
Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild
Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild

Review:I have a ton of Conservative books. I wasnt going to buy another, until I read the reviews in here from the left. Thats when I decided to buy it and help Michelle out. Your attempt to stiffle the sale of this book has backfired. As a new customer, you made it easy for me to buy one more conservative book, just to piss you off. Thanks Liberals! Job well done! Read more

The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America
The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America

Review:Buchanan, a Nobel Memorial Prize Laureate with deeply racist and antidemocratic leanings, parlayed a completely a priori theory based in the notion, totally lacking in empirical support, that public officials and public sector workers are greedy empire building egoists who exist to redistribute resources produced by great hearted capitalists to themselves, and who need to be crushed and chained in constitutional shackles so the will of the overwhelmingly majority will be frustrated.

MacLe... Read more

The Inside Story of How The War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals
The Inside Story of How The War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals

Review:No matter what Americans believe is going on, we are in Camelot compared to the real thing~! TDS just confirms my worst fears about what goes on in the backgrounds of government, the military, and politics. Read more

Consciousness Explained (Penguin Science)
Consciousness Explained (Penguin Science)

Review:A person less sure of themself might have titled this work, A Theory of Consciousness. Not so Daniel Dennett. Here flat out he says Consciousness Explained. That alone demands you read this book if you are the least bit curious. Your curiosity will be rewarded.

While the text is dense it is not ponderous. It is filled with examples, details, and descriptions. All are well reasoned and thoroughly researched. As one from the humanities with a deep interest in science, this philosophical wor... Read more

How the Mind Creates Language (Penguin Science) - The Language Instinct
How the Mind Creates Language (Penguin Science) - The Language Instinct

Review:Perhaps linguists consider this review's title a hyperbole, but for a CS major and popular science buff like me, this book was the most entertaining, interesting and informative pop sci book I've ever read.- Read more

The Corfu Trilogy
The Corfu Trilogy

Review:Loved how lively the family was. I could envision each member of the family and friends. Laughed out loud at the antic of Gerry and his adventures. I will have to say that sometimes the descriptive language was a bit too long. Overall I loved it and would recommend it. Read more

Self-Defeating Thinking Habits - How to Change Lifelong
Self-Defeating Thinking Habits - How to Change Lifelong

Review:Wayne Dyer continues to inspire and touch my life in love and gratitude and intention. I continue to read and re-read his books and teachings and incorporate the wisdom into action in my life. He will remain a positive influence as I continue to practice his sharing in my life. Read more

How to read others’ attitudes by their gestures
How to read others’ attitudes by their gestures

Review:This book is structured by body movement. This is first book you should read. It equates movement with meaning. Remember to watch for changes in behavior and clusters of movements. The second book you should read is by Joe Navarro. Read more

The Untold Story of the Jews Who Escaped the Nazis and Returned with the U.S. Army to Fight Hitler
The Untold Story of the Jews Who Escaped the Nazis and Returned with the U.S. Army to Fight Hitler

Review:I liked the individual accounts of the soldiers. It was real and I learned so much that I was just not aware of both the lives of the Jewish people
in Germany after Hitler came to power. I also like the follow up of the young men. The book was well written Read more

12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind
12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind

Review:An easy-to-read, easy-to-understand, intuitive—and yet, somehow, completely game-changing—way to think about kids' brain development and our role as parents in helping them develop their whole brains. It's full of the kind of info you find yourself finding opportunities to share with other people, unsolicited. Makes the scary world of child-rearing less scary by putting it into a framework that makes sense and can become second nature. I highly recommend this book to new parents and seasoned par... Read more

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