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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If someone never lived in a small town or understood just how fast rumors can crop up and spread in small towns, this is a good book for you. Jennie Sue returns home after a disastrous marriage to a despicable man to try to figure things out. Her mother and father still live in the town where her father own the biggest company around and is among the wealthiest—if not the richest. Thus, their lives are not like any of the ordinary townsfolk. Jennie Sue is unlike her mother, who, it seems, cares more about what people think and say about her than anything else. Her father is not much more than a philandering husband, though he does seem to care for Jennie Sue a bit more than her mother. In fact, Jennie Sue is closer to the housekeeper, Mabel, and her husband, Frank. than with her parents. When Jennie Sue returns to town, the town is quickly ablaze with stories about her failed life and the disastrous turn her marriage took when Jennie Sue’s husband left for places unknown, fleeing the authorities for a myriad of questionable business practices. As Jennie Sue settles in to the town after her return, she does some things that upset and alienate her mother. Having no job and wishing to be away from her always harping mother, Jennie Sue moves into a tiny garage apartment and becomes the house cleaner for two of the town’s oldest women, who, by the way, also despise Jennie Sue’s mother. In addition, Jennie Sue works in the local book store to help out the older owner, who really wants to just go about visiting old friends, attend meetings, etc., without spending time in the book store he runs. Finally, Jennie Sue ends up helping out at the local farm owned by Rick Lawson, a disabled and sometimes distraught vet, who returned to take over his family farm when his father died. Rick also has a sister, Cricket, who works at the local eatery and seems to enjoy the local gossip and does everything she can to help it along. Can Jennie Sue ever make her life doable in this small town or will other cities on the horizon beckon her away? Will she find the friendships among the towns folk she has searched for all her life? Can she ever trust a man enough to let him into her life?
This is a well written book. Of course, the gossiping was a bit overdone, but the author did make her point that way. I also sometimes found Jennie Sue’s character a bit too much “goody two shoes”, but, even so, it was well done, and I grew to like her for what she was. I figured out early on that there would be a romance between Jennie Sue and someone in the town but had to read along to see how it began, grew and came to fruition. The many characters in the town really added a lot to the overall story, and each was a colorful as the next. The author was spot on with Jennie Sue’s mother’s character, depicting a small-town queen bee “wanna-be”, willing to put up with a philandering husband while reveling in his wealth and all the things it bought, paying more attention to what people thought and said about her than to her own daughter and family. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, though I did find some things, such as the portrayal of small-town gossip, over the top. Like the rest of her books, this book is a great read. I think most will agree with me. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.
This is a well written book. Of course, the gossiping was a bit overdone, but the author did make her point that way. I also sometimes found Jennie Sue’s character a bit too much “goody two shoes”, but, even so, it was well done, and I grew to like her for what she was. I figured out early on that there would be a romance between Jennie Sue and someone in the town but had to read along to see how it began, grew and came to fruition. The many characters in the town really added a lot to the overall story, and each was a colorful as the next. The author was spot on with Jennie Sue’s mother’s character, depicting a small-town queen bee “wanna-be”, willing to put up with a philandering husband while reveling in his wealth and all the things it bought, paying more attention to what people thought and said about her than to her own daughter and family. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, though I did find some things, such as the portrayal of small-town gossip, over the top. Like the rest of her books, this book is a great read. I think most will agree with me. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diah didi
Jennie Sue Baker had fallen from her socialite status. Her rich husband deserted her and divorced her. She lost her newborn baby girl, the FBI seized all assets because of her ex-husband's criminal ways and she arrived back in Bloom, Texas, on a bus. Her family was one of the most wealthy families in the state of Texas. While her family had money, she wanted to be independent and make her own way. When her daddy wouldn't give her a job with his big oil business, she found job as a part-time employee in a used bookstore and as a housekeeper for two old ladies who were enemies of her family. In exchange for rent she wasn't paid for one of her weeks of cleaning in a month.
Rick Lawson had always liked Jennie Sue but she had always been way out of his league. He had been an Army Ranger and in his last mission stepped on an IUD. His body was scarred and he felt less than a whole man. He was farmer now and had returned to Bloom to recover and take over the family farm when his daddy died. His sister, Crickett, couldn't stand Jennie Sue because she was hoity toity and thought she was better than everyone else. But, the more time Jennie Sue spent showing her independence, the more that argument didn't hold water.
Bloom, Texas had the fastest gossip mill in the world, it seemed. There appeared to be cameras or hidden people everyone because there was never a secret that could be kept from the busybodies and gossips in town.
There were times in this boo that I literally laughed out loud. I loved when one old the old sisters, Nadine or Lettie, referred to a "bug" being placed somewhere to gather the gossip. She referred to it as a roach instead of a bug. The characters were plentiful int his book and, having grown up in a small town, where everyone knows every one else's business, it felt like there were talking about my small town. There weren't descriptive sex scenes, it was more "behind closed doors" and there was an occasional swear word. For the most part, I enjoyed reading the book and it put a smile on my face.
I was given a complimentary copy of this book by NetGalley and I willinglyg offer my review.
Rick Lawson had always liked Jennie Sue but she had always been way out of his league. He had been an Army Ranger and in his last mission stepped on an IUD. His body was scarred and he felt less than a whole man. He was farmer now and had returned to Bloom to recover and take over the family farm when his daddy died. His sister, Crickett, couldn't stand Jennie Sue because she was hoity toity and thought she was better than everyone else. But, the more time Jennie Sue spent showing her independence, the more that argument didn't hold water.
Bloom, Texas had the fastest gossip mill in the world, it seemed. There appeared to be cameras or hidden people everyone because there was never a secret that could be kept from the busybodies and gossips in town.
There were times in this boo that I literally laughed out loud. I loved when one old the old sisters, Nadine or Lettie, referred to a "bug" being placed somewhere to gather the gossip. She referred to it as a roach instead of a bug. The characters were plentiful int his book and, having grown up in a small town, where everyone knows every one else's business, it felt like there were talking about my small town. There weren't descriptive sex scenes, it was more "behind closed doors" and there was an occasional swear word. For the most part, I enjoyed reading the book and it put a smile on my face.
I was given a complimentary copy of this book by NetGalley and I willinglyg offer my review.
The Victims' Club (Kindle Single) :: All We Knew (The Cabots Book 2) :: Crew (Crew Series Book 1) :: Heaven Adjacent :: Pushing Brilliance / The Lies of Spies / Falling Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dianna wise
SMALL TOWN RUMORS by Carolyn Brown is a contemporary romance perfect for a summer read in the shade of a big old tree with a glass of lemonade or sweet tea. It is a sweet romance with wonderful characters and a small town setting. This was my first book from this author, but it will definitely not be my last.
Jennie Sue Baker has returned to Bloom, Texas. The minute she steps off the bus, the local café is buzzing with rumors about her return. Jennie Sue was raised to be a society belle and trophy wife, like her mother, but her marriage falls apart. Her mother goes into damage control and wants to get Jennie Sue back on track for another husband, but Jennie Sue has changed and has other plans for her life.
Jennie Sue wants to build her own life with her business degree and never again rely on a man to support her. Her mother does not understand her and her father is not willing to interfere. As Jennie Sue accepts two jobs house cleaning which includes an above garage apartment her mother is scandalized and the rumor mill is working overtime.
