Crafts, Hobbies & Home

The Charmed Life and Trying Times of a Near-Perfect Purebred
The Charmed Life and Trying Times of a Near-Perfect Purebred

Review:Using Jack Australian shepherd and his retinue as a fascinating entrance into the dog show world, Josh Dean writes a delightful look into why so many people invest so much money, emotion and time on these events. His career starts with Jack appearing to be a future superstar. Over the year we get to know him and his human team up close and personal as Jack is the ticket to help us on the outside understand what motivates so many people to participate. This includes the support elements like t... Read more

Sorry I Pooped in Your Shoe (and Other Heartwarming Letters from Doggie)
Sorry I Pooped in Your Shoe (and Other Heartwarming Letters from Doggie)

Review:I have read it over and over already. What these doggies say is precious and SOOOOoooo true! I have two dawgies and totally understand what they are saying in the book. I bought it twice and gave one to the owner of a great dane, who regularly visits assisted living facilities. Read more

Dark Fantasy Coloring Book (Fantasy Coloring by Selina) (Volume 6)
Dark Fantasy Coloring Book (Fantasy Coloring by Selina) (Volume 6)

Review:I fell in love with Selina's coloring books since the first one i bought. I now own 5 of them. I love her style and i try to get one every month. I am never disappointed and really enjoyed te grayscale book i have. I look forward to the next book. Read more

Good Owners, Great Dogs
Good Owners, Great Dogs

Review:This book is filled with useful information for all dog owners. It tells you how to pick the right dog for your life style and what to avoid when picking a dog. Has great tips on teaching your dogs tricks. Read more

Signs From Pets In The Afterlife
Signs From Pets In The Afterlife

Review:The info in the book is an amalgamation of information easily found on the web based on basic Native American Indian Symbolism. Other cultures and religious beliefs have some of these symbols and could have easily written the book. Save yourself time and money and just Google the symbol or symbolism you want information. I have recently lost a pet and my mother. I woul dhave really liked to have had some guidance in opening myself up to receive these signs. Very disappointed Read more

2015 International Building Code Commentary - Volume 1
2015 International Building Code Commentary - Volume 1

Review:ICC system of organization & cross referencing seems to be set up so that the authors can prove how obtuse they can make something. I have worked with Building Codes for 40-years and they just seem to get more illogical in organization each issue. Going to multiple locations to try to piece together the requirements for an issue often leads to varying interpretations of the intent to no one's benefit. Read more

2015 International Fuel Gas Code
2015 International Fuel Gas Code

Review:ICC system of organization & cross referencing seems to be set up so that the authors can prove how obtuse they can make something. I have worked with Building Codes for 40-years and they just seem to get more illogical in organization each issue. Going to multiple locations to try to piece together the requirements for an issue often leads to varying interpretations of the intent to no one's benefit. Read more

Hounded: The Lowdown on Life from Three Dachshunds
Hounded: The Lowdown on Life from Three Dachshunds

Review:There were parts of this book when I laughed till I cried! Maybe because I've been there, done that? At times it seemed to be a little repetitious, though. What brought it all together for me was the introspection and self analysis. While entertaining to the reader, it clearly was a catharsis for the author. How will he follow up? Read more

Old Dogs: Are the Best Dogs
Old Dogs: Are the Best Dogs

Review:This is a wonderful, wonderful book. I had read the author's book excerpt in the Washington Post weekend magazine and was so impressed that I got the book. I was so thrilled with the book, I bought four more copies for friends. The book will make you laugh and make you cry. The best book I have read in a while! Read more

Horses Never Lie: The Heart of Passive Leadership
Horses Never Lie: The Heart of Passive Leadership

Review:Great lessons to be learned from Mark's anecdotes of his lifelong experience of working with horses. He is not only a great horseman that truly understands animal psychology, but also a gifted writer that captivates his audience with often humorous accounts of lessons he learned through interactions with both horses and people. I can truly relate to his passive style of gaining a horse's confidence, as I acquired a rescue horse that feared everyone and everything, and using a similar approach I ... Read more

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