Medical Books

How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior
How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior

Review:Great book! Very insightful stuff on the subcounscious mind. Up-to-date information and research studies and Mlodinow does a great job keeping you gripped. Great read on the commute to work or when you have free time! Read more

And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us - The Invisible Gorilla
And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us - The Invisible Gorilla

Review:A very insightful book. You walk away with an understanding of how illusions of reality are formed in our minds. The writer has thoroughly documented his presentation. However, I found the detailed case descriptions to be a bit more elaborate than I was interested in, so I had to skim through them to get to the next eye-opening concept. Read more

Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion - Bunny Tales
Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion - Bunny Tales

Review:I recently bought this book hoping to find out what really happens behind the walls of the Playboy Mansion. It was promoted as a tell all of all the sex stories that went on at the Playboy mansion and what stars were doing what. THIS WAS NOT SO.
What a waste of time reading this. DON'T Waste your money on this. Most of the book is a self-ego, narcissistic bio of Isabella, and how she is so much better than everyone, how she didn't sleep with anyone, and all about her going to law school.
... Read more

and the Making of a Medical Examiner - 262 Bodies
and the Making of a Medical Examiner - 262 Bodies

Review:I always wondered why someone might be interested in becoming a medical examiner. After reading Working Stiff, I can better understand why that field might be a medical endeavor that has its own set of professional satisfactions and rewards. So many of Dr. Melinek's stories were heart rending, some were quite amusing and others were emotionally exhausting. Until reading this book, I had never realized how overwhelmed physically and emotionally the entire medical community was in the aftermath ... Read more

The Bestselling Classic That Revolutionized Parent-Child Communication
The Bestselling Classic That Revolutionized Parent-Child Communication

Review:I have lived my parenting life suffused with guilt over the times I have hurt my daughter's feelings with yelling, demands and recriminations over her behavior. Reading this book was a life changing experience for both me and my husband. In the few weeks since I have read this book, life in my home has changed dramatically. I now have the tools to relate effectively to my daughter. I understand WHY she reacts to situations as she does and can handle redirect her anger, fear or sadness simply by ... Read more

and Resilience - Beauty in the Broken Places - A Memoir of Love
and Resilience - Beauty in the Broken Places - A Memoir of Love

Review:I LOVED this book. It was a beautiful (and terrifying at the same time) story. Allison Pataki is an excellent writer and easy to read. I find her descriptions put me right in her place and I can feel her feelings. I have read one of her historical fiction books and plan to read more - even though that is not my favorite genre. I would be very interested in reading a sequel to this book. I want to know more as things continue to unfold for her family in the future. Read more

& Human Enhancement Herald The Dawn Of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare
& Human Enhancement Herald The Dawn Of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare

Review:Many of us who read reports of GRIN technologies consider them simply the latest advances in science and technology; a little unusual, maybe, but potentially beneficial and worth pursuing. This book, however, is a definite eye-opener for anyone with an understanding of humanity’s compulsion to be like God – beginning in the Garden of Eden – the great flood and its cause, and the continuing war between the two spiritual kingdoms climaxing in the last days. The authors lead us to solid conclusions... Read more

Activities for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorder (The Out-of-Sync Child Series)
Activities for Kids with Sensory Processing Disorder (The Out-of-Sync Child Series)

Review:I purchased this book when our oldest was first diagnosed with having some sensory processing difficulties. The book contains a wealth of ideas for sensory challenged children and each of the activities is sectioned within a chapter pertaining to a particular sense, like vestibular activities, tactile activites, auditory, etc., so that you can customize your play regime specifically to the needs of your child (or just try a little of them all, they are great fun!) This book outways any fancy toy... Read more

The Sinatra Solution: Metabolic Cardiology
The Sinatra Solution: Metabolic Cardiology

Review:I rave about this book in positive ways & share with everyone. This was a replacement book as a doctor! kept my book loaned to him. It arrived timely & in great condition. Great to have it back for research & continued growth. Read more

Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York
Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York

Review:Without a doubt, this book was an amazing surprise. Deborah Blum has taken a potentially dry topic, the evolution of forensic medicine, by treating each of ten poisons as individual characters in the story of how the City of New York came to recognize the importance of medical evidence in business of criminal prosecution. Read more

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