Rick Lawson has returned to Bloom after medical discharge from the army. He is working to keep his family’s farm running with the help of his sister, Cricket who waitresses at the local café. Rick does not believe in gossip, but he is interested to learn of Jennie Sue’s return. He sees Jennie Sue for who she is and not her past status, but he also does not believe she could ever be interested in a scarred veteran with simple dreams.
The romance between Jennie Sue and Rick builds slowly throughout the book. Kisses and hand-holding build at a realistic pace to all other eventual sex scenes happening behind closed doors. The elder sisters that help Jennie Sue are very adorable and funny. Cricket is as big a gossip as the old ladies, but is never really malicious. I loved all of the characters in this book and especially Jennie Sue’s spirit and determination. The small town of Bloom is depicted as a typical small town and I hope there are real towns just like it.
Jennie Sue Baker has returned to Bloom, Texas. The minute she steps off the bus, the local café is buzzing with rumors about her return. Jennie Sue was raised to be a society belle and trophy wife, like her mother, but her marriage falls apart. Her mother goes into damage control and wants to get Jennie Sue back on track for another husband, but Jennie Sue has changed and has other plans for her life.
Jennie Sue wants to build her own life with her business degree and never again rely on a man to support her. Her mother does not understand her and her father is not willing to interfere. As Jennie Sue accepts two jobs house cleaning which includes an above garage apartment her mother is scandalized and the rumor mill is working overtime.
Rick Lawson has returned to Bloom after medical discharge from the army. He is working to keep his family’s farm running with the help of his sister, Cricket who waitresses at the local café. Rick does not believe in gossip, but he is interested to learn of Jennie Sue’s return. He sees Jennie Sue for who she is and not her past status, but he also does not believe she could ever be interested in a scarred veteran with simple dreams.
The romance between Jennie Sue and Rick builds slowly throughout the book. Kisses and hand-holding build at a realistic pace to all other eventual sex scenes happening behind closed doors. The elder sisters that help Jennie Sue are very adorable and funny. Cricket is as big a gossip as the old ladies, but is never really malicious. I loved all of the characters in this book and especially Jennie Sue’s spirit and determination. The small town of Bloom is depicted as a typical small town and I hope there are real towns just like it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Carolyn Brown wrote a book set in small town USA. Everyone knows what everyone else is doing and they are happy to spread the gossip around the town. The original story changes as the gossip is passed from person to person and many times it gets blown entirely out of proportion. This is exactly how a small town is.
Jennie Sue is a unique and strong character. She is the daughter of the queen and king of the town and she turns up her nose to that. I like that she knew she didn’t want to be like her mother yet she took a chance with Percy to try to live that life. I also like that it didn’t turn out well for her, I know that sounds bad but she was so unhappy and now that she is divorced from him she is so much happier. The town of Bloom, Texas should have turned its back on her but instead, those who are below her mamma’s station in life welcome her with almost open arms. While those who are her momma’s friends want to make her into one of their own without seeing how that is exactly what Jennie Sue (Southern name at its best) doesn’t want.
The characters that welcome Jennie Sue home and help to handle the twists and turns in her life now that she is home are perfect. They are open, they are welcoming, and they are accepting. They let Jennie Sue be who she has always wanted to be and encourage her to grow in that. I love that and hope that if that was to happen in my town I’d be one of those welcoming people. It gives me something to strive for.
Everything about this book is perfect. A perfect summer book with a wonderful small town setting, and characters that I loved that I definitely recommend.
Jennie Sue is a unique and strong character. She is the daughter of the queen and king of the town and she turns up her nose to that. I like that she knew she didn’t want to be like her mother yet she took a chance with Percy to try to live that life. I also like that it didn’t turn out well for her, I know that sounds bad but she was so unhappy and now that she is divorced from him she is so much happier. The town of Bloom, Texas should have turned its back on her but instead, those who are below her mamma’s station in life welcome her with almost open arms. While those who are her momma’s friends want to make her into one of their own without seeing how that is exactly what Jennie Sue (Southern name at its best) doesn’t want.
The characters that welcome Jennie Sue home and help to handle the twists and turns in her life now that she is home are perfect. They are open, they are welcoming, and they are accepting. They let Jennie Sue be who she has always wanted to be and encourage her to grow in that. I love that and hope that if that was to happen in my town I’d be one of those welcoming people. It gives me something to strive for.
Everything about this book is perfect. A perfect summer book with a wonderful small town setting, and characters that I loved that I definitely recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben tyner
Carolyn Brown effortlessly drawers readers into the lives of well-meaning residents of Bloom, Texas. Small Town Rumors, humorous and sweet, follows Jennie Sue Baker to Bloom where the rumors run rampant of her return home. While the truth is more heartbreaking than anyone may guess, Jennie Sue is determined to find the place she belongs and heal from the turmoil of the past.
I don't even know where to begin to describe how much I loved this story. The characters were real and so easy to connect with. From Cricket, who hates Jennie Sue based on their differences in high school, to the Clifford sisters who gave Jennie Sue her first taste of true friendship, I couldn't get enough of their antics and drama! On the other hand, there's a serious aspect to the plot that makes you thankful for the levity. So much of this story broke my heart for Jennie Sue as she breaks free of the mold her mother is trying to force her into and live her own life.
Carolyn Brown is quickly becoming a new favorite author! Her way of writing is down to the point without leaving readers empty of pining for more information on the main characters. I felt like I was plunked down into the middle Jennie Sue's story, but everything that happened before I met her was dished out in due time. Small Town Rumors is one of those small town romances that fills you up with lighthearted sweetness and just enough humor to temper the heartache. I highly recommend to fans of Catherine Anderson or Jennifer Probst!
*ARC provided in consideration for review*
I don't even know where to begin to describe how much I loved this story. The characters were real and so easy to connect with. From Cricket, who hates Jennie Sue based on their differences in high school, to the Clifford sisters who gave Jennie Sue her first taste of true friendship, I couldn't get enough of their antics and drama! On the other hand, there's a serious aspect to the plot that makes you thankful for the levity. So much of this story broke my heart for Jennie Sue as she breaks free of the mold her mother is trying to force her into and live her own life.
Carolyn Brown is quickly becoming a new favorite author! Her way of writing is down to the point without leaving readers empty of pining for more information on the main characters. I felt like I was plunked down into the middle Jennie Sue's story, but everything that happened before I met her was dished out in due time. Small Town Rumors is one of those small town romances that fills you up with lighthearted sweetness and just enough humor to temper the heartache. I highly recommend to fans of Catherine Anderson or Jennifer Probst!
*ARC provided in consideration for review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katy keprta
This delightful and heartwarming story examines Jenny Sue Baker’s spectacular fall from grace and her triumphant journey back to her home town where she experiences all the advantages and disadvantages of small town living where privacy no longer exists. The rumor mill in Bloom, Texas is alive and well, much to the dismay of Jenny Sue’s mother, Charlotte, who is mortified when her only child refuses the cushy life her wealthy parents can afford while cleaning other people’s houses for a living. Over the threat of her mother’s displeasure Jenny Sue is bound and determined to make her own way in the world without taking a single penny from her wealthy parents in the process. She’s a delightfully sweet girl who always tells the unvarnished truth and truly appreciates the simple pleasures of making an honest living while she makes long lasting friendships that will hold her in good stead as her life takes an unexpected turn that she could never have seen coming. Expect exceptional storytelling, a sweet and clean romance, unique and endearing characters and a heroine that truly makes the world a better place just by being in it. I really enjoyed reading this exceptional and highly entertaining book! I read a complimentary copy of this book provided by Montlake Romance through NetGalley and all opinions expressed in my voluntary review are completely my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian starke
I can't say enough about this wonderful, funny, heart wrenching, witty story. Carlyon Brown takes her readers on adventure in a small town rife with rumours about what has brought Jennie Sue Baker back to her hometown of Bloom from New York... Her mother is keeping secrets, her dad is trying to keep secrets, but everyone in town knows what he is up too. Jennie Sue is just trying to live with what is true and to hell what her mother what to keep covered up. When she starts to hang out with what her mother calls "white trash", she knows these are the people who keep in real, especially Rick Lawson, the hometown farmer who has own secrets to hide...
