The Sumage Solution: The San Andreas Shifters
ByG. L. Carriger
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott lerch
I started reading and literally couldn't put it down. The story surprised me on many levels. I think that I was expecting a witty, lighthearted, supernatural, romantic romp in a more modern setting. While the characters are certainly witty when appropriate and there are definitely romance and the supernatural, the book turned out to be much more than the sum of its parts. The Sumage Solution, much to my surprise, is a cleverly crafted story about, among other things, what it means to be a family and find a home where you can be accepted exactly as you are. The characters immediately drew me in with their complexity and authenticity. They expressed the full range of human emotions, flaws, insecurities, vulnerabilities and all. The relationship between Bryan and Max was particularly poignant. The setting, although modern, tied in to the Victorian era world of previous works. I can't wait for more books in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nikita decruy
I have mixed feelings about this story. On the one hand, I liked Max—snarky and prickly sumage that he is. And I loved Bryan, aka Biff, the werewolf pack beta and all-around good guy of the story. But on the other, the details of this world, including the hierarchy of the mages, sumages, and Magistars; and the details related to the manipulation of quintessence still escape me, long after the story ended. I just didn’t feel that I totally understood it and it was a long book so I should have completely understood the world in which these characters live. But, it may be just me and not the fault of the author, since I was reading this while dealing with a hurricane and all its repercussions. But again, back to the flipside, I suspect that even someone who was focused on the story details would have struggled to take it all in. There’s so much here.
Max works for DURPS as a Placer. DURPS is the official department governing all magical beings and shifters. A Placer is a sumage who can take on and then diffuse quintessence which is a substance that can cause destruction—especially in the hands of a paranormal being looking to cause trouble. Backing up: a sumage is a mage who is “less than” a regular mage, the lowest on the chain, and frowned upon by other magical beings. Other mages can tap into quintessence and use it for their own devices, but as a sumage, Max can only diffuse it when someone else has used it. His father was a powerful mage who tried to mold Max into the most powerful of all mages—a Magistar—but failed spectacularly. When he died, he left an enchantment on his mansion that Max hasn’t had any desire to break so Max currently lives in the garage apartment and is satisfied with his life. Until Bryan, aka Biff (Bryan Ignacio Frederiksen the Fourth) shows up at DURPS to apply for a permit for his wolf pack to live in the area.
Bryan’s pack is LGBTQ-friendly, though he hasn’t revealed his own sexuality to his gay brother, who is the Alpha. His brother, Alec, is partnered with a beautiful merman named Marvin. They also have several other big, brawny wolves in the pack and another smaller wolf named Colin whose brother, Kevin, joined to protect him. I’m sure future stories will involve these characters as they find their own partners. In fact, I didn’t know at the time I started reading this, but there is a prequel to the series which readers can get for free from the author—Marine Biology. I suspect it would enhance this experience if I had read it first.
Bryan falls head over heels for Max, feeling the spark of their connection as soon as they first touch. He’s beta so that influences his behaviors throughout the story, creating a sweet, shy man who sometimes doesn’t speak up for himself, but he knows in his heart that he is Max’s lifemate. Max, on the other hand, is way too prickly for his own good. The victim of physical and emotional parental abuse, and the butt of everyone’s jokes at work, Max’s self-esteem doesn’t allow him to consider that Bryan might fall in love with him—regardless of all his flaws—starting with his inability to get naked when Bryan is in the room because he doesn’t want the man to see the series of crisscross lines and patterns covering most of his body, lines necessary to conduct the quintessence and divert it back into the atmosphere. They’re ugly and demeaning, in Max’s opinion.
But Bryan does eventually see them and after the first of many, many misunderstandings in this story, Max slowly lets him in. The two ultimately discover that they are indeed meant for each other and that Bryan fulfills the role of familiar to Max’s mage power—a power that is much greater than either of them could have suspected.
The story is interesting and complex with a wealth of world-building and letting the review sit and stew for a day or two has shown me that I did indeed highly enjoy it. As it turned out, I loved both characters—Bryan the sweetheart beta werewolf, and Max, the sumage Placer turned… well, I’m not going to say because that would be a spoiler. Suffice it to say, the men not only love each other, they need each other, and together they are greater than the sum of the two individuals could ever hope to be.
