Live a Life of Purpose by Leaving Comfort and Going Scared

ByJessica Honegger

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bob koo
Imperfect Courage is a fantastic book! Jessica Honegger is transparent, vulnerable, and so honest! This book takes you on her “journey” of life that God has given her with such great purpose and inspiring me to live out my “journey” with courage, strength, and tenacity!! You will be so inspired!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sara freer
This book is your daily dose of courage with Jessica standing on the sidelines and in the trenches with you, cheering you on every step of the way! While reading this it makes you ready to run fearlessly courageous and head first into whatever may lie ahead of you and is speaking to your heart!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
helen mesick
While the book has some positive ideas throughout, it reads like a sales pitch. It seems the author is trying to get more ambassadors for her sales line. It would have been nice if she focused on the stories of the women in the developing world who are creating the pieces.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is incredible motivation when it comes to taking a leap of faith and going scared! Jessica Honegger’s story about selling some of her most prized possessions to adopt her son is motivating, funny, encouraging, and incredible! I already can’t wait to read it again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colleen gardner
Jessica brings so much realness with this book. No matter what stage of life you are in, there is something in this book for you. This is a book by a woman who is for other women. She wants to see you fulfill your dreams and she helps you along the journey.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book that tells of Jessica’s story of taking a leap of faith to build a business that is literally changing the world while encouraging you to stand up and step into your story and to say yes to what scares you and support those around you doing the same.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adele n
Must read! Love this first book by Jessica Honegger and her ability to promote courage and action through these words..if you haven’t had the pleasure of hearing her speak, look up the Imperfect Courage book tour!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jessica’s book is perfect to get you encouraged and fired up in your mission! The stories will inspire you to tears! I highly recommend this book. Jessica is an energetic fireball, and so real!! I love her!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A lucid look at courage, which always includes mis-steps and failures. In a culture where it seems we're focused on division to soothe comforts, Jessica ushers us into the courageous life of embracing differences to achieve unity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debbie k
Beautiful story that empowers the reader to embrace imperfection! I appreciate the authors honesty and courage in telling her story. She’s insprired me to be courageous and imperfect all at the same time.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Imperfect Courage is part memoir, part inspirational motivation. I liked learning about how the author started Noonday Collection, but I think the motivational aspect could have been stronger if Jessica pulled in more examples from outside Noonday. There were sections of the book that really felt like a commercial for Noonday. I like the mission of Noonday and can appreciate the struggles Jessica has faced as she started and continues to run the business, but I will never run a fashion brand. I want to change the world (or at least a community in Haiti), but how I go about it will be completely different from how Noonday operates. Sometimes it felt like the book was implying the only way to make change was to be like Jessica in her entrepreneurial efforts. Anyway, I really liked the last few chapters and wish those had been the bulk of the book. Overall, it was a good book and I was encouraged to take the next step in my desire to change the world. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mihai simu
As the owner of several Noonday Collection pieces, I enjoyed reading about the humble beginnings and the vision behind the company. I knew that their passions aligned with mine on many levels, but I didn’t know the exact stories behind the vision or the founding.

I love Jessica’s humor, honesty, willingness to take a leap of faith and persevere on her journey to make the world a better place. I love how she highlights the highs and lows of her journey through both adoption and founding Noonday.

In the midst of this story, Jessica takes lies that women believe and she flips them upside down. None of your excuses are safe, there is something you can do to make an impact with your gifts and your God-given talents. Through prayer, community, vulnerability and hard work, you can make a difference.

This book is more than a memoir and it is more than just a story about adoption or a successful business, it is a call to live generous lives poured out in service to others with the help of a community. It is a rallying cry to look up and look out to those around you and take the first step.

I was encouraged to keep moving forward and not let fear hold me back from what truly matters. I was reminded to keep taking the next step forward even when things get hard. I was able to look back on the times in my own life when I have taken steps of faith and rejoice in God’s faithfulness.

If you desire to make a difference in the world but don’t know where to start this book will inspire you. If you already live a life of purpose this book will encourage you to keep moving forward and keep living intentionally. If you feel like you can’t do it or are not good enough, this book will cheer you on. If you have never even thought about the world and your role in it, read this book it will challenge you.

I received a free eARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barbara weinbaum
Jessica Honegger tells her story in Imperfect Courage of leaving her comfortable life and inadvertently starting her company, Noonday Collection, to help fund the personal adoption of her Rwandan son, Jack.

Imperfect Courage is divided into three parts, The First Step, Better Together, and A World Changed. Each section has four chapters in it. Honegger shares how she started her company and how she has kept it going and growing. She shares how her family adopted their son Jack. She shares how to build a sisterhood of support and how to encourage other women both at home and in business.