You will fall in love with the quirky, lovable sisters Lettie and Nadine, who know what's going on in town before it comes out of the horse’s mouth. As they take Jennie Sue under their wing and she finds her place in the town that is first and foremost HOME, she find peace and her true self. But what she really finds is LOVE...
Carolyn takes you on a journey of discovery in this small town full of rumors. It has a twist I never saw coming when but when you come to it, you just know everything is going to turn out good. She made me LOL, cry and cheer for Jennie Sue and Rick...
I give this a 5** Stars. Well done Carolyn Brown. You never disappoint your fans!!
You will fall in love with the quirky, lovable sisters Lettie and Nadine, who know what's going on in town before it comes out of the horse’s mouth. As they take Jennie Sue under their wing and she finds her place in the town that is first and foremost HOME, she find peace and her true self. But what she really finds is LOVE...
Carolyn takes you on a journey of discovery in this small town full of rumors. It has a twist I never saw coming when but when you come to it, you just know everything is going to turn out good. She made me LOL, cry and cheer for Jennie Sue and Rick...
I give this a 5** Stars. Well done Carolyn Brown. You never disappoint your fans!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I wanted to like this book, since so many reviewers Raved About It. However, it was a mish mash of a story that tries to portray a small Texas town as charming even with its flaws.
I wish the author hadn’t thrown a form of churchianity into the mix, where two 90-something sisters who teach Sunday school also talk like dirty old men. A religion where your dead relatives are some form of spiritual guide, and an unmarried couple thanks God from the church pew for their new sexual relationship. There are lots of churches in Texas, and I’m sure some of their pastors and faithful members would be horrified to have this be the impression left on readers’ minds.
I wish the author hadn’t thrown a form of churchianity into the mix, where two 90-something sisters who teach Sunday school also talk like dirty old men. A religion where your dead relatives are some form of spiritual guide, and an unmarried couple thanks God from the church pew for their new sexual relationship. There are lots of churches in Texas, and I’m sure some of their pastors and faithful members would be horrified to have this be the impression left on readers’ minds.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
4.5 stars
Jennie Sue Baker returns to Bloom, Texas on the bus! Since her family is wealthy and has their own plane, that is grist for the small town rumor mill. Then she has a disagreement with her mother on her future plans – her mother wants her to find another husband - but Jenny Sue wants a job now that she has divorced her cheating thieving abusive husband and graduated from college.
Jenny Sue goes into town and accepts a temporary job cleaning house for her mother’s arch-enemies and moves into a small apartment above a garage. More grist for the rumor mill!
She meets Rick Lawson, a wounded scarred veteran, who has taken over the family farm. Sparks fly but he can’t believe that a rich heiress would be interested in a small town farmer.
The romance grows slowly and the other characters in the book are well-drawn and hilarious. Jenny Sue’s determination to stand on her own two feet and not give in to her mother’s pressure to assume her place in society is admirable. The small town portrayed in the novel reminded me of vacations spent in a small town in Arkansas where my father’s family lived.
Many thanks to NetGalley, Montlake Romance and Carolyn Brown for the ARC. I will be reading more of her books.
Jennie Sue Baker returns to Bloom, Texas on the bus! Since her family is wealthy and has their own plane, that is grist for the small town rumor mill. Then she has a disagreement with her mother on her future plans – her mother wants her to find another husband - but Jenny Sue wants a job now that she has divorced her cheating thieving abusive husband and graduated from college.
Jenny Sue goes into town and accepts a temporary job cleaning house for her mother’s arch-enemies and moves into a small apartment above a garage. More grist for the rumor mill!
She meets Rick Lawson, a wounded scarred veteran, who has taken over the family farm. Sparks fly but he can’t believe that a rich heiress would be interested in a small town farmer.
The romance grows slowly and the other characters in the book are well-drawn and hilarious. Jenny Sue’s determination to stand on her own two feet and not give in to her mother’s pressure to assume her place in society is admirable. The small town portrayed in the novel reminded me of vacations spent in a small town in Arkansas where my father’s family lived.
Many thanks to NetGalley, Montlake Romance and Carolyn Brown for the ARC. I will be reading more of her books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
anjali shah
Thumbs up to Jennie for finally stepping away from all the people who want to control her. Unfortunately, in some ways, she's back in the small town where she grew up so everyone has something to say about her. She, however, is working hard and rebuilding her life= just like Rick, who is home after suffering an injury due to an IED. These two are made for each other but you know there's going to be an irritant, in this case, Rick's sister Cricket. I wanted to tell Cricket to stuff it but that would have lessened the tension. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This is a pleasant read with two good characters (and Cricket!).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john wylie
Small Town Rumors is by Carolyn Brown. Once more Carolyn has written a wonderful book which is difficult to turn down and which brings tears and smiles at the same time.
Jennie Sue Baker has come home to Bloom, Texas. She is almost broke and has come in on the bus. She is also divorced and has no prospects from her ex-husband Percy. He gave her their condo and accounts but they were frozen by the FBI as they investigate his unlawful activities. However, she has changed and is not going to settle for life as it was. She will not be sold to another man as a trophy wife. How she just has to convince her parents who own an oil company to agree with her. Meanwhile, she is living in a garage apartment, cleaning the houses of two novagenarians and has been to her Dad’s offices and asked for a job which he denied. Her Mother is upset because she is not conforming to the ice princess she was to be.
Will things work out for Jennie or will her Mother win and Jennie will be a debutante.
Jennie Sue Baker has come home to Bloom, Texas. She is almost broke and has come in on the bus. She is also divorced and has no prospects from her ex-husband Percy. He gave her their condo and accounts but they were frozen by the FBI as they investigate his unlawful activities. However, she has changed and is not going to settle for life as it was. She will not be sold to another man as a trophy wife. How she just has to convince her parents who own an oil company to agree with her. Meanwhile, she is living in a garage apartment, cleaning the houses of two novagenarians and has been to her Dad’s offices and asked for a job which he denied. Her Mother is upset because she is not conforming to the ice princess she was to be.
Will things work out for Jennie or will her Mother win and Jennie will be a debutante.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jeanne cianciola
The story follows Jennie Sue as she comes back to her hometown after a broken marriage. Pulled between her parent's pressure to continue a socialite life, Jennie Sue decides to follow her own path and reach out to local people, building new friendships and relationships, which put her in the path of Rick, a disabled vet that is looking to start anew.
While the book is not bad, it really didn't convince me. There are a few heavy tragedies that I feel the book deals with some levity and it prevented me from really connecting with the story.
I didn't feel connected to the characters... and therefore it was hard to feel deeply for them or to be committed to what happened to them in the book.