I’m looking forward to more in this universe, and I highly recommend this one to those who like a combination of fantasy and paranormal mixed in with some superhot MM romance.
Max works for DURPS as a Placer. DURPS is the official department governing all magical beings and shifters. A Placer is a sumage who can take on and then diffuse quintessence which is a substance that can cause destruction—especially in the hands of a paranormal being looking to cause trouble. Backing up: a sumage is a mage who is “less than” a regular mage, the lowest on the chain, and frowned upon by other magical beings. Other mages can tap into quintessence and use it for their own devices, but as a sumage, Max can only diffuse it when someone else has used it. His father was a powerful mage who tried to mold Max into the most powerful of all mages—a Magistar—but failed spectacularly. When he died, he left an enchantment on his mansion that Max hasn’t had any desire to break so Max currently lives in the garage apartment and is satisfied with his life. Until Bryan, aka Biff (Bryan Ignacio Frederiksen the Fourth) shows up at DURPS to apply for a permit for his wolf pack to live in the area.
Bryan’s pack is LGBTQ-friendly, though he hasn’t revealed his own sexuality to his gay brother, who is the Alpha. His brother, Alec, is partnered with a beautiful merman named Marvin. They also have several other big, brawny wolves in the pack and another smaller wolf named Colin whose brother, Kevin, joined to protect him. I’m sure future stories will involve these characters as they find their own partners. In fact, I didn’t know at the time I started reading this, but there is a prequel to the series which readers can get for free from the author—Marine Biology. I suspect it would enhance this experience if I had read it first.
Bryan falls head over heels for Max, feeling the spark of their connection as soon as they first touch. He’s beta so that influences his behaviors throughout the story, creating a sweet, shy man who sometimes doesn’t speak up for himself, but he knows in his heart that he is Max’s lifemate. Max, on the other hand, is way too prickly for his own good. The victim of physical and emotional parental abuse, and the butt of everyone’s jokes at work, Max’s self-esteem doesn’t allow him to consider that Bryan might fall in love with him—regardless of all his flaws—starting with his inability to get naked when Bryan is in the room because he doesn’t want the man to see the series of crisscross lines and patterns covering most of his body, lines necessary to conduct the quintessence and divert it back into the atmosphere. They’re ugly and demeaning, in Max’s opinion.
But Bryan does eventually see them and after the first of many, many misunderstandings in this story, Max slowly lets him in. The two ultimately discover that they are indeed meant for each other and that Bryan fulfills the role of familiar to Max’s mage power—a power that is much greater than either of them could have suspected.
The story is interesting and complex with a wealth of world-building and letting the review sit and stew for a day or two has shown me that I did indeed highly enjoy it. As it turned out, I loved both characters—Bryan the sweetheart beta werewolf, and Max, the sumage Placer turned… well, I’m not going to say because that would be a spoiler. Suffice it to say, the men not only love each other, they need each other, and together they are greater than the sum of the two individuals could ever hope to be.
I’m looking forward to more in this universe, and I highly recommend this one to those who like a combination of fantasy and paranormal mixed in with some superhot MM romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
miss penelope voyage
I have never read any Gail Carriger...her previous books seemed interesting, but steampunk isn't high on my reading list. BUT she now has a gay romance urban fantasy series, San Andreas Shifters, and you could smell the burning rubber of my shoes as I came to a full stop. Then I read the blurb and this little nugget at the end:
Delicate Sensibilities?This story contains M/M sexitimes and horrible puns. If you get offended easily, then you probably will. The San Andreas Shifter stories contain blue language, dirty deeds, and outright admiration for the San Francisco Bay Area. Not for the faint of heart (mouth/tongue/etc.).
If you aren't a mm romance lover or haven't tried one before...heed this warning! Carriger revels in the down and dirty of werewolf shifter natural tendencies. Of course, I couldn't read it fast enough...take from that what you will ;)
There is a quick and sweet (no sex) short story, Marine Biology, that introduces you to Alex (alpha of SA Shifters) and his OMFG fabulous mate Marvin. I read The Sumage Solution first and then read Marine Biology hoping for a little more info on Alex and Marvin but it doesn't give all that much. No need to read it first. After meeting Martin (a secondary character in The Sumage Solution) I want him to have a book from his POV. Love him!
