because they are still waiting on Someday. The other extreme has people living in the future. They are not in the here and now, they are simply focused on eternity. However, we are called to "do" while we are here. One Month to Live takes a look at how each one of us needs to live our life as though we only have a short time left. Let's fact it, none of us knows how much time we have and we need to live without regrets.
One Month to Live is set up with a thirty-day challenge. This can be completed on your own or with a group. The book is divided into four principles: live passionately, love completely, learn humbly and leave boldly. There is a principle highlighted each week in the challenge. Each day you have a short chapter to read with "Make It Count Moments", which are questions that help you focus on what is really important in your life. There are also "Make It Last for Life" included in each chapter. These are activities or ways you can act on that particular day's focus.
This book had such an impact on me that I have chosen to make it the next selection for my online Bible study.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beinta petersen
What if you only had one month left to live? What would you do differently? How would your priorities change? While this isn't really the focus of the book, it is about learning how to change your life to live it to the fullest - within 30 days. The second title more aptly describes the book, "Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life". The inner flap has a very descriptive phrase: Do you suffer from "Someday Syndrome"?
I wouldn't exactly call this a self-help book, but if you apply the principles, you will certainly change your life for the better. The book is all inclusive taking into account every aspect of life - from relationships to personal struggles, this book has much wisdom to offer. It is also backed up with verses from the Bible that relate to similar struggles you may face and how to live life to the fullest. For example, the writings from Paul is used to show how he handled struggles as well as the equation for a fulfilling life. Paul had much Godly wisdom when it comes to relationships and the focus of life.
The book is easy to read and the use of metaphors makes it very easy to understand and apply to your life. I read this book practically in one setting - just couldn't put it down because it has such great insight. I plan on re-reading it and following the 30 day plan to a life with no regrets. I highly recommend this book to everyone. Everyone can find useful insight to improve his or her life!
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. This in no way influenced my review.
I wouldn't exactly call this a self-help book, but if you apply the principles, you will certainly change your life for the better. The book is all inclusive taking into account every aspect of life - from relationships to personal struggles, this book has much wisdom to offer. It is also backed up with verses from the Bible that relate to similar struggles you may face and how to live life to the fullest. For example, the writings from Paul is used to show how he handled struggles as well as the equation for a fulfilling life. Paul had much Godly wisdom when it comes to relationships and the focus of life.
The book is easy to read and the use of metaphors makes it very easy to understand and apply to your life. I read this book practically in one setting - just couldn't put it down because it has such great insight. I plan on re-reading it and following the 30 day plan to a life with no regrets. I highly recommend this book to everyone. Everyone can find useful insight to improve his or her life!
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. This in no way influenced my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What would you do if you had one month to live? Would you change your life or continue to live it the same way? I think most of us would say absolutely not! There is no way I would live my life the same way if i only had 30 days to live.
And that is the exact premise of the book One Month to Live. Only you do not have to wait for a diagnosis to live like you only have one month left on Earth. Kerry and Chris Shook give you step by step instructions to help you learn how to live in the moment. And to stop waiting for someday to start living your life.
They list four principles for a no-regrets life.
*live passionately
*love completely
*learn humbly
*leave boldly
Each chapter of the book is intended for each day in the month. At the end of each chapter are a few questions to help you along the journey. So far my favorite day is day 8=living life full throttle. Chapter 8 deals with how to make changes when you feel powerless. I can relate to feeling powerless to change things in my life.
I'm really enjoying this book and I look forward to reading about the fourth principle-leave boldly.
Disclaimer-I received this book as a member of Blogging for Books program, no further compensation was provided and all opinions are 100% mine.
And that is the exact premise of the book One Month to Live. Only you do not have to wait for a diagnosis to live like you only have one month left on Earth. Kerry and Chris Shook give you step by step instructions to help you learn how to live in the moment. And to stop waiting for someday to start living your life.
They list four principles for a no-regrets life.
*live passionately
*love completely
*learn humbly
*leave boldly
Each chapter of the book is intended for each day in the month. At the end of each chapter are a few questions to help you along the journey. So far my favorite day is day 8=living life full throttle. Chapter 8 deals with how to make changes when you feel powerless. I can relate to feeling powerless to change things in my life.
I'm really enjoying this book and I look forward to reading about the fourth principle-leave boldly.
Disclaimer-I received this book as a member of Blogging for Books program, no further compensation was provided and all opinions are 100% mine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One of the things I struggle with from time to time is the question as to whether I am making good use of the life that God has given me. I mean, most of my days are filled with laundry, dishes, running around an indoor track, and grocery shopping. It seems pretty mundane a lot of times, and I wonder whether or not this is the way to make my life really meaningful.
So when I found the book One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook, I was intrigued. This book promises to show you how to have a "no-regrets" life in only 30 days.
The authors, founders of Woodlands Church in Houston, Texas, start out by asking you to imagine that you only had 30 days left on this earth. Would you be satisfied that you had accomplished everything that you wanted to? Would you be happy with the relationships that you have created? Would you be pleased with the legacy that you left behind? If not, Pastor Kerry and Chris show you what you need to do differently.
With real-life examples, and plenty of scripture references, the authors walk you through a different topic each day of the month, including resolving conflicts, forgiveness, working toward your dreams, and making a difference to others. They cover everything that makes a life worthwhile.
One of my favorite parts of the book was in the chapter on Withstanding the Winds of Change. They describe how they took a trip to Italy and were so frustrated with how inefficiently the trains ran and how the cab companies wouldn't take a reservation for a cab in advance. They finally had to let go of their expectations and "go with the flow" with how the local culture operated.
This example was used to illustrate how one must let go of their control over life and trust that God knows what He is doing. In order to be happy and enjoy life, the authors say that you must be able adapt to those inevitable changes that we all experience.
If you are looking to make a change in your life, I would heartily recommend One Month to Live. I found that it covered such a variety of topics that made a difference to me, and helped me to see where I needed to make improvements or changes. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
So when I found the book One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook, I was intrigued. This book promises to show you how to have a "no-regrets" life in only 30 days.
The authors, founders of Woodlands Church in Houston, Texas, start out by asking you to imagine that you only had 30 days left on this earth. Would you be satisfied that you had accomplished everything that you wanted to? Would you be happy with the relationships that you have created? Would you be pleased with the legacy that you left behind? If not, Pastor Kerry and Chris show you what you need to do differently.
With real-life examples, and plenty of scripture references, the authors walk you through a different topic each day of the month, including resolving conflicts, forgiveness, working toward your dreams, and making a difference to others. They cover everything that makes a life worthwhile.
One of my favorite parts of the book was in the chapter on Withstanding the Winds of Change. They describe how they took a trip to Italy and were so frustrated with how inefficiently the trains ran and how the cab companies wouldn't take a reservation for a cab in advance. They finally had to let go of their expectations and "go with the flow" with how the local culture operated.
This example was used to illustrate how one must let go of their control over life and trust that God knows what He is doing. In order to be happy and enjoy life, the authors say that you must be able adapt to those inevitable changes that we all experience.
If you are looking to make a change in your life, I would heartily recommend One Month to Live. I found that it covered such a variety of topics that made a difference to me, and helped me to see where I needed to make improvements or changes. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
abigail v
One Month
I had a very hard time reading this book. At the time that I requested it, I had heard great things about the book and was looking forward to a lifechanging read. The book arrived and I kept reading chapter 1 and setting it aside. I couldn't get into the book. Eventually, I did read the book and there were some great insights. I believe that I struggled with the book because of the many life events that were occurring in my life. In the end, I took a lot of encouragement from the book and was able to grow as an individual. I will be reading the book again, as life calms down. I expect that this will be a book that speaks differently to me each time i read it.
One Month to Live challenges readers to embrace the life God has entrusted to them and to live it out moment by moment with wholehearted authenticity, honesty and integrity.
I received this book from Water Brook Multnomah in exchange for a review. My thoughts are my own and I received no other compensation
I had a very hard time reading this book. At the time that I requested it, I had heard great things about the book and was looking forward to a lifechanging read. The book arrived and I kept reading chapter 1 and setting it aside. I couldn't get into the book. Eventually, I did read the book and there were some great insights. I believe that I struggled with the book because of the many life events that were occurring in my life. In the end, I took a lot of encouragement from the book and was able to grow as an individual. I will be reading the book again, as life calms down. I expect that this will be a book that speaks differently to me each time i read it.
One Month to Live challenges readers to embrace the life God has entrusted to them and to live it out moment by moment with wholehearted authenticity, honesty and integrity.
I received this book from Water Brook Multnomah in exchange for a review. My thoughts are my own and I received no other compensation
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"One Month To Live" by Kerry and Chris Shook is an interesting centering on the reader imagining that if he or she had only one month to live, what priorities would change?