It's not a bad book, I just couldn't connect with it.
*I was given an ARC in NetGalley*
While the book is not bad, it really didn't convince me. There are a few heavy tragedies that I feel the book deals with some levity and it prevented me from really connecting with the story.
I didn't feel connected to the characters... and therefore it was hard to feel deeply for them or to be committed to what happened to them in the book.
It's not a bad book, I just couldn't connect with it.
*I was given an ARC in NetGalley*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I liked this novel but felt that the author manipulated some events to bring about the conclusion she wanted. Those who have read it will know what I mean; I don't want to give any plot details away. I thought it was a sweet story of second chances at life and love; but I also thought some of the more painful events didn't need to be included and then be dealt with so superficially. I liked the supporting characters; they were funny and kind. I liked the repartee between the older sisters. and watching the relationship between Jenny Sue and Cricket develop into friendship. The book was well-written and provided good escape; I was just bothered by the way Jenny Sue came into her inheritance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jennie Sue Baker had fallen from her socialite status. Her rich husband deserted her and divorced her. She lost her newborn baby girl, the FBI seized all assets because of her ex-husband's criminal ways and she arrived back in Bloom, Texas, on a bus. Her family was one of the most wealthy families in the state of Texas. While her family had money, she wanted to be independent and make her own way. When her daddy wouldn't give her a job with his big oil business, she found job as a part-time employee in a used bookstore and as a housekeeper for two old ladies who were enemies of her family. In exchange for rent she wasn't paid for one of her weeks of cleaning in a month.
Rick Lawson had always liked Jennie Sue but she had always been way out of his league. He had been an Army Ranger and in his last mission stepped on an IUD. His body was scarred and he felt less than a whole man. He was farmer now and had returned to Bloom to recover and take over the family farm when his daddy died. His sister, Crickett, couldn't stand Jennie Sue because she was hoity toity and thought she was better than everyone else. But, the more time Jennie Sue spent showing her independence, the more that argument didn't hold water.
Bloom, Texas had the fastest gossip mill in the world, it seemed. There appeared to be cameras or hidden people everyone because there was never a secret that could be kept from the busybodies and gossips in town.
There were times in this boo that I literally laughed out loud. I loved when one old the old sisters, Nadine or Lettie, referred to a "bug" being placed somewhere to gather the gossip. She referred to it as a roach instead of a bug. The characters were plentiful int his book and, having grown up in a small town, where everyone knows every one else's business, it felt like there were talking about my small town. There weren't descriptive sex scenes, it was more "behind closed doors" and there was an occasional swear word. For the most part, I enjoyed reading the book and it put a smile on my face.
I was given a complimentary copy of this book by NetGalley and I willinglyg offer my review.
Rick Lawson had always liked Jennie Sue but she had always been way out of his league. He had been an Army Ranger and in his last mission stepped on an IUD. His body was scarred and he felt less than a whole man. He was farmer now and had returned to Bloom to recover and take over the family farm when his daddy died. His sister, Crickett, couldn't stand Jennie Sue because she was hoity toity and thought she was better than everyone else. But, the more time Jennie Sue spent showing her independence, the more that argument didn't hold water.
Bloom, Texas had the fastest gossip mill in the world, it seemed. There appeared to be cameras or hidden people everyone because there was never a secret that could be kept from the busybodies and gossips in town.
There were times in this boo that I literally laughed out loud. I loved when one old the old sisters, Nadine or Lettie, referred to a "bug" being placed somewhere to gather the gossip. She referred to it as a roach instead of a bug. The characters were plentiful int his book and, having grown up in a small town, where everyone knows every one else's business, it felt like there were talking about my small town. There weren't descriptive sex scenes, it was more "behind closed doors" and there was an occasional swear word. For the most part, I enjoyed reading the book and it put a smile on my face.
I was given a complimentary copy of this book by NetGalley and I willinglyg offer my review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leslie j
SMALL TOWN RUMORS by Carolyn Brown is a contemporary romance perfect for a summer read in the shade of a big old tree with a glass of lemonade or sweet tea. It is a sweet romance with wonderful characters and a small town setting. This was my first book from this author, but it will definitely not be my last.
Jennie Sue Baker has returned to Bloom, Texas. The minute she steps off the bus, the local café is buzzing with rumors about her return. Jennie Sue was raised to be a society belle and trophy wife, like her mother, but her marriage falls apart. Her mother goes into damage control and wants to get Jennie Sue back on track for another husband, but Jennie Sue has changed and has other plans for her life.
Jennie Sue wants to build her own life with her business degree and never again rely on a man to support her. Her mother does not understand her and her father is not willing to interfere. As Jennie Sue accepts two jobs house cleaning which includes an above garage apartment her mother is scandalized and the rumor mill is working overtime.
Rick Lawson has returned to Bloom after medical discharge from the army. He is working to keep his family’s farm running with the help of his sister, Cricket who waitresses at the local café. Rick does not believe in gossip, but he is interested to learn of Jennie Sue’s return. He sees Jennie Sue for who she is and not her past status, but he also does not believe she could ever be interested in a scarred veteran with simple dreams.
The romance between Jennie Sue and Rick builds slowly throughout the book. Kisses and hand-holding build at a realistic pace to all other eventual sex scenes happening behind closed doors. The elder sisters that help Jennie Sue are very adorable and funny. Cricket is as big a gossip as the old ladies, but is never really malicious. I loved all of the characters in this book and especially Jennie Sue’s spirit and determination. The small town of Bloom is depicted as a typical small town and I hope there are real towns just like it.
Jennie Sue Baker has returned to Bloom, Texas. The minute she steps off the bus, the local café is buzzing with rumors about her return. Jennie Sue was raised to be a society belle and trophy wife, like her mother, but her marriage falls apart. Her mother goes into damage control and wants to get Jennie Sue back on track for another husband, but Jennie Sue has changed and has other plans for her life.
Jennie Sue wants to build her own life with her business degree and never again rely on a man to support her. Her mother does not understand her and her father is not willing to interfere. As Jennie Sue accepts two jobs house cleaning which includes an above garage apartment her mother is scandalized and the rumor mill is working overtime.
Rick Lawson has returned to Bloom after medical discharge from the army. He is working to keep his family’s farm running with the help of his sister, Cricket who waitresses at the local café. Rick does not believe in gossip, but he is interested to learn of Jennie Sue’s return. He sees Jennie Sue for who she is and not her past status, but he also does not believe she could ever be interested in a scarred veteran with simple dreams.
The romance between Jennie Sue and Rick builds slowly throughout the book. Kisses and hand-holding build at a realistic pace to all other eventual sex scenes happening behind closed doors. The elder sisters that help Jennie Sue are very adorable and funny. Cricket is as big a gossip as the old ladies, but is never really malicious. I loved all of the characters in this book and especially Jennie Sue’s spirit and determination. The small town of Bloom is depicted as a typical small town and I hope there are real towns just like it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
liz anne flo
Carolyn Brown wrote a book set in small town USA. Everyone knows what everyone else is doing and they are happy to spread the gossip around the town. The original story changes as the gossip is passed from person to person and many times it gets blown entirely out of proportion. This is exactly how a small town is.