Okay, The Sumage Solution...I haven't read Carriger's other books so I don't know if TSS represents her writing style or if she used it just for this series. The book is internal and external dialogue heavy. Which made for choppy reading, but not in a bad way...just different from what I'm used to. But this style does well for these very male characters. Carriger does a great job of writing horny supernatural males. This is kind of a subjective generalization, but if you've read lots of paranormal romance then you know what I'm talking about. Yeah, it's a genre stereotype, but that is why it tastes soooo good.
Carriger has created a unique world of magic for her series. But the word magic isn't is called quintessence. Those who wield it are called Surges or mages. I'm not 100% clear on the mage hierarchy and the workings of quintessence or the savage power that the shifters have. In a successful attempt at no info dumps, it was hard to piece together the workings of this world. But Max is at the very bottom of it. Most of the info comes at the very end of the book. Not saying this is bad, just I would like a San Andreas Shifter's world tutorial on Gail's website...hint, hint, wink, wink. I still enjoyed the feck out of this story and world, but I hope there isn't a test.
This is getting kind of long...but it was such a reading experience! I'll just say a little about Max and Bryan. Max is about as fractured of a character as they come, figuratively and literally. And he deals with it through sarcasm and surliness. So, of course, I love him. Bryan is the beta of his homeless rag tag pack. This means he balances and brings calm to those around him. Which is in complete in contrast to his physical appearance. Betas are kind of like empaths, they know what you need before you do sometimes. When Max and Bryan meet it is instant lust. These opposites attract and it seems fate has brought them together. That's all I can say without spoiling. But I can tell you they have lots of dirty sex...I've never read about so much tongue action (is that too much info <G>).
Anyway...I really enjoyed The Sumage Solution despite some of the issues I mentioned. It is a fun fated-mates story and we've gotten an introduction to the other pack members we will probably see in future books. There are lots of other shifter and supernatural types in this world too. Marvin is a merman.
I can't show some of my favorite quotes because we are a PG-13 site, but here is one from Biff's (Bryan) POV.
"Biff went to make the tea before he had to respond to whatever pointed questions Marvin intended to throw at him next.
He brought back three cups of tea without having to be asked. Peppermint for Alex, because he was a putz, seaweed for Marvin, because he was a fish, and pu'erh for himself. Because I'm a real man."
This is my long winded way of saying this book gets 4.25 "licking" sheep
Delicate Sensibilities?This story contains M/M sexitimes and horrible puns. If you get offended easily, then you probably will. The San Andreas Shifter stories contain blue language, dirty deeds, and outright admiration for the San Francisco Bay Area. Not for the faint of heart (mouth/tongue/etc.).
If you aren't a mm romance lover or haven't tried one before...heed this warning! Carriger revels in the down and dirty of werewolf shifter natural tendencies. Of course, I couldn't read it fast enough...take from that what you will ;)
There is a quick and sweet (no sex) short story, Marine Biology, that introduces you to Alex (alpha of SA Shifters) and his OMFG fabulous mate Marvin. I read The Sumage Solution first and then read Marine Biology hoping for a little more info on Alex and Marvin but it doesn't give all that much. No need to read it first. After meeting Martin (a secondary character in The Sumage Solution) I want him to have a book from his POV. Love him!
Okay, The Sumage Solution...I haven't read Carriger's other books so I don't know if TSS represents her writing style or if she used it just for this series. The book is internal and external dialogue heavy. Which made for choppy reading, but not in a bad way...just different from what I'm used to. But this style does well for these very male characters. Carriger does a great job of writing horny supernatural males. This is kind of a subjective generalization, but if you've read lots of paranormal romance then you know what I'm talking about. Yeah, it's a genre stereotype, but that is why it tastes soooo good.
Carriger has created a unique world of magic for her series. But the word magic isn't is called quintessence. Those who wield it are called Surges or mages. I'm not 100% clear on the mage hierarchy and the workings of quintessence or the savage power that the shifters have. In a successful attempt at no info dumps, it was hard to piece together the workings of this world. But Max is at the very bottom of it. Most of the info comes at the very end of the book. Not saying this is bad, just I would like a San Andreas Shifter's world tutorial on Gail's website...hint, hint, wink, wink. I still enjoyed the feck out of this story and world, but I hope there isn't a test.
