Eastern Wisdom and Modern Hacks to Stop Time and Find Success

ByPedram Shojai

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laurie neighbors
This book hits home on so many levels. Some things I have already known for years but its giving me a positive attack to see things through! I will probably continue to buy this book over & over again to give as gifts to everyone I know! LOVE IT!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david perlmutter
love the way he explains everything in words most people understand. Love hid blog and this book, a treasure to have even if it is only on kindle
people lil me appreciate to keep up with reading while traveling from place to place.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is such a useful book. I highly recommend it.
First, this book breaks each chapter down into three/four basic sections. It starts with a story (based off real life examples he has gone through, but slightly changed to protect his original patients), then it talks about the problem, transitions into the solution, then concludes by going back to the original story, and discussing the changes the person took and how it affected them in the end.
The flow of the sections are great for people like me. I love the nitty gritty details of what are the good and bad things to do. But it really helps to have a real life example to actually understand it on a different level. The days during and after I read this book, I would often find similarities of my life to those in the stories, then I would remember how they changed those issues in the story. It made it really easy to remember what changes I need to do to better myself in this hectic world.
The book offers many suggestions, such as meditation techniques, teas to drink, supplements you can take etc. I have so many book marks in this book saving each of the useful suggestions. This book is extremely helpful for people who are stressed out, tired, or just feel they can't quite catch up. I personally don't have those specific issues, but the book was still very helpful for mild personal growths.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
As with most self help books the message could have been distilled into 20% of the content. Go outside, eat whole foods, move your body, be social, take these 5 herbal supplements, practice Qi Gong and Tai Chi, see a therapist if you need to, manage your money stress, practice breathing exercises to decrease reactivity, avoid difficult people and toxic environments, connect with the earth and do physical work like gardening, say no, stop watching t.v., sort out your priorities and notice how much more efficient you become. He presents these with enthusiasm. His suggestion to invest in housing as a practical use of resources is mistaken as housing has a .3% return compared to S % P 6.5% over the last 100 years. Lists resources in the back. I noticed another reviewer commented on the Sh*t word. A quick thesaurus google gives 20 synonyms. It is overused to the detriment of the writing overall in my humble opinion. It didn't add to the book for the number of times it showed up.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lauren henderson
I was looking for something in the tradition of Pema Chodron. As a Westerner, I relate best to teachings from those who have or do live in a similar culture. I've found it tough to slog through translated text. This a was a bit too pop culture oriented for my taste. It hit a lot of topics relevant to Westerners, but didn't get into much detail. Maybe a good introduction to someone just dipping a toe into Eastern religion / philosophy.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
theresa cyr
Really disappointed in this book- I was so looking forward to it, but the foul language wrecked it for me. I was expecting it to be spiritually uplifting, but the curse words really brought it down. Context matters; you might expect to hear curse words in every other sentence in some genres, but in a book about health and wisdom? It seems really out of place and off-putting. Wish I wouldn't have pre-ordered the book and waited for the reviews before purchasing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristen hoffman
First off, Pedram's got a gift for entertaining you. This was fun to read.

I had 3 big takeaways:

1. First, my body doesn't hurt as much when I sit at the desk all day.

Normally, I'd finish work and basically feel sore (like the day after a workout).

Now? I use a few of Pedram's tips from Chapter 5 and those aches are almost gone.

2. My evenings are now much more fulfilling.

I didn't realize my usual evening routine was an "issue" until I read Chapter 8. At that point, it was clear why I sometimes felt sorta empty at night or struggled to fall asleep.

His recommendations made immediate improvements.

3. I've been eating pretty healthy the past few years, but I sometimes make it more stressful than it needs to be.

Pedram helped put the joy back in food. He helped me clearly see the simple guidelines. His "swapping" concept is clutch.

This book has been a wonderful tool for improving my life.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
susan opderbeck
I don't often leave reviews. However, I felt that potential buyers should be warned that this book quickly devolves into the usual westernization of eastern spiritual practices.

I give a poor review with regret. On one hand, this very ambitious work reads like a manifesto. And it contains some important information that will benefit many people.

What killed the deal for me Chapter 9's "guidance" to work harder, get smarter and "to do whatever it takes to get ahead."

This is not the TAO. Unfortunately this is just another slick package by a purported spiritual teacher of western heritage that encourages followers to engage in the Chase.

Oh yeah, he says S*** a lot, I mean A LOT!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was really looking for a uplifting, guide to living a "higher conscious" way of life. What a disappointment. The fact that on almost every other page the author uses the word sh*t, is a major turn off. I just don't understand this. I haven't seen his response to this, it for me I just can't get into this book because of the repetitive use of sh*t.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kim shifflett
I really like most of his ideas. Unfortunately his favorite word seems to be sh*t, and he uses it on almost every page. (Along with other expletives) I say "unfortunately " because I didn't expect that kind of language in this kind of book. It seems strange to take a book that is meant to be uplifting and sprinkle it with words that are most certainly NOT uplifting. But that's just me. If you don't mind that sort of thing, then you might enjoy reading this book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jeremy kinney
Be aware the Pedram uses profane language ("sh*t) frequently, perhaps to make a point that he lives a normal guy life. Unfortunately, I think it detracts from the message and I'm not willing to recommend it to others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am a friend and colleague and received an advance review copy and interviewed Pedram for my community of anxious and stressed women. Wow! Great book, wise words, fantastic interview and an excellent resource for my community! I just love the power and simplicity of so much of what he shares. One great example is reconnecting with nature and why we want to kick off our shoes and put our feet on the grass! He says “Take off your shoes and touch the earth. Doing so on raw earth is best. Grass, gravel, sand, and seawater are powerful ways to connect back into the “life soup” and let your body heal through the vital exchange of energy it needs (and direly misses) with the earth.” PS. That's me checking out the book barefoot on the grass!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karen robinson
Excellent book! I love the way he easily applies Eastern knowledge and wisdom to every day life. I have had great results applying some the ideas in this book. Definitely worth the read.