Jennie Sue is a unique and strong character. She is the daughter of the queen and king of the town and she turns up her nose to that. I like that she knew she didn’t want to be like her mother yet she took a chance with Percy to try to live that life. I also like that it didn’t turn out well for her, I know that sounds bad but she was so unhappy and now that she is divorced from him she is so much happier. The town of Bloom, Texas should have turned its back on her but instead, those who are below her mamma’s station in life welcome her with almost open arms. While those who are her momma’s friends want to make her into one of their own without seeing how that is exactly what Jennie Sue (Southern name at its best) doesn’t want.
The characters that welcome Jennie Sue home and help to handle the twists and turns in her life now that she is home are perfect. They are open, they are welcoming, and they are accepting. They let Jennie Sue be who she has always wanted to be and encourage her to grow in that. I love that and hope that if that was to happen in my town I’d be one of those welcoming people. It gives me something to strive for.
Everything about this book is perfect. A perfect summer book with a wonderful small town setting, and characters that I loved that I definitely recommend.
Jennie Sue is a unique and strong character. She is the daughter of the queen and king of the town and she turns up her nose to that. I like that she knew she didn’t want to be like her mother yet she took a chance with Percy to try to live that life. I also like that it didn’t turn out well for her, I know that sounds bad but she was so unhappy and now that she is divorced from him she is so much happier. The town of Bloom, Texas should have turned its back on her but instead, those who are below her mamma’s station in life welcome her with almost open arms. While those who are her momma’s friends want to make her into one of their own without seeing how that is exactly what Jennie Sue (Southern name at its best) doesn’t want.
The characters that welcome Jennie Sue home and help to handle the twists and turns in her life now that she is home are perfect. They are open, they are welcoming, and they are accepting. They let Jennie Sue be who she has always wanted to be and encourage her to grow in that. I love that and hope that if that was to happen in my town I’d be one of those welcoming people. It gives me something to strive for.
Everything about this book is perfect. A perfect summer book with a wonderful small town setting, and characters that I loved that I definitely recommend.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Carolyn Brown effortlessly drawers readers into the lives of well-meaning residents of Bloom, Texas. Small Town Rumors, humorous and sweet, follows Jennie Sue Baker to Bloom where the rumors run rampant of her return home. While the truth is more heartbreaking than anyone may guess, Jennie Sue is determined to find the place she belongs and heal from the turmoil of the past.
I don't even know where to begin to describe how much I loved this story. The characters were real and so easy to connect with. From Cricket, who hates Jennie Sue based on their differences in high school, to the Clifford sisters who gave Jennie Sue her first taste of true friendship, I couldn't get enough of their antics and drama! On the other hand, there's a serious aspect to the plot that makes you thankful for the levity. So much of this story broke my heart for Jennie Sue as she breaks free of the mold her mother is trying to force her into and live her own life.
Carolyn Brown is quickly becoming a new favorite author! Her way of writing is down to the point without leaving readers empty of pining for more information on the main characters. I felt like I was plunked down into the middle Jennie Sue's story, but everything that happened before I met her was dished out in due time. Small Town Rumors is one of those small town romances that fills you up with lighthearted sweetness and just enough humor to temper the heartache. I highly recommend to fans of Catherine Anderson or Jennifer Probst!
*ARC provided in consideration for review*
I don't even know where to begin to describe how much I loved this story. The characters were real and so easy to connect with. From Cricket, who hates Jennie Sue based on their differences in high school, to the Clifford sisters who gave Jennie Sue her first taste of true friendship, I couldn't get enough of their antics and drama! On the other hand, there's a serious aspect to the plot that makes you thankful for the levity. So much of this story broke my heart for Jennie Sue as she breaks free of the mold her mother is trying to force her into and live her own life.
Carolyn Brown is quickly becoming a new favorite author! Her way of writing is down to the point without leaving readers empty of pining for more information on the main characters. I felt like I was plunked down into the middle Jennie Sue's story, but everything that happened before I met her was dished out in due time. Small Town Rumors is one of those small town romances that fills you up with lighthearted sweetness and just enough humor to temper the heartache. I highly recommend to fans of Catherine Anderson or Jennifer Probst!
*ARC provided in consideration for review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
billy renkl
This delightful and heartwarming story examines Jenny Sue Baker’s spectacular fall from grace and her triumphant journey back to her home town where she experiences all the advantages and disadvantages of small town living where privacy no longer exists. The rumor mill in Bloom, Texas is alive and well, much to the dismay of Jenny Sue’s mother, Charlotte, who is mortified when her only child refuses the cushy life her wealthy parents can afford while cleaning other people’s houses for a living. Over the threat of her mother’s displeasure Jenny Sue is bound and determined to make her own way in the world without taking a single penny from her wealthy parents in the process. She’s a delightfully sweet girl who always tells the unvarnished truth and truly appreciates the simple pleasures of making an honest living while she makes long lasting friendships that will hold her in good stead as her life takes an unexpected turn that she could never have seen coming. Expect exceptional storytelling, a sweet and clean romance, unique and endearing characters and a heroine that truly makes the world a better place just by being in it. I really enjoyed reading this exceptional and highly entertaining book! I read a complimentary copy of this book provided by Montlake Romance through NetGalley and all opinions expressed in my voluntary review are completely my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I can't say enough about this wonderful, funny, heart wrenching, witty story. Carlyon Brown takes her readers on adventure in a small town rife with rumours about what has brought Jennie Sue Baker back to her hometown of Bloom from New York... Her mother is keeping secrets, her dad is trying to keep secrets, but everyone in town knows what he is up too. Jennie Sue is just trying to live with what is true and to hell what her mother what to keep covered up. When she starts to hang out with what her mother calls "white trash", she knows these are the people who keep in real, especially Rick Lawson, the hometown farmer who has own secrets to hide...
You will fall in love with the quirky, lovable sisters Lettie and Nadine, who know what's going on in town before it comes out of the horse’s mouth. As they take Jennie Sue under their wing and she finds her place in the town that is first and foremost HOME, she find peace and her true self. But what she really finds is LOVE...
Carolyn takes you on a journey of discovery in this small town full of rumors. It has a twist I never saw coming when but when you come to it, you just know everything is going to turn out good. She made me LOL, cry and cheer for Jennie Sue and Rick...
I give this a 5** Stars. Well done Carolyn Brown. You never disappoint your fans!!
You will fall in love with the quirky, lovable sisters Lettie and Nadine, who know what's going on in town before it comes out of the horse’s mouth. As they take Jennie Sue under their wing and she finds her place in the town that is first and foremost HOME, she find peace and her true self. But what she really finds is LOVE...
Carolyn takes you on a journey of discovery in this small town full of rumors. It has a twist I never saw coming when but when you come to it, you just know everything is going to turn out good. She made me LOL, cry and cheer for Jennie Sue and Rick...
I give this a 5** Stars. Well done Carolyn Brown. You never disappoint your fans!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I wanted to like this book, since so many reviewers Raved About It. However, it was a mish mash of a story that tries to portray a small Texas town as charming even with its flaws.
I wish the author hadn’t thrown a form of churchianity into the mix, where two 90-something sisters who teach Sunday school also talk like dirty old men. A religion where your dead relatives are some form of spiritual guide, and an unmarried couple thanks God from the church pew for their new sexual relationship. There are lots of churches in Texas, and I’m sure some of their pastors and faithful members would be horrified to have this be the impression left on readers’ minds.