This is getting kind of long...but it was such a reading experience! I'll just say a little about Max and Bryan. Max is about as fractured of a character as they come, figuratively and literally. And he deals with it through sarcasm and surliness. So, of course, I love him. Bryan is the beta of his homeless rag tag pack. This means he balances and brings calm to those around him. Which is in complete in contrast to his physical appearance. Betas are kind of like empaths, they know what you need before you do sometimes. When Max and Bryan meet it is instant lust. These opposites attract and it seems fate has brought them together. That's all I can say without spoiling. But I can tell you they have lots of dirty sex...I've never read about so much tongue action (is that too much info <G>).
Anyway...I really enjoyed The Sumage Solution despite some of the issues I mentioned. It is a fun fated-mates story and we've gotten an introduction to the other pack members we will probably see in future books. There are lots of other shifter and supernatural types in this world too. Marvin is a merman.
I can't show some of my favorite quotes because we are a PG-13 site, but here is one from Biff's (Bryan) POV.
"Biff went to make the tea before he had to respond to whatever pointed questions Marvin intended to throw at him next.
He brought back three cups of tea without having to be asked. Peppermint for Alex, because he was a putz, seaweed for Marvin, because he was a fish, and pu'erh for himself. Because I'm a real man."
This is my long winded way of saying this book gets 4.25 "licking" sheep
Serafina and the Splintered Heart (A Serafina Novel) :: The Moth in the Mirror (Splintered) :: Unhinged (Splintered Series #2) :: Ensnared (Splintered Series #3) - Splintered Book Three :: Manners & Mutiny (Finishing School)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After listening to The Sumage Solution by G.L. Carriger, narration by Kirt Graves, twice and my continued thoughts about the story and characters, the more I adore this first edition of the San Andreas Shifters. Then finding out that this present day story has its roots in the wonderful Steampunk world she (yes the author is the same, Gail Carriger) created in The Parasol Protectorate and other series, enthralled me even more. Thank you for the opportunity to review this wonderful story.
Max is wonderfully snarky, hopeful, and looking for love, though he is not holding his breath for its appearance. He works at the mostly dull DURPS (DMV for supernatural creatures) as a sumage, cleaning up other mages' messes and doing general paperwork. If you have a bit of patience, you will learn all about sumages and other magical creatures and talents and it will have been worth the wait. On one of the rare more exciting days at DURPS, in walks this stunning, easy going, quiet, beta werewolf, Bryan. Let the games begin.
Narrator Kirt Graves brings all of the characters, male and female, to life by giving them unique voices and personalities. His timing and rhythm are wonderful. I admit to extending my sleep timer multiple times because I could not put the story away not only because of the wonderful writing, characters and story line provided by Ms Carriger but also due to the fabulous narration.
After listening to The Sumage Solution by G.L. Carriger, narration by Kirt Graves, twice and my continued thoughts about the story and characters, the more I adore this first edition of the San Andreas Shifters. Then finding out that this present day story has its roots in the wonderful Steampunk world she (yes the author is the same, Gail Carriger) created in The Parasol Protectorate and other series, enthralled me even more. Thank you for the opportunity to review this wonderful story.
Max is wonderfully snarky, hopeful, and looking for love, though he is not holding his breath for its appearance. He works at the mostly dull DURPS (DMV for supernatural creatures) as a sumage, cleaning up other mages' messes and doing general paperwork. If you have a bit of patience, you will learn all about sumages and other magical creatures and talents and it will have been worth the wait. On one of the rare more exciting days at DURPS, in walks this stunning, easy going, quiet, beta werewolf, Bryan. Let the games begin.
Narrator Kirt Graves brings all of the characters, male and female, to life by giving them unique voices and personalities. His timing and rhythm are wonderful. I admit to extending my sleep timer multiple times because I could not put the story away not only because of the wonderful writing, characters and story line provided by Ms Carriger but also due to the fabulous narration.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sf reads mod
Rating: 3.5 stars
I must say I enjoyed this book. Biff(aka Bryan) was especially endearing. Max was a bit annoying at times, but I really liked his snarky humor. Actually, I liked all the characters in this story. Biff's pack and Max's co-workers were wonderful side characters.