The book is organized into 4 main principles:
1. Live Passionately - live as if every day was your last and put your heart into your life.
2. Love Completely - love others unreservedly and let them know that you do care about them.
3. Learn Humbly - we can learn from others and we do not have all of the answers to life's mysteries.
4. Leave Boldly - leave this world on a high note and be concerned about leaving a godly spiritual legacy instead of just accumulating things that lose their value when you die.
The authors write from an admittingly Christian point of view. While some may be turned off by this, many others will appreciate the perspectives the authors write from - we will meet God someday and need to be ready for that appointment.
The book is a great challenge to realize that people are more important than things and that we need to live accordingly.
The book is organized into 4 main principles:
1. Live Passionately - live as if every day was your last and put your heart into your life.
2. Love Completely - love others unreservedly and let them know that you do care about them.
3. Learn Humbly - we can learn from others and we do not have all of the answers to life's mysteries.
4. Leave Boldly - leave this world on a high note and be concerned about leaving a godly spiritual legacy instead of just accumulating things that lose their value when you die.
The authors write from an admittingly Christian point of view. While some may be turned off by this, many others will appreciate the perspectives the authors write from - we will meet God someday and need to be ready for that appointment.
The book is a great challenge to realize that people are more important than things and that we need to live accordingly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josie harvey
Have you ever wondered what consumes your time or why your life is the way it is? Then I dare you to read the book One Month to Live by Kerry and Chris Shook. This book takes you on a 30 day journey to evaluate your life. Each day there is a devotional to read that includes scripture and questions to ponder. Some of the ideas were to make write your obituary, write a list of people you need to forgive write a letter to the Lord, and reviewing your calender last month to determine your priorities.
This book is a very easy to read, but really doing the steps and practical life applications is the hard part. I read the book doing one devotion a day. It was very similar to the book Not a Fan by Kevin Idleman and that book was very good also. One Month to Live is a must read for any age. It will push you to the next step in your walk with the Lord.
I was given this book by Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.
This book is a very easy to read, but really doing the steps and practical life applications is the hard part. I read the book doing one devotion a day. It was very similar to the book Not a Fan by Kevin Idleman and that book was very good also. One Month to Live is a must read for any age. It will push you to the next step in your walk with the Lord.
I was given this book by Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I recently finished reading "One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life" by Kerry and Chris Shook. All of us only have a certain number of days to live yet what if you recently found out that you only have 30 days left? Would you live life differently? What areas would you change in your life? The authors suggest that even though we may have more then 30 days left we need to consider what truly is important to us and live our lives like we would if we only had a short time of life left on this earth. We have the opportunity to make an positive impact on the people in our lives everyday.
The four principles they covered in the book were:
Live Passionately
Love Completely
Learn Humbly
Leave Boldly
This was a great book for reading during devotions because the chapters where only a handful of pages long and were broken out into 4 life principles. Instead of chapters they go by days (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and so forth up to 30 days). Each day begins with a couple quotes on the topic they are covering followed by a story to illustrate the point they are trying to drive home. Some of the stories painted powerful visual pictures in my mind of areas I have been struggling with and would continue to think about for several days after reading them. The authors discussed a variety of key topics such as health, relationship with God, forgiveness, integrity and relationships with family, friends and more. Each day includes:
Make It Count Moments
Make It Last for Life
The Make It Count Moments and Make It Last for Life sections contain a series of questions regarding the topic they are discussing to help you take a closer look at your life. You may see areas that you need to shape up, take action to correct, or areas you need healing. For example, on the chapter of Forgiveness one of the Make It Count Moments is "If you only had one month to live, what would you ask forgiveness for? From whom? Whom would you need to forgive?"
I was pleased with this book and look forward to sharing it with others. It helped open my eyes to some heart issues that I need to work on and maybe it will do the same for you as well. Life is short and we each have the opportunity to live a life to our fullest potential; a life of passion and purpose with no regrets.
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes from the publisher through the Waterhouse Multnomah. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
The four principles they covered in the book were:
Live Passionately
Love Completely
Learn Humbly
Leave Boldly
This was a great book for reading during devotions because the chapters where only a handful of pages long and were broken out into 4 life principles. Instead of chapters they go by days (Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, and so forth up to 30 days). Each day begins with a couple quotes on the topic they are covering followed by a story to illustrate the point they are trying to drive home. Some of the stories painted powerful visual pictures in my mind of areas I have been struggling with and would continue to think about for several days after reading them. The authors discussed a variety of key topics such as health, relationship with God, forgiveness, integrity and relationships with family, friends and more. Each day includes:
Make It Count Moments
Make It Last for Life
The Make It Count Moments and Make It Last for Life sections contain a series of questions regarding the topic they are discussing to help you take a closer look at your life. You may see areas that you need to shape up, take action to correct, or areas you need healing. For example, on the chapter of Forgiveness one of the Make It Count Moments is "If you only had one month to live, what would you ask forgiveness for? From whom? Whom would you need to forgive?"
I was pleased with this book and look forward to sharing it with others. It helped open my eyes to some heart issues that I need to work on and maybe it will do the same for you as well. Life is short and we each have the opportunity to live a life to our fullest potential; a life of passion and purpose with no regrets.
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes from the publisher through the Waterhouse Multnomah. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
fredrik brouneus
If I had only one month to live what would I do? That is a tough question to answer when you aren't faced with your immediately mortality. But why should we wait until we are faced with our mortality to take a look at what the answer to that question should be? That is what Kerry and Chris Shook challenge us to do in their book "One Month to Live".
Starting off with a story that might be familiar to most of us, they challenge the reader to realize that they dare not wait until the end of their life to reflect on what their life meant, but rather to look at the "dash" between our year of birth and our year of death and decide what we want that dash to mean now. Touching on ideas from the "Boxing Ring" (resolving conflict) to "Mulligans" (living with integrity) they challenge us that life is more than just daily routines and tasks on a to-do list.
Focusing in on four principles, "Living Passionately, Loving Completely, Learning Humbly, and Leaving Boldly" each principle takes us on a journey through our "dash" and makes the reader think about each step along the way.
As a pastor with a young family I was especially challenged because it can be very easy to get caught up in the work of the ministry, the needs of people and the many other tasks of life involved with having a young, active family. The challenges that Kerry and Chris Shook brought to the forefront help refocus life and keep what matters most in the center.
If you need some refocusing on what is most important and you want to take your living to a whole different place than I would recommend this book highly. If you are content living in mediocrity and sub-par relationship then don't read this book.
I received this book as part of the Blogging for Books program in exchange for an honest review.
Starting off with a story that might be familiar to most of us, they challenge the reader to realize that they dare not wait until the end of their life to reflect on what their life meant, but rather to look at the "dash" between our year of birth and our year of death and decide what we want that dash to mean now. Touching on ideas from the "Boxing Ring" (resolving conflict) to "Mulligans" (living with integrity) they challenge us that life is more than just daily routines and tasks on a to-do list.
Focusing in on four principles, "Living Passionately, Loving Completely, Learning Humbly, and Leaving Boldly" each principle takes us on a journey through our "dash" and makes the reader think about each step along the way.
As a pastor with a young family I was especially challenged because it can be very easy to get caught up in the work of the ministry, the needs of people and the many other tasks of life involved with having a young, active family. The challenges that Kerry and Chris Shook brought to the forefront help refocus life and keep what matters most in the center.
If you need some refocusing on what is most important and you want to take your living to a whole different place than I would recommend this book highly. If you are content living in mediocrity and sub-par relationship then don't read this book.
I received this book as part of the Blogging for Books program in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
praveen tripathi
When I came across this book, I didn't hesitate to order it because I really want to live a "no-regrets" life!
In One Month to Live, Kerry & Chris Shook expound on four principles to live this no-regrets life: living passionately, loving completely, learning humbly, and leaving boldly. It is further broken down into daily readings to last 30 days which are rather short (so it is manageable even amongst a busy day).
From several biblical stories and passages to relevant personal experiences coupled with the thought-provoking questions throughout each reading, you'll learn how to apply these principles.
I found myself reading through some sentences and then submersing myself in deep thought. What if you only had one month to live? What would you do with each moment? Would you live any differently than you do now?
Even in the midst of reading this book, I have renewed my way of thinking about life and what matters most to me, and asked myself what my passion really is. I don't want to squelch or misuse any gift that God has given me. Rather, I long to live out the person He created to me and fulfill that purpose, so that when my life ends on this earth, I will have lived passionately with no regrets! And the good news is, I can start now. It isn't too late!
I liked how the ending thoughts were on Jesus as our example of living a no-regrets life. He knew what it meant to live passionately, love completely, learn humbly, and leave an outstanding legacy.
