
A Light in the Attic Special Edition with 12 Extra Poems
A Light in the Attic Special Edition with 12 Extra Poems

Review:Who didn't grow up on Shel Silverstein's A Light in the Attic?

If you missed out, I am so sorry for you. My teacher read this to us in 5th and 6th grades and I loved hearing the whacky poems. If I hadn't already been in love with reading, this would have done it.

Shel Silverstein's poetry is a must-have for anyone's home library - whether they are children or adults! Read more

Falling Up
Falling Up

Review:My sons love Silverstein. His books are pretty much what they want to hear at bedtime. I think Shel Silverstein (from an adult's perspective) was a very multi-dimensional, interesting, intellectual, creative and talented man. He's a bit edgier than "Dr Suess" in the sense that some of his poems don't have very happy endings - but in our case, his books have stimulated our son's minds to think outside of the box. Read more

A New Verse Translation (Bilingual Edition)
A New Verse Translation (Bilingual Edition)

Review:The hero is defined by and against his enemies. The 1000 year old epic story of Beowulf, Grendel, its mother, and the Dragon is given new life in this wonderfully frank and straightforward translation. Like many others the last time I had visited Beowulf was about 15 years ago via a somewhat archaic and convoluted version in high-school. I was pleased to finally obtain Mr. Heaney's version, which was sold out at numerous places. The age old story moves along briskly as Heaney weaves the plo... Read more

A Year with Rumi: Daily Readings
A Year with Rumi: Daily Readings

Review:Each day's reading has multiple levels to try to comprehend. Lots of fodder for thought and discussion. It would be fun to sit down at dinner each night and have a family discussion about that day's poem. Read more

The Essential Rumi, New Expanded Edition
The Essential Rumi, New Expanded Edition

Review:This is not just a collection of pomes. It is a commentary on life at the time it was written. The meanings of the pomes are in the most part straight forward. No tortured soul trying and failing to express them selves. There is a different style to the writting. The reader is encouraged to engage with the writer. It is like a conversation with the writer's voice heard by many. The other voice belongs to the reader and only they hear it. The subjects of the poems are as relevant today as they we... Read more

The Illuminated Rumi
The Illuminated Rumi

Review:I have been a lover of Rumi's poetry for some time. This combination of Coleman Barks' inspired translations and the enlightened illustrations are like walking through the infinite reaches of time and soul space. If I have a deep concern or question, I can pick it up and open it randomly as an oracle...For me it's wisdom transcends all boundaries. A beautiful gift for someone who can dance in the depths of spirit...or just for your Self. Read more

Selected Poems (Penguin Classics)
Selected Poems (Penguin Classics)

Review:This is not just a collection of pomes. It is a commentary on life at the time it was written. The meanings of the pomes are in the most part straight forward. No tortured soul trying and failing to express them selves. There is a different style to the writting. The reader is encouraged to engage with the writer. It is like a conversation with the writer's voice heard by many. The other voice belongs to the reader and only they hear it. The subjects of the poems are as relevant today as they we... Read more

Paradise Lost (An Epic Poem)
Paradise Lost (An Epic Poem)

Review:This is "the" Paradise Lost to own... If you are new to Milton, Pullman's comments will guide you along.

What a beautiful edition. Classic illustrations; perfect fonts; Satan himself could never produce such a great volume. Read more

My Book About Me
My Book About Me

Review:The cover of the book is printed out backwards so that when you open the book you are at the end and the text is upside down. Since this is a Dr. Seuss book I read it to make sure that it wasn't supposed to be this way (it's not). Anyway, the book looks fun but the printing is flawed. Read more

Citizen: An American Lyric
Citizen: An American Lyric

Review:Lyric, poignant, biting. Ms Rankine recounts moments of racial violence committed during the acts of daily living in America. For readers seeking to understand the impact of racist micro-aggression on a visceral level, these prose poems are a must read. Read more

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