I think what threw me off a bit about this story was trying to understand the way the magic worked in this world. It was very confusing to me, especially at the beginning of the story. If it weren't for that I would probably give this a higher rating.
I do recommend that you read this story, especially, if you are a fan of books with snarky banter. I for one would really like to see another book written in this world.
I must say I enjoyed this book. Biff(aka Bryan) was especially endearing. Max was a bit annoying at times, but I really liked his snarky humor. Actually, I liked all the characters in this story. Biff's pack and Max's co-workers were wonderful side characters.
I think what threw me off a bit about this story was trying to understand the way the magic worked in this world. It was very confusing to me, especially at the beginning of the story. If it weren't for that I would probably give this a higher rating.
I do recommend that you read this story, especially, if you are a fan of books with snarky banter. I for one would really like to see another book written in this world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Beautiful love story about two men with a hard history and lots of baggage and a not at all easy relationship but with so much hope and so deep emotions I cried a lot whil reading it. But there were funny scenes too, kitsune style, I adore Max' boss, she's simply the best, and I can't wait to read Colin's story because I am already half in love with him. And Lovejoy's. And Tank's. It's not a book for those opposed to same-sex relationships because it is quite hot but at the same time it is so ... full of glittering shards and hurt and trying and never giving up and finding a way but will it be enough? Breathtaking at the end. Can I prettyplease have more?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda smith
I cried, laughed, salivated for cayenne pepper and fizzy champagne; and could not be more unhappy to have to set a book down at the end. Cannot recommend this read enough to anyone with an affinity for werewolves, flirty banter, and lighthearted romance with a touch of both the supernatural and emotional pathos. The very unique and colorful world is very much this author's own brainchild and unlike anything else; and is VERY much worth acclimating to and falling in love with. She wields and weaves words like someone with experience in the craft of grabbing and keeping attention. You will know if you like it or not by the end of the first encounter between the two leads when they are forced to be alone together in one room.
Do yourself a favor and pick this up until you run out of pages. There is also an audiobook with some STELLAR voiceacting!
Do yourself a favor and pick this up until you run out of pages. There is also an audiobook with some STELLAR voiceacting!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
talia gaglione
This was a joy to read! Engaging characters and a great storyline. Max is so much more my type, but Bryan (never Biff) is an utterly amazing character.
I don't claim to fully understand the magic system, because I don't, but I do know I need more stories set in this world. I need to see Max and Bryan complete their training, become comfortable in their new roles and for Max to become comfortable in his own body. I need for the pack to find an omega, because apparently they need one. I need Colin to mature and blossom. I hope the author resists the temptation to make the entire pack gay, but given the emphasis on diversity, I think she gets it.
I can't wait for a sequel.
I don't claim to fully understand the magic system, because I don't, but I do know I need more stories set in this world. I need to see Max and Bryan complete their training, become comfortable in their new roles and for Max to become comfortable in his own body. I need for the pack to find an omega, because apparently they need one. I need Colin to mature and blossom. I hope the author resists the temptation to make the entire pack gay, but given the emphasis on diversity, I think she gets it.
I can't wait for a sequel.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was eagerly looking forward to what seemed a mix of fun paranormal adventures. I wasn't in this book.
Characters in this book come and go so quickly it could make you dizzy, dialogue is just spates of almost snark but without the humor. Character development is non-existent here and there seems no clearly defined plot. The story is more a series of events that really have no strong connection and none of the characters are likable or interesting on their own, only situational if at all.
After reading this I was truly sorry for the time and money wasted. I don't think I've ever wished I could get a refund of my time invested but this book left me feeling exactly that way. The author seems to get good reviews and I saw the book and thought I'd go for it and also the second addition to the series. Now, I'm just wondering what was I thinking?
Characters in this book come and go so quickly it could make you dizzy, dialogue is just spates of almost snark but without the humor. Character development is non-existent here and there seems no clearly defined plot. The story is more a series of events that really have no strong connection and none of the characters are likable or interesting on their own, only situational if at all.
