
Spellslingers Academy of Magic (Warden of the West Book 1)
Spellslingers Academy of Magic (Warden of the West Book 1)

Review:This had some good writing. I didn't like the main character comparing herself to Moses parting the Red Sea. Moses didn't part the Red Sea, God did. And I didn't like the unnecessary and subtle anti-Christian theme. Other than that the story line was not that bad. The heroine was not a whiner which I appreciated. Read more

Burned (A Magic Bullet Novel Book 1)
Burned (A Magic Bullet Novel Book 1)

Review:Fkvkte fkteuw vogtur for it vkgtr ofjr.fofjrbtgg.cjgjd8cjewihr3hte. Djriwur ffiwjrj. Jdriruenfrirhgix.cmfjgusisgvjrk. r dmfkyiwspgmyni
Dkgjhhd fkgr fmgnr fkewq04 w0r5nfjs. Mwuge9nfsd0q. Nejtis. Mfiwog! Read more

P.I. (Book 1) (Rick Cantelli - P.I. Detectives)
P.I. (Book 1) (Rick Cantelli - P.I. Detectives)

Review:Cantelli is an unbelievable character. He stumbles around like poor imitation of Peter Sellers. The story line is way below what this author usually writes. The formula just does not work in either of the Cantelli books. I say leave it on the shelf and read something else Read more

Awaken Me Darkly (Alien Huntress Book 1)
Awaken Me Darkly (Alien Huntress Book 1)

Review:Great start to the series. Reminds me of the earlier Anita Blake novels, a strong independent aggressive female (Mia Snow) in law enforcement of supernatural creatures except in this series there are aliens. Aliens that are intelligent, sexy, evil, good and have unknown powers that humans have to police in this futuristic new world by Gena Showalter.

Mia Snow firmly knew that aliens were bad and her jobs was to be eliminate all that broke the law. However, her firm beliefs are shattered a... Read more

A Red Herring Without Mustard - A Flavia de Luce Novel
A Red Herring Without Mustard - A Flavia de Luce Novel

Review:I still love Flavia, and would recommend these character-driven mysteries to anyone who enjoys humor, quirky characters and a good whodunit; I am getting tired of the ceaseless hostility Flavia receives from her older sisters, however, and would like to know the underlying cause (as, apparently, would Flavia!) There seems to be a bit of a cracking in the wall of anger (Daffy answers a few of Flavia's questions, Feely sends Dieter to keep an eye on Flavia), but it still seems a bit much. I look f... Read more

The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches - A Flavia de Luce Novel
The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches - A Flavia de Luce Novel

Review:Every time Alan Bradley writes I am on pins and needles until I can get my hands on his latest! The newest in the series does not disappoint! I love it....hated it to end! What's next for Flavia? Stay tuned! Read more

The Dead In Their Vaulted Arches (A Flavia de Luce Mystery)
The Dead In Their Vaulted Arches (A Flavia de Luce Mystery)

Review:I loved Flavia. I found this book disappointing. There were leads that lead nowhere. The title had no relevance. Flavia did not get a chance to unfreeze her mother. Damn! The bad aunt really didn't do anything so bad in this book and her daughter had no real role. Come on Alan Bradley, get a good editor, work harder and give us another book like the others. Read more

I Am Half-Sick of Shadows (Flavia de Luce Mystery - Book 4)
I Am Half-Sick of Shadows (Flavia de Luce Mystery - Book 4)

Review:I love Flavia DeLuce, whom I first encountered in The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. It's just after WWII, and Flavia, 11-year-old sleuth and chemistry fan (with a specialty in poisons), lives in a rambling estate in England, the daughter of a stamp collecting, absent minded father. She has two older sisters (Daphne and Ophelia) who torment her mercilessly and a deceased mother, about whom she wonders quite a bit. She rides her bicycle, named Gladys, all around her village of Bishop's Lac... Read more

The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag - A Flavia de Luce Novel
The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag - A Flavia de Luce Novel

Review:Nach der grandiosen Theater-Vorstellung des Puppenspielers Rupert Porson, fällt am Ende nicht nur der Vorhang, sondern auch eine Leiche auf die Bühne. Jetzt heißt es Ruhe- und einen kühlen Kopf bewahren, denn was zunächst wie ein Unfall aussieht, entpuppt sich schnell als skrupelloser Mord.
Flavia ermittelt wieder, und dabei ist ihr Inspektor Hewitt keine große Hilfe. Statt sie in sein Ermittlungsteam aufzunehmen, behandelt er sie wie eine gewöhnliche Elfjährige, was der Guten gehörig gegen d... Read more

Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd - A Flavia de Luce Novel
Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd - A Flavia de Luce Novel

Review:Flavia is growing up, and realizing that life does not revolve around her chemistry experiments and murders. Fans of Winnie the Pooh may be thrilled or horrified by the brief verses penned by Oliver Inchstead, a dead author who turns out to have been a bad father. Flavia is surrounded by friends new and old, as she sleuths old disappearances and fresh death. The book ends with a stunning development, promising more Flavia to come. Read more

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