I am not a Noonday Ambassador, so I have to say that honestly I really wasn't familiar with the company before reading this book. However, I found her story of how she started the business and kept it going to be quite interesting. I liked that she seemed to share honestly and was straightforward in both what worked for her and what didn't as the company grew. I also learned a lot about supporting other women while reading this book. I especially like how Honegger shared about forming a collaboration to come alongside other women to help each other out--even all the way across the globe. That was truly inspiring to me. I think we could all be more supportive of each other even if we are in different places. This book makes me want to do more of that. I would encourage any one to read it. Imperfect Courage is a book we can all learn and grow from reading,

I received this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael ringering
Imperfect Courage by Jessica Honegger reads as an encouraging pep talk from a good friend.

Much like my inner circle of friends is there to offer support or correction as I go through the varying rhythms of life, I imagine Honegger as my cheerleader. She is in your corner but she isn't willing to let you stay comfortable and safe, removed from the world. She calls you to find your passion and invest in it.

This beautifully written book is an easy read but also pushes the reader to be courageous because of what there is to be gained if you step out in faith, however imperfectly situated you feel you are.

While I didn't recognize her name, I am aware of the company Jessica Honegger started: Noonday Collection. This book is the story of how the desire to adopt from Rwanda transformed her and her entire family, leading to the start of this thriving fair-trade, direct-sales business.

The journey was not without its hiccups, and Honegger is transparent, willing to reveal the time they were inventory-heavy and their lack of communication led to uncertainty and distrust with their ambassadors and artisans alike. How her own self doubts, imposter syndrome, and her Itty Bitty Baloney Sauce Committee have been hurdles to overcome.

The book isn't simply a how-to for starting your business. I would suggest that is secondary. While the Noonday Collection allowed Honegger to have this platform, the book is an easy-to-read account that encourages others to make bold changes to create rich, meaningful lives. The chapter titles are phenomenal and the contents do not disappoint; there's Own Your Worth, Embrace Vulnerability, Discover the Sisterhood Effect, Widen Your Circle, and more. I found thought-provoking passages to highlight in each chapter.

(I received a digital ARC from NetGalley and WaterBrook & Multnomah in exchange for my honest review.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary ann
I first heard Jessica Honneger speak at the Edge X conference in Indy. I was really turned on to her honesty and humility and how she shared her story with the audience about Noonday. I also have a personal connection to Uganda so naturally, when I heard about her book, i was highly intrigued.

I must admit that the first couple of chapters weren’t my favorite. I felt that she tried really hard to justify the decisions she made instead of owning them. I found myself wanting to put the book down at this point. I then thought that maybe she needed stay at home mothers who are thinking of pursuing something outside of the home to see that you CAN balance your dreams outside of the home and IN it so I kept reading.

I’m glad I did because her determination to empower her readers is great. She takes on different angles of decision making, shares why and how she made hers, and also shared the hard stuff that comes with it. It’s not all fluffy clouds and rainbows when you risk things. But she did and because of her decisions, she is impacting women all over the globe and empowering them to ‘go for it.’ No matter where you are in your stage of life, you can get something out of this book. Working on motherhood? This helps. Working on a new project? This helps. Working on facing fear and debunking lies? This helps. Want to take a vision and push forward? This helps.

Go buy the book. I think you’ll be happy you did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
patti kirkland
"Imperfect Courage" is one part ethical business manual and many parts encouragement! I enjoyed learning about Jessica's journey to becoming the Founder of Noonday Collection, a direct sales jewelry company that provides life-sustaining work for women and men in developing countries.

The theme of adoption also runs through the book, as Jessica and her husband have adopted a son from Rwanda, funded by her first trunk show and resulting business afterwards. The book is challenging, uplifting and calls women to rise above what is the status quo and go after those crazy dreams that God places in us.

Many of the jewelry artisans' stories will move you to tears and push you to realize that a life lived on the couch in "safety" is truly no life at all. We must go scared, even if it's painful or uncomfortable. The benefits on the other side are worth it!

I would recommend this book to anyone who has dreams they are afraid to follow and a strong sens of using the skills we already have to move mountains for both ourselves and those in need.

*I received an advanced reader copy to review. All opinions are my own, and I was not required to leave a favorable review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
maria montoya
I will admit that when I considered reading this book, I almost turned it down. I mean, what does a debutante CEO of one of the fastest direct sales companies in the country have to say to me? Turns out that it’s a lot.

This book has challenged and encouraged me all the way through. The title is not just a catchy phrase; it’s a call to action. In teller no the story of how she discovered and lived out her own calling & passion, Jessica invites us to do the same for ourselves.