One Month to Live should be on everyone's bookshelf! It will benefit teens while they're in the process of choosing a career and building relations, for married couples, for Bible studies and for anyone who wants to live a life with no regrets.
[I received this book free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for review. The words expressed here are my original, honest thoughts and comments about the book.]
In One Month to Live, Kerry & Chris Shook expound on four principles to live this no-regrets life: living passionately, loving completely, learning humbly, and leaving boldly. It is further broken down into daily readings to last 30 days which are rather short (so it is manageable even amongst a busy day).
From several biblical stories and passages to relevant personal experiences coupled with the thought-provoking questions throughout each reading, you'll learn how to apply these principles.
I found myself reading through some sentences and then submersing myself in deep thought. What if you only had one month to live? What would you do with each moment? Would you live any differently than you do now?
Even in the midst of reading this book, I have renewed my way of thinking about life and what matters most to me, and asked myself what my passion really is. I don't want to squelch or misuse any gift that God has given me. Rather, I long to live out the person He created to me and fulfill that purpose, so that when my life ends on this earth, I will have lived passionately with no regrets! And the good news is, I can start now. It isn't too late!
I liked how the ending thoughts were on Jesus as our example of living a no-regrets life. He knew what it meant to live passionately, love completely, learn humbly, and leave an outstanding legacy.
One Month to Live should be on everyone's bookshelf! It will benefit teens while they're in the process of choosing a career and building relations, for married couples, for Bible studies and for anyone who wants to live a life with no regrets.
[I received this book free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for review. The words expressed here are my original, honest thoughts and comments about the book.]
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jennifer provost
"One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life," by Kerry and Chris Shook, is a thirty-day challenge as follows: "If you only had one month to live, what would you change."
The book is separated into 4 parts: live passionately, love completely, learn humbly, and leave boldly. The chapters are designed as daily readings through a 30-day month. Both Kerry and Chris Shook write together, and this is what they conclude:
"You have been given an extraordinary gift--your life. You have an exceptional calling--to be the very best you God created you to be. Your goal is to unwrap this gift and use all that you've been given in the pursuit of what matters most--loving God and loving other people." (page 221).
Unfortunately I found the majority of the book tedious, shallow and boring. The anecdotes and stories seemed contrived and fake, and did not bring any substance to the book whatsoever. The best section of the book was the last, and in the last two chapters you find the bulk of what is truly important--Jesus Christ as the ultimate example.
The significant problem with the book, as with all self-help books, is that it assumes that if you were to live your life as though you had a month to live, everything would be better. Jesus is the perfect example of how to live our lives, and yet, He died a tragic death betrayed by all those he came to save, and all those he loved. The authors would have been better to focus on how best to find joy in every circumstance rather than always asserting that life itself can be better.
Generally I wouldn't recommend the book.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
The book is separated into 4 parts: live passionately, love completely, learn humbly, and leave boldly. The chapters are designed as daily readings through a 30-day month. Both Kerry and Chris Shook write together, and this is what they conclude:
"You have been given an extraordinary gift--your life. You have an exceptional calling--to be the very best you God created you to be. Your goal is to unwrap this gift and use all that you've been given in the pursuit of what matters most--loving God and loving other people." (page 221).
Unfortunately I found the majority of the book tedious, shallow and boring. The anecdotes and stories seemed contrived and fake, and did not bring any substance to the book whatsoever. The best section of the book was the last, and in the last two chapters you find the bulk of what is truly important--Jesus Christ as the ultimate example.
The significant problem with the book, as with all self-help books, is that it assumes that if you were to live your life as though you had a month to live, everything would be better. Jesus is the perfect example of how to live our lives, and yet, He died a tragic death betrayed by all those he came to save, and all those he loved. The authors would have been better to focus on how best to find joy in every circumstance rather than always asserting that life itself can be better.
Generally I wouldn't recommend the book.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leonora marie
Samuel Johnson once wrote that, "Nothing focuses the mind as well as the prospect of being hanged in a fortnight." Perhaps the same could be said of the prospect of knowing that you had but 30 days to live.
Such is the premise of the book, "One Month to Live." If you knew you had but one month to live, how differently would you live. How would you spend your time or break your current routine? How would that clarify your values?
Co-authors and husband and wife team Kerry and Chris Shook collaborate to offer a day by day series of reflections on how one might use these thirty days. The focus is one strengthening one's relationship with God and Jesus Christ. The intended audience is clearly Christian.
"One Month to Live" is a provocative call - somewhat like Rick Warren's "Purpose-Driven Life" - that forces you to reflect on what your priorities are and what lends meaning to your life. Whether you are Christian or not, the exercise is worthwhile. (The book lends itself quite well to small group study clusters.)
A limited time horizon of 30 days forces us to shed ballast in our lives, focusing on those relationships and activities that are truly meaningful. In the end, we don't know if we have 30 days or 30 years left on this earth.
What we do know is that, in a sense, we are all terminal.
Such is the premise of the book, "One Month to Live." If you knew you had but one month to live, how differently would you live. How would you spend your time or break your current routine? How would that clarify your values?
Co-authors and husband and wife team Kerry and Chris Shook collaborate to offer a day by day series of reflections on how one might use these thirty days. The focus is one strengthening one's relationship with God and Jesus Christ. The intended audience is clearly Christian.
"One Month to Live" is a provocative call - somewhat like Rick Warren's "Purpose-Driven Life" - that forces you to reflect on what your priorities are and what lends meaning to your life. Whether you are Christian or not, the exercise is worthwhile. (The book lends itself quite well to small group study clusters.)
A limited time horizon of 30 days forces us to shed ballast in our lives, focusing on those relationships and activities that are truly meaningful. In the end, we don't know if we have 30 days or 30 years left on this earth.
What we do know is that, in a sense, we are all terminal.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
john eaton
This book definitely had some great ideas and advice in it to help live your life to the fullest. The authors in this book, Kerry and Chris Shook have asked the reader to pretend that their life is ending in one month. Then they go on to ask you what you would like to accomplish in that month.
I think this may be a really good book for some people without direction in their life to read. Or maybe they just need to open their eyes to the wonderful life that they currently have, and this book and ideas is one way to help to help them do it.
Personally, I thought the book was dull even through the good advice. I found it very hard to get through and I did not want to read it.
I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah in exchange for my honest review and opinion.
I think this may be a really good book for some people without direction in their life to read. Or maybe they just need to open their eyes to the wonderful life that they currently have, and this book and ideas is one way to help to help them do it.
Personally, I thought the book was dull even through the good advice. I found it very hard to get through and I did not want to read it.
I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah in exchange for my honest review and opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tracy duvall
I really enjoyed this book. It really helped me figure out what was important in my life and what I could do without. I was able to put things into perspective a little better in my life and reminded me that people are important and not to take my family and friends for granted. I really enjoyed that One Month to Live has daily reading and journal writing. The journal writing was specific, which suits me because I am not one to open up and just pour out my heart on paper. I need direction to get me thinking and even praying sometimes. I find I get the most out of nonfiction books when they involve some sort application. If you are looking for a life changing book that is easy to read with practical advice and application, I highly recommend One Month to Live.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
samantha newman
From: [...]
Author & Book Views On A Healthy Life!
Book Review: One Month To Live by Kerry and Chris Shook
If you had one month to live, would you spend your time differently? One year ago this month, I arrived to the emergency room of our local hospital. My father had been there for 12 hours, trying to find a diagnosis for the pain in his side and yellowing skin. A team of doctors gave him their final statement--pancreatic cancer, less than a year to live. Of course we left in tears, but how we spent the next few months was not easy either.
Kerry and Chris Shook, authors of One Month To Live: Thirty Days To a No Regrets Life, have written a book which raises awareness of this issue. Some of us know when we'll die, but most of us don't. In their profession as pastor and wife, they've witnessed grief and sadness while residing over many funerals. Believing that people need to live as if their time is limited--which it is--Chris first implemented his idea of living awareness at a retreat. There he had staff fill out a daily journal about how they would live differently if they only had one month to live.
My father and mother awkwardly met with my sister, myself, and our spouses for lunch at a restaurant the following day. None of us knew what to say. I could hardly look at my dad with his piercing blue eyes. Mom and Dad began to travel--to visit my brother, grandmother, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, old friends. Dad saw just about everyone, in his own way, saying goodbye. People were important to my father. He'd also really wanted his entire life to see the Grand Canyon, but never did.
"Mortality," the Shooks write, "is the great equalizer." We will eventually all leave this earth. The purpose of One Month To Live is to give the reader "a greater clarity of purpose, and a renewed passion for things that really matter." The book is divided into four sections or weeks which include Make It Count Moments--questions for the reader which will help him examine his life and target what's most important, and Make It Last For Life--ideas on how to utilize each day's focus.
