The Classic Training Manual for Dog Owners (Revised & Updated Edition)

ByMonks of New Skete

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This came in great shape. I will be honest though, my reading load has been heavy and I haven't got to this book yet. I did however read their other book, and know they are great dog trainers. I suggest this book to anyone try to train their dog. Also look into other books about the monks of new skete's german shepards.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie stalker
This is a wonderful and well written book. Everyone can understand and learn by it. It is the basics to training a great friend. It allows everyone to understand how a dog feels and what it takes to gain a dogs trust and respect. Most people feel love alone will fix all canine problems and this is just not true. As a canine behavioral modifier most all problems were caused by owners who forgot their dogs were dogs first and then best friends second..... respecting one another for whom and what we are is the key to training a great dog and becoming a great owner....This was the first book my dog trainer handed me to study years ago. Sully
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amber slaton
I would highly suggest either this book it The Art of Raising a Puppy to anyone considering getting a dog. The lessons and techniques in this book are invaluable and can prevent bad behavior in your pup
Revenge in a Cold River: A William Monk Novel :: Drunks & Monks :: The Monk of Mokha :: Embers :: Eastern Wisdom and Modern Hacks to Stop Time and Find Success
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bill johnson
The brothers provide simple, understandable help to raise a good dog...note this training is really for you, the dog owner. When you understand your role in the training process, things go much smoother. I have gifted this book MANY times...every time a friend gets a dog, I buy them this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every dog owner, and those considering getting a dog, should read this book. It is a good, practical guide to understanding your dog and learning the basics of how to train them, and in some cases deal with particular issues/problems.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt cegielka
Dealing primarily with raising German Shepherds, the Monks share their wealth of information on feeding, sleeping, obeying, training...everything that a dog owner should want to know. Example: How do you train your dog to follow you? Tie a rope to his collar and attach the other end to yourself. Where you go, s/he will go, and your hands are free to do what you need to do. From this book, I was able to easily and lovingly train my 2 year old Maltese Terrier that I had adopted from the local animal shelter. He had been abused and never socialized, and had missed all of those "windows of opportunity" to learn the necessary things in a natural way. This book helped us to learn them, and helped me to understand how to train him - almost like I would a child - in loving authority.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
julia fagnilli
Good basic manual for the beginner. A few useful insights but not many. Average content, some useful tips on proper grooming. Actually, there are many better and more up to date dog training books on the market.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mar alex
Too much information about monks and too little about dogs...Some methods are overly harsh and not supportive to good relationships between dog and owner. These owners do not respect the integrity of their dogs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kimberley seldon
This is an excellent book which I originally read 30 yrs ago prior to getting my first dog. Now that I've read Cesar Millan's book & watched 'The Dog Whisper' there are a few corrections described that I would not use but an excellent book on teaching basic commands and companion behavior step by step. I've trained 4 different breeds of dogs using this book as my foundation and they have all heeled, come, stayed, layed down and walked on a leash as any well-mannered dog should. And yet they've maintained their spirit and personality. A very good book is you want your dog to be a healthy, happy part of your life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeff swesky
Wonderfully written sensible approach as always
One of those books you will refer to over and over
I've raised and trained shepherds for years and have used these books as a guide over and over
[email protected]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nicky guidry
I bought this book in preparation of the arrival of a new dog. I found the authors concepts and explanations to be helpful and easy to follow...almost intuitive. I would highly recommend this book to new owners.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
megan murphy
If you are serious about learning how to live with your dog, this book is an excellent investment. I'd purchased it years ago when it was first published. I currently teach advanced obedience classes and recommend this book for all my students. There is something in there for everyone at all stages of dog training.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you are serious about learning how to live with your dog, this book is an excellent investment. I'd purchased it years ago when it was first published. I currently teach advanced obedience classes and recommend this book for all my students. There is something in there for everyone at all stages of dog training.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kim eng
Excellent -easy to read -no fluff -all the great things you need to know when interacting with your beloved dog.
I have read over 100 dog training/behavior modification books and this rates number one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beth sacks
Having purchased several training books over the years this is by far the best and most common sense book. Some may be disappointed that the book is not all page by page training, but it teachers in a very simple manner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adrienne johnson
I have raised two German Shepherds using the Monk's books and have learned a tremendous amount. An important note is that they are ACTUALLY MONKS. Their craft/trade is breeding German Shepherds and they have been doing it for a long time. They train using (almost) only affection as a reward, which creates well mannered dogs that don't expect they should get a treat for behaving well. Their focus (in my opinion) is on establishing two-way communication with the animal, and establishing the leadership (alpha) position. This means learning (and respecting) their instincts, and in turn teaching them to understand human "style" communication. The leadership position part leverages instinct in such a way that if done properly, in my option helps "automatically" train a dog.

In short these books are a fantastic source of insight and wisdom that can only be obtained from spending every day for many, many years training, observing, and learning from dogs. That is just not something you get from most "trainers" who in my opinion completely ignore the significance of actually building a relationship with the animal in favor of teaching it that it apparently has to "amuse" humans to be fed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jesy elshiekh
Read the "Art of Raising a Puppy" first, then read this one. It expands on how to understand, train and raise your puppy. I believe these monks really know what they are doing and the insight you gain is valuable knowledge.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
teresa simmons
A nice view into the monks' philosophy of dog training. They try to teach how to train humanely, but also respect your dog as an animal and assert yourself as a leader. Many helpful suggestions here. The book is a little "dry" to read at times, but the advice is sound and reassuring, and the accounts of personal experiences are at turns amusing and touching, as well as interesting and helpful.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
finley david daniel
Many of the methods for actually training your dog would likely be difficult, and may not be convenient or feasible, but the insight into how a dog is 'wired', is invaluable. Understanding what dogs can or can't process helps YOU understand what may or may not work when training your dog. As a quick example, if you crate your dog during sleep time (a good thing, it feels like a den), the last thing you want to do is punish your dog for some family infraction by crating him. Is the crate a good thing or a bad thing??? Dogs can't differentiate between 'good for sleep', 'bad for poor behavior'. Understanding your dog is what this book really offers! The entire book does a fine job of contrasting dog comprehension vs. human comprehension. Back to the actual training techniques, most are excellent, and follow a logical sequence. Not all of them will fit your lifestyle or environment, but all of them will give you insight into what needs to take place between dog and owner.
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