Review:This book was amazing! It has BDSM content and romance, a messed up in the head dear sexy man, and a con artists, clothing designer lady. I'm sure others have already given a decent summary so I'm just putting in my 2c by saying I loved it and it was very worth while purchase. Part of a series about 3 brothers Dimitri being the youngest and the woman that they meet and will do anything to keep in their lives. Read more
Review:After struggling to finish this book (and admittedly skimming through the last 100 pages or so), all I can say is, "What?!" This book is all over the place. It starts off fairly promising, and we think "Oho, a challenge for our gorgeous hero," but unfortunately the chase lasts about 4 seconds and then it's all downhill from there.
I really wanted to like Elizabeth but she unerringly manages to fall into that too-stupid-to-live territory that I detest in heroines. Rather than simply draw h... Read more
Review:If you are into bondage and discipline... you will enjoy this book. Anne Rice is an incredible talent regardless of the genre. I strongly recommend reading the trilogy first. I read many of the bad reviews... I find it pathetic when people tear something apart because it's not their particular kink. I feel sorry for their lovers. Read more
Review:Obviously from a different era of erotica. This book contains only paddling & same sex encounters for 90% of the chapters. I thought possibly the rest of the series would be varied but I was wrong. Deleted it from my kindle when I was done as it was sooooooo boring. Read more
Review:This series of books is absolutely fascinating! Even though the material inside shocked and even disgusted me at times, I just couldn't put the book down. The description of the condition of the book was right on, and the timing of delivery was super fast. Read more
Review:This is the fourth Kristin Hannah book that I have read and I equally enjoyed all of them! I am hooked on this author because, the books catch my interest right from the start. It's like getting lost in the book, as if I am a part of it and I don't want to finish them! Read more
Review:If you're looking for fantasy erotic reading material, take a peek at this little charmer of a straight guy-gay guy story. Short and to the point. I usually am looking for more story, but this took my breath away. Very well done! Read more
Review:Evangeline Anderson is the one another that I don't even take the time to read what her books are about. I click BUY NOW every time. I've never been disappointed once. Switched is another homerun! Looking forward to the next one already. Read more
Review:I noticed around the end that this is the longest book in the series. I loved it. The teaser for the next one was amazing. This series has more resurrections i it than all 9 seasons of supernatural combined. Lol Read more
Review:Congratulations Mrs. Anderson; you've officially made it even harder for me to decide which book in this series is my favorite. Merrick was hotttt, as well as being super masculine and sensitive at the same time (le sigh). If anyone's looking for an erotic sci-fi series that also still has an amazing plot, then this is the perfect series to pick up! Although I have to warn any readers....this series will make human men seem very lame in comparison :P Read more