Section One: Live Passionately--Are you putting things off? Thinking you'll get to it in the future? The time is now.
Section Two: Love Completely--People are made to be social and emotional beings. Have sincere relationships with family, your spouse, and your children.
Section Three: Learn Humbly--Your money and looks will not bring contentment. Change needs to begin within. Drop that grudge!
Section Four: Leave Boldly--Leave a lasting legacy. "Our relationships are the only investment that can't be destroyed by a fire or natural disaster or be lost in the stock market."--The Shooks
During my dad's final months, he purchased a convertible red Mustang with a black pull-down roof. He drove it once. He also buried the hatch with all grudges against various individuals he'd been carrying around for a lifetime. Of everything that occurred, that was the most welcoming change. Dad loved people and they loved him back. Do yourself a favor, bury the hatchet, at least for yourself, now and live as if each day was your last. Appreciate the small moments that count.
4 Stars
Author & Book Views On A Healthy Life!
Book Review: One Month To Live by Kerry and Chris Shook
If you had one month to live, would you spend your time differently? One year ago this month, I arrived to the emergency room of our local hospital. My father had been there for 12 hours, trying to find a diagnosis for the pain in his side and yellowing skin. A team of doctors gave him their final statement--pancreatic cancer, less than a year to live. Of course we left in tears, but how we spent the next few months was not easy either.
Kerry and Chris Shook, authors of One Month To Live: Thirty Days To a No Regrets Life, have written a book which raises awareness of this issue. Some of us know when we'll die, but most of us don't. In their profession as pastor and wife, they've witnessed grief and sadness while residing over many funerals. Believing that people need to live as if their time is limited--which it is--Chris first implemented his idea of living awareness at a retreat. There he had staff fill out a daily journal about how they would live differently if they only had one month to live.
My father and mother awkwardly met with my sister, myself, and our spouses for lunch at a restaurant the following day. None of us knew what to say. I could hardly look at my dad with his piercing blue eyes. Mom and Dad began to travel--to visit my brother, grandmother, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, old friends. Dad saw just about everyone, in his own way, saying goodbye. People were important to my father. He'd also really wanted his entire life to see the Grand Canyon, but never did.
"Mortality," the Shooks write, "is the great equalizer." We will eventually all leave this earth. The purpose of One Month To Live is to give the reader "a greater clarity of purpose, and a renewed passion for things that really matter." The book is divided into four sections or weeks which include Make It Count Moments--questions for the reader which will help him examine his life and target what's most important, and Make It Last For Life--ideas on how to utilize each day's focus.
Section One: Live Passionately--Are you putting things off? Thinking you'll get to it in the future? The time is now.
Section Two: Love Completely--People are made to be social and emotional beings. Have sincere relationships with family, your spouse, and your children.
Section Three: Learn Humbly--Your money and looks will not bring contentment. Change needs to begin within. Drop that grudge!
Section Four: Leave Boldly--Leave a lasting legacy. "Our relationships are the only investment that can't be destroyed by a fire or natural disaster or be lost in the stock market."--The Shooks
During my dad's final months, he purchased a convertible red Mustang with a black pull-down roof. He drove it once. He also buried the hatch with all grudges against various individuals he'd been carrying around for a lifetime. Of everything that occurred, that was the most welcoming change. Dad loved people and they loved him back. Do yourself a favor, bury the hatchet, at least for yourself, now and live as if each day was your last. Appreciate the small moments that count.
4 Stars
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I have to say I was disappointed in this book. The premise sounds good, but I did not find it to be the "life changing" challenge the cover claims.
As a Christian wife and mom there were many thinking points within the 30 days that I found interesting or insightful. However, the entire book felt like one giant motivational speech, which is not really my kind of thing. Yes - having motivation and encouragement to change our lives to live more purposefully and Godly IS important and good. However, the approach -I felt- was stale and routine. The book is divided into 4 "principles," and I believe each section could have been half as short and still effective in its purpose. Each chapter of a section kept REPEATING itself, using a different metaphor or story. I found this tiresome and completely un-motivational!
I did glean some WONDERFUL reminders - such as the need to let go of past regrets and grievances; telling God how I -really- feel; and this book reminded me to speak to Him throughout the day because HE does care about the "little things." But as I said before - much of the book is a repeat of itself, so the reading and journaling got very stale and went in circles simply because no real "new" insights were being introduced on a daily basis.
Perhaps this book has been really great for some people, there have been raving reviews about how it really changed a person's outlook on life. I cannot deny their claims because we are all different people. I would say it IS worth a read. Even if it is slow and repetitive, there are gems of insight to be picked out and put to use.
***I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review, all views and opinions are my own.
As a Christian wife and mom there were many thinking points within the 30 days that I found interesting or insightful. However, the entire book felt like one giant motivational speech, which is not really my kind of thing. Yes - having motivation and encouragement to change our lives to live more purposefully and Godly IS important and good. However, the approach -I felt- was stale and routine. The book is divided into 4 "principles," and I believe each section could have been half as short and still effective in its purpose. Each chapter of a section kept REPEATING itself, using a different metaphor or story. I found this tiresome and completely un-motivational!
I did glean some WONDERFUL reminders - such as the need to let go of past regrets and grievances; telling God how I -really- feel; and this book reminded me to speak to Him throughout the day because HE does care about the "little things." But as I said before - much of the book is a repeat of itself, so the reading and journaling got very stale and went in circles simply because no real "new" insights were being introduced on a daily basis.
Perhaps this book has been really great for some people, there have been raving reviews about how it really changed a person's outlook on life. I cannot deny their claims because we are all different people. I would say it IS worth a read. Even if it is slow and repetitive, there are gems of insight to be picked out and put to use.
***I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review, all views and opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arlo lyle
When we first moved back to Oklahoma, several churches in the area were going through the book "One Month to Live". I hadn't had the chance to read it yet, so when I was given the opportunity to read it for review, I quickly took it.
Besides the authentic, clear way the book is written with doable and real life examples, I love the methodical lay-out of this book! It is designed for a chapter to be read daily with each week having a different theme: live passionately, love completely, learn humbly and leave boldly. After a little bit of writing there is a "Make It Count Moment" that is designed for you to reflect on what you've read and think about your own life. At the end of the chapter is "Make It Last for Life" where three action steps are outlined. It doesn't have to be overwhelming either. If we just took one of the three or one or two steps from each week and made some lasting changes - it could really improve our life!
At the beginning of each chapter are also two quotes. My favorite one in the book is "A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for" By William Shedd. The quotes, call for reflection, action steps, and style of writing are great for several different learning styles and provide "hooks" to make the message of the book stick.
I'm sure if we found out that we only had one month to live, our perspective would change and we'd strive to live each day to the fullest. We would focus on what truly mattered. One Month to Live has encouraged me to live that way now. When it is my time to leave this fleshy self, I want to have lived life on purpose.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
Besides the authentic, clear way the book is written with doable and real life examples, I love the methodical lay-out of this book! It is designed for a chapter to be read daily with each week having a different theme: live passionately, love completely, learn humbly and leave boldly. After a little bit of writing there is a "Make It Count Moment" that is designed for you to reflect on what you've read and think about your own life. At the end of the chapter is "Make It Last for Life" where three action steps are outlined. It doesn't have to be overwhelming either. If we just took one of the three or one or two steps from each week and made some lasting changes - it could really improve our life!
At the beginning of each chapter are also two quotes. My favorite one in the book is "A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for" By William Shedd. The quotes, call for reflection, action steps, and style of writing are great for several different learning styles and provide "hooks" to make the message of the book stick.
I'm sure if we found out that we only had one month to live, our perspective would change and we'd strive to live each day to the fullest. We would focus on what truly mattered. One Month to Live has encouraged me to live that way now. When it is my time to leave this fleshy self, I want to have lived life on purpose.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marge congress
If you knew you would die in 30 day, what would you change about your life? I know for me i would change a few things. The authors Christ and Kerry Shook say, "Why wait to change things?" I agree!
This book helped me identify some areas to change and by the end of the book, I won some victories.
The book is set up in 30 chapters, one a day for 30 days. they are very short chapters, so it is never overwealming. There are some practical steps given to live a no-regret life. I love it.
I would recommend this book to anyone!!!
I recieved this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah publishing in exchange for an honest review.
This book helped me identify some areas to change and by the end of the book, I won some victories.
The book is set up in 30 chapters, one a day for 30 days. they are very short chapters, so it is never overwealming. There are some practical steps given to live a no-regret life. I love it.
I would recommend this book to anyone!!!
I recieved this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah publishing in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What if you only had one month, only 30 days to live! That's the idea behind this book! It's about what would you do differently, how would you act, what would change!
