A Novel (Sleeping Beauty Trilogy Book 2) - Beauty's Punishment

ByA. N. Roquelaure

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
valerie gallup
This series of books is absolutely fascinating! Even though the material inside shocked and even disgusted me at times, I just couldn't put the book down. The description of the condition of the book was right on, and the timing of delivery was super fast.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
ty sassaman
I only read this book because it was recommended if you liked Fifty Shades of Grey. Unfortunately it isn't anything like it. It is cruel and disturbing. It lacks characters that draw you in. Fifty Shades is ultimately a love story and has characters that you want to stay with and finally see happy. This series eventually gets there but its just not worth the journey.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jonna cohen
Obviously from a different era of erotica. This book contains only paddling & same sex encounters for 90% of the chapters. I thought possibly the rest of the series would be varied but I was wrong. Deleted it from my kindle when I was done as it was sooooooo boring.
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
andri agassi
More characters introduced, which adds interest but doesn't fare well for the plot and does nothing for complexity. Other than a couple of select scenes, this book is fairly similar to the first without much imagination. Still an entertaining read, but could've stood more creativity.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
marlene lee
I absolutely love Anne Rice, but this book and series was a little too over the top for me. And believe me when I say I'm not a prude when it comes to romance novels! Great writing, but a little too much for me!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
john irvin hauser
I don’t understand why the author’s description of these books is compared to 50 Shades! I can’t believe I wasted my money on this trash. These books have nothing to do with erotica but has everything to do with torture, sadism and humiliation. Perversion isn’t the correct word to use here I just wish I knew a worse word to use to describe the degradation these characters had to endure. It is horrible and save your money!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Beauty's Punishment (Sleeping Beauty)

A real disappointment. I can see why anne rice published this under a pseudonym. Not like her other books which are full of plot, fascinating characters, history, beautifully described locations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
vicky wood
After Beauty has caused her own expulsion from the Castle at the end of "The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty" she finds herself with the irresistible prince Tristan and other naked slaves on a cart heading towards the dreaded Village. Once on the market square, Beauty, Tristan and the others are auctioned of to the highest bidder, with Tristan being purchased by Master Nicolas, the Queen's chronicler and Beauty by Mistress Lockley, the owner of an inn. It soon becomes clear to both of them that while they were used, ordered around and punished in the Queens castle, their treatment there was child's play compared to what they are about to encounter in the Village. In the castle they were the playthings of the Lords and Ladies, but here they truly are slaves. And although their masters are still not allowed to do any real harm, there are no other restrictions on the ways in which they may be used.
Tristan finds himself put to work as a human pony, complete with tail and harness when he's not being punished in a public spectacle while Beauty is handed over the handsome Captain of the Guard for his pleasure as well as that of his men.
Both slaves at first experience deep fear as well as humiliation but neither can deny the pleasure even these feelings bring them. And slowly the realisation dawns that this is the treatment they prefer. The submission they are brought to under the cruel villagers brings them deeper satisfaction then the games played in the castle ever did.
When Master Nicolas allows Tristan and Beauty to spend an unexpected night together, what should have been a heavenly experience turns into a nightmare and the start of a whole new, but not very different, experience.

It is hard to figure out what to say about this book.
A lot of people will say that they don't mind, and even like, sexual content in their books provided it is backed-up by a good story, and in general I agree with that sentiment.
That of course does raise the question; what about books in which the sexual content is the story? What standard do you judge a book by if that is the case, as it is in Beauty's Punishment?
This is a story about discovering the pleasures of sex as well as the truth about yourself. The characters discover that those things they are made to do and endure, which they know are humiliating, are also the experiences that bring them most pleasure. Everything they thought they knew about themselves, their needs and their feelings turns out to be wrong. As they discover what really brings them pleasure they have to overcome their old believes and values as well as truly surrender both to their own feelings and to those who bring those feelings to life inside them.
In many ways this book is as much a psychological examination of the characters needs and true feelings and their acknowledgment of those as it is a very explicit erotic fairy-tale.
And yes, this is very much a fairy-tale even if it is one that is aimed only at adults. It takes a familiar theme to extreme heights, on to a level that couldn't be possible in the real world. And I found that because I was constantly aware that I was reading a fairy-tale I had no problem accepting what I encountered on the page. Nothing was too extreme or too unbelievable because in a fairy-tale anything is possible and everything is acceptable.

Anne Rice is a good author who has a way with words and knows how to draw her readers into her stories, and this book was no exception. I enjoyed my visit with Beauty and was fascinated by the world created around her. It won't be long before I read the third and final part in this trilogy because I can't wait what else Mrs. Rice has in store for her characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
monique jackson
This is classic erotic, HORROR literature. This is not for those dipping their feet in the Fifty Shades pool. Be fair warned.

This book begins where the first book left off. Beauty has deliberately disobeyed her prince and been cast out to the village. One has to assume the amount of times Beauty is curious with knowledge of the village in book one, that she would end up here eventually! Beauty and Tristan are auctioned off in the village and thus the story begins.