There are the practical bits about how to find your own passion and stay in it for the long haul, peppered with personal stories from the author, her ambassadors, and even the artisans. She doesn’t leave out the mistakes, failures, and struggles, but she shows how she moved forward through them, learned from them, and survived them.

Jessica’s writing style is so casual and comfortable that you’ll feel like you’re chatting with a friend. The book was easy to read but also thought-provoking. I’m so glad I gave it a chance and hope you will, too!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shauna hulsey
I was actually a Noonday ambassador during one of the hardest transitions of Noonday’s history that Jess talks about in the book. I ended up leaving Noonday, to focus more on school, but it is still my favorite jewelry company out there today. Outside of the fair-trade aspect, the design is on point and keeps the everyday woman in mind; they are timeless, beautiful, and fun. Outside of my personal connection, I enjoyed getting to know Jessica more through these pages. This book is a battle cry for women to go scared, to try the things, go to the places, open your arms up wide and welcome in everyone, and live your life like it is the only one you have; because it is. I think you will enjoy not only learning more about Noonday, but being championed by Jessica through her story and passion to see women come together in sisterhood and cheer each other on. Imperfect Courage is messy, but it is worth every bit of it, because that is what a life that is lived is all about. Jessica’s story will leave you empowered, inspired, crying from laughing, and ready to go and do.

I highly recommend this book for your next book club with your sister friends, or if you are craving a life pep talk. This is the book for you. I needed it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jessica's journey of pushing past fear to pursue her dreams of adoption and combating global poverty has led to the creation of fair trade jewelry company, Noonday Collection, which provides meaningful business opportunities for both artisans and entrepreneurs around the world. Jessica shares the ups & downs of following her dreams, the lessons learned along the way, the power of sisterhood, the value of perseverance, & the importance of living lives dedicated to more than our own comfort or survival. Her voice is vulnerable yet powerful, compassionate yet bold. You will at once find a sister, a cheerleader, and a coach in this incredible woman. If you're interested in starting a new venture, living a more ethically conscious lifestyle, or finding your niche of impact in the world, you will love Jessica's amazing story. Prepare to be inspired! (I received an ARC.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I seriously think everyone NEEDS to read this! One of the few times I WISH I lived in Texas! If you're in the area (or in any of these areas) GO to the book launch so I can live vicariously through you? Or just go because it'll be awesome. This book is not only Jessica telling about the artisans of Noonday and their courage, but also a lot of sage wisdom on community, owning our worth and that of others, finding ways to really see the world around us and rise up to help. It’s about No longer comparing ourselves, but lifting each other up and finding help and encouragement. It’s about real life, and being vulnerable, going scared, and making an impact! All the feels. I highly suggest starting a book club with this one! ???

"The fact is, each of us is distinctly wired and has unique skills and interests to bring to bear on making this world a better place. To paste anyone's journey on top of my own and assume that my path should look like theirs is an ill-fated strategy for finding the life that I, alone, was made to live. The truth is, those things that make our hearts beat a little faster with excitement are not random. They are distinctly--or perhaps even divinely--placed." --Imperfect Courage
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
miss penelope voyage
Jessica shares lessons from her life and the running of fashion brand Noonday Collection. She invites us into collaboration instead of comparison, empathy instead of judgment, and standing by your sisters. She welcomes us into helping those impoverished around the globe in a way that seems more accessible than I ever thought possible.

This book also offers great encouragement for working mothers and entrepreneurs. We ARE good mothers. We can drop the guilt, and believe it and own it for ourselves.

Favorite Quotes:
- Imperfect courage is the only kind I possessed, but it was courage nonetheless.

- We can’t grow without vulnerability, and we can’t be vulnerable alone.

- Anyone’s joy is everyone’s joy. Every success is owned by all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barry smith
“...regardless of these internalized messages about staying safe and playing it small, there comes a time when each of us is called to use our one and only life to risk big and act boldly on behalf of something or someone we prize. To refuse to act just isn’t an option; we simply must move. Maybe that bold move will silence a playground bully. Maybe our simple presence will comfort a friend who is lying in a hospital bed...” Reread those words....that's just a sample of the brilliance of this author.
Yes, rise up!! Live into who you are. Quit hiding behind who the world thinks you are. Move. Act.
I have highlighted this gem like a crazy lady. Chapter 8 on collaboration truly changed my heart.
I recommend this book without hesitation! Read it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
don hackett
When starting this book, I’d never heard of Jessica Honegger or Noonday collection/ambassadors. Reading about her journey to adoption and the way she helped women and families on the other side of the world to feed their families was very inspiring. The way her business grew is amazing and a testimony to how hard she worked to get the idea off the ground. I didn’t connect personally with a lot of the book, but others may see themselves in Jessica’s story more and be able to take the lessons she learned and apply them to their own lives.

