Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World

ByLynne McTaggart

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick morgan
Lynne McTaggart encourages readers to look at mounting proof that intention creates our physical reality. This is a must read for anyone who wants to take control of their lives and create a better life for themselves and in turn, the world around them. Brilliant!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
billie rain
Excellent source of knowledge and understanding of "How reality works" at thought(Quantum Level)! I highly recommend this book for all truth and knowledge seekers to make their lives (Including this world) better.I appreciate and respect the hard work and dedication of the author of this book.Now I am planning to buy her book name "Field".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lynn jenkins
Great book. It corroborates some things that I always thought possible. I've had experiences with dice in which I could intend a pair of sixes multiple times at will playing backgammon . At the time I couldn't believe and was amazed that I could do that. It turns out that experiments have been done on intending results with dice successfully. This is mentioned in the book and much more mind blowing stuff. The mind is a powerful thing. Very well written.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sami mathews
Thanks Lynne for this book. I am an honours student doing a review of prayer and spiritual healing and your book has taken my understanding to another level. Easy to read, very enjoyable:) Have recommended it to my friends
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Intention Experiment is a superb book for reinforcing the new consciousness. It is a wonderful combination of the science and the gut level experiential learning in our lives. Having read in the areas of quantum physics and the Law of Attraction for over thirty years, this book is right up there with Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Fred Alan Wolf, Gregg Braden, Esther Hicks, and of course, The One Command by Asara Lovejoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was already familiar with most of these concepts but to have so much documented scientific research backing them all up is much more than I expected. There are also so many NEW ideas that I am still assimilating. I am reading the book slowly and go to the footnoted references in the back often. There's a lot to take in so I just stop after some of the experiments and their conclusion to think about them awhile. Thought provoking at the very least and very clearly written so any layman can understand it as well. It's not one of those goofy, "self help" positive thinking books that are out there everywhere. This is smart stuff and the possibilities of these new scientific revelations affecting everyone's future on the planet are self evident. Highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emmanuel davila
Excellent book. A very interesting research of the mind matter connection. Makes you think about the subject and makes you realize that a thought is most than just a thought. A Thought could become real physical thing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Not only does Lynne discuss the law of attraction, she takes it a step further and gives detailed instructions on how to make it work. In the last chapters of the book, she introduces meditation and a worldwide experiment on the power of the law of attraction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
luca dipierro
This is a life changing read, Stop believing, and choose to know! If you want to have in your hands the greatest collection of experiments and science surrounding the power of thought, the mind, and intention; then purchase this book. Do yourself, family. friends, and the world a favor and BUY this book! I have read two of Mctaggerts books and she is a phenomenal researcher. Great body of work for those looking to expand their current mental and spiritual paradigm. This book will change the way you view everything!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Her scientific research into the power of the mind should make people re- exam their reality! Scientic information in an easy to read format with practical principles of application. Lets all get involved for the earth and humanity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alessandro traverso
The long-running paradigm of good intentions paving the road to hell has been brilliantly overturned by investigative journalist Lynne McTaggart's new book, THE INTENTION EXPERIMENT. McTaggart provides dazzling evidence of the spectacular power of intentions from a wide variety of peer-reviewed, statistically significant research reports as she takes us on a tour of cutting-edge research currently underway in the relatively new field of consciousness. One of the challenges of studying the mind's effect on matter is that intention demonstrates variable effects depending on the state of the host and the time, place, and manner by which it is initiated, which McTaggart addresses by presenting a number of ways that various types of intentions produce different effects, as well as ways to help ensure better outcomes.

THE INTENTION EXPERIMENT takes us on a journey to discover what, exactly, is meant by 'intention,' and how we can produce results we'll most appreciate. Whereas seasoned meditators can demonstrate remarkable command over their physical processes and remotely influence others, McTaggart describes how anyone can learn to achieve noticeable results. The key to achieving an effective state of intentionality lies in powering up, reaching a state of peak intensity, developing mindfulness, merging with what is to be influenced, being compassionate, and specifically stating an intention. When we follow these instructions after reading a thorough overview of relevant research, we can find it a lot easier to believe that it may be possible for us to send our intentions to far-off places and times.

Some of the more startling facts in THE INTENTION EXPERIMENT are research findings about how our intentions can influence the past, and that athletes who do not physically exercise but only imagine their workouts can increase their muscle strength between 13 and 16 percent. The world's top athletes depend on mental rehearsal to help guarantee their competitive edge, and everyone can see tremendous improvements in our lives by rehearsing specific activities before actually doing them.

High points in THE INTENTION EXPERIMENT include a description of the way: atoms can become entangled and behave as one single giant atom, a heated fullerene molecule can exhibit wavelike behavior in which it interferes with itself, human bodies can act as transmitting and receiving antennas, living things demonstrate awareness of the well-being of other living things around them, biofields change when receiving and sending healing intentions, physical health improves when others send focused healing intentions, different forms of meditation produce strikingly different brain waves, brain waves can be manipulated to initiate transcendent and terrifying experiences, sun and geomagnetic activity influences telepathic and telekinetic abilities, and places and things can become harmoniously aligned with healing intent.