After the dreaded auction, Tristan is sold to the Queen's chronicler and Beauty is sold to Mistress Lockley. While Beauty becomes the Captain's personal servant, Tristan falls in love with his master. The story focuses mainly on Tristan with Beauty as a side character. Complete with horsetail phal luses and g*ng b*ngs, the book continues to tell the erotic tale of sex slavery and dark human desire. It ends in a cliffhanger.

Beauty's Punishment is the continuation of The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. This series should be read in order. This book is for the true erotica reader. This is classic erotic literature. This is not for those dipping their feet in the Fifty Shades pool. Be fair warned.

I love the ending of this story. I started reading book 3 right away!

Rating Legend:
5 star-loved it
4 star-liked it
3 star-it was okay
2 star-didn't like it
1 star-hated it
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
aran suddi
It's less erotica and more rape and psychological torture. Like, one of the characters talks about being gang raped MULTIPLE times. Everyone seems to be there against their will and it's not consensual BDSM for the most part.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jordan halsey
The naughty princes and princesses get punished by their disobedience and get sent to the village.

Beauty is not sure at the time why she chooses to run, but through the book we see her realize that this is what she craved. She was a sleep for a very long time and now she wants to experience it all.
She feels passionate about taking orders and realizes that what made it harder for her before was the idea of herself being a princess, now that she is nothing more than a slave she can accept the punishments and enjoy the pleasure freely, because in the village she is just a slave.

She is not looking for love, her soul is only hers.

Now tristan is another matter, he felt for his master, and finds in him the ultimate obedience from within. He realizes that his problem was having a bad master and now he is where he wanted to be all along.

The sex scenes are amazing, and though many may think of them as morbid and extreme I think they set us in a medieval moment in time, where sexual inhibitions where not allowed. Are the punishment crude? Yes, extremely, but hot and amazing too.

They experience it all with an open mind and start to find their pace.

That until the raid, where they are taken, I can't wait!!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
allister fein
Author: Anne Rice
Published By: Plume
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Book Blog For: GMTA
Rating: 4


"Beauty's Punishment" by Anne Rice is a sequel from book one: The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty" where we find it is another 'steamy erotica' read of how 'Beauty and Prince Tristan' survive in 'The Village' that is told to you in first and third person.

Now, let me stop here and say if you haven't read the first book and not open to erotica, bdsm, fantasy, fairy tales, sexuality ....STOP! The read wouldn't be of interest at all to you. This novel is not for the faint of heart so be aware of this. OK, continuing on.."Beauty's Punishment" is of her being "punished for having rebelled against Prince Tristan....where she is auctioned, captivated and subjected to some of the most erotic, cruel and tantalizing games of domination and submission." I will stop and this point and say to find out any more about this read you must pick up "Beauty's Punishment" to see how this author puts it all together for the reader in this fairy tale. Ms. Rice works really well at illustrating all of this to the reader even presenting some twist and turns really making this a intriguing read. Believe me when I say you once you start will be kept reading just to see what is coming next. (At least it was for me). It really amazes me how this author was able to recraft this fairy tale into a adult fantasy series...leaving me only to say WOW!

If you are into this read and one who enjoys what Ms. Rice has to offer in her Trilogy reads ...Bravo....Would I recommend this to you? ...only YES if this type of book is of interest to YOU!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
nick harris
Beauty's Punishment is the sequel to The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. The second in the trilogy and just as full of bondage and kink as the first.

It has been almost a year since I read The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty and I figured, why not read the next in the series. I can't really say I loved the first but I was intrigued in finding out where our poor Beauty's adventure would take her.

**Some spoilers**
We know at the end of the first book, Beauty finally stands up to the Prince and ends up being banished and carted off to the village along with rebel Prince Tristan. A much worse fate than being spanked, tied up, and being the sexual playthings of the royals... now they'll be done all that and more but by the working class citizens in the village. They'll have to endure labor at the hands of new masters/mistresses and enjoy none of the pampering they received in the castle.

**Spoiler free**
Here we have alternating chapters between Beauty and Tristan. Beauty almost felt like a secondary character in this one - since Tristan's chapters were a lot more graphic and intense than hers. Since I already knew what to expect, I wasn't surprised by the BDSM scenes, but nevertheless I still read in a sort of repulsed/fascinated way. Does that even make sense? I'm curious to see where the story will go. What will happen to Beauty next?

In the end, there were some aspects of the story that I did like and I found it interesting, if somewhat disturbing. Ms. Roquelaure/Rice really knows how to push the boundaries - she makes you feel uncomfortable and has you questioning these characters motives. But at the same time she explains the mindset of a sex slave - why they endure their "punishments" without trying to escape.