This book is a nice and easy read, it has a nice format that is broken down into four sections; Live Passionately - living each day as if it's your last. Love Completely - showing others love that transcends and transforms. Learn Humbly - growing through your pain and problems. Leave Boldly - creating a legacy that will impact generations! Each chapter is 1 day and each chapter has at least one bible passage that relates to the chapter, it's meant to be read for 30 days, but I couldn't only read one chapter at a time - I had to read several every evening! It is well laid out and has great content. I liked that the authors had their staff partake in this 30 day event as well so it is more authentic I felt also. It has definitely made me take time to slow down and really think about what and who matters in life!
I also liked that the book offers a website to go along with it. The website is also full of great information an daily readings! I can see myself re-reading this book and will definitely recommend this book to anyone!!!!!
I have received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. This in no way has affected my review.
This book is a nice and easy read, it has a nice format that is broken down into four sections; Live Passionately - living each day as if it's your last. Love Completely - showing others love that transcends and transforms. Learn Humbly - growing through your pain and problems. Leave Boldly - creating a legacy that will impact generations! Each chapter is 1 day and each chapter has at least one bible passage that relates to the chapter, it's meant to be read for 30 days, but I couldn't only read one chapter at a time - I had to read several every evening! It is well laid out and has great content. I liked that the authors had their staff partake in this 30 day event as well so it is more authentic I felt also. It has definitely made me take time to slow down and really think about what and who matters in life!
I also liked that the book offers a website to go along with it. The website is also full of great information an daily readings! I can see myself re-reading this book and will definitely recommend this book to anyone!!!!!
I have received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. This in no way has affected my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amir saharkhiz
Well, I began this book in February, but due to a surgery that my son had, I just didn't have to finish it in the one month alotted! But what a wonderful read.
My journal is overflowing with little bits and pieces of wisdom. Words that just seemd to jump off the page at me: "If God gives you a plan that isn't a challenge to you, it is an insult to God"... "Embracing our time on earth as a limited resource has incredible power to liberate us."... "The only way we can live for eternity is to embrace each day as a gift from God"... and I could go on and on and on!!!
Written by Kerry and Chris Shook, One Month to Live is a plan that steers you in thirty days towards a no-regrets life. The four principles they urge the reader to embrace are: Live Passionately, Love Completely, Learn Humbly and Leave Boldly.
I have come to belive that living life with the "when" and "then" mentality is really not living at all. If you find that you are continually saying "when this happens then.... " you might find this book will unlock the door to a life lived in the now!!!
I highly recommend this book to one an all!
Be blessed...
I received this book free from WaterBrook Multnomah for this review.
One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life
My journal is overflowing with little bits and pieces of wisdom. Words that just seemd to jump off the page at me: "If God gives you a plan that isn't a challenge to you, it is an insult to God"... "Embracing our time on earth as a limited resource has incredible power to liberate us."... "The only way we can live for eternity is to embrace each day as a gift from God"... and I could go on and on and on!!!
Written by Kerry and Chris Shook, One Month to Live is a plan that steers you in thirty days towards a no-regrets life. The four principles they urge the reader to embrace are: Live Passionately, Love Completely, Learn Humbly and Leave Boldly.
I have come to belive that living life with the "when" and "then" mentality is really not living at all. If you find that you are continually saying "when this happens then.... " you might find this book will unlock the door to a life lived in the now!!!
I highly recommend this book to one an all!
Be blessed...
I received this book free from WaterBrook Multnomah for this review.
One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anday androo
Like many people, I've spent many years plodding along in a dutiful way--working hard, taking care of my family responsibilities, and thinking wistfully about the dreams I had when I was young about what I'd do with my life. With each year, those dreams get more and more distant, until they disappear on the horizon.
Reading One Month to Live has inspired me to rekindle those lost dreams. Sure, it's important to work hard and take care of our families, but it's also important to live the life we were made to live. Through the four principles discussed in the book: Live Passionately, Love Completely, Learn Humbly and Leave Boldly, I can now see new ways to bring my faded dreams back to life.
The book provides tools for starting to do little things that make a big difference. It's not about having to reinvent yourself or do a major overhaul of your life, it's about loving the people around you more pro-actively, doing things that you are passionate and excited about and serving others in the way that creates a lasting legacy.
I've read a lot of self-help and feel-better books. This is the first book that shows me how to move from where I am today toward a better, more fulfilling place. It is full of great examples that encourage me to create examples in my own life.
We all want to live life without regrets. At last we have the encouragement to start doing that today.
Reading One Month to Live has inspired me to rekindle those lost dreams. Sure, it's important to work hard and take care of our families, but it's also important to live the life we were made to live. Through the four principles discussed in the book: Live Passionately, Love Completely, Learn Humbly and Leave Boldly, I can now see new ways to bring my faded dreams back to life.
The book provides tools for starting to do little things that make a big difference. It's not about having to reinvent yourself or do a major overhaul of your life, it's about loving the people around you more pro-actively, doing things that you are passionate and excited about and serving others in the way that creates a lasting legacy.
I've read a lot of self-help and feel-better books. This is the first book that shows me how to move from where I am today toward a better, more fulfilling place. It is full of great examples that encourage me to create examples in my own life.
We all want to live life without regrets. At last we have the encouragement to start doing that today.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caroline copley
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start now and make a brand-new ending." - Carl Bard
Imagine being told at a routine doctor's checkup that you only have one month to live. How would you react? What would you change? This book asks the same question while pitting you in the same scenario.
The truth is that one out of one person will die. This book puts this truth into perspective. We are all dying so how should we then live?
What we do with our lives now will matter in eternity. I really enjoyed the way "One Month to Live" makes you think about the significance of your life. Each day has a devotional and ends with how you should apply what you've read.
As a student I didn't have much time to do the application but I was able to do a few as I read this book as a part of my quiet time every morning.
It's really one of the best books I've ever read and it truly has changed my life for the better.
"Live intentionally so we will have no regrets." (225)
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
Imagine being told at a routine doctor's checkup that you only have one month to live. How would you react? What would you change? This book asks the same question while pitting you in the same scenario.
The truth is that one out of one person will die. This book puts this truth into perspective. We are all dying so how should we then live?
What we do with our lives now will matter in eternity. I really enjoyed the way "One Month to Live" makes you think about the significance of your life. Each day has a devotional and ends with how you should apply what you've read.
As a student I didn't have much time to do the application but I was able to do a few as I read this book as a part of my quiet time every morning.
It's really one of the best books I've ever read and it truly has changed my life for the better.
"Live intentionally so we will have no regrets." (225)
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
One Month To Live by Kerry and Chris Shook This book is not what I thought it would be from the title. I had expected to be reviewing a book that talked to cancer or other dying patients to uplift them. However, this is a book for everyone, and it is excellent. The authors advise us to imagine what if we had but one month to live... how would we spend our time? This really makes you put your priorities in order. The challenge is to live this way for thirty days, doing only what really matters to you, spending quality time with family and friends, drawing closer to nature, God, or your higher power, and cherishing each moment. The book is one we should take to heart and live by, because this is not a dress rehearsal, and no one knows how many more days he or she has...each day must be treasured and lived to its fullest. A terrific guide.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
"One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life," by Kerry and Chris Shook, is a thirty-day challenge as follows: "If you only had one month to live, what would you change."
The book is separated into 4 parts: live passionately, love completely, learn humbly, and leave boldly. The chapters are designed as daily readings through a 30-day month. Both Kerry and Chris Shook write together, and this is what they conclude:
"You have been given an extraordinary gift--your life. You have an exceptional calling--to be the very best you God created you to be. Your goal is to unwrap this gift and use all that you've been given in the pursuit of what matters most--loving God and loving other people." (page 221).
Unfortunately I found the majority of the book tedious, shallow and boring. The anecdotes and stories seemed contrived and fake, and did not bring any substance to the book whatsoever. The best section of the book was the last, and in the last two chapters you find the bulk of what is truly important--Jesus Christ as the ultimate example.
The significant problem with the book, as with all self-help books, is that it assumes that if you were to live your life as though you had a month to live, everything would be better. Jesus is the perfect example of how to live our lives, and yet, He died a tragic death betrayed by all those he came to save, and all those he loved. The authors would have been better to focus on how best to find joy in every circumstance rather than always asserting that life itself can be better.
Generally I wouldn't recommend the book.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
The book is separated into 4 parts: live passionately, love completely, learn humbly, and leave boldly. The chapters are designed as daily readings through a 30-day month. Both Kerry and Chris Shook write together, and this is what they conclude:
"You have been given an extraordinary gift--your life. You have an exceptional calling--to be the very best you God created you to be. Your goal is to unwrap this gift and use all that you've been given in the pursuit of what matters most--loving God and loving other people." (page 221).