I’m grateful to the publisher for the chance to read an advanced copy of this book. The opinion is obviously my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christine marciniak
“Imperfect Courage” is a memoir written by Jessica Honegger, the founder of Noonday Ambassadors. The book loosely traces the story of the adoption of her son from Rwanda, and chronicles the development of her fair-trade jewelry company, which originated to address the substantial fees and expenses related to that adoption.

I was smitten when I read this epigraph:
“‘The path to success is straight, and the experience of walking it is marked by both confidence and clarity.’
- No One, ever”

The author goes on to establish her view of an empowering concept, “going scared,” and uses the theme of invitations to relate her life experiences, her entrepreneurial endeavors, and her worldview in general.

The book is organized into three sections: The First Step, Better Together, and A World Changed.

Honegger begins with, and maintains, an upbeat pace and an energetic tone. I came to the book unaware of Noonday Ambassadors, and unfamiliar with the intricacies of international adoptions. That left me confused through some of the first section of the book. I ended up loving much of what she has to say, although I’m forced to admit that at times the voice of her inner cheerleader can be a tad grating on this introverted older woman reader. At one early stage I bristled defensively a bit over my own work / mommy choices, and a catastrophic business failure, too.

The second section was my favorite part of the book, and is rich with thoughtful commentary such as, “We extend the circle of compassion we have drawn around ourselves to include others when we embrace this vulnerable truth: It could have been me. When we bravely choose to empathize with people who are in painful circumstances, rather than judge them, we become not only a balm for their souls but a dose of courage for our own.” Two other words come to mind about this section of the book: Norbert’s story. My heart was fully engaged.

The third section was not quite as gripping as the second, and I occasionally felt bombarded by jargon, slogans, and buzz words. For example I found her overuse of “resourced” (as in “well-resourced” and “under-resourced”) off-putting.

Near the book’s close, Honegger sagely observes, “I want to know about and celebrate effort, because effort over time is what yields lasting results.” Her outstanding lifelong track record of work to improve the lives of the impoverished, especially women, is a testament to both her Christian faith and her passion.

I see the target audience for this book including current and prospective Noonday Ambassadors, hostesses, and customers, 30 - 50 year old women with entrepreneurial urges, and women struggling with work-life balance questions.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
stephanie humphreys
I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher. These are my personal impressions.

You will love this book if you are interested in:

Women who own businesses
Jessica’s company Noonday and more of its backstory
Becoming a Noonday ambassador
Adoption and funding adoptions

The only reason I do not give this book 4 or 5 stars, is because it was not the book for me. The book was well-written and interesting, it just wasn’t right for me, personally. Although Noonday is a part of Jessica’s story, it is also the story of people in underprivileged places, making a life for themselves. I would have appreciated hearing more about Noonday from their perspective as well. It took courage for them to be involved, too. It is also necessary to think of one’s own place of privilege when writing about adoption and fair-trade. Jessica touched on these topics while discussing her own upbringing, but I would have appreciated a deeper reflection.
That being said, there were parts of the book that did resonate with me. For example:

I appreciated her honesty about the things we think we “should” do in life vs. reality. I appreciated her talking about her struggles with mommy guilt and how it made her feel to have to employ a nanny. Reading about the scripts in life that make us limit ourselves, helped me feel free to reconsider some of the scripts I falsely write in my own life. As Jessica says: “Being a nanny-needer did not fit in with my script of being a good mom.” Her script of motherhood did not include needing a nanny to care for her kids, but in order to run her business and actually be present with her children, she needed to hire a nanny in order to do so. The myth of women “having it all,” is so prevalent in our culture. It’s nice to instead have someone say: no, it takes a community to raise children, and it actually makes me a better mother to pursue my dreams and ask for help when I need it.

I also loved what she had to say about beauty and diversity: "When we widen our definition of beauty to include “imperfect by design,” and we embrace diversity instead of sameness, we deepen our understanding of beauty and worth.” I completely agree with this statement. We need to start seeing beauty in people of different body shapes, sizes, and skin color. It will start to shape how we see beauty in worth in healthier ways.