After reading this I was truly sorry for the time and money wasted. I don't think I've ever wished I could get a refund of my time invested but this book left me feeling exactly that way. The author seems to get good reviews and I saw the book and thought I'd go for it and also the second addition to the series. Now, I'm just wondering what was I thinking?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
komal mikaelson
I borrowed this book from my local library, and it was just what I needed. Carriger is like my perfect for-fun, only-slightly-guilty go-to writer; her stories are always the perfect blend of action, drama, and fluff with the happy endings I love. I started out the year trying to do a Read Harder reading challenge, but found myself bored and bogged down trying to force my way through True Crime or Nonfictions in daring categories. But when this book became available, I abandoned the effort to 'read harder' and instead swapped back to reading for fun. I have absolutely no regrets.
This is certainly a very steamy book, but the sex scenes are so smoothly written and such a lovely blend of inner-monologues with sensual physical details. Once I got started, I couldn't put the book down, and I'm so eagerly awaiting the next book in the series. If you want something sweet, sexy, and uniquely fantastical, I highly recommend!
This is certainly a very steamy book, but the sex scenes are so smoothly written and such a lovely blend of inner-monologues with sensual physical details. Once I got started, I couldn't put the book down, and I'm so eagerly awaiting the next book in the series. If you want something sweet, sexy, and uniquely fantastical, I highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tiffany winegar
Oh My God! I've been basically reading everything Carriger has written lately and this book surprised the hell out of me. I was a little ambivalent to it right up until Max and Biff meet and then I finished it in a day. I adore it and basically spend the entire time I was reading it live blogging to a friend of mine about it because I could not contain my excitement.
It is a bit more graphic that the Parasol books but as always super hot. Loved the reveals close to the end (no spoilers). I really hope to see another book in this series as soon as possible.
It is a bit more graphic that the Parasol books but as always super hot. Loved the reveals close to the end (no spoilers). I really hope to see another book in this series as soon as possible.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
francesca mulazzi
I like Ms Carriger's writing, a lot. This novella did not disappoint. It had unexpected sweet moments, snark from the mage, and a strong protective streak from the werewolves. Settling into a new area can be stressful. Add an unexpected attraction, some uncertainty, let simmer, and you have a great novella. It's a fun quick read that I hope will have more stories involving other members of the pack.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Can sex scenes overwhelm a story? The detail and length of the b**t hole stuff seems to be at the expense of the plot and world building. I think the extensive sex scenes were well enough written. It seemed like there just wasn't room left in the book to develop the plot more. There were so many points I wished were covered more: better info about the Saturation event? How were the consequences achieved? The briefly covered history of the destruction of the aethosphere (sp?) would have been a much more compelling story if developed in more detail. Why are there so many different types of mages and what are their roles; e.g., what does a Plug do? What is a Sluice? Why did Max initially fail as a mage? Do sumages and mages work outside of civic settings? How does the "familiar" phenomenon work? What was the role of Victorian or Parasolverse mages? Kitsune seem to have different magical powers than other shifters - why? What is the significance of 9 tails? Many of the father figures were presented as sadists and child abusers. What about that? Where were their mothers? Hey, Why no Lord Akledama? I agree with the reviewer who said this book is less well balanced than it could have been.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
G L Carriger delivered a both steamy and funny story of romance between two people from different cultures.
One can’t help to love the characters and hope to see more of the world surrounding them.
One can’t help to love the characters and hope to see more of the world surrounding them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dude I loved this!! What fantastic characters! Took a little while to understand the new world building, but I appreciated that it was woven into the story and not just dropped in a big info dump. More of this series please!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Sumage Solution is full of breaking tropes and stereotypes, both of the supernatural and the not-supernatural kind.
The story was not what I expected at all. Max's job is described as "cleaning up other mages' messes" but mostly boils down to a boring government office job, and Biff not being out is a non-issue - this is not a story about coming- or not coming-out of the closet. "Redneck biker werewolves" is also not the way I would describe Biff's pack, but I won't say anything about the plot as I believe the books does that best on its own.
It more or less directly follows the short story Marine Biology but it's not necessary to read that before this one (though I recommend the short story too, it's the story of Alec, Biff's brother, and the background to why the pack is moving).
Towards the ending of the book it becomes clear that it does indeed play in the Parasolverse, which is the world in which most of the author's other books play in - a steampunk version of the supernatural 1800s. The Sumage Solution is a contemporary book, though, and in those decades MANY things have changed - it's absolutely not necessary to know anything about the world of the Parasolverse, but for me as a fan of those books it was a delightful glance into the future.