Unfortunately I found the majority of the book tedious, shallow and boring. The anecdotes and stories seemed contrived and fake, and did not bring any substance to the book whatsoever. The best section of the book was the last, and in the last two chapters you find the bulk of what is truly important--Jesus Christ as the ultimate example.
The significant problem with the book, as with all self-help books, is that it assumes that if you were to live your life as though you had a month to live, everything would be better. Jesus is the perfect example of how to live our lives, and yet, He died a tragic death betrayed by all those he came to save, and all those he loved. The authors would have been better to focus on how best to find joy in every circumstance rather than always asserting that life itself can be better.
Generally I wouldn't recommend the book.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
heston hoffman
I really wanted to like this book. The authors' premise is intriguing: "Most of us, if we knew we only had one month to live, would live differently. We would be more authentic about who we are and more deliberate about how we spend our time. . . .Why can't we all of us live more like we're dying?" In other words, if we had one month to live wouldn't we likely change how we live to resolve conflict, minimize regret and cement relationships?
But there's the catch. We don't have 30 days to live. And we can't drop everything to suddenly change our lives. We have jobs to work, children to raise, lives to lead.
After the first couple of chapters I found the book to too choppy, changing metaphor with each chapter as if disconnected from the previous one. And it was too shallow. In six or seven pages, just enough to digest in five minutes, the Shooks give us a capsule summary with three or four main points, some Scripture and a story. It was, in a word, cheesy.
The book has four main sections, each with 7 chapters, addressing the no-regrets lifestyle need to a) live passionately, b) love completely, c) learn humbly, and d) leave boldly. I don't disagree with the content, and there are enough "sound-bites" in each chapter for reflection. But the delivery, even with the "Make it Count" side-bars and the closing "Make it last for life" questions, was tedious and boring. The book just did not capture my attention. I found myself wanting to set it aside unfinished without regret.
The best thing about the book are the quotes that open each chapter. Carefully chosen, they are apt and appropiate. I wanted to copy these down and think on them, rather than read the chapters. I can't honestly recommend the book. For me this was thirty days of regretting I had started this book!
Note: I received a free copy from Waterbrook Publishing but was not influenced to provide a positive review.
But there's the catch. We don't have 30 days to live. And we can't drop everything to suddenly change our lives. We have jobs to work, children to raise, lives to lead.
After the first couple of chapters I found the book to too choppy, changing metaphor with each chapter as if disconnected from the previous one. And it was too shallow. In six or seven pages, just enough to digest in five minutes, the Shooks give us a capsule summary with three or four main points, some Scripture and a story. It was, in a word, cheesy.
The book has four main sections, each with 7 chapters, addressing the no-regrets lifestyle need to a) live passionately, b) love completely, c) learn humbly, and d) leave boldly. I don't disagree with the content, and there are enough "sound-bites" in each chapter for reflection. But the delivery, even with the "Make it Count" side-bars and the closing "Make it last for life" questions, was tedious and boring. The book just did not capture my attention. I found myself wanting to set it aside unfinished without regret.
The best thing about the book are the quotes that open each chapter. Carefully chosen, they are apt and appropiate. I wanted to copy these down and think on them, rather than read the chapters. I can't honestly recommend the book. For me this was thirty days of regretting I had started this book!
Note: I received a free copy from Waterbrook Publishing but was not influenced to provide a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
raheel khan
The Shooks have penned a compelling thirty-day study aid that is as rich as the Purpose Driven Life and should appeal to the same crowd. I have noticed, though, that what you read doesn't change your life unless you invest yourself in it. If you purchase One Month to Live and do nothing but read it, don't expect any major results. Just like we can read the Bible, sit through and amazing sermon, sing our hearts out during worship and leave unscathed, so can you read this book and not see a difference.
One Month to Live could be a tool that changes you from the inside out.
One Month to Live could be a tool that changes you from the inside out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zanna marie
One Month to Live: Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life
By Kerry and Chris Shook
The book is easy to read and the use of metaphors makes it very easy to understand and apply to your life. I read this book practically in one setting - just couldn't put it down because it has such great insight. I plan on re-reading it and following the 30 day plan to a life with no regrets. I highly recommend this book to everyone. Everyone can find useful insight to improve his or her life!
Reading One Month to Live has inspired me to rekindle those lost dreams. Sure, it's important to work hard and take care of our families, but it's also important to live the life we were made to live. Through the four principles discussed in the book: Live Passionately, Love Completely, Learn Humbly and Leave Boldly, I can now see new ways to bring my faded dreams back to life.
The book provides tools for starting to do little things that make a big difference. It's not about having to reinvent yourself or do a major overhaul of your life, it's about loving the people around you more pro-actively, doing things that you are passionate and excited about and serving others in the way that creates a lasting legacy.
Take the 30-Days to Live Challenge at [...]
By Kerry and Chris Shook
The book is easy to read and the use of metaphors makes it very easy to understand and apply to your life. I read this book practically in one setting - just couldn't put it down because it has such great insight. I plan on re-reading it and following the 30 day plan to a life with no regrets. I highly recommend this book to everyone. Everyone can find useful insight to improve his or her life!
Reading One Month to Live has inspired me to rekindle those lost dreams. Sure, it's important to work hard and take care of our families, but it's also important to live the life we were made to live. Through the four principles discussed in the book: Live Passionately, Love Completely, Learn Humbly and Leave Boldly, I can now see new ways to bring my faded dreams back to life.
The book provides tools for starting to do little things that make a big difference. It's not about having to reinvent yourself or do a major overhaul of your life, it's about loving the people around you more pro-actively, doing things that you are passionate and excited about and serving others in the way that creates a lasting legacy.
Take the 30-Days to Live Challenge at [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dorina campeanu
I was interested in this book that sent me for free to read then post a review on. So when I first got the book I was overjoyed, because in my mind I was OMG here is a new way for people to go about their everyday life. So before I get into my review, here is the table of contents:
Day 1: Introduction -- Living the dash
Principle 1: Live Passionately
Day 2: Roller Coaster -- Riding the Big Dipper
Day 3: Time Squared -- Spending your most valuable resource
Day 4: Power Surge -- Connecting with the ultimate source
Day 5: Oxygen Mask -- Breathing first
Day 6: Monkey Bars -- Risking greatness
Day 7: Dreamsicle -- Thawing out your frozen dreams
Day 8: Kick Start -- Living life full throttle
Principle 2: Love Completely
Day 9: Heart of the Matter -- Relating and not waiting
Day 10: Ocean -- Exploring the depths of forgiveness
Day 11: Everest -- Scaling the obstacles to unity
Day 12: Boxing Ring -- Resolving conflicts by fighting fair
Day 13: Sandpaper -- Smoothing the edges
Day 14: The Gift -- Thanking those around you
Day 15: Last Call -- Revealing your heart
Principle 3: Learn Humbly
Day 16: Star Power -- Discovering who you were meant to be
Day 17: GPS -- Finding your direction
Day 18: Hurricane -- Withstanding the winds of change
Day 19: Metamorphosis -- Changing from the inside out
Day 20: Earthquake -- Building a foundation that lasts
Day 21: Mulligan -- Playing with integrity
Day 22: Road Signs -- Experiencing a personal miracle
Principle 4: Leave Boldly
Day 23: Sandcastles -- Creating a lasting legacy
Day 24: Seeds -- Planting for the future
Day 25: Sticks and Stones -- Using eternal building materials
Day 26: Collisions -- Staying the course when your life crashes
Day 27: Starfish -- Making a world of difference
Day 28: Footprint -- Leaving a lasting impression
Day 29: Game Over -- Dying to live
Day 30: Game On -- Living it up
This book teaches you how to live the "dash" which means your life from birth to death and how to get there in a month.
It talks about passion, being humble, being old, loving otheres, just pretty much leaving your mark which is a product of Christ on the world.
For me it was a good book, but I am already living the way this book encourages us to live thanks to my daily bible reading and the first chapter in Radical! So I didn't really get anything new out of it and Im definately not like okay okay I'm going to live like this now. This book was a good refresher though.
I would recommend this book for somebody still looking for a passion, or their purpose, or they know what it is, but the flame died years ago. Or even somebody older or younger that just needs a refresher.
I am more content having daily Jesus time, where it is just me the Lord and my Bible. That's the best exmple on how to live your life. It also bring you closer to the God head and gives you more knowledge.