I hope this review will help you decide whether or not Imperfect Courage is a book you would enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annmarie sheahan
HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!! I’m 3/4 of the way through this book, “Imperfect Courage”. It’s taken me a few months to read—not because it’s not engaging, quite the opposite— I have had the honor of working for the author @jessicahonegger for the past 4 years. Different seasons of the business Jessica recollects were major seasons of my own life. It’s taking so long, because it stirs and ignites so much within and I need to pick insomnia sparingly. The depths of the impact Noonday has made can’t be captured in these 200-ish pages. It barely scratches the surface. In fact I have journals capturing just from my own journey where Noonday has allowed me to grow personally and flourish professionally. It’s an honor to see the impact Noonday Collection is making in the world. I know it’s forever changing mine. Jessica shares some powerful truths that she does lives and instills in many around her. This story is for all! Especially for those needing to hear about forces of good in the world!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Whether you are a fan of Noonday, looking for inspiration to achieve your goals, curious about entrepreneurship, or love a good story, you will love this book.

Jessica Honegger, founder of Noonday Collection, shares how she started her company, the ups and downs of business life, and what she has learned as a woman, friend, wife and mom along the way. She dives into the topics of beauty, conflicts within relationships, and the notion of Sabbath, all in a genuine, non-preachy way. My favorite discussions revolved around the topics of 'projectizing people,' conscious capitalism, having meaningful dialogue, and living in paradox. I marked several places in this book because I want to refer back to them in the future. Jessica writes beautifully so these meaningful words are easy to read, yet thought-provoking.

I received an uncorrected copy from the publisher before the publication date.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brad l
Jessica Honegger, the founder of Noonday Collection, shares about choosing courage - the messy and maybe even fearful kind in her new book Imperfect Courage. She takes the reader through three significant steps: the first step of owning who you are and the strengths that God has given you, the second step of building a “sisterhood” around you because we are better together, and the third step of seeing a world changed by using that power and influence that God has given us.

As she journeys through founding Noonday, now one of the largest fair trade fashion brands, she shares the beautiful stories of women around the world who choose courage over fear. Jessica also recounts stories of frustrations and fears that could have ended her ministry. And had she given up at the first hardship, lives of ladies around the world would look drastically different today.

Thankful for the Advanced Reader Copy I received from the publisher!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jade jones
I almost stopped listening to this book after an hour, but I am SO glad I kept reading. The audiobook is narrated by the author, which I LOVED because you could hear the emotion in her voice at certain points of talking through her story. It was a quick listen and so worth it.

Jessica is the founder of Noonday Collective, which I hadn't heard about until reading this book. I almost stopped reading because I thought this was going to be all about Noonday. There was a lot, but so much more. Talking about not making assumptions with other women was so important. I definitely recommend
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I think this is a very inspiring book. The author shares her story of walking out what she felt called to do. I really enjoyed her story and am thankful she shared how she walked out her own imperfect courage.
We as Women are always comparing ourselves with others in many ways and she challenges us to stop the comparison and become all we can be based on who we are.
I would recommend it to other women as an encouragement to them to set their sights on the goal in their heart and go for it.
I received an advanced copy of this book and this is my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lets talk about fear, lets talk about doubt, and lets talk about questioning your self worth. Yes, lets do just that, lets talk about each of those things and show them that they will no longer control you or your life. Why? How? Because you’ve chosen to go scared. Jessica is giving you an open invitation to release yourself from all that you fear and embraces you with the power and compassion of a sisterhood that is a force to be reckoned with! Are you ready for this?

You’ve chosen to say that your courage may in fact be imperfect, but you have courage. The courage that pushed you to get up when you’ve been thrown down, the courage that says it’s ok that you don’t fit the idealistic (not sure in who’s eyes) Barbie profile, the courage that says, sure you blew it this time but just wait until you give it another go. You’re going to blow it out of the roof!" That courage right there is only the beginning and it’s only going to get stronger!

I had the privilege of being on the launch team for Imperfect Courage and I can honestly say that I haven’t picked up a book that has motivated me to this extent in years. Years, yes years people! Talking about a sisterhood that is working towards empowering others instead of falling into the comparison trap that we as women fall into. Yes we, myself included! I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have felt like I wasn't enough, how many times I have just wanted to walk away rather than confront anyone or anything. It was just easier to say why bother. Here's the deal though. You should bother. You should bother to talk things through and listen to each other. You should take the time to ask versus assume what truths or lies are in front of you.