I wish the author hadn’t thrown a form of churchianity into the mix, where two 90-something sisters who teach Sunday school also talk like dirty old men. A religion where your dead relatives are some form of spiritual guide, and an unmarried couple thanks God from the church pew for their new sexual relationship. There are lots of churches in Texas, and I’m sure some of their pastors and faithful members would be horrified to have this be the impression left on readers’ minds.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kunsang gyatso
4.5 stars
Jennie Sue Baker returns to Bloom, Texas on the bus! Since her family is wealthy and has their own plane, that is grist for the small town rumor mill. Then she has a disagreement with her mother on her future plans – her mother wants her to find another husband - but Jenny Sue wants a job now that she has divorced her cheating thieving abusive husband and graduated from college.
Jenny Sue goes into town and accepts a temporary job cleaning house for her mother’s arch-enemies and moves into a small apartment above a garage. More grist for the rumor mill!
She meets Rick Lawson, a wounded scarred veteran, who has taken over the family farm. Sparks fly but he can’t believe that a rich heiress would be interested in a small town farmer.
The romance grows slowly and the other characters in the book are well-drawn and hilarious. Jenny Sue’s determination to stand on her own two feet and not give in to her mother’s pressure to assume her place in society is admirable. The small town portrayed in the novel reminded me of vacations spent in a small town in Arkansas where my father’s family lived.
Many thanks to NetGalley, Montlake Romance and Carolyn Brown for the ARC. I will be reading more of her books.
Jennie Sue Baker returns to Bloom, Texas on the bus! Since her family is wealthy and has their own plane, that is grist for the small town rumor mill. Then she has a disagreement with her mother on her future plans – her mother wants her to find another husband - but Jenny Sue wants a job now that she has divorced her cheating thieving abusive husband and graduated from college.
Jenny Sue goes into town and accepts a temporary job cleaning house for her mother’s arch-enemies and moves into a small apartment above a garage. More grist for the rumor mill!
She meets Rick Lawson, a wounded scarred veteran, who has taken over the family farm. Sparks fly but he can’t believe that a rich heiress would be interested in a small town farmer.
The romance grows slowly and the other characters in the book are well-drawn and hilarious. Jenny Sue’s determination to stand on her own two feet and not give in to her mother’s pressure to assume her place in society is admirable. The small town portrayed in the novel reminded me of vacations spent in a small town in Arkansas where my father’s family lived.
Many thanks to NetGalley, Montlake Romance and Carolyn Brown for the ARC. I will be reading more of her books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. It was my first book by this author, but it won't be the last.
Poor Jennie Sue Baker, the girl who was the queen of the town, the girl who made it big and got out of town, the girl who married a loser and is now broke. The first thing anybody does when Jennie comes back to Bloom, Texas is to take her picture getting off the bus with a suitcase and two bounced alimony checks. Of course, the picture isn't flattering and no, it doesn't actually show the bounced checks.
While sometimes this book was a little sugary sweet, I did not enjoy reading it. I certainly kept reading it hoping to see Percy get his comeuppance. Ha!!
Nadine and Lettie were hilarious together with their sisterly arguments.
As I stated, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and am certainly glad to have been able to do so. I'm also glad to find another author to follow.
Thanks to Montlake Romance and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
Poor Jennie Sue Baker, the girl who was the queen of the town, the girl who made it big and got out of town, the girl who married a loser and is now broke. The first thing anybody does when Jennie comes back to Bloom, Texas is to take her picture getting off the bus with a suitcase and two bounced alimony checks. Of course, the picture isn't flattering and no, it doesn't actually show the bounced checks.
While sometimes this book was a little sugary sweet, I did not enjoy reading it. I certainly kept reading it hoping to see Percy get his comeuppance. Ha!!
Nadine and Lettie were hilarious together with their sisterly arguments.
As I stated, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and am certainly glad to have been able to do so. I'm also glad to find another author to follow.
Thanks to Montlake Romance and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
allison price
Thumbs up to Jennie for finally stepping away from all the people who want to control her. Unfortunately, in some ways, she's back in the small town where she grew up so everyone has something to say about her. She, however, is working hard and rebuilding her life= just like Rick, who is home after suffering an injury due to an IED. These two are made for each other but you know there's going to be an irritant, in this case, Rick's sister Cricket. I wanted to tell Cricket to stuff it but that would have lessened the tension. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. This is a pleasant read with two good characters (and Cricket!).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ahmed hemdan
Small Town Rumors is by Carolyn Brown. Once more Carolyn has written a wonderful book which is difficult to turn down and which brings tears and smiles at the same time.
Jennie Sue Baker has come home to Bloom, Texas. She is almost broke and has come in on the bus. She is also divorced and has no prospects from her ex-husband Percy. He gave her their condo and accounts but they were frozen by the FBI as they investigate his unlawful activities. However, she has changed and is not going to settle for life as it was. She will not be sold to another man as a trophy wife. How she just has to convince her parents who own an oil company to agree with her. Meanwhile, she is living in a garage apartment, cleaning the houses of two novagenarians and has been to her Dad’s offices and asked for a job which he denied. Her Mother is upset because she is not conforming to the ice princess she was to be.
Will things work out for Jennie or will her Mother win and Jennie will be a debutante.
Jennie Sue Baker has come home to Bloom, Texas. She is almost broke and has come in on the bus. She is also divorced and has no prospects from her ex-husband Percy. He gave her their condo and accounts but they were frozen by the FBI as they investigate his unlawful activities. However, she has changed and is not going to settle for life as it was. She will not be sold to another man as a trophy wife. How she just has to convince her parents who own an oil company to agree with her. Meanwhile, she is living in a garage apartment, cleaning the houses of two novagenarians and has been to her Dad’s offices and asked for a job which he denied. Her Mother is upset because she is not conforming to the ice princess she was to be.
Will things work out for Jennie or will her Mother win and Jennie will be a debutante.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The story follows Jennie Sue as she comes back to her hometown after a broken marriage. Pulled between her parent's pressure to continue a socialite life, Jennie Sue decides to follow her own path and reach out to local people, building new friendships and relationships, which put her in the path of Rick, a disabled vet that is looking to start anew.
While the book is not bad, it really didn't convince me. There are a few heavy tragedies that I feel the book deals with some levity and it prevented me from really connecting with the story.
I didn't feel connected to the characters... and therefore it was hard to feel deeply for them or to be committed to what happened to them in the book.
It's not a bad book, I just couldn't connect with it.
*I was given an ARC in NetGalley*
While the book is not bad, it really didn't convince me. There are a few heavy tragedies that I feel the book deals with some levity and it prevented me from really connecting with the story.
I didn't feel connected to the characters... and therefore it was hard to feel deeply for them or to be committed to what happened to them in the book.
It's not a bad book, I just couldn't connect with it.
*I was given an ARC in NetGalley*
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
julia gorski
Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake Romance publishers for a copy of this book
While I liked this book in many ways, it was not at all what I thought it would be. It seemed to drag a lot and I hate that. I honestly wanted to love it so much. I found it impossible that Jennie Sue could do all the things that this book said. Like having three jobs. She was more of a spoiled rich girl in my opinion. I hated her mother by the way. She was not a pleasant person at all. He ex was to hung up on his sister, not in a dirty way. Her father was to afraid of her mother. It was not a book that I truly enjoyed reading. I didn’t feel it at all.
