Processes & Infrastructure

The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization
The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization

Review:Although this book was required for my intro MBA class, I would highly recommend this as a casual read for those business people who want to improve their organizations. Senge's concepts change your way of thinking, and make you look at the world a little different. Plus it was extremely affordable at only $17. I will read this book again. And probably again. Read more

A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading Online (2nd edition)
A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading Online (2nd edition)

Review:I would higly recommend any novice or not so very experienced trader to read this book, and reread it once you have a some experience. She has explained various day and swing trading setups very thouroughly and does it without making it very complicated. Read more

Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future
Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future

Review:Disclosures: I do not know Mr. Kelly; I have no financial stake in this book; I did buy it from Amazon. The Inevitable is not really inevitable, but is a great discussion of 12 technology trends that Mr. Kelly has identified. Exactly how those will play out remains to be seen. I give the author credit for mentioning some of the downsides of these trends that have shown up in headlines recently. The book was published in 2016; probably written in 2015. So it's not too out of date. I gua... Read more

Basic Economics
Basic Economics

Review:This text was so easy to understand and could probably be given to High-school students, or even younger. Nothing is too complex for the average reader. You will actually find yourself shaking your head yes as most of this is simple common sense. But what really makes this book valuable is how all these simple ideas are taken to illustrate the answers to common economic questions we have all had, that we all see in the news, and politics every day. A lot of societies problems could be alleviated... Read more

Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard
Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard

Review:Switch takes an ancient metaphor that Jonathan Haidt uses in "The Happiness Hypothesis" and elaborates on it for an entire book. Using plenty of real-life examples and up-to-date research references, Chip and Dan Heath provide a pattern that can be readily followed to help people and organizations make changes -- in themselves, their places of work, an industry or in entire countries.

The Heaths' focus on one aspect of human nature that we all share and we all sometimes struggle with in ... Read more

and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it) - Why new organizations are ten times better
and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it) - Why new organizations are ten times better

Review:I agree with a number of other reviewers that this book is a "must read". It's a "must read" because it fills a hole in the literature on technological change, organisations and strategy. It does this by bringing together a discussion of the following into a single, comprehensive, instructional volume:

> the exponential nature of technological change
> the exponential impact and scale being achieved by organisations exhibiting a distinctive, new set of features (Exponential Org... Read more

Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter
Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter

Review:I thought the author outlined very eloquently the challenges for transitioning into a new leadership position. There were great examples to highlight the points being articulated. It is an easy fast read for busy people like myself. I appreciate that charts and forms were included. It would be helpful if those forms were available for printing or downloading. It would also be helpful if the examples were from education or government, as many readers may not be in corporations. Read more

Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy
Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy

Review:Back to Work by Bill Clinton
I highly recommend that everyone, who intends to vote in November 2012, read this timely book. If you are a democrat, Clinton has pulled together the best arguments for a proactive government. He is giving you the tools for persuading undecided voters. If you are a republican, you will be a better informed citizen if you listen to both sides of the debate. If you are an independent, you really do hold the future of our country in your hands. It is especially vital... Read more

How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day

Review:Rest on Sunday but do something useful and fulfilling the remainder of your week. Every minute. I love the section on learning more about what interests you instead of just enjoying it in ignorance. Entertaining and fast read. Read more

Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup (The Kauffman Foundation Series on Innovation and Entrepreneurship)
Anticipating and Avoiding the Pitfalls That Can Sink a Startup (The Kauffman Foundation Series on Innovation and Entrepreneurship)

Review:The Founder's Dilemmas by Noam Wasserman is another book that belongs on every entrepreneur's bookshelf. It's excellent.

I met Noam for the first time last week when I was at HBS. I was on a panel of VCs (me, Mike Maples Jr., Kate Mitchell, and David Frankel) talking to a room full of HBS alumni who are VCs. Noam and I had exchanged several emails over the past few months and he sent me a review copy of the book but it got lost in my infinite pile of books to read. After seeing him and ta... Read more

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