My final say: refrain from reading it in public since you don't want anyone to question why you have a permanent blush on your face, not to mention the constant looking over your shoulder to make sure no one is peeking. This is definitely not your everyday erotic novel and it is not for the faint of heart. If you're into smut, and really, every once in a while, it doesn't hurt, then this is by far, one of the smuttiest books I've read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arwena demonia
After finishing 50 Shades of Gray series I wasn't sure where to turn after that great read so I followed the suggestion of other the store reviews and read this series. This is the second book in a 3 part series it is vital that you actually read the series in order. The first being The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty then this book and the third bring Beauty's Release. This book is very strong erotic. I would say way stronger than 50 Shades of Gray. If you're comfortable reading a BDSM book with three ways, lesbian and gay sex scenes then this is the book for you. I like that because it is a 3 books Anne Rice does take the time to develop the characters so you feel you get to know everyone. If you're looking for smoking hot erotica then this is definitely the story for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nattanan chanperm
Each book in the Sleeping Beauty series by Anne Rice is a unique chapter, exploring a new terrain of turn-on. I posted a full review through the lens of a sex educator on the first book, The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty

In the second book, Beauty's Punishment we are transported away from the castle down to the village, where all new erotic adventures are possible. Instead of lavish garden parties with naked servants we find Beauty being spanked with a bread board, chained up in the town square for all to see, and violated by rough hands at the tavern.

This book is the grittiest of the trilogy, as Beauty is no longer in the plush Castle but rather subject to the cruder pleasures of the village. But anyone who was captivated by the first book is going to want to continue the adventure here and then get to the best book of the series, Beauty's Release: The Conclusion of the Classic Erotic Trilogy of Sleeping Beauty
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rochelle capes
In the village Beauty and some others are auctioned to the civilians who transform them into working slaves : they have to work, the boys are turned into horses or poneys, and their masters and mistresses are degrading them and punishing them into a new stage of submission. They develop their dependence on this enslavement to the point of getting in love with the punishment and the punishing masters or mistresses. At this moment they cannot even imagine themselves leaving or escaping from that degrading position because their psyche has been made dependent on it, because their intellect has been centered on it. Their whole vision of the world and of themselves in the world holds only because of this enslavement that becomes the cornerstone of it, the apex of any intelligent or sensual reaction and action. They need the punishment to remain structured. Without the punishment they collapse into sheer non-existence, a scattered jigsaw puzzle whose pieces cannot be set back into any kind of a pattern. But this punishment is brutally interrupted by some sultanic pirates who take away these slaves to become the toys of their master, the Sultan. The Queen negociates that operation by lending these slaves of hers for a hefty amount of money and with the objective of them being given back in a couple of years.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I was compelled to read this sequel to `The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty'; I had already bought all the books. Although the first one was disappointing from a character stand point I was not disappointed in the topic matter only the delivery. This second book is much more deliberate in its telling of Beauty and Tristian, a fellow slave.
This book seems to concentrate on the trial and tribulations of Tristian rather than our Beauty. Both Beauty and Tristian are disobedient slaves exiled to a near village for an extended punishment at the hands of everyday villagers skilled in the art of domination and submission.
The journey both Beauty and Tristian take is more than the physical and sexual nature but of a psychological tale of submission, understanding, and acceptance of the situation with in them and around them.
This second book was filled with acts of cruelty, desire, and satisfaction, but can be best described as Fantasy Erotica at its purist.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Anne Rice was on the right track with her refreshing notion to put an erotic spin to a beloved fairy tale, yet unfortunately, fell short of my expectations. For instance, none of the characters' personalities ever quite fully developed, leaving little chance to connect with any of them. The story was flat with no spark, no passion, no ability to "feel" anything other than, "Oh, no! Not another spanking!" I give Anne 3 stars out of respect for her as an author and her clever approach, but there is so much more to erotica than beatings. For those of you who would truly love to experience erotica at it's best, I highly recommend Miranda Reigns' newly released novel, CyberWebs. Miranda's descriptive writing and vivid imagination will transport you into the heart of the story, allowing you to see, hear, smell, taste and feel all that Miranda does and has done to her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
coming from a person who has some personal experiences in this area; ild liketo say that i like the way she wrote the transitions of being debased and raped and how a victim can rise above it by things like beauty says they have all her body but not her soul. also that bdsm is a way for them to cope also. it is odd how things that terrify can when done with a trusted person can become erotic. however sadly i did rarely found these books erotic. the lack of choices being forced into it and the lack of safe words made me not enjoy the sex scenes. i found them mostly sad. to much like real rape which is not erotic at all. also its more like beauty is being dissociative to endure so she can enjoy her torture. but still well written and worth reading. also makes u wonder about government power structures and relationships
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book, Beauty's Punishment, is (in my humble) the most shocking and the most engrossing of the series, for in this book, Beauty is punished for defying her masters by being sent away from the castle to the village, as a work slave as well as a sexual slave. It is here. in the village, where Princess Beauty is made to work in a tavern, here where the her masters are raw in their brutality and punishments, neither refined nor theatrical as the Lords and Ladies of the castle had been, that Beauty really comes into her own. The writing is both shocking and poetic......this is pornography made prettier than romance. It is also my favorite book of the series. I said, in my review of The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, that these books are only for open-minded adults, and not for either the prudish or the fainthearted
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