I truly tried to love this one but it fell short
While I liked this book in many ways, it was not at all what I thought it would be. It seemed to drag a lot and I hate that. I honestly wanted to love it so much. I found it impossible that Jennie Sue could do all the things that this book said. Like having three jobs. She was more of a spoiled rich girl in my opinion. I hated her mother by the way. She was not a pleasant person at all. He ex was to hung up on his sister, not in a dirty way. Her father was to afraid of her mother. It was not a book that I truly enjoyed reading. I didn’t feel it at all.
I truly tried to love this one but it fell short
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I liked this novel but felt that the author manipulated some events to bring about the conclusion she wanted. Those who have read it will know what I mean; I don't want to give any plot details away. I thought it was a sweet story of second chances at life and love; but I also thought some of the more painful events didn't need to be included and then be dealt with so superficially. I liked the supporting characters; they were funny and kind. I liked the repartee between the older sisters. and watching the relationship between Jenny Sue and Cricket develop into friendship. The book was well-written and provided good escape; I was just bothered by the way Jenny Sue came into her inheritance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Audible version. The story is quite interesting, but I had a very hard time keeping on with Brittany Pressleys accents! Just awful, to me anyway. I almost quit in the first chapter, but kept going. WHY can’t the narrators just READ?! I listened to the sample of Brittany’s voice, it seemed ok. For some reason, she felt the need to do every person in this story in a strange southern accent, and trying to sd like a man when one talked. I am putting her name at the top in my notes where I keep track of narrators I dislike and like, in the NO list! The story is very good, and is one better suited to reading, not listening. I took away one star because of the narration.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jennie She never felt like she fit in anywhere. He'd marriage was a sham, she couldn't Inc in her heart to live up to her mother's expectations n become a true southern belle, and her daddy wouldn't give her a place in the family company. Rick came home from the front wounded and lost. He was sure no one would accept him with an his scars. In a small town rumors fly and Jennie suffers one last blow when her parents die in a plane crash. She reaches out to her new friends and Rick for solace, love comes naturally. You can always count on Carolyn Brown for a story that have you crying, laughing and cheering.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen hofstetter
Laugh out load funny, sweetly sexy, emotionally engaging and down home charming romantic journey filled with love, laughter, adventure and passion... could not put this exciting page turner down for a moment.
Jennie Sue Baker is back home to try and rebuild her life that crashed and burned around her back in New York. Ignoring the town gossip is hard in a small town like Bloom, Texas and it makes following her heart and finally being herself a work in progress.... but one Rick Lawson could make all her efforts worth it.... loved this heartwarming small town romance!
Jennie Sue Baker is back home to try and rebuild her life that crashed and burned around her back in New York. Ignoring the town gossip is hard in a small town like Bloom, Texas and it makes following her heart and finally being herself a work in progress.... but one Rick Lawson could make all her efforts worth it.... loved this heartwarming small town romance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cate clark
I love Carolyn Brown's books and SMALL TOWN RUMORS was no exception. The story unfolds perfectly and the characters, as always, are fully drawn, lovable, and worthy to be you very own BFF! The one thing about this book that seemed off to me was the dialogue. The story is written in the here and now but I felt - at times - some fo the younger characters ( mostly the hero and heroine) were speaking dialogue more indicative of the 1950's and 60's.
That's not a dig of the book, tho, just and observation. I loved this story, the ending, and everything in between!
That's not a dig of the book, tho, just and observation. I loved this story, the ending, and everything in between!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gina alexan
Carolyn Brown has done it again! This book was one that I wished wouldn’t end, even though it did have a great ending. Make sure you have a tissue when you read this book as the emotions are all over the place and so real you feel as if you are living them. Jennie Sue’s story was bittersweet but one that I couldn’t put down until I finished it. She became a very strong woman to survive. Her relationships with Rick, Crickett, Lettie and Nadine are funny, sweet, frustrating just like close friendships are meant to be. Don’t miss this book, it’s too good to miss!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fast paced entertaining sweet read. Brown depicts a West Texas small town where gossip is the main occupation. Residents don't need social media, they just use the tell someone a story routine. The author delivers a community with colorful characters. My favorites were the crusty, elderly Lettie and Nadine. They carried the story in so many places and were absolutely delightful. Reading this book will also make you hungry as food was mentioned at least once every other page. Don't miss out on this rumor: read the book. Thanks to NetGalley for the advance read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Lots of small towns have gossip and Bloom, Texas has more than their fair share.
Jennie Sue Baker comes back home with her tail between her legs. It seems life in the big city didn't turn out as great as she expected.
The town gossips share tales of her working as a housekeeper, looking for a man. A man, none other than Rick Lawson, farmer and the town's most eligible bachelor.
When rumors really start to fly, will Jennie Sue be able to convince Rick that the rumor mill doesn't know everything?
Jennie Sue Baker comes back home with her tail between her legs. It seems life in the big city didn't turn out as great as she expected.
The town gossips share tales of her working as a housekeeper, looking for a man. A man, none other than Rick Lawson, farmer and the town's most eligible bachelor.
When rumors really start to fly, will Jennie Sue be able to convince Rick that the rumor mill doesn't know everything?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sassy britches
Thank you Kindle Unlimited and Carolyn Brown for this delightful, fun, and warm-hearted story. Jennie Sue, who is nothing like her mother, discovers herself when she came back home to the small town where she grew up. She also finds new friends, ignores the gossip-mongers, and wins over a "frenemy". The story isn't all sunshine, nor is it full of torrid sex scenes, it's just a great read. I'm not going to spoil the story for future readers by divulging details, you'll have to read the book yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
An amazing, touching story of a young woman returning to her home town after a very difficult time in her life. In Bloom, TX, she finds friends, and a new life. Yep, the rumors are a bloom here in Bloom, a small town, where everyone knows everyone, and news travels fast. I loved the story, I laughed and cried a lot. The characters are what makes this book so special, most are just down to earth good people. Nothing to dislike about this book, I think it's Good Stuff!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely adore this book! Jennie Sue Baker is such an inspiration for her decided optimism in the face of life’s challenges. Rumors travel fast in the small town of Bloom, Texas, and it’s up to Jennie Sue to have the guts to stand up for herself in the face of all that falsity. I admire her for valuing her independence and deciding to work for a living instead of settling down with her family’s wealth. Her struggle to come to terms with her controlling mother is relatable, and her romance with Rick is especially heartwarming because of their shared joy for a simple country life. I loved seeing her relationship with the blunt and honest Cricket slowly evolve from their original animosity. The young-at-heart duo of Lettie and Nadine, with their playful antics and belief that aliens are listening in through technology, add some wonderful comedy to the story. The characters are so lifelike that once you start reading, you won’t want to stop!
Carolyn Brown is an immensely talented author. Reading Small Town Rumors really transported me to Bloom, Texas and her dialogue is spot on with its Southern flavor. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a great romance and wanting a mental escape into small town life.