Day 1: Introduction -- Living the dash
Principle 1: Live Passionately
Day 2: Roller Coaster -- Riding the Big Dipper
Day 3: Time Squared -- Spending your most valuable resource
Day 4: Power Surge -- Connecting with the ultimate source
Day 5: Oxygen Mask -- Breathing first
Day 6: Monkey Bars -- Risking greatness
Day 7: Dreamsicle -- Thawing out your frozen dreams
Day 8: Kick Start -- Living life full throttle
Principle 2: Love Completely
Day 9: Heart of the Matter -- Relating and not waiting
Day 10: Ocean -- Exploring the depths of forgiveness
Day 11: Everest -- Scaling the obstacles to unity
Day 12: Boxing Ring -- Resolving conflicts by fighting fair
Day 13: Sandpaper -- Smoothing the edges
Day 14: The Gift -- Thanking those around you
Day 15: Last Call -- Revealing your heart
Principle 3: Learn Humbly
Day 16: Star Power -- Discovering who you were meant to be
Day 17: GPS -- Finding your direction
Day 18: Hurricane -- Withstanding the winds of change
Day 19: Metamorphosis -- Changing from the inside out
Day 20: Earthquake -- Building a foundation that lasts
Day 21: Mulligan -- Playing with integrity
Day 22: Road Signs -- Experiencing a personal miracle
Principle 4: Leave Boldly
Day 23: Sandcastles -- Creating a lasting legacy
Day 24: Seeds -- Planting for the future
Day 25: Sticks and Stones -- Using eternal building materials
Day 26: Collisions -- Staying the course when your life crashes
Day 27: Starfish -- Making a world of difference
Day 28: Footprint -- Leaving a lasting impression
Day 29: Game Over -- Dying to live
Day 30: Game On -- Living it up
This book teaches you how to live the "dash" which means your life from birth to death and how to get there in a month.
It talks about passion, being humble, being old, loving otheres, just pretty much leaving your mark which is a product of Christ on the world.
For me it was a good book, but I am already living the way this book encourages us to live thanks to my daily bible reading and the first chapter in Radical! So I didn't really get anything new out of it and Im definately not like okay okay I'm going to live like this now. This book was a good refresher though.
I would recommend this book for somebody still looking for a passion, or their purpose, or they know what it is, but the flame died years ago. Or even somebody older or younger that just needs a refresher.
I am more content having daily Jesus time, where it is just me the Lord and my Bible. That's the best exmple on how to live your life. It also bring you closer to the God head and gives you more knowledge.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Overall, I did not enjoy this book. For the most part, there was nothing unbiblical about it (see below*) but there was nothing very compelling about the book.
The premise of the book is "If you had one month to live, what changes would you make for that month?"
Essentially this book did not provide a new viewpoint on this subject. Other books have been written that address issues like these in more compelling ways. (For instance, Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris).
*There was at least one part that troubled me, however.
"When you pursue the passions He has placed in your heart, He simply loves it. When you're smiling and enjoying life to the fullest, your Father beams. He finds so much joy in your living out your giftedness and being who He created you to be." (p. 131)
Where does that come from? Scripture does not indicate this at all. Quite the contrary. Believers are warned that life will be quite difficult . . . and there will be times when you are definitely not enjoying life. Scripture talks about us glorifying God, obeying him, loving others . . . but not so much about enjoying life.
There were some good points though.
"Faith doesn't deny the problem; it helps you see it from a new perspective, through God's eyes." (p. 168)
"But God's Word is solid and secure, without shifting in the slightest. It was the truth a thousand years ago, it's the truth today, and it will remain the truth a thousand years from now." (p. 189)
Overall, though, this book did not change the way I look at life or (for the most part) challenge the way I think.
Verdict: There are better books to spend money on that talk about the same issues.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
The premise of the book is "If you had one month to live, what changes would you make for that month?"
Essentially this book did not provide a new viewpoint on this subject. Other books have been written that address issues like these in more compelling ways. (For instance, Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris).
*There was at least one part that troubled me, however.
"When you pursue the passions He has placed in your heart, He simply loves it. When you're smiling and enjoying life to the fullest, your Father beams. He finds so much joy in your living out your giftedness and being who He created you to be." (p. 131)
Where does that come from? Scripture does not indicate this at all. Quite the contrary. Believers are warned that life will be quite difficult . . . and there will be times when you are definitely not enjoying life. Scripture talks about us glorifying God, obeying him, loving others . . . but not so much about enjoying life.
There were some good points though.
"Faith doesn't deny the problem; it helps you see it from a new perspective, through God's eyes." (p. 168)
"But God's Word is solid and secure, without shifting in the slightest. It was the truth a thousand years ago, it's the truth today, and it will remain the truth a thousand years from now." (p. 189)
Overall, though, this book did not change the way I look at life or (for the most part) challenge the way I think.
Verdict: There are better books to spend money on that talk about the same issues.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jessa kris rialubin
This was ridiculous and shallow, with very little focus given on Scripture other than a couple brief texts thrown in for padding. The anecdotes and stories seem fake and childish. And seriously, what pastor goes off to take boxing lessons? I'd prefer a pastor who goes to a conference to study theology to help feed his flock, not a pastor who studies how to punch someone in the head to give them a concussion.
This book was little more than 30 days of self-empowerment with prosperity gospel mixed in, but very little focus on Christ and the gospel. Instead of one month, Kerry, why not just distill this down to one day to live for the gospel of Christ alone, and to be ready to give a defense for the hope that we have in Christ (I Pet.3:15), regardless of the situations of life? Open the Bible and teach from it, and move beyond the silly stories and jokes.
This book was little more than 30 days of self-empowerment with prosperity gospel mixed in, but very little focus on Christ and the gospel. Instead of one month, Kerry, why not just distill this down to one day to live for the gospel of Christ alone, and to be ready to give a defense for the hope that we have in Christ (I Pet.3:15), regardless of the situations of life? Open the Bible and teach from it, and move beyond the silly stories and jokes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cameo rogers
I am a Methodist and grew up outside of Buffalo NY with mostly Catholics. I have stayed in touch with some of them over many years and many changes of geography. We have shared our lives, politics and our religious beliefs for almost 60 years. Bob Emailed me about One Month To Live but I thought it may be more Catholic oriented. He was so excited about it I decided to look it up and was very glad I did. It could be printed in a foreign language and anyone reading it would profit from it.
I read it daily and re-read parts of it and share some of it with my Bible study group and my wife. I just down loaded the Guidebook to add to my daily devotional reading. I feel my walk with God now is almost side by side.
I read it daily and re-read parts of it and share some of it with my Bible study group and my wife. I just down loaded the Guidebook to add to my daily devotional reading. I feel my walk with God now is almost side by side.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I liked reading One Month to Live on my kindle as it was very easy to highlight special points and to post notes. I will include all of these highlights and notes in my journal. This book was a real eye opener, and I want to put in practice all the key things I have gleaned from cover to cover. Thank you Kerry and Chris for sharing your no regrets life with us.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
donna marie
I appreciate the message the Shook's are putting before us, but my first experience with this book was less than stellar. I can't really explain what happened during reading it or afterward, except to say that nothing really happened.
At first I tried to figure out why. The chapters are encouraging. The 'Make It Count' and 'Make It Last' thoughts and questions really do stir you to consider how you are living your life. The book points us in a direction we ought to be walking - however, it's a direction I think most of us think is impossible to walk in. And this is what conclusion I came to: We are bogged down with making ends meet each month, juggling family happenings, etc. Let's face it ... we don't REALLY think we have just 30 days to live, so we aren't going to live like it. I think the book does a great job of laying before us challenges that we should be able to tackle, but most of us are not going to suit up. Maybe we are looking for an easy fix to this mediocre life we are living, because we believe there is so much more. But there are no easy fixes, and we only grow when we get on our faces before the Lord and then get active. So I encourage you to seek the Lord before you read this book. Ask Him to give you an open mind and heart and let go of preconceived ideas about a life makeover. I believe this can be much more than that if we'll let Him work in our hearts.
I am looking forward to reading the book again. For me, rereading typically brings out a new perspective that I usually miss the first time around. I'll let you know.
At first I tried to figure out why. The chapters are encouraging. The 'Make It Count' and 'Make It Last' thoughts and questions really do stir you to consider how you are living your life. The book points us in a direction we ought to be walking - however, it's a direction I think most of us think is impossible to walk in. And this is what conclusion I came to: We are bogged down with making ends meet each month, juggling family happenings, etc. Let's face it ... we don't REALLY think we have just 30 days to live, so we aren't going to live like it. I think the book does a great job of laying before us challenges that we should be able to tackle, but most of us are not going to suit up. Maybe we are looking for an easy fix to this mediocre life we are living, because we believe there is so much more. But there are no easy fixes, and we only grow when we get on our faces before the Lord and then get active. So I encourage you to seek the Lord before you read this book. Ask Him to give you an open mind and heart and let go of preconceived ideas about a life makeover. I believe this can be much more than that if we'll let Him work in our hearts.