That said, I was occasionally confused by in-book terms and what exactly they meant. They are often not explained but I was mostly able to deduce their vague meaning/function through the events happening. A glossary would have been appreciated.
Related to that: I don't think "The Sumage Solution" is the best title for this book. Of course once I read the book it made sense - but before it always confused me. "Sumage" is an in-book term and basically means "failed mage", so a mage who can access quintessence (= the magic) but can't control it. Their main way to utilize that is to absorb (hostile) quintessence and channel it safely, but they can't control what it turns into (hopefully a shower of flowers.)
The story was not what I expected at all. Max's job is described as "cleaning up other mages' messes" but mostly boils down to a boring government office job, and Biff not being out is a non-issue - this is not a story about coming- or not coming-out of the closet. "Redneck biker werewolves" is also not the way I would describe Biff's pack, but I won't say anything about the plot as I believe the books does that best on its own.
It more or less directly follows the short story Marine Biology but it's not necessary to read that before this one (though I recommend the short story too, it's the story of Alec, Biff's brother, and the background to why the pack is moving).
Towards the ending of the book it becomes clear that it does indeed play in the Parasolverse, which is the world in which most of the author's other books play in - a steampunk version of the supernatural 1800s. The Sumage Solution is a contemporary book, though, and in those decades MANY things have changed - it's absolutely not necessary to know anything about the world of the Parasolverse, but for me as a fan of those books it was a delightful glance into the future.
That said, I was occasionally confused by in-book terms and what exactly they meant. They are often not explained but I was mostly able to deduce their vague meaning/function through the events happening. A glossary would have been appreciated.
Related to that: I don't think "The Sumage Solution" is the best title for this book. Of course once I read the book it made sense - but before it always confused me. "Sumage" is an in-book term and basically means "failed mage", so a mage who can access quintessence (= the magic) but can't control it. Their main way to utilize that is to absorb (hostile) quintessence and channel it safely, but they can't control what it turns into (hopefully a shower of flowers.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill schroer
Ok, first things first, this is definitely not a family friendly book - it's a M/M relationship-focused story and has details about what they get up to in bed (or want to!). However, I was not reading it for that, but for the story itself. As a fan of Gail's stories generally, I'll take every opportunity to read them, even if it means reading around some fruity action! And the writing is excellent in this book. I won't go into too much detail about the story - spoilers! - but it's about what happens between Bryan (the Beta in the new pack formed when Alec stepped up as Alpha in Marine Biology, who've moved across country to San Francisco to claim their own territory) and Max, a Sumage who works at the registration centre for supernatural beings. There is lots of sparks, arguments, trouble (not least because Bryan (or Biff to his pack) hasn't even told his pack he's gay!), but what will happen in the end?
I really enjoyed the story in this book, and the characters were excellent, so descriptive that I could see them in my mind. I hope that there will be more books about this pack, though maybe not all M/M ones as it could be fun to see the heterosexual members of the pack have adventures too. I'd recommend this book to all Carriger fans who can appreciate a story whilst coping with the inclusion of M/M sexual action in the book, as well as to those who've not yet discovered this writer - she's awesome!
I really enjoyed the story in this book, and the characters were excellent, so descriptive that I could see them in my mind. I hope that there will be more books about this pack, though maybe not all M/M ones as it could be fun to see the heterosexual members of the pack have adventures too. I'd recommend this book to all Carriger fans who can appreciate a story whilst coping with the inclusion of M/M sexual action in the book, as well as to those who've not yet discovered this writer - she's awesome!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jan waits
I never write reviews like this... but this book was ridiculous. How has no one said anything to the author about the fact that her choice of vocabulary is ridiculous... how does a earpiece sit coquettishly on your ear?!?! This shifter is a quintessence bomb?! She's a "classy" bomb?! I didn't even finish chapter one. What a mess. Maybe the author should quit picking out random words in a thesaurus without actually knowing the meaning. Yikes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jack lynch
Dude I loved this!! What fantastic characters! Took a little while to understand the new world building, but I appreciated that it was woven into the story and not just dropped in a big info dump. More of this series please!!
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