
Step-by-Step Activities to Engage - and Bond with Your Puppy
Step-by-Step Activities to Engage - and Bond with Your Puppy

Review:Discovered Kyra's books a few years ago. I try looking at and using other animal trick books, but none compare after using hers. Pictures are great and the tips for problems one comes across are always helpful Read more

Understanding Our Dogs by Understanding How They See the World
Understanding Our Dogs by Understanding How They See the World

Review:Delighted by not only the content, but the videos(on Kindle version)and the heart and soul that were put in this book.More people should pay attention to how Jennifer is able to demonstrate how much dogs feel and want to be part of our lives...same goes for babies and children...give them LOVE,everything will fall into place after that.Woderful stories,great suggestions lots of heartfelt pages...Kudos to author and publishers!BRAVO! Read more

The Positive Approach to Raising a Happy - and Well-Behaved Dog
The Positive Approach to Raising a Happy - and Well-Behaved Dog

Review:I had a few issues with the extreme expectations he had. I read this book shortly before adopting my 8 week old little rescue mutt. The first issue I had is his mentality about choosing the "correct" puppy, and really he's speaking on the fact that one should purchase a puppy from a breeder to be sure you have chosen the correct "qualities". Unfortunately- many people like myself prefer to rescue puppies, regardless of what their breed and qualities are. According to Dr. Dunbar, if you do not "c... Read more

The Classic Training Manual for Dog Owners (Revised & Updated Edition)
The Classic Training Manual for Dog Owners (Revised & Updated Edition)

Review:This came in great shape. I will be honest though, my reading load has been heavy and I haven't got to this book yet. I did however read their other book, and know they are great dog trainers. I suggest this book to anyone try to train their dog. Also look into other books about the monks of new skete's german shepards. Read more

The Charmed Life and Trying Times of a Near-Perfect Purebred
The Charmed Life and Trying Times of a Near-Perfect Purebred

Review:Using Jack Australian shepherd and his retinue as a fascinating entrance into the dog show world, Josh Dean writes a delightful look into why so many people invest so much money, emotion and time on these events. His career starts with Jack appearing to be a future superstar. Over the year we get to know him and his human team up close and personal as Jack is the ticket to help us on the outside understand what motivates so many people to participate. This includes the support elements like t... Read more

Good Owners, Great Dogs
Good Owners, Great Dogs

Review:This book is filled with useful information for all dog owners. It tells you how to pick the right dog for your life style and what to avoid when picking a dog. Has great tips on teaching your dogs tricks. Read more

Hounded: The Lowdown on Life from Three Dachshunds
Hounded: The Lowdown on Life from Three Dachshunds

Review:There were parts of this book when I laughed till I cried! Maybe because I've been there, done that? At times it seemed to be a little repetitious, though. What brought it all together for me was the introspection and self analysis. While entertaining to the reader, it clearly was a catharsis for the author. How will he follow up? Read more

Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs - The Other End of the Leash
Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs - The Other End of the Leash

Review:This book is so interesting! It doesn't exactly give you quick answers to dog training, but it offers so much information in a really easy to ready sort of way. I certainly thought I knew a lot about dogs, but this book makes you see how we communicate so differently. I highly recommend this to anyone. Even if you're an experienced dog owner, it's very interesting. Read more

From Puppy Cuts to Best in Show - Everything You Need to Know
From Puppy Cuts to Best in Show - Everything You Need to Know

Review:After reading this book, I decided that I am completely ill-equipped to groom my own dogs. It had way more information than I needed and wanted. I live in a remote area and have a hard time finding groomers to "shear" my long-haired dog for the warm summer months. She feels so much better with that coat gone and I thought, maybe, I could do that myself, but it turns out that the process is much more involved and complicated...dangerous or unhealthy for my pet...for me to tackle it myself. I thin... Read more

Tales of Canine Heroism - and Love - War Dogs
Tales of Canine Heroism - and Love - War Dogs

Review:This is a well-researched and well-written book that provides a 360 degree perspective on War Dogs that includes the history, the training, the performance, the trauma, the handlers and the connections of the dogs. For readers who do not have knowledge of the roles of dogs in war to those quite familiar with war dogs, this book will surely spark your interest and tug on your emotions. The emotional element of this book's engagement with readers has been the most difficult for me. This book, a... Read more

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