Imperfect Courage helps every woman to know that we are not alone. Each of us in our own ways has fears, some bigger, some smaller, some insignificant in the long run, and some that can be life changing. But here's the deal ladies. We're given an opportunity every day that we wake up to say I'm going to run or I'm going to step up. That's what Jessica shares in her book. She talks to you, each and every one of you. She talks to you like that friend who is always there for you. She allows herself to be vulnerable, and therefore personable. She shares the truth that life isn't a perfect straight path. Life has twists, turns, and I swear sometimes a cliff here and there. Life has each of those "inconveniences" but you've got the courage and willpower (because you've put on your big girl panties) to say that you are ready. Whether its the 4 x 4 to get you through the rough patches, the rocking climbing gear to get you back up off of that cliff or simply the heart to shine on (all in theory of course). Jessica opens up about her path to adoption, the opportunity to start Noonday (and all its ups and downs), and the fact that she chose to embrace each obstacle. She chose to learn from everything that she was faced with. She chose to be accountable when things started to fall apart.

This book should be given to every junior high, high school, and college bound girl in your life. This book will show them that they are enough. It will show them that we ALL have insecurities, we all have doubts, we all have fears, we all want to stay in our "comfort zone" to avoid each of these. Jessica shows us how to step out of our comfort zone, she shows us how to face these misconceptions with imperfect courage. She shows us the power of a sisterhood is fierce when we choose to throw comparison out the window and unite.

One of my favorite parts of this book are the times that the stories of the artisans are shared. The stories of the opportunities that Noonday has provided through its partnership. It shows compassion on a whole new level. Reading this book has humbled me to work harder for others. To allow myself to be vulnerable when helping others. To allow myself to see the good in each and every person. The power to make an impact and be the person the the world needs, a person willing to collaborate with each other to build a culture that no one can stop. I'm choosing to do this, and I can only pray that after you read this book, you too will strive to do just the same.

Let's do this, let's "go scared" and embrace our "imperfect courage" together. Let's be that force to be reckoned with. Be the role model that you needed when you were younger. Be part of the change. "If you spend yourself in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday." Isaiah 58:10
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sion rodriguez y gibson
What an encouraging read for so many reasons. Do you face self-doubt and criticism? Do you yearn for something more out of life, but don't know where to start? Do you love global adventures and/or want to make a global impact? Do the topics of fair trade fashion, entrepreneurship or blazing a path excite you? How about living life more intentionally and more authentically? This book covers all of those things, and so much more.

Jessica Honegger writes with (and also about) vulnerability and authenticity. It makes it such an approachable read. Like an extended coffee chat with a really good friend where you leave encouraged and inspired to go forth and conquer something. I love how she tackles the topics of creating vulnerable spaces of belonging for others around you and linking arms with others in collaboration. We are definitely not created to go alone and we can all pull each other up as we live the lives of impact we're called to live. That's a topic that is often not addressed in similar books, and I really appreciated that kind of call to community.

I could write so much more, but in a nutshell, I highly recommend this book. Pick up your own copy and start underlining. You'll be inspired and ready to take the next step toward living your own life of purpose.

I received an advanced reader copy of Imperfect Courage. All thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jessica has so much insight into the heart and mind of women! She made me feel seen and understood in my struggle over complacency, fear of failure and perfectionism... but she didn’t let me stay there! She has a way of encouraging while challenging you at the same time! A lifetime of feeling like “too much” or “not enough” has caused me to APOLOGIZE for being ME and subconsciously made me afraid of success and/or failure! I feel like my eyes have been opened and now I see myself as a USABLE and CAPABLE person who IS flawed and WILL make mistakes but THAT’S OK! I’m feel confident GOING SCARED without all the answers with My newfound IMPERFECT COURAGE as my spearhead!

*I was lucky enough to receive an advanced readers copy of this book*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Y’all! I LOVED reading Jessica Honeggers book. I love the way she so openly shares about the struggles, the challenges and obstacles that presented themselves in her life and how she overcame them! It’s so easy to see someone succeeding and thinking they have the secret sauce and they aren’t sharing it! But y’all, she connects with our hearts and is just like you and I! She too was longing for connection and for the courage to step into what she knew she needed to do! She reminds us that fear may always be present, so go anyway! Go scared! The world is waiting for you to live your best life! She’ll give you the gentle hand you need to get going and extra encouragement to keep running the race set before you if you already are! She practically connects our hearts with those across the globe and reminds us we are not so different after all! We may not be able to do everything, but we can ALL do something and together, we truly are better!!! Enjoy!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
m helmy aly
“So, while comfort may beckon is, choosing courage will always be the route to impact.”

Jessica has traveled extensively, & despite growing up privileged, her eyes have been opened to deep need around the world. And she decided to act despite feeling scared.

“Eventually, though, I began to see that life wasn’t a standardized test, where only one answer is right.”

Jessica mixes humor & the grit of reality throughout this book. It was an easy and fun, but motivational read. My eyes teared up at “In our shared definition of beautiful, we have carved out room for us.”

