Professionals & Academics
Review:Besides my own business reasons for wanting to know as much as I can about Google, I think Google's now so central to learning that the more I understand it, the better I'll learn. Marshall McLuhan was right: the medium is the message. Read more
Review:Highly recommend this book for anyone into the inside workings on the mafia. Shows keen insight to the dangerous situation Agent Pistone put himself in for over six years. If you have seen the movie, this book will blow you mind. Much of the details had been left out and altered so this book i found to be much better than the film. Read more
Review:The deep love of this family come through in these pages, and should remind us all that we are not any one thing, but different things to different people. You understand each emotion Albert goes through, how he got to each one, and feel his pride, confusion, conflicting, and pain. He did a wonderful job of making you see his dad through his eyes. He doesn't try to change who his father was, or downplay it, he simply shows his dad's other side. I'm glad Albert came through healthy and able to h... Read more
Review:Reviewing this book is sort of like reviewing Mt. Rushmore, or the battle of Gettysburg or George Washington. Because it's monumental.
It literally changed the way the public thought about advertising. And it actually changed the way people inside advertising thought about themselves. It definitely changed the kind of people who would do advertising. And it even got Roger Sterling to write his own book.
Written in short bursts - shorter often than the copy he preferred to run in pr... Read more
Review:I thought it was well done - captivating.
I read prior reviews and some thought it was poorly written, or that the author 'tried to hard' to get in the third party character. I disagree - I felt she was trying to pull us into the story. Hard to believe anyone can endure so much as a child and have a positive outcome as an adult. Read more
Review:Don't believe all the Gamer Haters who crawled out to attack what's his names ex girlfriend. I guess no one is allowed to dump a Gamer Hater. I plan to read the book this coming weekend. In the meantime, trust reviews from verified buys over the Gamer Haters. Read more
Review:The writing was a lucid, easy style that engages the reader from the initial pages. It was more relevant since Joe and Ma had stopped at my Native American trading post a few weeks ago. They were quite interesting to converse with which established a personal connection to their southie lifestyle. Read more
Review:This book has so much information on Franklin that I just dont care about. It even has information on people who interacted with Franklin, and some of their doings and thoughts. Lots of quoting letters and this and that, it gets really boring. This is not at all like "John Adams" by McCullough. I really dont want to know about every interaction and argument he had with everyone he ever met in his life. When you have to make yourself read when you really dont want to, you know the book is not ve... Read more
Review:I was very disappointed in A Beautiful Mind and couldn't finish it. There seemed to be too much math "talk" that I couldn't get past to get to the actual person and story. Maybe another day, I'll try to go back and finish it. I tried! :( Read more
Review:I loved the adult version and accidentally purchased the young adult version as a gift this time. But it now resides in a lending library for children in Jamaica, West Indies. It has become, as they say, a gift that keeps on giving. Read more