I am looking forward to reading the book again. For me, rereading typically brings out a new perspective that I usually miss the first time around. I'll let you know.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
indu r
LEAVE BOLDLY: "After they die, it will wash away like sandcastle at high tide." One month to live is divided into four compartments of no-regrets: Live Passionately, Love Completely, Learn Humbly, and Leave Boldly! Every chapter is forwarded with wise inscriptions such as Ralph Waldo Emerson- "The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn." Kerry and Chris Shook reminds us that 80% of all communication is non-verbal in a text message & computer age. We "must adjust with change or your ship will be crushed." Surrender to God's power. Pain is inherent. Metamorphasis (of a butterfly), the struggle, is needed in order to soar. A simple fast read with applicable heart rendering pieces to remember. I'm off soaring.....
~Jennifer Hope Webster, Author,
Mis Charlas con Dios: Diario de Oracion; Chat with God: 40 days, Prayer journal.....
President & Founder of Ministries, Inc.
~Jennifer Hope Webster, Author,
Mis Charlas con Dios: Diario de Oracion; Chat with God: 40 days, Prayer journal.....
President & Founder of Ministries, Inc.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
judy demma
I'd quit procrastinating... but I'm not a quitter. "One Month to Live" may actually help you quit procrastinating and get on with living a more intentional, influential life. How will you live your life? Kerry & Chris Shook challenge the reader to sign off on this commitment: "I commit with God's strength to live the next thirty days as if they are my last so I can experience life to the full!" The one chapter a day format is intended to help you make the most of that commitment. Inspirational quotes, Scripture and examples from the authors' lives are used to encourage and motivate the reader. Some will find this book life changing, empowering. Others will agree completely with the main concepts and gain from some of the great quotes and Scripture passages but long for less repetition and more depth. I find myself in the second category. I rate it 3 out of 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
julia b
I've had a hard time getting thru this book. I received it just before my oldest brother died of cancer. While the principles outlined in the chapters I read were very helpful, it has just been a difficult year for me and I regret I cannot give a full review of the book.
*I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review.
*I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katrina jamieson
This book was part of a 6-week course offered by our church in small groups. I decided to become involved and bought the book but I never imagined how "deep" it would be, yet it is written in language that is easy to understand and broken down into parcels that are easy to read (one chapter a day) and meditate on. I have almost completed the entire book (it's really hard for me to accomplish reading an entire book in one month because of my busy schedule) and it has been well worth the investment of money and time. I think the chapter topics and examples/illustrations guide you through a thought process that is truly life-changing and I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about making those changes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robin s
One Month to Live by Chris and Kerry Shook (hardback)
30 day practical devotional with thought provoking questions and action steps. Will change the way you think about life and living. Read it today.They have also produced a DVD, small group challenge booklet, and daily challenge booklet for One Month to Live. All great tools for idvidual and group study.
30 day practical devotional with thought provoking questions and action steps. Will change the way you think about life and living. Read it today.They have also produced a DVD, small group challenge booklet, and daily challenge booklet for One Month to Live. All great tools for idvidual and group study.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Upon first getting this book, I was not sure that it had the capability to truly "change my life." However, I am following a different path now. I have found the ability to forgive those that I could not before, my job seems to have a higher purpose for me (and I look forward to going to work now), and I feel as though I am living more stress-free now than I have since I was 10. I have bought copies for ALL my family members and it's incredible how close this book can make an entire family. It teaches us to cherish so much that we once took for granted.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacey chin
Who would have thought from a simple 30 Day Challenge that your life could be saved from a potentially fatal heart attack. When my wife and I took the thirty day challenge we both decided to shed a few pounds and work on a nutritional plan together to get into shape and have more energy in our mid-life. We planned a great anniversary vacation to Maui. After losing over a hundred pounds together I suffered a minor heart attack that the doctor said could have been fatal or with permanent heart damage had I not lost the weight due to the one month to live challenge. The whole experience has restored my passion for life. Instead of just existing we have discovered how to really live with meaning and purpose in each moment. Read the book for yourself and take the challenge. It could very well save your life. I'm thankful I did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathy lubenski
One Month to Live has inspired and challenged me to focus on what's most important in my life; my wife, my kids, my relationships with others - my relationship with God;Jesus Christ.
Each chapter is full of "Make it count" thoughts and action items that really drove me to focus on how to put my words and intentions into actions. This is an excellent book for anyone who is looking for purpose and clarity on what this life is all about and how to make best use of the limited time we have. I have already purchased several copies for friends and family!! A must read for sure!!
Each chapter is full of "Make it count" thoughts and action items that really drove me to focus on how to put my words and intentions into actions. This is an excellent book for anyone who is looking for purpose and clarity on what this life is all about and how to make best use of the limited time we have. I have already purchased several copies for friends and family!! A must read for sure!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I am leading a month-long church study group of this book. We find the book very readable and inspirational. It is designed to be read over one month with selections for each day. The content is quite compatible with Rick Warren's book. As a study group, we especially appreciate the discussion questions which accompany each section. The readers struggle a bit with the theme of how to spend the undetermined amount of time we have to live- if it were short, we would 'pare down' to essentials. But if we have months or years left, our circle of influence would be wider. Definitely worth reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie townley
One Month to Live by Kerry & Chris Shook
I am using this book in a small group which reads and discusses topics suggested or at random. We meet every three to four weeks in amembers home. At the first meeting about One Month to Lived we had a lively discussion about a variety of topics that went on for three hours and only covedred the first two days. Some of us have connected to the web site to receive even more benefits. I would recommend this book to everyone who wants to get a handle on living in this busy, topsy-tervy world!
I am using this book in a small group which reads and discusses topics suggested or at random. We meet every three to four weeks in amembers home. At the first meeting about One Month to Lived we had a lively discussion about a variety of topics that went on for three hours and only covedred the first two days. Some of us have connected to the web site to receive even more benefits. I would recommend this book to everyone who wants to get a handle on living in this busy, topsy-tervy world!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I dislike this book very much. Can't see how it ever got to be a best seller. I've been into deep spiritual reading from Buddhism to Christianity to Hinduism for the past 12 years. This book comes nowhere near dozens of excellent spiritual books that are available. I guess if a person has spent his/her entire life focused on money and material possessions, then this book may have some helpful, motivational tips on how to find a more wholesome, well-balanced life. In my opinion, this book is a total waste of time.
I read the other reviews that give the book 1-2 stars. I completely agree with those reviews - so I'm not going to repeat the same comments here.
I read the other reviews that give the book 1-2 stars. I completely agree with those reviews - so I'm not going to repeat the same comments here.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There have been very few books that I would consider to be life changing. Along with the 5 Love Languages and the Bible, this is one of those books. All of the 30 individual days are filled with inspiring quotes, great stories that are easy to relate to, and good thought provoking questions. If you follow the book how he has it mapped out, you should come away a better, and more fulfilled person after reading it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike welch
Living the dash has taken on a new meaning for me and my family. We now make every decision by thinking first - if we only had 30 days to live - what would we do? I think readers will find this book very helpful in prioritizing their lives and making the most out of everyday. This book will also help guide you to a deeper spiritual walk with Christ.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
gail dragon
Didn't enjoy the book. I Would recommend reading Bobby Martin's THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE (ASIN: B007TBKB52) instead. Martin seems a bit more sincere in his devotion to Christ. It's a much less expensive book as well.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Unless you believe in the "cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father and can make you live forever" this book is absolute crap. It requires you to turn your life over to jesus in order to get any benefit. I want my money back.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I went to my Southern Baptist church today and this "One Month to Live" nonsense has crept into the church. Golly gee whiz, a whole month to focus on "me."
Oh my goodness, here we go again if you are not living your life like you want or should now - you won't be any different after 30 days. Unless you get hooked on living up to some unrealistic lifestyle that you set up for yourself and then have to go on pretending so people do not think you're a hypocrite. By the way, that's why we need Jesus because we are sinners, deceivers, and hypocrites.
How about pastors getting back to their job of feeding their flock rather than trying to attract the goats to church who do not want anything from God in the first place.
Oh my goodness, here we go again if you are not living your life like you want or should now - you won't be any different after 30 days. Unless you get hooked on living up to some unrealistic lifestyle that you set up for yourself and then have to go on pretending so people do not think you're a hypocrite. By the way, that's why we need Jesus because we are sinners, deceivers, and hypocrites.
How about pastors getting back to their job of feeding their flock rather than trying to attract the goats to church who do not want anything from God in the first place.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lauren elizabeth
I have seen the T.V commercials by the authors of this book promoting it as it being the god's gift to the planet. And yet I only see one customer review. Not that this would matter but wondering why there are so little reviews of this book from the real readers and not just the authors?
I guess I have to buy it to see if this is as good as all the T.V commercials say it is! :)
I guess I have to buy it to see if this is as good as all the T.V commercials say it is! :)
Please RateThirty Days to a No-Regrets Life - One Month to Live