THE INTENTION EXPERIMENT becomes an interactive experience for readers interested in participating in an on-going series of philanthropic and scientific intentionality experiments at: [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book after reading Lynne's first book, The Field gives you scientific proof that our intentions create our realities. Would recommend this book because it shows how powerful each one of us really are!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tiffany o grady
This is a wonderful book, bringing forth highly complex knowledge in a digestible form. It helps if the reader is analytical by nature. Thank you to Lynne Taggart for her writing style and depth of coverage of the topic. I am learning from this book how and why prayer works.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amber ziegler
This is a well-researched book that takes the whole idea of self-created reality to another level. Compelling, well-documented studies and clear, concise writing present evidence that human intention may well be a major determinant of seemingly external events. This book is a "must read" for anyone intrigued by the potential of human consciousness.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
zahra ahmadian
I have enjoyed reading McTaggart' book, The Field and suggested it to others just getting into "New Age" concepts. However, this book didn't excite me on any level. It seemed to promote her agenda of obtaining subjects for her experiment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carmen van deursen
The preface to "The Intention Experiment" is pivotal to understanding this book's purpose. In it, Lynne McTaggart explains that, in previously writing "The Field," she aimed to make sense of all the ideas from ongoing research into quantum physics and, ultimately the implications of the Zero Point Field for human life and consciousness. The response to "The Field" was more than gratifying, yet McTaggart felt that her own journey of discovery had just begun. The scientific evidence she had amassed suggested something remarkable about our potential to affect reality, but left her with many unanswered questions. Hence her current book, "The Intention Experiment."

McTaggart still does not claim to have all the answers. In fact, the earlier part of the book describes her renewed search for answers. Anyone who has read "The Field," is an experienced meditator, a healer, practiced in qigong and/or has had unexplained experiences themselves will need no further persuasion that intention is a real force: targeting your thoughts actually works. However, the early chapters are replete with ongoing research into consciousness and human intention that will challenge the hardest sceptic. Not light reading, with all the protocol details and statistics, but there are some staggering revelations. We are certainly far more than we think we are.

The author's description of the intention experiment she negotiated with eminent German scientist, Franz Albert Popp is highly significant (especially his courage in agreeing to it in the first place.) McTaggart admits beguilingly that she was deflated after they had discussed the likely target. "For our experiment, I had wanted to help heal burn victims, to save the world from global warming. Single celled organisms weren't exactly my idea of heroics and high drama." However, when she began to research algae, she quickly changed her mind. Algae could be critical to our survival. Why? Well, you'll need to read the book.

The "Intention Exercises" in the last three chapters include suggestions for personal as well as group work, and are mostly a summary of meditation, visualisation and affirmation techniques already known. However, the focus is more specific. (There is a caveat, given earlier in the book, to remember that there is a significant difference between intention and attention.)

The book ends with an invitation to join a global intention experiment. Whether you do this or not, is optional. However, this book is not made for mere armchair philosophy. It is an interactive book that challenges each of us to do something at one level or another. I would defy any reader to walk away from "The Intention Experiment" and not change a thing in their life, or the way in which they live it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Apparently, after writing "The Field" (which, by the way, was excellent), this author had a lot of research left over that she did not use in that book. So, like many authors, she took her unused research and "constructed" another book. Unfortunately, the subtitle of this book promises that it will teach the reader how to use his "thoughts to change his life and the world". In this regard, there is only one very short chapter at the end of the book that deals with this subject matter and it does so in an extremely superficial manner. Essentially, the subtitle of this book is merely a pretence. In my opinion, the only reason to read this book is if you have read "The Field" and you are a detail freak who wants every last scrap of research that was not included in that book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
haitham alsawwaf
I am halfway through this book. It is absolutely fascinating, but a very hard read. However, if you love(d) physics in college, you will understand more than me, that's for sure! The book is well organized, and I am very impressed with all the research. It's amazing that we don't hear much about this topic - I'm not sure our world is ready - but YOU ARE, if you are exploring topics such as this. The book is deeply intriguing but difficult for me to comprehend (otherwise I'd give the book at least 4 stars) -- so I have ordered Lynne's book, "The Field," which is the precursor to this one, hoping it will help. There are obviously SO much impressive scientific experiments backing up "intention" that if you are interested in the power of thought and quantum physics, I'd buy the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
danielle barker
I don't fully understand the subject, but thankfully my husband (who majored in Physics in college) does. We read the book together in the car when we are traveling together, and have not finished it yet. However, he is completely enamored with it and loves the science it exposes. We cannot wait to see where it leads, and what the ultimate experiment in our lives will be!
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