Science Fiction & Fantasy
Review:I had wanted to read this book for awhile, and after seeing previews for the movie, decided I best get on it. I rushed through the really good book I was reading, put *aside* a book by my favorite author, and snatched this Kindle boxed set up! And then.
I am pretty sure I've stepped into a time loop; one I may never return from at this rate. Slowest. book. ever. I don't mind a slow story build up if the author makes it interesting, but that's not what happens in this book. It's just slow,... Read more
Review:I gave this 4 stars only because to my own surprise I loved the peculiar3 book series so much. I expected a continuing story line . However the lessons taught were very worth reading especially for 10to 14 year old kids who would be able to ask the right questions that would bring the lesson home. Read more
Review:Kind of like "Stargate" on steroids.... without the wormholes but with an inimical technologically advanced race to worry about. If you prefer that your sci-fi have a touch of plausibility, this one's for you. I'm off to binge read the next few. Read more
Review:Reading this was like getting to know 3 new siblings. The books led me threw ups and downs, highs and lows, tears and joy. The plot is amazing through most of the books. Overall, the series is for ages 10 and up. In the Arinthian Line series, I rate 2 of the books 4/5, and the rest 5/5. I give Burden's Edge a 6/5! Totally epic! Read more
Review:I Loved the characters and ideas presented in this story. It will keep you on the edge of your seat. There is a little more jumping around than I like,but it wasn’t to bad. I would tell everyone to read these books because it is a very good adventure. All in all I loved it. Read more
Review:I generally do not like short stories, but had to read Unfettered as it contained some of my favorite writers. In general the stories were quite good, thought there were a couple that I had to skip as I could just not get through them. If your a fantasy fan this is worth a read as it shows you a different side of the authors. I discovered one or two new writers that I will be purchasing. Read more
Review:This is my fourth audiobook and I absolutely love it! The narrator is perfect, even though I sped up the reading by 1.25x. I was leery about listening to a Sanderson novel. I reread his work for clues, hints, and to get names correctly, but I never felt the need to run to the book and check anything. Ths audiobook was perfect for my long trip to visit family and I honestly might listen to it again. Read more
Review:I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this book and I’m happy it is not really the end as it is part of a series.
This is a fantasy with an idea or two I’ve not come across before. And the characters pull you in and surprise you. They even sometimes surprise themselves. Happy reading! Read more
Review:A lot of kindle unlimited books are good, but far fewer are great. This one was spectacular. If you like coming of age in feudal times soaked with honor, duty, and love then this is right up your alley. Read more
Review:This book is very well written and very interesting. The plot moves along at a great pace so you are never bored. While I have read several fantasy books before, I am not a gamer but reading a book that reads like a game is interesting. I wasn't sure I would like it but it is great. Looking forward to the next one. Read more