New Age & Spirituality

A Visionary Guide to Spiritual Transformation and Enlightenment
A Visionary Guide to Spiritual Transformation and Enlightenment

Review:This book is an interesting guide to clearing out one's soul and transforming one's spiritual life. It is well-paced and easy to read without a lot of unexplained jargon. It made good points to illustrate the benefits of the exercises expressed within, and presented a good variety of information that could be understood by anyone, regardless of spiritual background. I would recommend this book to those who are seeking to find their spirituality but don't want to join a traditional religion. Read more

Companion to The Satanic Bible - The Satanic Rituals
Companion to The Satanic Bible - The Satanic Rituals

Review:This is the most inflammatory of Mr. LaVey's first four books. In the other three books, Mr. LaVey attempts to explain his philosophy to the reader. His explanations include cosmetics to make the philosophy more attractive.
In "The Satanic Rituals" Mr. LaVey provides the text (in English plus the original German) of the actual rituals used within The Church of Satan, plus instructions sufficient to allow a priest to conduct each ritual. The rituals are presented with *very* little in... Read more

The Necronomicon
The Necronomicon

Review:I thought this book would be a more serious learning experience about different beliefs. But when I saw how some of the words in the book were spelled like magik, I was very disappointed. As far as I'm concerned the book seems like nothing more than just a joke and I don't even want to finish reading it. I'm so disappointed I thought it was true study about believes that people had and I would just wanted to learn about that but it's nothing more than comic book with spells and stupid words spel... Read more

The Satanic Bible
The Satanic Bible

Review:After reading through all the online literature, I bought this book; it's not a long read, but sets forth all the levayian satanism beliefs.
I think it's a valuable philosophical read, even if you don't think this is your thing.
If you're looking for something super blasphemous or devil worship, this is not for you. It is an atheist philosophy. Read more

The Book of the Law
The Book of the Law

Review:This book is the cornerstone of the philosophy of Thelema which was established by Aleister Crowley and it is essential to anyone who wants to understand Crowley's writings. Simply one of the most important books of esoteric thought. Read more

Pocket Havamal
Pocket Havamal

Review:It's sized *just right* to NOT fit comfortably in the calf pockets or shoulder pockets of the newer Army OCP uniform. The translation is atrociously hard to read. Passages look clumsy, and lack of punctuation doesn't make it any easier. In a tactical environment, the best translation is one where a service member can glance at it's pages and grab some quick inspiration if you have downtime for a five minute smoke break. It shouldn't take five minutes to untangle the translator's verbiage. I *... Read more

The Magic of Believing
The Magic of Believing

Review:Very repetitive. Many of the sample stories could have been eliminated making the book an easy read. Of course, the book is very old and the verbiage antiquated, but the vein of the idea of believing that YOU CAN is still very relevant today. Read more

Magical Mermaids and Dolphin Oracle Cards - A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook
Magical Mermaids and Dolphin Oracle Cards - A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook

Review:At first i wasn't connecting with these cards, but have since found them useful for simple guidance. They speak to you in their own way and the insight is all done in a positive manner. I will buy another Doreen Virtue deck (already own the Angel Tarot cards which I love). Read more

The Power of Awareness
The Power of Awareness

Review:The Power of Awareness will help you understand the relationship between your consciousness, feelings and subconscious. Neville spells it out clearly in easy to understand language. I recommend reading his book Feeling Is The Secret after The Power of Awareness. If you are like many of us, getting in touch with your feelings is the key. Neville's books can help. 5 Stars all the way. Read more

Neville Goddard: The Complete Reader
Neville Goddard: The Complete Reader

Review:Wow, this is a great collection of Neville Goddard books. I have read all his books (most of them more than once) and I love this collection because it contains two of my favorites titled FEELING IS THE SECRET and THE LAW AND THE PROMISE. Do you want success in life? Do you want prosperity? Then read Neville Goddard's books and learn from the master himself. Read more

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