“People are not problems to be solved. Far better is banishing the us vs them & seeing all people as part of ourselves. We don’t feel sorry for people; we see ourselves in people.”

“The solution to the problems we see? It’s not others. It’s us.”

Receiving an advanced copy of this book was a privilege. I appreciate the opportunity to review and share my thoughts with others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had never heard of Noonday nor Jessica Honegger before I picked up Imperfect Courage, but I am sure glad I did. I was drawn to the title of the book because I am a perfectionist who has allowed fear to stop me from doing many things I feel called to do and I was pleasantly surprised by the content I found inside.

I really enjoyed the stories of overcoming and persevering found in the pages and I am learning slowly that the timing does not have to be perfect for me to step out into my calling; I can step out afraid with imperfect courage.

I received an advanced reader copy from the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrea smith
Imperfect Courage is a book that will speak to many different women at all levels and places they are in their lives. There were many chapters that spoke to me, one in particular was Create Compassionate Spaces. In this chapter, Jessica talks about how embracing our vulnerability leads us to a path of belonging to ourselves and our friends. I am in the military and a wife and a mom. I find it so hard to compare to all the other mom's, I commute 2 1/2 hrs and I run myself ragged to volunteer for my kids classes and I get so exhausted.  So exhausted and honestly a bit jealous, because I know I can't be involved in everything at my kids school and so many other moms are able to. Jessica Honegger's Imperfect Courage reiterates a very important lesson that is sometimes hard to swallow... we are not in competition with each other, there is enough for all of us. Ladies we must stop hatin' and start thankin' Thank those that can be there when we cannot. Cheer on each other ~ isn't that more fun than carrying around such misplaced grief for others? Come on! This book is available for pre-order, where you buy books, get yours now! I was lucky to be on this launch team and received an Advanced Readers Copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa m
As a former ambassador for Noonday Collection, I have experienced first hand the encouragement, passion and drive that fuels this business. I am one who heard these words and went out and did what I was terrified of doing. I am living a life I truly love and am excited about nearly every day. I am thrilled other women will have he opportunity to read these words and am excited to hear about other women making the choice to have imperfect courage! Jessica is as heartfelt and honest as she is in person. She explores many of the fears and concerns women experience on a daily basis. She forces us to address what might be holding us back from living a life outside our comfort zone. I love her message of sisterhood, collaboration and vulnerability! These are things I learned from her and will forever be thankful for!
This book needs to be in the hands of every woman! If you are ready to step out of your comfort zone and into a life of true joy and fulfillment, this book needs to make it into your hands! It’s a fantastic book to read with a group!!! Great discussion points!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
There are many things I loved about Jessica's first book. Probably the part of the story that most resonated with me was when she talked about being a working mom. I've struggled in the past with feeling guilt about having to work and being away from my children and Jessica really affirmed that we aren't the only ones capable of raising our children and that it is possible to do both roles well. One of my jobs is as a Noonday ambassador and it can be scary to ask people to host for me. Since reading the book I have experienced renewed confidence in my purpose. I highly recommend that anyone fearful of taking that "next step" check it out.
Note: I received an advanced copy of the book as a part of the book launch team but these thoughts are my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shirin inamdar
I wanted to finish reading and drive to Texas and hug Jessica. This book is inspiring and it caused me to think bravely and be courageous, not to just decide to tip toe towards things I want but big things that might seem too far out of reach. I started listening to her podcast, and it not only is her writing but her personality that inspires! She is infectious and more women need this book in their hands. Pass it out and share it and recommend it after you absorb her story and learn to just go through life courageously but imperfect!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Imperfect Courage is full of positive messages that are few and far between in our American culture today. Often we believe lies about who we have to be in the world and unless someone helps us tell ourselves a different story we remain stuck. Jessica Honegger is a wise and humble sister who comes alongside you in this book and shares her journey as a business owner, wife and mother. She gracious shares how she learned to tell herself new stories about her worth and her potential for her success and thereby create lasting impact for others. This book is an easy read because it is written from a place of encouragement and hope that if women come together and own our stories we can change the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
manahil saber
Imperfect Courage is a great read for everyone, no matter what you are facing in your life. So many of us let fear stand in the way of doing the things in our life that lead us to a life of purpose. Courage is hard and anxiety can be crippling. You can’t wait on the right adequacies. What have you been given right here and right now? Jessica walks you through her journey of starting her company, Noonday Collection, and the many people it has affected in such amazing ways. As we link arms, it encourages more people to be courageous and our impact becomes much bigger than ourselves. Our journey can be scary but she encourages us to go scared into a life of purpose. “We get the growth ONLY by going, which is absolutely why we go scared.” Go anyway. Put one foot in front of the other. Let the people around us help. We need each other along the way and her story is a great example of how we really are better together. We can all make a difference and we all have purpose!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie leblanc
Ever doubt that you have the courage or strength to do what you are being called to do? Jessica, the author of this book, surely felt like this as she launched a business in order to fund an adoption of their precious child. This book truly encourages people to go scared, stare down fear, and keep walking in the direction that scares you most. The authors words are true, genuine, and not sugar coated, yet so encouraging! This book is a must read for so many!