Carolyn Brown is an immensely talented author. Reading Small Town Rumors really transported me to Bloom, Texas and her dialogue is spot on with its Southern flavor. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a great romance and wanting a mental escape into small town life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer knecht
Jennie Sue comes home after divorcing her cheating law breaking husband and is immediately thrown back into the life she knew as a teen. Her mother insists that she follow in her footsteps as a society matron but Jennie Sue wants her own life. She becomes her own person and ends up learning how to be self confident again. Rick was injured in the war and between him and Jennie Sue they forge a new life. Sweet romance of second chances at life and love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mallorey austin
This is a perfect summer read...well really a perfect anytime read! Especially since it is set in a small Texas town where rumors and gossip abound. The book has funky characters, some tension between the "haves" and the "have-nots", and family drama that will keep you entertained from the beginning to the end. It is also a love story and knowing what you want and don't want to ensure a happy life going forward.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Small Town Rumors is very entertaining and enjoyable book. It is void of the unnecessary sexual content that so many of today's books seem to include. I enjoyed the characters and relationships and a happy ending is always appreciated. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for a relaxing, entertaining book. I would love to find some more like it, I'm certainly going to try some more of Carolyn Brown's books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
abby l f
Another wonderful women's fiction book by Carolyn Brown! Jennie was born into wealth, but her heart longs for a simple life. She has difficult relationships with her own family, but finds a "family" to love her for who she is. There is a slow burn romance between Jennie and Rick, who feels Jennie is too good for him. There were definitely some tears in this, along with some laugh out loud moments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
syd markle
This was a dear, amusing story with delightful characters and places, the kind of people and places I love and grew up with. I enjoyed this novel very much.
I loved the cafes, gardens, villages, elderly, comical citizens, shopkeepers, household help...I especially like the heroic vet and his sassy sister who brought humor to the story. A fun read I highly recommend. CLB
I loved the cafes, gardens, villages, elderly, comical citizens, shopkeepers, household help...I especially like the heroic vet and his sassy sister who brought humor to the story. A fun read I highly recommend. CLB
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn shumaker
What a hoot. Such witty dialog. Spunky characters. I have skimmed past Ms. Brown's books so many times in not sure why this one caught my eye maybe the title, maybe the synopsis. I love small towns. Yeah everyone knows everyone else's business but there's something to be said about a support system when you need it. So many good chuckles throughout this book. I truly enjoyed the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
monique mulligan
Small Town Rumors was an interesting book to read. Jealousy of someone who felt like she didn't belong and ending up being friends actually sister-in-laws. A young woman who didn't always agree with her mother and didn't always understand why her father had affairs. Meeting a gentleman who had been scared in the service and falling in love. A really neat story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Carolyn Brown truly captured the true essence of small town living. I loved the characters, and especially liked the relationships between Jennie Sue and the town gossips and the challenges between Jennie Sue and Cricket. The dramatic twist toward the end of the book was amazing! My only regret is that I had hoped that the author would have written another book about Cricket.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily swartz
Carolyn Brown has done it again! What a wonderful book. Great characters and storyline. Jennie Sue is a strong person with outstanding character. We should all strive to be more like her. Some sad moments when she lost those she loved but she was able to turn that sadness into doing good things for others. I highly recommend this book to everyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marwa ahmed
I absolutely loved every second of this book,this was a beautiful story of love,loss,how jelousy' s can be overcome, how meddling family can cause more trouble than it's worth and the way to forgives when a heart is shattered thru the love of friends and family and let's not forget.... The beauty even taken with the gossip in a small town!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
derek bevil
SMALL TOWN RUMORS by Carolyn Brown is a delightful, sweet contemporary romance just right for summertime reading. Rumors abound with Lettie, Natalie, Amos and Cricket doling out bits and pieces mostly about Rick and Jennie Sue. A fun read.
Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.
Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
will addis
Small towns are the best and Carolyn Brown can write about them like no other author could. I was either laughing my butt off or crying my eyes out, but every second of this book was beautifully wrought. I love Texas and Carolyn Brown! I gratefully received this book as a Goodreads giveaway and I recommend this book wholeheartedly.
Please RateSmall Town Rumors
Source: Netgalley
My Rating: 4½/5 stars
Holy Hannah is it hot in Bloom, Texas!! Jennie Sue Baker is back in town and the town is alight with gossip. Not only is she back in town, but she showed up on a bus, doesn’t have her husband in tow, and only brought one suitcase with her. The icing on the cake, she looks terrible and her momma is the first one to tell her so.
Jennie Sue Baker doesn’t particularly care what anyone thinks about her. Yes, she’s gained ten pounds, yes, she’s wearing jeans and sneakers, and yes, her ex husband ran off with another woman right before the IRS seized all their property and froze their accounts. To say Jennie Sue Baker has more important things to worry about than what other people think, doesn’t even scratch the surface. With less than a thousand dollars, no job, and only her parent’s home to run to, Jennie Sue Baker is home and determined to turn her life around. Jennie Sue is resolved in her mission, she will never again be a pretty piece of arm candy to a man who doesn’t love or even care about her, and she will never again be dependent on anyone other than herself.
Jennie Sue’s momma has other plans . . . .
In less than 24 hours, Jennie Sue’s momma has made her position clear: her only daughter will lose weight, she’ll get a proper wardrobe, she’ll take her overall appearance and attitude more seriously, and by Christmas, she’ll have a new fiancé if not husband, of proper social standing. What’s more, in order to secure the first part of her plan, there will need to be a damn good cover story spread around town to account for Jennie Sue’s sudden appearance in Bloom and her lack of a husband and money. Nothing is going to get in the way of Jennie Sue’s momma and her grand plan, and if something does, well, she just may die from the humiliation.
Jennie Sue has other plans . . . .
Determined to thwart her momma and her momma’s ridiculous plans, Jennie Sue leaves her childhood home and heads into town. A bus got her there and a bus can get her out too. But, before she can hop the next bus out of town, Jennie Sue runs into Lettie and Nadine, two of Bloom’s oldest and wealthiest woman who happen to be looking for a new house keeper. If Jennie Sue will clean the ladies’ homes and help them run errands, she can take up residence in the garage apartment and share meals with the old girls as needed. House cleaning will only take up a couple days a week which leaves Jennie Sue three more days of the week to run the old bookstore. In short order, Jennie Sue has herself two jobs with some benefits, a place to live and call her own, and a few new friends who seem truly interested in helping her. Oh yes, her momma is going to absolutely die from the shame and humiliation!
As Jennie Sue begins to settle into her new life and routine, she finds she is truly happy for the first time in many years. Lettie and Nadine are positively blessings, the bookstore is a Godsend, and her time with Rick Lawson, local farmer, is an exciting new prospect. For the first time in her life, Jennie Sue is standing on her own, doing as she pleases, and sincerely enjoying the modest lifestyle she is carving out for herself. Among her new friends, there are no pretensions, no judgements (OK, there is Cricket!), and nothing but kindness and support. This is well and truly a whole new world for Jennie Sue and she can’t ever see herself going back to the false, fake, horribly judgmental world of her mother. All that’s left to do is settle with the ghosts of her past, find some common ground with her momma, and move forward with her newfound happiness.
The Bottom Line: I just sunk right into this crazy story and didn’t care to crawl out until the very end. Bloom, Texas is one crazy place that would positively dry up if it weren’t for the rumor mill. ? Jennie Sue Baker is a character who’s hard to dislike and as her story unfolds, I found myself liking her more and more. Though she clearly loves her momma and daddy, she has had enough of their fake world/existence and wants something far more authentic for herself and her future. To be sure, there are a lot of obstacles, but with the small group of new friends she’s made, Jennie Sue is more confident than ever in her ability to succeed. At its core, Small Town Rumors is about love, friendship, loyalty, overcoming, and living the best life possible, with or without a boatload of money. This book has a bit of everything I adore in my books: there’s light romance, there’s light conflict, there’s a great deal of backstory/history, and there are some crazy little old ladies who just keep the overall mood light. Though there are some truly sad moments throughout this story, it is ultimately a happy ending I found to be immensely satisfying.