
New Case Studies of Life Between Lives - Destiny of Souls
New Case Studies of Life Between Lives - Destiny of Souls

Review:I would definitely recommend reading this book - however, you MUST read Journey of Souls prior to reading this one. That's a MUST. You'll be dazed & confused if you attempt to read this one first. It's truly an eye opener and a must read for ALL who are interested in what could possibly happen to us & souls once we pass over into the "Spirit World." ~ Read more

A Christian Rebuttal to Dr. Eben Alexander's Proof of Heaven
A Christian Rebuttal to Dr. Eben Alexander's Proof of Heaven

Review:I believe this Sheperd "pastor", should be out proclaiming the gospel. Spending time as a critic is wasting valuable time when time is running out.
God gives us free will so that we can make up our minds. Let the unsaved be shocked into searching out their salvation, and the saved can search for fruit. Read more

The Stories and Science of Life After Death - Glimpsing Heaven
The Stories and Science of Life After Death - Glimpsing Heaven

Review:Very interesting and well written. I highly recommend reading this book. The author approaches the subject with skepticism as I did, however the evidence she presents is convincing and well researched. Read more

and Impossible Expectations That All of Us Have to Give Up in Order to Grow
and Impossible Expectations That All of Us Have to Give Up in Order to Grow

Review:This book is a classic. As foundation for understanding how loss operates in our lives from our earliest days, it is well-written, soundly-researched, and decidedly worth the read. Viorst asserts that loss is central to, and pervasive in, everyone's life. She divides our losses into four major categories: 1) the losses of childhood and the becoming of a separate self; 2) the losses of accepting the limitations of our power and potential including the forbidden and the impossible; 3) the losse... Read more

The Third Eye
The Third Eye

Review:I read this and several other Lobsang Rampa books 30 years ago when around ten years of age and never revisited them. I found them absolutely the most absorbing experience, breathtakingly outclassing my very thorough traditional Christian education and sowing the seeds (little did I know it then) of my adoption of Buddhism a decade and a half later (Rampa then not playing any role of which I was conscious). Reading some of these reviews, I dare not take another dip: it may be that there i... Read more

A Plane Crash...A Lone Survivor...A Journey to Heaven--and Back
A Plane Crash...A Lone Survivor...A Journey to Heaven--and Back

Review:This book was pretty amazing! GOD wanted this guy to live! It shows U GOD knows exactly where each of us is at all times! It was also pretty amazing that he didn't remember his visit to heaven until later. It changed his life that is for sure!? Read more

Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World
Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World

Review:Lynne McTaggart encourages readers to look at mounting proof that intention creates our physical reality. This is a must read for anyone who wants to take control of their lives and create a better life for themselves and in turn, the world around them. Brilliant! Read more

Children's Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth
Children's Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth

Review:This was indeed many stories about Heaven. Coming from the mouths of babies, who were not able to judge yet, or had not been seen as old enough to be taught anything spiritual, how can anybody not believe it? I found it truly comforting. Read more

My Descent Into Death: A Second Chance at Life
My Descent Into Death: A Second Chance at Life

Review:This is a gripping review by an unbeliever of the life hereafter. Regardless of a man's faith tradition, or lack thereof, the soul/spirit lives on to experience either horrific darkness and evil separated from God, or the Glorious rebirth into an eternal heavenly existence with God. The author gives a very compelling review of what he was shown when he temporarily died, both of the good and the bad. Since he was an unbeliever prior to his out of body experience, and, given the change that too... Read more

Book I (Paul Selig Series) - The Mastery Trilogy
Book I (Paul Selig Series) - The Mastery Trilogy

Review:Why twenty words are required simply to say
IT IS WHAT IT IS. so now I have to type seven more words so I can post the message that could have be done in five words. That's all folks. Lunie tooons Read more

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