I was given an advanced readers copy of the book in order to offer my thoughts adequately.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
louise daly
As an Ambassador with Noonday Collection, I got the incredible opportunity to read Jessica's book before it's release. While it took me over a month to read thanks to having just had a baby, I am adding this to the list of top 5 books I've read this year. Getting to read Jessica's heart for women, the world and creating connection for everyone who is searching for it was an honor. She has shared not just her story, but the story of incredible men and women from around the world who are striving to build and inspire community, courage, and cultural change in the most tangible way -- by providing safe, reliable, consistent, dignified work.

If you only read a book or two this year... please, make this one of them. You will receive a heavy dose of encouragement to go scared and do the things you've been dreaming of, while being challenged to change the way you see the world for the better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have followed Jessica for a while, ever since my short stint as a Noonday Ambassador which is a fair-trade fashion brand that Jessica founded. She is a hustler, an influencer, and world-changer. I jumped at the chance to be on the launch team for this book because I knew before I ever read the first word that it was going to be amazing and let me tell you what, I was right. I love Jessica's story of imperfect courage and how she rallies us to do the same in our own lives. She shares how Noonday got started, about her adoption journey, and how so many times she had to leave comfort and choose to go scared. I have highlighted and underlined this book from front to back.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa kindig
I have followed Jessica Honneger and noonday collection for at least 5 years and was ecstatic to hear she was writing her story. Even though I came in knowing quite a bit of the ethos of the company she built it was exciting to hear the why behind it.

I was so impressed at how Jessica told her story, including some hard parts, and peeled back the layers of her life to give is such a vulnerable look into what the life of a CEO/mom/ entrepreneur/global leader of fair trade jewelery business/ world-changer looks like. And at the end I felt like I too could step out into the scary dreams and push away insecurities that hold me back. I love that this story is about a woman, but is also about all women and how we cheer one another on.

You don't need to know anything about Jessica or Noonday collection to read this book, but you will walk away as part of the sisterhood she so wonderfully cultivates. The sections hold her story, but it is more than a memoir. She does a great job distilling down the lessons and the culture she has built around her company. This book uniquely balances between professional growth and personal growth, because that is really what women are facing. She talks about business loans, high level decision making for a global b-corp and the culture of her corperation; on the other side there is also mommy guilt, body image, and fear.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j stone
This book is a great read! I was intrigued because of I had recently heard a lot about Noonday. I was pleasantly surprised that this book was less about her business and had everything to do with her journey. She is vulnerable, transparent and down to earth. Her writing style makes you feel as if you’re walking along side her and you end up feeling her emotions through her words. Definitely well worth the read!

I received an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for my honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebekah grmela
I loved reading Imperfect Courage! As the pages kept flipping I kept saying "yes, yes, yes" to message we all need to hear. Whether you are starting your own business, family or hobby the message of courage applies to all. I loved hearing the positive impact being made in a world where there is a lot of negativity and fear being broadcasted on repeat. The last section of the book was the most practical and stories leading up to the application were a great reminder that we are all full imperfections or find ourselves in imperfect circumstances, but either way we can rise and take one step at a time to create a flourishing world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jon haupt
Imperfect Courage is the perfect mix of inspiration, humor, and storytelling. Motivated by the mission of Noonday Collection and Jessica Honegger’s story spread through social media and other writers and entrepreneurs in the Austin area, I had to get and early copy of this book to read everything she wanted to write.
In this book Honegger shares her personal experiences with starting Noonday, becoming an adoptive mother and being a working mother and wife in today’s world that has so many expectations for what the perfect woman should be. She shares how she grew up with certain insecurities and her struggles with self esteem and the inner voices that she knows so many women also struggle with daily. I connected with Honegger on so many situations and scenarios that she shared in this book, and she really does make you think about things differently and she shares the wisdom from the many other women in her life that have made her who she is today. I really enjoyed this book and I would recommend it to any woman who is a mother, wife, friend and if they are looking for some inspiration and encouragement to jump into that new career, or start a new venture or just change their mentality about who they are and what they can do in spite of what others say, what society says or what the dark inner voices in their heads say. You can have courage and choose any path and life you want.
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