On the downside, I found it very ironic that while he is saying such things as, "we are what we eat", and "we should get rid of garbage and distractions in our life", he is using trashy language. The book is sprinkled with trashy words. If "we are what we eat", then doesn't the language we choose to use make up the person we are, and shouldn't trashy language be included the "garbage" we need to get out of our lives. It is difficult to belief that with the all accomplishments and credentials of Pedram Shojai, he cannot say the same things without using trashy language.

It still is a great book, packed with life-changing ideas. I think it would have more credibility and carry more punch if he had dispensed with the trashy language.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
poorvi goel
I would happily sew an orange robe for myself and spend the rest of my life in the mountains, but instead I run a business, manage a team, and pursue my ambitions 60+hours a week. Sound familiar? I'm only on page 125 of this book and feel like I've had a private consult with a master doctor - one who truly understands the demands of the modern world, and has all the tools to turn off the noise.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anne cupero
Full disclosure:
Pedram is a dear friend, and I interviewed him about this book for my podcast,The Crave Cast....[...]
I write and teach about women's health, food, and above all, cravings.
So why did I want Pedram to come on my show to talk about his book?
Because this book is PERFECT for the stressed out modern seeker.

The Urban Monk really is a blueprint for taking our crazy modern lives and calming everything the heck down!
My readers are overworked, overstressed, and disconnected...from themselves, their bodies, and their life's purpose.

I loved the blend of eastern philosophy with modern bio-hacking - it really is the simplest, most meaningful way to recreate your life
into a lovely, supportive set of experiences.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Everyone should read this book! Love the Urban Monk. Telling it "like it is" Pedram takes on the issues of real life, real living in today's busy world!. A joy to read! With wit and humour, he offers up amazing insight and wisdom on how to not only navigate the stresses of modern day life but also provides endless resources - teachings to help you reconnect with yourself, the bigger picture and purpose of our lives. Doable, attainable, hacks and practices. "Live, love, laugh and learn" and "thrive" that's what this book shows you how to do, toward a better life for you and those around you, the world too! It's a book that I will be reading again and again. One I will be recommending to all my friends!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Embrace the wisdom ! This is clarity and compassion. Pedram Shojai is a competent speaker with personality, this book sounds like his spoken presentations....well presented, organized, relaxed. Super. Give 'The Urban Monk' some of your attention and time
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I know Pedram personally and professionally, and the book speaks to the seamless way in which he is able to manifest his unitary self. This book will help you reflect on why self-care is essential if you are going to care for anyone else. Having directed an Anxiety Disorders Clinic at McLean Hospital at Harvard, I can appreciate how much people need a new and refreshing approach to stress reduction and appreciating life. Pedram reminds us that at our core, we are human—that it is easy to forget this humanity—and that now is the perfect time to build this into our lives, not just as a habit, but also with a sense of purpose. I very highly recommend this book to anyone looking to elevate their relationship with life, guided by a master and practitioner who understands how to translate the complex condition of being human into practical perspectives for everyday living. Save yourself time and get a few copies now. You'll be thankful you did, and so will the people you share this with.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book is just fine. There was nothing life changing about it - if you're already sleeping properly, working on your stress levels (meditation, yoga, etc.), eating wise whole foods and generally making mindful decisions, you probably won't learn a ton.

I felt a little thrown off by the "energy" conversations, but I'm pretty Western in that sense.... so Urban Monk's advice along those lines might powerfully impact others.

I like coffee. This author abhors caffeine. So we were bound to have some conflict. I think the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory

I had a hard time finishing this book. By the time I was a few chapters in, my energy and excitement for the content began dwindling. As a rule, I do not give my time to pleasure books that do not keep me engaged... so I didn't finish it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Finally a book that people ran read and fully apply in a fun, practical and unique way that will truly enrich their lives. Pedram's knowledge is so vast and the life hacks he created combine eastern and modern modalities which is brilliant. This book will change your life when you apply his teachings, which are not hard. You get a view of looking at life that the average person isn't privy too. Pedram is due to his background and now he is sharing that gift through The Urban Monk, making it possible for all readers. I've read hundreds of self-help, growth and spiritually enriched books and this one is one of a kind. There is not fluff here, you will learn, you will grow and experience the change you desire with the guidance given here. I'm gifting this book to my clients as a "must read". Thank you for writing this!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tharini rajkumar
Definitely a book that can change lives, I know it's been a game changer for me. I love the way he writes and talks to our deeper self and includes the 'this is how' a book that keeps giving and I'm grateful to have read it. If you're truly wanting to change your entire life, learn how to get out of your own way, have more energy and peace then this is the book and the work to follow up with.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Take this book advice with caution, this guy wants us to talk to plants and feel the cosmic energy of the universe. I get it, the "monk" part is in the title, however the author do not adapt his teachings to the many types of jobs and lifestyles that the readers may have, his only way is to abandon everything you are and forget everything you know, because you are wasting your life. Sincerely I dont think there's only one way to live a life, some tips al helpful, maybe some advice is sound but there are multiple ways to live and be succesful and this book only promotes one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an amazingly helpful, common-sense book. I cannot recommend it enough. SO GLAD to have yet another voice like Pedram's in the world. If you are stuck, if you are looking for honest answers that you can implement immediately, if you are needing to take a step back and survey what is working (or not) in your life, this is the book for you.
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